K3F rvwjL;-t': J?&- "V ' ."V - i .-. , B." : x " 1 ' r" ?- . ' ' ' '- f ' '. ' . - . - - 7 ' -. I x V - aMaaBaaaaaaaaaaaanaaaaaaiBMnaBaainaaaaainaaBaaaaBBeaBB rr - . - ' "- V jL-jJjij'" "f' SUFFERED TORTURES. I ?- " Fefsettftrg' Something. ' - 'Laundry work at hai iss; '- i-34' rs- -. . . r,1 ; lv t -V l-r 1 ; I' si ' HEALTH NOTES FOR JUNE. Spring Catarrh is a well de fined Spring disease. The usual symptoms are given above. A Bottle ot Pe-ru-na taken In time will promptly arrest the course of the disease known as Spring Catarrh. Paint Buying AIlleaAnacM iwi man Made Safe White Lead and Linseed Oil need no argument, no advertising to maintain them selves as the best and most economic al paint yet known to nan. Thedifficultyhas been for the buver to be always sure of the purity of the white lead and oiL We have registered the trade mark of the -Dutch Boy painter to be the final proof of quality, gen uineness and purity to paint buyers evert-where. When this trade mark appears on the keg, yon can be sure that the contents is Pure Whit Lead made by the Old Dutch Process. SEND FOR BOOK "A Talk on Prist." sire valuable lnfnraaa tlon ob the paint subject. I'reeupoareqacat. NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY tn whickntr tf the follow tug eittt it awnt imi KewYorfc Boston. Buffalo. CUillan. Ciarionatt. Cbicaeo. KtTLoala. Phil, delphia f John T. Inria Bros. Co. Pits bars. (National Lead Oil Co. Mica Axle Grease Best lnbtfcant for axles in the world long wetting and very ad hesive. Kakes a heavy load draw like a Intone. Saves hJfthe wen ea wagon and team, and Lactase the earning capacity of your outfit. Ask your dealer forJKot Axle QrmtM. CARflffS Bflllf theme Uttl PHI. rnu IVER (Ugtettoaes Toe nearly Eating, A perfect PHJLS. la the youth, Cbatef TongrafluPatalntaefiUe. TORPID JIVES. the Bowels. IsaYeBBtihla SMilLHlL SMAllllSE. atttLIWL Must Bear rao-Sifle Signatot IEFUSE SUISTITITEL POSITIVE, CURE FOS uuuMUUUUUUUW&$mtfKmtmuuuuwimrys-: UEmSmUUUUUwBlaxuanuuuUmv- m&SmusumSumWSmwuauufSs WWSmauumMLmmmmuKW WmwtiSuuuuu:numnu'-'-uEawUaaaauwii6&$a2&utnuaam'&u!i' mrc" iaWeV-uStmaaawaRvr V?-"-" . '-xBfiitW eV ansSmBawaai:'':-: eBBssswi ' n L 11 lfflf m am m is , taiamaie Yfl r bbbbbbbbI bbbbbbI WiVER llnu-ft- SORE SHOULDERS CM HORSES ft MULES At very small expease you can cure year work hones' sore shoulders, sore seeks . erases backs and Hot lose a single day's werfc. SMBritf tall Salts will do h, asal after the fine application he will 'be ewtief pain. This is also geod policw, terZhe will surely do more week without faspiag down. If your stack sets cat i fcai barbwire, or anything else, be sues caeeacetveryqttickly. Dealers oeiy wheifc. C. kmmriUMJti v? tm?p nJuinjinrM-M-M-Mrvrvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvviryv -r-'f'w'r'tY'''t't''fm American women have much to learn from their sisters in Paris as to the art of wearing tailor-made gowns, for it is certain that no women in the world equal the Parisiennes in this difficult art. Nature has made them exceedingly careful of details, and this in every walk of life, and from, early youth they are taught to regard dress as an affair of paramount im portance. To. a Parisienne it is a mat ter of vital importance (hat the dainty little purse carried In the hand should harmonize with some other detail with the sporting-looking little necktie, perhaps, or with the embroid eries oil the waistcoat of pale-hoed suede. Everything has -its own mean ing and nothing is too small to lack importance. It is natural to French women to look at the subject from this point of view and this is why they can when they wish to do so , dress perfectly on a comparatively small income. A peculiarity of the Parisian even ing go-ams this season is the close re semblance which they bear to tea gowns. There is the same graceful flow of supple material and the same vague outline. The Parisiennes revel in 'this particular mode and invest' it with exceeding charm and grace. They never permit their picture gowns Original Designs to look in the least like robes de chambA, and in. this they display much cleverness, for a semi-loose robe has a tiresome way of looking bed roomy unless worn with great dis cretion. The picture styles which are