The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 17, 1907, Image 3

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CHAPTER XIX. Continued.
And when she had summoned assist
ance? When the castle was stormed,
as it were, by gendarmes? My own
peril would be extreme.
It was hopeless to prevent the in
evitable. The rescue of Captain
Forbes would be accomplished; my
complicity in the intrigues of Dr.
Starva and Madame de Varnier would
be taken for granted. Expostulations
would be useless. My very presence
in the chateau would be face evidence
of my guilt.
And so I had played my desperate
game to no puriose.
To save myself that was my one
thought. Two courses lay before me.
Could I make my way to Captain
Forbes? Could I effect his release be
fore Helena returned with help? If
that were possible, and if I could
hastily make my position clear to the
king's messenger all might yet, be
well. At least so far as the establish
ment of my innocence was concerned.
Or I might overtake Helena Brett
To her I might make my confession.
And if she were persuaded, not only
that I was acting in her interests, bnt
that my plan to clear up Sir Morti
mer's disappearance promised success,
I might even now be successful.
It was my fear that she would scorn
fully refuse both to believe my story
and to accept my aid that made me
hesitate as to this course.
It was Dr. Starva who decided for
He had appeared on the terrace be
low, and he was following Helena
I had read Captain Forbes's message
as well as Helena. Why, then, could
there not have been a third person
interested in the strange antics of the
mirror? And if this surmise- were
true? If Dr. Starva or Madame de
Varnier had read the message? They
had not hesitated to use desperate ex
pedients to gain their purpose. Would
Dr. Starva hesitate to use means as
desperate to prevent Helena from
summoning help?
I asked myself this startling ques
tion as,I tank the stairs two at a time
to the great hall. The main entrance
was locked. For a moment I thought
that I was a prisoner in the chateau as
well as Captain Forbes. Even now I
am not certain that such was not the
intention of Madame de Varnier. But
Dr. Starva had gained the terrace by
a small door close by the spiral stair
case. In his haste he had forgotten to
lock this door.
Desperate as was my own haste I
took the precaution of locking the side
door after me and placing the key in
my pocket My reasons for this were
vague enough. It was an instinct that
prompted me to take the precaution
rather than deliberate reflection. But
perhaps I might be able to regain the
chateau in due time by this side en
trance, and none be the wiser. For
as far as I knew I had effected my
exit unobserved.
In the meanwhile I ran swiftly after
Helena and Dr. Starva. I had lost
sight of both. I soon came to an end
of the promenade. It led directly into
the main street of the village. Now
that 1 had gained the village street I
looked eagerly about for them. Neither
was in sight I guessed that Helena
Brett would make her way as soon as
possible to the hotel where she was
known. What hotel? That was the
I halted an urchin and asked him
the name of the best hotel in Alter
hoffen. "Oh, the Grand hotel." he an
swered without hesitation; "that is
where all the English lords and Amer
ican millionaires stay."
Then let him take me hither; I
tempted him with a franc.
"Evidently the gentleman is in a
I assured him that 1 was, and prom
ised him two francs if I could reach
.the hotel before a lady whom I was
"Then, the gentleman must go by
the short cut"
I sped after the urchin down the vil
lage street
This street is one of the most quaint
in the whole world. There are two
stories of shops on either side. The
pavement of the shops below is roofed
over; this covered passageway is the
pavement for the second series of
shops above. I was on the lower pave
ment, and this explains how I was
able to reach a flight of steps, the cut
the youngster had promised, before
Helena or Dr. Starva.
At the foot of these steps the .young
ster bolted, assuring me that I should
find the hotel when I had reached the
top of the flight
These steps pierced a wall of one
of the houses of the village street
The flight was straight for the first
20 or so, then it turned curiously on
a little landing at right angles. Here
I was in semi-darkness. I groped my i
way for the continuance of the flight
The first series of steps, I began to see
dimly, had ended at a sort. of porter's
lodge. I learned afterwards. that this
was a private entrance to the hotel
above and that in the glass-covered
little-room a porter was accustomed
to sit
I was still feeling my way cautious
ly about (for I had not yet seen that
the flight of steps was continued at
right angles, and the steps were
broken and uneven), when the circle
of light at the foot of the steps lead
ing into the street was blotted out
At first I hoped it might be Helena.
