The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 05, 1907, Image 1

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Oonaolidmted with the Oolnmbm Tlaw April 1, 1904; with the Ratte Oounty Argm January 1, 1900.
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Dr. J. W. Term
BeatEfiijpi Optica OfficM
U The Wert
iatfcefroat roo ever PoOodc
ACo.'.DnrStore. Wfll be m
Col ihiw efltees Saaday, ea
dfty. 1Wky aad WedbeMy ef
adiweak. Spectacle and ere-
!! acieauiKauy sued
. .. .
rapanBiL Eye maaeei
Oato 99
Wheat TO
Bye 50
Cora '. 40
Barley 96
Hoga. $5 50 to $5 60
A'fgeaeral change ia the Uaiea Pacifc
tiaw will take place next Saaday, Jaae,
9, which gives a mach moreaatisfaetory
aervice for this aeciioB of the state. Na
1: the Oreriaad Limited will arrive ia
Columbas aboat aa hoar earlier. Na3
aad 5 arrive here aboat tweatjr-five
minutes earlier, or at 630 asd 7 p. m.
The Los Augeles Limited is also aa hoar
earlier, while No. 9, the fast mail ar
rives ia the foreaooa iaatead of about 4
P. m. Theoaechaage that waa asked
fortbelastvesruaaudaighttrsia oat
of Omaha. This traia ie No. 11 aad
leaves Omaha at 12:10 p. au, iaatead of
early in the morning as foremerly aad
will bring all the daily papers aad
Omaha mail so that it will Veherefrst
thiag ia the morning, aad all the towns
aad the breaches will get their mail
several hours earlier as a result of this
change. The Overland limited from
the west is aa hoar later. No. 4 ia the
aaxaiagm aot cheated, bat No. 12. the
, Denver traia k a little earlier, arrrriag
iaOmahaat:50 a. m. Na 6, reaches
Omsha at S p. auaad lTe.10at5.f6p.
m.. later thaa at prsseat. The locals,
No. IS from the east leaves Omaha atv
at 7:49 a.m. aad No. 14 from the west
euiias ia Omaha at 7:45 p. m.
nng time of these trains i
no that seaedalea may be" maiataiacd,
as with the increased freight buaiaeas it
was impeasible to ran traias oa time
aader the preseat schedule.
Dr. Tinssnhsa Oocalistaad
Dr. Mark T.
Sse Gerherz Flyaa Co. for summer
shirts aad aaderwear.
Dr. a A
Mrs. James Moore of St. Edward visit
ed friends ia this city Satarday.
Miss Grace Bktoai has excepted a poei-
tioa as dark ia the Poeech candy fact
ory. Mies Hasal Mallard of South Omaha,
apeat a few days visiting friends ia this
city lset week.
Wheaiaaeed ef a pair of paata, ase
Oerhars Flyaa Go's, line of 62.60, 69.66'
end 3.a0 value.
Morris Whitmoyer baa retaraed from
tbe Mflitary eaheol at Kearney, aad will
be at home dariaa? the
The Misses Twins of
guests at the heme of Mrs.E.'H. Jen
kams last Satarday, being en their way
te Central City to take part ia tbe com-
it exercises at that niece.
Eaklie Biekly. who has bsea
itiag relatives aad friends ia this dry
tor the pest week retaraed to bar home
ia Dundee Wedaesday. accompanied by
her mater Miss Baby Biekly.
It may net be generally kaewa that
ear ewa townsman, Senator Hagh
k the father of tbe kv that
.bypwyiagbeee ball and
its for cat leceieta.
