The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 15, 1907, Image 7

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a B. F1ZER, XL Sterling, Kj.,
4 Jrare ssrflferesf with kUmey mm
Umi er timmhle tmr tern yemrm mmL
ist March I commenced nsiBg
a. and continued for three months.
2 not used it siace, nor havel felt
elicvc that I am well aad I there-"
Ire my highest commendation to
rative Qualities of l'emna."
Irc-ru-ee tec wummty TresHe
M. . Geo. H- Simser, Grant, Ontario,
Can. writes: " "
" i n&d not been well for abont foar
year tea klimcy tnmUe, mm,
imct. felt hm4ly memrly mil the tlmte.
"ft lis summer 1 pot so very bad I
thotl ht I would try Peruna, so I wrote
i aad began at oaee to take Perana
took only two bottles of Perana
ne of Manalin, aad now I feel
r than I have for some time.
eel that Perana and Manalin cared
- d made a different woman of me
altother. I bless the day I picked ap
the little book and read of your Peruaa.'"
It Is the hmslmen of the kUmeym to
mmrnve frwm the Mm rf alt peiiommmM
mutterimls. They must be active all the
time, else the system suffers. There are
times when they need alittle assistance.
Peruna is exactly this sort of a rem
edy. It has saved many people from
disaster by rendering the kidneys ser
vice at a time when they were not able
to bear their own burdens.
f. ahod will teach yoa to wia
-i fithe,
Kranee'a CoM Cure.
FVcold in bead, throat, chest or back.
Best 2medy for La Grippe. Druggists, 2Sc
L.:r rids us of three great-evils
ted'-isness, vice and poverty.
Fre in.
Tb inducements to adopt Nature's per
fect1 laxative, Garfield Tea, are many!
It L niade wholly of simple Herbs and
pie Herbs ana is
ranteed under the Pure Food and
ncA uv: it overcomes consiinaiiou.
rezulates the liver and kidneys, purifies
the blood and brings Good Health.
- i
Cannon .May Break Record.
Of .the congressmen who have
served since the foundation of this
government, more than 12,000 individ
uals, only 34 have served 20 .years or
more. The,longest service was that
of John H. Ketcham, of New York,
who served 33 years, and was a mem
ber when he died. Mr. Cannon, who
comes nex... has served' 32 years.
Since, he is elected to the next con
gress he will, if he lives to the end of.
his term, take the first place In the
listof veterans. Youth's Compaaios.
The Bright Side.
t j. this poverty!" wept the beauti
ful 'Afe when her shifty-eyed husband
carir home. "The gas and electric
com antes have shut off their service
beci- "se you have not paid their bills.
"' ill, we can use candles," coa
Eo1ev?the husband.
' 'And the telephone company has dis-conp-'cted
our instrument because we
owe them two months' rental."
"So much the better. If anyone
tries to ring us up to spend the eve
ning with as they will think we are
not at homc."-Jadge.
;.i- FOR H
DlfMima fJ?k
miwd anal Hawa O
amrtitn. eoated toncne. bad
takmea the feadche
She f 3ptoms ofraach troable. They
k a an Iimt farmahuut to the
is no Vaster farnishimr to the
b" 'the fall quota of nourishment that
ti Mpdy demanns, nence wwj
Ji Lata twnnwtfhndsof
:S0a 7. . !.!. .u ,. j-
fT ia one oy wbicu wj ""-!vj-h&d
ied by th5 nse of predigested fboda
and r tincial ferments, aad the aewpaa
tyiichtlmstoaaach tonedjto do
the ark which natare tefceadeaoT if
A tec mccsse br the tonic treatment it
that of Mrs. Mary Stackpote of 81
T ate.Ii0wen,Ma. Shesayst
"Iriaserea oanw
I .I h timUaSld
-. ' TT T. a i.kl fk
WW "
aa myabsaa was
IrVai totaka tha tails
a toania inweigbt m
Vjj CRFizer. yjBJy
l as coaspletelyrasvdownandwaa
Sty V ioa'Spawssadajy-CoaaphM
snn-ale. I aaffered from taabas of
heatrfoUowed. a-hytrSffki
r ! iiii ear smr iwrm
i bmi eaassaaa wmmaaa
int. llowaitaatofir.WiBiasas'
-gmh Biw - ..
