w only, to the .i-r - wU . . . ,T -. "ST i.1 t Jyv 1 L - VTx. 5 -" !.-' IV -s tvt . r. K5&L KKP tsr.s n . a ' , J s j. ' "f - ' . 8 -KiNte' Dinner SeYs ; GIVEN AWAY. WITH OUR GASH SALES Com ukl see us. We wfll be pleated to ex plain how to get a tkat will We are always gkid to see We have selected three splendid sets of Imported English and Bavarian ware from onr. China De partment, all stock can be duplicated for the next ten years. - ,!:,.- The quality will grace the dinner table of any customer, and must not be . compared with' the cheap lines of premium dishes. These patterns are the most beautiful produced; decorated on , one of the latest shapes, a beautiful collection of flowers and tracing. We have spared no expense in making these the most beautiful patterns en the market, and you can procure them for years to come. GIVEN AWAY FREE WITH GASH SALES You get it piece "by piece; get any piece yon desire. Assortment consists of cups and .saucers; Plates, all sizes; Flatters, all sizes; Salad Dishes, Pitchers, Individual Butters, Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls, Tea Pots, and eveiything that goes to make up a composition for a Dinner Set SAVE YOUR .CROCKERY COUPONS Return Them to Us and Secure Your Crockery Free Yon pay no more for your goods here usually less but we give you the Crockery FREE as a profit-sharing plan.. Our object is to make this store the most popular trading place in town, and ask your assistance to make it so. Examine your parcels carefully for coupons- We use these dishes simply as an advertisement for our business. If yon want them, the way to obtain them is easy. Trade with us and send your friends to see us and we will do the rest by supplying you and them with these goods EBEE. Dry Goods, Millinery, Carpels and Curtams, Ladies' Gbaks and Saks, China and Glassware, Groceries, Shoes and Gents furnishings, Hardware and Seeds, Paints and Oils. Columbus, INebr MiMHaHMMlbaloh is going to Over ton tans week to visit relative. H. L. Okottfepatting up a newbuild iag. Among those who are planting com are JoeNoaul, John Oofey aid Frank Ganoid. lMtelti Mm, WlU Willis went toOedarBapids last Saturday to visit with relatives. The ansae of Robert Bappreeoht is nntoquoraatineforsuiallpox. ' Ralph. Hartssan went to Lincoln last Satarday for nfew weeks visit. ?ehaTaunbergwas the first one to plant earn en the route. MkeLUManWeJdia olosedher ecbool last Friday. Owing to the bad weather the bosket lunch was held in the aehool nones instead of the grove. MhwTaTliau ftdsswi closed her .school inthelves district Monday. The Mieses Bleach Dawson and Opal Snyeerwere guests of Boyd sad Jennie Dawson Saturday. MeedanMa T. F. Flagesaaan, T. F. Stevens and B. B. Webb were visitors at Hnatphrey on Wsdnesdsy afternoon. Mrs. L. A. Harbert has lerigMrl as operator at the central ofJee of the Platte County Independent Telephone Go. The central oaVe is bang moved into the residence of Mm, Ahine Aasoa. Five candidates were initiated into the BoyalHighiandar lodge on Wednce day evening. After the meeting the banquet room was the "center of at traction," where tables were spread with plenty of goodies to eat. T. J. Oottingham, manager of the Platte County Independent Telephone Co., Earl a Weaver and another line man, are up from Oolnmbus thiaweek, moving the central omee of the tele hone company, and repairing their line. 11141 14 1'1'K'l '11 1'i 1 "1 J"I"t illtltlt t.'H A . H -4 AVING purchnaed the Asche of general merchandise I will -continue the busine at theold stand. The stock oonsiBted .of ntst daM merchandise and we are offering itatritpricegoiKlvalnesin ahon danoa Our new stock of Diy Gtoods and Groceries will arrive this week sad we will then be prepared to take care of all your wants. Oome and look at onr goods. Heroism There is a good deal of Inthe world of the sort that geta into the public eye and receives med als as a reward, as the giving out of 88 such tokens of gold, silver or bronse by the Carnegie hero fund commission' attests, comments n writ er -in the Boston Transcript. There Is more of the splendid stnhT