The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 31, 1907, Image 1

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Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte Ooanty Argus January 1, 1906.
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6 l
4WI M f t wt
S Becher,
J Hockenberger &
2 Chambers
Wherever desiring investment
in teal estate, either farm lands
or town lota, it will be to yoor
interest to consult our lists. We
also have several good dwellings
for rent in Columbus, and it will
pay yon to come and see as before
completing yoar arrangements.
Money to loan in any amount on
hort notice.
Fire, Tornado and Aocident
Hockenberger &
l W a tllWl
Oats 32
vMiro oo
Hirleyj. . . . . ............. k
Hogs. S5 45 to $5 55
Dr. Luescben Occulist and aurist.
Surena will attend the racas and give
an exhibition.
Special price on ice cream to picnics
and cbarches. Jones' bakery.
Dr. D. T. Martya, jr., offioe aew
OalaaibM atate Baak baildiag.
Hear the Kattydida at the opera
hoiiM Wednesday Aug. 7tb. Admission
B0 and 25c.
. Miss Mary Fairchild left last Friday
fo- Central City, for a ten days visit
with hr friend Miss Huber of that city.
Miss Anna Gass returned Monday from
Oshkob, Wisconsin and Minn , where
she had been visiting for some time.
Mr. A. Danlap, formerly a resident of
CuUmbas, but now living at Clarke,
was broaght tothe hospital Wednesday.
Mrs. Rickley of Creighton, Neb., sister
ef J. B. Galley, was in the city this week
gnast of her brother, while, enroute to
Salt. Late City.
Miea-BsMsa Braeshober left last Fri
dy for Omaha where she will visit with
with her sister Mrs. Jones for a week or
Mia. Freda Bauer, who has been visit
ing with Mia. Geo. Fairchild for a w.ek,
left for her borne in Omaha Sundsy after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Glur and Mr. and
Mrs. R. Hirschbrunner spent Sundsy at
th borne of Jacob Tsohudin in the
Woodbara neighborhood.
The little tots will appear in "Baby
Slifta" and "The Star Spangled Ban
oer' in a new and attractive setting at
the opera house, Wednesday night Aug.
7th. Admission 60 aud 25c.
R. 8. Palmer the tailor, clean, dves
and repairs Ladies' and Gents' clothing.
Hals cleaned and reblacked. Buttons
aalet order. Agent Germaaia Dye
Works. Nebraska phones.
The Oolumbus City Band have been
engaged to play at the Fullerton
ChHUtaaqoa. their date being Sunday,
Augast 18, when a special train will run
f mm Columbus.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Westcott of Ores
ton moved to this city Monday and will
make their future home here. Mr.
Westcott i employed in the Union Paci
fic yards.
A letter has been received from W. A.
Way. written from Soldier, Idaho, in
which he says he is jnst starting for the
"Bear Creek Mines," which are 65 mile
from a railroad.
The Solo rendered at the Presbyter
ian church last Snnday morning by Mr.
Chns. Soadder. of Central City, was ex
cellent and highly appreciated by those
who heard him. Mr. Scudder has a well
trained voice and commands the wrapped
attention of his listeners by hts earnest
and clear tone.
The 8iate Fair September 2-6, will
have -Dacky" Holmes' Lincoln "Gos
tins" and the Sioux City "Dnncanites"
plsy Western League baseball before the I
grand atand at the race track at 10:15 a.
m , oa Taesday, Wednesday and Thurs
day. This will give an opportunity for
our boys to see if Western League ball
ia fcanerior to our own brand.
A flat pocket-book containing cur
rency, eosaewbere between Pollocks
drag store aad aoatheast Colambus.
Ketara to Journal office aad receive re
ward. IIMilllMIIIIHIinillH
X Protect it with good f
i Sii Pistf Paiit J
Sold by
StwGca Cab.
Oolumbus has a new Qua club, aad
held a shoot last Sundsy at Merv Kunt
zelman's place just north of the city.