wtfE wit af dmaaaas aachaa.asiataBia,
rr S jpi 1 1 mmm1. jWhg;
.- m w 4asf vsfKtsnnn aanK aassnaV'
-mi -Trnm .w aa isi mm j i - 1J
inunamaaT BlllllWn'
mmmmjmj aaidmBnaj Haasa aB
andmmy . nmar''asmBmmSSBHrwi
I v tuT TTssmBBBSBp"i ae
'W asBBs
Do yoa lire 'above a sweet cellar?
Cold ground gives poor eacourage-
t to the seed cora.
Watered stock oa the farm Is bet
ter than water stock oa Wall street.
The farm without a garden Is only
abbat half a farm as far as the fam
ily needs go.
- The best fertilizer for peach and
other trees is barnyard manure with
potash la some form.
8alt, charcoal and sulphur should be
so placed that the hogs can help them
selves as their taste clctates.
Be thoaghtful- about the comfort of
the women folks. Give them all the
conveniences nossible. Don't be sel
A good piece of advice for this time
of year with its fitful changes is "to
stick to your iannels until they stick
to you." ,
4 t
Stop talking about how the govern
ment should be run aad start. ia and
show how well you know how to run
your farm..
-- f '.i
Many a colt proves unprofitable to
his owaer because he has all the value
driven out of him before he has really
Don't set the abnormally large eggs
which are more than likely to contain
.double yolks. Chances are that they
would hatch chicks deformed in some
A good cow and a small piece of
ground puce a man a long way from
poverty and the poorhouse, if he has
gumption enough to make what he has
Lambs will gain faster from feed
than older sheep; showing that with
sheep, as with other animals, the most
rapid gains are made when they are,
The requisites in a good dairy cow
are a strong digestion ad a hearty
appetite. For this reason seek to de
velop these traits in the heifer yon
would raise. " t
It's the close-up weed that steals
most of the nourishment from the
plant, and for this reason' cultivation
must be close and thorough. Do the
weeds before they get a chance to do
your crop.
The best egg record yet made is
that by a White Plymouth rock hen
who laid 312 eggs in one year. The
lowest number laid in one month was
24 in October and highest was 28 In
March and the same in May.
Why not greet the faithful bossy at
milking time with. "Well, old girl,
what have you for me this time." at
the same time handing her a tidbit in
jlhe shape of a piece of apple or of
some vegetable. It will help fill the
milk pall.
Have you planned for the corn crop
for the silo? The .corn should' be
planted thicker than ordinarily but
not so thick that each stalk will not
produce an ear. The cultivation
should be thorough and the cutting
done just before the corn is beginning
to dent.
Lima bean plants contain a certain
amount of hydrocyanic acid (prussic
acid). Not enough to cause sickness
unless eaten in large quantities, as is
possible with cattle, -horses and other
farm animals. Agricultural depart-
jnent experts have found that about
ouu grams aoout a pouaa ana a renin
of the beans if fermented contain
enough of the add to kill a horse.
What's the use of going to the ex
pense and trouble of getting the Aest
of seed corn, if the seed bed into
which you propose putting it is not
well-prepared? Of the two it is al
most safe to say that it is more im
portant to have a. good seed bed than
to have good, seed, for poor seed will
do its best ia a good seed-bed. while
good seed corn stands almost no show
in the poorly-prepared grouad. -
Look -oat for the deadly head lice
on the little chicks. More, chicks are.
cat off la the first days of their lives
threagh this cause than any other.
