Y " n l ".'. fy& ,r" -S5 .J- t-w - we ' . ivjT .-J"- h ' BnnBsnsnunnjBunnuuuujnjnJBjnnaBeBeeeeieeB- I -'-5 - ' 'if . ft-; X r J iI sn;; HENRY RAGATZ & GO. CHOICE JOCK1E5jv y7 HmBBBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBsT ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbw bbbbbbbbbbbb! "FORE WARNED" Is to be "f orearmeA" This forewarns all good people in town that there is a place where "best of all kinds of groceries" can be had, and money saved in buying them, SEE TTTA T : STOCK On our shelves? It's the stock of "best of all kinds of groceries" referred to. It's a saving of dollars when yon bay oar goods. Compare prices and see. HENRY RAGAH & Gl. THIRTEENTH ST, COLUMBUS, NEB. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. SHOES CLOTHING Gents9 Furnishing' Goods RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. FRISCHHOLZ BROS 405 11th Street, SPM IMS Let us build you one. We put nothing but the very best material mad workmanship in them. The prioe is right. Bring in your tools unoimplements to be sharpened and repaired now. It will save you time when the spring work up. We keep only the latest and best in qggits ri Carriagts All kinds of ..Fan Implements.. tyOnr Horseshoes stick and don't lame your horse try them. Louis Sckreiber. TIE lEMftl UT'L IUI. Catowkaa, Web.' Oar continuous growth as shows by our last published statement, is aa evidence that the service we accord oar patrons is satisfactory. Opea aa account with us and let as prove to you that "you made bo mistake by so doing. Oar aim m to pit IK sEHUUTl By their works ye shall know an want good Job printing, and adsngcallatthe Journal Mew imuwawawalnwala.. I anaviBBSBl III ' 'l lfc Columbus. MfflBOBHOQDMEWIMR okhoa. From the Tiaea. Charles Petersoa departed Wednesday for Los Angeles to attend the Shriaer meeting. Aftervieitins; points in Souths era California, he will take in 8aa Franciseo. Portland, Taooma, Vancouver Spokane, the National Park, retaraiag by the way of Ogdea aad Salt Lake City. Fred Hereon, who drew a qaarter section of land in the Rosebud lottery two years ago, sold lik claim for 12,400 aad is now running a restauraat in Barke Before singing the deed for the property, Mrs. Pierson demanded $1,000 of the sale money. She got it, and has erected a commodious home in Burke. The radical reformers of Soath Dakota got what they asked for and more too, when they asked the legislature to pass a more stringent law against gambling. The new law provides a fine of not less than $25 and up to $100 or imprisonmeat in the town or county jail not leas than thirty days, or both line aad imprison ment, for any person found guilty of playing cards for money or prises in pablio places or private houses. -r A citizen of Genoa, who was retarniag from O'Neil last 8unday, says that when the train stopped at Loretto, a small station north of Albion, a verdeat yoath about 18, 1 ding an awkward, freckled face girl wearing a misfit red skirt and a dirty waist, boarded the train. It was atterwatawi Jearaed that the couple had walked Jfcm Newman Grove the day prevfouwto get married, bat the justioe who had. been asked to tie the knot, for the goddaad sufficient reasons refused to perform the ceremony. Evi dently it was the frei time the would be bride-end grooslladeW beea inside of a railway eoaehaad the sctioaa of the girt soon attracted tha attention of. the other psamsgeisyaafl ia seemedatnck with the her good looks had created a Until the train reached Albion her month was very much-Jin. evidence. Her vo cabulary of valgariay was anlimited aad she had aboat aa much respect for com mon decency at a rteaivaa of' the red light district ia Omaha, v. Fknn the Leader. The aew Maaenia temale wired for electrmJighta'ta aatidpation thatGeaoawilr;hhva.van;'aleotrie light ometinm. s ' .The Indian band will give their concert at the Iadma sshool ontheeveaiagof May 17. Mr. full orchestra will have charge efeccoad park A disgraceful fight took " oi?fi; tixri - H1HM HtfhalfMStM4ayaitwfckk Manias! BisiwsThn Abroad board wm witnessed by