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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1907)
5Tl T l- "" - tt; s "- ' -jtt a ' " th I O'..' v.Vi .;vrt;. a---i KM HUB BiBUHS i -7-v- bft "' TUi-triina - " SommerMilliliery regiWte of WiS'k?nFB"a USnmnBam mmjmanunnUUW auauamt amaam wear. The Crcby Oorwet givea s comfort and tout people; .- .-5. lNteIi.1. - Julius Budat sold his oata 1m Mon day. August Busman marketed hoga last Friday. Mstasw Jareckiand Otto Born thresh ed tueir wheat Tuesday- MimLeeileJodietof Cmana ia vieit iaguttus feme of Julius Rudat and family. Mlm Jean Pinkerton 'of Omaha is a at the home of Mrs. Ida Schmitt and family. iMftt Vf -The Miaaas Nellie and Mabel Standon it to Valley last Friday for a visit i their sunt, Mm. i. W. Hall, GaUsy Bros, threshed wheat for E. T. Standon Monday and report that it yielded thirty-two bushels per acre. -tl"J.Byanie tearing down the large bay and cattle barn on hia farm, east of Mieoity, whioh he purchased of B.. S. Dfakinson laat spring. 'John W. Johnson eame home from Lincoln last week, where he haa been railroading, and will do the engineering net for Enul Behrens on ronte No. 1. BMteVt.3. Dr. Tiesing waa making professional enlla on the ronte Monday. Farmers on the ronte are very bnay r, threshing and laying by their Piling iabeingdriTen for a new bridge over the creek near Mrs. Jacob Mathia. Peter fehmitt is doing the work. .- nTtirrj all the yonng folks on the ronte, and aome of the older ones, at- HBSkm feast of the Olden- i ohnrehlast Sunday. Merv Knnteslnuua and family went to Creates Saturday afternoon for a visit wish Sehram Dixon and family, return im Sunday. Mmb Margery ConneUy from that neighborhood, returned home with them for n few days visit. BsutsBs. L Harry Erb of near Platte Center visited reletivceeu the route 8unday: Chaa! Osteite and family apant Sunday at the home of John Brunken. 0. G. Barteb was the first one on the route to get through' cutting, finishing "T!" i .! X' x X"'hag gone to filial iia to spend two weeks wth .his ; dahler; Mrs. Otto Losake. " The heavy wad laat Wedneaday night blew the fans out of one of the wind mills on CariBhode'sfsrm. - - Sunday night Henry Leuscheo jr. had a vnluable horse badly cut in the wire Ha had been offered $500 for the While nt the home of her eieter, Mrs. OtteLoseke.of Crestoa. Miss Ida Lues eheu had the miaf ortune to have a can at milk fall on her foot, breaking n bone hi the instep. Day Ctlrtutimi On July X 86 27 the great western edelnliahof Frontier Day will be held aAOheyeane, Wyoming. TraJasi cow-ponies, games branding. f, wild horse races, relay races i and 'war dances, wild horse es. bucking and pitch- for the world'a champion, ahin, nail many other oontesta and cer. amoulesenn beeen at this festival. Tery low rates in efiect via Union Psc For full information inquire of W. H. Agent. 14 FOB SALE. . A farm of 145 acres, adjoining town site of Monroe. Goad improvements large part of the land set to alfalfa. Monroe, Neb. f- . ? .. JIM'S PLACE ; rfmjrthfcc TXZ Mo. lie 'f COLUMBUS MEAT MARKET Wa invite all who the vary to J&L am myama. xas unaa: ltemteiwii to souse BiTBisfthWhin Fhene ateak, aad the vary beat cute of al aohor names to sail at our , ajavJuutemmtomatthaanrnt. Wo samhanaih Soul try aad Ishsnd m mmm m wtfaT A-nifn MiMUtoi " anuuuwB. ,nnm anmnm sun anmnw mi "uut anuuuia'mL.snuL.nw ua s r - m. ,apaaaMaMai v -w-w anouiu mwb n enaamwise so aaaom MJatfaaaaaaat-aw-l-fsaaaBmaaLrSaatfr. naaWamiOAjmemnv. i - - "t . . . i. i. i- -. - aaaaBamjBaaRBBPa.Ba j ap p .. --" ... . J '-" a.'" -. -V -. in'BTiiittiii TTndAr- perfect shape to --.