But it was a man, and he was leaping
up the steps in desperate haste.
I guessed it to be Dr. Starva. But
I had no intention of letting him know
that I was following him. I pressed
close against the wall to let him pass.
To my astonishment he darted into
the empty porter's lodge and crouched
town in the gloom. I held my breath.
GopraGBT.B06. DJifrzE7trrcctBxmO
watching, hardly an arm's length from
where he stood motionless.
Again the circle of light was blotted
out A woman was rapidly ascending
the steps. I could bear her catching
her breath. It was Helena on her way
to the hotel for aid.
And now I am forced to a confession
that will deepen the sympathy or con
tempt felt for me when I related the
tragedy at the beginning of my nar
rative. But I have determined to make
myself .no hero.
For now again came that curious
paralysis of will. Again, as in the
tragedy of the Alps, horror robbed me
for the moment of power to act in
stantly. I had caught the glint of
steel. I knew that Helena was doomed
unless I hurled myself instantly on the
treacherous assassin.
I did Indeed fling myself headlong
on him, but only after he had fired.
There was a crash of shattered glass;
the shot of his revolver was still echo
ing in the stairway as I grappled with
It was an unequal struggle. I felt
Dr. Starva's hairy hands close about
my throat and I was hurled backward.
I Am Rudely Enlightened.
The force of the blow had stunned
me for the moment Presently I heard
Helena calling for help. I struggled
to my feet and leaned gasping against
the wall.
"Are you much Art, sir?" she asked
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It Was an Unequal Struggle.
In French, in a cool, matter of fact
voice. She had not recognized me in
the semi-gloom.
"I am not hurt at all," I replied in
English. "But I am sorry. Miss Brett,
that i hat villain has made his escape."
"I fancy I heard some one rush after
him." she continued, coming to me
closer and trying to distinguish my
"I am Mr. Haddon," I said, quietly.
She repeated the name vaguely.
"The coward," I added.
There was an awkward pause. We
began to ascend the second flight of
"I am arraid yon are assuming a
name to which you have little right
Mr. Haddon." she said gently. "I be
lieve that you saved my life just now.
I am much obliged to you."
She extended a white hand in the
gloom. There was absolutely nothing
of senthnentalism in the action. And
for myself, I was cynically unmoved.
I received her thanks almost guiltily
and a little sullenly.
"I little thought"- she continued
dreamily, "that you. of all men, would
save my life. It savors a good deal
of the melodramatic, does it not? It
is very strange."
"At the best it was a lucky accident
Miss Brett Frankly, you are unhurt
rather because the man was a ba?
shot than because of any assistance I
gave you."
I spoke the words thoughtfully and
quite sincerely. I knew only too well
that my interference would have been
too late had Dr. Sarva's aim been
more sure. It seemed to me little
less than-a. miracle that Helena Brett
should be unwounded. I could take
no credit for that myself.
Far from that I should tell her the
absolute truth if I were honest I
would bay to her: "On the contrary,
I have proved myself to be a coward
again infinitely more so than when
Wllloughby lost his life. Then I was
exhausted, physically powerless. Now
I have failed still by the fatal three
seconds because terror held me spell
bound for the moment It makes lit
tle difference, so far as my courage or
cowardice is concerned, that you are
r .r ! .'. - J
living while Wllloughby died. In
either case I have been equally weak."
That was what I should sayto,her4
I-were an honest man. . r .
But I did not You seel am frank In
these confessions. Really, then, I am
showing, that in, this instance I, .was
even k greater;, coward than before.