lui Mrtr of taewaia wwi,w a bo aviaanMy nmnim vrouusn ho mmVhhi 'Km to, the awes- mwhw a eanala Miami wi pretty baslrjr tanv yogkidjby IjMWIMBHI . DOW aUWSOBn WU lyou ajjeavn. as tats ihbbb, I Isnt wssk I I Minorities have taken no atieav in re-1 ' gardtothe edthet will be fatMgfctiato police oottl town 8atarday aa old flint-look pistol whieh he plowed np last week on the Mja. Clarke farm.eastef town. It was partmly eaten up with met hat the Jmat still attached to the reumme. It is bably brought to this of the early is whe occupied these prairies ia long gone days. Who hnoweiUhhtory? It surely ami one and could it he written it might rival the most thrilliac tales of Uterature MOXBOC Iwa the tnrtllm, Isaiah Lightaerweat to. Friday to half yearly Mrs. Jane Williams left Monday for her home ia New York, aad will visit a few weeks. ia Wiecoasia euroute, Her aoa Ellis' aeoompaaied her as fares Colnmbns. Mr. aad Mm. Frank Bobley aad sea ofCeaterville,Ia, were gaeata at the home of E. A. GerrardaadW. overSaaday. They from a trip to the Paome coast. At the meeting of the New Hope Cemetery sseeoiatioa Taesday Arthur Watts was elected president Theas sociatioa will improve the cemstery aad esapioy a regular sextoa to look after it, levyiag aaaaseamseetoalot owaers to tthe The precipitation for April, 1907 has betm usually light, being 80 inches as compared with 130 last year. However, this veer there were three iaehes of in April, two iaehes oa the 17th aad inch on the 18th. The following notice of the death ,of Was. Gonard's father is taken from a Philadelphia paper: At Ocean CityJC. J 4th mouth, 7th. 1907, David. Conard, ia his 87th year. Belatives aad friends are iavited to attend the services, oa the evening of the OtiVat his late residence, at 8 o'clock P. H. Sarviess also at friends' Meeting House, Girard Aveane aad Seventeenth Street, Philadelphia, oa the 4th day. 10th, at 10 o'clock a. m. Intement private at West Laurel Hill. Thetrstday of May. tads but little plowing to be done yet for The spriag has tieen an for hones aad aad the farm teams are ia good sthe weather has heeaso cold this spring they did not-sweat aad had to keep going or freeze. Mr. Baker, 'on the David Thomas farm was the irst to begin planting corn, on Wednesday! BKU.WOOD Fro ttM OMette: Dr. Hansen left BeUwood last week for a visit ia California. Abraa new baby boy was bora to Mr. aadM&Frederichaoa Wednesday eve aiag. "Dad" Frederiehson now stops high. Mr. aad Mrs, DaaBarkey were made the happy parents of a brsa new baby girl on Friday last. Mrs. A Curtis sad two childrea visit ed at Oolnmbee Friday. Saturday aad Sunday with remtivea. Mrs. Royal Judeviae ia still confined to her bed chamber by illaem and dar ing the fore pert of thie week was very ill, bat ia aow resting eesier. Charley SaeMonis no better aad is also feed to his Several of the "pinched'' depositors ia the defunct Gould bank went np to David City last Saturday to see how. mach money was eoniiag to them, as a settlement is aow talked of. Aa near as we can learn the reoeiverhea oa head about 98800. Hto fee m receiver, is said to to98S00, leaving abalaneeof lam than ifio00to.be divided amoagst the suf ferers. While down on the valley Tuesday we learned that the survey una for the pro posed new railroad is about a mile and a half eeatof 8k Mary church aad that u effort ia being made by those living in that viciaity to have the road ektee to the oharch. or aa does as sible, with a view of atartingaaawtowa. which undoubtedly would be a "black eye" for BeUwood. The people dowa along the river road, near the John Van -dermulea resideaee arealeo talkugaew towaeaoold the road be builL After a while wa will have eomaay little "oae aorse' towns in Butler county that none of them will ever grow much larger thaaaesnehsnhoaas. A new town at St. Peteruehureh would also baa -black eye" far David Oty' but aiverthslem. let the good work go oai as the old asy lag is; "Competition is the life of trade.' Mr. aad .Mrs. Alfred J joising over the arrrvd et a baby gir 1 at Wa aotios w oar a aumber of towns are peealties to WV by JIM'S PI-AGE tf.,.2"tt.t? - sr4' - - J, b .