The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 15, 1907, Image 5

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CVOUlTtON Or SnUML tvic.
r? i
FrJ. T- "-' M
v-j'Tcv tir--:
is a.
sad was
,WfmBrWm Ml ''HIS Wfwww wK
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&WmP-i&&v .j.;JSfc&'J!?fny
v '- , ""- - '.sfii-st zrjsr- -yt- .-.-
xi y ou waitii a
k to be "forearmed." This forewarns mil good people in
town that there is a place where "best of all kinds of
groceries" can be had, and money saved in baying them.
On oar shelves? If s the stock of "best of
all kinds of groceries" referred to. It's a
saving of dollars when you buy oar goods.
Compare prices and see.
From Tha Port.
F. D.Curier. s real estate dealer of
Albion, hss purchased the Opinioa plant,
Mr. Curier not being a newspaper aan
haa engaged a man to'edittbe paper
for him. We hevemrt learned the geutle
man'a same. Mr. Johnson the forater
editor has aeeepted a position with the
Western Newspaper Uion and at
Omaha and wfll.leave for that place the
first of the month.
. CBE8T0N..
From The Statcoaaa.
Mr. and Mm. -Al Plagernana Mrs. and
Mm. Hearv Seipp were up from Colum
bus on Sunday, visiting with Mr. and
Mrsl'T. F. Plagemaan.
Mrs. A. Engel who has been quite
pick, is improving at this writing. Her
daughter, Miss Thorn Nordin, has also
been very sick, but is much better. '
Mrs. Ed Lueschen was taken sick with
appendicitis while in Creston last Satur
day. She was taken home, and Dr.
Lecsohen and another Dr. from Colum
bua was sam mooed.
Mrs. Arline Anson returned from her
visit with relatives at Columbus, and is
now employed as "central girl" for the
Platte Comity Independent' Telephone
Company. The central office is located
in her residence. '
From tfae Repablkaa.
Dr. Al Oolman of Lincoln, bat former
ly of Columbus, was the guest of Moan
roe friends last week.
i Mary Newman of Columbus was
visiting at the home of Mm. Laura Gob
ard the irst of the week. .
Mm. William Loosing and daughter
came up from Arlington. Nebr., Toes
day. August Looping accompanied them
as far as Columbus.
W.E. Cola and family left last Friday
for their new Lome in Garden City, Kas.,
where he haa extensive land iatereeta.
His new location is in the heart of the
sugar beet industry of western Kansas
and east era Colorado, and the county is 1
makiag rapid progress.
The first base ball game of the:
will be played today, Friday, ., the
hoBM grounds, between the Genoaled
iaasaad she local team. These' teams
played seme pretty good ball games' last
esasoa and a rfood opening game can be
looked tor.
At their sting Monday evening the
beard aathotued the marshaU to kill all
dogs whose owners have -not paid th
t .
tax, and also ordered that the streets
and allays to cleaned up at once. If the
rubbish is piled fat the alleys the issrsk
sll will seaihat it is disposed of with out
expense to the property owner. Anew
sidewalk was ordered ia front of the
Newton property, the present' oae being
in a bad condition.
plaits ci
Dr. C Evans
by the Ulasss of Mm. Fat Murphy.
The many friends of Mies Asa Web
ster are receiving an assosncomcst of
her engagement to Dr. Hart of Elba,
Mr. Kant iaforms us that it is suite
probable his daughter, Miss Pearl, will
Mtbmit to an operation the surly part of
next week for appendicitis.
Miss Susie Mylett departed Monday
for Elba, Nebraska, to join bar sister
Sarah, who has been there some Urns in'
charge of a telephone exchange.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Bins very pleasant,
ly entertained a number of invited
guests at their home last Sunday eve
ning in honor of Miss Margaret Me
Taggert of Columbus, who has bean
their guest the past weak.
