ijn -; -t;sis 1? JFS.??iT u..-"'-' - -?. 16 ' .it 'jfi r-Ji- ?' . .?$'. ? L Ibm" i r r.x & 'A ! C IV-- I4" VOLUME XXXVIIL NUMBER 7. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDWESDAY, MAY 22, 1907. ?iffr?sfiti ; ConoUdted with the CJolumbui Timt April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argui January 1, 190a M f . . ; Jammmt rf" .v1 --Ba -9nBBanmytanMHa WHOLE NTJMBRK 1,858. ft. fr'V E a ( U, .1 1 1 is S VF. i'-f lT L5t - I eBmmmP!smmmmWmmnBnv I anmmiej0mmwslnwp I Or. J. w. Term or OMAHA i EYE SPECIALIST . EXPERT OPTICIAN Beat Efiirfei Optical OMkm la The West htke front rooms over Pollock Co. 's Drug Store. Will be in Celembua offices Sunday, on day, Tuenday and Wednesday ef ouch week. Spectacles and eye glaeses scientifically fitted xd repaired. Eye Glasees adjasted CONSULTATION FREE MeeeMeMee)eefMea ! COLvYBUI iSjSw Rye 38 80 50 40 35 fi-rley Hogs. S5 70 to $5 80 I TEAM AGO. Files of the Jonrnal, May 14, 187. 8oie one is digging a cellar on Elev cth street, west of Morrissey's store. We lean that Mr. Louis Phillippe will move Ins bnsiaess house on Washington Avenue. ' O. PjBeed and a friend of bis are ere cting a bnsiaess house ou Olive street, one door south of tee post office. It is to be need as a news depot and oonfee ttpaery store. A good many new buildings will prob ably go up this sumster. E. J. Baker is getting his lumber on the ground, making ready for putting up a dwelling house. Dr. Bonesteel has the framework np of a new house, being'an addition to his present residence. On last Satnrday a vote was taken by achool district No. l(Colnmbas) upon a proposition to issue five thousand dol lars in bonds of the district for the ere otien ef a brick building to be need for graded schools of the. district. The pro pesi'jen carried by a vote of 137 or, to C i Mr. Bramer of Polk county we learn that one year ago, in his school district. No. 90, there wss just one vot er and three children of school age; now they have a large enrollment and will soon have completed an excellent school hoase, at a cost, of $1,000. There are bat few new settlements that surpass Polk .county. We are iadebted to C. A, Speice, Esq., for the following nummary of the school matters naderjhis care. Mr. Speioe ie attending to the duties of his omos' very faithfully: For the year 1872 the ralae of the school houses was $13,108. 83. Paid male teaehera. $2,529.50. paid female teachers. $5,37395. Re ceipts, $10,910.34. Enumeration of school children April 586, for 1872. 744: far 1S7S. 1024. Bar. Diokmsa of the German Reform ad ehnreh. and Vincent Kummer, Esq., started out yesterday with a subscrip tion pap sr to raise $3000 for the erection hiOelnmbasof a brick building for the nceommodatioa of the make adherents ef that ehnreh ia this neighborhood. It ia proposed to many the building 32x 48 feet, and 16 feet high, and to cost not less than $3,000. We hope they willao- iplish thaw worthy object . Dr. Naamann, Dentist 13 St LeaicMutie 5c. Peeecii. Dc Tatter, fJatsopsth. Barber block, See Getharz Flyaa Co. for boys and The m1j ftrigiial aay Fac twry ta Uwm liesck's. Wadding rings and high class jewelry at Carl Ftnmel'a Eleventh street. Walker, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Frank Walker is sick with the Charley Graves has been quite aiok for thn past weak but ia much better at this Mr. and Mrs. Bob Anaton, of Creeton apent n taw day a last wesk viaitin friends inthiseKy. Will Banham apent Sunday in Feller tan, rieitiagat tbehome of his parenU Mr. ami Mrs. A. B. fieuhan. Mas. FredSch'umaker of Saver Creek r in this eity visiting friends law her way to Fremont. OaMaadeee our new stock of wall in the Mnrray bnSdiag.oa west ithetreet.MilkKa Mas. Hayee Namttion of -As the Moan maneef the an sat readings a her nt North emm May th. atMatahOasaa nisni Tneaday May 28th. HEBKwW BBanmwmWsBS VmmmmwVw Dr. Luisihis Ooonlist and anrict. Ton