The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 08, 1907, Image 1

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OmiMlidktad with the Oolmnbo. Tlm April 1, 19H; with the gialte OiWM Jmm.I. !
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5fmtf?lil 3
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iV- '"V 5g.S2?vr. :LSs2&lX.
'-. ,mM
lr,mBr Jr
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H HI 'I I H7 &'! 1 lr'l BBV BBV I "bbVbw fl I"" I oB
- m
if i
i? i
If -
. Mr -
- :clr -
'" ""
z MMmMtMKjjjii
Dr. J. W. Term
RrstEiiippe Optical (MlicM
t liTke West
X in the front rooma Pollock
f A Co Drug Store. Will be m
f Cohuabos offices Sunday, on-
X day, Tuesday and Wednesday of
. each week. - Spectacles and eye-
I Aaaes scientifically fitted and
I repaired. Eye Glasees adjnsted
f to any nose.
, 85
..$5 80 to 5 90
Files of The Journal June 5, 1872.
Thanks to H. J. Hudson for a copy of
tbe laws passed at the eighth (adjourn
ed) session of tbe Legislative Assembly
of tbe state. The most imortaat acts of
a general aatmre are: for ezteBding the
time for the payment of interest os notes
given for theparehsas of school lands;
for providing for the revision and com
pilation of the laws of tbe State; for
"eaeoarasiag. developing and pro-
mulntwtr the aaxirultaral resources of
the soil of Nebraska;" for tbe location
of a state road from Lincoln via Ulysses
and Osceola to Lone Tree. Tbevolame
stoo contains a rssolntion and men orial
to congress asking oar congressmen to
secure the early enactment of a law re
qairing railroads to take oat patents for
lands owned by them in this state " The
pamphlet contains bat thirty pages, and
askss no very important changes in the
laws ss bsre-tofore pablisbed.
A train consisting of seven immigrant
wagons passed through town on Tues
day. And still they come, and wiU
eome,morsaad more, as tbe years roll
round, aad our splendid farming and
bmaaess facilities become bettor known,
nntil, in all tbe wide state, not a sec
tion of land will remain anoeenpied.
Let them come. Do everything inyonr
power to bringthem here. Send letters,
send BSBers. send circulars, eead pam
phlets and maps, more than all give them
aa encouraging words before they arrive
nnd afterwords them with that feeling
wkMb tabors of tne knowledge that
with immigration comes prosperty, and
material, social, intellectual wealth, to
oar great state. Let them find a hearty
welcome aad friendly faces and heipiag
hands in every oommaaity. Friend
ship formed ander each circumstances
areendariag, and favors extended in
times of need are rarely, if ever, forgot-
There are many facts that "old
can communicate to "new
that would be of immense val-
to them. How to farm our soil;
what partionlar cropesnd industries
have been found most sure nnd remun
erative; how to invent money to the best
advantage, nnd n thousand other goods
things that the good practical, exper
ienced farmer or dealer will readily
think of, which, if tbe main facts are
commuaicatedto the inexperienced, msy
save them hundreds of dollars, nnd re
lei ve them from many anxious forebod
iagsi Thia none of those iastsnors
where giving does not improverishthe
' Dr. NanmaaB, Dentist 13 St.
Dr. W. H. Slater, veteriaariaa, phone
Vim H-cel MeKelvev snent Sunday
in Fremont visiting relatives and frieads.
Joe Stovieek spent Sunday m Platte
Oenter, visiting friends and while there
nttenned a very interestiBg base bsll
WiU Boettcher of Grand Island narived
in thia eity Moaday for a few days visit
with hia narenta Mr. and Mm. Carl
i Gertrude nnd LeU Osnfield of
Humphrey visited friends in this city
Saturday eoming here to attend tbe
David 8ehunbnch, left Friday eveaiag
for Switzerland where he has gone to
in-fr -fir business sf sirs. He
a. to be absent for some time.
Mhnj LillieBagatz, who baa basa quite
iek for the past two mouths baa re-
positioa aa bookkeeper in
Bagatr Store much emproved.
0-aiHwll who
Brought before the laannity
Dr. Laisehw Oeomlit and i
The Jaaraal ads pay coo&rataraa.
Save yonr i
Dr. O. A. AUaahnxgar,
Dr. D. T. Marty. Jr.,
Wedding rings and Ufhelaas javalry
at CarlFroaMl'liEIaTenth strew. -
if n. A. M. MahaflcT who has hsen
quite iU the part aaonth is wtpronnf
Inra Miller want to Albion
Tnssday to speed a cosple of weeks with
A 10 noand bov arrived at the home
of Mr. aad Mrs. Ross Wastcott last Satar
day eveaiag May 4.