Mr. Michael Croniu was s Columbus
viator last Saturday. Mr. Cronin was
telling his Colambas friends that this
wns the coldest spring he bad knows
since he came to Lost Creek, sosas 86
yean ago.
FredBipphasssntin bk resignation
as mail carrier on route No. lout of
Platte Canter, to take effect the 15th of
this month. Fred's reason for quitting
the job is that he cannot stand 'the ride
ing ss aaaay bourn snob day. T. H.
Glaasou is applicant for the position ssd
will probably receive it.
The foreman on the work putting hi
the foundation for the
Mississippi elevator had
men from around town employed in
various eapaaitisa about the work, 'far
which be waa paying; them two dollars
n day. Tuesday noon they demanded
two-and-a-half which be refused and
they all qaifc. Tuesday evening they
came to an understanding, and betook
part of them back at an lactases of
twenty five cents. , " '
Charley Bedmaa. who has been for the
past year running a barber shop am
Platte Center, 'took a very early start
last Sunday morning and suited out,
having Kind liveryman to take him
to St. Edward, where .his people Mvs.
him aed did aot bid any of bm friends
good-bye. It m understood that he ia
indebted to Mrs. Msseice for n good
. "
Furnishing Goods
Ofcy. whs
nndValthousalktteasttsr, is sic yst
Tosjsjg, stork, W. M. Gcusjt, trssrarar.
is the new mimham are all tetel sb
atsiaars,itwns eeaaed useless for say
saloon nun to ants HisIIdb Iocs
htesnsesnthelstofMay. Itiaeleim
si that aefasswatoh is going to be hast
At the
of the
hsredtqswing the
birehia tbs iater-
of theBeHwood
for tho coming year. MhvSall-
Ivan wns also hired to teach tbs nims ij
departmiat tar sstbar year. Prof,
Wilson, ws lean, ia about toaaovs sway
and does not waa t taw priaciaalship.
This is the sgs of tbs woman. And
tho future ia also hsrs It ia less than
ifty years steee Amsrinss girls warere-
te tbs eoUege their
Now there srenure
is theeeUege than smb. All
Msrohsate vis for
nalntt wante
She ia the throne. AUthis slangs of
a radical departure. But
srs pounding st tbs doors of
it seeking sasT-rsfS. In' Uer-
ythegates of the sneiant univer-
sities have been lifted from their hinges
to let women in. In Italy tbs parha-
ssusl Bufaraga.
have gone sbssd of
menU the laid of seuutiae dimovery.
Aadia Sngland of the twelve host aall
iag books ovary one was written by a
Even the darkest Russia weaa-
the doetors
of world advance aaethods is hospital
work. Batsaostairikiagofall.UFin-land-think
of it is Pinlaad! Niaeteea
woman now occupy sente as law maksrs
is tbs legislators of that dschy! Ia
poiat of fact, la its appreciation and ad
vanceof woman great as this advance
haabee Amariea is in some rsspsste
farrjehiadwosMn. This is the fomsa's
ago. Ia this sew eqsstios of ssBdsrs,
life is bms to be the X-the snknown
qnanlity. OmahaNsws.
Mrs. . G. Brown .was called, to Car
son, lows, last Friday on assount of tbs
asriousillaessof a sister who was net
SEpseetdtolive. Mr. Brows has siaes
received word. that the sister is teiprov
ing with the cbancea for her oomplste
recovery very favorable.
Tbs Humphrey Irs ihssilmiat is
igurisg on holding n three days tonraa
msnt between the 10th nndUU of July.
AdspattaMBt mesUsg was held la tbs
hsU Wsdsssdsy eveaiag. aad a eom
mitteeof ive composed of Jos-, Smith,
aw. Fsrguson, Bobt. Louis, P. H.
sainted to soskit funds. lis
it ess be ssssred. tbs
it will be s go and s big sk
t there srs about thirty
willingnsmto go into the
which is beisg condaetedby thsH
pbrey farm srs isstituss. There, ought
tb'bs ssveral tiaaas thiaawny. In Dodge
rwhsrasvsry sucesssfnl eostast
josductedhnH yssri ovsr9M boys
sstsred this year and tbs contest pro-
The sostsstis Dodgs county
ssors bojssad girls in thhmsighhorhood
who ought to ester tbs eoatest. Fits
Siats of the best seed corn obisiaahleis
to saeb oontestent snd
tbs testitste nmetiag
will rjeawsrded tothe
wboeas show up tbs bast, com.
