- i.-l f. - ijsfsrp m?T SvPSTO 'jJpt-SrSf-f.ir f: SSEFSSaaSteEff" 'sl?i?s,?53f?5r?VV1S ? V- S- - ie - ' ,M T - ; l& -iv 5? X . " itWS v "' ra y ' - j -v -..-- j? -y .j ? J, --""' " . , ' ' f ,? - s' si - f i - f ,' T7 i- jjr ,jyj!-tjj w; A-. l I. A t ft 3t l? K k: 1 i.j ;, '-A jMflB MM M Mi M MB MM MB B flB SB flBflBflBASjB4BJBBflKAKALA!mBMV mVmBBBBaVeBBBMBBBwBsHBMBBe AESCSCSC3C3C2((J(JpsBflfeflBflBflkflVflVCBS9S9M90VVBMVM " ayanaa1 j Good Things f I In The House f Sj dont count unless you Include the pantry JS j 3l Wife knows when husband is tired and 5 L 3J hungry she must reach his heart through 9l - tfi his stomach. 2 mail H y ' ' Mz B wefem BM w- IH BKmana sb 2 T H B B E ST UJT IxJIUUJSlllJiid J9 C is. what you get from us. Price? is as jr C as cheap, too, as most others charge for T JE what's inferior. Buy of us and get C '5 what's good. IC 1 1 jsa HENRY RAGATZ & GO. gaBnjnjSWrBTlnTinTiaSjSnnSJBSinSjfli SMI MB UBI WM BB BB BB BB BB BB BB B y Saaerrisor's Freceedisf. Colambus, Nebraska, Jim 11. 1007. ""The Board of Saperyisors of Platte Ooaatj. Nebraska, met at a Ooanty Board of Eqealisatioa at 9 o'clock A. M. Hob. M. E. Olother chairman aad Jobs Graf clerk. Boll call and following members present: Supra. Goetz, Newmaa, Priest, Schaecher. Schare, Schwarz, aad obarman Olotaer aad obaaty clerk Graf. Mored by BBpervitor Newman that a committee of three be appointed on equalisation oa aasesementi. Motion carried aad the chair appointed apenriMri Newman and Priest aad coaaty aweteor Galley as aaoh com mittee. Mored by eaperriaor Schare that a pecial committee on oomplainta be appoiated. Motion carried and snp vitton Schaecher. Sohare aad Goetz wars appoiated at aach committee. The foUowiBK were presented: To the Board of Eqaalizatioa of Platte.Ooaaty Nebraska. Geatlemen: The andersigaed, re preseatias; the ProTiiional oomm ittee of the Yoaag Mens' Christian as aooiatioa of Oolnmbas, make the foUowiag statement of facts: That aid committee has purchased for the ate of said associatioa lots 5 and G in block 51 ia the city of Oolambns. aad are bow aboat to erect a building tharon for the nse of said association. That the abore property was parchas ad by amid committee oa or about the 4th day of May 1907. That said pro perty is bow apoa the assessment roll of said oooaty for taxation, for the year 1907. Wherefore, the andersiga ed believing that said property ahoald be exempted for taxation for said year, respectfnlly askthis honorable board to oaase same to be stricken from the tax rolls. BespectfaUy abmitted. H. F. J. Hockenberger G. W. PHiUips Oa motion same was referred to the committee on oomplaints. The following was presented: To the Hon. Board of Eqaalization Gentlemen: Comes now the Trans Mississippi Grain Company by J. H. Ohapmsa. Sept. and represents to yoar honorable board that an error has been made in the ssessment of oar property at Oreston, Nebraska, in that the assessor contrary .to a decision of the supreme coart and in atmotUNM f ram the state secretary of the atate board of assessment, has listed for taxes "grain on haad" in the elevator to the amount of t8905. 00. aad wa pray yoar honorable body to have atrioken said- item from the FRISCHHOLZ BROS SHOES CLOTHING Gents ' Furnishing Goods RELIABLE BIGHT 405 11th Street, FRISCHHOLZ tax rolls and aooept ia lien thereof the attaohed shedale which is a true retara of oar taxable propertv as re quired by law. BeapectfnUy submit ted. Trans- Mississippi Grain Co. By J. H.Ohapman. Supt. On motion same was referred to the committee on oomplaints. Bemaln ing in sessioa nntli 12 o' do ok noon the .board of eqaalization. then ad journed, reconvening at (2 o clock P. M. with all members present. Remaining in session until 5 o'clcok P. M. the board cf equaliza tion, on motion then adjourned until 9 o 'clock A. M. to-morrow. Oolnmbas, Nebraska, Jane 12, 1907. The County Board of Eqaali ration parsaaat to