The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 08, 1907, Image 7

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Be twii in Wheat.
St BmI; April 24. 1H7. Word kai
bees received, at the osce of the
Canadian Government Ib St. Baal that
aeediaJc ' has coaassenced mt varincai
points throughout Manitoba; Saskatclh
ewaa and Alberta.
The heavy snowfall during, the past
winter has left -the ground la splendid
shape for saccessfal seeding opera
tioas. The fine weather of the past
few days has takea much of the frost
oat of the ground aad during next
week there will scarcely be a district
ia which the seeder is not being
ated. The most optimistic
exist and ia all districts the fanners
are busy getting things la
There will be a very large
sown ia spring wheat, oats aad barley.
At many points thronghotit the three
provinces the newcomers arc busy aa
loading their stock aad effects, work
lag night and day ia order to get om
their farms and become active agen
cies in the effort to make the year
1997 the banner year la grain produc
iag ia Western Canada. As compared
with districts many hundred miles
farther south than this, it win be seen
that Western Canada ranks amongst
the first in the line of seeding opera
tioas for the present year. It Is safe
to say that farmers who get in their
crop before the 20th or 24th of May,
will receive magnificent returns. A
number of those coming in this spring,
who had not their land prepared last
fall, will break up enough land to get
in a crop of oats and barley and prob
ably some flax. This, together with
the vegetables they will plant, will
give them ample food for themselves
and stock during the coming summer
and winter. These early seeding oper
ations are not confined to one district,
but are spread over a country 99
miles long by 400 miles in width.
The agents of the Canadian Govern
ment, located at different points
throughout the United States, are
busy giving information regarding the
many new districts that are being
made available for settlers. Low rail
way rates, information and literature
are given on application to the agent,
whose name-appears in advertisement
elsewhere in this paper.
Method e4 -Treaties tha Atmaet
Daily Small
Tumbles that resmlt In broken
knees are a -very common occurrence
in the nursery. Wash the' place very
thoroughly with warm water and bor
adc lotion -in order 'to remove any
garret, dastc'or bits of stocking that
may have been forced into the wound.
Bathe always from the edges to the
center of any woand; this gives In
finitely less pate. Then dress the
place with a piece of soft old rag,
smearing with cold cream; 'keep -In
place with a few twists of a band
ageC If a child is slightly burned of scald
ed, the first thing to do is to relieve
the pala, aad then apply a healiag
ointment. To effect this, bathe the
Injured pare with a strong solution
of ordinary kitchen soda, apply zinc
ointment by means of well-greased
rags, then cover the whole with a
piece of cotton-wool.
A grata of dust is a very little
.thing, but, like a great1 many other,
little things, is capable of causing a
very great deal of trouble.
Never try to remove it with a
screw of handkerchief, but Instead
tear off a corner of perfectly clean
white blotting paper, twist this into
a cone, and having discovered the
whereabouts of the dust by gently
but .firmly raising the eyelid, extract
It with the blotting paper, to which
the dust will be found to adhere
Things to.
Be Remembered if You
Preserve Instrument.
The Estimable Family.
-Reynolds." said Millionaire Banks
to his valet, "go 'round to the house
of that little girl whom I ran down
with the auto this morning aad ex
tend to the family my sincere regrets
and sympathy. Also give them this
$50 bill. I understand that they are
very poor and in. want,"
Accordingly the valet obeyed. When
he returned his master met him at
the door.
"Well. Reynolds?"
"The father wished me to say, air,
that he hoped you. wouldn't take the
affair too much to heart As for the
family, they all feel very grateful to
you sir. and couldn't bring themselves
to accept your very kind, offer."
"A most estimable family! Tet I
wonder why they didn't accept the
"The father said such matters
should .be arranged through his law
yer, sir." .Judge.
When the cold wind blows outside,
or chilling rain beats down, do not in
your solicitude for your own comfort
forget the welfare of your poor piano.