For then f at' leasehold tie truth. I
did not conceal from her the hideous
word,0WilJoughby had spoken before
he died. Now i.wasjcoaceajing from
her theYact that I' knew" I-deserved
the reproach -as 'keenly.
We had reached the top of the steps.
We walked slowly toward the Grand
hotel. Helena, I could see, was con
cerned with her own thoughts as much
as was L For a moment the shock of
the accident had made her ferget her
errand. Now that we were near the
hotel its urgency came to her with re
doubled force. She was debating
whether she should take me into her
confidence. She was saying to her
self, I was sure, that it would be a
generous reparation for her' unjust
censure of me on the terrace of the
hotel at Lucerne if she intrusted to
me the deliverance of Captain Forbes.
"Why," she asked slowly, "should
that man have lain in wait for me
there? Was he a common thief, do
you think?"
"No," I answered after some hesita
tion. "He is a Bulgarian, a political ad
venturer. I am afraid. Miss Brett,
that he has had much to do with the
disappearance of your brother."
She paused, startled.
"How should you know that?" her
voice vibrated with suspicion.
"Because I have learned something
of him at the chateau. I am a guest
there." I pointed to the castle towers
across the valley.
"You are a guest of that woman,
Madame de Varnier?"
"Then, sir," she was hastening her
steps, and spoke with cold hostility,
"it is certainly not to yon that I should
be appealing for help."
"Miss Brett," I said with some bit
terness, "you draw your conclusions
very hastily. Is it impossible for you
to believe that I wish to help yon
that I wish to make atonement to you
for the suffering I have caused you
She looked at me intently, her eyes
still wide with distrust
"But you are at the chateau," she
repeated. "You are a friend of that
infamous woman who has ruined my
brother. If you are her friend, how
can you be mine?"
"I have not said that I am her
friend." 1 protested quietly.
"But you are at the chateau." She
spoke the words obstinately. That
fact was, in her eyes, an unanswerable
"Yes; and I know that Captain
Forbes is detained there; I know that
he has just signaled to you that fact
and has asked you to get help. And
now I want yon to leave the matter
in my hands. I demand 'that as my
right It is a task I have set myself.
Once you said to me that I should
Had the Laugh
Whole Court Room Joined in Joke on
Conceited Advocate,
A distinguished, but conceited advo
vate not long ago, after securing an
unqualified statement from an octo
genarian, who was bravely enduring
cross-examination, that he "saw the
whole thing as if it had occurred ten
feet away,'1 suddenly challenged him
to tell the time by the clock referred
to. The lawyer did not look around
himself, as he had done so about half
an hour before, when he had noticed
that it was half after 11. The old man i
looked at the clock and replied, after
a pause, "Half past 11," upon which
the lawyer, knowing that it must be
nearly 12, turned to the jury and burst
into a derisive laugh, exclaiming sar
castically, "That is all," and threw him
self back in his seat with' an air of
having finally annihilated the entire
save a life for the life that was lost
through me." ' j '-?
"You have, already. made that repa
ration. Mr. Haddon," .she said almost
humbly. "Fate has punished me that
I should have f judged yon so hastily
and so wrongly." , . , . -
v "No, no!" -.1 spoke in fierce remon
strance, 'v;ill- you just -to.
me? That ' was an accident, J . tell
you." 4-i. . i-- iy t ,- j
"I do not like you less' that-yon say'
It was hopeless to make her under2
stand now. I should have confessed
my cowardice sooner if I wished to be
believed. She had judged as at Lu
cerne. "Listen." I drew her to a garden
seat "A life for a life that is what
you said. But if, instead of a life, it
were a man's honor that I could save
if it were the honor of your
Her lips trembled. She leaned to-'
ward me in her appeal.
"Oh, you would crush me with the
weight of my gratitude. Save my
brother's honor, and; and "
"I should then stand equal' with
other men in your respect?"
"Yes," she said faintly, her eyes
bright with unshed tears. "We need
a friend so much now. We are in
such deep distress because of my poor
brother. Evidently you know of his
disgrace." Shame blanched her cheek.