making themselves so strongly felt in the world of fashion this year are special ly prominent where evening dresses are concerned, not so much with re gard to gowns for dinners of cere mony as for those to be worn at bridge parties and receptions amongst intimate friends. A leading feature of the new bridge gowns is the hang ing sleeve, which can hardly be called "angel," but which is of that order. This sleeve almost invariably falls back from the elbow, leaving the lower part of the arm quite bare. From elbow to shoulder it is often nearly tight, but the real picture sleeve falls in graceful folds all the way down. Lace of every sort is as fashionable as ever, if not more so. Tou may see thick guipure doing duty on the cos tume to left in our 'large illustration. The bodice Is of lace, while braces and trimmings to the full sleeves are of taffeta, fringes .decorating the sash 'ends, which are held with enamel but tons at the waist, and the plain full skirt is of voile.. The other dress shows cinnamon brown cloth in com bination with black and white striped silk, small bands of Irish lace being anfuvwnjjvtnnrsfereruvw,r A SHREWD Pat Proved to Be One Too Many for the Preacher. Patrick O'lioilihan was the oracle of the little Irish village. He was the wisest of the wise, and was looked up to by the other members of the com munity as a veritable encyclopedia. But especially did he pride himself upon his'scriptural learning, says Sun day Magazine. It was the custom in the village church Sunday mornings for all the inhabitants to attend, and Patrick, who never missed a Sunday, always occupied the front pew. One Sabbath, when the minister was reading from the Bible, several dignitaries were present from another town, and in an endeavor to wax par ticularly eloquent thai pastor became slightly confused and said, "And there were -6,000 loaves and three fishes to feed the multitude of seven-' And then to point his moral and adorn his tale he looked straight at the infalli ble Pat and said, "And sure, Pat, yon soulda't do that, sow could yon.?" t -f "? " ". -- - iv "-? -'S-JZlurc n-SmT Jh' TTj3LrTn? XffMerV CtarnBabieFlVaBaaBMaBt'' '' ' ar&a?1 -Pt'w W "PaT tr ."v afckeHaBek'- tim9T7T'9'mmmL. " - -? jrjpF M JaFHc wc tBam" J- A " ""-" -ii- " s "XMUUl aKJaaaBaaaaP&aramTPi i-" " ""?""- """ 'V"'""v-""" "" "-'? "" - BHa "-""lf Bl . S yMUm " cIl? f-t "l Sf urupnWzsnutu9un9unKnnnunKM. g-v 1 1- -g - -"". 2 ? V ' . ""! Baaaft t""" bMbbbbbbbbbKbbL m'BBBal''" JBaF r-Ur"' ''TaaBW-af -f3 - ."Blar X 'fcc?Si?i""r t- -' 3 i J a- WiV SraTSsBk ea-B. - ". Wf JMaT mUmr mtSt iVy jal -S 'JE94ntf& it K-CSram - " aaat'aCjffi1 t-"ji "" -t ii" 'C1 v JBSBaaaaaaaPMaaagJaV ,.-' 'g'fc'yJ'-3iSi?r' ?" ' " 'UUUqSlStlhmwftki - H-" WOMW t i - used to trim the bodice, the hat of brown with brown shaded roses' in clusters on either side. Roses have taken aatb theme, res every conceivable tone, the most fashionable being, of course,' Mae, and these are nasally allied to black cen ters and accompanied by black leaves, a wreath of the. latter appear ing with considerable success round the base of the crown of an open brimmed crinoline straw hat. But to turn to- dresses of the com moner sort and of the greater .utility. All combinations of black and white are prominent, and a mode which threatens to become universal in cludes a three-quarter coat of the sim plest style in combination with a short skirt, both being made of black and white -striped. coarse fibered materia! of homespun description. Such a costume Is suitable, however, only for most work-a-day, occasions, and lends itself to be crowned only by straw hats trimmed with ribbons and wings or rosettes of silk, and will no doubt look its very best when worn with' a white batiste or lawn shirt and per mitted to take its walks in the country. Black and -white check ap pears in every size and form; smooth of face and rough of face, it alike finds devotees, and an easy means of an- for Smart Gowns. swering the question of what to at the immediate moment in the morn ings can be settled by a kilted skirt of black-and white check, a small coat of whatever shape that may best please and best suit you, with a white waistcoat embroidered with black braid and fastened with white pearl buttons, and a white lawn frilled shirt, crowned with a green straw hat trimmed with green rosettes, and a short green spotted veil thrown over the crown, to fall just to the nape of the neck. The veil must be short if the dress be short, the veil long If the dress be long. Here lies one, of the rules not to be forgotten by those who realize the advantage of graceful pro portion. 