Jejunal ads pay good returns. Ice cream gada 6c. Paeseln G. & Prieb, painting and paper hang- When in aeed of a pair of pants, Gerharz Flyun Go's, liae of $2.50, $3.00 and $3.60 raises. - Sofia Herohenhaa and Emma Leatk spent 8anday in 8ilver Creak, and while there attended a dance. Thursday another ease of smsll-pox atthehosMof John Lnsese, their being three in the family aiok with the disease. L.F.Pbillippsia getting the material oa the ground for a - new resideooe at the corner of. Teath street and Washing ton aTenne. Stnigeon and Ida McKoeil. of Omaha spent 8nnday ia thu city riaiting at the hosse of the lorsaer sister Mrs. Will Mr. Weklen. has moved his art Stadio to the recant lot north of the Thurston hotel, and is having some improvements put upon thebnilding. Monday afternoon at her home onEastl 12th street Mrs. Win, Cornelius enter tained the Whist Olub. A very pleasent afternoon was spent by those present. . Mrs. C. D. Erans went to Washington D. O. Friday, where she was called bv the serious illness of her brother Frank North, who is very low with typhoid fever. The Firemen hare deeided not to take hold of the Fourth of July celebration this year. This leaves tbiags open for any other organization to take the mat ter up providing they wish to do the work. Butler County Press. Mrs. L. Geitzen of Columbus stopped at Humphrey Tuesday on her return from Norfolk and is visiting relatives and friends here this week. Mrs. Geitzen will sing a solo at the Methodist church next Sunday atteraoon. Platte County Leader. Wednesday evening, Tony Vogel, de lightfully entertained the college stud ents at hie heme on nineteen and tenth street. Many games, were played, after which refreshments were served, and at a late hoar the guests departed to their respective homes. Miss Ruby Ricklr, who teaches the Sixth grade in the High School building gave her pupils a picnic Thursday after noon in the grove north of town. This was the first picnic of the season and a jolly group of young children certainly enjoyed the event. 4 Judge Reader, of Columbus, was in the city Tuesday arranging the docket for the May term of could which convenee next Monday. He was accompanied by Court Reporter Speice and returned to Columbus in the evening. Judge Holl- enbeck will preside at this term. The Schuyler Sun. I'C. E. Pollock has improved the ap pearenoe of nis drag etore very much, by having put in a new display window. It is similar to the one just completed a abort time ago in the building occupied by the arm of the Gerharz Flynd Co Thia affords Mr. Pollock much more room in which to attractively display his goods. Memorial eervices will be held at the Presbyterian church en Sunday, May 26 at 11 o'clock a. m. The Sons of Veter ans, Co. K, members of the State Nat ional Guards, and all veterans are invit ed to join the members of Baker Post in this service at their hall on Eleventh etreet at 10 o'clock a. m. sharp. By or der of Committee. ' The Fremont College will undoubted ly be moved to some other city as Prof. Clemmons. the head of the institution, had asked the city to vacate a certain street for the use. of the school, which the city dada did not aeefittodo. Aaa result the Professor ia now looking for a new location and expects to move the college away from that city. Butler Ooaaty Press. Miss Pearl Falk entertained a few of herfrienda Friday evening at her home on West 18th Street. Progressive high five was played, after which refresamenta were served. Miss Hazel McKalvey and Howard McCray won the Royal prizes while Miss EUa Kemp and Tom Burrows received the booby prizes. Mies Falk was pronounced a delightful . ntertainer by all The dance given by Ed Brat ieauand Walter Boettcher, Saturday ev .i iag was well attended. Mies Elsie P...1 and Walter Boettcher furnished th. music. Fifteaa or twenty couples were preaaat, and nrary pleaaent evening waa report ed. Tim