VCaMT 6awaaWHaaMI
Wa NEStl
tt Obn at fix.
nfmrdlac the clouf
dry irooda asd formisluaf
al 6 o'elookdaiiar the tmmmtr
itk,ii Metis witk t&mnl approral
bath aataloyar aad ploy. A
efgealatad laat weak by
at tbaae aMt iatararted ia the
rojeot. aad a leag-iist of aaaMa graced
The eatployafaor awrobaata of the
eitjare alawrt aaiaiaioariy ia tavor of
the aix o'clock eioaiag boar aad aa for
the dacha it doaa aaaai aa aareaaoaable
thiaf for the pablie at aak them to work
f oarteaa to "itsea boara a day.' Of
ooarae, Satarday aighte are excepted i a
the petition aad it i aafa to aay that the
aetitiea acapadfar win be (ranted.
Dr. aad Mrs. B. C. Tienag retaraed
aesday mecaiag from their weddiag
trip, which waa epeat ia visiting many
places of iatereek Leaviag Soath Au
bmra, the brides home, they went fo
Chicago, via Omaha the following
day, where they were deligatfall y-enter-
taiaed by Prof. Boise, formerly the
Doctora iaetractor in masic,who upon
their arrival ia that city iavited them to
oae of the leadiag hotels, where aa
eliborate dinner was served. As tbe
gaeste eaterted tbe beaatifally lighted
dtaaiag room Mecdelasoha wedding
march was played by a large band,
aad; daring the dinner hoar the music
was continued. The following dsytbe
conple departed for New York, then to
New Havee, where tea days days
were speat visiting the home "of Dr
Tieaiag mother Oa their return
homeward Cape Charles, Point Com
fort and maay other places were they
visited. Last, bat aot lest, the James
town Kxpositioa was also visited. Im
mediately apoa returning to this city
Mr. aad Mrs. Tieeingwent to their re
aideaoeoB EastEsleveath street which
had been Bioelyjpfepared for their home
Porter wanted, Meridian hotel.
Mr. aad Mrs. U. 8. Mace are entertain
ing Mrs. Peters aad sob, of Norfold, thk
Ia district court Kathrya Mean
granted a divorce from Oliver H.
A. M. Mahaffey, who has been
qaiteill for sometime, k at preseat, re-
MeBXealjU aP6J6j6jd5aT
BegJstrar John Schmooker reports
iftsen birtha and eleven deaths daring
tbe month ef May.
Miss May Bloedora went to Monroe
today, where she will visit for some time
with relatives and friends.
Mrs. Simmons of Qarks spent Thurs
day ia tbk city visiting at the home of
O. M. Douglas aad family.
Mr. Leopold Jaaaie left for Indian
Territory, the first of tbe week, where he
goes to look after hia farm interests.
Mas. W. A. Sohreeder, who has spent
tbe pest six weeks vhatiag friends ia
CUvelsad. Oafcx, k expected home toj-
Mrs. Freak Walker aad daaghter.
Mildred, retaraed Satarday, from Nor
folk, where they visited with friends for
a few days.
Holliday gives out the iofor-
that another toll board will be
installed eooa ia the Nebraska Tele-
Alfy Heiats was ap before Police
Judge OBriea, charged with being
drunk. He was released on a promise
that he woald go to the dipsomsniao
hospital at Luools at hk own expense.
Obarky Biokky, aa old time Colum
bas boy, was ia the ei)y over Saaday.
He k representing a wholesale tobacco
hoase of 8L Look, and while greeting
eld frieads, was also boosting for hk
particukr brand of tobacco.
WalterGalley. for the past three years
nwaiajan aa important position with
a large wholesale honee'kubt. Joseph,
arrived hare lset week for a two weeks
visit with Ida pareats, Mr. aad Mrs. J.
H. Galley.
A baiUing te be aeed as a charnag
for the new bkek signal system
the Union Pscils ia being built west
ef the depot. There will be three of
ahawjaag atatioaa en thk diviatea
at Celambus, oae at Central City
ideas at Valky.