- . .. kWvnViqeiinv-i taoso who engaged ia the eorap annisat affair and was pre- paasibly droppsd at ha mat tile fassaf thn.snvaga redmea Me ia hiiftsrmreesmtmssm "annflMuC BBnunuMafU nnV TaWnmasBsaanank ?P35-'v nanuunmammBBamr' thegeld wateh to, the theTraaklya Ctxwhieh held forth at the opera hones to Coram- baa Taesday after a alert vknt with ielaties hare aad on Wednesday left withhacfathar for Bed Lodge, Moat, where they will make their future home. R.H. Wood was taken to Columbus to and he was taken to Lincoln Wednesday where he will receive treatment far the "Died at the home of his eon Joseph, 4 mhes northeast of town at S o'clock Tuesday aftsrnooa Joseph Borer, aged wfllbahakl this at 9 o'doek at the St Mi. . H. C. a ia the building foremeriy by P. W. Pedeiaoa.' local ball snsgemsa there sign ed Boy Hunt to do the twirling this season aad he will arivo here May 10th. The doaatora to the base ball fund held'aaV election, for awaager lass week aad; -Lew Winkler was .'uaanimously elected. A verv-jrias seketion. ' Joseph Borer, and old resident of Plattecouaty, living four, and a half miles northeast of town, we taken with a stroke of paralysis Tuesday, while oat in the yaid and died before he could be tamed into the house. The deceased was aged 68 ysara, 10 months. The fun eral wm be held today from St Bernard Catholic church. HuldaK Johnson, aged 85 years, died at her home at Looking Glass, Tues day April 28, of pulmonary tuberoulosis, She ootracted a severe odd two years sgo from which she never recovered Dees seed was born In Illinois. She leaves to monra her death, a mother, a brother, Grant, and a sister, Mm. Fred Nordgrea. The funeral was held Friday afternoon from the Swedish Methodist church. Rev. Stromeberg the funeral sermon. flaxtb cram Mrs. waiiamNay came up fromColum bns met Saturday morning and visited with her aoa Robert and family until Sunday nooa. Miss Mamie Hays has been coniaed to her. home the past week by illaem, and her sister, Miss VelBe, w tstiag her place as clerk ia the poatomce. a J. Oerrig, with the usual aumber of helpers, started yesterday morning to drive hcattie,eosurmhundred red head,to his sunmer pasture near Gtear water. This is the latest ia the seeson that he has ever made this trip. Aad even now it ia doubtful if there ia auf ftokat gram in the pasture to feed the Last Friday Utile Susan, the 4 year old daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. P. F. Lnohringer(esmerajiaingtohBrBmmBia, screaming and saying that she had swallowed a pin. Mrs. Luchainger had been sewing aad the child, uaoticed. took a pin aad also gave onetoayounger child. It is act known how the pin was swallowed aad for a time the parents were very much alarmed. A phjrsician'a dviee was sought aad so far nothing serious has resulted. The child appears perfectly well and is at play the HUMPMKET From the Democrat C. J. Carig psssad through Humphrey yesterday afternoon with S56 head of eettlebewas taking to his reach Bear Osear Water, thie state, topasture thin Ralph Coolidge, the Colombas yonag who a few months ago had the mis- fortaae to fall under the ears and have both lunba out off, waa ia Humphrey Taesday lookiag over the new lusidence of P. X. McKillip witha view to building one like it in Odumbna. Mr. Coolidge has sicum! two cork limbs and hegeta siound about as well aa aiaay who are bleseed with the ' limbs that God gave Fred Holzeetdn, a young man who worked for different f aramra ia this part of theoountyfor tbVpaetyeeror so, died ia the Columbus hospital on Monday of last weak, where he had for medieal treatment The pie week he was around Humphrey ia n pitiful condition, and on being notified of the young, man'a condition Sapervie Schure decided to take him to Columbus at the ezpeaee of the country. The young maa waa without funds or friends hut it ia understood be has a brother Uvingu Kansas City. We understand the deoseeed was subject to epileptic fite whjoh oaused hie death. W. Wood, known to alnwst