'And again I remember that this special virtue may be accredited to the stiort-waisted dress, so that the lines of the waist be chosen with spe cial care. The, Genuine Test. "Do you believe that man Is a real musical critic?" "Of course he is. Does anybody ever know what he is talking about?" Bal timore American. Fortunate. Cobble I had great luck in Wall street. Stone What did you do? "Came out even." Life. The best thing in the world Is to live above it "rrairirvvvranraf ECONOMIST. v- "Indade. I could." said Pat, and the sermon continued. That night, however, when the preacher reached his' home and thought over his morning sermon, it dawned on him that he had made a serious error coneernlng the loaves and the fishes. Accordingly 'the next Sunday he roso in the pulpit and said in explanation. "Brethren, last Sab bath I made a mistake and said that there were 5,000 loaves and three fishes to feed the multitude of seven, but what I should have said was that there were seven loaves and three fishes to feed the multitude of 5,000." And then he looked at Pat again and said. "And now, Pat, sure you could not do that; could you?" "Ah, yis. Oi could." replied Pat. "And how would yon do it, Pat?" asked the minister. "Why." sait Pat, "Ol would give thim what was lift over from last San day." Looks Vs. FeaJinis, The fairest looking the foot with Pain, Day and Night, .for 'Years. Wsa.Hr Walter, engineer, of Chats worth, Bis, writes: "Kidney disease was lurking in my system for years. I v., UmmYr. 1 wui lunuuie jieuir - if . In. the side and back and tkenrine was' dark and full qf: sediment I was Tacked with pain day and night, could not sleep or eat wen, and finally became crippled and beat over with rheumatism. Doan's Kidney PHI brought quick relief, and In time, cared me. Though I lost 40 pounds, I new weigh 200. more than ever before. Sold by an dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-MIlbnm Co. Buffalo. N. T. SYMPATHY FOR THE FISH. . Upton Incfalr'e Amazine Parable ea Charity of the Rich. 'Upton Sinclair, in an address before a body of Chicago Socialists, said of charity: , "The average charity, the charity of the rich, .seems rather futile to me. The rich oppress the poor enormously, then they help them slightly. It is like the young lady angler. "Why,' said a man to this young lady, 'do yon always carry a bottle of liniment with you on your fishing ex cursions?' She sighed. ' "1 am sorry,' she said plaintively, for the poor little fish. And so, when I take one off the hook, I always rub Its cut mouth with some liniment BLACK, ITCHING SPOTS ON FACE. Physician Called It Eczema In Worst Form Patient Despaired of Cure . Cuticura Remedies Cured Her. " "About four years ago I was afflict ed with black splotches all over my face and a few covering my body, which produced a severe itching irri tation, and which caused me a great deal of suffering, to such an extent that I was forced to call in two of the leading physicians of . After a thorough examination of the dreaded complaint they announced it to be skin eczema in the worst form. Their treatment did me no good. Finally I became despondent and decided'to dis continue their services. My husband purchased a single set of the Cuticura Remedies, which entirely stopped the breaking out I continued the use of the Cuticura Remedies for six months, and after that every splotch was en tirely gone. I have not felt a symptom of the eczema since, which was three years ago. Mrs. Lizzie E. Sledge, 540 Jones Ave., Selma, Aht, Oct 28, 1905." Text Somewhat Apropos. The Rev. J. B. Hammill, the elo quent preacher of the Hanson Place MethodistEpiscopal church, Brooklyn, was preaching at Sayville, L. L, from the text "Look well' to your founda tions." After repeating the text he leaned heavily on the pulpit desk, which gave way and plunged over the altar rail, nearly