There will be a reception at thePres
rtsriaa persnaege, Friday eveaiag,
June 7th, tram 7 J6 to 1640 oVeok, p.
au, gttaa by the paster aad wife maietsfl
by the censers ef the ehurch ami their
ex see oaarcn aaa
to be
B. B. L. Hatbb, Pastor.
14th, k Flog day. Thk k aot a
day as
eias it should
thk city as well
aoald enfold
for the very
"Old Qkry tease
i ex JMcaa sareet, aetweea Usv
smjhl nf Ihe staia sad shipis k iaepir
iag aad aaskaeJva ef a saere petriotic
aafb ttm aaama naaaa k. amaAa
eaaiH. aaa sassnasiee cnenes ae awoe
The TJasaa Bssaae at aavke brick
ajaax jsaa aerees aassr avspertr oa ahe
attests. The Ossn-
- W a""- . "
am emnasea anemapwiaa aiess
baa High aabool waa bald ia Berth
opera hoaac Friday eyaaiag. Tkaatage
waa baatifaUy deaaratei with potted
alaataaad the elata ealora ef
white, aiakiag a
poeed of aefaateaa girla aad lv boya.
Theee aot UkiBg part ia theaa exeraiaaB
took part.ia a debate bald ia the gyav
naaiuBi room ia the High achoaloa May
the 8th.
The fret aamber oa the ptOtcram
aa addreas by Prof, flhwraua followed
by invocation by Rev. Jjotaa DeWoUe,
pastor of the M. S. church.
Three very important ausstioas of the
day were dkeussed. The fret beiag
"The Fuel QQestioa." Mks Mary New
man delivered the orstioa. ohooalBf m
her subject "The Qasetkau" She
eeraestly impressed apoa the miads ef
her Ikteners how great waa the use ef
coal and what shall we do whoa coal k
no more, ahe left with the public to
lies Charlotte Mathews then spoke
choosing as her snbkot "What of the
Foresta.'' Ia maay ways she ably dk
eussed the ase of wood sad advised tbe
foresters to be very careful ia choosing
their different trees thk she mid "would
help preserve the foreste."
Next on the program appeared Mks
Marie Zinnecker, who chose the subject
WA partial Solution." She advised tbe
public to substitute electricity; gas aad
alcohol for besting purposes aad thaa
save the' coal which k sooner or later
going to be eoneumed.
Following thk was a pkao duet by
DomBaboock andAdele Micenlsiaaraich
was well rendered and greatly appreciat
ed by the andieace.
"Great Expositions" was the second
question discussed.
Otto Walters, who k always ready to
give an opinion on any qaestioa spoke
upon "The Growth of the Idea," telling
bow tbe idee of expositions was begun
with the county fairs, how ooaducted aad
leadiag op to the preseat way of coe
dacting an exposition. -
"The Jamestowa xpoeitioaw was thea
discussed by Mks ttleaora Rasohe, who
drew a very vivid picture of the preseat
exposition aad how it was carried oa.
Mks Loake Echols thea spoke oa
"The Valae of Exposition," ia which
ahe proved .very readily how expositioas
not only aided eareoaatry bat other
countries ss well, forgone osuatry will
try to surpass-tae other us every way
possible, and in bringing nil theee beauti
ful things together an artist can readily
see where hk masterpiece can be improv
ed. In this wsv it aids the nrosrass
of art.
Mks Ethel Farraad thea pleased the
audience with a pkao eolo which was
well rendered.
Aristocracy" was the last subject dk
eussed. Mks Violet Wooeley beiag the
first speaker and chose ss her subject
"European Aristocracy," ia which ahe
gave several illastratioaa of arktoorsoy
ia Europe compared to that of America.
Mks May Bead then spoke oa the
subject, "False Aristocracy." ia which
she ably illustrated tbe diAVeat ways
thk Aristocracy was used snd how com
mon kits ase.
Miss Marguerite Mace was the last
to speak and chose as her subject,
True Aristocracy." And ia her geatie
manner gave many examples of" true
Arktocracy which originated ia her every
day life.