"I know something of it" I said
with sympathy. "Tell me, Miss Brett,
do I not bear a marked resemblance
to your brother?"
"At first sight it is startling." she
cried eagerly. "When my mother and
I saw you at Lucerne we thought you
were he. When we learned that you
were with Mr. Wllloughby at the time
of his death, you can understand how
bitterly we resented our disappoint'
ment Forgive me if I am again sus
picious, but that I should find you
the guest of Madame de Varnier now,
at this time"
"If I am to help you, you must trust
-Twill. I' do."
"Even though circumstances seem
utterly against me? Even though I
may seem a friend of Madame de Var
nier to be in league with her against
She hesitated. "She is a dangerous
woman. If my poor brother has fallen
a victim to her horrible beauty"
"I shall be on my guard," I replied
lightly, smiling at her fierce resent
ment "But you will continue to be her
guest Is that wise? How can you ef
fect the release of Captain Forbes if
you remain at the chateau?"
"How can I learn the truth concern
ing your brother, how can I do my ut
most to save his honor (if it be not yet
too late), unless I remain at the cha
teau yes, unless I am on apparent
good terms with Madame de Varnier?"
"You are testing my belief in you to
the utmost, Mr. Haddon. I suppose
you smooth the suspicions of your
hostess as readily as you do mine."
She spoke bitterly. And if she found
it difficult to trust me now, how much
more difficult when she learned, not
the whole truth, but a damning half
truth. "Ah, you are wavering already in
the trust you have promised to give
me. Great God, you think that it is a
pleasant task I have set myself? To
smile on this woman, to play the hypo
crite, to spy on her when I am her
guest, that I may dog her; coax her
into telling the truth, that I may en
trap her accomplice and herself at the
right moment? Miss Brett, I would
wash my hands of this ugly business
if I had not sworn to endure every
ignominy and risk of being misunder
stood not only by a man like Captain
Forbes by by yourself. I tell you that
I have not a clear field to carry out
my plans if I fail, or am baffled by
some well-meaning intruder, I am a
disgraced man. No one will believe
my defence not even you. I may
even be dragged to prison as a com
mon felon."
She placed both her hands in mine.
"Forgive me. My anxiety Is so
great I do trust you. Return to
Madame de Varnier, Mr. Haddon. I
shall try to be patient. But Captain
Forbes, am I to do nothing to help
"Until this evening, no. You see, I
am testing your faith."
I looked at her keenly. She re
turned my glance with brave assur
ance. "If you receive no word, either from
Captain Forbes or. myself, by midnight
to-night if you are not summoned to
the chateau by your brother (and that
I warn you is only too unlikely). In
quire at the Grand hotel for Mr. Rob
inson Locke. He is an American con
sul at Lucerne; he will help you."
"He has already helped us. It was
Mr. Locke who directed Captain
Forbes and myself here to Alterhof
fen." "And will you not include among my
services," drawled a voice behind us.
"the fact that J was so fortunate as to
save your life just now. Miss Brett?"
on the Lairiyer
value of the witness' testimony. 'The
distinguished practitioner, however,
found himself laughing alone. Pres
ently one of the jury chuckled, and in
a trice the whole court room was in
a roar at' the lawyer's expense. The
clock had stopped at half-past 11.
To Encourage Sleep.
Many people suffer constantly from
a sense of over-fatigue which entirely
prevents sleep at night A hot bath
taken before retiring is a capital anti
dote in some cases, but in others the
bath acts as a stimulant rather than
a narcotic, and prevents rather than
engenders sleep. One of the best
means of obtaining rest is a cup of
warm milk to which has been added a
pinch of salt and a dash of pepper,
while many people ignore the fact
that sleeplessness is caused by shut
windows and a lack of fresh air.
