The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 26, 1907, Image 1

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ConoUcited with the Ctolnmbu. Time April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1 190&
S- .. tY- TV,
T . '
V SF Wrt
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f Z12lll?umt?l lit "
Dr. J. W. Term
f BrstEiippe4 Optical 0ic
J la The West
1 in the front rooms over Pollock
& Co. 's Drug: Store. Will be in
f Columbus offices Sunday, on-
X day, Tuesday and Wednesday of
i each week. Spectacles and eye-
I glasses scientifically fitted atd
repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted
tA in IUWA.
xkVA ... MJ
vorn - '
Barley... 35
Hor8 f5 30 U$5 40
Cslesrate im CeloMu
One of the best programs ever given
in the city, there will be something do
ing from 10 a. m. until midnight. Don't
fail to come early and help us celebrate,
and ou will be glad that you came.
Columbus is going to have a celebra
tion this year that will outdo all former
ouea. The committee In charge .have
b?en untiring in their efforts to make
ibid the best celebration ever held in
Columbus. Read the program and that
will give you an idea of whpt will be do
ing. Come early as the fan begins at 10
o'clock and continues until midnight.
Sunrise Salute to old Glory.
Music by the Columbus City and
Platte Center Bands concerts afternoon
anil evening at Frankfort Bark.
10 a. m. Grand Street Parade: In
the following order: Marshalls of the
day: Clues Marshalls, O. I. Baker and
M. !C. Casein. Assistants: Thomas
Branigan, Was. T. Ernst, Geo. Winslow
Chas Coxon, Hector Ulaser, Peter
Schmitt, John Dadds,, Chas W. Free
man, and Wm Browner.
Platte Center Band: Hon. W. M.
Henaley. orator of the day: Mayor and
members of the vT3ity Council in Car
riages; Co. K. 1st KegL Nebraska
Nationol Guards; Columbus City
Band: Columbus Fire department in
full Uniform, decorated apporatus; De
corated business floats; Calithu mpians,
Shetlaud pony brigade, decorated car
riages and automobiles; A prize of
$1.00 each for :decorated buggies in
Shetland pony brigade and a prize of
Mksts for each saddle pony or burrow in
parade; The following prizes will be
given for the best costumed representa
tive of any Nationality in the parade:
1st, $3.00; 2nd, & 00: 3rd, $1.00; De
corated carriages 1st prize $5 00; 2nd,
$300; 3rd, $2.00; Parade will form at
9.30 sharp on 14th street, north of B
M depot.
At Frankfort Park immediately atfer
the parade.
President of the Day, Hon. J. E.
North. v
1. Music Columbus City Band.
2. Qaarette of young ladies' i
3 Address of Welcome Mayor G. W.
Phillipps. ,
4. Invocation Bev. L. B. DeWolf .
5. Reading, Declaration Independence,
6. Oration Hon. W. N. Hensley.
Music by Platte Center Band.
Bowery daaoe afternoon and eveniog.
i uWi9BnwJP?9iVBE2s-
4 ??mWnE!.;unjb
Cans aai CsMrsts lis
4th of
Largest and Grandest Celebration in.
the History of Columbus and
Platte County.
A grand street parade at 10:00 a. ra.
Consisting of Fire department, military and
civic organizations, interspersed with music
by two bands.
Oration and special literary program at the park.
Bowery dance afternoon and evening.
' Foot races, sack races, wheelbarrow races, barrel
races, three-legged race, greased pole, etc;
Grand Firemens' Relay race, participated in by
sixteen men; an exciting water fight between
picked firemen, followed by a game of base
ball by two strong teams. -
The management have secured the celebrated
"Aerial Lucase's for four great feature acts,-
free upon the streets: L Roman and Flying'
, ringe. 2. Nevelty barrel jumping. 3. Comedy
revoluing ladder. 4. Balancing & flying trapese
Grand free street perfenaaaceby the
A Till Lweaas's four great featarescta:
1. Boawa and tying rings. 2. Novel
ty barrel jaalpiag. 3. Comedy revolv
ing ladder. 4. Balaaeiag and Jlyiag
1. Boys' foot race. 10 to 12 years, let
prize $L6Q, Sad LOO 3rd 71,
2. Boys' foot race, 13 to" 15, $3.00, 1.50
and 1.00.