And It Is a shame when they are ao
easily coatroUed. A few drops of
kerosene In some melted lard aad a
little time Is ail that's needed. Dip
the lager la the hud aad oil and rab
aaitly over the head and wan down on
the Mil of the chicks; being earefal to
work the oily lager down to the roots
of the downy feathers. Repeat the
treatment again la a week or tea days.
la feeding
taa state udliass It
that In the' early stages of'
:et tae -greatest ana
tea, ana tae
tooM. ia
grow WvWthey
exaeriaseata at away of ". Af - p-5" 'T . waawat use ONtaiaa. -s-- a. sM.ta veaalrad tor
uoand of leoa tea, aaa xaa same u -.-. "'r --"'"" 7-"-- ssiasw. scrsaesaaaj'usmi ,caratany, - 4ttsBssKSBsaffsB7 taajra-
-kr. - . - -- - -- ---- dksa. sBsWvrsnsBBB-dBjhss asmsm-. - - . V . .. . u - BJJHBIBJBHBBbW BVB aval WW-mm smssawmaaj r-
" r - - - i" - . T ... . . - - - a. i oaMMHia mm alt I- .. i .. .-.' . - nTmwB .w
Vssaaaaaaaam aaa. TVIatasam anawaaaaajam . asm 'i, 1 aanai m 1 majmrni 7 --r --, r ---., --, . (t- i v - aaajmam XJafaaw- awajans !- -a sj 1 i a, iiaim - - - --- - - FasT niaal bTMBB BmuV-
W .- a ssisaamataiaaa wan imsamsimasMaiass mmaaa aaaaaxsajmi aaauBBaaDsjaamn sbw.sbjbb aaaa' sasmw maaaaar-i - asanas aasBMa Bsasm Bjasammma, . Wsaaamaaas saaaaB-aum bbbbbbbbi - -r,, . . . , r
0thcrwad.aatheaahnals deMoas ta his own yard, urisseqov. eajt aa mwwmg aatl dried. k, rrT:Tl.. Z .-
woaaam a.aaw. aaa oae aaaasit aa- -,;sj,ii ;u.',,-,;:m :g?gr Ti-jcnaniamiiiaamijsm . - -'--- - - the haay-' - '-;
i results aa .do yoamg aaua bow www csssss tsss sasisaam - jjaaaa ussflii j lst In r? VT tmwk Wis laast iani be . .
till 1 lis ma fl' Tao aad wage war oa thw weeds la the -? rm t- .dJifZll waram smffy. -Graaa-wata saaeaaae ,
goer .atflk Is good forthe Httte
cMcWaa weU as the Wr em -,7.".
' W earefal la yonr JeaHatltti tfafc
i. ..
afraid of
- ,. - . - .'
I- -f " -AT- ..
Vry .
A rerr ossasioa Istate
line of ImvIb atalltoee i
Save aU Mould
thrown on the loof
placed over-tale.
WheVbatter is off favor the Hfceral
on of Ami, .water in washing w
work wonders.
Weed the old strawberry bed hat he
earefal not to disturb the roots, with
hoe or cultivator untM after fraftlnay--
The good fanner is he whose farm
shows aa increase of fertility each
year aad whose stack are always on
the np grade.
Don't leave too many eyes on pieces
whea cutting the seed potatoes: Teo
many stalks'mean too'small potatoes'
to be profitable.
Meager ratioas may economise an
the feed bat they aad their Inevitable
reckoning day when. It comes to hal
aaciag the accounts,
i " ' -. V'1
; The low-headed tree has long since
demonstrated its saperiorityover the
high-spreadiag tree. It is easier to
prune, to spray aad io pick the fruit
Two poiats must be considered In
marketing lambs: The condition of
flesh aad the condition of the market
Good flesh and good market give good
Assooa as "red-rust" fungus ap
pears in the black-cap or blackberry
rows, dig it, asiag care in doing so
not to scatter the fungus oa' the
healthy plants.
t. " -
Red top and alsike will make.good
growth on that piece of ground which
is too wet for crops if the ground Is
plowed in a dry time and thea thor
oughly harrowed.
i -
The box stall In a stable proves aa
almost indispensable feature many.
times during a year when the. special
occasion arises for caring for a sick
horse, or other stock or for the calves.
During the farrowing season make
a memorandum, .of thehogs which
prove the best mothers with the
largest and healthiest liters and thea
keep them as long as they will breed.
