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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1907)
' -?" jSkf " fWJ'-1 ."3T -K .-? V" ' "VT 4. 7V5"i "- " S V T - J" t t? V . iax-v v c "- rwe rW w v li Good Things In The House dont count unless you Include the pantry Wife knows when husband is tired and hungry she must reach his heart through his stomach. THEBESTOF GROCERIES is what you get from us. Price is as as cheap, too, as most others charge for what's inferior. Buy of us and get what's good. HENRY 18th St. GehHnbns MB HAMPTON T PLACER syMANMti Pa fsn AUTHOR Gfj .Htmcmw.nL capnucrfrmaYM.GJKaJMic sea Continued from lsst week. ne ota not in the least covet But bow, miracle of all miracles, just as the end seemed actually, attained, seemed beyond any possibility of be ing turned aside, he began to experi ence a desire to live he wanted to save this girl. His keenly observant eyes, trained by the exigencies of his trade to take note of small things, and rendered eager by this newly awakened ambi tion, scanned the cliff towering above them. He perceived the extreme ir regularity of its front, and numerous peculiarities of formation which had escaped him hitherto. Suddenly his puzzled face brightened to the birth of an idea. By heavens! it might be done! Surely it might be done! Inch by inch he traced the obscure passage seeking to impress each faint detail upon his memory that narrow ledge within easy reach of an upstretched arm. the sharp outcropping of rock edges here and there, the deep gash as though some giant ax had cleaved the stone, those sturdy cedars growing straight out over the chasm like the bowsprits of ships, while all along the way. irregular and ragged, varied rifts not entirely unlike the steps of a crazy staircase. The very conception of such an ex ploit caused his flesh to creep. But he was not of that class of men who fall back dazed before the face of danger. Again and again, led by an impulse he was unable to resist, he studied that precipitous rock, every nerve tingling to the newborn hope. God helping them, even so desperate a deed might be accomplished, although it would test the foot and nerve of a Swiss mountaineer. He glanced again uneasily toward his companion, and saw the same motionless figure, the same somber face turned deliberately away. Hampton did not smile, but his square jaw set, and he clinched his hands. He had no fear that she might fail him, but for the first time in all hiii life he miestioned his own cnurara. J Jmly Bargains .. Hemck at Both Phones 11111 Everybody Gets a Prize RAGATZ & CO. V CHAPTER III. Between Life and Death. The remainder of that day, as well as much of the gloomy night follow ing, composed a silent, lingering hor ror. The fierce pangs of hunger no longer gnawed, but a dull apathy now held the helpless defenders. One of the wounded died, a mere lad, sobbing pitifully for his mother; an infantry man, peering forth from his covert, had been shot In the face, and his scream echoed among the rocks in multiplied accents of agony; while Wyman lay tossing and moaning, mer cifully unconscious. The others rested in their places, scarcely venturing to stir a limb, their roving, wolfish eyes the only visible evidence of remaining life, every hope vanished, yet each man clinging to his assigned post of duty In desperation. There was but little firing the defenders nursing their slender stock, the savages bi ding their" time. When night shut down the latter became bolder, and taunted cruelly those destined to become so soon their hapless victims. Twice the maddened men fired recklessly at those dancing devils, and one pitched forward, emitting a howl of pain that caused his comrades to cower once again behind their covers. Oae and all these frontiersmen recognized the inevitable before dawn the end must come. No useless words were spoken; the men merely clinched their teeth and waited. Hampton crept closer in beside the girl while the shadows deepened, and ventured to touch her hand. Perhaps the severe strain of their situation, the intense loneliness of that Indian haunted twilight, had somewhat soft ened her resentment, for she made no effort now to repulse him. "Kid," he said at last, "are you game for a try at getting out of this?" Shfr appeared to hesitate over her answer, and he could feel ber tumultu ous breathing. Some portion of her aversion had vanished. s firm !. . ff, sjl.w m m.,m.jL.m.9 aul "Come. Kid' he ventured tally, yet with new 'assurance vibrating in. his low voice; "this is surely a poor time and place for any indulgence in tantrums, and you've got more sense. I'm going to try to climb up the face of. that cliff jonder. it's the only pos sible way out from here, and I pro pose to take you along with me." She snatched her hand roughly away, yet remained facing him. "Who gave you, any right to decide what I should do?