indeed than even the firmest believers in human nature's good auallttes would Quite think possible without all the gratifying figures at hand to prove Its erl stance. And when one' reflects that the heroism which may be known of an men is only about one-thousandth part as great as the sort that never will and never may be known it makes one feel that the world and the times are good. An Indorsement. Many years ago there was consider able malaria in Harrlsburg, Pa, which was attributed to the waters of the 8usquehanna river, which was then the source of the dty supply. One of the members of the legislature, for that year, upon his return to his con stituents, was interviewed concerning the plague. He soon settled the snestion. -Upon my soul, gentlemen," ha declared, "the report of the foul ness of the water was a slander on the dty of Harriaburg. I absolutely know the water to be perfectly health ful, for during the sesetou I eras tae water on two different occasions, and I never experienced any 01 Victor Terasinski -J . j ,;J .. Wf.nVUMTM ST, OOMJMWJBVnaw nahuft Poet m a Gcaveyeru. Stettin outers from Australia's plague of rabbits, but only in the principal cemetery. Here they are n veritable pest and so tar an efforts to get rid of them have been unavail-' tag. Into holes, where holes could be found, earnoMc add was-poured, but beamy of the graveyards is unite cosy at a thick bush under a fine tree as in any hole, and he makes the tree bark fiy as far up as he eon reach it There has been one battue, but the rabbits are again as numerous The other day while a fa in progress a rabbit ca ret cennmaaiy at the loot of the oadettng Manser Pi up majesty of the nooale" eaaaa from the Has of Charles James a enuner at the Crown. in 17H, aearluist his these words: "Otve me I alt down to eal on yon to drink our the Majesty of the lor of the awn annuBuunnuMa nu in 1SH. gam to the ie pry of hi a apeeeh'sa jat7 nf Tamwert)u iPIRTTS HOW "HOODOO DOCTOR" TREATS HIS PATIENTS. Negro People Meetly Are Firm Believ ers In His Power to Save from Effects ef Being Con- juredby Enemy. Other doctors may cure you If you are 'stricken with some disease, but there Is only one doctor who crn cure you if you are really "hoodooed." The "hoodoo doctor" is a tall, gaunt and cadaverous looking negro with a wealth of long wavy hair, and he Uvea in the West side, says the Kansas City Star. He Is a familiar figure on the atreeta of both cities, and invariably carries a little black hand satchel. The hoodoo doctor la held in awe by nine-tenths of the negro population and his aervicea are in demand by the people of his race. "Ton may laugh at us for believing wourlrodoobocfor" said one colored woman, 'bat what is the difference be tween aim and the divine healers of white folkar . .- -. The negro people, or at least a great majority of them, are firm believers in the power of the evil spirit and go so far aa to credit some of their race with the power to "conjure" an enemy, or of whom the conjurer la jeai- cailtoa the salt the a person pays a social 4 fruadtaa ant thine? afterlthV visit, according to doctor is to throw coarse the fioor of the room in which conjurer has visited, and with a vigorous movement, the aalt east and west and north sojthhejhUeeweepetjBiu Park leit Market rikntr eute ef juiey ateaka, tenderloin miimis. Orders promptly filled and BsMmart to any part of the esty. Wowfll buy your poultry and hides. Call and. aw us. Eorgie I TaM 8enth side rnrk-ThJrtOBBth 8t . -Beth ek doo order that the tbnetogkm iniiMm 'a or the: When the-' upon the the butter, ha. may not have ly work.or to i to the health afhtovtethnu , , sdoo doctor -arrives he goes through the salt sweeping proeeea again and calls upon the evQ sptrita to deunrt in etanter. Hie visits are preferably made at nfaht but where tale hVinv practicable the room wherein lies the victfm of the dread hoodoo ie darken ed. The hoodoo doctor then proceeda to rub hm patient always in the dark and, the evil spirits, he robe out of n conjured patient are said to hi mar velous in else and hideous to behold. After the rubbing