Prof. Sherman with a few remarks
presented tbe class 1907 with the Diplo
mas and their credits to the difereat
Universities. Owing to the fact that
Mks MsrgneriVe Mace aad. Charlotte
Matthews average was the same ao
vaidkatory was givea. Oongratalatioas
were then in order aad the doors of
knowledge were closed apoa a very
successful school year:
Aa assortment of f adgea 10 cento a
po and. Poeech.
Mks Daisy FbeacheV weat to Omaha
Taeedey where she will visit for a few
days with frieads.
Lass week Jadge Rattermea isaaed a
marriage lincense to Arthur Kiag aad
Mks Bessie Crocker both of David City.
H. H. Pease aad family ot Stromebarg
arrived In thk eity lest week aad are
bow doauciled ia what k knowa as tbe
Deegaa property ia- east Oelambaa
Mr. Pease was formerly nwblisaer ot the
News at Stromsburg and comes here to
take a position in the Journal as tore
saaa. He has had a aasaher ot years'
experkace ia the trade,
plover aad employee ead
practical priater.
Ate regular wsetisg of
Na,G-A. R, held en Js
the f ollewiag resolatiea waa
ly adopted:
BBSOI.VBD: That the nan
'V M07
ker'e Post, No. 6, G. A B..
tbaaks te the Seas ef ,Vi
paayK,Nf N.Gthe City
par, the
ot the eity aad St.
Tteok iathe
day everes
of the
far tar.
We WelcoK Ygi !
'Whether you iatead te be a
teaser or aot. Those who only
z leo will carry away, tmaweajoaa
f of oar gooes that we fed MUST
Ufavcrable. -- '
Always glad to aaamt callers to
:aeqaire all the knowledge of oar
stock that they desire or that we
are able to impart. "
fleet 'now we are lavitlag epsckl S
atteation to oar JUNE WED-
juiur jjJonja.xjiuB m ssmw
riortotbeaversgedkaiayofthees S
antitAm am A tmm (ka a.a M
fewkh to make oar invitation to S
yoa to call ss earnest aad forceful 5
S as. we possibly
we said at the top of thk
oa ereeeureiy weioome tf
yon do nothing but leek.
and ; S
Celuaibu is Grewiag. '
It k remarkable what n demand there
is nt the present time for suitable resi
dence locations ia Columbus. The de
mand never was greater aad it has ex
tended the platted sections of the city.
New additions have been surveyed, the
one most prominent in the minde of the
people bow being that ot Phillips' second
addition. Thk addition k located jest
north ot the city limits aad coaakts of a
aumber of excellent lots for residences.
A Urge share of tbk plot has already
been sold, snd many inquiries are daily
coming in for others. It k a foregone
conclusion that these lota will not last
long at the rate they are going aad
Colambus will soon sgaia outgrow its
boarders. It k already a beautiful city
of pretty homes snd a prosperous people,
aad almost daily new comers are drifting
in. Oar arattosboald be "Tea thousand
for Columbus by 19Ur
Dr. Naumaaa, Dentist 13 8t
G. B. Prieb, paiatiag saaaaer.baag-
See Gerbarz Flyaa Co. for boya sad
voaag awas suits.
Mr. William Heaeer otBellwood was
ia Gelansbws'Satnraay.
Mra. B. G. Strother aad baby daagh
ter epeat Saaday ia thk city visiting
friends, returning home Monday.
Jess Newman nnd.C. A Brindley have
been released from the small-pox quar
antine at the Newman farm east of town.
WsraerSohapbaeh, formerly of thk
city bat aowot Sheridan, Wyoming k
visiting relatives aad frieads ia thk
Freak MeTaggart of Omaha made a
abort" visit here last week with hk par-
eats, Mr. aad Mrs. Baraey MeTaggart.
Miss Neilk Brady, of Oklahoma Otty
arrived in thk City Friday and win visit
for a abort time with Steve Byaa and
George Fairehild, M. a Galto, O. C.
