The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 19, 1907, Image 1
"$m ' JS-'h! .ft GoiMlidmtd with the Ctoluinbu. Tims. April 1, 1 t(H; with the PI County Arus Jajmary lj IfjOfc VOLUME XXXVIIL 11. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, SSDAT, JUNE 19, 1907. WHOLE lax " ' '- "- ' . - iff. -o1 hsamaF'mn) w 4 fe - ; fe , i vrv I .mBBaVPSPVINimBW tsnSSSBKweBuuuusBuuuBBUBW' Dr. J. W. Term or okabta. i EYE SPECIALIST EXPERT OPTICIAN lest Eiirri Optical OBmm I ! The West in'the front rooms over Pollock 6 Co.'a Drugstore. Will be m Columbus once Sunday, on- i ekvJTueadavand Wednesday of sack week. Spectacles aadeye- ; repaired. Eye Glasses adjected ! ' toaayaoee. V AAnammilRIAtf mM i JVXIDIJlJl.A-l.lVi IKBII COLUMBUS BASKETS. Oats.. Wheat Bye... Corn.. Barley Hogs.. v oe S.W 74 ,. V KF OK $5 40 to 15 50 la Obeerviaf Critic. Last Satarday. the write iaf dowa she maia. theroaghfere ia Qui seises aad ws made tUssaockiag eat trafthfel obeervatiea: Aboat 4 o'ekwk ia the afteraooa aiadv came tragiaff dowa the street at a pretty good peee. sad tecVUiag by her side was her Utile the lady was tall aad carried a sol to protect her free, the hern ias rays of the Jaae sea. The daachter was. short aad oa aoooaat of her ehortaees was compelled to take three steps to the lady's one. aad the sea. aaereUeasly shed its rays ea the little statae.' The lttle oae was flash ed aad warm aad was doing its level beet. v lady casM aloe with the r, a big fat boy, ia a go-cart. She wee going west, thoafh corn forubly dresssd for a act day he was aot dressed to meet the rays of the eaa point bleak ia the face. Bat the another had a parasol, aad was enjoy lag the stroll hugely, talking to a friend. The third case was whereto a annul child in a go-cart secerns reetlsstaad beaaa to cry havag besa left to bask ia he 5 o'eloek saashlae while theaMther 'parohaeeda few thiags for -tea. Aad the dear, fond liag another came oat aad asked. "What's the matter honey!" So. in the short space of aa hoar we saw misery. Not intentionally bat nsnslly. aet parpassly perpetrat ed oa the little Tiotuas bat thoaght lsesly. Ok. that we cenld share it 'whea we give jaia to others. Meadey, Mr. Jack Delaa received oteeeml death of hie brother ia-law Mr. Haagaa, of OmAaa waa fell from his eagiae. Mr. aad Delaa aoeempeaied by Mr. WUlmm Dolaa left the ssme day for rhere they wiU attend the R& Palmer the tailor, clean, dyes sad repairs Lsdies and Geete' dotbiag. Hate oleaaed and reblocked. Battoee made to order. 'Agent Germania Dye Workee. Nebraska phones. Toa get it done jast like yon want it whea yon order your printing from the Journal Priatiag House. Fob 8au Kindling wood, $1.00 per load at Carl Rhoedee' farm, four miles northeast of this city. ITTS aiJhuum mmfl ftllfllmreWil ml eramwej eawej aymiwawayfm tanj of LeU-gestand Grandest Celebration in the History of Ctolumbus and 4 Platte County. A grand street qarade at 10.-00 a. m. Coniiatingof Fire department, military and civic organizations, interspersed with music wy two bands. Oration and special Uterary program at the park. Bowery dance afternoon and eyeniaw. AFTERNOON PROGRAM: Foot races, sack races, wheelbarrow races, barrel races, three-legged race, greased pole, etc; Grand Firement' Relay race, participated in by sixteen men; an exciting water fight between picked firemen, followed by a game of base ball by two strong teams. The management have' secured the celebrated "Aerial Lucase's for four great feature acts,' tree upon the streets: L Roman and Flying ringe. 2. Nevelty barrel jumping. 3. Comedy rerohnng ladder. 