process is over the hoodoo doctor pueparea a concoction of hard boiled eggs, fresh grass la sum mer or the dried article In winter, n handful of twigs and several other mysterious and more ,pr. less unpala table ingredients, the concoction a se cretiknown only to the hoodoo doctor. This he feeds in tablespoon doses un til he is assured that the work of the conjurer has been destroyed and his patient free from all the wiles to which victims of the evil spirit are heirs. Once a negro has been hoodooed he is apt to have a recurrent attack at any time, alwaya being more or less susceptible to the wicked conjurer. Thus is the hoodoo doctor in such great demand. , "People can be hoodooed In different ways," said the hoodoo doctor. They can be 'fixed' so they can amount to anything or have any success in busi ness or love or be able to keep in fair ly good health, and they Just got to get'that hoodoo out of 'em before they ever win be any good. That's what'a the matter with lota of the white folks' failures, only they think they are too smart to bother with the hoodoo doctor." SCULPTURE OF THE INDIAN. Only Three Specimens ef Le'e Reek Carving Have.Been Found. One of the three known examples hi the United States of the famous In dlan "sculpture" on two of the lav aaense rocks which form the "great faUa" of the Connecticut river at Bet Iowa falls has been entirely ebUterat ed, not n trace of the marktog which recorded some Important event la the history of the aborigines being left, saya the Boston -Herald. The sculp ture was n favorite subject of etsemv alon for antiqaartana much controversy as to the and time in which it was made. When first discovered it consisted of a group of 1C or 18 variously ornamented heads plainly cut into the rocks. The main piece of work wan ahown on n fiat apace about IS feet wide and atx feet high and consisted of four bases. each surmounted with a pair of rays aad humerona heada without any dec oration. On the -other reck- wan one targe head with at least eight rays, this head being 14 inches across at the forehead. " There may have been originally also an useriptlon, but if so it had become obliterated by the action of the water years ago. The markings were supposed to have rep resented a victory at or near Bellows falls by four bands and their chiefs under one principal chief. The fact that the action of the water has re moved what was discovered on the rocka ltt) years or so ago Indicates to not a few that much more ef the record must have viously. SQUAW A NEAT HOUSEKEEPER. She must Live m n Tent, However, to Prove ThJe. Put the sauaw in n topee and she is the neatest of housekeepers, saya the Denver Republican. Bverythmg in one of these big; roomy touts is hi apple-pie order. The blanket neatbr rolled and atowed away the edge ef the tepee, leaving the tor clear. Bright-colored and fine fur robes are and n wonderfully beaded hangs from one of the poles. But, en the other hand, put n senaw in and she is anything but n Go into one of these houses and von win find the tresses laid along the fieor. with the whole family sprawling thereon. The cracked cook stove win be in the nO die of the fioor, with anything but while the meal is in progress. Oub atde the bedsteads sad seringa wfB be as chicken roosts. But the ft let her houaekeening comings worry her. When she puts on an elk-tooth robe, valued at any thing from l,ftf to SMtt. and rides to the fair or to the agency en n Sun day astride a beaded saddle, ahe ie e picture of contentment that any ef hat white sisters aright envy. The fiercely. Pi in a They rested a Mttle while wMh n toothpick wrath redoubled. 1 am their the v- through the which ie alcohol. oftt. Thoee are B is n very good awtrarflBg suM the man. 1 am sting arm j thug hi netting into that Hejutd angry hens, an n were me to make mssJema -aula.' as R m called UBjmUBBBBnfv gflfB aMSBg YfeaWnw and n doaen other aO A Cenviet ef be tefereatoi to cently one ef The ahlp n few in the thnt uutn re- wsa moored in the Thames, between Blaorfriara and WestnOneter bridges It, had token to Australia in Ms tarns CT.ee poor wretches exiled from voeeMsanhm gy eateybnrbm,aet waa at had 71 casta, a blank hate and n ajjaaal. T ilH fia toj yifjgM - V i'kS- vis im iixm msm av ,v. ?.' SSig V yvs v f. - S35 ; " iS PX .X, n. r . 