Shaaaoa, Dr. X Heiatz and Herman
Kueaomaa left Bandar for Denver oaa
short business trip, expecting to retura
home today.
Mm Ykent of Warsaw, N. Y., passed
through thk dtj Satarday on her way
to Albioe, where she wity spend the sum
mer viaitihg rektivee. She was met ia
Columbas by her nephew. W. B. Martin
of Albioa.
That Colambaa k to have a greed cele
bratioa the Foarth of Jaly k now quite
evident. Tbe "soUoiting committee has
with exceptionally good
ead ia a short time the program of the
day will beaaaouaoed.
Wedaesday eveaiag the PhlUips baJld
iag oa west 18th street was tamed into
assort iaviting reception hull, where
tbe Sophomore ekes of the high school
delightfully entertained the -Seniors.
The room was beautifully decorated ia
the elass oolors snd a very enjoyable
eveaiag was speat Ay all preseat
It k with regret that the Joaraal aa
aoanoas the peparture of Bev. Uliaer
paetor of the Baptist church, who after n
short visit at hk home neerFeirbury
he will go Beetriee where, he has accept-
jed a charge ia that city. For nearly
four years Bev. Ulamr has labored faith,
tally ia our amidst, aotoaly ia hk own
ehurch maay plsoe daty oalkd While
ia -thk eity Rev. Ulaaer woe saaay
friend, saaday eveaiag in the Oon
areatkia church Rev. Ulmer address
ed n'lerge eoageratioB. Althoach ao
farewell words were spokeathe eermon
was greatly apereckted by these preseat.
The Journal jotas with tbe public in
wishbighlmniaeh aneeess endanlsaa-
J" a . .
I Wall Paper!
. PiueWoofcmati Iimeed
Oiknd best Hoase and'
Barn Paint at
H a- V
Baaaaa ' T
aWwfJ afMiia 4
BfJJ tt
Thoagh the day promised aaytaiag
bat pleasant xyphereead sanshlnefor
tkeoBtdeereaerekesof Deeoratioa day,
the remaiaiag members of the Colambus
Grand Army of the Rspublio have reason
to believe that the citizens of thketty
and Platte ooaaiy have aot lost oae iota
of that spark of patriotism which once
they kmdkd aad the embers of which
still alow in their hearts asa token in
honor, of bravery, chivalry aad loyalty
to their flag. Clouds aad sad wind!
made the recollections of the sodier
dead more vivid, and the heartache of
bereaved more real to the maay
bat few if aay exceptions the
houses of the city were closed
aad the qtixeas of both towa aad ooua
try taraed oat eaaiasee to pay tribute to
the noble dead, the heroes of tbe civil
war as well as those of tbe Philippine
The parade to the opera hoase, at
which place the exercises of the day
were held, was lead by the Columbus
City Band, aad followed by the volun
teer firemen of the city, Company K of
the Nebraska Natioaal Guards, and the
Soae of Veterans, and was under com
mand of Col. J. B. Meagher.
The program as announced in the
papers of the city for some few weeks
was rendered in detail at the opera
hoase. 'Comrade B. L.Bossitcr made an
elegant address to tbe old boldiers, which
was fall of earnesnesst and inspiration.
In hk address he urged tbe cultivation
of that patriotic spirit in the children,
the coming generations, and by so doing
cultivate the highest grade of citizenship
aad patriotkm. Hk talk to tbe old vet
erans most necessarily have been in the
anner of reminiscences, as the ranks
were perceptibly thinner than those of a
few years ago. His thoughts expressed
in well chosen words brought both
mirth and tears tohk Ikteners, and aa a
whole maay good and instructive
thoughts were said which lent inspira
tion aad formed n renewed patriotic
spirit to those who beard him.
The pupils of the city end parochial
schook rendered some highly pleasing
selections both declamatory and in
musical numbers.