Tbs son remed is tbs Dsdge eoaaty
csntsst anH year was token toLancoln
sndoarriedoff allbut
and thm same eon in being
fyaarforased by tbs
, aE. Wright of this pises, who hi hi
the employ of H.J:Basbss in the anr-
had quite s ssrioss -
a farater up near Stanton
s few days sgo,ssd the tupsiisssi is
Mr.Wrigh n grant aaaesmt of
f result in s'persnMMnt
isjsry. -Tbs tanaer is qsssttes bed
Mr. Wright, and tbs
tetter want out to sspmmtssil ssrtiag
ost the trees. After s ssMnfist samhii
of the trass won planted sa that Mr.
Wright thought that the meneeuld
BsantlswtsrtnrttbssAsaasasssjSNte. bs
totoavs. Tb
os' Mr. Wright
aBthetrssa ware m tbs
strong support.
m saska bsrfsvsrasd pstronsge.
srs as longer bshiad tbs throes.
last year
isbeug oeadsoted under thssassiseiof
sohools. Tbsrs srs aaany
ssmBswSsntBB sbSsMub QH ft tQ9tL Isnw9 flBusnV flssMl'
j V1
struck the tree agsat s terristehtewefi
topaf tbs seaeVoaasrng sfrjsfclfal
,isnwn.swMs, A tew answ scstsswngb
sJailliiiitP,.P. IHsm, Mr.WrhjBt
anssMSMsl sVuV . - m f
tbst so;
or the. real
of fairly pre-
Hsst eyes that wUI never he hnsroved
am tfil a -aKivahle pupa is. tnvsntes. s
ansa tbst, soBBshow. w work hi
with the other, pupa. Msny
Mes. Of
A Kstort of Indian CMsf.
A dlsrlsgulBhsd ajmyonlcer tells a
story os himself which relates to the
days wheat hw was a young Meuteuant
Is tbs far west a good saan
ago. Ha was of a party who had
to see tbs Indians st Spokane falls.
Among tbs redskins was Chief Moses.
who ,was fairly weU sducatoi
spoke capital KngUih. The r
Ueateaant addressed: Chief Moses Is.
.the Isdian tosgue. ssylsg: "Mosss;
I have often beard of you sad I hats
sees your picture sad your same. Is
the newspapers, -but I have never be
fore sees you, sad, offering his hsasV
added: 1 am xted to meet you."
Moses scsnaed him from head to foot,
and aa.thsng,BBBa stood with out
stretched hand the lengthening sk
loses sad stolidity of the chief were
becoming pslsfsl when old Moses st
last sad with great dsttberstios said
la EagUsh: "Young sum, I save never
heard of you before sad I have never
seea your picture or your same ia
the newspapers; but,- be added light
ly, "nevertheless. I sat glad to sss
you," sad accepted bis hand.
c . Electricity In tbs Nursery. .
afectrldty has Invaded the nursery.
Within tbs past few aaonths a device
haa. bees patented to rock the young
aterfa cradle, sad the nocturnal pa
Jama promenades are so longer a ne
cessity. So, too, there has recently
-been placed oa the saarket sa etec
tricsi baby milk warmer sad now
when the youngster cries during the
night for his; foot, all that la aeces
sary, !s-totara a switch and the milk
.ht.warm by the time papa is up sad
kas found his slippers. -Last bntysot
least comes the startling wtelllgeace,
with doleful sfgnlscases to bad hoys,
that aa electric apanalag machine
armed wlthvmany hard wood paddles
haa bees devised. It to predicted that
schoolrooms which are already equip
ped with- electric clocks, electric
lights, electric tardy bells, etc, will
adopt the new device for youthful
chastisement Heavy soled slippers
can be used Is place of. the paddles
If old time assoclatloas of childhood
sre desired. -Electric News Service.