adjournment met at 9 o'clock Hon. M. E. Olother 'presid ing John Graf clerk and all members present. The following was presented : Be fore -the Board of Eqaalization of Platte Ooanty, Nebraska. In tne nutter of assessment of Israel Gluok. as agent for Jacob Glack for the year 1907. Comes now Israel Gluck and re spectfuUy shows your honorable body: 1. That the assessment roU for the year 1907, aad now before your hon orable body, ooatains an item of notes seoared by mortgage listed at the aotaal value- of $89,290.00 and assessed at $17,858.00, which said item is listed and assessed a the property of the said Israasl Glaok as agent for Jacob Glaok. 2. That the amid item was not listed by the said Israel Glack either as his owb preperty or as the pro perty of any principal represented by him or as the guardian, trustee, banker, attorney or representative of any person or estate, or in any Loapacity whatever, but was lilted and entered upon the assessment roll by the county assessor on the Hth of June, 1907, without ,notioe to the amid Israel Glaok and without his knowledge or consent, and wrong fuUy and withoat warrant or authority. ' ' 3. That on the first ay of April, 1907, nor at any time subsequent" thereto was the said Israel Gluck the agent, guardian or trustee of 'the said Jacob Glaok. nor on said da t nor at any time subsequent there to nas be held or controlled in any capacity whatever any notes,, ore personal property of ay kind or character belonging to the said Jacob Glack. The said Israel Glaok therefore prays that the said item be stricken aad expunged from the assessment roU aad for such other aa further - GOODS AT PRICKS. ? V w Columbus. tflwtnn.n 'aBaamVt mm 'mm Lmf KbLbv r"smB'Jal nW BbbF bIbbw WjJ deemjast. Israel Glack. Mr. Israel Glack alow adarsawii the board, followed by attorney. L L Alberta hu ooansel and County At torney W. N. Hanaley who also aaide addresses' relative to taex matter, si the conclusion of whioh it by supervisor Schwara that the ter was of the eomplniaiof Glade be referred to the board aa committee bf the whole, that thej testimony of Mr. Glack ha taken at once aad that the board have the op-j portunlty to call wltaemss oa behalf of the county, aad that eaoa witness es be reqired to ho preaaat not 'later, than lharsday June 11th, at 2 o'olook p. m. and that the olerk ha dlretoed to imue subpoenaes for witaoaeej aa the county attorney may deeJre.1 Motion carried. j Mr. Glack was now sworn by tha board and teetiiod relative to tha matter. County Asaamor Galley and! Deputy assessor Jsjsggi ware aba worn and gave evidence; marked ex hibit A and B. Attorney Alberts and also Ooanty Attorney Heasley stated that at some length at at the conclusion of. whioh Ooanty Attorney Hanaley stated that it is his intention not to call for any more witnesses). Moved by supervsor Goeta that the matter of the complaint of Israel Gluck betaken under advisemeat by the board until 2 o'olook p. m. to morrow. Motion carried - The protest of v Henry Behhook, oomplaiaiag of exoessive aesesament placed on lota 5 and 6 blook 180, Oily of Columbus, aad requesting that the assessed aotaal valuation be, re daoed from f 1400.00 to f 1000.00. 'was presented and read and on motion referred to the committee' on oom plaints. ' The protest of Mrs. Mary Temes complaining of excessive assessment placed on lots 3 and 44, block 136. oitv of Oolambns, aad requesting, that'tha assessed aotaal valuation he reduced from 91700.00 to $1900.00 was presented and read and on aaoton re ferred to tne oommittee on plaints. The protentof Wa. Bueher plaining of aa unjust assessment of $500 added by the county ewieenr on his schedule of personal property aa afraaenhise on aooount of saloon license and rtqaeetag that the said amount be deducted from his aasess ment of personal proprerty, was pre sented and read and on moton referred to the oommittee oa oomplaints. Remaining