Clabs from Leigh, Creston aad Hum
phrey were to have been try out
the now members, bat owing to threat
ening weather, did not put ia appear
ance. However, the local boys faced the
traps and made the following scores:
Wm. Kaufman 100 84
Geo. Bloedorn , 100 17
Theo. Kaufman 75 42
H. Person 100 84
ta nniy. ...................... ivf vs
J. Brock...... ... 1C0 SB
L. Phillipp. 100 77
K. Coraeuoa 75 58
W. Ltohr..... ............ ...... 100 70
A Pbillippa, 100 80
M. Knntwilman 75 49
arOffaKjB 3U ZE
Wm.Both ,....,.. 50 m
PmlBotti .- 50
O.Sehenber. 25 20
F.ankUudit 25 IS
r. R. Pelaat... ......... ...... 25 8
H. Lobr 65 42
B. WotrtamiD 75 64
Porter wanted, Meridian hotel.
Dm. Paul aad Matzes, Dentists.
Dr. Mark T. MwMshaa. death
An assortment of fndges 10 cents a
pound. Poesch.
Threshing coal $5.00 per.ton. L. W.
Weaver & Son.
Mrs. F. K. 8trother went to Spalding
last Friday -for a visit with friends.
Mrs. Wm. Hollingshead of Monroe is
a guest at the home of G. M. Hall.
Qua. G. Beacher, jr attended tha
Frontier Day celebration at Cheyenne.
Al Schram and little son retarned to
their home in Ballard, Wash., after a
abort sojourn with Colambas relatives
and friends.
The Union Pacific surveyors who have
charge of the double tracking hate
moved their offices into new quarters
over the Columbus State Bank.
Howard Boutson of Fremont and 'Mrs.
Thurston of Genoa, and her daughter,
Mfes Mabel of Central City, were here
Sunday to attend the funeral of Jalis
Mrs. Martha Watts, who has been at
tending the Normal at Pern, retarned
home Tuesday. Mrs. Watts will teach
in the third ward building the cosaiag
The Loup and Platte river bridges
south of this city will be open to travel
all next week. They were to have been
closed all this week, but this has been
postponed on aooouat of the races, to
give the -people, in the soath country a
better opportunity to attend. ""
Two marriage licenses were iesaed by
Judge Rattermaa daring the last weak,
George G. Biggins and Pearl Ayerof
Amherst, and Frank W. Trotter aad
Nellie A. Jufltui of Spsnlding, Neb.
The first named couple were married by
Justice O'Brien.
Jonas Welch is out of luck this year,
when it comes to bail storms. His farm
near Genoa was in the track of the hail
storm of about a month ago, and last
week he received word from Holt county
saying that a hail storm had swept all
the crops from his farm there.
John Gilsdorf, postmaster at Coralea.
hss filed for the office of' Clerk of the
District Court, on the republican ticket
Mr. Gilsdorf his been a resident of Hum
phrey since boyhood and is a gradaate
of the schools at that place, and is one
of the well known and popalar yoanjg
men of the ooanty.
If yon are going to attend the State
Fair and have no room in which to sleep,
just write Secretary Whitten of the Com
mercial Club, Lincoln, aad he will secure
you a nice room for Fair week Septem
ber 2.6. A list of 3,000 rooms besides
the natural hotel facilities will be secur
ed, so there will be plenty of sleeping
room for everyone.
Dr. Matzen received a letter from Dr.
Paul, written the day they were rescued
from the Columbia, in which he tells the
story of the wreck. They were ia the
water for several hours, and were final
ly picked up by the steamship E der aad
taken to Eureka. Until they were pick
ed np by the Elder they were floating on
a piece of wreckage, and chilled by a
cold wind that was blowing at the time.
The Platte county rutal carriers will
hold their county convention at the
home of the president, H. B.Beed.on
Sundsy Ang 11. The rural carriers have
extended an invitation to the city
carriers and postmasters of the conaty
to be present, and there will probably
be a general discussion of matters per
taining to the service.
Tuesday, Wednesd iv, Tharsday aad
Friday of next week the big race meet
ander the aaspices of the Colambas
Dnvingdub will be held. The number
aad class of the entries have come ap
to the expectations of the managesaeat
and a good meet is assured. The acom
modatioBS at the track are ample aad
the buildings are new aad well arranged.'
This is the first meet for the Drivjng
Club and they are patting forth every
efford to make it a success.
The Oolamhas orchsstia ham
eagaged to play for a aaaea ta
given ia the aew opera haaaae
Priauoae aaxt Friday eraaiaa;.