At the close of the exercises at the
nnm -hniM tfewi nnlnann wis tmin't
formed and the procession slowly wend
ed ite way to the cemetery. One thing
was more perceptible .than aay other aad
that wae-tbat Beariy-every person in the
line ot march held some sort of n floral
token, to bestow upon the graves of tbe
nation's beloved departed heroes. On
tne way the taty Band played some
beautiful selections, ell of which were
striotly in keeping end accord of tbe
At tbe cemetery tbe service was held
at the grave of comrade Frank Fleming,
the lest old eoldier who passed away in
locality. The service ended by n
salute to the dead, which consisted of
three volleys by a detachment from Com
pany K, aader command of Lieutenant'
John Brock, and "taps'' by Master Car
roll Evans, the company bugler.
Thoagh every moment ot the day
threatening clouds hang low overhead,
a large number visited the cemeteries
snd paid honors to their loved ones.
The old soldiers, already few in number,
who still survive, have every reason to
believe that the great fire ot patriotism
will burn ia the hearts ot the American
people ae long as the stars snd stripes
wave or terra flrma stands. They will
not forget those who sacrificed home and
loved ones in their behalf. And we voice
the sentiments of every true Americaa
citizen when we exolaim: "Long live
The Joaraal ads pay good returns.
Dr. Valber, Osteopath. Barber block.
Dr. W. H. Slater, veteriaariaa, phone
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bloedora spent
Sunday hi Platte Center.
Dr. P. L. -Gersteneon, Veterinarian,
both phones 213, Colambas, Neb.
Miss Eva Cook of Fremont k visiting
at tbe home of Harry Beed and family.
Emil VonBurgen. ot Omaha, was call
ing on hk Colnmbasfriends Satarday.
George Erb, of Alliance is expected in
thk city tonight for a short visit with
Mrs. Sam Gate jr., went to 8cbnyler
Friday, where she will vkita few days
withrelatsves aad frieads. -
Miss Anna LeBoy, of Soammon, Kan.
arrived ia thk city Moaday evening for
aa extended vkit with Mr. snd Mrs. J.
F. Kirkpatriek.
After speadiag a pleasant week visit
ing relatives ia thk city Mies Margarete
MeKelvey returned' to her home in
Fallertoa Friday.
Littie Jessie Keaoyer,. daaghter of
Mr. aad Mrs. 0. Keaoyer, 'residing 'on
east Eleventh street, eatertaiaed a few
ot her frieads Saturday afteraooa in
hoaor ot her sixth birthday. Maay
games were pkyed, after which refreeh
Bssntswereeerved. All preseat report a
yeryplesssat tiaie.
TheFreshmea class ef the High school
WWapiewteatMcPaerson's Lake Sat
arday. Thedeywas speat very pkes
eatlyeadthefreahsMa declare it was a
great saessss as they were act dieturbed
is the keet. .The jelly group wore pre
fer traahhvhat were bedly dm-
Annies Beatrif Light nam Today.
la view of the prospective peiehees ef
the Heiats electric light pleat by the
city, aa spprsksmaet of the pleat will
be made today. Coancilsssa stothloit
ear aad Gasa have smpkysd F.E. Seha-
ng, ot Omsss.To represent
the eity. Mr. John Bark
eeketed by Dr. Hekts ae a
tive ot hk iatereat. , gj
Mr. Seaarig was a former
engineer for Omsha aad waa hiahlv res-
ommeaded to the committee aad by the
electrical experts of that city with
they eoaveresd. Mr. Barks k
aian of large experience ia theeleetrical
arena sad k eqaally aa highly spekee'of
asMr.Schurig. Both mea are thetwagh
ly competent aad both the city aad Mr.
Heiatz are well satiated with the
TaeOeOege lay.