hitting the laymen in the front seat and scattering the Bible and the preacher's notes among the holders of the pews. The aged preach er barely escaped a tumble over the altar with the heavy desk. Sheer white goods, In fact, any fine wash goods when new, owe much of their attractiveness to the way they, are laundered, this being done In a manner to enhance their textile beau ty. Home laundering would be equal ly, satisfactory If proper attention was given to starching, the first essential being good Starch, which has sufficient strength to stiffen, without thickening the goods. Try Defiance Starch and you will be pleasantly surprised at the Improved appearance of your work. Campaign Against Rats. The French admiralty is preparing a campaign against the rats which swarm in seaport towns and undoubt edly spread the Infection of various devastating diseases in their passage from one country to another on board ship. It Is announced that it will soon be compulsory for every vessel entering a Franch harbor from certain other ports to have all its rats ex terminated. $100 Reward. $100. Tk reader of tkJaaasar will bapiMM Skat there U at Isaac on 4reaaa4 atoaaaa tl aae aeea able t care la all He states, saa tkat Is Catena. Hairs Catarrh Care Is tfce'eair eoattrre cereeowtaowto the esjiUcel freteretty. Catarrh heac a coastttattoaal alieasa, reaelre a eeeattte WmuI treateat, Haire Catarrh Can Is takea ta tenallr.ectlaf etaeetlr apea tMleeaa aeeeas oc taerayMMa taereay eeenejias-iae Mottkt alieee. ead striae the- aatJeat t re aU arfcaneaw aa the coattltatlee las aetarela Setae ttaworft. The eroerleeare eoatneh faith la lu earaUre eowera that tier Oae naairee DoUM for ear eeee that H falls care, aeaa roc net er Tear lianaUH Addrete F. J. CHKHBT CO., Toledo. O. Sold bv all Drurt tt. ISr- Tekd HaU'e Faatflr Ml for Let a man overcome anger by love; let lam overcome evfl by, good,, the greedy by liberality, the Hair by truth. Buddha. Dont Sneeze Your Head Off. Kraaae'a Cold CaneuleB will mm, tm at instantly. At all Druggists, 25c Be your own taskmaster, your boss nas other responsibilities than look ins after you. Siswken appreciate the quality value of Lewis Single Binder cigar. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, m. Goodness outranks goods. Maltby "fibrin Friend eeci afeUVfTjEW ajajKv . "l 7 ''skeatnf ' ' ''MammWr' WKati hA train that mtiTrH Praa. tdeat Rccseveit through Virginia pnl hufiast 'trip' troth' stopped, at 'Caai-j ktttesville. a negro approached the president's car and passed aboard a big basketful of fine fruit, to which was attached the card of a prominent grower. - ' In course of time the orcaardlst re ceived a letter of acknowledgment from the White House expressing the resldeats appreciation' of the '.gift and complimenting the donor upon hie fruit The recipient of the letter was, of course, greatly pleased, and, feel ing sure that his head gardener would be much Interested in the letter, he read it to aim. The darky who served ia the capacity mentioned lis tened gravely, but bis only comment "He doan' say nothln 'bout sendln' back de basket, do her Success Magatlae. The Camera Fiend's Wanderlust. As the sun day by day ascends the heavens and the actinic value of his light increases, rhapsodizes the editor of the American Amateur Photograph er, there. seizes, us once 'more, the fervor of the enthusiast 'From the high shelf down comes the camera, the plate holders are loaded, and we tramp across the green fields looking for pic tores or pretending .to. For half the cause of our wandering has naught to do with the black box we carry "with us. The primitive Instinct for change, the ancestral wanderlust, it Is, that has seized us and driven us forth to na ture. , Starch, like everything else. Is be ing constantly improved, the patent Starches put on the market 25 years ago are very different and inferior to those of the present day. In the lat est discovery Defiance Starch all in jurious chemicals are omitted, while the addition of another ingredient in vented by us, gives to the Starch a strength and smoothness never ap proached by other brands. On the Honeymoon. So you were well pleased with the train on which you took your wed ding trip?" said the bosom friend. "Was