The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 24, 1907, Image 4
"Jf Ttr'H " :t? if.-T'i -" - ?;wf ?y - . " T ' ?f l?n t f-v- Columbus Journal acta . . Tmn ornTMcaxraoB: OMW.trwUiMtMlJMfri 4LM 8IX MWItM'HMMIIMMMMMMMNtM Hum MBttllis - - wssss" , WKDMX8DA.Y. JULY 24, Iff: R.L STROTHER. .... F..K. STROTHER. .. ..,... cawot . ...Jaaaaier. p. or wrapper shows to what tisae jpar oveeot. or wrapper snows iowiim. niww JmKitid. U 72T Tana JaaK -bow. that mimt has been marred ap to-Jaa-M". f9Mtorab.l.lMBaadoB. When oayeat 1. Am tha data, which nil fee as receipt. ra wfll eoatiaaa to reeeivi itafi Joaraal nntU Itta whamaUawearaai "Bef bsjpnkLIf yoawtoaot wa the JoarnareoatinBed for another year af- tarthattBa hh lor aas expires. jm ran to CHANGE IN ADDRK88-WorderIaT a aae an wwi i, " """". "" MPWMWWWU-""" gassS-finE? xLaafev GlllW!BfiteaTnBBBBBV yMKaBMBBBaW jrr2SS'!rjBsBsBsBsBBk ??' 'bt SBBBBaaasV f&ifmr-' Ibbbbbtbb .WlEBMi.iaBk, fllaBaaaaam hasnlBV JbbbK- (asaaam KlaM jBsaaaa (aBTaaaTaTaVlCBTaTaQt'' ".sYaTaTasan. ? faBBBBTBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaTaTaTaTaTaTaB SBBSBBBBBBBBBBBEaBBBBBBSBTJ LIIHillllHFm''BBBH Jerome .B. Alcock, republican can idate for county Baperintendent of pablic inatraction. Seven years a teacher in jural schools, eighteen years as principal and teacher in high schools. Attendance at two summer sessions of the Tniversity of Nebraska. Hold life certificate issued on state examination in 1906. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for the office of county superintendent on the republican ticket, subject to the approval .of the voters at the primary electton, and on the basis of the above qualifications solict your support. J. R. Alcock! Secretary Taft seems to have drop ped oat ot the presidential race at present, but it is no wonder. In this hot weather a big man like him must keep very qoiet The great meeting of the Elks at Philadelphia has resolved to discard the elk teeth as an emblembecause the harmless animals, the-elks, were being exterminated for their teeth. A very humane resolution. Now let our society ladies resolve not to wear inno cent little birds on their hats, and put a stop to their extermination. Oar tofiTii, Jwdge L L. Albert, is mentioned ail over the state as the moBtpronuMat ad the -most proba ble nominee for suprease judge o Ike democratic ticket this year, and. a most creditable aomuaabea it woM be. So far as Judge Albert is co- cened'its only a pity" that thk year this nominatioa is sorely am' esapty bohor. What'paalesusis, how can Judge Albert's aaae be placed, oa the democratic ticket maderi r pres ent primary law, if the rulimg of ke Attorney General-holds good,' that there can be no fusioB? Jadge Al berfisa poDulist aadased to be a re publican. He was merer a deawcrat. The democratic priawry ticket will not have his name om it. JJ.rery aeat ocrat who wants to vote for Judge Al bert at the next, primuury electiom, must write his name. They aay fad away to get around this; bat we do not just see how it cam be dome. We regiet exceedimgly that we are compelled to announce that Judge J. 6. Beeder will not. cooseat to be a candidate for re-electiom as district judge. He has served one term so credibly has made so many fnemde, has at all times and om all occmsioms displayed the strictest impartiality and integrity, and in short has muds such a fine, industrious presiding judge that practically everybody in this judicial district would like to see him contin ued in that position, but for personal reasons Mr. Reader prefers to leave the bench and to return to the practice of law. J. G. Martin of Central City has announced himself as a candidate for the republican nomination. He will undoubtedly get it He is one of the brightest lawyers in the state. He formerly resided .here, and is well known and very popular. We shall, certainly do all we can for his electiom. Platte is and always, has been under democratic control This is very nice for the democratic candidate. He cam spend a lot of money to be nominated, he knows nomination usually means election, bnt where is the advantage to the taxpayers of this county? Are our taxes less than in-republican counties? Have we nice roads and bridges? Have we a fine court house? What have we to show for all the taxes ? Why not have' a court house cleaning this time? The sheriff, the clerk, the clerk of the district court and the county judge all have held office for two terms, and are all np for re-election. Let us vote for a mew deal. a 2W' Bid ing IwinA BW BW BlH Bl BKv vl , v;"V - We have sold our first carload and we are -j -.. r i. .