That instrument is well known to
be as sensitive to cold,, damp or heat
as the most confirmed invalid, and in
thousands of bouses to-day the
domestic piano is treated with a
lack, of regard that- harrows the
spirit of the unfortunate tuner who
has periodically to come and act as
physician to it
Never put your piano too near the
fire, as the heat draws the wood. Do
not leave the window open close to
jt on a rainy day, as the damp will
rust the wires and .mold the instru
ments interior. '
On no account should a multipli
city of ornaments be placed on the
top of the piano as its tone is spoiled
in this way, and, finally it should be
noted that with too much furniture
and drapery in the room piano play
ing cannot be heard to the best advantage.
- --rw-:
Mrs. Vargaret M
fan-" St, Ifinaleon.
fffsea yesis I --was
- saAaAJBBSw
-" nnnnnnnnnnnnnW-V
t ?
from Heney trot-
Mea. Myhtfoknajnaa
aw terriMy-Bvery
turn or move cawaefl
sharp, shooting
pains. My eyesight
:'waaitonr-darfc mat 4
appeared before Be,
and I had rxxy
spena. For ten years I cenld not de
konaework, and for two yeawxW:hc4
get oat of the bouse. The kJanty ae
cretioM twere iireejuar, ju4ocfcMS
were not helping bm. DoaaV kidney.
Pffle "brought me quick relief, and
finally cared me. They aaveemy:lrJe:
Sold by jail dealers. 5t cents ajmx.
Foster-Milbnrn Co. Buffalo. 17. T.
Laser of the Neveliet.
' The way of the novelists must he
hard," said a librarian ef an uptown
branch. "The other day an immacu
lately gotten, up iadividaal came into
the library and isnoapced.- that . he
was a writer with a specialty of dia
lect stories. We got him several books
that hejuked for, and little by little
betook' me into his confidence. T
want the Scotch dialect for the stem
father,' he expls!aed; then when I've
apt enough of that I waat some dia
lect for a sea captain, and then I waat
a duke or maybe yon can tell me,
would a duke drop his1h's,r N. Y.
Rue: ' .
$100 Reward, $100.
fc K-CAmABVW?l&r,
What Shall We Re? lW
Tfcenateta aetata
M t mn k a ta-aMsw, aad
Halt CaUfffe Can to tha "
care bow now io imbmksi iraMCBKj.
env eoaaUtatteMl iIIibmh. reaattM
Meaai amtmmt. BaU'a CattnftCan to
tenaUy. acttaa 4lractir aoe tha Moat at
arfaeaa of tea ayateat. leeway . ataiiajlag Hw
taaaaatloa at tha alaaaae. aa4 strtos the paUeat
atreasth ayaaiMtoe F tha eaaadiiiHoa aa4 aaatov
las aataiaaiajotastto work. The aroariaton hare
aomaeh faith ta tucaraUre aowarathat they eSar
Oae Haaarei Paiiara for aay eaae that It tatta la
care. Seal for 11m of uedaKaUM.
Addraai r. J. CHKKEr CO., Toledo, O.
SoM by all Dracttota. 79c.
Take Haifa Faatfly Ptn t-f -rattpauaa.
No Criticism to Make.
Mrs. Hwfa Williams, the English so
ciety leader, talked at a dance in New
York about the fashion of riding
astride that has taken hold of English
"Some of our young women," said
Mrs. Williams, "dress out and out like
men. They wear a long coat cut like
a hunting coat a cap, riding breeches
and top boots. It is a handsome cos
tume and it is not immodest but un
doubtedly it attracts a good deal of
attention. They have been telling in
London lately a story about an Eng
lish girl who has adopted this riding
rig. Pulling up her horse one after
noon she said' to an artisan who was
passing: 'Can you tell me' if this is the
way to Wareham?'
"The man looked her over carefully.
Then he touched his cap in a respect
ful manner and replied: 'Yes, miss,
yes you seem to 'ave got 'em on all
right' "
Importance, ef Sleep.
We should get up well every morn
ing. If we do not, we are certain
gradually to run behind in our physi
cal bank account ThIs proves that
sleeping is quite as important as eat
ing. The luxury of sound sleep is one
of the greatest means given to a man
or beast for restoring and invigorating
the whole system. No one should al
low business or anything else to cur
tail this luxury, and parents should
promote it in children, iastead of
drumming them out of bed early.
Homeopathic Envoy.
Delicious Custard. '
Beat four eggs light add three cup
fuls of good milk, five tablespoonfuls
of sugar, one teasponful salt and a lit
tle grated nutmeg; stir well; pour the
mixture in custard cups; set these in
side of a flat- bake pan with some wa
ter in same; bake slowly one hour, or
until -a silver knife comes out clean:
remove from - oven, -then whip the,
whites of five eggs until stiff; and dry
and drop on custards walnut size, one
in center and one row around edge of
cups, lea vine the center one largest;
put back in oven two or three minutes
to add a golden tint; take as many
good-sized strawberries, dip in pulver
ized sugar, and put a row around cups
letwcen the walnut shapes; this
makes a very pretty table custard for
little ones.
Oyster Plant or Salsify Salad.
Scrub the salsify, and cook, with
out removing the skin, in boiling salt
.od water until tender. Peel and cut in
thin slices. Season with salt and pep
licr. cover and set aside to become
cold. For a pint of sliced salsify take
six tablespoonfuls of oil, and gradually
beat into it four tablespoonfuls of lem
on juice or three of vinegar, and about
'half a teaspoonful of onion juice.
When thoroughly mixed, pour over
the c!lled salsify. Turn the slices
ever and over until they have taken
up the dressing, and set aside until
.ready to serve. Serve on heart leaves
of lettuce, also dressed with oil, vine
gar, salt and pepper. Garnish with
'figures cut from thin slices of pickled
Money far Y. M. C A.
The raising of $70,000 in one'; day by,
the Y. M. C. A. of Ottawa. Ont. broke
all records that have been made by
the associations In their building can
vasses, in which 15,000.000 has seen
secured in the last two years. Re
cently the Ottawa association set out
to raise 1200,000 in ,15 days. It re
ceived pledges for $203,359. On the
last day of the campaign 1.500 people
tf edged $70,000.
Long Time Between Calls.
"You used to wear a Vandyke
beard," she pouted. "I don't like yon
without it The next time you come
to see me wear one again. '
He looked at her reproachfully.
"Do you know how long it takes to
grow a respectable Vandyke?" he
asked her.
"No," said she. "How long?"
"About six months," he answered
In Northeast Australia. '
Northeast Australia , develops very
slowly. Farmers grow matee in the
old-fashioned way. The maise crop in
'Queensland this year is a record one.
Canning pineapples Is becoming an
important Industry in Queensland.
Opal mining is growing steadily.
Costly Cyclopedia.
The revision of the. great Korean
cyclopedia called Munhon Pigo, which
was ordered by the government some
months ago, is now completed, and it
consists of an edition of 29 volumes,
which will be published at an expense
of 47,500 yen. Korean Daily News.
And. Many Greenbacks.
St, Paul Park Incident,
"After drinking coffee for breakfast
I always felt languid and dull, having
no ambition to get to my morning
duties. Then in about an hour or so n
weak, nervous derangement of the
heart and stomach would come over
me with such force I would frequently
have to lie down.
"At other times I had severe head
aches; stomach finally became affect
ed and digestion so impaired that I
had serions chronic dyspepsia and con
stipation. A lady, for many years
State President of the W. C. T. TJ.,
told me she had been greatly
fited by sitting coffee and
Postam Food Coffee; she was trou
bled for years with asthma. Skessld
it was no cross to quit coffee when.
she found she could have as deUdoes
an article as Postam.
"Another lady, who had been tron
bled with chronic dyspepsia for years,
found immediate relief on ceasing cof
fee and beginning Postum twice a day.