Ws isvito sllwho desire ehoiee
steak, ssd the very bast outs of
' all other, msste to eall at osr
:V, BaarkstoaXleveathatreet, Ws
' slso baadls pssltryssd ssh sad
- oysters rs.Baates.
. Telephone Ho, 1. - Colsmbna, Keb.
I ssrry the best sf
hi myltee. The driaktegi
Me. IK
Let us build you cseC We pat
sothiagrjut the very best aaaterial
sad worksassship ia them. The
price is right.
Brisgia your tools
to to be
It wiU
best in
MKM8 -ssM WsftNlflt
All kinds of. ;
Fin liplMtiftfi
( . -
' ' - ' - - ll'
My bay was rssUy a pretty good
ssrt. Perhaps If bs hadn't sssaho
would act have turned out wen sneer
say system; bat, then. If bs haunt
sees a sosd sort I wouldn't have pro
ceeded oa that system. I watched
him csrsfaOy before Ieeclded tbst K
would ss'Wtos to do as I dM, says a
writer in the New York Press.'
Whss ho was shout sevss yesrs old
I caught him la a lie. He was trying
to ante a trivial, ehlMtak offense, aad
I was asm amused waa shocked, but.
wtehteg to bs sarer of say aouad. I
told his asother he wad lylag. She
would not believe R si tot, but, ss
cosUag coavteesd she wss for. whip
stag sba. ' -
"Leave him to me," I said. -We will
have so awn whlaptng. He Is old
low for different treatmenf
I took him astae ssd talked to
sosaswhat after, tbs following
"Ton and I sn ffoisg to have a great
deal to do with sack ether as long ss
ws both Uvs, sad It Is best that ws
BBBrBtBBd sack other from the start.
I wsat you to know positively that so
ss ysa do right I sm golag to
host friend oa earth, aside
from your mother. It sashes so dlf
ferssce what trouble you may get Into,
I shall always stand by' you mvlosg ss
you remember what I am 'bow teDlsg
you. But there are two things you
mast never forget. Ton mnsn't teU
a Me, sad you mustn't do anything
else that you doat think a gentleman
would do.
"Ton know the difference sow be
tween a geatlemaa sad aaother mas,
sad you win tears It swre deflnltely
later os. But the one Important thing
now Is aot to Us. If you Ue to sm
I wttl be pretty sure to lad It out,
aad you wttl have to get out of your
trouble yourself the best way you
can. I will not lift a lager to help
I weat over this ground again aad
as carefully as I could, la ten
Itted to his years, until he
thoroughly understood me, and I was
satisfied that he would aot forget It
Aad from that day, IS yean ago, until
now, I have never added a syllable to
what I then told him. I have never,
caught him In a lie or dotag sn ua
geatlemaaly thing. He trusts me ss
solately sad comes to me often for
counsel, hut an I do when it touches
general priadples Is to reiterate those
two rules. I have aever even. sug
gested religious trslslsg to hbs, be
Uevlag that neither I nor anyone else
sss tbs right to influence him ia his
owa choice. ' I have aever punished
him since he waa tea, sad then only
by keeping' him in the house for some
tilling disobedience. ' I have never
since he was 12 said: Tounust not"
I have ne-jer Interfered with any of
his pteas, or denied him anything he
wanted that it was reasonably possible
to get for him.
Result: He la s clean, healthy
minded, young man, with faults, but
no serious ones that I can discover,
aad he still Uvea with me. Tie cared
Uttle for school sad his education In
books, while It Is fair. Ia not what I
would like It to be, but oa the other
hand he picks up practical, outside
knowledge wltk wonderful facility and
accuracy, being a natural mechanic
aad business sua.