- . " f . - i m-t r,.- '" v ' nowiak; orxiers for our second car, at the .. , : tVil':' svV"'f'' . V ' louowing; prices. v . . . r- ' ' - " "- T . m m m? Bert "A" Grade Standard Twine 10c - -1 The 'twine will run as many feet to the poond as any twine on the 'market Come inandexamiueit RHTMLHTiER W"B r-mmm ,mrg tMI' d v- -- r,n r t nr? r r1- 3 &C0. The post office department at Wash ington has allowed the Columbus post office an additional clerk, because the receipts and work Ib steadily increas ing. The receipts of the office for the quarter ending June 30, 4906, were $2,725, and the receipts for the cones- BobHamptonofPlacer By RANDALL PARRISH. AmmW tf "lata WaUermtmi Wat tim" "A Swarf 0U Fiamacr.'9. ale r Thb remarfaiHe tbry will be nm aeriaDy thb paper. Read what the 'critics say of it : St. Paul Dispatch A compelling interest biases the reader in favor of this tale, which with a wealth of dramatic power, reaches its climax in a description of the Custer massacre. Injustice makes men restless, and Bob Hampton was mo' mean specimen, but the love he bears his old commander,' General Custer, like a magnet draws him with tmfailingr fatality, so that, with his old company, he, reinstated,, falls with that gallant leader. Hotmton Cnronicle The story is decidedly the best Mr. Parrish has written, and the popularity of his former vol umes in connection with the excellence of this latest- will make it one of the widely read novels of the day. Im this story he has, perhaps, reached the summit of his art. The Little Rock Gaxette This is one of the strongest, most virile stories of the year. The author has had several successes. This latest should eclipse them alL ' The Portland Oregoniam Mr. Parrish cam rest assured that in writing this military tale he has created a true American novel on rational lines. Chicago Daily News Te best and strongest story in the line of succession from Mr.' Parrish' s pen. The story isT complication and characterization is wonderfully cleverj the elements of' suspense' remarkably sustained, while its at mosphere of mystery is as strong and. its purpose as. deep as any that ever entered the most subtle, lz-wUH-g mood of Sherlock Holmes. Bob Hampton of Placer" is another. thrilling American novel by Randall Parrish. . Like its.. predecessors, it commands attention from the start and holds the interest absorbed by its continuous actiosw Furthermore -it isj a motably well written story, exhibttimg the author's rareense of dramatic values. Gramal Rapids Herald The surpassing power of this novel, Bob Hampton of Placer," marks it not only as tmm best by Mr. Parrish but as probably the stromestim kmafcam interest of the season.. Seldom has any move! exceeded it -m vinle strength and the quality that arouses the . ' j Chapter begun in the Jour . nal July 10. ponding quarter of 1907 were $3, 395.50. Wm. R. Smell, who is a sub stitute clerk, will be the regular clerk. Ckdumbas is also entitled to another city letter carrier if more people would number their houses and put dowa sidewalks. aBamfmmi . XfttkssaalyM. , A human hyena is a gossip fiend. It's a "queer deal" This trust busting business. How would a Pop look perched on a democrat ticket anyhow ? Just wink the other eye and hand the Japanese a Spanish onion. Wouldn't it be just as well to place the uawrittea law in the code now ? It is now in order that the' United States build another fleet for the At lantic A poor fellow in one of pur neigh boring states had to pay $25 for kiss ingagirl. That settles h we'll stay at home. Carrie Nation says she may goto jail but she'll never go to hell. The devil ought to sit up and congratu late himself. Now if Judge Albert would just consent to be a democrat, it would be a nlaim case of shanine one's ways to suit the occasion. Now Mr. Hughes it's up to you. New York state ought to be com pelled to pay three cents per mile for another year at least. An old bachelor has made himself famous by uttering this remark: Man proposes, woman imposes and the divorce court exposes. L. . Habterd of Boone county fame and chief mewsdispemser at Pet ersburg was in the city hut week and when accosted as to his business in the city he remarked that he was try ing to find a republican, that he'd like to see a Platte county republican, it would be such a curiosity. We discovered him in the act of searching the U. P. depot and the court house No wonder he couldn't see anything. It