everyhoby in thie part of the county, until Monday a resident of Lindsay and at one time a iusMwnt of Humphrey, was takaato Liacou Taesday aad plseedia the say lam under the dhmtmmaiac law. This maa Wood issboat 'thV worst example ;ef kumaa depravity that has ever come to onjr notice. SmoeleaviagHusaphrey hehes visited here fretnenUy aad alway ia a enagnatihg drunken atate. Whan he did not have money with whieh to buy liqaorhe was known to drain empty lying in the back yards of His wKs died a year or aa ago. lanviBgtwoyosmggJria atthoamreyof WeooTs tar. ho abuld never be permitted to have the asylam at Taneela, unless it is to tnasssr him to the isaHaaliary far , - -i- 7" c. S&&&1&S2&&S ' HnntMMimnaM beiag forthevktue , we can thinkofno He is not fit with the nasnssins and other in ear nanitentaries. The daaghterof this degeaerstfd father waa ia Humphrey Wednesday with friends on her way-to St. Marya hospital at Odnmbaa where aba went, to receive nmamal treatment for unmentioneble abuses forced upon her by her father. The young man with the eyeglasses was of a methodical nature.' This, to gether with the additional fact that he had a deep Interest in the huffy haired young woman with blue eyes, forced a shocked exclamation from his lips, when she airily protested that she did tot keep an account of her ex peadlturee. . "What's the user she demanded. "I .always spend all the money I get hold of, anyway. When it's all gone I can't aee the good of being able to tell whether I spent it for chewing gam .or. improving Jlterature!" "I didn't know you were addicted to the gum habit,'' said the young man, sadly. The young woman looked hopeless for a second. "I never chewed 'gum in my life!" she said, coldly! "That that was Just an illustration. The young woman reflected a mo ment. "I did keep accounts once aad -Whafs the User they never would add np right," the said. "At the end of six months my account book told me that I had. spent 927fJ more than my allowance had been, so I quit It Isn't possible to spend money that you don't have, Is it? There- seemed to be something mysterious about the whole affair and I concluded It was all the fault of the account book. Since then I have had no trouble.' "I don't understand how it was pos sible," said tiie young man, consider ing this remarkable financial compli cation. "Perhaps you added wrong." 'The pretty girl shook her head. "Oh, my, no!" she said. "I couldn't, because I counted on my fingers. And it was an awful nuisance." "But," persisted the young man, 'it really Is -fine training. It well, It exercises one's mind. It teaches one to be exact and painstaking" "Gracious!" sighed the pretty girl. "I am sure that I took pains enough over those dreadful accounts and yet I don't see that It improved me at all! Why, if you could have seen me puxxllngover whether I ought to put down In my daily expense bill the goods I had charged which I would have to pay for later, anyway, and whether the 61 cento Clara borrowed of me downtown ought to be sub tracted from what I owed, you'd have been sorry for me. It always gave me a headache. And I didn't have any more money left than I 'did before I began keeping accounts!" "Possibly not," said the young man. "But that is hardly the point I am trying to make. It Is a check on one's expenditures to be able to look back and see what one's money has gone for." "Do you think so?" asked the pret ty girl, dubiously. "It never seemed to act that way with me. It never seemed to make a particle of differ ence that I had spent ten times what I should have for chocolates the month before if I happened to want some the next month. I wanted them exactly as much as it I had bought none for a year. And, of course, when I want a thing I get It" . "Da you?" Inquired the methodical yonag man la some alarm; "Suppose Just suppose, now, that you should marry a maa who who wasn't rich, you know. Suppose your allowance waa smaller than what you've had why, you couldn't buy everything you wanted without figuring to see if you could pay for it" The pretty girl regarded him cheer fully. "Oh, that would be all right" aha exclaimed. "I'm sure if I couldn' pay for it he would, you know. It would be awfully mean of him not to!" The young man looked at her des pairingly. She waa so pretty that his face softened in spite of himself. 