ZJ ?&&' vc- & -r - ; or i" - r f - ' W --SJfTK " 5 fc-J- - Hi? I" K I ! Crftimtms gotmraL Blmatr. JULY 10. R. G. STKOTHER. Enwsr F. t STCOTHER. It does sometimes rain in Nebraska, The receipts of the Columbus post office for the quarter ending June 30 show an increase of twenty per cent. It it generally admitted that the post office is the best indication of the growth of the business, of any city. Stand up for Columbus and build more modern houses to rent . Our Fourth of July celebration certainly a great success this year. The weather was perfect, the attendance was immense, the program was fully and creditebly carried out No accident marred the general good feeliag,and everybody went home happy. The committees having charge' of the celebration deserve much credit Under the present primary law the democrats of this state are in ' the same predicament that Ithe republi cans of this county are in. Each i be ing in the minority, where a nomina- . tion does not spell success at the polls, each will have some trouble in filling their tickets. Formerly when a party county or state convention honored a man by making him one of the stand ard bearers of his party, even though probably defeat stared him in the face, the honor of such a nomination was joyfully sometimes, and sometimes reluctantly accepted, but under the present primary law a man, if he wants a nomination, must be an of fice seeker, he must put up money for his nomination, and, he must circulate a petition or get some of lib friends to circulate one. He cannot say that his party drafted him into service or that he is forced to accept a nomina tion aganist his will. To avoid this predicament is the real reason why some democrats want a state conven tion called. They know that whoever is nominated for supreme judge on their ticket will be defeated, yet many good men would accept the nomination if tendered by a state con vention, but would refuse to seek for it with money, etc. The republicans of Platte county are in the same pre dicament with reference to the county ticket, and that is one of the reasons why we are against the present pri mary law. --ji, ' B0UBK Baar swauawne HMH Bnanavsaawnvi nWw? aC ' a2 ' KaJsTWALB-Tasiats nMMWiffry SahnTbjlTii fiT assa? Tans JnS shews 35 amass has assaiassivsd a to JasLsWa, KatolV.LttnsjaBSoaa. Wkapnot Is mad, the m.wkUk aasvsrs as amfe. iilhTiiiMiii MmU PnlOOKnWUAaXMfl Wanjiuna fais wlgyHj. ewwfll miHwi UiatWrafclonraalnatflths asdmmwMafaavtiasdarlsMarto dssssatinas, whan all mmimn ana bs paid. If yen da net nam Mm TtajiasTiinaliaaiil fnraii-1iT- i toratttMMiifK kMKDind, yea awsald pcavaialyaaWaatodaworaaaak.- CBAJKB Of ADDEESB-Wasa ftec aaaaaiiaiaaaMiaMaalawIhawanaM baa I The UtUity of Fence Ads 1 I 3 TflE The whole eouto? is' bWawnre o taefact that. Judge Ln& sawed a warrant for -that Becky JohaJWIow. The Vfe, bad. man! And tae whole world expected soaaethiaf; to drop when Jjnnny was cornered. Theseer riff found Johnny enjoying himself in Wisconsin, vmtiag a friendand when thdsberriff banded aim the warrant, Rocky Ja said "he'd bethere'aad the people know that's joat what aay ntker chinea woald say. .Bat the people have beea deceived. Johaay n mvu he isa't ia the 8taadard OU business aay awe, sad knows nothing about it, oaly ia a geaeral way. Peonle said Bockv John raised the price of oil whenever he made a: big gift. Bat Rocky Joha says he wasn't ia the basiaels. .Now, who raised the price of oil? Joha D. Rockefeller has borne the braat of all this abase for these away years. He has with stood the libelous epithets of periodi cakaad newspapers, his name has been cast in the dost with that of miner, stingy, piach faced, tight fisted greedy grafters.' School children read of him as one about whom clusters nothing but avarice and feeding upon the spoils. All this, and be hasaot rebelled, committed suicide or appeal ed to the courts, and yet this Same Feller, Rocky John, stood up in the courts last week, with one hand held heavenward and without a wink or blink, solemnly swore that he would 'tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing bat the truth, so help me God," and then testified that he is out of business and knows nothing, except in a general way, of the con duct of