.- v
Few "Undesirables' Gain Admission
to the Promised Land, Though
Attempts to Deceive the Inspectors
-Are Made Routine at the Port of
Boston Dr. Safford Tells ef All
Sorts of Tricks Played "Fake Cit
izens" as a General Thing Are Eas
ily' Spotted Some Pathetic Stories
Boston. When Uncle Sam learns
that a fresh batch of would-be. citizens
are headed for Boston from foreign
shores, he sends Dr. M. V. Safford and
Dr. Hugo B. C. Reimer down to meet
them when they arrive.
The two physicians are keen men
of long experience. They can spot
disease symptoms at a glance. When
an army of immigrants march on the
United States through this port, they
weed them out with the most minute
care. In matters of means, ability to
be self-supporting and business inten
tions, the immigrants must satisfy
other agents of Uncle Sam. But first
and'foremost they must run the gaunt
let of the keen, unprejudiced eyes of
the two doctors.
Dr. Safford and his assistant, Dr.
Reimer, pass on every one of the
thousands of immigrants that enter
the port of Boston. They meet with
strange experiences, they are ever the
objects of cunning subterfuge and
piteous supplication, and they make'
few errors.
Word comes to the immigration oftV
cers at Long wharf that a great ship
with hundreds of immigrants on board
is due at quarantine at such-and-such
a time. The doctors know by the lo
cation of the port of embarkation
about what class of immigrant they
will have to deal with, and they pre
pare for him.
Boarded at Quarantine.
. When the ship reaches quarantine,
the physicians are waiting to board
her. They begin at once with the sec
ond cabin passengers after "looking
over," surreptitiously, the passengers
in the saloon. The second cabin pas
sengers are submitted to a rigid exam
ination, for long experience has
taught the medical authorities' that a
Brought His Bird from Sicily.
greater proportion of defectives is to
be found in the second cabin than in
the steerage.
If the ship docks just before dusk
or very late in the afternoon, the ex
amination is likely to be deferred un
til morning. In that event there is
greater excitement on board than
ever. The immigrants, most of them
ignorant and illiterate, know only that
they have at last reached the prom
ised land, toward which they have
been journeying for days; they feel
only that the time has come for them
to meet their friends;, to look into the
new world.
The delay chafes them. They crowd
and crush about the decks, quarrel
some and cantankerous. Few of them
sleep. They wait, sullen and silent,
through the long dark hours, their
eyes fastened en the roofs of the low
sheds and the shadowy outlines of the
tall buildings of the water front They
chatter at times. Sometimes there is
a fight. There is crying of babies.
Occasionally the sharp voice of a
guard rings out from above.
Some Who May Not Land.
They look very eager and healthy
and robust as they stand in the light
of early dawn on the steamer decks.
But there are some in that throng who
can. never enter the country, some
who have made the long journey for
System of Brigandage Brought to' Per-
fec9n in Manchuria.
,- .
Of brigandage in" northern Man
churia the North' China Dally News
says: "As a result of careful investi
gation and at the imminent risk of his
life, a daring member of the Paiyang
secret service has, after an absence of
nearly seven months, brought back to
headquarters a report that there are
now in northern Manchuria close upon
18,000 exceedingly well-armed and
well-provided "Hunghutze" (Red
beards), as the mounted bandits of
Manchuria are called. These are di
vided into a great many bands of from
150 to 200 each among the smaller
ones and from S00 to 1,000 among the
larger aggregations, but all of tnem
giving allegiance to three principal
chiefs who have the power of life and
death over their men. Of the booty
taken by a band two-fifths must be
handed over to the general exchequer,
which provides arms and ammunition.
If attacked by an outside enemy and
whenever calledupon the men und"
nothing, who must bid good-by to their
luckier friends andjretuni to1be?Yer-r
haps, lonely, land from1 which .they
; started. 'It is for those'the two physi
cians are waiting.
At f seven , o'clock everything tIs
ready! Tne-gangplank, carefully vroBed
off .and guarded, stretches from the
deck to a door in the side of the shed.