it an accommodation train?" The young man's face beamed with delight "I should say It was an accommoda tion, train," he confided. "Why, the porter put the light out every time we reached a tunnel." Ladies Can Wear Shoes One siae 'smaller after using Allen's Foot. Ease. A certain cure for swollcn,sweating, hot, aching feet. At all Druggists, 25c. Ac cept no substitute. Trial package FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. No man that Imparteth his joys to his friend, but he joyeth the more; and no man that imparteth his griefs to his friend, but he grieveth the less. Lewis' Single Binder the famous alwava host mialitv. straight 5c agar, always best quality lour dealer or Lev wis' Factory, Peoria, ill. We do more good by being good than in any other way. Rowland H11L Mrs. Wiaetsw'e Seetktec Syren. forcandrea teethlae;, ofteoatlieerra,redaeee s mwwatloa.allaypaia.carewadceMB. Scabottle. Wisely and slow; they stumble that run . fast Shakespeare. WORKING WOMEN. WHAT THEY SHOULD KNOW mm mt rvii:ifeaammmmmmmmmmmmCLmBBmnv mt Jt r'-'iaeBmBBmBBmBBeBmBBmV m nl mm m i::'::iBBK"V aj. VvX. V::::iensaBBBBBBBBBBBBBsm H MRS.5A0liT ABBOTT Women for the most part spend their lives at home, and It is these women who are willing; and ambitious that their homes shall be kept neat and pretty, their children well dressed and tidy, who dolheir own cooking, sweeping, dusting and often washing, ironing: and sewing for the entire family, who call for our sympathy. Truly the work of such a woman is "never done" and ia it any wonder that she breaks down at the end of a few years, the back begins to ache, there ia a displacement, inflammation orulceration of the abdominal 'organs, a female weakness is brought on, and the struggle of that wife and mother to continue her duties Is pitiful. Lyeaa B. PfaeJsaai'a Vegetable Ceeafseaaei, made from native roots and herbs, is the exact medicine a woman needs whose strength is over taxed. It keeps the feminine organs in a strong -and healthy .condition. In preparing for childbirth and re cuperating therefrom it is most effi cient It carries a woman safely through the change of' life and in snaking her strong and well assists her to ee a good wife and mother. Mrs. Sadie Abbott, of Jeannette, Pa., writes: Dearlfra Pmkham I suffered severely with pain every awash and also a pain fa my leftside. My doctor prescribed for me out did me no good: afriend advised Lydia E. Ffnkham's vegetable Compound and I wrote you in regard to my condition. I followed your advice and am a perfectly well woman. The pains have all disappeared and I caanot recomatead your medicme too highly." Lymn E. ngUttfa's Yctftahfc No friend in need cm tfiat will relieve her suffering, build up her strength and m.v-m wji vt. win. vxuuui Iktd UU1IC Ullb, IUr UrUUxVUrUxSUl SICK, uubCTaoie wonieiia Composed of iitedients with special, curative action on the womanly organs, Wine of Cardui coes to trie seat of your trouble and is sure to do you good. J. F. Stone, of Uwrence, Kas., writes: "My wife suffered for 10 years from female troubles and was given up to die, but took Cardui, and now she is in good health." $1. whte us a ina Laundry work at home would be much ntorejeatjetfactocj it the 'right starca were useu. in praer to gee ine desired stiffness, tt Is usually neces mry to use somuca starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric is hidden behind a paste, of varying thickness, which not only destroys the appearance, but also affects the wear ing quality of the goods. This trou ble can be entirely overcome by using Defiance Starch, as It can be applied much more thinly becauseof its. great er strength than other makes. The Web. ef Ufa. Life is the daily web of character we unconsciously weave. Oar thoughts, Imagtaatioas, purpose, motives, love, will, are the under threads; .and the passing moment is the settle, swiftly, ceaselessly, relentlessly, - weaving those threads into a web; .and that web Is lif e.