isn't necessary for Mr. Bryan to make any formal announcement that he will again face these good times and try to make the people believe they are passing through a perilous age and that hard times is staring them in the face.: Don't get scared brethren. That's the kind of oratory that made the famous Nebraskan rich. If the voters of Platte county were onto their job they would turn, a few more calamity howlers out the ;backdooa .There is a phase to the agitation regarding Judge Albert and his sup posed democratic friends which needs a little airing and can be accepted for what it is worth and that is the democrats well know there is. nothing for them to win in the Supreme Judg eship and that the man who consents to accept the nomination must see his defeat before be begins his campaign and, not wishing to see . one of their own flock slaughtered they put on broad grins similar to those of their leader, and with a plate of golden coin and a cup of sweet insence they issarch into the populist camp to em- ttice one of their number to be a trai tor to his own conscience and people fonry to be made an animal for sacri fice and thereby save the heads' of their owm eommtrymVem to a more op pbrfaMtimie. " Albert is a lawyer will he bite? r S There mast he something very em ticmgaboutawWinganofice in this county. Nearly all the offcers mow domiciled at the pie counter are ask- bg the Platte Couaty taxpayers form tmird slice of pie. Usually one piece of pie at a meal itammkismt and only children who are devoid of table eti quette would think of asking for a sec ond slice and the - whole household chagrined if he should be so unruly as to ak for a third. The mother would be justified im , yanking such aa'unrmlly eaa front the table hot aSaiolKat over the,, posterier ana tomy and send him up retain to bed. Bealry nowlt dees assmt like there it some mighty good grazin'in the court house premises and as plums are scarce owing to the early frosts this spring the taxpayers will find it hard to keep the old gang supplied espec ially since a pie can only be cut into four big pieces or six ordinary piece?, and the pie eaters either want three fourths of it or half as his share either way it is cut. Wonder how they would like to see the bloomin' thing cut sixteen to one, and that one get get his full share. What a howl the democratic pie eaters of Platte county would set up if President Roosevelt would have asked or will yet consent to run a third term. The very fellows at the Platte county pie counter now asking for a third slice would be the very ones to start their bazoos going first and they would holler the loudest. What is there consistent in this? Is there mot enough capable democrats im Platte county to substitute or are they afraid to risk pulling someone else into the old ring. But Teddy would 'commit an horrible crime against this commonwealth if he should accept a third nominatson from those who bring it to his door and lay it at his feet Not even out of the generosity of his heart must he accept it in the eyes of a democrat. It would spell their defeat and they know it. Here is a man they dare not assail. Their friends are his com mon enemies. . They raise their hand and say, he has stolen our platform, and if this be true what are they go ing to stand on this fall. Will the later deny this alligation or will they set up another idol in their camp and bow down to it declaring it to be an offspring of their former fancies. T ask for a third chunk and to accept a second full term when you have been courteously persuaded is two dif ferent conditions entirely. Anew re tinue of county officers for Platte, whether democratic or republican would, have a tendency to clear the polluted atmosphere around the court house and tend to minimize the smell likened unto the famous Chinese stinkpots. Have you ever noticed the nice lit tle graft our democratic friends have in publishing the "Synopsis of the Supervisors proceedings at a stated rate per line?" Note the superfluous wording. It makes one disgusted to read a half column to get the sense of an action that might have been ex pressed in a sentence of 'reasonable length and perfectly eligible to the gramarian for analysis. "A Synopsis" is a general view; not a minute detail of every single little act whether of importance or not. A synopsis of a story and a review are not one and the same thing.. The people of Platte county, says a prominent writer, have like the people of little' Polk, been hoodood long enough, the only differ ence being that the people of Polk county decided they had had enough of it )ast fall and partially threw off the yoke and the .people of Platte have not thoroughly awakened to the fact that they are being held up. Take the commissioners proceedings in this issue of the .Journal, which by the way. are printed free of diarge 'be cause we "do hot "blieve('im forcing the republicanKof.thwJcpuhty torlive uvienorance of the actions-of -utne county board or take a papet of a re-1 hhjmmhA JaIAmha Ca 4KAiak Wa1A( in a order to get these reports as every cit izen of this county has a right to-demand. Look them dyer carefully and note the superfluous wording and $hen condense the paragraph and aee mow the lines which come at so much per, diminish like so much smoke before a heavy gale. "ASynopais ! " says the law governing such reports but then even that word is elastic according to the 16 to 1 brand. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION or THE fismffaamma Ifjvli LilSmV amafl WWIWAWBnaav BBBjBwa aWBiai aiarai lalMiic atMclafJM Of Columbus, Nebraska, oh the 30th day of June,.iw. '---KHI Wb S"KH i m ilfaMt Sfoceries SSSSSSSESS2ESZSESSES AT 22S2SS2ZZZ555ZSI Ml WAGONS Let us build you one. We pat ''nothing- but the very beat material and workauuubip in them.- The price fa right. Bring in your taola at to be sharpened and repaired now. It will save yon time -when the spring work i up. We keep only the latest and bestim ajgits Ml Cffliag All lands of ..Fim Implnints.. taTTOar- Horaoshoos stick and jioat lame your home try them. LobIs Schreiber. AS8ZT8. ", Fint noHRURe loaas $IK.M0 00 Stuck loatw 4l.0O 00 lVlinqaeat iatereat, premiams ami - anT... 515 90 Expenses aad taxes paid 5,930 Kl Total .". .$24819 05 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid u S1W.088 00 Undivided profits 41V-U 05 Total. 327 or. atCllPTS ASD EXPBNPITUUCS FOB THE YEAH ENDING JUNE 30, 197. BECEIrTS. Balance oa hand July 1.W08....; .'$ 9.SS7 02 I Dues 3MW4U Interest, and fiaes. W.IJH S5 I tana repaid., ........ 37,300 00 MeBtbuntiip and transfer fees.-w 313 tkl Total .". 115,U102 KXPEHPITPHES.. Loans . 5101,100 00 Expenses l.8 51 Cash on hand : S.0i 51 Totals ..SU5.13102 Htate op Nebbabka, ) a Platte County JM I. Henry HnchenlierKer. secretary of the above named Association, do solemnly swear that th foregoing statement of the condition of said Association, is trne and correct to the best of ac knowledge and belief. Hbxbt Hockenberokb. Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of Jbly.1907. Gus G. Becheb. jb.. Rotary lub!ic. Approved: P. J. Habt, ) W. M. Cobhelics, Directors. J, H. Gallet, ) july2 FINAL NOTICE. In the District Coart of Platte coonty. Nebraska. State Tax Bait, year 19S5 To Thomas Welch and David B. Smith and the unknown heirs and devisees of Thomas Welch, deceased: Notice is hereby giyen that under a decree or the District Court of said county of Platte, ren dered in the State Tax Suit for the year 19UT wherein the Stale of Nebraska was plaintiff and The Several Parcels of Land. Ac. were defend, ants, the following described real estate situated in the coonty or Platte and state of Nebraska, to-wit: Lots 5 and 8, block 199, in the city of Columbasin said county and state, and desig nated in said decree as Tract Xo. 174 and 175 was on the 1st day of November. 1905. duly sold at imblic vendue by the County Treasurer of said county in the manner provided by law. and that the deriodof redemption from kucIi sale will exp re on the 1st day of November, 1907. You are further notified that the owner of the certificate of tax sale issaed by the county treat. nrer. covering tracts No. 171 ami 175, will make application to the court in the above entitled caase for confirmation on sneb sale as soon as practicable after the period of redemption has expired, and you are hereby notified that the time and place of bearing upon confirmation will be entered in theConfirmation Kecord, kept by the clerk of the said court, on or before the 1st day of November, 1907. Yon will examine the confirmation record to ascertain the time of snch hearing aad may be present if yru desire to make any objection or snow cause why sale should not be confirmed. v. Joseph Sxoix, Owner and holder of Tax Certificates. jai2ft-4 KEATING and SCHRAM'S If you are not a customer at our store we ask of you to at least call and see our provision counters. All goods fresh deli cious and quality no better to be bad call on us f though you don't buy yf & KEATING and SCHRAM FINAL NOTICE. In the District Court ot Platte ceanty. Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, plaintiff, vs. The Several Parcels of Land hereinafter descnlied and all persons-and corporations having, or claimimr title to. or any interest, right, or claim in, and to snch parcels of real estate: or 'any part thereof, defendants. To William J. Collins, John W. Martin, the unknown heirs and devisees of Rebecca Long shore and S. C. Longshore ' Notice is hereby given that under a decree of the District Court of said county of Platte. State of Nebraska, rendered in the State Tax Suit for the year 1905, the following leecribed real estatn situated in the county of Platte, and State of Nebraska, to-wit: Lota One. Two and Three of Block Seven (7), Oida Addition to the City of Columbus. Platte county, Nebraska, and designated in said decreo as tracts Ne. 374, 375. 376 and 378. was on the 1st day of November, 1905. duly sold at pablic ven ds by the County Treasurer of said county in the manner provided by law. and that the period of redemption from snch sale will expire on the 1st day of November. 19117. You are farther notified that the owner of the certificate of tax sale, covering tra ta No. 374. 375, 376 and 378, isned by the Coonty Treasurer will make application to the Court in the above entitled cause for confirmation on such sale as soon as practicable after the period of redemp tion has expired, and jou are hereby notified that the time and place of hearing upon confir mation will be enter, d in the Confirmation ttecord kept by the clerk of said court, on or be fore the 1st day of November. 19OT. Yon wiU examine the Confirmation Record to ascertain the time of such hearing and may be present, if yon desire, to make any objections or show caase why sale should not be confirmed. Dated this 18th day of June. 1907. Geo. W. Elston. Owner aad holder of Tax Certificate, t juaeaS-4 FINAL NOTICE. In the District Court of Platte county, Nebraska. State Tax Suit. Year 1905. To Jennie W.Payne to unknown heirs and devisees of Jennie W. Payne deceased. Notice ishert-by given that under decree of the District Court of said cdanty of Platte ren dered ta the State Tax: 8uU for the year 19CS wherein the State of Nebraska was plaintiff red The several parcels of land Ac. were defendants, the following described real estate, situated in the county of Platte and state of Nebraska, tp wit: lot 8. block No. 151. city of Columbus, in said county aad state, and designated in said decree aa Tract No. 112. was on the 1st day of November. 1905. duly sold at public vendue by the county treasurer of said county in the man ner provided by taw, and that the period of redemption from snch sale wdl expire on the 1st day of November. 1907. Yon are further notified that the owner of the certiicate.of tax sale Kr the county treasurer covering tract No. 112. will make applieaiion to the court in the for connrmatioB oa micu u mm as practicable after the period of redemption has expired, and yon are- hereby notified that the tiswaad place of hearing upon confirmation vriU bsenterediin the confirmation record kept by the clerk of said court on or b-fore the Ut day of November. 1907. You will examine the ". 1 . uavtna thm lint f snch hearing and may be reseBt if you desire to sale should not be confirmed. Di this th day of J-f Owner and holder of Tax Certificate.' juaeSW.' f" HARD AND SOFT COAL I01DERS FILLED PROMPT LY. P. D. SMITH LUMBER CO. ' Eleventh Street. Columbus, Nebraska. -W FRISCHHOIZ BROS SHOES CLOTHING r Gents9 Furnishing Goods RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. iW FRISCHHOLZ I bb '' mR K BfAK. B bbbI bbb! ' assY B bbbT aaal B 405 11th Street, Columbus. Engage jour Girl For the Four Days or the (Jreat Race Meeting ih CoIhimIims Aug. 6, 7, 8 and 9 . So that you may be free to your attend every day of the races. Work Fifty of the fastest horses west of the Missonri river will be here. They Need Horse-owners . like money, Monev arid $4,500 will be offeree to the winners at this great meeting. Tell them to come and visit Tell Your you during the days of the Friends - racfes. There will ba some thing doing every day. Let's all help the officers of the new Columbus Driving Let's all Club make a good name for xfgjp the horsemen of the town. Help by attending and en , courafing others to attend. Don t-Forget the Dates Aug. 6, 7, 8 and 9 I" ? ? I ' v'J.-t.feiv SiticrStfiiit A-iir :&-.: $.?' &&t f i."V-s,r-1 i jsjJf r. ;i x -- "-'.'yl i -i -j&tv'.it J . -5fi 'rf. . I -LL --" T' -' 7. - - .-