a Men's foot race, free for all, $5.00.
and 2.50
1. Fat atea1 race, aoaeaader 900 lbs.
osn enter, three to start, $20, 1.50 and
5. Boys shoe race, high lace shoes,
$1.50, LOO sad 75c.
o. routo race, boys 10 to 12 years,
$1.50 aad LOO.
7. Boys' potato race, 13 to 15 years,
$2.00 aad LOO.
8. Wheelbarrow race, open to all, three
to start, $2.00 and LOO.
9. Potato race, girls' 10 to 12 yean old
$1.40 and 1.00.
10. Egg and spoon race, girls, $2.00 and
11. Box and barrel race, prizes $2, $1
and 75c.
12. Sack race, prizes $3, $1 add 75c.
13. Girls' foot race, 10 to 12 years, prizes
$1, 75c and 50c.
14. Girls' foot race, 14 to 16 years, prizes
$2. $1.50 and $1.
15. Slow horserace, committee to select
rider, nrizea $3. 2 and L
v m "v
16. Firemen's relay race, 16 men to
enter, 4 from each company in the de
partment, prizes $10,1$8 aad $7.
17. Ladder climbiag contest, msmbers
of Pineer Hook k Ladder Co., prizes $3
$2 aad $1.
18. Firemen's foot race, prizes, $3 $2
19. Water fight bv members of Gojum
bns Fire Department, prizes, $12 to be
divided equally.
Committee on races and sports: O.L.
Bader. Thomas Brannigan, 8. J. Byan,
M. C. Csssin and R. 8. DiesJason.
Committee on Stands and Conces
sions: 8. J. isyan, O.Lt. Baker, Thomas
Brannigan and William Schram
Base Ball immediately after the casar
Platte Center vs Columbus
The Committe at great expease has
secured asd will exhibit absolutely free
during afternoon and evening a magnifi
cent Moving Picture Show. Comic aBd
AMerry-Go-Bouad all day.
A magnificent pyrotechnic display
fire works ia-theaveoiag, consisting of
beautiful illuminations and costly est
pieces, interspered by
leaus by a score of beautiful young
ladies. ,
Pleasing and attractive atoreoptioon
exhibition upon the streets follows the
fire works.
Officers executive committee: G. W.
Poillips pros; Geo. Fairchild Secy. Dan
Schram Tress.
A ladies' rest room fully equipped,
has been provided.
Drs. Paul aad Matzes, Dentists.
Dr. W. H. Slater, veteriaarian, phone
Refrigerators. The Herrick and Alas
ka, both ice savers. Gray!.
Special price on ice eream to picnics
and churches. Jones bakery.
Mrs. Dr. arranging to
make a visit in the east, and will leave
here next Monday for her old home in
Misses Lida Turner of this city, and
Halda Malm of Weston, Neb., both
teachers in the city schools, departed
Saturday evening for a two months tour
of the west. They will stop at many
places oa their way to San Diego, Cali
fornia, and returning will stop at the
principal points in Colorado.
The Fourth of Jaly easeutiv
littoe rsqassts the, sMroaaats of Gel-
uatbus,to prepaie floats foe taa panda
oanhe SBoraiag of the Eourth.
Vhsywoald also raqaest that east
aad every basiasss ssaa ia theeity dec
orate his place of busiaess aad the clti
zensiaceaeral to decorate their resi-
A new feature of tae eoauag Foarth
asd a timely as well as taoaghtfal one,
will be roeau set aside sapeoislly for la
dies. Theserooautobe aaed for rest-
jag and will be opaa toalljadisa aad
childrea, both frost the city aad country
throughout the day. They will be lo
cated oa Eleventh street ia the Gott-
ohalk buildiag aad a cordial
extended to all ladies to visit
rooms. ,
He Wem It.