-' - : E. I STIEES Walker. J. Swauton markets il hoga Tuaaday. A. P. Johnson msrralerl hoga Wedneaday. We are haviag plauty of rata ia this locality aad STury thiag looks as flat ciroumsaiuess as aayoae could ezpeot. TheyouBg ueopls of this neigh borhood attennded the Firemen's pionio at Newmna Orore this week aad all report haviag a good time. Wheat harvest is ia fnil blast, that is those that have anything to har vest. The other fallow is busy culti vating hia aeooad crop of oora whioh ia growing reniarknhly wall and may make quite a oora crop, Oats started to grow from the root aad is about ten inches tall already and if frost stars away we may have second -crop of GENOA.. From the Leader. A card was received at this omcathis week from Guy Green, manager of the Nebraska Indian ball team, giving n re cord of their games this year up to date. The team haa played 80 games winning 72, and shutting out their opponents 96 times. Alfred Bratt is having nil sorts of trouble with the Sutton building which hepurchased last falL The roof has sprang a leak all over and came near drowning out the occupaata of upper story Sunday, and Tuesday morning it was discovered that about two tbirda of the foundation on the west aide had caved in leaving the building on that aide resting on corners. The building has aettled and cracked the walla in the upper story badly. This imeana a new roof and a new foundation. It will be remembered that a portion of the seat wall cared in about a year ago. If you bars not taken n trip up.into the Looking Glass valley since the hail storm it will pay you to do so. as noons can hare any idea of the destruction wrought unless they see it. From about ' two miles west of West Hill store there is n strip of country about one mile wide running east for three or four mike which k abeoultely etripped of every green thing. Whole quarter sections wlucn will notyeild enough to feed a dozen chickens. After leaving the val ley coming south the storm was not as bad and while very little small grain escaped destruction, corn is recovering rapidly and shows indications of making something of n crop. Columbus, Nebraska, July 9, 1907. The" board of supervisors of Platte county, Nebraska, met in regular session nt two o'clock p. m. Hon. N E Olother chairman and John Graf clerk. Boll called with following result: Present: Supr. Goetz, Newman, Schae oner, Schure, Sohwsrz and rfiairfji Clother. Absent: Supr. Priest Moved by eupervieor Goetz that the rules of order of business be dupensed with and the rending of tbs minutes de ferred. Motion carried. The following Was presented: TotbHou.BoerdofSuperrisors. ' Gentlemen: I hereby ask your honor able body to appoint H C Lnehnit assis tant deputy eheriff without any cost " to the county. Beapectsullysubniitted, . C J Carrig, Sheriff. On motion of superrieor Scaaecher the request was granted. Moved by supervisor Newman that the committee on roads and bridges to gether with supervisor Sohwsrz and county nttorney Heneley,-proceed to David City tomorrow for the purpose to consult with the County Boards of But ler and Polk oounties relative to the re pairing and maintaining of the Platte river bridge oa the sixth principal aaari dten line road. Mbtisu carried. The proceedings of n mass meeting held by the citizens of Butler 'township for thepnrnoseto.determinerelatireBto the proposals of the Union Paeino Bail road Company to lease to Platte.county theoute'r fifty feet ot itsn right of way in Butler township' for pablio road ' pur pose, and which procesdinga ahow that the citizens of said township are opposed to the leasing of n righ. of wny from the, railroad company ware presented nndresd.;', . ' ' v : ' Moved by supervisor Sehwarz that the matter'be referred to the committee onrondaand bridges. .'Motion carried. vomiiyxTeaavnr r m nenensr now addressed the Board atatiag thai hs in tends to go to Lincoln toasorrow, to consult with the atnte auditor and at torney general rclatirs- to the nncollosta bis dminqnent' atate taxes en the tax lietsof Platte county and for the pnr pose to investigate as to thewmthsd of of eame and that the hoard V-v I vV-7 ' of eupervieor Newawn the granted nud the chair ap pointed as such committee supervisors Sohaecher nud 8chure. - The minuten of the ufsvious aasniou of the board of supervisors wan now rand aad approved. ThepeUtion of A P. Fredriokson and .othen forth location of a public road com men ring at a point' oa- the' half sec tien line about 13 rods, aorth of -the south 'west comer of 'the- south cost quarter of section 