This dooriadmlu to a narrow-passage
whicb'wlnds around ayaterlonaly, and
suddenly swings into: a wider space,
between iron railings forming an In
verted V. At the apex stands Dr. Staf
ford, with Dr. Riemer at his elbow.
Grouped around them are women
agents from the various charity or
ganizations, on the lookout for home
less and unaccompanied girls vainly
expecting lovers who never come.
At last the word Is given. The quar
termasters who have been holding the
immigrants back on the steamer's
decks step aside, and with a rush and
great shouting the crowd begins to
pour into the narrow aisle. The Sicil
ians are first They press forward
hungrily, and the others fall back be
hind them. Up the aisle they come.
Their luggage has been left piled and
checked on the decks, but almost
every man tenderly carries a crated
can slung from his shoulder. It con
tains home-made olive oil, the real
kind, and he opes to have the deli
cacy for a reminder of old days at
home when he settles In the new
Task Not Always Pleasant,
It Isn't a pleasant task the head
quartermaster has before him.- Per
chance he Is stout and portly. He
then suffers some Inconvenience, to
put it mildly, and his occasional re-
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I HnuunuBnuunL a
Bit of
marks anent immigrants in general
and some in particular are not intend
ed always for gentle ears.
Br. Safford stands ready, pencil In
hand. Before him is a white enameled
stand with pitcher and basin of medi
cated water. This, for the benefit of
those wily 'newcomers who attempt to
conceal natural defects'or wounds be
neath a generous portion of 'dirt
There is the noise of prodigious
scuffling outside the door in the pas
sageway and the next moment around
the corner appears the broad, buxom
form and smiling face of a woman. It
is evident that the men, eager as they
are, have bowed to courtesy. The wo
man comes down the aisle slowly,
with a bewildered expression, until
Dr. Safford admonishes her sharply In
her own dialect and she steps toward
him. He stops her for a moment,
turns her eyelids back and twists her
ear. Then he turns her into the out
ward aisle leading to the main shed,
where she will await the examination
of the immigration inspectors.
Ex-Soldiers Easily Told.
Once in a while an ex-soldier will
appear. It is more than easy to spot
him. He swings around the door with
the precision of long practice, and
with chest extended and head thrown
back he marches toward the doctor as
he would toward an inspecting officer.
Invariably he is allowed to pass with
a smile of approbation, and occasion
ally he brings his hand sharply to the
salute as he turns the corner.
It is an interesting sight Now
there comes a little, undersized Cam
brian who looks as though he com--bined
the burden and woes of Atlas
and Job. The doctor is attracted to a
peculiarity in his color. He' stops him
and Dr. Reimer takes his tempera
ture. It is no less than 104.
"Must hae malaria." says the doc
tor, and the little fellow is turned
Continuously, without pause, the
line passes. The group in the deten
tion roam swells. The unfortunates
sit with resigned faces and watch
their healthier fellows swarm toward
The examination which, to the lay
man, seems so cursory is, in reality,
wonderfully severe and searching. Dr.
Safford has had years of experience,
has paired tens of thousands of immi
grants and knows their normal char-
.acteristlcs as he knows their lan
What in a Finn would not excite
the least suspicion on the part of the
doctor would, if seen In an Italian,
the three principal chiefs are bound
by .oath to gather together under one
banner, the oldest and most experi
enced of the three becoming by right
of seniority chief of the -whole-force."
"Owing to the famine a number of
refugees at Chinkiang are reported to
be "now digging for a kind of white
clay to be found near that port, which
they use to mix, with food and vege
tables, as it is said to give a 'satisfy
ing' feeling to the hungry consumer,"
says a Chinese newspaper. "Contin
ued eating, however, brings dangerous
results to the health of the consumer,
often fatal. This white clay is called
by the natives 'Kuan Yin len.' or flour
of Kuan Yin (the goddess of mercy).