She was wholly cared. Still another
friend told me that Postam Food Oof
fee was a Godsend to her, her heart
trouble having been relieved after
leaving off coffee aad taking Postum.
"So many such cases came to my
notice that I concluded coffee was the
cause of my trouble and I quit and
took np Postum. I am more than
pleased to say that my days of trou
ble have disappeared. I am well and
happy." "There's a Reason'' Read
as awa wr nrcuiwc, urn jetejat
Preserved Pears.
Pare them very thin and simmer
them in a thin sirup, allowing one
fourth of a pound of sugar to a pound
of pears. Let them lie for two days,
then add another' quarter of a pound
of sugar to a pound of pears
.and simmer again. Let them all lie
all night or longer if you wish, then
simmer them once more, adding one-,
'half pound of sugar to a pound of
'pears, making a pound for a pound.
The juice of a lemon to four pounds
of fruit and a email part of the peel
is a good addition. The fruit may now
be drained, and put in the sun to dry,
or they may be poured into the jars
with sirup over them.
To Care for, Turkish Rugs.
If Turkish rugs are left on the floor
through the summer aad they are
'quite as well there as anywhere, a
weekly exposure to' the fresh air and
sunshine, with a good brushing with a
stiff broom, will be all that is neces
sary. If they are soiled, a thorough
washing every year or two will keep
them in splendid condition. If large
they are better sent to a rug cleaner;
but small rugs may be1 washed at
home, usiag cold or lukewarm water,
a scrubbing brush and any good soap.
Riase wen and hang in the open air
to dry. If one has a hose the rinsing'
is more easily accomplished by turn
ing that on them.
Renovating Flannels.
Flannels that have becomes-badly
yellowed through neglect may be
whitened in this way: Boil four table
spoonfuls flour in four quarts cf wa
ter, stirring free from lumps. Pour
one-half this mixture over the flannels,
cover and let-them stand a half hour. '
Rub with the hands, but uss no scan.
Rinse the flannels in clear water of
the same temperature, then heat the,
reauuader of the .liquid and pour over
the flannel again. Proceed as before,
riase thoroughly, then hang out to
drain and dry. Never hang flannels in
cold or frosty air, as that always
shrinks them. . .
325 boxes of Gold and Greenbacks
will be sent to persons who write the
most interesting and truthful letters
of experience on the following topics:
1. How have you been affected .by
coffee drinking and by, changing from
coffee to Postum?
2. Give name and account of one or
more coffee drinkers who have been
hurl by' it and have been induced to
quit and use Postum.
3. Do you' know any one who has
been driven away from Postum be
cause it came to the" table weak' and
characterless at the first trial?
4. Did you set such a person right
regarding the easy way to make it
clear, black, "and with a snappy, rich
5. -Have you ever found a better
way to make it than to use four heap
ing teaspoonf uls to the pint of water,
let stand on stove until real boiling
begins, and beginning at that time
when actual boiling starts, boil full 15
minutes more to extract the flavor and
food value. (A piece of butter the size
of a pea will prevent boiling over.)
This contest is confined to those -who
have used Postum prior to the date of
this advertisement
Be honest and truthful, don't write
poetry or fanciful letters, just plain,
truthful statements.
Contest will close Jane 1st, 1907,
and no letters received after that date
wOl be admitted. Examinations of let
ters win be made by three judges, not
members of the. Postum Cereal Co,
Ltd. Their decisions will be fair and
final, aad a neat little box containing
a $10 gold piece seat to each of the'
five writers of the most interesting;
letters, a box containing a $5 gold
piece to each- of the SO next best, a
$2 greenback to each of the 100 next
best, and a $1 greenback to each of
the 200 next nest, making cash prises
distributed to 325 persons.'