'Ton 'don't know much about money, I think, do your' he asked, as If she were a child. "Well, I supose yon could learn, though." "Mercy!" aaM the young woman. "I think I know a lot! I. know enough not to keep accounts, anyhow. Then yon nee if I set into finaacfal dMcul tiee I don't know it It saves lota of "I don't know," sighed the methodi cal young man after a moment s re faction, "but that you are right! It's n new Men to me, though.' . . ... -. v . - k.X'roJ?'S& . iiw ' rjsrt- yirtj km.. Wheaahuman low that tehee ao regard ofamewadeoghtm plaee had enough for him. FEMININE FINANCE llmnnnvkkVX. noT 1 lSSwAll t m ' laW Our stock eoibodieB ilT of Style, Quality and. Finn, nttected with, tf Ima jKBibfecarw,aii popalariy priced. We anf aafe in predicting thatyon will find here the JeBt; vetoes. f - -' Dresser Special Made of filcctcd solid oak (when we s oak we mean oak) with three laifrooinyowera, 20x40 top and large French bevel mirror, an extra good value at - $8.50 , . RocKer Special. A largeahippment of Rockers placed on our floor at i special prices. Arm rockers . $1.65 tip. Come and make your selection while stock is complete. 413-416 Mt Etotrnta If you want a Spring Suit Out of the Ordinary In style, materials, workmanship and fit, at ft comsson-sence price, we can salt you petfectly. We would have you know that oar clothes are not only made to aell, bat Hade t Wear. If yon were to rip open the seams with a knife, you will find only the Highest elaflg f Ui,. llfil Urn mnnlKsV ag imf Bmninmf'smBfSBmnnT lIuaKL I 11lmF izUflwanrmnWuBB llnSlmunsm lEBlnnWKan"ll fW; CorrftitnTED 1306. DRANDEGEE. KVHCMOlVWOsft $12.50 to $30.00 In all the aew Hngle-breasted models with tw or three buttons set close, straight fir slightly rounded front, shaped back, with or without vent, creased side seams, lapels long and peaked, or semi-peaked, sleeves plain or finished with imitation cans doable breasted coats of similar fiuiah. Vests, single-breasted with or without collars. Troue ers with back or side buckles. Dlain or welted side seams. All hand tailored in fashionable gray and brown worsteds, cheviots and auneres, also b"lue and black suiting All the newest shades in brown, Derbies and soft hats $1.50 to $3.00 GREISEN BROS COLONIST RATES In Effect March 1st to April 30th Go the Mountain Way. Insist that your ticket reads via Colorado Midland Railway. THROUGH TOURIST eLff-W aftHnft $2230 (Above Bum apnlr Croat Mfasomi RiwreoaMou poiatoi eattof the river UshttraislMr.) Ask F. L. PKABOHB. General MORKLL LAW. General Agent, or joar ova local aseat on any nilreai, or . . SPEEslaV. Geaenl Peaeaaser Aseat, Denier. Colorado. Weary ef There Is some satisfaction hi ing you are riant, even If the worm does not recognize It," remarked the Idealist. "Not maen," answered young Mrs. Torkms. 1 can't help wishing Charley would bet on the horse that does wia instead of the one that ought to." waTwia "Ton are angry, "Hovel you know? Ton have just in. 1 atet your best f rtead leaving tne in a aew gV--5T that k flood in - - - - -t . .- j ., u from . LAN DON j - Sewiag Silkg, trimmings and workmanship, and be aatiafied that Haster-Tailars did indeed fashion the garments. It k oar constant endeavor to sell you the best clothes-Htke guaranteedlkiad that are made at moderate prices, and we are ever ready to prove that we've got them by the garments themeelve. Spring Sack Suit for Men and Young Men at I : OARS $25.00 $20.00 ifcaMmnsf tTsitsmi aaamsTveuio aaaunupai Aseat. 2 B. ltth US Bheidler BaOcHas; Citj. OOLUMBU8 MEAT MARKET We invite all who ehsire eheies steak, aad the very best cuts of all other meats -to call at our nMrsMtonUsvmrthsteset. We also beadle poultry and lah aad oysters ia seat on. Talsamone Mo.1. - Oslnmhna, Neb, iV.Vfj J .-,- ,-rfe .-.-...i-v. !;,A.,U-itJ ! M