the Standard Oil Co. Now, who's been lying? Who is raising the price of oil ten cents per gallon the past ten years? Will Uncle Sam find oat? Johnny, Poor Johnny. He ought to have a medal for bravery. He has certainly withstood all mortal man could bear. And yet Johnny D. is rich as dirt Surely the Great Giver of all gifts has favored this be nighted soul. But how is Uncle Sam going to get that $29,240,000 fine money? The administration has decided to send eighteen big battleships to the Pacific coast This does not mean that we are to go to war with Japan, but it does mean that if ever war does come with Japan we are prepared for it Since Japan so easily and com pletely whipped Russia. Japan is walking all over the earth with a chip on its shoulder and the easiest way for the United States to avoid trouble with Japan is to show that we are pre pared. Hanks and lyes. Have you got that Primary law untangled yet? Not in the Standard OU Co., for ten or twelve years, aad yet he is President Would'nt that jar you. Most people have not gotten settled onto their equilibrium yet, especially those who celebrated in Columbus. Are you a member of the Lemon Suckers Association. If so don't kick for they've done others and they'll do you. Gee! But there are lots of announce ments of Democratic office seekers. The utility of fence board advertising: is il lustrated in the following mix-up, caused by repairs in the fence: "Bathe your baby with Sparkling Columbus BeerSuch tilings don't happen in Newspapers, if they did, ed itors would be flying in the air like hen feathers on a windy day. Strength, beauty, originality and truth are the essential com ponents of a good AcL Without these quali ties or any one of them, it would be de fective and not so valuable to you. Our Printing possesses all these qualities, and we know you will be pleased with your work if HBJJISSSSBSjBSSBSBJJBBJBffMnnnViHH - eV Vi . JOUEIMi A . " vn Bindina Twine We have sold oar first carload and we are now taking orders for our second car, .at the following prices. Best "A" Grade Standard Twine 10c per pound The twine will run as many feet to the pound as any twine on the market Come inandexamiueit ROTHLEITNER g CO. J ... m.h n e , &,mjit m mimi itj .g s w I One York county paper prints eleven for two offices. Heard a fellow say on the street the other day that that rain Saturday night was worth just two billions. But he had just come out of Bill's saloon. We're ' getting tired of those old style Men's shirt waists. Why not have a new style' at least once .a summer short sleeves for instance, then next summer we could have a low neck, short sleeves then next summer we could have etc -The Mayor of Central City evident ly wished to show some one in that burg that he could if he wanted to. He issued a proclamation two weeks before the 4th. prohibiting the sale, display or shooting of fireworks until the 4th. That mayor must have had it in for somebody, but now. The man who made confetti ought to have a seat on the right of his Satanic Majesty, in the hottest part of the dominion of the inferno.- All the good fellows who go down from here ought to get the job of shoveling in the stuff to make a good blaze then shovel it over the poor devil until he gets blue ia the face, and then keep repeating the operation ad infin itum. Well did you ever, when those Lin coin merchants can't find something to growl about against Omaha some things wrong. They have now set up a howl because Governor Sheldon went with the boosters and boosted for Omaha and did'nt let on as if Lin coln was on the map. Just as though those poor ignoramouses out west did'nt know Lincoln was the Capitol of Nebraska and where the Capitol is there will the governor be also. Its certainly a slam on those Lincoln Guys, suppose they think those fellows out in Washington and Oregon don't even know Nebraska has a capital. The boys are safe. Don't have to work until they are 16. If it had'nt been for work before we was 16, we'd a bin' somewhere else now. Work is one of the best remedies for laziness, keeping out of mischief, loafing and carousing around. We know a few young men who before they were 16 had a nice bank 'account and they did'nt steal the money either. Abra- B . IA DOES IT sassaswsnasnssnassmsnmsns m as aw am f ham Lincoln, Garfield and many other of our illustrious men, got their start by hard work and they did'nt wait until they were 16 to begin either. The more we read that child labor law the more we think it ought to be repealed and something safe and sane put in its puce. AFTERMATH. Everybody in Columbus had a good time the Fourth. If the didn't they have no one to blame but them selves. The big boys shot off fire crackers and threw confetti in the girls' faces. The big girls bought some little sticks with rooster feathers on the end snd tickled the big boys in the face. They also threw confetti and had a big time. Some of the middle aged indulged in the fun and other big boys carried little whips with ribbons on, the more ribbion the better. Oh yes, and the big girls got little tiny rubber balls with along string of rubber attached to them and they would hit the big boys any old place in the back. Some of both sex got these little curly papers that roll up and when you blow in them they would shoot out for about two feet in length and then roll up again. We saw a couple of young couple kissing each other with these armless 4th of July instruments. Of course they were just in fun but just the same there was a lot of people watching them. Everybody laughed at the performance. And it didn't make any difference if everybody was look On these 4th of July days people do some many stunts. What makes them look so fnnny is that they wouldn't be so silly any other day in the year not even in Christmas. Why' we saw some big over grown youths and girls goin' along blowing little paper horns and whistles. My, but they was hav ing a good time. You couldn't get them to play that way five minutes any other day in the year. Millions of dollars were squandered, in honor of Independence day. There was enough money spent that day for pleasure to well we'd like to get hold of just the tailend of those ciphers and bite off about three to the left. But young America had a joyous good time, and that was one of the es sentials laid out by the executive com mittee in their great program, ing on either. Now Mr. Editor, this is writtenby a perfect stranger and as we satin the park musing these little incidents some of the prettiest girls in Colum bus, and beg pardon, sir, some of the nicest named ladies liteially covered us with confetti, so that it was im possible to tell just what color our clothing was. Thanks for the confetti. Trained Insects. Lord Avebaiy, who recently cele brated his MTeatr-talrd birthday, has a partiality for laaacts. He oace sac: ceeded la tralnlag a wasp, which he had caught la ,the Pyrenees, as a household pet aa experiment' which Is reporaad-to have beea a great sac- A Practical Reason. Investigating TeacherDo aay of you boys know why "x" stands for an unknown quantity? l Wlae Little Aleck I know, 'cause my pa says whea you lead aa "x" you. aever know whea you're going to get it back. Baltimore Americaa. .. Cleee Deere, Then Go te Bed. When yon retire for the eight that all doors la the house are closed. Five1 sweeps -with-resistless '-'force pan doors that create a draft from the dumb waiter amy be minimised by seeing that it Is tightly closed at aight HeMs Up the tearehera. Tea," ressarked Farmer Coratos- sel. "my boy Josh gets a good deal o fuaout of automobiliag." - - "But he doesat owa a suchlae." -Of course aet iHe's .one o the county constables." Wasalagtoa Star. Werda. If yon would, lean, ef a 'sgeod hla Apt watf SWp H TilwMII He that scattereth thorns mast o barefoot THREW AWAT DICE ft COLORED SOUMKIIS IN A PIT OP . PCMITCNCC. -- aw .niefavranaaaaaasj , Oarms That Viyana. Five haadred pairs of. dies are lylasj oa the Bottom of taaAtlaatleaasan soawwhere of the east coast of the United States, aaMs the annas ava wallowed them aad carried, then away, aayataa Kaaaaa City featf Taa spotted cabas ware thrown overnoara hr the aaaroas of a Kaasaa.raifssaat daring a'rrioUatatom at ae tan asV rlace havlag bean prompted by teace. It w walla the negro aunt was oa board the ship VlnHsara ea route to Caba ia September, 1M. that a storm conyerted a scare of boisterous crap gaaMslato a fervent. rangJoaa saeetlag. The-reglnMat went from