-S. D. Gordon. . Biart Copy of TfflMBpuu eBBBBBBBBBBBBF :' .!?i?fT-Effjjflh nnssaKelif'S " enaaaa- mmm VlMmsJX&mXsmfc 1 ijlr tessauWeMmtamsmlsmj gjl- OpitraiiTOrnlaKaorJihnsi Ex. Not Narcotic. bBs n ' ... HJjiij: JajtwoiixsMxinnm HSfjj, JfcJatVJ-fe- ' I KfijC ' SRSaSaMaW I HaO' I bbtEPh '' : aaaBW4w7SsaK ' SI : VbmsjCoFrnbeaoJCTmsi JS rMssadLossorStEZP. Hi ItoSeaSelsBTeer UK Oa&SZ . aKeflf "NEWjTOgK, MINNESOTA-HEALTHINDEPENBENGE Why not sell where voc are. Bank some of your profits for income and take up a new home, and start the beys tee., Fine water; beautiful lakes; quick, fertile soil, fine climate. 35,000 acres. Farm any size. Title absolute. Investigate anywhere before buying. Write for maps and truthful representations. Address ROGER. C SPOONER. Proa. Donald L. & L- Cow. Bemidji. Minn. 0FIANCE STARCH ScS.'aU? MR5.PREE MSKITRICK Mrs. Pree McEitrkk, of La Farge, yWis., writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham: "For six years I suffered from 'female weakness. I was so inegaJertfcatl would go from three weeks to six atnnthrr. so I thought I would give Lydia E. Frnkhama Vegetable Compound a trial. ''Nowlamoace mora weu and eta do my work without a pain. Any one who wishes, can write to nio and I will answer all letters ghufly.n Women should remember that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeteble-Compeand holds the record for the greatest number of actual cures of female ills. Every suffering woman in the United States is asked to accept the following invitation. It is free, will bring you health and may save your life. Hn. nattaaVs Ie1etfe it Wi Women suffering from any form of 5 female weakness are invited to promptly 'communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. From the symptoms given; the trouble may be locatecband the quickest and surest way of recovery advised. Out of her 1 vast volume of experience in treating female ills Mrs. Pinkham probably has the very knowledge that will help your case. Her advice is free and always helpful. Stsccctfs Where Otters Fast lid fv mnrA wttimme tn a cirfr s?g reelvwa aarawca... UlteMt IRQ MlvleMeMPVe bMt seaaafrriWOnCl 1 aat'tftli ttniee aaVaaike die WjnmmW& PW of USTHH For Infants sjkI CMlfata. The KmcJ Yn Ham Always Boiijui Bears the Signatae lo Ise i For Over Thirty Years CASTBRU NORTHWEST' AND RETURN Tacoma, Seattle. Bellineham. Everett. Vancouver. Victoria, and New Westminster. Ois Fare $50.00 For the round trip f ross Missouri River Terminals (CoeacU Blots to gaasas City. Inclusive) VIA UNION PACIFIC Tickets on sale June 20 to July 12, I 1907. aiso tickets one way through California on sale same dates at slightly higher rates. t rxQcnra or K. L. LOMAX, Q. . iL, Onsatia, Neb. BWI.fJBfjBj'To eeavlnee say woBtan that Tmx- BrF h ttoe AackeXle will rlim" hnprove her health aaNWand(Ioan we clalat ."for It. We will aawfefLo gcnuBM testimoalaLe. Bend aad address on a postal card. PAXTWE cleaases and seals ueecs a a. I -...- .- - : mam lecoous, suea as aastu eaianb. pende eatarrh aad Innaaenatlaai nHMiWiboL imfab an . mtm -. Ak-TT . . i .!? avra laroas BH loeaineacaeat . Itseeav extra. reuef. ?MMdlng every day. cents at tfrBficKsocby raaa. Tbawsaeer.aowever. SHE X. VAXXOjr OO, aaiesea. Xaaa. U. S. WAVY enlists fee Hear Tears jm area of eras j caa rawer aaai eoeea raretcai eonenuoa ee tweea taeaejsaef IT aad aa sptoreatlce eea laea; og portent ilea for adranecmeiiii p.iy SIS te SIS a BKmte. Klcctr.cian . maebieUie. biaeksmlthe, eovpenouins. 7eomeatcierfc). earpeaterv hipatters, aremen. tucsirlarx. eooka.ete..Mteen a aad 15 yearn, enliced laaeeeial rati see wiiuaitat!epa: boai:al aapreatieea 18 to 38 year. Uetireaaent ca taree-foartae aay and aliowmncee after te years er7lee. appiicaau mast, fee Aaterlcaa altieeas. Rrst ekKklnir ootflt free to recruit. Upon eleebarjte travel alto wanes ceata ar Bile to place ofealtamenr. Haas four mVThtbs' par and increase in par upon re-enlittaent wltnln f3urmontbsor discDarite. OStees at JJacola andH3Stlna.Nerravks. Also. Curieswinter. at IViiMolnMard.HioDxC:tT. low, addreas MkTtmUWDmMSt&mW.r.9Mic.9Hkmr W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 25, 1907. woman than o tnoTz-tnA bring back to her cheekss hei kaaUie ta:faTaW4 t t i mar Cn YmW mum enansF r ZAuT AWm aTsaH w i i seafl BOX Ol nous aae Tour Basts VJ 3M "J V. 1 "l 1 4 :0 r ss VA 'it , f jaafj5w7JMtmetaSBSs1as --)-Jf- ---' t'.ij j . . ffi I'i'XW JaafTt V1-M- fatjT'-JA.'XiifxV'- "V tSVwiaeiv-,C'Mt?. .. "V f&MM,k,jM i.A. a&a&pfeaga J f ' a' -n M J-iz eJiv-