A seboolnaeter once said to hia pupils
that to the' boy 'who would stake the
best piece of composition ia five ann
ates on u How to Overcome Habit." be
would give a prize. When the five
- .
atea had expired a lad of nine- yean
stood up and said:" Well sir, habit ia
hard toxnreroome. If you take off the
first letter it does not change 'abit.' IfJ
you take off another letter you still have
a ' bit' left. If you takeoff still another,
the whole of it ' remains. If you take
on "" " " wwiiy "P
I of which 8 to 8how ' if you wwit
to get rid of habit you must throw it
off altogether." Besult He won it. Ex.
Binding twiae.- Get our price.
Miss Miller of Kearney , was the guest
last week of Miss Jennie Wilsoa.
Wedding rings, souvenir spoons.
Carl Froemel, Eleventh street jeweler.
Mrs. Iseman and little' son of Chicago
are visiting at the home of Chalrey
Hudson aad family
Yoa get it dope just like yoa waat it
when you order your printing from the
Journal Priatiag House.
, JohaDrock has the contract to ereet
a modern dwelling for L. F. Phillips,
and work was begun oa same the first
of the week.
Mr. aad Mm Fred Sehaf roth of Crot
toa. Neb. speat Tharaday ia this city
visiting at the home of JoeStovicekand
K. a Palmer the tailor, clean, dyea
and repairs Ladies aad Geata' elothing.
LEataeleaned aad reblocksd.- Battoaa
made to order. Agent Grnaaais Dye
Workea. Nebraska phones.
I. W. Holmes came .up from Lincoln
Friday and remained over Saaday visit
ing in this city, returning Monday. He
was accompanied home by his wife and
little son who have been visiting here
for the past two weeks.
Mrs. R Green, who has bean vimtisg
her parents, H, . Enyart, and old
friends the last three weeks left Mon
day for her home in ChsppeU Neb.
Mr. and Mrs.- John Braaken living oa
a farm eleven miles north vof Columbus
entertained a number of their relatives
and friends both Saturday aad Sunday
in honor of their guests Mrs. John Witts
aad Miss Elise Peters of Scriber. The
former ia a daughter of Mr. aad Mrs.
John Brunken.
On Thursday afternoon, Mm. Irvine
Holmes of Lincoln, who is visiting in
this city, was pleasantly surprised by a
number of her lady f needs who gathered
at the home of her sister. Mm. Louis
Maier, of whom she is a guest, on east
Twelfth street. Li;ht refreshments wre
served, aad a very pleasant afternoon
was enjoyed by alL
No licensed saloon xia Silver Creek
this year, ia what appears to be the gen
eral verdict now. Wednesday the vil
lage board met to hear what the appli
caata and remonetrators had to asy is
regard to the petition of F. F. Brittsin
for a license. Leaks wan discovered in
the petition and Thursday morning Mr.
Brittsin gave it up and withdrew hia
application. Silver Creek Sand.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Browa of Beaver
Dam. Wisconsin, wen in the city Thurs
day and Friday, guests at the homes of
Mm. M. K. Turner and Mm. E. H. Jen-,
kins, going from hem to Hamphrey for
a abort visit with E. G. Brown. They
had been to Cedar Rapids visiting with
G.-W. Brown aad family. Mr. Browa
was a resident of Nebraska back ia the
TO's. leaving hen in TBL He says Ne
braska looks like an entirely new coun
try to him, aad Columbus especially has
grown far beyond what he had expected
to see.
At high aoon at the PnaTsyteriaa
church in the oityof 8aalt Bto Marie,
Michigan, on Wednesday of last week
occurred the awrriage of Mr. Bart P.
McKinnie and Mies Tenia Farai. Mr.