The clever comedy with mask will be
tbeocTered Thursday, June 6th. at the
North opera hones. Ralph aad Bad
Biggs are a peirof oossedkns, eqaally as
good in dancing as singing, eomethiag
seldom seea ia musical oomedy? Ia the
"College Boy" they both have parte
that suit them, aad their clever daaciag
end topical songs go a long way towards
making a great success of aa excrucia
tingly fanny mimical show.
"The College-Boy is said to be a
licking three act comedy and better thaa
most of the pkys built' oa the same
theme. "The College Boy" has as yet to
receive its first unfavorable press eriti-
- JUeeatiea ta Ministers.
Last Monday evening from 8 to 11
o'clock, tbe pleasant home of Mr. aad
Mrs. C.E Pollock, who reside on West
Fourteenth street, was thrown opea to
receive their away friends aad the mem
bers of the Grace Episcopal ebarch ia
honor of the Bev. Dr. Wescott, ot tbk
ci thk city snd Dean Beecher of Omaha.
The evening was spent in general so
cial chat, music sad aa imprompta pro
gram and at a later hoar a deiaty lun
cheon was served. Ihe evening proved
to be a most delightful and pleasant oae
to all present.
Maaiarial Hay.
Tbe Fraternal Orders ot thk city will
observe next Sunday, Jane 9th, as Me
morial day. The" Orders will asset at
the OddFeUows' hall at 1:3a, Sunday
and aiareh to the cemetery, the proces
sion being heeded by tbe Colambus
band. R. L. Resetter will be marshal of
the day and Rev. L. B. DeWolf, of the
Methodist church, will be the
The following orders wfll be
for tbe occasion: Odd Fellows, Soae ot
Herman, Workmen, Modern Woodmen.
Woodmen of the World, Foyal Arcanum,
Knights of Pythias, Maccabees, Royal
Drs. Paul aad Matxea, DeutisU.
Mr. aad Mrs. George left Taes
dsy moraiag for Billiags, Montana.
F. T. Walker left Taeedey monk
over the Barliagton on n basiaewtrip to
Old Mexico.
Fob Sam Kindling wood, $1.00 per
loed st Carl Rhoades' farm, four miles
northeast of thk city.
Miss Florence Price, of Soath Omsha,
wss ia the dty Mondsy, snd while here
son was tbe guest ot Miss TbeniaGluch.
Wedding rings, souvenir spooae.
CarlFroemel, Eleventh street jeweler.
Mary Sturgan, who has beeaattead
ing school in thk city retaraed to her
home near Farnam Satarday.
After spending a few dava vkitiaw
relatives and friends in thk city, Mr.ead
Mrs. Charley Segelke returaed to their
home ia Omaha Wedaesday eveaiag.
John Wittka, accompanied . by Carl
Both left Satarday for Hot Springs, 8.
D. Mr. Wittka has been quite sick for
some time end goes there' ia hopes ot
recovering hk health.
Miss Delia Newman, who has bees
teaching nt Boles, Nebraska, the pest
school year, returned home Thursday
last, and on Monday weat to Creightcn,
where she will remain antil August with
the Muses Galley.
The semi-aanusl election of oflcersot
the Colambas City bead was held Tues
day evening, and the following oflkera
re-elected: John 8tovicek, president;
Welter Heoer, vice presideat; B. J.
Oalky, secretary; Frank Schilx, treasur
er, H. a Clark snd B. D. McCray
HalL assisted by a aumber ot
young people, k getting ap ebome taleat
ladies' minstrel for the benefit of Grace
church choir. The fret meeting for
reberssl will be held thk eveaiag aad it
k expected that the play will be gives ia
abou. tea days.
Therehasaeea soeaiderabletalk aboat
the freight arena oa the Burlington
beiag ssoved to Lincoln whea the aew
tisse card goes iato effect next Sunday.
Agent Sector wss called to Liaeola
Monday by the oMekle and they took
the matter ap aad assured Mr.
that there wss no neeesnitv of the
to Liaeola, aa under the
the same amount of time ia
ss forsserry sad the hours here would be
each that it weald be awmdestrabk for
them to live here. The eheage hi the
time wee to
Tka .