13 tA.: i v y' LV Vx.VJ Chas. B. Hanford Tuesday Night May 14. '07 to Australia In 1787 aad sailed 81 years, in which time It carried to im- prieoament and exile 118,842 28,319 women. Pertinent Inquiry. Senator Rayner of Maryland la in favor of adequate salariea for aehool teachers and at n reception he told a atory about a teachers' meeting In a district where .the salariea were ex tremely low. "A rich, portly banker opened the meeting with an address," he said. "The hanker concluded hie remarks with an enthusiastic gesture aad .the words: 'Long live our aehool teachers!' 'What our shouted n thin, pale, seedy maa 1b a black coat akghtry smeared with chalk marks. Hindoo Likes Many Clocks. The Hindoo places a clock fat his room, not because he ever desires to know' what the hour la, but because a clock la a foreign curiosity. Instead, therefore of contenting himself with one good clock, he wUl have, perhaps, a doaen In one room. These clocks are signs of hie wealth, but they do not add to his comfort, for he is so indifferent to time that he measures it by the aumber of bamboo lengths the sun has traveled about the horison. Net Lucky. BiU "Doea your brother carry a rabbit's footr Jill "No. But. he goes around with a hair-lip." Took era Statesman. . Juet Oeecrihed Her. "Tea," said Lovett, "I was engaged to her once." "So I understand," re marked Newitt, "She told me she was an old flame of yours." "That's pretty near, right. She certainly did burn up my money." ita mamma aad but the ether WJgnfwwnT MnMMtjfili0B "Toodlea" and what a atfly that is for a bright aad lively is four yeara old and 1 papa think he's just boy that ever Hved; day he got Just n hit something or other aad an "On. the) devil," slipped out before ho knew R. Of course. Ids mot! and hart and ahe told Te She explained that he mustn't naughty, and that above i be mast not awear. "But, said Toodlee. "it aant swearing te aay. that, 'cause then Is n deviL" "But, my dear," said Toodlee menV mn, "you mast not aaahe Mujbt ef sa cred things." Where the "Brave" Bloodthirsty, vindictive, ous, crafty, scornful ef brave onto death when at hay. cunning than the fox aad patience on the trail, the proven more than n maeeh tea the white in the Jungle. It ie certain that more whites than aavaga ished la forest fightJng battle the redmnn la w fastness and imrsinaiantie. The) least reverse disheartens the first mad rash ha and the slightest check la apt dispirit his capricious Magazlne.- Naturally. . "Of course," said the tourist, "you know all the antidotes for snake biter "Sure," replied the mountain eer. "Well, when a snake bites you what'a the first thing you do?" "Yett." Net' in Hie Line. "Do you think Hamlet was madr inquired the critic. "Sir," answered Mr. Stormington Barnes, "I am an Mttnr. not a Hewlt-" Unable to Find The editor of n country tered hie ouTtoa one moinauj to be met by n aubnriluale with the atartliag intelligence that during the night some despicable wreteh had stolen every book of rafsi suss am the place. "What do you think of man who would do n palmg nan timer an grily denmnded the he has taken even the said the editor, "I should aay that we are wholly at a loss for werde te our indignation. Keenly So. "Are you interested m the fMal to sues of the hour?" "Intensely. Say. can you lend me 58 canto to get seme lunchr Delicious Hot Biscuit MADE WITH ROYALS are the most appetizing, health fill and nutritious of foods Ll .JS2L2222J1222B&J! ' - I i i tut it jm iixi 1 1 m t it n ti - : r - -4. jr - -, X JV a - - '--A V l . -.F - ? a y i . JV. i v- - '-;" 'i'4Massss& ,. -te. - T- j- r i V -. " . . K. - v. '-.-'j- JC -.- l.L..S. - tt ,' x.titM" .-? n, . tS j- i - LS.ti.-W-rr Sf a.. - -- i.-vakjiJa - j3naik.f -a -Atr t . rf hi wa ."j StArJ'dWr--X-:i't5w-::i5t,-HS -3S-. vrJr''?i-;?-,J.'SuV, Tfiiriii.1 JITiTMl TTTM J MMWn il 1, t-- T m Mil I, Mil II f II M tfi. ii - - -" imam'ismBLn. ...T.. w.