Every friend of Postum is urged to
write and each letter wflj be held in
high esteem by the company, as an
evidence of such friendship, while the
little boxes of gold and envelopes of
money will reach many modest writers
whose plain and sensible letters con
tain the facts desired, although the
sender may have but smaU faith, in
winning at the time of writing. .. ,"
Talk this subject over .with .your
friends and see 'how maayamong
ybu'ean win prises. ' It tea good, hon-
I est competition and In the best kind of
a cause, ana cosxs.ue comneaters no
solately nothing. ... - . r. .
Address your; letter .to the Postam
Cereal Co., Ltd, Battle. Creek, Mich-,
writing your own name aad address
1. aaaaaaaa jT '
A Jctter written .to a-Caaaslaa Gov
erameat agent from Tipton, lndmaa,
is but she of many sinUiarthat are in
thw hands of the Canadian govenmeat
ageatsfwhose privilege lt0m" to offer
one auadred and sixty-acres of mad
free; aad Tow railway faxes. Barters
to a copy of the letter: .
s i -Tipton, intL. Nov. 28. ltOC.
'At your earnest solicitation a party.
of as. from Tipton left JCay 15 ler
Westera Canada. Oar Interviews with
yon and a careful study of yoar irtar
ature to expect great things of
your country when we should arrive
there, and we were not dlsappoiated.
We weat prepared to make a careful
examination of the couatry and Ks re
sources, aad we did so. At early dawa,
tha second morning oat-of Tipton we
awoke In a new world. As far as the
eye could "reach was. aa apparently
limitless expanse eCinew sown wheat
and prairie glasses. The vivid greea
of the wheat Just beginning to stool
out, and the Inky blackness of the
xa.coatraatedr.hLaway:.besutfu fcr
see. Aaanarortwo'lntwr-we steamed
into Winnipeg. Here we foaad la num
ber of surprises. A hundred thousand
souls well housed, with every con
venience that goes to make a modera
up-to-date city--baaks, hotels, aews
papers, stores, electric light, street
railways, sewerage, waterworks, as
phalt pavements, everything. '.With
eyes aad ears open- we traveled for
two thousand mUes through Manitoba,
Saskatchewan and Alberta, going oat
over the Canadian Pacific railway, via
Calgary .to Edaiontonaad returning
to Winnipeg over the'Canadian North
ern railway. In the meantime we
made several side trips and stopped
off at a number of points, where we
made drives into the surrounding
country. On every band were evi
dences (of prosperity. aThe growing
wheat, oats, rye, flax, barley, not lit
tle patches, but great fields, many of
them a square mile in extent, the
three, five and sometimes seven-horse
teams laying over an Inky black rib
bon of yellow stubble, generally in fur
rows straight as gun barrels and at
right angles from the roads stretching
into the distance, contrasted strangely
with our little fields at home. The
towns both large and small were dou
bly conspicuous, made so, first by
their newness and second by the tow
ering elevators necessary to hold the
immense crops of wheat grown in the
immediate neighborhood.
The newness,, the thrift, the hustle,
the sound of saw and hammer, the
tents housing owners of buildings in
various stages of completion, the pUes
of household effects and agricultural
implements at the railway stations
waiting to be hauled out to the
"Claims,'' the occasional steam plow
turning its twenty or thirty acres a
day, the sod house, the unpsinted
house of wood, the up-to-date modern
residence with large red barn by, all
these were seen everywhere we went,
an earnest of prosperity and wealth to
be. We talked with-men and visited'
their places- that four years ago was
unbroken prairie. Their houses,
barns, implements and live stock were
the equal of anything in Tipton Coun
ty, and why not, when they were rais
ing five, ten and twenty, yes, in one
instance, forty thousand bushels of
wheat a year. The fact that such
large yields of wheat are raised so
easily and so surely impressed us
very favorably. And when we saw
men who 'four or five years ago com
menced there with two or three thou
sand dollars, and .were now as well
fixed and making money much easier
and many times faster than lots of
our acquaintances on Indiana, farms
fifty .years cleared and valued at four
times as much, we decided to invest
So we bought in partnership a little
over two thousand acres, some of it
improved and in wheat.