Robert Kammer. who has been aa
aa extended soar of the
ooaatriea. will sail for aesae f
P. J. MoOatrey attended a
of the ameers of the Tri-S4ae Poaky
assentation at Soath
alffht, to arraafo for
Dtttk. l
ms. thomas o'aaotK
After aingering illness, Mrs. Thomas
O'Brien passed away last Saturday
morning. Bora in Kerry county, Ire
land, seventy eight years ago. She lived
there aatil the 50's whea she came to
America, accompanied by her husband
whom she married ia 1852. They first
located in New Hampshire, then Chica
go and later. Peoria, HI., and in 18S2
moved to Platte county. Her husband
died about 35 years ago, since which
time she has made her home, with the
children, of whom there are five living.
Viz: Wm. O'Brien, James O'Brien, Ellen
O'Brien, Mrs. M. Murphy of this city,
aad Robert O'Brien of Cheyenne, Wyo.
The f aaeral was held Tuesday from the
Catholic church, being conducted by
Father Marcellinus and the bnrial was
in the Catholic cemetery.
Juiia. the nine year old doughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Draper, died last
Thursday after abort illness with ap
pendicitis. Julia was the only surviving
child, and this makes her death a very
sad one. The funeral was held Sunday,
services being held at the home and at
the Congregational church, being con
ducted by Rev. Monro, and the burial
made in the Columbus cemetery.
Dr. Naumans, Dentist 13 St.
Dr. alUar. Osteopath. Barber block.
Dr. W. H. Slater, veteriaarian, phone
Dr. L. P. .Carsteason, Veterinarian,
oth phones 212. Colambus, Neb.
MHow'd yer like ter be a Dorg" a
comic song by the boys. Wednesday
night Aag. 7, at the North opera bouse.
Sheriff Carrig went to Monroe Wednes
day to bring Nelson Carter before the
board of insanity, a complaint having
been filed against him.
Nellie Dyke has filed a complaint in
Polise Judge O'Brien's court charging
Edward Dyke with abandonment, and a
warrant hastSsen issued for his arrest.
It has been agreed by the merchants
oftbe city to close their places of bnsi
aess from 1 to o'clock on Wednesday
to give everybody a chance to attend
the races.
Dr. W. & Evans was at Minded Mon
day visiting relatives. He says that
while we have had plenty of rain in this
Jeeality.-tbe oorn in Kearney county
shows' the need of rain. v-"
There is considerable talk to the ef
feet that C J. Gariow will be one of
the candidates for district judge on the
republican tirket. Mr. Gariow has not
decided whether or not be will file, but
may conclude to before Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bryan returned
from near Emporia, Ksnsss, Tuesday,
where they located after moving from
Monroe, this county. They-will remain
witn Mia. Bryan's mother, Mrs. Abel
Coffey, for the present.
The 8pinster's Club," a numerous
Operetta, will be given at the North
opera hoase, under the direction of Mrs.
Hayes, for the benefit of the aid society
of the Presbyterian church. Tickets 50c,
children 26c
Miss Lizzie Jantzen arrived in Co
lnmbas Saturday from Kalamazoo. Neb
and oa 8uaday, morning aad afternoon,
attended the interesting meetings dedi
cating the new German Methodist
church. Not1-a few came a long dis
tance to attend the services while the
city tarnished .a very liberal number.
Miss Jantzen while in the city was a
gaest of Mrs. E. H. Jenkins, returning
to her home Monday.
Fr amtiar Bay Cslchraties
On July 25 36 37 the great western
oelebratioh of FroBtier Day will be held
atOheyenne, Wyoming. A
Trained cow-ponies, games branding,
steer ropiag, wild horse races, relay racts
Indian races and war dances, wild horse
races, cowgirl races, backing and pitch
ing contest for the world's champion
ship, and many other contests and eer
emonies can be sees at this festival.
Very low rates ia effect via Union Pac
ific. For fall information inquire of W. H.
Benham. Agent. 13-4
Corn is doing well.
Augast Dahlbery was haaliag hogs to
St. Edwards Tuesday.
Bood aad Dohlmaa have started their
aew threshing machine, and wa can hear
tha whistle say, toot toot.
Farmers-are through plowing corn
aad soma of them sre making up the
wheat that was knocked down by "hail.