MeKinnie. haviagValativea in Colambas,
ia quite wen knowa hen and has made
maay visits at varioaa times. The happy
young couple ia recent yean have been
prominent in musical eireles. haviag
toured extensively in grand opera, Miss
Farm haviag bean smocistsd as a prima,
donna with Madam Sohamha Hstnk for
asverslssasona. The yeungeoanle after
a pleasant bridal tour of the
lakes arrived ia Oalumbas Sunday last
for afew days visit with
Turner, Jenkins and Terrell
which was vary mneh enjoyed. After
J be at home to their many
"Valky View,- near Loaf) Otty, Near,
Will tell the story of year sum
sser vacation. There's 11m for
a'dosea pictures in eaeh car
tridge, the freight ia trifling.
The kodak . itself slips into
the poeketraad the pietun
making ia simple from atart to
flaish. .Press the button do
the rest or leave it to another
just ss you please.
KwtfikS 41.00 at
Jeweler & Optician
Fulfil inf Maaa' Pssitisss.
What better (proof would you care to
have to prove to you that women an
rapidly fulfilling mens' positions. The
followiag article is taken from the
Schuyler Sun:
Wednesday " afternoon, Miss Jane
Kingston had Mrs. Herman Kaasch
arrested, charged with assault and bat
tery. It Basins' that the women had a
good "scrap," the Kingston woman get
ting the worst of it. She, austaina a
badly fractured skull, a bad arm and
other smaller braises. It seems that
fighting can do more damage
The cause of the fight is a
mystery, as neither of the' women will
tell what started the fuss between them.
Mm. Kaasch was found guilty and fined
three dollars and costs, amounting to
six dollan aad sixty cents in all. She
paid the fine.
Dr. Naumaaai Deatist 13 St.
Porter wanted, Meridian hotel.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block.
For hot weather shirts, see Gerharz
FlynuCoT .
Already Youag America has begun to
An assortment of fudges 10 cents a
pound. Poueete
Economy fruit jars, warranted to keep
any kind of fruit or vegetable.
Try a pair of Gerharz Flynn Cb.'s
knickerbockers for your boy at $1.00 and
$155. -
The Gruetii Society will give an iee
cream social Thursday evening at the
home of Jacob Glur.
Arequeat is made ia this issue by the
Foarth of July executive committee to
get up floats for the parade. Let every
business man make some ehowiag if it
be wothiog store than a banner.
Mm. J. Nichols, formerly of this city,
but now a resident of Wayne, arrived in
the city1 Thursday morning, and will
remain several weeks visiting with her
mother, Mm. Paul Hoppen. ,
A message waa received Tuesday after
noon from Grand Island stating that
Clyde Scott was seriously injured in a
runaway. At this writing no further
particulars of the accident haa been
PaMic wamce, raia or shiae,
Fwarth ef Jaly might, Orpheas
hall. Masic by Orpheus orches
tra. Gd order guarantees';
Candy Kitchen
Special Sale en One-
'wtlatt NutFtffeat
10 cent per Perni
' i
Come in and try our Ice
Cream Soda, 5c The lat
est dish is a "Happy
Thoughf'JLOc, come in and
try it All kinds of Cali
fornia fruits in season.
' Come in and listen to
the musk Saturday after
noon and evening, from 4
o'clock to 6 and 8 to 10:30
Wall Paperi
Pure Woodman Linseed
fOil and best House and
I Barn Paint at
Jifinrs im Sim.
Tuiat 0ta$lhn ObM
The gasoliae eaas must aoon be paint
ed. The Mil providing that each gas
oliae can he painted red, becomes effect
ive July first. Followiag ia -an exact
copy of the bill:
Section 1. Every person within this
state retaiaiag gasoline, benzine and
outer Kindred nigh explosive in less
than carload lots ahaU after the first
day of July, 1907, deliver the same to the
purchaser only in barrels, casks, pack
ages or cans. Vermillion red, aad having
the word "gasoline," "benzine'' or what
ever name such explosive is known by,
plaialy printed thereon in English. All
such words above referred toenail be in
letters ssSoieatly large to attract atten-
th. '
Section 3. No person shall deliver kero
sene or what is knows as coal oil, in any
barnl, cask, package or can paiated or
stamped as above required
Section 3 Every person within this
state purchasing gasoline or other high
explosive of that nature for his own use
shall prooun and keep the aame only in
barrels, casks, psokages or cans paiated
or stsmped aa above.