in sessioa until IS o' clock noon, the board of equalisa tion then ' adjourned, reoonvaning at 2 o ' clock P. M. with all members present. Tne protest of Edgar Howard,, complaining of the refusal, of the county assessor to nwke aa allowaaoe or off sett oa his assesemeat roll for the several thousand dollars of aotee which he ha listed his amessmeat statement as due and owing by him to other parties and requesting the board to strike from his assessment roll the item of $9000.00 aggregate value of notes owned by him, wa presented and read by him and on motion referred to the oommittee on complaints The following was presented: To the Hon. Board of annliaation. Gentlemen: I hereby oomplaia to yuur honorable board that one Ohria topher Webb Jhoragh his trustee Mr. Henry Wilokens, only has listed $1900. 00 in notes for taxation for the year 1907. giving Mid amount as ia fall of almoney. notes and other personal property owned and controlled by said Henry Wilckens aa trustee for said Onrlstopher Wubb. lam informed that said Christopher Wubb had mo ney and notes aai other "securitiee amounting to over $15,000.00 several years ago aad had this asoaey loaned out ever since but has esoaped tax ation altogether until tie year 1905 therefore would request your honor able Board to call said Henry Wlokeas before the Board aad give satisfactory evidenoe that he has listed all money so controlled by bias. Bespeotfuily submitted. D. A. Beoaer. Moved by ooanty aaaamor4 Galley that the county olerk be diroted to issue aub-poaese Henry Wilckens to appear before this Board at 10 dock A. M. to-morrow for the purpose to show cause why certain personal property belOMgiag to Ohristpbor Wabb and for whom he is trustee, aad omitted from the sssemment rolls of the ooanty for the year 1907 ahoald aot be placed upon said aasesssaeat rolls also be directed to issue i for the appearance of witnesses. Motion carried. The protest of Vrisehola Bros. plaining of exoessive plaoed upon the west 1-3 of blook 117. Citv of Col repaeeting that the valuaton be redaoed from $3900 to $9500., was preseated aad read aad oa asotioa referred to the oommltte oa oomplaata. The protest of W. A. MoAUister aad Lillian Seeder, oomplaiaiag of ex oessive assesssBeata plaoed on blooka 3, 4. 6. 12, 14 aad lot 2 ia block S.Oida Village:, and statiag that the aesam meat plaoed oa said hlooka la at 40 per oeat high actual valae and requeettag that the sasesament be reduoed to' the .aotaal value of said hlooka, waa preaaated aad read aad oa mettea' referred to the oommittee on eeeaplaBtB. The followlag waa f neaatlad : Be fore the Ooaaty Board of aaalhm tkm. Ia the matter of rahnng the ias eeaameat of the West Bad Sewer JT1M. . ,, The West Sad Sewer Oaasfaay.eeai plains of and prjaeistaajajaat vthe.af relief as your honorable Why Drink it is made iaoae of the moat sanitary breweries ia the United States and ita eleaalinese ia guaranteed.. Because it is madeof the choicest, ' selected malt an? hopaaad uader a'steriHring prootas. thus asaur iag for it absolute purity. " Beeause it ia thoroaghly aged, or ripened, before leaving the brew ery aad cannot cause bUlioasaeas.' Because it is a cool, refreshing driak and a malt food of kaowa health-giving qualities. Beeause it is a home product, made by home labor. OLi Colitis Brewing Company. the assessmeat from $3500. to $4600. for the reason that said assessor had no authority to raise said assessment and farther because said asso lament anreasonable. Bespeotfally submitted. West End Sewer Oo. By O. J. Garlow, Secy. ' On motion same was referred to the oommittee oa oomplaiats. Bemaiaiag ia sessioa until ( O'olook P. M. the Board of equalization then adjourned until 9 o'clock, A. M. to asorrow. Oolambas. Neb.. June 13. 