Best Paint
to use
Pollock & Co.
Files of The Journal May 28, 1873.
The Uaion Fnafio express
ket week Ave ead
aed bullion.
oae-half toes of re-
For the
aad safety ef
traaamittiag letters.
are talked ef, in which
tern are to be enclosed by
iapackiagtheBMuL It appears to oar
mind sea good ia vestment, aad should
be iatrodaosd.
GaaG.Bseher, who sometime stass
reoeived the sppeintment ot imnHgretien
sgeBtforthk.eoaBtry.iafersss aathat
there ere roeeiderable quantities of good
Isadia the aerth part et Platte county.
subject to boms stead aad pre-emptioa-eatry.esweUas
mach that can be par-
oaseed from railraad
Os Taursdey saoraisg of
the Loup bridge went eat i
a saert dmtaaee below asm ef 'te i-.
The rise iathe river waesaeiw;'-
five feet, AH the streams, aeada"
Mosghs, aad paddles ia thk
also fall of overflowiasT. Oa
it was reported here that Shell
Creek hadeverflowed her high beaks,
aaa test all the arivate hrideea
remaiaed witheut kjury. If thea i
itamybefoandceavenieat far the
county to expaad eesae sseaey hi pat
ting ia a few saere nersaaaeat bridaea
scrossSbeU Creek.
Jaae 4, 1873.
Many immigrasto have been delayed
mooeseqaeaeeoftheleas ef the bridge
which speaaed theLoap at thk psase,
aad as a lest resort have shipped by rail
far enough wast to avoid deep water.
Howe can readily see, that earn
persons, besides the eitiaeee of
Folk aad Platte counties eufler
veaieacas for the wast of a bridge over
For several days last week the grass
hoppers tarried with as, eating a few
pleats, ruabarb, wheat, oato, aad barley,
SSid25lf. IJttk tf ""
Tbev dida't stay los enough to iajare
anytaint, bat they have laid their eggs
bere, aad the next geaeratioa of them
mey be worse ea aa thaa those who
took wiaxa oa last Wsaasedsv. W.
could hope that theaoath wind ea which
teeyndemay eerry them to the Polar
The celebration of the feast of Corpse
Caristi was observed at tbe Catholic
church last 8uaday, Rev. Father Maries
Plana beiag the oMektiag priest. Thk
day k oae of the priaeipal feast days ef
the year, as it commemorates the Jacti
tation of the blessed asarsmeat,aad the
church waa beaatifally decorated for
tbsoccaaioa. The ooBgiagatiea of St.
Boaaveataraw church was well repre
sented, aad olao the Ladies' sodality, St.
Anne's society, the Oathobc Kaightt ef
America, the Kaighte ot Colambaa, A.
O. H, Ohildrea's Gsardiaa ABgefs
society aad the altar boys' guild, the
procesaioa extending aboat six blocks.
Tbe Cerambas City Bead
appropriate masse for tbe
St. Bonaveatara's pariah wishes to ex
tend thinks to the Columbus aty Bind
hfor themasie furakhed os the
of the feast of Corpus Chrieti.
i-ilXUiJliil-i-ll 1- S
S Fke, Teiaaae
e ether
m w iinsini i iism iBveasBMSi m
S is reel estate, either farm lasda 2
or town lots, it wfll be to year
S kteresttoBiBielteur bete. We 5
Seine have severe goad dweDaasn
9 farraatMOalaaxBaB,sad it wfll
S smart " S"
Colusshae S vmmmmsmmtmssimmmmm
t Becher. S
Hoctmlpstgcr 4t 1
. is
sssaistraaera appeared ap-'
ametthereeaireaseatoettsa Z UneUUMtaT. Z
em the
v ft
-yT'iMi -il'tlteM-Brrfsasaaaaaiaa
Jfli-. jz?j