Before leaving Indiana we agreed
that if the opportunities were .as great
' .f:A.-j '-V
te be.-that
buy. and own' in' partner
ship a body of land, aad leave one of
our number to look after and operate,
it This we accordingly did.
- Jest before time .to .thresh J re
ceived a tetter from aim. "WhatshaJl
we. dor said he; "I've got to build
grajairies: There's so mueh, wheat
that the railways 'are just, swamped.
We caa't get cars aad the elevators
are ail fuTL. I umr emw aavthiaar
Wit" la repfy we wrote, "Good for
you. Ga ahead and bufld; your story
sounds better thaa the letters we used
to get from oar Mends is Kansas
when they bewailed the' fact that the
hard wheat had been destroyed by the
chinch bags aad' the corn by hot
winds, and that they must Jell the
stock for means toUve on. Tes, build
by all mesas " Aad he did. and our
wheat pat m by a renter made twenty-seven
hathsis par acre.
Very truly yours,
It goes without saying that a talking
machine does not say without going.
Afl Cloth Rats. Clujdren's Dksks. etc.
"ifejo. & ,ike PUTNAM
A. fruit tree In the hack yard is
worth two family trees la a glass esse.
Lewis' Single Binder the famous
straight 5c cisar, always best' quality.
Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111.
One of the things a man can't un
derstand is why his enmies have any
friends. .
Kill the Flies New
before they multiply. A DAISY FLY ane thousands, -lasts the sea
son. Ask your dealer, or fend 20c to H.
Somen, 140 De Kalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
The TokJo NIchI Nlchl remarks
that "one day's pay for an American
workman in San Francisco represents
a fair monthly stipend for a Japa-
Garfield-Tea, Nature's Remedy, bring?
relief from many ailaaents; it overcomes
constipation, regalates the liver and kid;
ncys, purines the blood and clears the
complexion. It is made of -Herbs, aad is
absolutely Pure.
How inconsistent your neighbors
are! They refuse to say that you are
a good man, but after-the undertaker
gets you they delight in saying- that,
you were a good man."
It Cures While You Walk.
Allen's Foot-Eafe is a certain cure for
hot, sweating, callous, and swollen, aching
feet. Sold byall Druggist. Priee 25c. Don't
accept any substitute. Trial package FREE.
Address Alien S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. Y.
Physician's Largs Fee.
The late Dr. James Gale, the famous
blind medical electrician, is said once
to have taken a fee of -50,000 ($250,
000), the largest ever paid for medi
cal electrical attendance.
Eczema, Heat Rash, and Scalp Affec
tions Afflict Different Members,
But Cuticura Cures Them.
"My wife had eczema for five or six
years. It was on her face and would
come and go. We thought we would
give the Cuticura Remedies a trial. We
did so and she has never had a sign of
eczema for four years. I myself used
Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment
some time ago for falling hair. I now
have a very heavy head of hair. We
used Cuticura Remedies for our baby,
who was nearly bald when young. She
has very nice hair now. She is very
fleshy, and we had so much trouble
with heat, that we - would bathe her
with Cuticura Soap and then apply
Cuticura Ointment, it would dry' the
heat up so. much quicker than any
thing else. Mr. H. B..Springmire, 323
So. Capitol Street, Iowa City, la., July
16, 1903, and-Sept 10, 1906."
When a woman pays a man a com
pliment she expects it .to be returned
with compound inteerst
While no woman is entirely free
from periodic suffering, it does not
seem to be the plan of nature that
women should suffer so severely. Ir
regularities and pain are positive
evidence that something is wrong
which should be set right or it will
lead to serious derangement of the
feminine organism.
Thousands of women, have
found relief from all periodic suf
fering by taking Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, which
is made from native roots and herbs,
aa it is the most thorough female
regulator Known to medical science.