4. Belandaalflyingtrapese Beets eat ia a the brow and trlekiss dowa the beaks, aad e feller oeaUag dowa stairs whoa he's going p to bed aad waea these geatls soph en stef laUabyo witk that1 weird eeaad that would put a beaker to eleep thamffh he bade ailUlioa of hailei- to look after, then, that's good 6ora weather. The weatksr the aaet week or tea Bays has aaaeed a slams ia the price of wheat aad com. It has been ideal for a aew crop. The truth is. tas oera is arowiag se fast yoa eaa hear it etaek at the joiats, the only fear U it anay break e before it lets The far the past weak aad really, we jest a little oooter oomfoMebly. Every thing ia the crop line evea to toe sms is loekiag slicker then lightaiag aad we wiU lamp ia a head of "Hioks aad predict a hamper crop for 1907. Why in the deaee don't TOU stand ap for Nebraska!. Irish Wit. Fat O'HooUgaa gave a dinner to some of his Meade. 'His wifs had prepared oae obioaea which Fat pro ceeded to oerve to serve his gaests. Taming to the lady seated nearest hiss, he aeked very politely. "What part wiU yes her. Mores Marshy?" Oi'll lake the leg. if yes please, Pat neat tamed to a little Marphy. "And what part ia the bird will have yeang maaV" "Oi'U bfte a leg. if it plaze yea eor." replied th liittlo , Marphy. Then Pat ad are and, Mr. Marpaey, What's yer oheiee ia the. bird? WiU ye have the whoite meat?" Oi'll ' take another leg sor, aa ebloiged for the qaestioa'." said Mr. Marphy. who always fol lowed his wife's example." "Begorra," exclaimed Pat.. 4,ph wat do yes think I'm cervia'-e epoider" - ' A farewell sarpriss party was givsa who iatoad to leave for' 8wtmterhiad amttlharsday. Their home oa' Bast Bleveath street was made the seals' ' m m m.-a.. a - a. .m .. ox oeugsc ami awtn n. taroegaoai the whole afteraooa aad all who attended report a way ap time. Ma sio was rendered to tee delight of all prsssat aad refreshmeats were served after whioh the - gaests wished both aiother aad daughter' a ptoasaat joar- ad tookvthetr departure,. OUie Walters left Monday for OoJ- ip of the Tribaae oflee. OUie te a first oUss priator aad etsadyaeaoloek. aad .The' Tribaae la to be iioaajslslaUn oa seoariag Biaaerviess. This Isavee the Arffa fane a little abort handed. Anion Weekly Mswa. ; . By their works ye shall know tnem." Whsayea want good, Job printing, and book-bindiag call at the Journal ofkce. New location on Eleventh street. Aftor a pleasant trip to the' Paaiao oeeet. Mr. aad Mrs. A. Anderson re tamed to their home ia thisoity Miss May Bead retaraed Ust reai Fremont where she spent a few days visiting f Heads. Wedding rings, souvenir spoons. Carl Proems!, Eleventh street jeweler. fit? JULY K. --- - BAT. Manr Bray, wife otJX D. Bray of tear etty passsd iato the world beyead Snaday moreiac at St. Mary's hospital where vshe had bean taken to receive tceatmsat. She bed besa ia' fsiliag health for the east year aad waa dan gerously ill ataee January. Mary 'Cath erine Hartmaa was boraJaly 17. 18C4. iaLyooeaiag county, PeBBsylvaaia. She was the eldest daughter of Henry aad Sarah Hartmaa, aad early ia life a devoted christasa. Thedeosss to Syracuse, Nebraska, in I860, aad was naited in marriage to Daniel D. Bray. August 6, 1882. to thie anion nine children were bore, eight of whom' are still living, aad ia the city, Arthnr, Boy, NaviHa, Suaea, Raohel, NeaL Belle aad Balph. One eon, Dewey, died in infancy. Mr. aad Mrs. Bray moved to Colnmbas ia 190$, where they have seooe lived. The f aaeral wee held Taesday afteraooa from the Presbyteries ehuroh. Be. B. E. L. Hayes, eoadactiag