1907. The Ooanty Board of Eqaalizatioa to adjournment met at 9 o'olook aad ia theabseace of the mlrmaa were oalled to order by Ooanty olerk Graf. Moved by supervsor Newawa that supervisor Goetz act aa temporary Motoaoarred. Boll oalled and following Goeta, Newman, , Schwarz, coaaty )wmaa, Priest, Galley aad ooaaty clerk Graf. . Ab- aaat aad excused, suparviaor Sohnre and nhairmaa Clothier. The protest of Loais F. Phillipps, plalaiag of exoessive aaaeeamaat plaoed apoa the east 13 aad the mid dle of lot 1 block U7: City of Colum requesting that the v asses- d aotaal valuation ,be reduoed from $4400. to $3000. aad from $3900, to $2800 respectively, waa preseated and on motioa referred to the oommittee on oomplaiats. Relative to the protest of the West Sad 8ewer Company the following report was submitted' by the oommit tee oa oomplaiatB,: Your oommittee would respectfully with the request to furnish statemeat as reqaired by law aad aa requested by. the county asses sor. Henry Sohaecher. J. Goeta J. F., Sohnre. Mr. Uarlo addressed the board at soute length at the oonclasioa of whioh it waa moved by supervisor Prieat that the report of the oommit tee be not adopted aad that the as Band aotaal valaatioa o? the West Bad Sewer Company be' fixed at $4000.00. Moton carried. Bemaiaiag in session until 12 o'olook noon-the board of eqaalizatioa JIM'S PLACE I carry the beat of everything in my line. The drinking pub lie ia invited to eosne in aad see for JflaV. NEVEU.tVtfetar HI Twelfth 8 treat Ho. lie HANDMADE Mill VAGMS vLet na build you one. We put nothing but the very beet material aad workmanship in them. The prioe is right. Tawiapa, Bring in your tools , aadimplemeata to lie sharpened 3 aad repaired now. It will save you time when the spring work up. J We keep only the latest and beat in lifEht aaHl CaWTitCwS Alldndsof Fan liplimits.. t r yOur Horaeehoes stick, aad oat lame your horse try them. I mmiifi SkUtikM than adjoaraed. recenveaag at 2J e'eieekP. M. j Jeha Graf olerk aad aU memlersl Tha immmitlsB sm asmmlaiBta anb.'$ mlted reports aa fellows: Tour earn ittee to wheat 'waa referred the oommaaioarten of the fviaoaal Omnmittee of the T MeasOarie. tmaAaaseamion'et ing the einiiaiiBt af lota Meek 81, City af Columns, and where ta the eaidoooaaUtteeaaka that saidj pionerty ahall be esesaataa from jmsa-f tioa far the year, 1907, would report hat apon tavestigatkm we " And 'that-, aid property 'aoeordiag to the flading aa opinion of the ooaaty attorney waa listed iiisiiB BoooUiag to Jaw and therefore reeoasmead that the reqaast he deaied. Heary fehaoohsr John Goeta J. F. Sohnre. Oa motiea same wseadopted. The matter of the obmpmiat of Is rael Glaok whereby he prays that the item of $99,990.00 actual annua val ae of notes seoared by saortaaget. roU by the ooaaty amimor oa the let day or Jaae 1907 without his kaow laage or beaeeat hen striokea' aad ex paaged from the iiniihH roU and which waa takea ander advisement by the Board waa aew takea ap for aotioa. Moved by supervisor Soaaeoher that the prayer of Iarael Glaok he de-l ntad. Motion carried. Upon recomeadstioa of the oommittee I on complaints the following reductions were granted to complaints by the board: Mm. MaryTernea. loU3& 4 block 136, City of Columbua. $1700. to $1200 Henry Rehbock, Iota 5 & 6 block 180, City of Columbus, $1400. to 9l2ffi. Frieeholz Bros, west of lot 1 block 117, Columbus' 93900. to $2800 L. F. Phillipps, east t pt lot-1 block 117, Columbus S1400 to S3t0o. L. F. Phil lipps, middle i of lot 1 block 117, Colum bun$3U0Oto$2SO0. The reqaeet of W. A. Mo A lister aad to hare reiaped the valaatioa plaoed oa oartaia blocks aad tots la Oida vil lage, waa oa reoommsadatloa of the oommittee oa oomplainta greeted by the board aad eleatioa redaoed aa follows: Oa block No. 3. from $500. tar $380. Oa blook No. 4. from $450 to $380. Oa blook No. Horn $475, to $875. Oa block No. 19. frosa$4O0. to ;$350. Oa block No. 14. from $380. to f$t25 Oa block 2 lot 2 from $100. to $75. The protest of the Trans' Miarimlppi Graia Oiaapaay. bompmiaWof the at Orestoa by