It cures the condition which
causes so much discomfort and robs
that period of its terrors. Women who are troubled with painful or ir
regular functions should take immediate action to ward off the serions
consequences and be restored to health sad strength, by taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Miss Adelaide Nichols of 824 West29ad Street. New York Citv.
writes: Dear Mrs, Piakham:-"If women who suffer would only rely
quickly alleviated. .1 feel greatly indebted for the. relief aad health
which has been brought to me by your inestimable remedy."
Lydia E. Pinkhaurs Vegetable Compound cures Female Complaints
seen as cnuing ana uispiacemenis, aaaurganic Diseases. Headache,
General Debility, Indigestion, and invigorates the whole feminine
system. For the derangements of the Kidneys' of' either sex LytUm
B. JYanaa 's Vtgetakin Ctmpmmi is excellent.
Mrs. PfalcJiain's Stouidiiig Invitaftloii to Women
Women sofferlns; front nay form of female weakness are invited to
write Mim-Pmlcham, at Lyuu.hTaaa From ttoayBtoaaagiTeB, the trouble
may be located and the quickest and surest way. of recovery advised.
JaSauaatt-, "
uenanaaaauf" -t- "E-fBuansk
snnnaaaa-"-TTmM h
naaaaaac ,
vnaaaaauK . s
i aaaaaaaa r SnuauueuaaaauaBi. .a.
HBBBBBUssr aTVniRsVfijni 1
BSsaVS 'aJk2IBMnfiJ
Wm RowshADuafcsmjawNr
B Ji0atateKaBF
i Not Narcotic.
Bsbv 4BMaH"asBBneeBaBnBBBaBMB
nLwaV jffawi-
SK 2ajaaa I
a rulwaWCOanajawBSJrwBBT
SHBHsnaf MM uawlITur jnaar.
aawWal Ficasa. Sfnaae'sf
Bi tittfosz
Baact Copy of Wrapper.
C- t
a,wwiW""aaaal WwSaWawWaPaaBBBL J jk in
The fM Yn Itit
Bears the
W'iSf uV
mW M aV
Ah II m MM
'" sVlllf
Am Mfiw
as Am, aj a
H A. Uf
t ifv
-JaaVv Tp S
STA auala
For Over
Thirty Years
Hie BeaHh
at your famines brtnttatsos; oo
Fuse Food. When it comes to
Baksar Powder it means a saving
of heahhajK) motiertf Toouactbe
standard article of parity and effi
titaKv tbe wondeftal
An ajnwtutely pore baking powder
scientitsycombmed. -25 ounces
for 35 cents. Your grocer refunds
your money it you are not sat-
atfied. Don't accept a substi
tute! They are impure and a me
ace to health. AsktorKC,
Maquis mfc. oo.
la'haAr"'''' " 'S"-1 "'waJTjtL-
Jnelp lite Bone (2j5a
C No article Is more usefal VrauuflL
f aboat the stable than Mica TJVaSaaT
Axle Grease. Pat aUtueoa y IUV1
the spiadtes before you 'book: JmJm
P"-it win help the horse, and '.aSIX
triag uw load home quicker. fJSjfc
I sTkaaXle mi
Be amaaaaaraajvaBi annajanj
1 am aWr-oetter thaa aay
M ether grease. Coats the axle nSaafaWJ
f with hard, saioothritrCace of nsaaaasl
At powdered mica which tednces atsBatB
Tl nicUoa. Ask the dealer for knsnwS
Ia A 1fcAteGlse. aVawffsta
aawL. mKmkmmMkmtMMkmttkmi umnaBaV bbbbbbWJ
CSAS additioaal
send her absolutcrr
box ef Paxttae wiU
tions and geanine t
ju wag ana aaaress OB a po
of railway thai
? rear Bare opeaea ast a
arachr increased tem
tory to the progrejarae
farmers of WeMem
Caaada and the Go
eraaatat of the Dearie
ioa coatioaes to aive
SIXTY ACASS FKSE to every settler.
Coat, wood aad water ia abaadaace; churches
aad schools coareaieatr markets easy of aceaaat
taxes low; cliante tbe best in the noithmi tea
peratesoae. Law aad order preraHseverywhere.