Topska te New York city aad from there sailed for Caba. There was no sleep ea board the VlgUaaca the Irat algat out. It ia said that practically all of the ae groes' who were act prostrated with seasfekaess .were1 ahootiag craps: scene is described aa oae of saaTerlag aad exdteaieat. The1 dis tressed pleaded for quiet aad bat were unheeded by the aolay Men. Above the cries aad moans of thsr snsTering. sach,langaage as this could be heard In dlCarent parte of the ves sel: "Ifs levea aa' I know it;" "Shoot de money;" "Dtda't I get a cooar "Little Dick." Late at eight while the games were raaalag high a violent storm broke suddenly upon the sea. Whea thewiad srock the Vigilance a- rudder was brokea aad she whirled round aad round and then dipped dowa into the hollow of a mighty wave. The shock was unexpected aad la a momeat the soldiers were experiencing all of the horrors of a storm at sea. The ne groes grabbed ap thedlce aad loose change aad haddled together like cat tle, some of them moaning aad others too frightened to utter a sound. 'V The storm raged for aa hoar, the soldiers thinking that every ssomeat would be the last Fortunately there was a negro preacher oa' board, the Rev. Joha L. Waller. It was' for aim to rise to the occasion. He gathered a crowd of negroes around hiss aad spoke thus: - "Brethren, the Lord-sent this storm oa the heads of sufal crap shooters. If we want to be saved let's pray." ' Then he dropped dowa pa his knees aad bis voice was heard praying above the aoise of the storm. - The soldiers Joined with the preach er ia his prayer. In a short tlaw lamentations, moans" aad proiaisea could be heard oa every hand. It was a revival meeting la earnest Nearly every oae of the Me soldiers was either singing or praying. The whole -regiment was "converted" In a I very few minutes. But the rough sea continued. The colored preacher felt that something further must be done.- Aa iasplratloa came to hi at; there mast be a sacri Ice of some Had. r "Our prayers aad songs don't pre vail he shouted. "There's some thing wrong. Brethren, the dice must go into the sea." The suggestion had oaly to be made. The dice were tossed Into the angry waters, about 560 pairs. Some of the negroes also threw, la the money which they had woa with the dice. Ia half an hour after' the dice were glvea to the sea the storm abated. - The Rev. Mr. Waller held reugtoas services at frequent Intervals dariag the rest of the voyage. They' were always well attended. At each asset lag he told his hearers that 'the pray ers of the righteous had saved the wicked. Then he urged them all to remala steadfast Nothing was said about crap shoot lag during the rest of the voyage. Shortly after the soldiers landed la Cuba there was a pay day. Thea It was that a "backslider" tried to borrow some dice, but not a single pair could be found la the regiment; they had all been consigned to the sea. .This was a condition that could aot last Aa ingenious negro soldier stole aa ivory billiard ball from. a Caban pool "ball and whittled out a pair of dice. .He sold them for $12. Driven from Jail with Gun. Caldwell. N. J. Charles Co had to be drivea oat of Jail here at the polat of a gua by a. deputy warden Colessaa had just completed a tares aumths' sentence aad had become as attached to the daily roatlae of the Jail that he hated to leave. He shed tears at the thought of being cast Into' the outside world without a home or n friend to go to. m The prison oflclals felt sorry for the num. but .could aet keep hiss. "Never sslad." the dm charged prisoner said, T won't be away long.' Rule Werklnf Beth Ways. An English Judge expresses the optaioa that husbands should have the legal "right to inspect aad revise their wives visiting lists. The women probably woald be glad to , acquiesce, provided they were granted, the ansae privilege "la respect to their has bands' visiting Mats. Wsshiaatoa Herald. Already. Sonw days It's cold. Some days It's hot: But what we want Is what it's not. Clevelaad PlaJa Dealer. - r Bob Hampton of Placer ' ' By MNDALL tAMX&L The tbrcowmll 9imrim u IT BEGINS THIS V 1 t- .' t If you are I Fahev ! av ' ' ' . AT t afrlTlllfl sand ftflH a 1 mer at our store we asK t of you to at least call and see our, provision coun ters. 