Orpheus society had planned an giving n dance in their hall the earns evening but this event waa postponed until a later date. - MiesMyrUeGreeaawfJtof South Free dom arenas and Clyde E. Richardson f South Webb avenue were married Saturday ereaiag at eight o'clock by Ber. Taoesaa Remdh. Mr.Bichardac ployed as manhisietsttae A meriraa Steel Fouadries Co. Theeonple will their home in this eity. The Allianea Daily Rariaw. Mies Greeaaws formerly n Oslnmbns young may. lived here eeretsl ream a. ThaJaar. friends in wmh Bixby of the State Journal is old acquaiatanosa in Colnmbna, Bix visits Oolombus it takes his friends back to the days of 1891 and whan he was one of ne andwaeTeapoaeible tor the Sentinel. Tanee ware the dare when Colnmboa supported a daily. The Tele gram, and the omos was located to the building now occupied .by Louis Behcet. ber, and Bix'a Sentinel waa housed in the basement of the Commoreisl Katioa albaak. The Journal was at thai time in its old home, and edited by the found er, M. K. Turner. Among the printers of that day were Horace Harding, who wasBix's right hand man, the Tumere, and E. Newlia Stout, the tar keel post of the Telegram, whom Bix'a aaya was iaspirationtonim. The present editor of The Journal waaat that ttoMholdin a attention oo the Daily Telegram Those were the dare when yon could eat lota where Niewohner's jewelry store now stands. There have bean maay changes inOolambosainoethea, bat Biz is the me old Bix, with prosperity Mailing at him now. but his Meade espeetally the newspaper men, are always glad to welcome him whenever he risits Colum bus. Mrs. Mary Amelia Gardner, who has been Buffering from n cancer of the stomach for the past year, died at her home in South West Columbus, Fridsy evening, aged 67 yean, 7 months and 10 days. The deceased waa born Oet. 7th 1838 at Netebrook, Germany near Berlin. Mrs. Gardner came to America in 1862 and in 1882 came to Nebraska locating in thia city, where she lived with her husband Scott Gardner, nntil the Grim reaper called her to his home on high where suffering or sorrow hi unknown. Mrs. Gardner was a faithful and loving wife and mother and mares besides her husband three eons, William, Julias and John, all of whom are liviag ia the city. 8ix children proceeded her in the world beyond. She also leares n brother. Mr. Betke who lives ia Iowa! The fun eral waa held Monday afternoon at the residence, Ber. DeWolf. pastor of the M.K. church omcating, and burial was in the Columbus cemetery. Lass Thursday waa the closing day of the tournament held under the ane pices of the Columbus Gun Club. While the two first days were rery disagree able, the last one waa quite farorabw andaome goodseares were made. W. H.Hlianof Albion won the hundred dollar Ithaca gun' the Sohmelzer the Tver cup, and Taylor, GJaoa-mmV Httaa tied for the watch fob siren br the Dupent company. One hundred and twenty-fire etraight at a distance of sixteen yards was the exceptional score made by Harry Taylor. The ehootere from abroad were well pleased with the treatment they received at the hande of the local management, and barring the disagreeable weather the meeting waa rery successful. Messrs. Schroeder and Bray were untiring in their efforts to make the tournament, and their eaTorta were appreciated by alltaooa in attend ance. This morning n force of workmen be gan preparations ia the TJaion Pacific yards for the double track through here. The new track will be put down between the present track and the depot. This necessitates moving the fence enoloaiag the email railroad park east of the depot. A piece of ground north of the tracks has beeaataked out for a" park which will be enclosed with the feaee that Is being removed from the old park today. Work on the double track is being push ed as rapidly aa possible and it will be but n short time nntil it will be ia nee through this place. The Schuyler