Weak ending Jaly 27 has been rather
wet and second crop of oats has
started to rot aad prospect is not as
it was a weak ago. '
Last Taesday eight the large new
barn graiaery aad corncrib of John
Peterson who lives jast across the line
in WoodviUe towaship'wss stfack by
Ughtaiag aad every thing baraed tothe
groand. No live atook was lost bat a
whole lot of machiaary aad corn in
erih. Petersoa himself was nearly
overcome with smoke tryiag to get bis
harass out. It eertssaly has been an
aalaekyyear for Mr. Petersoa. Last
aariag he lost his hags then be was
cleaned oat with hail and last comes
this heavy lees. Me carried
is Free Always
Belief is sure. No 'guess
ing. Scientific treatment'
Every modern appliance
with care, patience and
experience devoted to
every case. r
We wonld be pleased to
have you ronfide your eye
troubles to us.
We promise yon our clos
est attention. ' We will
examine your eyes thoroly
and will advfse you on
what course toparine.
If your eyes are troubling
you, you certainly should
have them looked ' sf ter.
No eharge for anything
but the glasses.
Ei. J.
Jeweler & Optician
Wedding- rings, souvenir spoons.
Carl Froemel, Eleventh street jeweler.
Second hand Howe 4-ton wapon scale
for sale cheap. Elevator Roller Mills.
Jake Wagner took a lay-off last
week and put in the time takiag ia
the sights in and aroand Lincoln.
Miss Mathilda Schneider spent last
Snnday at the home of Miss Martha
Kammer near the Greutli' neighbor
Miss Anna and Rosa Glar left this
morning for Omaha where they will
visit with relatives and friends for a
few days.
Miss Ida Egger and Miss Anna
Knmph will leave aext Sunday . for
Denver and other places in the west,
where they will visit aboattwo weeks.
Otto Kummer left Taesday morn
ing for Belviotere. 111., for a two
weeks visit with relatives, and will
return home with Mrs. Kammer aad
two daughters.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Oehlrich aad
daughter Olga'left Sunday for Chica
go and the northern lakes, oa a
severral weeks pleasure trip. The
most of the time will b3 speat at
Lake Geneva, the popular resort in
The Columbus City Band has siga-
ed a contract with the management
of the Fullerton Chautauqua associa
tion for aa engagement on Sunday
August 18. A sppoial train will be
run from this place returning after the
evening prosram. A gooa opportnai-
ty for Oolumousites to take a little
We notice a numoer of resideats
taking pains to mow the grass along
the sides of the road betweea their
sid walks aud the, road. This is
a plendid idea and one that adds
ranch ro the appearance of the place
and the town There is nothing
more unsightly than to see weeds
growing in front of an otherwise
pretty lawn and beantifnl home.
Boost for Columbus by Blowing the
Sir James B Smith.
In the knighthood whtoh has beea
oonferred upon Mr. J.- B. Smith of
Clifford Park deserved recognition has
been made of the services rendered
to the by tha recipieat.
Everybody knows that, in aiae
oases out of ten. peerage and lesser
honoars are. bestowed as a return for
political services of oae kiad or an
other, and Sir James B. Smth is too
sensible a man to appraise his knight
hood at any higher value. Bat few
will deny that from this point of
view there has seldom been a oase
where the dignity has been more
worthily earne. Through all these
ynars since tha Home Rale split of
1886. when so many members of the
Liberal party deserted the ooloars
and allied themselves with the Tores,
by whom they have been absorbed
long ago. Sir James Has remained
faithfal to his early praciples.
thoagh moving in a social circle
where the temptation is strong to
desert them for the mora fashionable
oalt of his friends. It is no secret
that Sir James conld hae bad the
honour of knghthood ere this,
he oared, and now that he has
his way to accept this reoogaitioB
from his leader and friend, the Prime
Miaister, we wish hiss many years
of the dignity, ia the fall coa
scioasnees that it has been desrvedly
bestowed, aad that in his hands
nothing will be done to sally it.
Thoagh many natives of oar ancient
aad royal bargh have attained to
honour and eminence, Sir James B.
Smith is .probably the only residaat
citizen who has beea knighted siaoa
tha days when Royalty dwelt ia
Stirling, and this interesting featare
adds lastre to the aoaoar.
Mr. J. B. Smith is of American parent
age, sad is a brother-in-law of the late
S. W. Wilson of Columbus, and W. D.
Wilson of Oconee. Mr. Smith visited
this coaatry in 188,
Otr NkOtnty Irtawis.