the' aervioee, sad barial was made ia the Colnmbas cemetery. BTAN. , Stephen Byan, only eon of Mr. aad Mrs. 8. J. Ryan passsd away at hie borne Thursday sraraiag. Slephea had been npatieet sufferer for the past eight yean, when at that Uaw he saffered an attack of lung roable froa which be never fully recovered. Stephen O'xieil Ryan was bora September 28, 1896 aid at the time of hie death .was 10 years, 9 months and oae day old. He leaves a father and mother, Mr. aad Mrs. aJ. Ryan and three sisters, Kathleriae, Nellie aad Ealelia, to mourn hU death. The fanersl wee held Saturday morning at the CathoUo ohurch. Father Marion coaduetiag the services aad iateraiSBt waa made in tbeCetholic cemetery. , ( O0O. Mrs. vW. L. Oeok, wife (of Dr. Oeek of thie dry, passsd away at her home oa South Olive street Than day eveaiaav The dsosassd had besa a patient sufferer for the past two years with cancer of the throat. Aaaa Aajmeta Oeok wae bora ia Miohlgan June 14.187, ried to Dr. Oeok April, 1877. For the past thirty years she has this city her home. Herhasbaad only sms daughter. Haaey are left to mourn the loss of a kind aad lorhsc wife The f aeral: was held after oa at'- the family ioten TJeWotte. pastor of jfche M.S. caarch .olEoiatlag. Barial was ia the Oolambas , COLTBK. - James Goiter died Satarday morn ing at the home of his daughter. Mrs. W. M. MoOorkle of Oolambas. with waoat he had beea makiBg iU heme for some time. ' James O. Goiter was bora ia Ohio. July 99, 1847. aad at the time of his death was GO years, 10 months, aad 98toays eld." The deceased esses to ia 1879 aad for thirty Ire a paymoMB aaa eajeyea a good praaaee,aatU falllag health would aot allow aim' to follow his chosen profemioa. He was a mem ber of the Oatholio oharoh aad ever lived ap to his faith. The funeral was held Saaday atemooa from the Preebyssriaa oharoh. Bar. B. S..L. Hayes ofaoiatiaff aad intermeat waa made ia the Oolambas cemetery. KLIZABBTH 8CHBA1C, ' Hiss Bliaabeth Sohram wlw'aes Ul for. the past.aiz moaths. away thlsmoraiag at v eight o'clock, at the heeae of Mrs. J. P. ia northwest xOolambas, Itag from a af. dfssasssi The Jaae 11, 1858, la Haatington ooahtv, Indiana aad oeme to this oity ia 1879, where she has ataee Uved. Those left to mourn bar untimehj death are Mrs. J. P. ' Beaker aad DaaeU 8chram of tarn oity. MmOare Una. Meet of Mlanesots aad Joha Sohram of Washiagtoa. The funeral will . be held Friday afteraooa at 3 o'oleok from the residence. Bar. B. tfen paetor of the Oermsn wUl offloiaes. HARBT CLARK. n. Mr aad Mrs. Bd ward Olark receiv ed a teleeaat Moamsy atsraboa. aa asaaewff the end death of their saa. 4 Harry who for -the past year had beea at the oigararade iaMaa- Oaly a weak af his stsHag that he was eleh. WiUmem Harry ia Oeiambaa, Oot rhere he Uved aatfl Ida tl of tale oity. owe' tfviag ia wUlbe barial bat LwiUtaM-iaM little w4H viett lisWywwbm i .-V.t i-- easesy headfalof K61D K Will tell the story of .year mar vssalisa. There's aba for a doesa aestares ia eaeh car triage, theiweight ia triamg. The kodak itself eUps iato the poeketlaad the' nictare BMkiagMsrmplefromstsrt to ftaieh, Prem the battea--de ihereet or leave it to another jast as yoa hisses. Kt4e ltOv t lrs. Paul eedMatiee, DeatiaW. Dr. W. H. Slaair, vsleriaariaa, phone 9BV "rv GVB. Prieb, paktiag and poser baag ff ,; ' WiUiam Pin ie rsaerted qaite 111, haviaff saSered.'a sareke of s patal' ysis, Saaday. Miss Aaals .Eraet of Teeamssb is vieitag at jthehomeet Mr Oatl Bohde aad fasapr. Mies May Bhmdem returned , Satur day from Moaroe where ehe. has speat . ' l f emhWaarml tfianVau