-"' The man clasped his. fingers tightly about her slender arm, advancing his face until he could look squarely .Into hers. She reatt in the lines of that de termined countenance -a inflexible re solve which overmastered her. "The right given by : Almighty God to protect any one of your sex in peril," he replied. "Before dawn those savage fiends wiU be upon us. We are utterly helpless. There remains only one possible path for escape, and I be lieve I have discovered it. Now, my girl, you either climb those rocks with me, or I shall kill you where you are. It is that, or the Sioux torture. I have two shots left in this gun, one for you, the other for myself. The time LwwiP AfalVBSSCVsSSMSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSBSSslssfSsBSSB fe !SSSSBBSWBSsK. 1 SSSsKil Never .Once Did the Man Loosen His Grasping Grip of His Companion. has come for deciding which of these alternatives you prefer." "If I select your bullet rather than the rocks, what then?" "You will get it, but in that case you will die like a fool." "You have believed me to be one, all this afternoon." "Possibly," he admitted; "your words and actions certainly justified some such conclusion, but the opportunity has arrived for causing me to revise that suspicion." "I don't care to have you revise it, Mr. Bob Hampton. If I go, I shall hate you just the same." Hampton's teeth clicked like those of an angry dog. "Hate and be damned." he exclaimed roughly. "All I care about now is to drag you out of here alive." "Well, If you put It that way," she said, "I'll go." "Come on, then," he whispered, his fingers grasping her sleeve. She shook off the restraining touch of his hand as if it were contamination and sank down upon her knees beside the inert body. He could barely per ceive the dim Outlines of her bowed figure, yet never moved, his breath perceptibly quickening, while he watched and waited. Without word or moan she bent'yet lower and pressed her lips upon the cold, white face. The man caught no more than the faintest echo of a murmured "Good by, old dad; I wish I could take you with me." Then she stood stiffly up right, facing him. "I'm ready now," she announced calmly. "You can go on ahead." They crept among low shrubs and around the bowlders, carefully guard ing every slightest movement lest some rustle of disturbed foliage, or sound of loosened stone, might draw the fire of those keen watchers. Every inch of their progress was attained through tedious groping, yet the dis tance to be traversed was short, and Hampton soon found himself pressing against the uprising precipice. Againsi that background of dark cliff they might venture to stand erect, the faint glimmer of reflected light barely suffi cient te reveal to each the shadowy outline of the other. "Don't move an inch from this spot," he whispered. "It wouldn't be a square deal, Kid, to leave those poor fellows to their death without even telling them there's a chance to get out" She attempted no reply, as he glided noiselessly away, but her face, could he have seen it, was not devoid of ex pression. This was an act of gener osity and deliberate courage of the very kind most apt to appeal to her nature, and within her secret heart there was 'rapidly developing a re spect for this--man, who with such calm assurance won his own way. Then, suddenly, that black' curtain was rent by jagged spurts of .red and yel low flame. Dazed for .an instant, her heart throbbing wildly to the sharp reports of the rifles, she shrank cower ing back, her fascinated gaze fixed on those imp-like' figures leaping for ward from rock to rock. Almost with the flash and sound Hampton sprang hastily back and gathered her in his arms. "Catch hold, Kid, 'anywhere; only go up, and quick!" She retained no longer any mem-' ory of Hampton; her brain was com pletely terrorized. Inch by inch, foot by foot, clinging to a fragment of rock here, grasping a slippery branch