Sun. Running aa the first eeetioa of No. 9, the Overland Limited, the funeral train bearing the bodies of the Shrinara killed ia the awful wreck ia California, pseud through Columbus last Trida? ereaiag at&25. The train consjotedftf a baggage car, combination car two sleepers and n dinner. In the bagiaca bar were the bodies of twenty-nine of the viotime, twenty-one of them being from Resdisg Pa. There were also number of the survivors aboard, and '.also two of the injured. A number of the local Maaonr, met the train. There were two vacancies ia the' list of teachers to be filled by the board of education at their mnrtisr Mnailai eve ning, caused by the raaigastien of the Misses Coleman and Headeraou. Bat one was filled, however, Mien Amy Beebe of Wilmot, & D., being elected as Miss Heederson'e successor. The matter of filling the other vacancy waa postponed until the next meeting. Aa aaamtant kindergarter teacher waa elected, Miss Ula Watorhonaa being employed at a salary of $50 per month. Married, on May 5, at Sk John's copal ehnreh, Oakland, OaL, Trskilli Nichols of Kansas aty. Ma, and Dale vanto William Gronaland, Rev. Edgar Leeomcistiag. The bride is a former resident of Columbus, baring loft here bataahorttime ago, and the groom k aa sesooists member of the institute of auchaaiealeagiaeers of Great Mr.aadMra,Cmmlssd mtand their future home in Berkeley; A defective flae for thedertrnetionof aa old the farm of Anton nesnaynftomooa, tt enpiedby t Some Em or Other 1 Ton are sura to hare ?i i pat limits thia jewelrjr etoek cars. And it mast be a ! ! man to heaaanred area before yon call, that youl be asked to look inotniag aa wans wo can eon- Ur rscemmran to yon. wiin- aay"iTsn or Shut's" We want yon to see our gift thiage for gradnatioa preesata. Youll' find no more oomplete aranad these parte, i t toexmndan invitation to yoa to visit. M. I our repair 1 ft. J. 1 S K Jeweler and Optician, Porter wanted, Meridian hotel. Dra. Paul and Matzea, Dentists. Dr. Marie T. MsMahen, dentist lee creaai aai cake 10 ceits. Pteseh. -See Gerharz Flynn Co. for summer shirts and underwear. Dr. O. A. Allaahnrgar, ottos In aew State Beak baildiag. Born, on Friday, May 1,Jlo Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sohilz, a eon. Frank Stoiveck, of Seward visited relatives and friends in this city Sunday. Mrs. Allenberger, who has been ill, for the.past two weeks is reported much im proved at present. Andrew Paprocki ones Andrew 'and Veronda Paprocki for $500, the case be- isg before County Judge Batterman. The City Bead will give the first con. cert of the season ia the park thia (Wed neaday) evening; the weather permitting. A. L. Bixby of the Lincoln 8tate Jonr- acompaaied by his wife, were guests at the home otO. C. Shannon Monday and Tuesday. Batnwe aisrrisga:licenBe by Judge mstterman this week, to Joseph Hautxeeroher of Omaha and Rosa Aggie of Columbus, Postmaster Kramer, who has been eon fined to the house for oeversl weeks, is improving and will noon be able to at tend to hie duties sgsin. Miss Clara Brown, who visited in the city several days with ber aunt, Mrs.: M. K. Turner, returned to her home ia Cedar Rapids, Nebr., Tneaday. George Turner, of the Journal force, returned from Omaha last Friday where s been n member of the federal grand jury for the last two weeka. Among those from Baker post who at tended the Grand Army of the Republic ipment nt Fremont last week were J. H. Galley. W. A. McAllister and B. L.Roesiter. Don't fail to attend the Concert at the North Opera House Tneaday May 28th. Admission adults 50 ceata and Children 25ct. Seata reserved without extra charge. Lonis Held is the first candidate for a county office to announce his candMacy He wanta to be the democratic nominee tor treasurer, and makes his announce ment in the Telegram. Mia. F.H. Abbott and little turned Monday from Aurora, where they spent a few days visiting