Crows and blackbirds will not touch
the corn if before sowing the seed Is
stirred In a kettle with a little gas-tar
and then a little plaster, so that each
grain is slightly coated. It will not
injure the corn. '
Feed the farm through the cow. The
farm in turn will give you back feed
for 'the cow. There's the farmer's
endless chain system1 that keeps vthe
farm oh the up-grade and puts money
in the-bank for Mm. , '
A half-hour spent with the farm
tool in making sure that it is In per
fect working condition before taking
to the field may save you a half day's
work in repairing the damage which
often results from taking things for
"When wool prices fell a few years
ago, the keeping of sheep on thou
sands of New England farms was
abandoned, but' a change has taken
place and flocks are again finding
their way back to the farms much to
the improvement of conditions. Sheep
growing is a paying business most
A, good enough cutter for seed po
tatoes and one with which rapid work
can be done may be made from an
old case knife fastened, in the end of
a plank which is fastened to a box
on which the operator sits. The bas
ket is placed below tne knife and the
potatoes drop into It as they are push-
red on the knife.,
It is a plain proposition that the
fanner who is compelled to sen his
grain' crop at a particular time cannot
make the profit he would if he were
able to hold 'it for a more favorable
market This being true does not it
behoove him to study how he may con
trol the situation and dispose of his
crops at the most favorable time.-.
The full strength of Bordeaux mix
ture may be ased on almost all foliage
but when spraylag teader things such
as peach trees or watermelon vines,
it is wiser to reduce the quantities
of lime and copper sulphate oae-half.
By adding oae-quarter pound of Paris
greea to each 50 gallons of Bordeaux
the mixture becomes a combined
fungicide and insecticide. Or, arsen
ate of lead may be added instead of
Paris green-Hwo or three pounds of
the arsenate to 5f gallons of Bordeaux.
Bordeaux mixture formala: Foar
pounds of sulphate of copper, foar
pounds of quicklime. St gallons of wa
ter. First, dissolve the copper sul
phate.. The easiest, quickest way to
do this Is to pat the copper sulphate
ia a cheeee-cleth hag and aaspsad the
bag in a barrel partly ftOed with
ter. Next, slake the Ham la
receptacle, aad strain -tha' atflk af
lime -the obtained tato tha
sulphate seleOea. Lastly, add
dent water to make St
Tan. U a naaanffim rf ra la ITaa tmTtmnai aad therefore ac aot tax the stoatach
mere t is n "T',,'7 "" ' as tha ased aha had been aatng; It also
been aroven aalga:"waa, wages agamat ue weea jgp wasaiac mce cartame Uy a ki- iVi -.. Tf
feedtag Oathat day the' mayor of Tepaka kr Mnakat oa the Boor hi some empty , SS3a7bSsari labi aer-
pe mwlsmattoa oroerea aa enweaa, se ru,,aaread the eurtaias oa the MaSEaSi7lAs77tisisrfsBs4'aa as. '-
"r"?1.?" SJJSJI&WjSSS'SS. -.-e-.v.-.-sL?.i -.j.. . - Hbb,bi gmisaa'sjilsaijs ram- f -
. -fi --.-.Ae
a - i
' "-
-. r- rf-.TJ .- r- --e
'' .'"
Are te aw
f.r ' Praaer fAarphiiitra
.-T 'nrzZZl y , 5
,vVTtt WaeMng Prints. Before) a
mawtriatcgetsl(s tot 'tabbing set
the colors. -.The way of doing this do
peads, ,upoa ,, the ;colori Bines and
greens aresagtheaed by vinegar, ia
theTiaaiag of blaingwater. allowiag a
tahlAspooafal.of ruegar to every
qaart; of water. Alum water is alat
eaxcackme, awiag fourroanees alua:
to a tub of water. For black. lack
and white, deep purples or grays, salt
is best Dissolve, a pint ofj salt ia two
quarts of boiliag water," pat the gar
meat ia while hot aad let it lie several
hoars. Then wring dry and proceed
as usual. For madder tints, soak In a
tarof 4ead solatioa cn,oaaaa;to a
,gaDoa of , water. Stroag Mac j pepper
tea-put in the .Iratvaaaaj hivMn. tor
setUac-aeme-Wacksr- Where there is
any dkaito'te fastness of axolor.
xx wnatjwlU best' set It, It ,is a good
plan to wet small pieces with the vari
ous solutions, and see which proves
best adapted to that particular color.