there, occasionally helped by encountering a deeper gash in the face of the preci pice, her movements concealed by the scattered cedars, she toiled feverishly up. The first time she became aware , that Hampton was closely following was when her feet slipped along a naked .root, and she would have plunged headlong'into unknown depths had she not come In sudden contact t with his supporting shoulder. Faint and dizzy, and trembling like a leaf of an aspen, she crept forward onto a somewhat wider ledge of thin rock, and lay there QverJag-painfully from head to foot A moment of suspense, and he. was outstretched. beside her, resting atfull length along the very outer edge, his hand closing tightly over her "own. "Remain perfectly unlet," he whis pered, panting heavily. "We can lie oinna ana jcum, ins aui craaa ut blows, the shouts of men engaged in a death grapple, the sharp crackling of innumerable rifles, the inarticulate moans of pain, the piercing scream of sudden torture, were borne upward to them from oat the blackness. All at once the hideous uproar ceased with a final yelping of triumph, seemingly reechoed the entire lengthy of 'the chasm, In the midst of which 'one sin gle voice pleaded pitifully, only to die away fn a shriek:- The two agon ized fugitives lay listening, their ears strained to catch the slightest sound from below. Hampton's ears could dis-. cern evidences of movement, and he heard guttural voices calling at a dis- tance, but to the vision all was black.' These uncertain sounds ceased, the strained ears of the fugitives heard the crashing of bodies through the thick shrubbery, and then even this' noise died 'away in the distance. Yet neither ventured to stir or speak. It may be that the girl slept fitfully, worn out by long, vigil and intense strain; but the man proved less for tunate, his eyes staringout continual ly into the black void, his thoughts upon other days. His features were drawn and haggard when the first gray dawn found ghasUy reflection along the opposite rock summit, and with blurred eyes he watched the faint tinge of returning light steal down ward into the canyon. At last it swept aside thase lower clinging mists. as though some invisible hand had drawn back the night curtains, and he peered over the edge of his narrow resting place, gazing .directly down upon the scene of massacre. With a quick gasp of unspeakable horror he shrank se sharply back as to cause the suddenly awakened girl to start and glance into his face". "What is it?'" she questioned, with quick catching of breath, reading that which she could not clearly Interpret in his shocked expression. ."Nothing of consequence," and he faintly endeavored to smile. "I sup pose 1 must have been dreaming also, and most unpleasantly. No; please do not look down; it would only cause 'your head to reel, and our upward climb is not yet completed. Do you feel strong enough now to make an other attempt to reach the top?" "Can we?" she questioned helplessly. "We can, simply because we must," and his white teeth shut together firm ly. "There is no possibility of retrac ing our steps downward, but with the help of this daylight we surely ought to be able to discover some path lead ing up." He rose cautiously to his feet, press ing her more closely against the face of the cliff, thus holding her In com parative safety while preventing her from glancing back into the dizzy chasm. The most difficult portion of their journey was apparently just be fore them. More than once they tot tered on the very brink, held to safety merely by desperate clutcbings at rock or shrub, yet never once did the man loosen his guarding grasp of his com panion. Pressed tightly against the smooth rock, feeling for every crevice, every slightest Irregularity of surface, niakinj use of creeping tendril or dead branch, daring death along every inch of the way, these two creepers at last attained the opening to a little gulley, and sank down, faint and trem bling. The gill glanced furtively at him, the long lashes shadowing the expression of her lowered eyes. In spite of deep prejudice she felt im pelled to like this man; he accom plished things, and he didn't talk. It was nothing more serious than a hard and toilsome climb after that, a continuous struggle testing every mus cle, straining every sinew, causing both to sink down again and again, panting and exhausted, no longer stim