SmailiBII f rmmmUma. . - r f " vr.' . Mrs, Jaoob Qieger aadeielldrea. of NewOlams. Wis." are visiiiajr at the hoeofS. SiMartyaadaaMly. Mie Omra Battermea left Saaday moraiag for Dearer, wheat. -aha will Louis Bestssl afeae arsrf saa Type Foundry at Kaasae Oity, '-; wee hi the oity oalliaff oa thotrade last Friday. ver. where he hea'aeeeptsd a ea ehe a eVsr Q. rail- they wUlviset- ? Mrs.H. F H. Oehlriehr eatarmlaei a' aamber of her aBly3 frieade at ea chre, ' Thaftday.. afteraeea.' jThe fa vors were reosived ay Mnu J J. Sal Uvea and Mrs. Albert Dasher Misf'Bva-v' Walker, whe'aee beea vieiciar reletlves U Ssbsii Oity, Mo., for the past her sheens ia thie oity, reeerte a very pUasaa Howard Whaisy. who had the mis forveae to fall aad break hie right laet rmtarday is gettiag aJeas aieely bat it is feared Beward wiU have to be left-haadedfor mmv Mrs. Irviae Holmes aad of LacoU arrived ia this ettvTaeeaay eveaiag to speed a few days Yiettiaff relatives sad friends. Mr. Hslmes, who has beea Ul for the past year. Is L. K. HaUetead at eae time a eaa didate for riprimamtlve oa the fa sloa ticket from Boeae oeanty, was ia the oiry aloaday aad while here anadeaaaert call oa H. H. Pease of the Joaraal force. , Columbus C A NDY Kitchen Carries a big kner - of Chocolates and Bonbons. Not bit " ter sweets. Also Fresh Fruits of all kinds and-a ". nice line of cigars Come and try our refreshments. Columbus Candy Kitchen IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM fWall Paper t t Pure Wopdmait linseed t J Oiland best House sad J IBarnPamtat . ,. J UIITS Ing S4wfte wBBBwt IIHiUIlT an n aj " dJmm-mamaa-ammAmga I Ele J. eveanmMBL Jeweler & Optician It - r-r: -tJ ffr-mT-eX ffgffBfffcmtnmnnfrmymfrmrnaVmn m?'mtmt'mr; IIHIIIIIIIIIIII Af datiesasa" .f''b"-. te at hie the fatatwias af ale a: K; 'Pwieav ww ai' earanv v bMl94;askedtodriakl8; ad; ; mimed prayi edeenee towel S: 0;takea for a prasohsr 11; XL ferf a eaaitaUet .0; takea bathe t: hers paid 97; did nata la eeaseisaeeO; gt whipped 0; whipped ethers 8; esah ea bead begiaiag of year at 47; at prsssat- 7 Kammer Brea., south et the river. ebipasd ia Met Thuymay a magaUsse iadlvdaaliathe form of a.Soeteh haU. Theaaimal threagh eorreepead- from W. B. Belt of Falls Oity," aad Mr. Kammer says the salami ia ea. whioh speaks welt for Mr. Bolt. The fiae fellow tasjajheeea moaths 'eld aad tips the at exactly 1.108 pounds. Pintle' edjoiaiBw eeentlei are avert ing mere "aad more eaeh year ia of ell hiads, aad it tsr what partioalar liae yea.are later- Charles Wardsawa ie prepsrisg plans, for the aew Y. MO. A. building, andez pseta to soon have them oompleted. The baildlng oommittee have an offer on the old baUdiag whioh aowocoapios the site, sad expect to have it removed aa eooa as the families now oeeupyiag it lad other plaoas. The work of ezcava- Uoe will be eommesesd aboat the mid dle of July, a little earlier thee was an ticipated. The committee have gone over the pUaa very oarefaUy ead thiak they wiU bare a very sstisfaetory baild iag for a city of thie size. Oae of -the colored oooke oa Hi Pactic Nou 5, cteeted asmaU ea the car Moaday evening betwssa here aad Omaha, aad whea the traia mashed Colambae PoUoeassa Barke aad Belsoa were asked, to take him from the, traia aad lock him ap. Aster they had made the : surest the dlaiai careoadactor I'efaeed to ale a oomplmat agaiast him, aad he was released ead returned to OmUkmMkJS, a f --- -, A 1 MmB te OHeUmet Wedaeeday to attend the faaeral ef her sistsr Alice, who with eiz of her frieade were beat rkUagoaamke aear OfMeU waea the boat was turaed ever