Whea ready to wash the calicoes use
cleaa warmC'aot hot; sadarinse) tkor
oaghly ia two dear waters, wring dry,
starch aad haag ia the shade, but so
arrange that .they will dry quickly.
Never haag a priat skirt doable over
the line." 'An excellent expedient is to
fasten the band over a wooden barrel
hoop or hang it from one of-the' wood1
ea arms made on parpose for banging
skirts. In case of .ralnleave the cali
coes In the second rinsing water with
half a pint of salt to each galkm of
water. Never spriakle calicoes until
the day they are to be ironed. Sprinkle
Ughtly, but evenly.' Thick prints re
quire more water than finer muslins.
Roll, tightly wrapping in a clean towel,
so that the outside is not dry, and
leave for an hour before ironing.
Laundry Lessons. At the schools
where .fine laundry work is taught
there is no hit-or-miss method in mak
ing starch and applying it to a gar-'
,ment There is an accurate, scientific
ule for every step. In starching
shirts, for Instance, mlxthree table
spoonfuls of dry starch smooth in cold
water, then stir fast into one-quart of
boiling water.' Boll for ten minutes,
with, constant. stirring. While cooking
stir also with a sperm candle kept for
that purpose. When this is not avail
able a little lard, butter, kerosene or
White wax will da Whea the starch
is cooled down so, that the hand can
,be borne in it dip collars, cuffs and
'shirt firpnts into it, rubbing the starch
thoroughly in, dapping it between the
hands so that it may be evenly dis-
. tributed through all the threads. . Fold
collars and cuffs,. in a clean towel,
spreading out fit Fold the shirt
lengthwise,' bring the two sides of the
' bosom together, "with the wristbands
put between. This'keeps the starch
from the rest, of the shirt Then roll
yery tight springllng a little wateron
the flaps.
Starch for Petticoats. Petticoats re
quire a much thinner starch. Dissolve
a half cup of starch in a little cold
water, enough to rub out all the lumps.
When smooth pour over it eight" cups
of boiling water, stirring rapidly. Add
a quarter teaspoonfuTof borax and boll
ten minutes. When the hands can. be
borno in it dip in the various garments
in the order in which you require stifP
ne8S. Wring out. rub and clap the
starch in.
To Stiffen Organdies. These re
quire a different treatment' The best
starch for them Is clear, thick gum
water. Dip them in wrong side out
rub the gum thoroughly through and
squeeze dry, but do not wring. Spread
out as much as possible in the hang
ing, and leave until the surface of the
garments feels limply moist Take
down, roll tightly and cover with a
clean cloth. Now undo a little at a
time and pat and; dap between the
hands until dry.
Onion Seup.
This Is wholesome and "tasty."
Slice two or three large onions and
fry yellow in butter or clarified drip
pings. When soft add three tshle
spooafuls flour and stir until cooked
aad frothy. Now add slowly a pint
of boiling water, stiring until smooth
and slightly thickened. Have ready
three potatoes boiled and mashed
and add to them a quart of milk that
has been brought just to the scaldiag
point Put the potato and onion mix
ture together, season with salt and
pepper, let it get very hot then press
through a strainer into ahot tureen.
Sprinkle over the top a Utile parsley
minced fine aad a handful crisp crou
tons. Moonshine.
This little dainty will always appeal
to the chUdrea, aad maybe served for
them when the regular dinner dessert
is deemed too rich for them. Beat the
white of-aa egg for each person to be
served, and when very stiff add a
tablespbonful of graaalated sugar.
Stir ia a teaspoonfal of red jeHy, any
lavor. for foar eggs. Serve .dotted
with 'lamps of jelly, aad add a table
spoonful of cream br not, aa desired.
A simple way of using ap cold po
tatoes aad oae sure to be liked ia to
every pound of .potatoes allow, two
tabJespooafuIs of mlaced oatoas aad
a Mttle milk to moisten the mixture.