2 town 19 mage 4 west and 2 rods aouth of the left bank of Looking Glass creek and running thence inn northeastterly direction along the toft bank of said creek about II rode aad running thence in a northwesterly di rection nkng the left bank of said creek, about 40 rods and terminating at a point on the half section line about 60 rode north of the south west oorner of the aouth east quater ofeeotiou2 town 20 range 4 west and them to intersect with tb4Looking Glass and Madison Road" and also for the vacation of all that part ot the "Looking Glass and Madison Road" lyingbetwecn thepoiats IS, rods aad 60 rode north of the' aouth west soroer of southeast quarter of aaid sec tion two, was presented and' read aad on motion referred to the committee oa roads and bridges. The petition of Joseph Nowicki and others for the location of a publio road 40 feet .in width, commencing at the northeast oorner of section 32 town 17 rungs 9 west aad ruaning thence, due, west on section line one mile, was pre sented nud read and on motion referred to the committee on roads and bridges. The petition of Andrew Dnsand others for the location, of a public road 40 feet in width, commencing nt the northwest comer of section 34 town 17 range 2 west aad running thenoe. due south on sec tion line one mile, was presented aad read and on motion referred to the oom mittoe ea roads and bridges. ' The application of J PSekolto sell malt, apiritoua aad vinous .liquors inline town of Duncan from. the. 14th day of August 1907 to the 13th day. of August 1908, was presented, and read and on motion referred to' the committee on Judiciary. The report of Sheriff Carrig showing that the fees earned by him for the quater ending July 9th 1907, to be 969.25 una presented and on motion referred to the Judiciary Committee. The following was presented: To the Bon. Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: Your committee appoint ed to make semi-annual settlement with D A Becher, County Treasurer, for the half year ending with June 30, 1907. would report that we have made snob, settlement and aubmit the following as atrue and correct atatoment of the m eeipte and diabursemente of the oSoe for the time named, to-wit: The itemiz ed report shows. Grand total collections 9227,999.11 Grand total disbursements 156.360 27 Balanoeon hand July 1,1907 71,63384 nnd concludes as follows; We your committee would further report that thia being n semi-annual settlement, we did not require the counting of the osah in the treasury but fully eatisged our selves by the presentation of awora statement of deposits and other evi dences that the above balance of 171,633 84 is on hand in the county treasurer; your committee would also report that we find the business mauagement of the office conducted in n very exemplary manner, reflecting great credit upon county treasurer D A Becher, sad es pecially do we find nil the books neat, clean nnd accurate to the cent kept under the careful nunafiement of de puty treasure! Otto E Heuer, and com pliment Mr. Heuer on his neatness aad accuracy aad as a thorough business accountant. Bespuctifully submitted, Henry Schaechei A E Priest Committee Louis 8cbwarz On motion ot suberrioor Schure same was adopted. All bills on file with the clerk were on motion referred to appropriate com- ittoes. Moved by supervieorSchwsrz that the board of supervisors bow adjourn until July 11th 1907, at 9 o'clock A M Mo tion carried. - - Columbus, Nebraska, July 11, 1907 , Pursuant to adjournment the board of supervisors met. st 9 o'clock. Hon ME Clother chairman nnd John Graf clerk. Roll called and following members present: Suprs. Goats, Newman, Biiest Schnecher. Schure, Sehwarz and chair man Clother. On motion the. board ot supervisors now adjourned for committee work, re convening, at 2 o'block p m with all the members present. The following was presented: To the Hon Board ot Supervisors. Gentlemen:: We your committee who accompanied county treasurer D A Becher to Lincoln to confer witktbe state auditor aad attorney general in regard to the cancellation of theuncol lectable personal tuxes for the years 1873 to 1902 would report, that we have consulted with aaid oMcsrs aad that the tftorney general has taken tim matter under advisement nnd will report to this board ia a short time.