When he was 21 1 had despaired of
hla future. He had aever given me
nay trouble, hut he seemed to amount
to nothing. Hs had aot founds aad I
could not lad for him, the right place.
He was barely earning hla living, but
then seemed to ho so prospect of
Whoa he was 22, stm .working for s
saudl salary, se seemed to wake up.
Hs sad a chum started s small com
mission business, working at It. after
oflce sours. Is six months' time he
gave up his salary. Six aaonths later
he bought out his partner. Within the
next year he bought his owa plaat-aad
la now doing a Ine business with sev
en high-priced employes. Ia a few
yean he wUI be rich.
He la a gentlsmas He does aot Us.
hi "Corns la" Agate.
"Tea; I expect to see s revival In
dagnerrotypes.n said s prominent pho
tognpser; "but It wfU be an expen
sive, fad, and Its ladalgeace conlned
to people of mesas. It simply Is a
revival of tbs things of old, for which
so auay have a carious ssd indelna
hie UklBg. -I am equipped bow to
Basks dsgserreotypss, but thus far the
calls have been few. As the fact that
I am makiag them becomes known J
expect s great increase la the orders.
No; ws'n not looking anxiously for
the busteess. If s nserely sa adver
ttaesMat for us, so to speak, but we
think It n good asovs to help ss bold
oar trade among tbs rich.''
-said the lean Indl-
vldnal wlththwrAIny Prince Albert
cost, ss -hesshBred the sacred srs-'
daects of the sanctum, "but do you
sssd anyone to writs pieces for tbs
"No," repUed the .editor graMy, "we
don't sssd any body to write pieces for
the paper at preaenir
"Thes,- said the lean individual,
"wouldn't you can to employ some
oas to teach you to use correct Eas
hshr MUwankee SsstlasL
-MHsdys -Csth.
a K te said there Is hut one
add hath ia Tiew, Tork7 sad' it-Is hi
tbs. boast of a vary rick widow. The
to sBBBpHestod
atflfafl AKBSSBBnnnntaTwk
to eseaae fwn stent aaetal cylinders
whereat to stersd under pi imp a, sad,
satxed win tbs bath water. Thevef
fast upos the skte to highly sttoaamt
teg:( Such a sath'teavea a fsalfag sf
great freshsess. Tnerwldew was ad
steatsa stout' MaasMdna navanl vnana
Out of the Orrtnmrj
Ts sljli laihli wiismsBisis
caa suit yea petleotlj. Ws weak! bava yea kas
an aot saly Bands to sail, sat Mamt) UTWmr
i akaUe,yoa
CsrvaMnm UOSv
1 1 1 1 f .bbbbbsbbbbbbbW
t fsff " I J II ssnt unnnnmBBSBBBBBB
-a WmnuununBBBsnunaK '.ssnnnnnnnnnnni " MM
vSBBBBBBBBSsnnnBvavsaBBW , asasnnnnnnnnnnnnnnT Fl
I' JsPnwmaBsL tTI-HbbH
$12.50 to S30.00
la all tasaew niaglii Iwenstsi
close, atnugstor sligatly naadsd
vest, creased skis wsasi, lapsto losg ssd
sleeves nkia or fiaisBSd with imitatioa
ausilarssish. Veste,sWressteiwkhor
enwilhbackornHtebsrJtB,BaftmoT wsMsi sans
tailored is ftshiasshle gny ssd
also bias aad Mack sajtiaffji
All the newest shsdes is brows, Darbies sad ssft hate
$1.50 to $3.00 "
at that celebrated tiermaa vffmgo .he
lag BstsraUy esTervsacsBt sad stroag
ly carbonated. She dared aot under
take the ocean voyage, aad the artJ
Idsl Nanheim waa laitallod te. her
Curie CsHssters Queer Pads.