liattag for head'' ia the elevator to the aaaouat of $$905.00 aad praving to have atrioken said item from the aiseeemeat roll aad aooept ia lieu the reof the attaohed schedule whioh ia purported to he n true retara bf their taxable property, waa reported with following report. Your mittee oa oomplaiats towhom waa re ferred the matter of the Trans-Mim-imipoi Grata Oompaay would beg leave to report, that we lad aooordiag to sapreme ooart deoiaoaaof Nehrsara. that the average oapiml of graia bro kers should be aaamsed inetead of the graia ia the elevators of aaoh the trot dayof. April.. eoomamad that the ooaaty aad ia hereby dlreotod to ohaage the aaamemeat of said ooainaay as reqaested whioh said reqaeet ia by this board granted. JohaGoats J.F. Sohnre Oa motion' of aaparrieor Prieat same waa adopted. The protest of Edgar Howard, oomplaiaiag that the ooaaty imimrir nas refased to awka aa allowaaoe or offset fOr the several thousands dollars of Botes which .the listed ia his aaaaameat it ae dae aad owiag by aim to other parties and reqaeatiag the the Board to strike from the ' amies meatrolls the item of $8000.00 pre snaring notes owaed by oomplaiats aad whioh the ooaaty assessor 'has listed for taxatioa against him, was reported hack, with the following re port Tour oommittee oa oomplaiats after inveatigatiBg the opmphUats of Edgar Howard would report, that we referred the matter to the ooaaty at torney for advisemeat aad received the foUowiag opaloa: Ia the matter of the oomplaiats of Edgar Howard referred to. me for my opinion tnereoa would beg leave to sab mit the followlag: The presaat Be veaae Law makes ao proviaioa for off-setting indebtedness credits. The sapreme ooart of state ia ease of Taanastsr Oo aaty va MoDaaoM in 1905 (N..W. B, jol. lo$ 78) holds that debts .owiag by party oaa aot he dedaeed tad morgagesheld by the same party. W. H. Hanaley. Oo. Atty." Tear oosamitsee guided by the above girea .eataloa, therefore re- eosamaedthat the reqaeet af Howard be deaied. J. J. P.80B1 Oa saetion of were Tie fallowing To the Board of equalisation of Platte : T poiasedfortheparpooeaf eqaaliaiag flflBQflOflBMMav aVaWW9sni wwsmapssmar arVC the year 1907. would-report had re- oo-smmd. that the follawtag - "r t wife .. . Asm to aaanaed valsaiea af eat tie: jPssBLiiV wp I9airesat .afjtsJ property paaeiaoa therefore amimor I aaananaml WH aaTaaaaaT aaaaaan m jsaaam. aanxau BBamu i- m f-- m - -- A ImI mtaSMB sjfltahle asaeamaeat amy he baa, to- Bhsrmaa Bae10reekw l 19$ iii & JL--ri tpS If youwstnta III Spring Hi Ont at w.i la style, materials, wprkmaaehip and fit, at a oommon-seace nrice, wej caa anit 70a .jKtfectly. We would have yoo kaow that oar clotaea; are not oaJy aaide to esll, bat "Mad t WfaT. Ifyoa were to ria, open tne omuue witk aaile,yoa wUl find only the Migkaat claM fj veum iias.uv&M vimauaajBUBBSj 'SvWBaaMmBsssa a tmwaaaaWLSf ..Z& , CAMiaMT 14A& -1 DRMttEGEE. K1NCAK.4,.W00 $12.50 to $30.00 In all the aew single-breasted models with two or three buttons set close, straight or slightly rounded front, shaped back, with or without -vent, creased side seams, lapels long and peaked, or semi-peaked, sleeves plain or finished with imitation cuffc double breasted coats of similar fiuish. Vests, siiigle-bVeasted with or without collars. Trous-1 ak aviila Umrr av aiAa knotrloa nlain Ar orolttul Bid SMIIIS. All hand o niui vmm v gn wuvsvs, jy. tailored in fashionable gray apd brown worsteds, cheviots and cas 'simeres also blue and black suitings All the newest shades in brown, Derbies and soft hats $1.50 to $3.00 GREISEN BROS YHf. V ncj n .v,. - -3 . . Orand Prairie Butler M Loup - Lost Creek., Barrows Granville H. Jrliet St Bernard 6 16 20 6 14 7 9 23 347 1,113 964 475 570 400 634 1.863 Total uddit:on8 $9,694 Deduct from assessed valaatioa of cattle; Columbus Oreston Humphreo Monroe WoodTille Walker twp 2pe.osat ,, 10 n 11 .. n 8 ft n 2 n m 2 M I 286 846 1945 846 153 342 Total daduotiona $4,418 Add to valuation of horses: Oolumbutf city 30 per ceet Crestoa twp 3 Loup twp 10 'iiostCr twp 31 Burrows twp 12 Walker twp 4 $1,538 318 482 2,493 . 