aad four ef the huusbsbIi were arowaea, her Dr. W. a Evans reUraed 8uaday from Atlantic City, N. JN where ba at- teadedameeUagof the AmerieaMedi ealaaseeiatioa. While ia the east he viaited the .hoaaitala at New York aad Baltimore. There were only tea re presentatives from Nebraska at the msstiag of the amoomtioa. G H. Daek retaraed Moaday ereeieg from hie ezteaded trip to Los Aageles aad other pouts oa the Paoile ooest. He retaraed ever" lee aoatbera route by way of Kaaees CSf aad stopped at Olariada, lews, ea route home, where Mm. Deck sad the baby will visit for a few weeks. Mr. ead. Mrs.' L B. BriteU left M J - "- " J -7 - w I towa expomuea, nmanra naua, inei ... v. .. .. - - -- 1t4JT of his lag, where they, aeeseded the gradeatiag exer- aft the State eaivemty. at whioh from the Al Besder. aoeompaied by hie aeioe, Mlas Oarrie Boeder went te md Saaday where they aetsa- edthe faaeral of WUUam Boeder, ef Al Besder. JaUae Niohom wUl her ef their lady frieade both W, day aad SaardayaTmraeoa et tee of the fermer. Mr. Byrass aad daaghter.of Oma ha, were celled totals oity Friday byatslsgraei Umees the former's Gem aad Frea, ef CMelL Bob. are ia thie eity, viBWag relatives while the laftsr te reoeiviag treatmeat aft St. Mary's hsspital. Mf at Osatral Oity apse It. They le have the' sewer uumslssul. by, Jar lift. BBMahe, eke Utile aaaiHI ef Mr. aadMrs.W. L TlaiBlger lien rTr Ul far the pi Bat at this witMaff ia ifje, OL B) wifthtae nparM , e . f e n aVeem at . JT . .- t fnVmmmmuml wmsanaal anuBi imaV mT3mBBwam mfJ BBBnuWUawS WaT. e am f. - m m FBBBBBBBm gBBMSwl em WW uewwrnawsBv waa' mmrmmm BBBaL SmBaamsBBUUBi mfmnannnnnna Hmaam MmeJB) flmwae wHRHVmnBaBmWVBmWBBv mtVma'e maUmal aSflmwKBmsBy aWBaWfal eBaeaaaBBCareMBf BBanf flma aasaahm. '-' ' w - 1 i'r - ameaeftae. Ian llnti k heedat taWntseaelbaileaff la this stty this weak. Wanstfaltoa aamber earoUed at aha are W. a.Omrk of aeraey. B. B. Shermaa of this dry aad MlasJLaaa Vaadereeek of OeaaeU Braffa. Meadey eveaiag there waea reeeptiea at the High mUldiag. bat the stliailsam "A of a smserisa by Wy's sale by. Witt by Mies Marie Zleankir, plaaesele by Mies Babel Farrasm. Bseee duet by the Dineeaaad Walker, by Mean. OJark. Lsavy. Aa lea ereaai seeiel a t m peeleeaed aft the rsaaest of taoimssseimiBt ef the mlasrrel shew. Up te Tueaaay were Ifty-ssvea teaebe feUdws: i OrestoaLivsie M. Kaight, Lala Kulght, Leeiss Lnedtke. Leigh-Mary B. Weleh, Myrtle O. Markhem, Bmma Maiaea. Odamhes-AUce Lyons. Kate Laeh- Beea, Margaret Bi Leers. Bertha 8chaebeeh. Marv Lewie, Graee Lewis, Birdie Bedda, Mrs. WUl rL Bias, O. A. Oamp, Alios B. Watkias Metta Baaeley. Oryssobal Bryaa,. Pearl B. Freemaa, Mary B. Bewawa. Ida Baafmaa. B. Beatattler. J. B. Al- G. Fetter Lottie High. Platte Oaater Jalia O'Neill. Byrnes. Brma Mlibnlssa. MeUie Fee tea. Aaaa O!0allaghaa. 8. F. Leo rem, Kittle D'OalMffhea. ' Base Bia Bhinehs - Oooktagaam. Ore Mi Mil lie' St aUward-Baael BUI. Miaale BdaaM. Dr. NaasMBB, Deatiet 13 St. Porter wanted, Meridian hotel. Dr.' A. DasssU aad daaghterspeat Saa day ia Sehayler.- evveral days of last week ia Baasaarey. Dr. P. L. Carsteasoa, Yeteriaariaa, 219,Celambaa,Neb. Albert Basmaeesa, ef T.iadeay Saaday ia Oslambea vietiag relatives te Borth afew days with frieade. Mimes Iaee aad Adga Helsea of Mewmea Grove ere viaitiag relatives la Oalambas Mim Nea TUggaas ef Seaavler ia vimtiag aft the.hoaae ef her Aagaet aad Jeha Wardemaa Uviag MSB MllM MrthMitaf - T- MM llMail th MlIMT. 