Section 4. No person keeping for use
or using kerosene, otherwise known as
'coal oil shsll put or keep the same in
any barrel, cask, package or can painted
or stsmped ss above required for explo
sives be psin.ed or stamped.
Section g. Any person violating any
of tbe provisions of this sot shall upon
conviction be punished by a fine of
not mora thaa fifty dollars for each
and every offense, or by imprisonment
in the county jail not to exceed
days, or fine and imprisonment.
This moruiag nt 8 o'clock, at the Cath
olic church, Wm. J. Gregorius and Miss
Elizsbeth Farley were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony. Father Markm per
forming the ceremony, at which only
relatives and a few intimate friends of
the bridal couple were preseat. 'Both
bride aad groom an well and favorably
kuown, haviag spent most, .if not all of
their lives in this city.
Mr. Gregorius is foreman at .the Tele
gram office, aad we feel safe in saying
that he will provide abundantly fer the
lady of his ehoice.
Miss Farley is a very estimable young
lady and the. worthy couple sasy rest
assured that the Journal takes pleasure
in adding its congratulations to those of
the numerous other friends' jn wishing
sheave fife of prosperity and happiness.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregorius will at once go
to house keeping in n residence on East
Fourteenth street, which has been nicely
prepared for their occupancy.
For Fireworks. Jones' bakery.
Dr. Mark T.pfsMshen. deatist
See Gerharz Flynn Co. for boys and
young men'a suits. v
On Saturday Sunny Monday Soap, 7
bars for 25a-CrTjr'fc
A new and complete line of Fire
works at Jones' bakery.
- The Gerharz Flynn Co. just received
a new shipment of lata atyle hats.
Mrs. Julia Basmnsssn is receiving a
visit from her niece Miss Agnes Aabel of
When in need of a pair of pasts, see
Gerharz Flynn Co'a. line of $3.50, $8.00
and $3 50 values.
Mrs. G. A. Young aad children of Nor
folk an visiting at the home of P. J.
Hart and other relatives in this city.
Mrs. V. S. Jay, formerley ' one of the
leading milliners of Columbus, but now
a resident of Lincoln, spent a few days
of last week in this city, bhe was return
ing from a pleasant western trip.
The remains of the late Harry Clark
arrived in this city from Edmonton,
Alberta Canada; Friday. The deceased
suffered aa attack of pneumonia which
lasted only four days. The funeral waa
held Sunday afternoon from the Catholic
Church. Father Marion performing the
services. Interment was made in the
Catholic Cemetery.
Sail Istate Transfers.
Beeher, Hockenberger k Chambers,
real estate agents, report the following
real estate transfers filed for record in
the ofiloe of the county clerk during the
week ending June 22, 1907.
Joha JavonH to U P B B Co, pt s2 ae
awa.23-l3w,qcd 25 00
Joba aw
ae 1-134. qcd 10 69
nwSSW l3BJO Q0d m3u wV
JGDaantoWK Dean, awae, saw,
Bew.lMM,qcL., MS 6
Alois ftekolz to heat Grorer. lot 8. blk
D D D Boyd to J H Brook, lota S aad 4,
blk 1, Pewaall add to Colasabaa. wd.
JHBrodk to D VCn Bojd.
lot 8, Uk 4, Phillips add. wd
BT Wilson to P Palliated, ae aw. 2i-
IasW Wile
BTWilaoa to J E Dakbted, aw aw
SaaV'Xlr'w.W wQ.