Mr. Abbott, who recently went to that city to engage ia the newspaper business. The funeral of the late Mrs. Henry Branhober, who died Monday at her homo oa East 11th street, will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the German Reformed church. Rev.Neu marker will oflkjate. Miss Annie Baker, who has been eollec- tor for the Independent Telephone Co. for some time departed last week for Douglas, Wyomiag, where she has ex cepted n position in one of the leading dry goods stores. She intends making thieoity her future home. Why pay 40c a anart far iee creaai waea yaa caa hay freak kerne aaaae iee cream far 25c a quart atPeeeefc'g. iiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiimiii I Wall Paper Pore Woodman linseed t OOand best House and i Z Barn Paint at I Z MM E JTv ! are being completed by L. H. Laavy. for the TUramthaaaaioa.of the Platte Count Teachers' inetit ate, which wiU commence Jaaa 17, aad eoatinne in eeseioe the re- ot the week, the lest two. days examination days. The inatruet- orawlllaeE.B.8hermaa of thia eity, W.A. Clark of the Kearney atate nor mal, formally president of the Pern State Anna Vaadercook, - ia Council Bluffs The plan will be out in about a weak. There will he some aew fea tures hi the class work this year, among them being a begiaaera round table, methods in various subjects and ele mantary peyeelegy, in addition to other work. All teachers in the county are expected to attend the institute, aa it is the hnsiaess meeting of the teachers of theoounty. After n liageriag' illness, Mrs. Fred Brunhoabar died at her homo on east Eleventh street Monday afternoon. Katheriae Sofia Mary Miller waa bora in Baaover, Germany, March 25, 1852. and come to America aad to Wisconsin in February 1809. aad was married to Fred Branhoeber in May 1871. They then moved to Nebraska and located in Col fax county, where they resided until! 1890, coming to Columbus that year. Mrs. Brueohoeber was 55 years, 1 month and 25 days old at the time of her death. She leaves besides her husband three daughter and two eons, three daughters having died since they moved to Columbus. One daughter lives in Omaha and one eon in Colorado. She also leaves a father and two brothers, her father living on a farm in Shell Creek township. All the children will be here to attend the funeral. Superintendent Leavy informs us that the complete ceases, to be taken by all directonTin the county, will be entirely separate for the regular school 'census, and will be taken on separate blanks prepared for tbat purpose. Of seventy -nine directors who are to take thia oeasus, forty-nine have been heard from already. Thia oomplete census will be token at the tCeme time the school census ia taken, which ahould be taken ten daya prior to the annual meeting. The annual meetiag thia year will, be held on JuneM. t ' In, connection with annual achool Bteetiaga held next month, the new law provides that anyone who has been trsnaferredfroaijn achool district , to another may vetVat the annaal meeting of the district to which be hsa been transferred. Here tofore persons trans ferred from one district to another hsd no voice in the affairs of the district to which they ' were, transferred. The change in the laws will affect quite a Bumber of Platte county people. Mrs. Edna Monk, wife of Frank Monk died Saturday at her home in the north west part of the city of consumption, altar a lingering illness. Tan deceased was 26 years of age, and leaves aJhue band and one son to mourn her loss. Funersl serviceo were held at the home Monday, being oondncted by Rev. Hayee of the Presbyterian ehnreh, aad the re- mainewere taken to Shelby, ber old borne,' for burial. Tneaday morning n woman about forty-five yeara of age came down on No. 4 from Grand Island and remained about the depot all day, refusing to give her name or tell where she was going. Wed nesday morning aha was taken