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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1907)
Bjflsa399aasSB3SBnr 1 "- !-',. " s-v','v ,?l "$- r " A , ' f PIIPP r - BBBmBaBmBwmBBwamaaamaaaBw-Bm i (folumtrosftftirtiaL T.JUUii, ft. C'STKOTHER. .. F. K. STftOTHEft. Editor Jerome R. Aloock, republican can- idate -for oounty superintendent of pmblieiastraotioB. Sere years a teacher in rural schools. eighteen yean as priaeipal and teacher in high schools. Attendance at two summer issbiobi of the Tniversity of Nebraska. Hold life certificate issued a state examination in 1906. I respectfnlly announce myself as a eaadidate for the offioe of county raperinteadeat on the republican ticket, sabjset to the sppreral of the voters at the primary electton, and on the basis of the above qualifications soliotyour aapport, J. R. Alcock. The price of a spool of a cotton thread has advanced from 5 to 7 cents, aad it is announced will soon be td coats. To the rich, that does, not aasoaatto roach, bat to the poor woman who sews for a living or the maa who sews in a city sweat m a great deal It means tjieloes-of several dollars, a month, which they $caailla&Kct Of coarse labor and atateriei have advanced, and it may coat a little more than formerly to produce the thread. On the other hand, machinery to produce this I thread has been greatly improved, so it can be made faster and cheaper. It is claimed this advance in thread is caased by a trust controlling all the thread in this country, and what is anil more obnoxious, this is not an WawajW -aaJBiWAlaTlfcatwwtjy je aakBfataaa ia bS3T Ifcas JaaH ahowa tttat MMMat has miiimM aa to J . l.ia. aTmmaj araa ! aT z ! . v widhTaMBai1 iMlr. wawai aniacatf MJbjoMil tUtaa m555mIM Mmtwlfcf IttT lO JBUUBltaBI, lVllB1 aaHfi bb - iMtTH--1 Satto aUrUiaBwail as ttMir aw . aaaaaVrv - aaaaaam aar '- aaaaam Mvaaaaak"' laaaaam aBBBBBBBfiC'' i-SBfatmm TaaBBBBwI -"'"' ,'yBaaBBBBm : ammmmam . n i BTwammm ' aaaaaaaaaaiflBaai" saaaat aaaaaaaaaaHlBaaB ' aaBBaBmmaBrjBf 'V.&mTBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBvaBBaaW-'.''V BBBBBbI BHHbSbbbbI ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV-V aBBBBBBV , BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBF aBr'- 'BBBBBBBBBBBBr - irSBBBBBBBBBBBBW7 Engage your Girl Fsr the Fhtt Pays r the Great Race Matting hi Celasnhus Aug. 6,7,8 and 9 bBBBB BBB v -Wr -ii- i-mmam.i m PUnyouiT 1 Work Bfl ! !( I They Need 1 Money iBJ im iH 1 Tell Your 1 Friends ; 1 LeffcaU 1 Help I L. I : Don't Forget the Dates Ang. 6, 7, lMm9BnBBuunuunnnmmnuWj Americas trust, butaa Eaglisa tout, The Ckrka aad the Coats, - who make taiTtaread, are U Fagluk. Mr. Bjraa had better have this coua try go iatp the thread bosiaess before we tackle all the raiiroads. Recent titqpttoan has brought out some interesting facts regarding the vast protts of the Standard Oil Com pany. Before Judge Laadis, of the Federal court at Chicago, it was testi fied by the secretary of the company that its profits for the three Tears, 1903, 1904 and 1905, reached the enormous figure , of $199,800,000. Dividends of 40 per cent per annum were declared duringthis period and they amounted to over $117,000,000. 1 In a suit in Missouri against it, the' company has admitted that its prop erty is worth over $200,000,000. 'Its capitalization is $100,000,000. In eight years the company has pair out $367,000,000 in dividend an1 in creased the' value of its property by $130,000,000. A neat profit. For nearly twelve years the repub lican party has won favor over two or practically three contending parties. Our populist and democratic friends arise and exclaim "that the money power, corporations, trusts, tariff and railroad elements are the winning force. They claim they have only the poor with which to win the goal. What a farce! What innocent pal laver! There are more poor people in this eld world today than there ever was. Votes are what count in an elec tion, not money, or any old corpora tion element Why, the wealth of the nation is in the hands, of mighty few. The fact of the matter is, there is something the matter with the beliefs and elements of a contending parly when they affiliate themselves with the reinforcements of every other belief or party on earth and then don't win. The conservative people, and in this country they are in the majority, de mand a platform with a bottom to it. HAYWOOD NOT GUILTY. ' No doubt many people will be greatly surprised on bearing the ver dict in the Haywood trial which has been calling the attention of the world and especially this country, for the past ten weeks or three months. Had those who are surprised read the judge's instractions to 'the jury,' it would have been hard to form any other opinion than that the verdict would resale in a disagreement or an acquittaL I The mass of testimony .offered had no direct bearing on the "case, aad it was sushi that the real issue seemed to he-lbs and1 the objective points as to Haywood's actual participation in the crime were hard to follow. The case has been a sensational one. Not so much in the, fact that act ex governor, the highest tribunal ef the state, was murdered, but that two great factions of the world today were drawn far battle in legal amy. Cap- So that you may be free to attend every day of the races. Fifty of the fastest horses west of the Missonri river will be here. Horse-owners like money, and $4,500 will be offeree to the winners fat this great meeting: Tell them to come and visit you during the days of the races. There will ba some thing doing every day. Let's all help the officers of the new Columbus Driving Club make a good name for the horsemen of the town. Help by attending and en couraging others to attend. 8 and 9 y-L Hay Tools, Farm Wagons, Gang' audSulky Plows, and Press Drills are among the order of the day. If you are in need of any of the above tools come .and examine same and get our prices. We are 7 inpositiou to give you the very best the mar v w ket affords. Just read this list of names & ' be convinced that the above statement is not far ou-of the-way. Champion Hay Tools, Mitchell Wagans, New Yankee . Gangs and Sulkies and last, but not least, the famous - Columbia Press Drills. Every farmer ought to see this tool whether he thinks of having one or notit will be time well spent ROTHLEITNER & CO. f tf s italand labor. The conflict between employers and employed was greatly emphasized in the testimony ottered, and the tactics of the opposing councils seemed to be to fasten the poisonous fangs by foul andfvile means upon one or the other of the organizations. ' But we are glad this trial has come. We have nothing to say regarding the verdict, let every man choose his own way, but this trial has its good side to it, and surely much good will result The testimony has shed a great light, although it were the searching, pene trating rays of a strong dark lantern in both organizations. There in the raystrfthis strong light can be seen dark forms and the vice and the iniquity in the methods of one to get the upper hand of the other. Both organizations have been proven crimi nally guilty employing means in defi ance oi law, using public officers as tools for law violation, and hesitating not for anything, no matter how illegal, corrupt or anarchistic, to accomplish their desired purposes. The thorough fumigation of the methods of these great contending parties we hope, will have a tendency to kclean them up and put them on more substantial soil. The general public does not in the least offer sympathy to .either of. the organizations owing to their utter dis regard for law and order. Haywood is not guilty says the jury. While this may be true, and no dowbt the jury gave both sides fair conten tion and deliberation, the oiganization with which Haywood is affiliated has been proven to be foul, and should he remain in the organization his meth ods and actions will be watched by an inquisitive people, and quick judement rendered. YES, THEY DID IT ALL At the Polk county Fusionist con vention a stiring an.? startling plat form was adopted. Stiring because it stired up the old rattle bones again and startling because it endorsed al most to a letter every act of our re cent legislature and every official in the republican ranks. Great is the fusion honor and we arise to express our thanks and hearty appreciation. It was a harmoneous affair,' the only abruDtion beine in the difficulty en countered by County Clerk Norton, to so unravel the new primary law as to make it clear to this down-trodden, thick headed bunch. The report says much time was used in explaining this law. "We congratulate the public (not the republicans) upon the many evi dences of an awakening to the prin ceples which tend to the upbuilding of a better government, and note with pride the rapid adoption by other parties, our political principles. Great guns and little fishes! What brazen audacity! Why these poor ignorant codfishes have entirely for gotten that they had several terms the state noase in which to adopt these great principles did they do it? Where is their government ownership clause in that platform-is this to go glimmering only to be picked up buy some wayfarer and then be claim ed by these divel-fish's who want io claim the principles of all the parties on earth. - Again, "the demo-pop party aV manded that the free pass system be abolished, and as a result an anti-pass law is now in force. But who enforc ed? Who demanded that it be abo lished? The few pops in the last leg islature? Such rot'no wonder people who have aav sense of honesty or honor about them refuse to give such platforms any consideration. Judg ing from their, platform they must think the farmers, the voters of this