- - . BesnectfuUy submitted. Henry 8ohaecher J F Schure On motion of supervisor Nawmaaaame wasadopted. The following was presented; To the Hon Board ot Supervisors. ' Gentleaaen; Tour oommittee appoint ed to' proceed to David City to confer with the county 'Boards of Batier aad Polk oounties would report, that the County Boards of said oounties will bring the nutter of building or repair ing the bridge over the Platte river be fore the respective Boards' at their next and witt notify the hoard of the of Platte wmaty as to their vmweia the matter. - ' - K Buinutf ally . auasntttod. WmJNewi rJ&& - V-A -V5 Ob On motion of Supervisor Schure eame waa adopted. The following petition signed byl. ABooheraud 12 -others-was. presented endorsed: To the County Board of Platte Oimnty, Nebraska. ' '.'." Gentleman: 'The u6!ersigned'irer. sidentfreeholdereof Platte County, do hereby petition your honorable body to employ John J SuUima to assist the State Board of Equalization pending" in the Supreme court. - After a brief internusskm the follow ag resolution waa submitted by euper vieor Sehwarz: Besolved. that John J Sullivan be employed to assist the County Attorney in the action now pending ia the Sup reme Court ia whioh thia county ia plaintiff aad the State Board of Equali sation is defendant, provided for the services herein before rendered, nnd hereafter to be rendered by said John J Sullivan; in aaid cause he shall receive no oomnensntion unless the cause shall be decided in favor ot the oounty, nnd that such deoision shall be of pecuniary adraatnge to said oounty nnd that such compensation be in proportion to the amount favorable to aaid oounty. Pro vided further that the Board fix the com pensation ia such sum as in their judge ment shall deem just and equitable. Moved by Supervisor Priest that the teeolutioa be adopted and that the com penaatiosi to be allowed John JV Sullivan ahull net exceed the aum ot three hnn drrd dollars, provided that' the decision of-the court ahull be favorable to the oounty. Motion curried. Moved bf Superrieor Newman that the county nttorney be directed to pro ceed to David City, Butler county, on July 16th, 1907, nnd appear before the board .of county commissioners of said county, in regard to the building of n new bridge across the Platte river on the meridianline, where the oounties of Platte, Polk- and Butler adjoin each other. Motion carried. . Moved by Supervisor Goetz that the clerk' of thia board be and he is directed to notify the boards of commissioners nnd ' supervisors of Polk nnd Butler counties that the board ot supervisors of PJatte county have declared the bridge over the Platte river between Platte, Polk nnd Butler counties unsafe for publio travel thereon. Motion carried. The following was presented : To the Hon. Board of Supervisors of Platte county, Nebraska, Gentlemen: At your session of April 17, 1907, by a resolution unanimously passed. by your honorable board, I was directed by you to secure uncomplete census aa above directed by your hon orable body, giving name, age and eex ot each name enumerated, and each cen sus is dplyt sworn to by aaid directors and enumerators, 'and is now on file in my office, sad I herewith giro you n tabulated statement, giving total num ber enumerated by each' school district duly sworn to as follows, viz: School district No. 1 H nun 5,498 142 91 105 191 103 263 183 175 185 150 96 44 84 172 174 196 191 180 204 190 117 153 601 147 148 106 139 527 326 s 96 ,. . . . . Wi 6... o f " 11 12 XJ 1 19 - aw 17 18 AT awV JJA eSaw wv 24 .26 96 & Oem war 'tW ui Oav 'iXr 34 35..'.....' 36 37 38 u 200 392 93 120 87 87 237 156 236 228 147 137 212 74 173 102 147 151 275 143 135 90 162 91 164 151 110 .136 158 111 117 116 182 139 108 1,145 169 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 60...... 61...... 'go. . . . . 63 64... M . 65 56 , vl vO Ow o 61 '62.... ... 