For advice aad iaformatioa nUmi ta
unawa, fciiiMi, or aay aaxaortaea i
Gorerasarat Ageat.
r. Y. aONETT. Stl ftew Task life
To eonvtnaa aaw
woman that Tx
tiao AaUneptie win
iatproTe her bcalui
and do an m elaim
for It. Wm win
send ber absolutcrr free a large trial
box at PaxtfnA with nnnV fn?
Muu3 ana genome vesuBiOBiais. Bead
your name aad address en a postal card.
aad heals
a aa
,.. w . , ?
Srr Trmwa aasat csxarrn, aeine
catarrh and inflammation caused ibyferat.
nine ills; sore eyes, sore tbraat sad
atoutti, by direct loeallrestaeBtlts ear
atty power otct these troubles Is extra,
ordinary and gives Immediate relief.
Tbousaads Of womea ar twin J
eauBcadtos It eTery day. aa cents at
drnKgistsorbyBtatt. 1aaKBtw.lMweWr
gaaiwa SAfca
tira rum mairw aa
iiaaa m
rrPAava M
A Seuare Deal Sixteen ounces De
fiance Starch for lee - .-.
Ckwd, Hot or Cold Defiance Starch,
IS os. for lie.
raliata for foar years yoaoa aicn of good
c rmmtwr mtmwBi aaTaicaj eoaaiNOD ae-
waaa the agca of 17 aad A aa aapreaUea aea-
j"i vwpunawuaa ir aaTaaceaieni; aay
NtorAaaioata. Btectneiaai. autcalBista.
blacksmitat, eopperBltaa. yeowea (clerks).
aaraaaters. saiaauarm. an.iaa- mpu.
ata.. aanaeii at and rA nu. anii.rarf
la spaetal racjaca with aaitahla pay; hospital
asaraatieea IS to SI years. BetlreaMat oa
taraa-foartaa pay aad alkmsaeaa aftar a
yaanaarrlee. AppBeJatsaiaat aa aawrlcaa
jrimelotaJaeeatStfiwtoraeralts. TJaoa
Aaaaaiaa tyval aUowaaea 4 eaata par artle to
piaeeofoallstaMat. Soans foar aiaataa pay
inraHUi giiniiiu uaseaa a XJaaeia
oumnKB.neswn. aiso,canac
at Dtaltotaaaand SktozCUy. IowrAearcaa
aay i wLimmium aiiUH.r.v.Batla.SaUUU
KrlatK niBaf-
m avraaioa owautv. 1
ik. -
Eight DoflarsaDay
Are yoa honest, possessed of aa average ability,
wide-awake, aad ambitioas? If yon are. the above
aaaed ooaipeaaatioa at possible with ns. oa off
the oldest tasMations in this cooDtry- Abaolatafey
a straarat ; opt aasiaess propoaitioa. Write Boxaaf.
Oaiaaa. Nebraska.
ltayillaKJ striagtobayaBy-
m i!!,5T, advrtiawJm
f??" 0BRt tatat viag
what they ask for. lsfsiAg u suae?
tawa or isassSoas.
aUal UbUB'
W. N. U, OMAHA, HO, If, 1SS7.
A :
SJacWwat aawALawaAaa i.U
Irregulanly wbadineveiydepartiifei of life, in meals, in sleeping houis,
WeajeciaUy when it is a question of wonitiiTy habit Not only is it a sign of
female disease, but. unless cured, it will cause dangerous troubles. bfftijft of
the poisons thus allowed to remain in the system.
If you suffer in this way,! get a bottle of
of Cardui
QtFlA(a Wis., writes: "laaflered for foortena fl4 vesta with Irrera.
At last I triad CatoUaaiovlAmcaawi.' Ataloxiwists, artSl bottles.
,1WBTEIS AlHlg-JlgSuS-JBSpgg
NilraltiSiuh fcfW
saaa MwAchw Cbm C
- V
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' ji t. s
4-. .5'
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