Mssh the petatoea tin they are, quite
aac taea aaa tne otner lngre-.
.Pat Into a moald,Kbake la a
tin nicely browaed aad
;'w- .TNTfirt.-
'J.J- 'V"
?" Tpf"-
l years ago l saxsrea
with my back aad
Jkidaeys, I doctored
and aaedamny-Teme-
- dies without getting
' reHef: Begmalng with
Doan'8 juaaey raw,
I feuad relief from
the first box; aid two
hoxea' laatored me to
rd. somad coadi
tion. .My wife aad
pay of my frieads have maed. Dfaah's
Kidaey PfUa. with, good' results. aad I
can earaeetly recommend: them."
Sold by all dealers: 6 cents a box.
Foster-Mnbara Cov, Buffalo. N. Y.
Please Ca
ajayar, hot Aii
-Sachan arttde," said H.-P. Jad
aae, the. new head- of the Ualverslty
of Chicago, ia decllaiag a rather am
ncai "lntoiriew7wwomM'h mot -only
fatne bat even la a mild way harmfuL
It woaht be Hke the work of the care
ful lKNamkeeper. There. was an old
general who had brought home from
Wm war a snlsndid fiaaV-a lag aU
torn with bullets, faded with fierce
sans and stataed with the "dust and
blood "of, battle. This, saperh trophy
hung over the maate. ia' els library.
WelL.oae. uniucky day .he eagaged a
new1 housekeeper and the next' week
missed his lag. He rang ht.oace.
Where is that tag of ariner he said,
pouting eaxlously. .to the nPty.
space oa the waill
. -1 nave been working on It, sir,
W Boasekeepe 'aMWered. Tve
washed it Uoroughly and sewed ap
aU the rents and darned all the holes
and when I bring It back to you, sir.
I'm sure yoaH say 'it looks aa good
as new."
HoepHale and Doctors Could Net Re
lieve Him Bat Cvticvra Remedies
a Speedy, Permanent Cure.
' MEczema appeared when our' baby
was. three months, old. We applied to
several doctors and hospitals, each of
which gave us something 'different
every time, but nothing brought relief.
At last one of. our mende recommend
ed to us Cutlcura Soap-and Cutlcura
Ointment A few days afterwards Im
provement could be noted." Since then
we have used nothing but Cutlcura
Soap and Cutlcura Ointment and now
.the baby is six months old and is quite
'cured. AU-that we used was, one cake
of Cutlcura Soap and two .boxes Guti
cura Ointment, costing in aU 41-25- C.
F. Kara, 343, East 65th Street New
York,. March 30. 1906."
Use for Worthless Stocks.
."Wildcat mining stocks are not al
together useless. or," worthless,
cither," said a. downtown broker who
handles cheap mining stocks, the other
.day as he. hung up. the telephone re
ceiver. "Here's a man who has just
offered me $50 for enough mining
stocks to have, a face value of $50,000.
He wasn't particular what stocks he
got if they only had a paper, value of
$50,000. I closed the deal and shall
make monel on it too. What did he
want with such stocks? Well. I
vhaven't the. slightest idoubt but that
he is getting ready to go into the
bankruptcy court and wants to show
his creditors where his moaey has
been droppecL We often get. such re
quests and are usually .able- to fill
them." N. T. Sun. " .
And He Was Net German.
One of our third grade teachers ao
ticed a little fellow the other day dar
ing a penmanship lesson who was evi
dently absorbed In bis work and. put
ting his whole soul iato hla efforts to
make his results look like the teach
er's copy upon .the blackboard.
TtiinVtaar snch devotion worthy of
special reward she passed up the aisle
to give him an encouraging pat upon
the head and the regulation smHe of
approval. As she drew near she no
ticed that his lips were moving, and
that with the completion of each letter
he compared It with his copy and mut
tered audibly, "damlt,, "damit;" then
screwed up his courage aad his lips
for a new attempt The teacher passed
oa without distracting his mind from
his work. Journal of Educatioa.
Worth Observing.