in charge by the officers and confined to the county jail, where she will be held pending an effort to locate relatives and discover where abe comes from. Member of the Grand Army of the Bepnblie and all old soldiers are request ed to meet at the G. A. R hall Sunday, May 26, at 10 a. m. and march to the Presbyterian church, where Memorial meat will beheld. Frank Wurdeman was in the city Tues day evening on, his way home from South Omaha, where he marketed a car of fat steers. Ha topped the market with the bunch,getting $5.85 for them, the high est-price paid for cattle for quite awhile. J, F. Dineen waa fined $10 and coata for being drank and dieturbing the peace Monday evening. The disturbance took place near The Heme restaurant Mr. Dineen entered a plea of guilty when arraigned. All members of Union Camp No. 34, Sons of Veterans, are requested to meet at Grand Army hall Sunday morning, May 26, at 10 o'clock a. m. to attend Memorial services at the Presbyterian church. Last Friday night'a shower measured 15 inches here, but in the west end of the county mora rain fell, 46 iacbee being reported. At Albion there waa a heavy wind and eoneiderable hail. Miss Ethel Boilings,, n neice of Mrs. G. M.Uall, stopped over . Sunday with her aunt while oa her way to ber home in Ganado, Texan. Hoary Laohnit waa down from Lind say the first of the week, where, be is engaged in the aaloon baainesft Rev. Lincoln Lohrof Fullerton will preaehSondeymoraiagaad evening nt the U.B. church. Mrs. H. D. Spenser of Oakland, Ia ia agaatt nt the nomeoc jmv. js..e.ij. - Mr. and Mra.B,M. Welch of are the pareata of a bright baby boy. Ovaw Tamaleton of the WIsfrWTiT. BAY. AUoeauadasoftaa Grand cthoBoaahliaaadaU 'soUiers, aail. oia, 8oasof Vetorsas, vatotaaa ef the 8waiah.AamTicaa.war, mnmfcari of company K. N. N. 6 aad Coamd- eratoaakbafB,nra invited to rasa the bersofBnknrPot,No.9, G. A. R, at 1:30 o'ckck sharp oa Memorial day. The City bead, Nebraska Na tJoaal Guard and Firiaioa will sbrai oa 13th street, then south to 11th street, then west to Olive street to G. A.R. hall, wlMte the veterans of the Grand Amy wUl mil in line, oadereossBMad of J. R. mnrshal of the day, the liae of march will be taken up North to 12th street, theawestto Nebraska nvaane, thea esnt to taie opera hoase. Theex will commaaoa proaiptly at 2 o'clock. The profam at the opera aoaae at 2 o'clock p. m, U as follows: PROGRAM 1 Calling Assembly to order by Com mander. B. L. Boaaitsr. ' 2. Musie - - Columbus City Band 3. Salute the Dead by G. &.. R. 4. Prayer - Ohapmia E.O. Rector 5. Reading of General Order, v Adjatant W. A. MeAUieter 6. Remarks Commander R L. Bosaiter 7. Song- "To-day this Hallowed Place we Seek." Sixth Grade of the High Sckool. 8. Recitation. "The Bivouac of the Dead." Mies Hazel iSmith, St. Francis jAcadsmy. 9. Sosg "The Blue aad the Gray." Intermedia to Grade, Liaeoln SehooL ia ReoiUtion. H3eod Bye Old Arm" Donald Sloan, Third Grade, Lin coln School. 11. Recitation-"Scatter the Flowers" Lulu Held. Sixth Grade, -Field School. IS. Song, "Just Before the Battle Mother.'' Intermediate Grade, Lincoln School. 13. Mack - - Columbus City Band 14. RecitaUon,-The Mother of nSol- ctier." Stella Dolaa, Seventh Grade, WiUiaaae School. 15. RsciUtioa,--The Boy in Blna" Paul Bosnv High School: 16. Song, "Oelapbia. the. Pom, often 000" SlxU Grade, High School 17. Benedlctioa, Rev. L.B. DeWolf At the close of the program the line of march will be taken up to the teay, where the exercises will be prated according to the Graad Army riturl, ending with salute to the dead by Company K, Nebraska National Guard, aad "Taps" by Company K bugler. The followiBg are the aames of the soldiers interred ia thaOolnmbna ceme tery: J.B.Taesndr B.B.MeIatlie Wau Malof J.W.Barir J. N. Iawsob Fred Matthew StepbBB.HaM P. J. Lawreaea FndBekatts eaoma Drake W.S.Caapbsll S. Edward R. o.Hoarr O. H.Arcber Lewis White