63 64v- ' oo -66 J7 68 DW.... . 4V 4a $ IW a i V a '71 fO "77 . '99 137 123 13a 130 76 116 91 421 89 84 197 St : Grand total , l 18,989 I, LHLeavy, Oounty Sunt, in nud for PiatteXto-in the state of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the above tabulated liet taken by .the school enumerators of per order of the of Supervisors of Platte county. Nacres kais a fuU true and eorfuot number of all the inhabitants of Platte County. Neb, as enumerated and dnly ewerato by them aad now on file ia my efisee. I do further certify that the grand to tal population aa found by said direct ore aad eauBseratora in nnd 'for Platte Co., Neb., ia 18,983. L. H Laavy. Subscribed ia my' presence aad duly sworn to by the above named L H Lea thia 11th day of July A D 1907. ajeal Otto Heuer, Notary Public Moved by 'Supervisor Newman that the csasas report presented "by County Superintendent Laavy be adopted by thia board had the clerk directed to spread, asms-upon the record. Motion carried. ' The following, report wss submitted: Tour oommittee oa judiciary to whom was .referred the application, petition nud bond ot J P Sokol to nail suit, apir itoua and viaoas liquors ia the town of Duncan, Platte Oounty, Nebraska, beg leave to report that we find the petition signed by the r. quiaite number of resi dent freeholders, we also find the saase has been publiahed according to law as per certificate ot publication; we further find the bond to be eufflcient as to sure ty ado to form and would therefore re commend thnt the prayer of the petition era be granted and that the amoaut of the license be fixed at $500 which amount has been paid to the county treasurer aa per receipt attached, and we also recoommend that a license be is sued aa prayed for. . '. '. A. . Priest. On motion' of Supervieqr Newman, eame was adopted! The following bille on'- recommenda tion of the eominittee on aooouata and expenditures were on motion ellowed by the board and the clerk directed to.issue warranto in payment of same, on the county general fund: Census enumerator School diet JG Becher 1 $219 92 Erail Held.......... ........2.... 3 60 Pius Poeffel 3.... 3 60 W A Gossmsn 4.... 4 60' Is 1 UaWCV v u OjpBlcy D. O AG Witchey 7.... 10 sum sums 0 Geo Galley 9.... 7 50 BC Mueller.. 10 5 H Bobbensiefken 11... 6 Max Gottberg 12.... 6 J A Stephens 13.... 3 aj T J! VesDS 14 O LLoseke .-. 15.... 5 EdZybach 16.... 4 LCLoseke 17.... 6 OQGss.... 18.... 3 J? X91"sbHB aef Xa UOftavB enw Heye Johnson :.;... 21... aj JKuuaTna Fred Daseubrqek 23.... Jobn Moffatt. . .... ..... ...24.... Win Vw 111. ............... .R.. . .. WM Pollard. ....... i... ..26.... John J Peterson 27.... W Gentlemen....'. 28.... I irnrtzer.. .............. .'.... J S Womhoff, Jr . . ........ .30. ... w Vv UUgBSS.. ........... ..Ol .... x. x. SvCvens. ......... ....ot,.... I ey tun .................. e .... J Brunken.... .. xi xsass. ................. .o.. S Imhoff, Jr..... .......... 37. ... 7 Xvuettner.... .... .... O Ii Crawford ............ .39. ... A P Fredriokson 40 9 15 6 468 2 24 5 5 25 5 5 72 15 10 3 15 3 240 4 450 3 10 10 6 5 ' 6 4 8 5 W ESohure 41.... J McPhillipe 42.... wf Xjuouey .... . . . . JL Luke 45.... E Lueschen 46.... Metry Crouwjer.. . ...H. ....57.... 5 MChristonsea 49.... 5 H Brfurlaud.... ......... 51.... 4 PL Eiaeamenger 52.... 5 H P Pmna?.... ........ ....53... 5 50 E P Owens...... ........ ..54.... 10 I Lightner. . ............ 3 xt oenseoner. ............ .on. ... o A o i? linK. ..... .. ....... .on.... o D B Gorman. ... .... ......58.... 5 B Clark .59.... 9 50 J H Jaixen ........ ....... .60. ... o oo NC Nelson.... ........ ....62.... 5 A Anderson...... ......'....63.... 6 Wm Thormazin . . . . .... ...64.... 6 LE Anoerson. .......... b J Bunaer. . ...... .... .... . .up. . . . 7 ou BP Drake 67 57.26 FKieraan 68.... 6 H Beiermann 70 6 J J Barnes 71.... 4 50 FJKrause 72.... 4 A Horner 73 2 A MWeatcott '.74 5 50 J Paproki '................. 75 .... 5 J Gibbon ....".76.... 8 Nick Adaroy..... 77.... 6 EverettCraig; 78.... 