Ia a certaia preparatory school In
Washington an Instructor one day
made the statement that "every year
a sheet of water 14 feet thick is raised
to the clouds 'from the sea."
"At what time of the year does that
occur, professor?" asked a freshman,
Tt mast be a sight worth going a
kmg way to see.' Harper's.
Warka Wonders in Health.
It is worth knowing that a change
la food caa care dyspepsia. 1 deem
Jt my duty to let yoa know how Grape
Nats food has cared ne of ladigeetioa.
"I had beam troubled with it for
years, mmtfl hut year my doctor rec
ommeaded Grape-Nats food to he used
every moralag. I followed lastrac
tkNw aad maw I ami eatirely waU.
"tha whole family Hke Grape-Nuts,
wa aaa foar packages a week. Toa
are welcome to use this testlmoalal aa
you see sK." ;-
The reaeoa thia lady, was helped by
tha aee of Grape-Nuts food. Is that K
Is aredtoestod by Batumi
asV -',-
masVBar an. r
s asjaaaaaaansfc V7
. Kiksa 4ariv.
Ban's Cstsim .Csm fti i
I sssssssi'fssssssf mt sss
asK' TMwjB) satis ssr
MMkailxstrt Whlet Player.
- r-i .,.Mll .ists-t a
roes-oclcetB.,L, is 'mmmjmT&ifr
player, being a valued mapasr oi,fm
local' dab. He-naoa a sptcwi aac-t,n
cards, on which there are faint ., las
prints sufficient to tell htm what .they
are, bat which are far too flae for the
ordinary touch. Trim, who has bean
blind since cMMhoad. m now at years
old. He plays tha aiaao.aad coraet
la exceUeat style aad to oftea heard
la local eatertaiameats. t'
n ty-
.The truly - excellent
made an of strkteesa towards
sdf aad mUdaess towards othera.
Schiller. r
' .'i. .h, Ladies Can Wear SHees
One else smaller after wring AHea'slFeei:
Eaee. A certain cure for swoUeavsweatiag,
hot aching feet. At all Draagwts, 2fc. Ae
cent no substitute. TrW psctage FRHE.
Address A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Tf
Work faithfully, aad yoa wTD pat
yourself ia poesesskm of a orioas
and enlarging happiaes. Ruakm.
coolers have to eal for Lewis' Single
Knder agar to get it. x
Lewis' Factory, Peem. I1L,
. The Ignoraat are
era Greek.
The greatest
in life is the
rencemest of the femiaiae
' Maay thousands of women have
realised thia too bite to save their
health, barely in time to save their
To be a saccessfal wife, to retain
the love and admiration of her hus
band, should ha woman's constant
study. .
If a woman tnaa that her eaer
aiesare nagging, that she geUeasily
tired, dark shadows appear aader
her eyes, she has .backache, head
ache, bearing-dowB sensations, ner
vousness, irregalaritiea or the
"blues." she should start at once to
build up hersystem by a tonic with
pecioc pwwK, iww h
saissstkstk v .
MVmV Over aa Tssm.
a . ftoMatasnaswealsamamsgm.
character, w
LydiaE. PinkhamsVefetaWe (mpotind
It cures Female Complaints, aach aa Dragging Sanswtiona, Weak
Back. Falling aad Displacements. Inflammation and Ulceration, and nU
Onranic Diseases, and is invaluable in the Change of Life. It dissolves
and Expels Tumors nt an early stage. Subdues Faintaess. ervoaa
Prostration, Exhaaation. and strengthena aad toneathe Stossach. Cures
Headache, General Debility, IndigestJon. and invigorates tha wbole
female sysem. It is an excellent remedy for deraagamenta of tha
Kidneys in either sex.
' ' " -
For Stwl sad Wood FniMs.a.aa4
aa. writ as Miore joa aay.
w save yoamomtr.Alao
:Pamas aadWiad sUUs.
" ' ' 7
W. N. Un OMAHA, NO. 20, 1907.
SJtobtid uvzk. '
lpaaaawm t
Here's something: new
and delicious!
t j
A new way of preparing wheat for food.
Choice wheat, puffed and baked; ready-to-serve;
crispy and toothsome.