country, do not read or have a clear understanding of what they read. Now listen "We are astonished at the audacity of the local republican machine, in claiming that republican ism leads uecoaomy when it is known that tho last republican congress ex panded $100,000,000 more than the previous urogram." Note the fact ( win nMGBHua mu we uivai ib nwbticaaa economy," aad than delve isasi it a"1 into nationial appropriations. But how about it in Polk county? They have now reached their clim ax when, low and behold, they steal the last 'dear morsel of our prohibi tion friends, "the liquor question" and warble it around to get ready to if they can. But will they-? Or is it only to entice men of this be lief into their clutches for no other purpose than to gain admission to office. . Tbey are. conning, they are cute This no man will dare dispute Let them claim the world and all But -watch them tumble this next fall. Let them claim onr platform too Give them all they want to do, Let the prohibs give their might Yet we'll boost them out of sight. Dear old Bryan took a sneak Wasn't in Polk all that week. Government ownership is dead Hays the bosses at the head. Don't forget boys, now and see Who stole that -platform, from me Give them rope and I'll begum They'll hang themselves and then do some. Heeks and lyes. Some fellows never find anything lout unless they are told. An old sage says, "Love makes the I old world go round." Bad whiskey does the same thing. The fusionists of little Polk went in solemn convention last Saturday to ratify the new Primary law. You ought to see the fellow look wise when anything is said about the Platte county court house. Wherever there is smoke there must be a fire. This is applicable in poli tics as well as in private life. We don't believe in making fun of women in the Hooks and Eyes like the Atchison Globe Sights for instance. Government ownership is not an immediate issue, says Mr. Bryan and yet he tried to force this issue a .dozen years'ago. Mr. Bryan and the Platte county desaoeratic-fusin-pop aggrigation are strictly in love with each other ou the third term proposition at least. Evidently the Chicago man who shot his wife for a burglar, wasn't used to having her go through hi pockets after he had hung his pants on the bedpost The Polk county Demo-pops-held a convention last Saturday for the purpose of getting an understanding of the new primary law. But what do you think, Mr. Bryan wasn't in it. t f There is fusion and lots of it in little Polk again this year. The platform drawn up by the fusion convention inv Osceola last week is simply too ridicu lous for anything. But did you ever see anything that wasn't really funny in a populist platform. SPRING WIS ,Let us build yon: one. We put nothiag but the vers best material aad workmanship in them; The price is right. . ' FaunaMTS, Bring in your tools and implements to be sharpened and repaired now. It will save yon time when the spring work opens up. We keep only the latest aad best in kpSglt art Cffriact All kinds of ..Finn Implemints.. IVOar Horseshoes- stick and doat lama your horn try them. Louis Sctireiber. As we, were walkiag bythe school grounds of the various wards Saaday it occurred to us, that -they coa Id be improved ia a way that would be a benefit Take 'em ap tenderly, Lift 'em wif care i And veto each bill ' Wore two-osat fare. New York state voters shoald bear this in mind. ' s An eastern establishmeat advertises apipeorgaaforsale. Hereisachaace for Billie Bryan to get something cheap on which he can play up some new pipe dream to continue his politi cal prestige. The Polk County demo-pops had to hold a convention to find out where they were at and tell the voters their grievances. They didn't dare tnut their heads to the people at the pri- mary and yet, in their platform they up hold the new primary law. i There has been considerable said regarding the construction of a new court house. Seward county never got one till the republicans got a whack at saving county funds and to day they are constructing a court house that is a credit to any county in the state. Have you ever heard of a real good excuse for not having a decent court house in Platte county. Let us hear from Buster Brown on the subject. All persons who want their names to appear on the regular primary ticket, to be held all over this county and state on Tuesday, September 3, must file their application with the county clerk by August 3, must also file with it a receipt for $5 from, the county treasurer. We want to put up a complete county republicans ticket It is true the republiciaa are in the minority in Platte county but let every one of us use our best efforts to put up a good clean, strong ticket, and we will make an appeal to the voters for its support aad election, and there is a chance of winning. Judge Reese is unquestionably an