970 592 r Total additions $693 Deduct from swooned valuation of horses Columbua twp 17 per cent $2,690 Bismark ,. 5 Shell Creek l Grand Prairie 2 Butler 9 branville 3 Monroe ' 5 Joliet 4 St. Bernard M 2 WoodviUe 5 532 89 207 578 336 781 346 236 521 Total deduetiona $6. 316 Grand total additions $15,967 Graad total deduetiona 10,734 - .Net increase $ 5,253 We reoommead that the clerk be dlreotod to have the foregoing addi Hone aad dedaotioas made on theas assameat books aad prepare the tax list ia aooordaaoe therewith. Bespeotfally eaamitted. Was- J .Me A. E.' P relet John J. Galley. Oa motioa of supervisor Goeta was adopted. Bemaiaiag la sessioa nnttl 5 o'olook p. m. on motioa of saperviaorSohwars the board of eqaaliaatioa thea ad journed until 8 o'olook a. m., to-mor- Oolumbus, Nebraska, June 14, 1907. The county BonrdSof eqaaUaatioa par saaat to adjoaramoat aset at 8 o'olook M. E. Olotaer ohairmaa, Joha WHAT A COOL PLACE! People come into our store and exclaim, WffffiT ft G0k)L PLACE and ask what makes it It is because r we have so many icebergs in stock. We save you money, save you ice and give yeu better service than any refrigerator, in the market UNDERTAKING Inquire of Suit 4 i.i & 1 1 1 SewiBf; 81lk8, trimmings and; workiriaaonip, and be nutieied thatj Matter-Talltra did indeed) fashion the garments. - It ieowr constant endeavor to sell yon the beet clothes the guaranteed kind that are made at moderate prices, aad we are ever ready to proye that we've got them by the garments themselve. Spring S$ck Suits for Men and YcAing Men at j w ....,. v. - -" yi Graf clerk aad all the eat. The followlag was nressated : To the Hob. Board of Eqaaliaatioa. v Geatlmea: I here br request yea to reduce the asaouat of taxable pro perty yoa have charged me ap with as ageat for Jacob Glack' from the t of $89,000.00 to $30,000,00 for the reasoB that a good part of said original amount has been paid aad for the farther reasoa that theseour itesMputoa sanrke would not bring the face valae of said mortgages. Bespeotfaiiy sahmitted. I. Glaok. Oa motioa same waa referred to the oommittee oaoomplaiBta Deputy Sheriff Jaworaki now report ed that he oould not find Henry Wilck ens who waa suauaoaed to appear be fore this hoard relative to the assess meat of oertaia personal property beloaging to Christopher Wubbe, when apoa it was moved by supar viaor Priest that another annmeaa be served on Heary Wilokens to appear before this Board at 5 o'olook this p.m. Oa motioa tboBoard of EqaaliTatiea now adjourned reoonvaning at 5 o'olook, Hoa. M. E. Olother pmsid lag aad all membera preseat The protest of Jamas Novels, Got tloh Leaner, Samael Gam. Vogel Moscbeaross. Fred O. Sehalta. Hiak elmaa A Wittka. Heary Heroheahaa. W. L. Bostteaer. Osapla Mioek H. F. Biodfaehrer aad B. W. Byrne, oomplaiaiBg, of unjust aassssmeat of $500,00 added by the aeesesor on their sobedale of personal atdbeity aa a franchise oa acoount of saloon li- d reqaeatiag that the said it be dedaoted from their asess- it of psrsoasl property were pre seated and read oa motion referred to the oommittee on oomplaiats. It was reported by Depew Sheriff Jaworski that aa vet he waa unable to ind Henry Wilckens but that ia formatiOB has bean received that he wills home thiseveaiag aad will appear before this Board to asorrow. Oa motioa of supervisor Schwara the board of Equalisation bow ad journed until 3 O'olook P. M. to morrow. (Continued on page 8.) t -4r a PkMies a a members prat- Herrick -i II ,w -1 ?l M tioa of the ooaaty aaaajamr in sa W W W WmMmpvpamaj rev As1 U TJf t - zr ,---'i1.-i-s'. .a- A -"-! -t. V f-Mmb. : s-i -2-..ri. v.. erixmP , U f . tf . s'r nr r ., X . jr r .-- b. -.jwij ' 'i5i,S..! :-! TT.i -- --!Mmmgr vj . tr &yjr & j 'H'