H.L. Adaaw J. L. Staiaeoa H.C. Kline H.L. Saudi E.W. Arnold Henry Woed JokaHaaunoad Frank Mertk I. J. Slattetr A. J. Wkittakw M.Koeaic JaeobEUIa W.H.Tkoams J.Y.SteveaMa H.T.Bpoariy JokaWim T.W.MeKiaais Jesiak MeFarkad M.K.Tarmr W. M. Sekioeaar E.W. Arnold W.lH.Tkoaiana Frank Fleming E. O. Wells. Con. Wh. Novell Catholic CanaxanT. K.D.Skeekaa K.C.1 BrjanCaffrer JaaMS Nolan K. 1. Fltzpatrlek Tkoam O'Connor Oraiaatiaa Tiartteai The gradnatioa exercises of theOol nmbusschool wiU be held at the North Opera houaa-Friday. May 31. The ewes this year ie oomposedof nineteen mem bers, twelve girls aad seven boys. Following ie the program: Piano Duet... ........ ............. ....Dora Babcock, Adele Mieesler ran FtmL qunsnoN The Question Mary Newman What of the Foreata?.... ... Charlotte Matthews A Partial Solaticn Mario Zisaecker Violin Solo JraBetterton gukat Bxrosmoxa Tke.Growth ef the Idea. . . :Otto Waltere The Jamestown Exposition The Value of Exposition AJOmUapmf nrtTltTPT Piano Solo .".. Ethel Farraad nisTocnACT European Armtocracy. ............ . .Violet Woosley False Aristocracy 'May Reed True Arietoerncy. . . . .Maugncritc Mace citAss aoae PUKanKTATioiT or DIPUMIAS Oamly Cossetetoournewetereandlookover Wehavethelneet Una of Ohocelstes and Bon-Bone hi the eity. Oar hoase made candies are made fresh everyday. Wo carry n inn Una of fresh fruit and etmwberriea. Oar lea Cream cedes are for set. are the heat in the city. AUkmdeofsoftsnd Mra.(ea.UadlMrgefPeln,Nea,,was The Beat Paint to uae the VbIVH wHal IVlwBWwswnW V Pollock & Co. Tift; DMMI4VTS 0 COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA fmmmmmm OOKRklHNIMIiOC Grandma Biesoa vhatoi with Mm. CarlRoacha Monday. Mies Mary Berchers ia viaitiagCel am bus friends thai week. Editor Jokannee and Carl Both warn guests at the homo of J. W. Alhera. Henry and Fred Brankon aad Milton Miller were at Robert Sehaad'e Thara- day. Thoyoang foUcaef the neighborhood held n party at Max Milkr'e Satnrday Mies Birdie Dodda closed a eessfnl term of achool in No. 19 , Friday. It ie reported that the four and half year old son ef Louie Sanlfeld rioualy ilL Mr. and Mrs. Hoary Oattan gaestsattbehome of Mr. C. J. Bisson over Snaday.. Hoary Deyke and family are invited sate at the wedding of Hoeff ehnaa to Otto Platte J eteying with Mrs. G. Boreheta, wan call ed homo Sander neaannt ef the serious illness of her The OMaahaah belli last Sunday by the Spring Creek alog- 17 to 7. Batteries. nth:Qldenbash. Johneon und Joaannee. The Twentieth of the of the Baptist church wfll beheld day afternoon-at Traaeehel of Humphrey will be the principal apeaker. MeetJa held in the church every ek, being oondncted by Rev. zwitser of Platte laatol'a.L Tan email pox i therontoare The upAdoIph Uroteleneehenn i While ant riding in the Pstar Bshmitt hborhood, Sanaay, Ed Boa lost n good watch. stock week, among them beiag four of cattle by Frans byHearyLnch- H. L.Okott ia paiatiag-hts dance at Gas Hndwigera Monday night. htimMsryGerholdhaaretarned for a month's stsv. Mrs. Chas. Klaus arrived from Omaha laet weak, where she hen been living for the pest year. MiealdaHsseslbsleh, who aaa been vimtingrelntives at OverteauNeb, re- tnmedi Bechr, i Hoclranberser ek Gheamlwni i i nmmmtmmmmtmimmmmmmm JEM. ESTATE M 1MK. i 5 I VBaammsnaamna amemnamAaawem f.-.-i in reel late, it wfll bo to 1 Wa tshmhavo several goad dweehmas S J fAyjaatoemasaa dsneuahetere i laataVa.3. Money to loan in any aaseamt em short netiee. lira, Toraaao and Aamdaat m ' " " " 1 Becker, Luvameju. an ., f 'M ! I i i i t I rf J' it I- UIITS Inig Sim. I IllllllllllilllllllliU a assmmsaxu r . cbju iag the newly wedded anaef Mr. ill. I tee guest of her sister, Mrs. O. M. HaU, GhaUiisMnL Mra.JeoBayia m ' ?S.A :,W . --v-l- SS 1 . 5fe. ,:y p ,-. L-wH&Wi., : K-- - TftTt &fA -.WjJS-i. . - .- . . 7 Ka: ... .- . . -- j.i.r .iwv5:sstirf silsfeg&yiMfe tfit i.- H ISiis SSfts.-c JL: l5tjrfi-iA'