ulated by imminent peril. The narrow cleft tbey foUowed led somewhere away from the exposed front of the precipice, yet arose steep and jagged before them. It was bridged finally by a cedar trunk, which Hampton wrenched from out its rocky foothold, and the two crept cautiously forward. to emerge where the sunlight rested golden at the summit They sank face 'downward in the short grass, barely conscious that they had finally won their desperate passage. Slowly Hampton succeeded in up lifting his tired body and his reeling head, until he could sit partially up right and gaze unsteadily about The girl yet remained motionless at his feet, her thick hair, a mass of red gold in the sunshine, completely concealing her face, her slender figure quivering J to sobs of utter exhaustion. Before them stretched the barren plain, brown, desolate, drear, offering in all its wide expanse no hopeful promise of rescue. With hand partially shad ing his aching eyes from the blinding glare, the man studied its every ex posed feature, his face hardening again into lines of stern determina tion Tho flrl Btirwxl from linr nrtat- tion, flinging back" her heavy vhair with one hand, and looking up into his face with eyes that read at once his disappointment "Have have you any water left?" she asked at last, her lips parched and burning as if from fever. He shook the canteen dangling, for gotten at his side. "There may be a few drop's," he said, banding it to her, although scarcely removing his fixed gaze from off that dreary plain. "We shall be obliged to make those .trees yonder; there ought to be water there in plenty, and possibly we may strike a trail." ; There was nothing more said- be tween them. Like two automatons, they started off across the parched grass, the heat waves .rising and fall ing as they stumbled forward. Neither realized until then how thoroughly that hard climb up the rocks, the strain of continued peril, and the long abstinence from food had sapped their strength, yet to remain where they were meant certain death; all hope found its center amid those distant beckoning trees. No one can explain later how 'such deeds are ever accomplished; how the tortured soul controls physical weak ness, and compels strained sinews to perform the miracle of action when all ambition has died. Hampton sure ly must have both seen and known, for he kept his direction, yet never, after wards did he regain any clear memory of it.- . CHAPTER -IV, ' On the Naked Plain. . It was U8 miles, w the crow Use, between old "Fort 'Bethene and the rock fori crossing the Bear Water, every foot, of that dreary, treeless distance Indian-haunted, the favorite skulking place and hunting ground of the restless Sioux. Winter and' sum mer this wide expanse had to be-suspiciously petroled by numerous mili tary scouting parties, anxious to learn more regarding the uncertain where abouts of wandering bands and the purposes of malcontents: One such company, composed of a dosen mounted 'infantrymen.: accom- r periled by three Cree trailers.' rode slowly1 and wearily across the brown exposed uplands down Into the longer, greener grass of the wide valley bot tom, until they emerged upon a barely perceptible trail which wound away in snake-like- twistlngs, toward those high, barren hills whose blue masses were darkly silhouetted against the western sky. -' The animals - moved steadily forward, reluctant and weary, their heads drooping dejectedly, their distended nostrils' red and quivering, the oily perspiration streaking their dusted sides. The tired men, half blinded by the glare, lolled heavily in their deep cavalry saddles, with en crusted eyes staring moodily ahead. Riding alone, and slightly in ad vance of the main body, his mount a rangy, broad-chested roan, streaked with alkali dust, the drooping head telling plainly of wearied muscles, was the officer in command. He was a pleasant-fared, stalwart young fellow, s with the trim figure of a trained ath lete, possessing a square chin smooth ly shaven, his intelligent blue eyes half concealed beneath his hat brim, which had been drawn low to shade them from the glare, one hand press ing upon his saddle holster as he leaned over to rest No insigna of rank served to distinguish him from those equally dusty fellows plodding gloomily behind, but a broad stripe of yellow running down the seams of his trousers, together with his high