Mm. Mary Hamilton of Madison Ne
braska ia hers visiting her daughter1 aad
the Daaiala of Osceola.
The following ware the markets of
Ososola last weak, wheat 7lc; oata Sic;
cora 37fe; hogs $5.60; batter 16c; eggs
Bar. and Mrs. L. M. Grigsby pastor of
the M. E. church at Osceola are eater
taialag a sister Miss Alta Grigsby of
Saperior Nebrsaks aad also her aiece at
the OaoaoUParaoaage.
Homer Bobiason of Colambas has sold
his stock of merchaadise at Shelby to
Loteozo Marriek, aad Mr. Merrick
will ooadact the buaiaess at the same
. Polities at the foaatain head of Polk
ooaaty, Ososola bagiaa to sizzle bat
there are vary few that have oome out
natfootsd aad wdIiagto pot op
spoadaticks to ran so far.
Mr. aad Mrs. Jessie Drammond
asxious to get away from the aoiss and
hnstle of a large city like Oolambus aad
so cataeover to have a little quiet at the
home of their pareats Mr. aud Mia. L.
J. Vanhoosea at Osceola.
Hastings the Bustling Real estate man
of Osceola passed through Columbus
last week oo his way to Omaha. He was
anxioas to get oh 'the train that went
some, and so took the main line from
Silver Creek.
The Kirk Karaival Company pjit on
their show at Osceola. Some of the
good ones made a kick, but tha show
went on jnst the same and the people
enjoyed a whole karaival of fun for
four days, aad then some.
Rev. P. C. Johnson D. D, a former
pastor of Osceola, and who is now at the
penetantiary. as Cfaaplian, laid the
corner stone of tha M. E. ohnroh at
Albion, aad was the guest of Judge aad
Mrs. T. H. Saaaders at Colambus for a
couple of days.
H. C. MoOord the gentleman that does
everything with cement, was at Osceola
cementing everything that conld be
cemented, aad then went to Colambus
and settled so ss to be where he conld
getoutandin once in a while. He is
going to pat ap a Cement Plant at
Colambus, and by tha appearance of
the work that is pilliag ia on him. It
will be a kmg time before he will gt a
chaaca to get oat of Colambas, indeed,
if he ever does. ?
Frank AlidoraoB) - 8apcriatewdent of
the Presdyteriaa Snnday -school of
Osceola proved himself a good pilot ia coa
ducting the school treated a large aum-
bervf Ososola people on their annual
picnic last Fridsy. The picnic wa held
on the Ragging Blue river at the grove
of Fred Anderson. Every arrangement
was mads aad ao. time or expense wa
spared to give the children and friends
the time of their lives sod they will al
ways be grateful tothe Superintendent
for the splendid time they bad. It was
an all day affair and the return was
made to Osceola by the light of the
It is only a few weeks ago since we
bad the pleasure of makiag Boitee of tha
birth of a sweet little baby in the home
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Heald, who wereoa
a visit here from Boise Idaho. It ia
a pleasure again to take notice of a bob
at the home of J. Liadlie Heald and wife.
Liadlia don't take the rear aad for O. P.
even if he does live ia Idaho and pro
posssthatPolk county end Oaoeola ia
particular shall keep up with the bead
wagoa ia tha matter of gettiag babies.
Mm.J.LiadlieHsaldaadaUtbarest of
tha Healds are happy, their friends are
coagrataktiag them, aad there ie every
iadioatioa that that family are well
Mrs. William Lobr of Colambas has
arrived at her home ia that city, she had
been visitiag over at Beulah Land where
there ased to be quite a settlement of
the Lohr's in the early days of Polk
It is wonderful bow many people get
away from Osceola and Polk county.
anxioas to ase the other side, we have
sot the time to spare to raeatioa all of
them there are somaay, always oa the
go aad very few of them ever miss goiag
toes joy tha sualight aad shadows of
R. G. Sarotker made a batinss trip
to Omaha aad OoeaoU Bluffs the la
ter part of last wesk.
Tha Colambas band has beea ea
gaged to famish masic for tha races
' Aagaet 6. 7. 8 aad 9.
The east ward school hoase is aa
dergoiag repairs this week. Besides
aew ohimaeys being erected the whole
balding is being completely reaovat.
ad and paiatMl throaghoat Whea
completed it will be ia first class
order for the opening of the
BeyaJ lirtkaay Hars.