News of this having reached the ears
of Viceroy Tuan Fang at Nanking, his
excellency has instructed the local au
thorities in Chinkiang to test the clay
in question and its degrees of harm
fulness to consumers of the stuff. His
excellency has also sent from his own
private purse $500 to purchase bona
fide flour to distribute to diggers of the
clay. In case it be discovered to be
This curious fashion note
cause hinr te make w'carefnl
-Uon. Types and natural char act la.
tics mean much.
many Tricks Played. -
In the conn of Ut work Dr. Saf
ford runs) Into son
ten. Immigrants, will
l .! -.' .. -
A Test of Strength.
down the aisle, carelessly swinging a
derby hat over what is apparently a
hand. The doctor Is suspicions, re
moves the hat and finds tthat there ia
no hand.
Besides the examinations to deter
mine the soundness of the body, there
are tests of strength for those who
look particularly suspicions. Carrying:
a heavy bag of sand Is one of the crl
terions of bodily vigor.
"They try all sorts of tricks," said
Dr. Safford. "I remember the Irst
case of one' kind I ran Into. I have
the Deck.
spotted scores since. An elderly man
came in behind a little boy. There was
nothing suspicious about either of
them, and I was about to pass them
when I noticed that the man had the
tip of his finger on the boy's shoulder
and kept it there. I stopped him and
took the hand away, and he ran Into
the railing. He was stone blind, al
though his eyes didn't betray it
"Some years ago we used to have a
great many 'cases of 'fake citizens.'
We have no jurisdiction over a United
States citizen, and we have to be very
careful how we treat them. It got to
be quite common therefore for immi
grants already resident here to take
out citizen papers and .ship them to
friends at home for their use in pass
ing us. But when several cases had
been detected and the parties severe
ly prosecuted, the thing dropped off,'
and we have less of It now.
"Some of the immigrants, of course,
are hopelessly ignorant Many of them
have the handicap of fear and reti
cence. They have been thoroughly
coached by letter by friends here, and
they will stick to the set of rules and
regulations prescribed, whether they
apply or not Tou can never get them
to admit anything, and oftentimes the
developments are high and ludicrous.
They will never tell you anything that
will help themselves and you, to
hasten the examination. With them,
there are only two classes of disease,
those contracted on board ship and
those present since birth.
"I once was sure that I had a new
case of spinal disease, when I spotted
a little fellow who stood straight as a
rule, and couldn't bend his back.' But
on striping him, I found he had the
barrel of a shotgun strapped to his
back to escape the customs as he
"Immigrants under 11 years of age
.get special rates. It is quite common
to see ancient '11-year-olds,' with fine
growths of whiskers, meandering
down the plank.
"We spotted a man once on fake
citizenship papers by the aid of an
Englishman. The latter said: "The
blowke says as e's been 'ere 11 years
an' 'e down't know wot a peanut is. 'E
ain't no American!' And he wasn't
"We run into no end of hard-luck
stories, and some of them are really
very pathetic But we have to do
our duty as It comes."
Wonderful Human Voice.
Forty-four muscles are called' Into
play in -the production of the human
picked up by Han&Doriag in an out-of-the-way
corner of Asia: "Coming
near the' borders of -Mongolia we met
some Mongolian shepherds. . They
look something like 'gypsies that I
have seen at home. Their manner of
bearing is elastic and far more grace
ful than' that ot the Chinese. Their
voices are melodious and they are
really attractive. There was among
them a woman wearing a gown with
puffs in the place where arm and
shoulder meet together, in the same
manner as was fashionable a few
yeara ago with the ladies' dresses in
Europe. These puffs servo to protect
the Slongol women's shoulders against
the pressure of the poles by which
they carry the water from the welL"
Statistics relating to divorce In Eng
land and Wales show that only 752
petitions for divorce were filed In
1905, against 720 in 1904, and 889 and
824 In 1902 and 1903, respectively.
Three hundred and twenty-three of the
1905 petitiona were presented by
wives. Decrees were granted to wives
In 261 cases and to husbands ia 381
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