CHBasMoa to ghabeih Sheldon, ne4
WaWsak toWLBoB,
560 08
80 OS
2908 68
M,blk.Cnatoa,wd....r. 799
Csio Hsaais to A J Wade, w2 lot ft.
blklll, wd IBS
JaaeLuafrt toJaaaie
Swav.nJS4w.wd l
IMS-Iw, wd U
ChxiaHarikaaauStae.S-l4w.wd.... 1 W
L A CeebBSB to Stmim B Mewary, lot
hlh It. Wtslilsaf "' ' ..... 7StM
BtL AaateC L
lecsJ aad t, alkX, Tar-
AHalatsah div. wd
MM 68
ssiwasnmwaaslMS, total. $
It is sow safe to state that thaCalum-
boa Power OaaalwiU be a reality if the
raporta in Omaha and other papers of
national repute can be relied upon to
any degree. Last Thursday's World
Herald contained n long article ia which
it stated that the Columbus project had
been oaancad for $L500.00a Thiaiafor-
tion comes from the committee of the
Omaha Realty Exchange, which met the
day previous to the article's appearaaoe.
The followiag is s part of the article aa
appeared in the Herald of June 20th.
"We have ninny reasons for thinking
that the promoten of the Colambue
water power have made iaaacial ai
raagemeate to secure tbe $4500,000 capi
tal neceasary to develop and transmit
41,000 twelve hour hone power to Omaha.
The three different expert reporta ex
amined by us, all agree x that at least
41,000 electrical horse-power oa a twelve
hour basis can be generated aad if this
amount were sold nt $30 per hone power,
on n twelve-hour basis, it will enable the
promoten to earn over 20 per cent per
annum oa the total cost of the develop
ment, and such developments csn be
duplicated at Schuyler, Fremont nnd
Omnha, furnishfng 150,000 available
We do aot believe that the develop
ment of n water power, three and n half
miles northwest of Columbus would
thbtylcreate a rival manufacturing city at
Columbus. .While suoh a power would
be more or lew benefeial to Colambue,
Schuyler and Fremont, yet the, great
benefit of each a development must come
to Omaha, when the market is to bs had
for the power nnd where other necessary
manufacturing, advantages are preseat,
such as accessibility to raw material and
distribution of the finished products by
reason of the ssany railway facilities of
this city, and it is well known that all
large manufacturing plants are more
successful if located nesr huge cities to
eaable them to have secern to an abund
ance of cheap labor.
In ease outside capital should not
undertake the development of the Co
lumbus, Fremont or Seymour Park
water power schemes, we would recom
mend that the city of Omaha vote bonda
to construct the most favorable of these
power enterprises, aa the city is fully
ssthorized to do, as per sections 140 aad
141 of the atj oharter.
Haatiags is iaterested in ihe Columbus
canal aa will be seen by the followiag
recent dispatch from that place to the
The promoten of the interurban in
Hastings are jubilant over the rapid
progress beisg made for the building of
theOolumbua power phut. It ia the
iatentiou of the interurban people to
secure power from the Colambus plant
for their road and aa the building of tbe
latter is now assured they declare the
motive power problem m solved. Infor
mation has come to Haatiags that the
Columbus promoten are bow buying
land for a mammoth reservoir.1 They
have acquired an irrigatioa ditch some
twelve miks-loBg aad a site has been
selected for the power plant Water
will be taken from tke Loup nver. The'
project baa been planned on n large
scale. A tract of 3,400 acres will be used
for the reservoir, which will Lave an
80-foot cement wall for a considerable
way around. The survey for the reser
voir has beea sonde and it ia this bind
that promoten are now buying."
With the production of power in our
midst Columbus is destined to become to
a greater degree a maaufacturiag center
and while this power can be transmitted
to various other pointa throughout east
ern and central Nebraska, it is only
natural to presume that parties or cor
porations seeking new nnd undeveloped
territory for maaufacturing produeta
will get aa near tbe seat of power as
possible, though they utay not be bene
fited by it to any greater extent. At
nay rate Columbus power will be a go
aad then is nothing but a bright futun
before the people of this community.
G. & Prieb, painting' and paper hang
iug. The whole thing will be in Columbus
July Fourth.
Dr. L. P. Careteneon, Veterinarian,
both phones 212, Columbus, Neb.
Miss Martha Tuner eame home
from Lincoln Friday evening, returning
again Monday morning.