The flavor it in it, not sprayed on it " . ;
Takes lev cream; ttstes better with log t
All the ttrength of whole wheat,
Wholesome; the more the better for children '
. i t . t
' i. Ask your grocer for it ,
Large package roe
?. ti
f"1" J. '
Mv i-i-?-S
raiser for a
id by the
aHday wttheati
Spriag always 'brs
Nature's -hfesd parii
is made waelly ef d
purifies the Meed,
GsrfeUTs. M
, sweet Heraa s
aaaes tae syssaa
clean, tar
.. I . ' '. 'I'll -. - -! !
, Net .a Bit of K.
City Boarder Whoa yoa
cattle with Farmer Smith. dM yea get
a taM ,pt ? s ""
wsisaax Jnaea Nsl Ntlrt krr Sasjth
M mMmW9 aipggiTT:' ) wmaaSBi aan sajsamBfwssst
dtda't try no- mch mesa tricks, en me.
We swaapsd fair, aad evaa
i- t i t" ' - . r "' t
v t
(Sixty-three pbmaA to
the Basket). Are t
ated ia the Casadiaa
West whew Hasac
stea4s of Me seres cm
he ectsiaed free ; by
every settler willisc
aa able to comstv
with the Hosaestesl
enlatioM. Oariag
the preseat year a Iare
In Wall Gfftmi TajHgy
that has rr-i passril fitrr -'"" r r
the three great railway coatsaales.
For Ikeratare aad particalars address SCPEa
Canada, or the.followisc wtthocised Caaadiaa
Goveraaseat Aceat :
W. V. aOBETT, tat new Tarn life 1
Meatioa this paper.
I tnatnn wrffk aad mwliWir J"j 3l"g-
"m-SKKr TEWBajeBafsEieWj
. -
-t.-i.A-a. .r -- - 7--t.-rfH.--vi
h . mm
u- . jt .. :i
aimsT fm ! sms ama-a?? ?? i
yvs. - famismt f ajajsn, dJBMIJfaTBf-MMBL f4rwV-y 'MlkPB, "
4J"C Bsssm s sssssssssssssW4ssssTsssssssssssa misBssmHpmBWBstoBTsmt'asvB
-TvV-.'? . a.S ams aan'sMfcamaassmma' -i
' , " mt- vaaa mm bpp' w" m mmm.mim m
& ;-;' M- r,iJsaaBjtaa. , v
at a
Hit i r 1 i i T ffiinlllsTBsWi i Tiilafi n1Ti i irl
WfW ftsfsTPv aFaBBmB" gaaaymamB snssnma-amp aavsaassmaarassm faamdp . BBl'aBBBaaaaaBWaBslBBBanBV sssal sBPssmaaaaBBBBBBBBF" Maana MaaaamsLT m " aa sW maMssabBtaasldhna Aasssasflaanaal naBsssasi
Till IBJ Ulllas '- l
.V- ?-T - ' i XasnBBWsnWaV ataC mWWH - mmmmmmmm" tm 'iaBhsssmnaaam1 aaaaantL I
- , fc - fuiBBmiJ dB-Baa assaassa sssaa sssawf mBaaaaaan 'mama' VasBBBBrmamm mmm aTBBm'BnBBBBBBBBBBSBm ' - - - -i j- . - . . ai - jrmmBBBnw 'avaaai jsanapwwss 1 , 1
lMsdamasBBBBsm? aaa mmaatt wBbbbB SBssmat btbbbT bsbbT sssaTaffJI 'BBB ImBbi 'aaaatMrnssat aaat -mssBBaw BmBaattlBBa'lBftBmmaC Bmaaaml 1S WwaBBW WB) BBmtBV'''l'IVv'B I
Ban.. .-inBm . &
. . 1 W X .a.i J . . U 1 ii . j. J r-J --- T ' f " -tr-. L iJT.i." -. t 1-J .'- I-. l-V - rt- ' ,x T - ' . .Ti ,.T jr ii .'-? , ,fc T" " .
r .w it . . . -i .j,. . . T .1 ... ,1
mMmmMmSm. ,