Mr. Jamas B. Srnita, of Clifford
Park. Stirling, has received tha
aoaoar of knighthood from tha King
oa tha occassiOB 'of tha official oele
branoa of His Majesty's birthday.
Mr. Smith is one of Stirling' hast
know citlwsas.. a Ooaaty Ooaacillor
aad Jastioa ef tha Peaoe, and has
rendered splendid service to tha Lib
eral oaase. both ia tha ooaaty aad
bargh, haviag beea for asaay years
President of the Stirling Bargh Lib
eral sssociatioa. Ha has all along
taken a great iaterest ia tha Stirling
Royal Infirmary, aad also ia tha
Stirling Baggad aad industrial
Sehools tar whloh latter institution
ha acted aa honorary trsasarer for
i. He is also a stroag aaa-
porter ef tha Stirling Choral Soeiaty
and tha Coajaty Orieket Olab, aad was
arst Presideat ef Stirliag Ooaaty
Bowliag Assooiatloa. Ha is a keen
and has carried off aunty
prizes ia competitions oa LoohLevea.
Sir Jsmes & Smitn will have the
heartiest congratalatioas of his fel
low oitueae oa the distinction which
coaierred apoa him.
Bamta Bo. L
Heary Lsuschan, sr., returned from
Creston after a weeks' visit with his
daughter. Mrs. Otto Loseke.
Wm. Ernst finished threshiag hie
wheat Moaday. The yield was good,
about tairty-foar bnshsls per acre.
Ed Boa has qait working on route No.
1. and is working for Henry Buss on
route No. S.
Miss Martha Seefield spent Sunday
with tha folks at home.
H E waste basket yawns for mnch printed matter.
Does it yawn for yours? Some printing makes
the recipient yawn first and the yawning wastebas-
ket gets it later. An anti-waste-basket insurance
policy goes with the booklet' card, folder, bill, letterhead
or any other printed thing you get here. We put into it
besides so much ink .type and paper a certain measure of
brains. A little thought added to good clean, strong ty
pography, and press work will make an advertisement
which will advertise. The point is, that there is some
thing to be said which ought to be said in the most im
pressive way. Type and paper are necessary but type and
paper are not all. The difference between our printshop
is the third member of this trinity Type, Paper and
Brains these three but the greatest of these is brains.
Any printer can buy paper and type, only a few printers
can supply the experience, taste and skill which combined
result in good printing.
Keep away
Over 200 lor
Pollock & Oo.
Druggist oa tha Corner
Colambas, Nebraska
gt tft
Mrs. J.
Mosehenross has a flne
bunch of
aa there ieoa the route.
Miss Dora Pspeohausen. who has beea
here on an extended visit with her par
ents, left for New York City Monday.
While going from the hoase to tha
windmill, Mrs. C. J. Bissoa tripped oa a
piece of wire aad fell, dislocatiog her
collar I
The farmers are vary busy stacking
aad threshiag. Where ia yieldiag from
twenty-eeven to thirty-two bushels to
the acre.
A. L. Everett of Kaassa ia working for
J. J. Banes.
Wm. Fossmsn shipped a oar of ft
bogs to South Omaha Monday eveniag.
Maybergerand Poeffel started their
threshing outfit Monday, threshiag for
Ed Msyberger.
Mrs. A. W. Hahn visited at L. Haha's
There will be a dance at FraakGer
hald's Saturday night.
L. P. Hahn was kicked by a mala
Monday, which very nearly laid him ap.
Mies Bebe Bryan returned from Oma
ha Monday, aad ia bow - viaitiBg at H. J.
Among those who have threshed
wheat are Gar Hsdwiger, Ang. Fickel.
Kunxil Bros, and Kruegar Bros.
While stacking Moaday H. L. Olcott
received a psiafal wonad from a fork
tine. The hired man threw the fork
on the stack, and it naeidaatslly struck
Mr. Olcott on tha leg, ialietiag a sevens
wound, which compelled him to have
the doctor to drees it.
lamUBa. f.
The Bean school hoase ia being im
proved with n fresh coat of paiat. Geo.
Bean ia doing the work
John Leas threshed wheat last Satur
day, and Julius Radat aad Tworrk
threshed Tuesday, aad a very satisfact
ory yield ia reported.
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