Dust-To-Go. Is aa absolute preven
tive for dust in aweepiagacarpetor asy
kind of floor. Beet disinfectant known.
For sale by Gray's departmeat atora aad
Heary Begets, grocer.
On aeoouatef the absence of Bev.
Monroe, pastor of the Congregatioaal
Church, Rev. Lotas DeWolfe, pastor of
tae M.E. Ohurah, will conduct both
morning and evening ssrvices ia the
OoacTegstional Ohurah Sunday at. the
usual hour.
The double track between Central
City and Wataoa'a naeh. wast of Kear
ney ia now nil completed with theexcep
Uou of one mile at Wood River. Already
the track that is now in use between
hen and Aide has added greatly tithe
ease with which the trains ana be hand
led aid a Wcckade ia the local yards m
of usuasal secarreaee Csatral City
Best Paint
. to use
Skerwii - WilHuj
Pollock &Co.
Oil tut
Files of the Joanal June 25, 1873
The Shoo Fly B. & club of thaa hu
have n challenge from the Jack Rabbits
of Schuyler to play them a mateh game
on the fourth.
The Northern Pacifio surveying party
was recently attacked by 16$ Sieux
Indiana. The infantry nnd cavalry
forming the escort routed the Indians.
Four Sioux were killed.
George E. Baraum tell us that ha aad
hia brother Guy C, have one-hundred
sad fifty acres of Rassiaa wheat, which.
bow looks well enough to yield thirty
five bushels to the acre.
Was. Bloedora says that ha raised last
year, of the Club wheat thirty two
bushele to the acre. This year he sup
poses that the yield,, it aot hereafter
iaterfered with, will reach thirty-six
bushels to the acre.
v a A. Speioe, of the firm of Speice
North, land and law agents, informs an
that the transfers of real estate dariag
the lsst few weeks exceed all precedent
and taut government land ia being oe
cupied nt us astonishing rate.
A delegation of 'fifteen farmen from
England arrived last week ia Nebraska.
They come to select leads for oss sua
dred families.. We hope they will visit
our locality asd inspect the leads here,
aa we have little doubt but that our lead
agents eaa direct them to jastaa good
lands as can be found ia the state.
Dr. Lnsachsn Oocsbstand i
Bee Gerharz Flynn Co. for sua
shirts and underwear.
Dr. O. T. Martyn, jr..
Oelambue ffsata Ban!
Frank Baumaa returned Wedaesday
afternoon from North Platte where he
had spent ssveral days visiting.
The next suit you nut try oee -of Ger
harz Flynn CoZs nt $10-00,- S12J0 nnd
Dr. B. C. Ttesiag is haviag
proveuMUts put upon' his
Murry street. The work is beta done
by C. a Hardy.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Wiley arrived from
Omaha Tuesday for a visit with relatives.
Mr. Wiley expects to remain hen for sev
eral months; but Mrs. Wiley will leave far
Badea, Pa , to spend the summer.
Home grown strawberries are oa mar
ket and the quality ia mneh better
than those shipped is Aa usual they are
being shipped to surrounding towns,
as the supply cannot bs takes can of
Paul aad Arnold Cdrails, two young
lade, arrived in theeity Inst week from
Hsmbarg,Geimaay. They srestoppiag
with their aunt, Mrs. Arnold Oehlrieb,
aad if they take a fancy to this country
they will make their futun home here:
Mm. Louis Swarz waa pleasantly sur
prised by a number of
gathered at her home Monday
to help Uua wouthy lady celebrate her
fiftieth birthday. Refreshmests
served after which the
the hostess many such happy birth
days aad departed to their nspsstivc
Hockenberger ft
ia nal
ortowa lota, it will be to
tatarcet to consult our beta.
alas have several good
fer rent wOolunAua, sad it
asd it wiH
psy yoa to come
Messy to loss is asy
aetiea. m
S Fire, Tomans, "sad Assises! S
Becker, ' 1
i Ho&aMiberger 2
S GsasttBbsXtL J
r 1
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