able jurist and, has the confidence and esteem of every citizen of Nebraska who knows him, but he is nearly sev enty years of age. We- are told that he is now xery profitaoly engaged in the gold mining business, and doeanot care for any political position. Judge Sedgwick has served one term on the supreme bench. It has been the un written'law of all political parties in Nebraska to re-nominate all state, county or city officials who have faith fully -performed the duties of their, respective office during the first term., So there can be no doubt and there should .be. none, and there is not any either, that Judge Sedgwick will be the republican nominee for supreme' jndge, and he will be re-elected. The last legislature of North Caro lina passed a law compelling all rail roads to charge no 'more than two and: one-half cents per mile within the state, the law to take effect July 1, ttuvr tl. :i-.,i ..:. viJi tained an injunction from United States Judge Pritchard permitting! them to hold up the enforcement of. the law, claiming it was confiscatory. etc. Under the advice of the govern nor of the state of North Carolina, the officials of the state .ignored this injunction, and arrested ticket agents of the railroad companies for selling tickets at higher rates, and convicted, and fined, and imprisoned some. United States Judge Pritchard again stepped in and through habeas corpus proceedings, released them. It has i STATEMENT OP THE CONDITION OF TH Cariammfcatt I Barf LtM ttNl liilllii Iff iritfiti Of Columbus, Nebraska, on the 30th day of June, 1907. AS8KTH. KintaortgacelMBs $185.300 00 StockloBoa -22? Cash - -. W62 51 IMiaqaeat iatoicst, premium and Sbm. 515 ExpauNNuatUMpaid 5.9WS Total imZIS LIABILITIES. f Capital atock paid up. SlSHOSg 68 Uadmded prof U yai Si Total fSMSSOS' aaciiFTs asd zxmDHCBaa fob the tkab 5PI50 JVHK . 1907. ' maenrra. Balaam oabaadJalr 1.1 S ff Xa0Bp U 2v latenst, aad Sam. li,US8fe Iraaa mpairi 37,389 OS- MnBfcanlup aad traaafer fees SUM Total SllSJUflC BxmBiTuaas. Mi MB A9 . l.51 . t.M 51 Kxpeaaw Cash oa band. TotaL. $115.1MaJ State or Nebbabka. I M Platte Coaaty . "" L Hear? Hocaeaberner. secretary of thm aaora TZ- jb a - -a1a J AUaaail aaaaBa tkat afc AaaotiBBoa, ia trae aad correct to the kaat of aqr Hbhbt; SatMerifaed aad sworn fo before mm tUa 4a, of JblT. HW. amm a MeBWyPaQa. ,' W. M. COBBEUBB, yOiMCUMB, !! Fancy , ' Tl TlM&md SCHRAN ? X-IU4N If you are not a customer at our store we ask of you to at least call and see our provision counters. All goods fresh deli cious and quality no better to be had -HCall on us though you don't 'buy ' i if ' ! leynth Street. -! always been supposed by everybody that in all matters pertaining to local state rates, state courts had jurisdic tion, while in inter-state matters, the United State courts are supreme. But of course the United States constitu tion is above all state laws, and if the railroad companies could really prove that the new law is confiscatory, state rights will not stand in the way of Justice: China Buys 2)00,000 Rifles. Berlla The Caiaese goverameat has ordered 2.0Q9.9M riles through a Ger saaa firm la Shanghai, with the object 'of arming the troops throughout the empire with the same type of weapoa KEATING FRISCHHOLZ BROS. shoes clothing Gents' Furnishing Goods RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. FRISCHHOLZ BROS 405 11th Street, awaawMBBIaBBmBJ am am SiSSS"- SPECIAL LOW RATES tftla? JSZ To Colorado and retnrn, aF17. 4 Every day tQ gg Z(th 19Q7 tan ff To Ogden or Salt Lake City and return. JW.,7 Eyery d to ggpj mh 1907 ?? OO eow Stone Park and return. ''"T Including rail and Stage, every day to Sept. 12, 1907. atAQ OO To PortIand' Tacoma, Seattle San iFvr,x Francisco, Los Angeles or San Diego, and return. Daily to Sept 15th; 1907. 4t7R 0 Circuit tour via San Francisco, Los An p C. vr j Y0rtxaA9 jjjujy to 15 K8D ArnToYellowStonePark and return, In- F,X, " eluding rail, stage and hotels in Park for regular tonr, every day to Sept. 12. 4t AbTI fC To Sacramento and return. August UU.UU 19Q7 . Also very loir round trip rates daily to Sept 15th, 1907 to many other California, Oregon, Washington, Mon tana, Idaho and Britisg Columbia points VIA UNION PACIFIC inquire of W. H. Beitham. " Groceris AT 9 ? It ! 1? it IT 1 1!-! and SCHRAM CJolumbus, Nebraska. T .eB.L yyz B HAKDASD SOFT COAL 0KDERS FILLED PROMPT LY. P. D. SMITH LUMBKK CO. - " Xxcu-sien. On Sandays Ang. 18th and 25tb, the Union Pacific will run special trains to Fallerton account Clinntuqua leaving Golumbus at 850 a. m.. retnrninf; arrive bereataboat midnight. Fare for the roand trip S1.36. . G. Brown, aoext. For fancy Weddinjr Stationery, pro grams or Calling cards, don't fail to let the Journal ggnre with you. Columbus. .- , " if JrSV --zs&.- rSrMjrlfS .IzZf?'. c? '- &Jr- f'"- & . jyjm y A '.r'- . - -f ,ri. --- " -. -- T "T- - - i 7- -. .-