5 50 On motion ot Supervisor 8chaeeher the Board of Supervisors sow adjourned until 9 o'clock a. m to-morrow. Columbus. Nebraska Jnly 12, 1907. The board of eupervieore pursuant to adjournment met at 9 o'clock A. M. Hon. M. E. Clother chairman aad John Graf clerk. Boll called with foHowiag result: Present: Supra. Goetz. Newman, Priest, Schaecher, Schure and chairman Olotber. . Absent and excused: Super visor Sehwarz. .The foHowiag was presented: To the Hon, Board of Supervieors. Gentle men: Your eommitte on roads and bridges to whom waa referred1 the matter ot the Butler township roads would recommeed, that the proposition of the Union Pacific Bailroad Company in regard to leasing part of its right of way way ia Butler towaahip for a pub lie road to be continued, aad we farther nosmnuBil that the county nttorney he directed to proceed with the mtimumtriet court, espeetfaUy aubutitted. WmJNewmaa, x A E Priest t Bsotioa of supervieer Schure name Oa The following bilk eu of the oommittees were ou ssotieo allow ed by the beard and clerk directed to muaewnrraate lanaymeut ec the 1906 county general fund: Hammond Stephen Co , Mdse for oounty 98 69 ElHott Spsisa k Co.- Fire iaaur- aaee, oer f srm bualdinga 40 09 C J Carrig. Sheriff. Mileage 8 20 a J. Carrig Sheriff, BoardiaJ pri soners 5 C J Carrig, Sheriff. Salary, Jane 9th to July 9th 126 00 O M Grueuther, C D O, Salary. 2nd June 9th Quur. 19U7 ' lw ThosS JaworaU, Dtp Sheriff Salary Suae 9th to July 9th 6 00 Jesses E Maker, Depety ass L'Wt Creek towaship 164 25 Both Bros Fence flower beds 8 75 Platte County lad Tel Co, 8srvios for county 7 45 Browner Bros. Lireryforsupervi- 9 oo Louis Sehwarz, aupr. Cash ad vsneed W N Heasley' Co Atty Cash ad vanced. L. H. Laavy. Co. 8upt. Martya, EvanaA Evans. Porf. aerviee for Fred Plesseo 566 809 1035 85 00 Dr. Geo. F. Pugh 1500 Twentieth Century Dtir? Store. Medicine for poor 27 80 Ntbraska School for dear. Mrie for Kuta children 10 51 Thos Bryant, Bef nud erroneous tax 19 00 Wm O'Brien; J P. Costs, State vs - Noritz Korea 3 55 Wm. O'Brien. J P Sum Lang 7 10 Susie Fedderson. wittneoH. 8tate va SamLaag. ' '3 60 Louisa Fedderson . 3 60 Joseph Asselme .. 3 60 FMCookiBgham 3 60 Biley Smith . 3 60 Chaa Scaueth, J P, Costs, State vs John Martin 32 05 JJDucey ' quarantine of Peter Welin 5 The claim of R. P. Drake S3. 6c, wit ness feee. State vs Sam Lang, was on recommendation of the county nttorney rejected by the board for the reason that claimant was not subpoenaed to appear. The claim ot F M Cookinghnm $10 00, defendants counsel, 8tate vs John Mar tin, waa on recommendation of the county nttorney rejected by the board, for the reason thnt claimant was not annotated iathie matter. 'The claim of DrH J Arnold S40 00, for professional service rendered, to prisonere in the oounty jail in the year 1895, waa on motion rejected by the board for tne reason that same is not a claim against the oounty. The omeial bond of Robert Piaeoe, Clerk of Lost Creek towaahip. recommendation of the judiciary mittee oa aeotioe approved by the beard. The report of Sheriff Carrig. ehowmg taut the fees earned by him for the quarter ending July 9th tobe909 25 nnd which were paid into theeounty treasury as per treasurer's receipt attached, waa on recommendation of the judicinry committee approved by the board. The following bills were ou motion al lowed by the board and the clerk direct ed to issue warranto in payasent of name on the oounty poor fund: HeBryBagatzftOoMdee for poor $9149 Keatings8chnm 47 39 Mamie Grime. Cure ot Eunice Wood 4 50 Sophia Caxkoe 8 76 The claim o(DrJ R Smithbemler 964.25, professional services for Mamie Seiler, and the claim of St Marys Hospi tal $42.00, care of John MagUl, were on recommendation of the committee on poor farm rejected for the reason that aameia settled The following bills on recommenda tion ot the oommittee on roads and bridges were on asotiou allowed by the board aad the clerk directed to issue warrants in payasent of saase ou the 1 nSSdJa SPECIAL LOW f C fR To Colorado ajpuw? Evenr dxv 5RAO 44 To Ogden or $55. )mJj 10 i enow $60, ) OO To Portbnd Tacoma, Seattle' San ww Francisco, Los Angeles or San Diego, arid return. nitwtnSnr 151 1mY7 $73.! $80. 