boots, bespoke the,cavalry service, while the front of his 'battered campaign hat bore the decorations of two crossed sabers, with a gilded "7" prominent between. His attire was completed by a coarse blue shirt, unbottoned at the throat, about which had been loosely knotted a darker colored silk handker chief, and across the back of the sad dle, was fastened a uniform jacket, the single shoulder strap revealed pre senting the plain yellow of a second lieutenant Attaining to the summit of a slight knoll, whence a somewhat wider'vista lay outspread, he partially turned his face toward the men straggling along in the rear, while his hand swept across the dreary scene. "If that line of trees over yonder indicates the course of the Bear Wa ter, Carson," he questioned quietly, "where are we expected to hit the trail leading down to the ford?" The sergeant, thus addressed, a lit tle stocky fellow wearing a closely clipped gray moustache, spurred his exhausted horse Into a brief trot, and drew up short by the officer's side, his heavy eyes scanning the vague dis tance, even while his right hand was uplifted in perfunctory salute. "There's no trail I know about along this bank, sir," he replied respectfully, "but the big cottonwood with the dead branch foiking out at the top is the ford guide." They rode down in moody silence into the next depression, and began wearily climbing the long hill opposite, apparently the last before coming di rectly down the banks of the stream. As his barely moving horse topped the uneven summit, the lieutenant sudden ly drew in his rein, and uttering an exclamation of surprise, bent forward, staring intently down in his 'immedi ate front For a single Instant he ap peared to doubt the evidence of hi own eyes; then he swung hastily from out the saddle, all weariness forgotten. "My God!" he cried, sharply, his eyes suspiciously sweeping the bare slope. 'There are two bodies lying here white people!" They lay all doubled up in the coarse grass, exactly as they had fallen, the man resting face downward, the slender figure of the girl clasped vice like in his arms, with her tightly closed eyes upturned toward the glar ing sun. Never once i questioning but that he was confronting the closing scene of a grewsome tragedy, the thor oughly aroused lieutenant dropped upon his knees beside them, his eyes already moist with sympathy, his anx ious fingers feeling for a possible heart-beat. A moment of hushed, breathless suspense followed, and then he began flinging terse, eager com mands across his shoulder to" where bis men were clustered. Here! Carson, Perry, Ronk, lay hold quick, and break' this fellow's clasp," he cried, briefly. "The girl retains a spark of life yet, but the man's arms fairly crush her." With all the rigidity of actual death those clutching hands held their tena cious grip, 'but the aroused soldiers wrenched the interlaced fingers apart with every tenderness possible in such emergency, shocked at noting the ex pression of intense agony stamped upon the man's face when thus ex posed to view. The whole terrible story was engraven there how he had toiled, agonized, suffered, before finally yielding to the inevitable and plunging forward in .unconsciousness, written as legibly as though by a pen. Carson, who in bis long service had witnessed 'much of death and suffer ing, bent tenderjy above him, seeking for some faint evidence of lingering life. The anxious lieutenant, bare headed under the hot sun-glare, strode hastily across from beside the uncon-' scions but breathing girl, and stood gazing doubtfully down upon them. "Any life, sergeant?" he demanded, his voice rendered husky by sympathy. "He doesn't seem entirely gone, sir," and Carson glanced up into the ofl cer's face, hi own eyes filled with feeling. "I can distinguish just a wee bit of breathing, but it's so weak the pulse hardly stirs." "What do you make of It?" "Starving at the bottom, sir. ' The only thing I see now is to get them down to water and food." The young oScer glanced swiftly about him across, that dreary picture of sun-burnt desolate prairie stretch ing in every direction, his eyes pans ins; slightly as they surveyed the tops of the distant cotton woods. "Sling blankets between your horses,' decisively.. "Mora sssssMmMmab.sfcmgsl Alt SuiER SUITS I ill - 'If fir; :-xwk im I'JBWsUIkS-' vjctSHIbs' -: iafc mmmTem : rB:mmmT : K t mmmsn S2nmajr: SP-?2CVBSW !2&Zew I. fifUsmV f imf iTsE!9jn 1 Zsssmn mrnKDUY ::-'3 l-msS 'VMS tlH : : jBS 'l;m!SS ju vm i j Stylish Sack Suits of decidedly smart character, meres and cheviots; single or double-breasted. Choose any $12.00 and $15.00 Sack Suits at $10.50? $18.00 and $20.00 Sacks Suits at $12.75 $22.00 and $25.00 Sack Suits at $18.75 GKEISEN BROS. quickly, lads, and we may save oae or these lives yet," - As if by some magic discipline the rude, effective litters were rapidly made ready, and the two seemingly lifeless bodies gently lifted from off -the ground and deposited carefully within. Down the long, brown slope they advanced slowly, a soldier grasp ing the rein and walking at each horse's head, the supporting blankets, securely fastened ' about the saddle pommels, swaying gently to the meas ured tread of the trained animals. Be neath the protecting shadows of the first group of cottonwoods, almost on the banks of the muddy Bear Water, the little party let down their sense less burdens, and began once more their seemingly hopeless efforts at re suscitation. A fire was hastily kin dled from dried and broken branches, and broth was made, which was forced through teeth that had to be pried open. Water was used unsparingly, the soldiers working with feverish eagerness, inspired by the constant ad monitions of their officer, as well as their own curiosity to learn the facts hidden behind this tragedy. It was the dark eyes of thef girl which opened first, instantly closing again as the glaring light swept Into them. Then slowly, and with wonder- "y. "Now Miss, Just Take a Sip of This." saBsswVTti yiiQmJaV'Cj: . -. & jMHe'aejavjs-t j sibpSm, if.wiaja 5i 'TSSlSBHraSjsS.SSmSEn ' 'sssmmV wlmvT''' aalEHRt' '.r - C' stroBg and durable make IN -rw?., yJLljSg5e 3' C the newest things in fur- luT II ft 9 R JJr"a'apenmju3s) ajB I aV a I HENRY GASS I dBhahadhi t v FtrMea atlHK MwB w Owlag at It's stock clenriae; time witk' us money saving time with jou. ' As 70a may know, it is oar invariable policy to dispose of all left-overs at the end of the season, at prices tkat barely cot er actual cost. - Owing to the protracted cool weather this spring, yon will find here a far greater variety of styles aad fabrics than offered in previous years. (tataa Trsen Salts fr Mea aid Yoaag Mea. in newest single aad doable- . breasted models, made of-tropical worsted, cassiiaere aad iaa nels. Choose: At 10.C9 " any $12.50 or tlf 00 Suit $At 15.50 any $18 00 or $20.00 At $18.50 Jany $22.00 or $35.00 Suit. a for Men & Tonus Men il in high class worsted, w m m w ment, she gazed np Into those strange, rough faces surrounding her, pausing In her first survey to rest her glance on the sympathetic countenance of the young lieutenant, who held her half reclining upon his arm. "Here." he exclaimed, kindly. Inter preting her glance as one of fear, "yon are all right aad perfectly safe now. with friends to care for yon. Peters, bring another cop of that broth. Now, miss, just take a sup or two of this, and your strength will come back in a Jiffy. What was the trouble? Staxv-' Ingr She did exactly as he hade her. every movement mechanical, her eyes fastened upon his face. "I I reckon that was partly it." she responded at last, her voice faint and husky. Then her glance wandered away, and finally rested upon another little kneeling group a few yards far ther down stream. A look of fresh In telligence swept into her face. . "Is that him?" she questioned, trem blingly. "Is Is he dead?" "He wasn't when we first got here, but mightly near gone, I'm afraid. I've been working over yon ever since." She shook herself free and sat .week ly up. her lips tight compressed, her eyes apparently blind to all save that motionless body she could barely dis tinguish. "Let me tell you. that fel low's a man. Just the same;' the gamest, nerviest man I ever saw. I reckon he got hit, too, though he never said nothing about it That's hm style." The deeply interested lieutenant re moved his watchful eves from oft bis charge just long enough to glance, in quiringly across his shoulder.. Has the man any signs of a wound, ser geant?" he asked, loudly. "A mighty ugly slug m the shoulder, sir; has bled scandalous, but 1 guess It's the very luck that's goia' to save him; seems now to be comln' out all right" To be continued m"e ITm eT m -l 1 n -V w rS, sj" . ay' s?i S--ssjfv'. IgllJBJpllBji 4243Mu&u& tk,JtJI.,