'All goods fresli delicious and quality no better to be had call on us though you don't buy lEATiNG and SCHRAM it a i j j f - T Eleventh Street. H ,ii f. f . y , Change ef Scene fer Heliday. Toe maay people bear their tiriag bardee with them when they go away for rest r There must be a change of thought s' as well as scene. For the fanaer there's nothing better than a glimpse of city life. But the city man should shun the summer resost And that Is where he is usually found. He has a plan about his vacation. Get away from the crowd. Get back to nature Live In the open. Sleep in .the opea if you can. Make friends with the birds aad trees aad flowers Rub up against rural nature aad see 'what ealighteament will spring from It Get 'the views of people who look at life clearly and frankly aad at new aagiea. v Get .sunburned, get freckled get tired and then get rested again. Clevelaad Plata .Dealer. in Public Life. Judge Joha V. Wright, of Tennes see, now an attorney in the1 general laadoflpe. at Washington, who was 8ft yeara old ia June,, has beea connected with public life for a greater period thaa any other living American. He In still as vigorous as a man of SO and keeps up with the things of to-day without forgetting what has sad gone. King's Restricted Diet ' Whea King Edward VII. visits Marleabad for the cure his diet Is much restricted. For breakfast he may partake of eggs., ceid bam. rusks aad cosTee. Luncheon la served about 1:30,. and the following diet is recoav meaded: Fresh trout chicken, veal aad compote' of plums, while white wlae with Geisshabler water Is drunk. Odieus Cemaariseas. The money that built this library." said the person who is inclined to be fanatical,;.4! tainted." "May be so," answered the literary ladlvidual. "but If It keeps all the modern Action on its shelves the money couldn't be nearly as bad as some of the books." Washington f Star. Hydrellthe" "HydroHthe la a aew compound of calcium aad hydrogen. It gives off its hydrogen whea immersed In water, ns calcium carbide evolves acetylene, aad M. .George Jaubeit, a French ea glaeer. urges that the aew material be adopted as a convenient means for carrying gas to Inflate military bal loons. First in at. A. Hamta Chair. A. R. Hattea, of the University ef Chicago, has been chosen the Irat in cumbent of the at A. Haaaa chair of political science in the Western Re serve university. The chair tablished by friends ef the late tor Haaaa soan after hie death. No Car P. Mr. Askam The new gambling law nukes you change the system of bet ting, doesn't it? Mr. Gambel Tes, but there Is still ao change for the bettor. Kansas City Times. Cutting Him Off. "Ah, I see that another of Mr. Car angle's young ssen " ' "John." Interrupted his wife. "I posi tively wlh aot listen to aaytaiag of a Washington 9mwy PAPER TODAY. . f nanm . t- nnnnw u.jpih-; a? . jaidAhT acPwai Groceries RAM'S , " X. I not a custo- I Columbus, Nebraska. . y v vfrfr HARD AND SOFT COAL QKDKKS FILLED PKOMPT LT. P. D. SMITH LLXBEK CO. .FOR SALE. A farm of 145 acres, adjoining town site of Monroe. Good improvements, A large part of the land set to alfalfa. 180 per acre a bareaiR. Monroe. Neb. FINAL NOTICE. lathe District Toort of PlatUnnty. Nebraska. StatoTaz Soir. Yarl9t. TJBuieV.Fajuj to aaksowa heiro mad imim" of Jaait W. PajBt. ikHwaaed. Notice iit hn-by triven that nader decree of the District Court of said county of Platte, rf a (fered ta the State Tax Suit for tli yv&r 15. wherein the State of Nlnaskn was il:tiatitf rnd The several parcels of lnn'1 Ac. were defeadants, the followinjr iacribii rent -htate. gitimunl ia the coast j of Platte and t4wtr Ni-brasku. to wit: Xot 8. block No. 131, city of Olumlma. ia saM ettaatr aad state, aad ilesiKti&tetl is said decree aa Tract No. ll'A was on the 1st day or Noveoaher; .1SK, duly sold at publi) veadae by the coaaty treasurer of said conn'y in the mnn aer provided by law, and that tlie period of redcwptina from such rale will expire on the 1st day of November, 19S7. You are further noiihed that the owner of the certihrate of tax sale Issard by the coaaty trensurer rovtriDK tract No. 112. will make application to the court in the said cause for ronf rmation on such mil- as sooa as practicable after the period of reileinptioa lias expired, and yon art hereby not itied that the time aad place of hearinic upon confirmation will be entered in the confirmation ret ord kept by the clerk of said court on or before the 1st day of November, 19U7. 