7ft A?0 Circuit tour via San Francisco, Los An pCPvr gelesaikiPortlaiiiDytoSept, I fin 10 lenow scone ranc and return, ln- eludinar rail, nianrs) nnrl Ka1 ; TJwL. aj for reflrular $60. OO To Sacramento and return. Aumist rvr1 28. 29. and 30. 1907. s Also very low round trip rates daily to Sept 15th, 1907 to many other California, Oregon, Washington, Mon tana, Idaho and Britisg Columbia points VIA UNION PACIFIC inquire of W. H. Berxhaxn. $1LS7 S59 3 CnlumWatwp, Chaa Flakus Batier w GBPraaiter. Granville " - ,& . 69 59 6 2 OEOteea; Jeha'Ducey. Jes-xJuesyiv 2 K L BisiUir, Oa, Supr. w 99 J Breunig Qrr Prairie turn 919 JoaW ,Jr. .."- 96 59 -8 99 4 13-59 19 75 98 75 19 g0 17 40 DFDicki FFeik,Jr J B Ftekua, Antler twp MatJarecki. Joe Basel JEKa To the Honorable Board of Supervieore Oaatlsmaa: Tew special committee appointed to view n proassid line of road ia Loup twp petitioned for by Wm Seat and others would respectfully re port taut after iavastigation we find that the eetabhehasent of eame is net a pub lie necessity sua would cause a great expense as it weald cross sand bille aad lahes of water, we therefore resnmuwad that the praypr of the petitioners be denied sad that iastaad a petiea be eir lated for the location of n public road running east aad west between eections 28 aad 33, twp 17. mage 3 west which would giro uetitametssroad to their lands. Respectfully submitted; Wm J Newman, John Goete, J F Schure. On motion report aad recommenda tions accepted. The petition of A P Fredrickaou and others for the alteration of part of Look ing Glass sad Madison read ia see 9, twp 19, raage 4 west wss reported back with following report: Tear committee on roads. -and bridges would recommend that the prayer ot petitioners be greeted and the clerk directed to proceed in ac cordance with luw. Wm J Newasaa. On asotiou sumo was adopted. On recommendation of the committee on road and bridges, action upon the petition of Joseph Bnwieki aap others and action upon the petition of Andrew Dos sad others for the leaatisa ot cer tain public roods' ia Loup township, were on motion deferred for further iBvestigatiou. The following waa presented: To the Hon. Beard of Saparvieora: Gentlemen: Bclstive to the notice of Charles Kumar, representing that Louie Loseke is obstructing the public high waya on the oounty line between Platte ami Colfax counties, east of section 36 town 19. range 1 east, which complaiat was referred to me for investigation, I beg leave to report that after communi cating with membara of the county board of Colfax county, n joint investiga tion of the matter was arranged, aad after carefully inepeetisg the aaid road it waa agreed that en n future date to be designated by myself, there shall be made n corrected survey of the line of road in dispute, nnd alao that a certain bridge ou said line be correctly located. Respeetfully submitted, John Goetz. On motion same wss adopted. Moved by Supervisor Schure thnt n committee of three be nppoiuted for the pnrpoae to ascertain how many tracts of real estate entered on the tax lists of the county have been washed away by the Loup river, and to aubmit to this board a correct list of eame for cancellation of all unpaid tax liens against name on the tax lists. Motion curried and chair ap pointed as such committee supervieors Schure, Schsochsr'aBd Newman. The following bille were on motion allowed and the clerk directed to iceue warrants in payment ot mi the county general fund: Henry Schaecher, supervisor $45 80 John Goetz, eame 31 00 IiouiBSehwniz,same 32 90 J F Schure, eame 43 10 A E Priest, eame ' 40 30 M E Clother, saase 19 50 Wm J Newman, eaase 19 25 Moved by Supervisor Sehure that the board ot aupervisors now adjourn until August 12, 1997, at 2 o'clock p. m. Mo tion carried. RATES and retnrn, to Sent 1MV7 Salt Lake City and return. stone raric and return. JEfiMfflsasvCftyef xuuuuuig nui sum ouugcf every uay to Sent 12. 1907. f ' 'aj nnusunnj mmm A Aim tonr. everv daw to Snr 19 t i-G - - . :M sJSga&aJat&ftftfc '-&aei-3f y -fa " .r -v-t.' jtfo i '.&?S .L-.'f . y . f . .j S