'a """ m - - V. v. WHUT w ef their relativee.ead speat Heeday aft Stevea's Lake. Mrs. A. FreUae of Boies, Idaho, ar rived last Friday for a meath's visit with her aieter, Mrs. M. O. OssbIb tea Belsoa aad faasUv of Wew asaa Grove peat last weea vhutiBg remtives aad frieade ia Oelambas MlasBedwiff Jaeggi returaed Sat- atmadiag the uai ally. , Mr. aad 'Mrs. J.J. Bseder family are notivieff a visit Mies Lala Borneo ef Cmrksvills, Me, Miss rfniilta ef Omaha, aai Misiss Flsrsaee sad Grace Praya ef Sehay- lar, were visitlag la this eity W day. Jee Btevisskl WUlie Stsphea Doeglas drove' to to Basuraay -from Godfrey. UL wft-ere B. B. Bead, oerrier ea reate Be. S ia mkiac his trst vaeeHee ia Sve ead TiheRrnk la earryiag iae eaaisreats. h J. K. MeFarlaad visiMdfsr Be re- ef Dr. Mra. B. O. Ttssiag . l"MMaKMasaMiBmaMiiBm) W J5' The . t Beat Paint . to uae the Caarmie aVUBam Pollock & Co. Tflft DMKKHST4 Ob tJrt Ceraer. ' COLUMBUS, v NEBRASKA. Files of The Joaraal Jaae 18, 1873. Rev. J. M. Byaa baa workmea gaged wputtiag up a aeataad much wdd addition to theOaaaoue ehareh buildiag. The ehareh buUeaae; was ea- urely too small to acot ieg waaU of' the, ooagregatkn. ooeid aot be seated, or iaaide of the baUdiag. 'The raiay,damp aad' wi 1 MAWT TEAMS ASO. I wiU have a teedeecy. to injure eribbed ' corn, ropscislry any that may Witecosf ia open cribs. If weald be well for all -who have graiaatored away to examine J Lit frequenUy this kind of weather, as a little atteatioa givea ia thie directioa ' bow. may save hundreds of tboaiaads ef ' dollars. oa the -qaestioa ef fruit ia Nebraska should viett the I gardens of H. J.Hadsoa, oar eounly. ' I clerk, sad sss for UmssbsIv fruit aew grewisgapoa his yo sherries appear apoa tee yoaag aad leader twige. t of the fruit weald richly re pay aay oae msrisg a visit to Mr. Hud 's. - Oharlsa and Gaetevae Sehr der have pumhsssd of W. T. aarnaey a r ii rnilinilinssmg east of the lamber yard aad-arepre- wmnmg to mhuu out IB ue Z .i J.-V .. i IT- ii. :.. beaiaem. They will have a aad blacksmith shop, aad expect teas ready for work ia about two weeks. They wiU heebie to repair say kiad of machiaery, aad farm naplemsate, from the plow that tarns taeeod te the . threaber that rolls oat the graia. The Meears. Sehroeder are good workmea, add are predict for them pteaty to do. The their families ef the Thi oelesrated the teeth oraaanaasoa Saaday eft the HaU. The Seas of Leigh waa waU ef by a large aamber of ita "te the iavi Oarl Bhede the day. The aaeie for Skate Seperfereadeat J. L. Mi wiU be here here Tamraiey aad de Uvetaa address.' The work ef the' iasUtate wUl eloee Tharaaay ead the examlautioBs ' wiU be held Friday. Both ttsphsri aad iastraeters are tak ing maoa ieterest ia "the iaetitase work aad the ssssiea ia proviag pleamat aad arovimele to alL ; Myroa Gray, who has b lag the Morgan. Park academy, ef Uliaois. arrived ia Celamhas Satar day eveaiaff to ayeed hie ssaamer veeaftieawitarhiB parents, Mr. aad Mrs. O. O.Gray. ' FsUiedaaee rain er shine, Fearth ef Jnlj BightOrfheam hall. Mask hyOrfheasnvehea tra. Geei erder gaaraateesl. ' A aew aad complete liae of Fire works at Joaee' bakery. Dr. Lasschsa Oooalistaad Becher, w ajavavouwva Bjr ea i s i- Chavmbras .IEAL UTATE AM UMS. s S real estats, either farm artowe lota, it will be to tMeaey to loan w aay - short aetk "I I Fire, Tpi i "t I ! Bmaibtenr?! ! 1mm. J ertowa lota, it will be to year J S ieterest to siesalt oar beta. We fame hare several good' duUiage S . for feat iaOolumbue, aad H wit IBsyyontocosMaadsseBebefsre . uDjamDers. - a. 'UH fi1 t-a .x 3 i V J 'V xj - xsi 't a i .-.Kl T ' . i I y 1 1 -il I I ;i :4zt v' sml&la&uim ".." 5 -t-Cf , U .'lv,Viii --.. .' , J",1, . '&&?&&$