No one known quite so well ss a
curio eonectsr how many queer fads
occupy the minds of people who have
both leisure snd money. One woman
who to an adept la the art of lading
things In. out. of the way places aad
gettiag them at low prices to sow
working oa no -less -than 5e dlnTereat
collections, maay of which an de
cidedly freakish. Hen are a few of
them:' Staled toads for a wosasa
who already haa various specimens
of the genus toad In hla various
shapes snd sixes, fossilised vegeta
tion, odd bottles, teeth of famous peo
ple, photographs of particularly vi
cious animals, paper weights, door
keys, exact miniature copies of In
ventions for the punishment of crim
inals, and skins of cata of lofty line
age. The foregoing fada an selected
at random, but serve to show the
scope of 'the work undertaken by a
persoa who adopts curio collecting as
a profession.
Caught Big Sailing Fish.
Louis Weaver of this city returned
from s visit to the Florida const Sat
urday, brisglBg with him a SB-pound
sailing Ish, which hs landed with s
hook aad Has sfter 35 minutes of
sport, says the Washington Poet.
This to said to be the third ask of
its kted ever caugst In American wa
ters, sad Mr. Weaver has been busy f
slBce his return receiving eoagratala
ttous ' from sis numerous ashing
The BKinster wttl be tuned over to
the Smithsonian Iastitutloa. which to
without s specimen of this Mad.
PeOple of Columbus,
Platte County and
Neighboring Communities
'HE Gerhan Flynn Co, as a firm is
new bat individually w feel we do
not need an introduction, haying
had years of experience merchandising
among you. We feel we know your wants
and we propose to cater to your needs and
.fancies in a more up to date way than haa
been afforded you before. Our aim shall
always be to sell vott a better cla of goods
Cheap stuff can be bought at any cross
roads station, the department stores hay
ing wonxiut the cheap fake and are asking
long prices for what they have to make,
you believe they are selling better goods.
There is going te be no make believe about
our goods. We have the goods and there
is-n house in America in a better position
to quote tou low prices. We have come to
stay and be one of you. We want to be
s considered in your public affairs, to lend a
helping hand to everything that is for the
public good. We are starting out right,
" we hare been remajrkaUy fortunate, in '
We are showing bargains in Suits, Single
PantsyShirts and miderwear that cas'toe
matched anywhere else. Hoping to see .
you all, -m
We are respectfully yours,
The Gcrharz Flynia Co.
! H. si
wUI ism oaiytno
irer la
that we've
Spiii SttA Scdte
teMtn and Ymnc
tsm ortsrss
t -!
buried te the
tan of your business that you
set a ctosrshsrp view of your sflaln
la aU their letetfcma, ysa sn hi ona
ger sf failure. No great general ever
takes a gaa sad soss with his soMten
lsto the thick of the sight, where he
would be ss stunned by tbs
ssd ss httaded by the amoks of
tie that he could not watch the
laenU of the enemy, esuld aot
when bis owa troops seeded
forcemeats, or bow te hurl his forces
oa the weakest pises Is the
ranks. He must ss when' 1
watch every movement sf the
If yea an going to hs a
rou must keep where .ysa
gat a cJesr view
and know what la
when. While you an buried hi do
tall, your bbbIbbbb' amy hs la a dan
gerous positios, from which you esuld
extricate K If you know tbs exact sH
nation. Maay a man falls la trying ts
hs a general aad a private at tbs
"He Blasted sosas mis la his
"Any corns apr
with tbs spring
tbs asarkst"! Clsvetosi Plate Dealer.
Editor That sew
only he-
saass he's ss
shaasd sask, wits srwithoat
P""" ,s
witasatMllaw Trsas-
SBSM. Afl haad
wsnteds, eaeristosad ess-
nail : ... oj. v. j T7'iw : :;: .
- ' . " - V- tr .. .ssBSSsl aBBsnram mnununnVunnnnnnnTannnWV sTnfhal TsnasBBsnam. M. sBaBBBBBssBaBsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBuwnni
. ?i