'You will eiauiine the coofirmatioii record to ascertaia .the lime yf aad my be resent if you desire to Euoaa or sbow cause way sucn be confirmed. Dated this 2tth day of Jaae. 1907. Hknby Lucas. Owner and holder of Tax Certificate. jaaeSS-4 FINAL NOTICE. In the District Court of Plat) e county. Nebraska. State Tax Suit, year 11. To Thomas Welch aad David H. Smith aad the unknown heirs aad devisees of Thomas Welch, deceased. Notice is hfreby aiyeathat under a decree of the District Court of said county of Platte, ren dered ia the State Tax Suit for the year 1MJS. wherein the Stale of Nebraska was plaintiff and The Several Parcels of Land. Ac. were defend aats. the following-described real estate situated ia the eouBty ot Platte and star of Nebraska, to-wit: Lots 5 and 8. block 1W. in the city of (tolumbas ia said county and state, aad deeiit nated in said decree as Tract No. 174 aad 175 was oa the 1st day of November. 1905. duly sold at public veadae hy tlie Count v Treasurer of said coaaty ia the manner provided by law. aad that the deriodof redemption from xuch sale will expreon the 1st day of Nov ember. IWi. You are farther notified that the owner of th certificate of tax sale issued by the county treas urer, covering tracts No. 174 and 175, will make . . . . ? . . .... . application iu uie ruari in ine anove eBUIIeU cause for confirmation on sach sale as soon as practicable after the period of redemption has expired, aad you are hereby notified that the time and place of bearing- npon confirmation will be entered ia theCouhrniation hVcord. kept by the clerk of the said court, on or before the 1st day or November, 1907. You will examine the confirmation record to ssrertain the time of such hearinjr aad may be present if y ru desire to make aay objection or show canse why sale should not be confirmed. .... Jssph Smoll. Owaer and holder of Tax Certificates, jane 20-4 FINAL NOTICE. Ia t he District Coartol Platte ceonty. Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, plaintiff, vs. The Several Parcels of Land hereinafter descrilwd and all persons aad corporstioae haviait. or claiminic title to. or aay interest, right, or claim ia. and to such jparerfs of real state, or aay part thereof, nefs mrBnts, To William J. Collins, Joha W". Martin, the anhsowa heirs aad devisees of ICeberca Losg- shore aad S. C. Longshore. .Notice is hereby given tl at under a decree of the District Coart r f said county of Platte. State 2 V9bSHmdri ! t,,. i'tateTax Suit for theyenrlMS.thefoUoiBKtIeHcribrd real estate situated ia the county of Platte. ad State of Nebraska, to-wit: Lots One. Two and Three of Block Seven (7) Oids Addition to the City of Colnmbus Platte eo-. N"!ki,'dj!!r,f '?I?d ia wid decree as tracts Ne. 374. 373. 37 and S7n w. ..n k i- day of November. I960, duly sold at public ven ous or tne ixmnty irtasurer of said rouaty ia the maaser nrovided b law. anl h-i !.. .... of redemBtioa froat such sale will expire oa the 1st day ofNevesshsr. 19W. Tfoa am farther notified that the owaer of the esrtiBcate of tsx sale, coimn inw. v n S7S.SMsad 378. isued bytlie Connty Tressarer will makespplicatiou to the Court in tlie above eatitled raase for confirmation on sach sale as tm uracuour aiier ine penmt of redemn has exitirsav aad voa u hawoiar &:e1i mstloa .will be eater d in the Confirmation "5? 2& ?iVlfk ? w '. oa or he fore the 1st day of November. 197. 2 wi" "", " Cpnfinnstioa Keeord to asMftaia the time of sach neariaie aa.l may be sfsssaf. f yea desire. tonaknrniLyii..u show esase why sale should aot be coBSnneri Dated this Wth day of Jane. 19U7. : fisn. W Vi t. Owner and hohler of Tax Certificate. JIM'S PLACE I earry the best cfavtwjthiaar samyMna. Taa'drtaajawmahw im m invMad ta ssaseaTsan M-. aav aT JM IV V Net a Worker. .. -.-- M . ttat' - h.' - S 5 2t ' ' 'JtSL.K,! fV.M. ir-i--" STk-u. , . VtScag-jUu; ' . icsL:2iSS2SJ2s2 .-L ,. v i umtn-mwwmmmma-m issejft.j'sy .. jr o ? Til I, , - a..j. .4'.' a-. r t ."y - .." r( .yfcHrj.. - ... v