Mia. Arliae Anson who baa been visit
ing relatives hare returned to her home
is Craston Monday.
Lonie aad Henry Barjeabrneh of the
Leigh neighborhood were Oolumbns
vMtora last Saturday.
Gall and see our new stack of wall
paper ia the Marray bafldiag.on wast
Thirteenth street. Mills A Kavaaaaga.
rIuie8chroeder has been is the city
the nast week visiting among friends.
ratamiagto his home ia Omaha Monday.
O. O. Haply has the Contract to bnfld
a seat cottage on 12th and Grover Street,
to be ooenpied by Jos Nelson and
Attorney John C Martin of Central
City spent Tuesday and Wednesday of
last week ia this city attesdiag to sease
important bananas
Mm. Dan Brav.livine one mile
halt north west of this city has
qnite tick forth past two months, bat
u improving slowly at this writing.
Friday evening, Miss Elms Braagsr,
who is attending the University at
Lincoln arrived in this eity to spend
Sunday with her relatives and
aad retained to her stadias
Sanday afternoon, Mia. Gns StoU
vited a joUy little crowd af
to her home to help her son Willie
brate his eleventh birthday.' Alamah
i the afteraosn, aftor their: re
spective homes.
Mr. L.L.Gray's hoasshold faraitare
shinned to North Flatta Saturday.
where the family will go to make their
fnturehome. Mr. Gray has pnrchaaed
a fine farm not far from this city, and
goes there to look attar the entrant ofj
his land.
The last asssmblydnnee was heldia
the Mannerchor hall, Saturday LiiiasagJ
Twenty-five or Twenty-sac eouphw.s)miSV
present. Mies Eater Reasiter whe.haa
given a aeries of Dancing lessons folksr-
ed by aa eassmbly after each lessen
to be much pleased with the ouft-
r-'.i I
The Park aseat market changed
shin one day last week
Bturak sold bis iatrests in the finn.of
Sturek nnd Korgi to Frank Yakutsk.
The new firm will be known as Vsloesr
and Korgie, nnd will eontinue to serv
the public in th same oordial manner as
The relatives of Miss Mae Reed gath
ered at her bom on mil north of the
city, Sanday to help her celebrate .her
twentieth birthday. Aa elaborate dln
aer was served, while the dsy waa spout
very pleaseatly, aad late ia the evening
the guests wished the young lad'mhny
such birthdays nnd departed OLfcajr
K-nai " . mV
'Bmp i t
Friday evening at her
street. Miss Margurett Beclis wej
pleasantly surprised by u nnmberbt her
friends to neip ner ceteorate aer esgus
en birthday. Befrashmsato were served
nt a late hour. Progressive high-five
was the chief amussmsu. The Royal
prizes were won by Louise Marty aad
Mr. Foster, while the booby prise was
presented to John Stovieek.
Aaewtuaaeard want into effect on
the Union Pacific Monday, the principal
chauae beiag aaadeia th braaefe traiaa,
the Norfolk freight aad the Spalding
puBBsagerand freight leaviag aa hour
earlier, and arriving that mach earlier.
TheLoaAagalee lisaited, anmber 7 aad
8. which were takeaoaT some time ago.
have been put on again.
wast also arrives fiftssa
J. C Tiffany, the effkteut
pnatmaster of Celnmbns, left
for Wvoasinrou a leave of
months to prove up on hi valuable nlahu
air. Tiffaayuoloss attention to the duties
of the osaoe and his uniform eaVrta to
plssaetlmpnbb have jnstty made him'
vary popular with everybody. We wish
him luck in his new
win he the
aadahewiUworthfly aadaitisfaatorily
au tan awes ana muy dmtrves tae pro-
. Mr.-taney, themaiHsg clerk,
uafromn$so9ckMtoal8IO oaa.
aad he is happy. John Grafa salary
w91 bermeedjalyl from taw to
The loan! from
BOB Of Six
ax Miaa
olerk ia theOelamhus post sanoa ate "MssOs.
aged nmuae. sahwjaf9JauaadBTalatmwstBauiae F. K. ntrataar has moved iato th
uniai by hia aadtssnhiutBofPnstmsslir aaamr he rstauanmii.aM property, whiah ho
wessaatotaa will ha attentive aad obliging to all rseeatiy nnliiii. aad feraMrrvae.
ilCJtyBilsril. pstrissof ttoesaea. -
Schnjkris probably to have a small
bx epidemie and indaad hi win be a
sttajriasif that dreaded disssss doss not
s general bars, the way it nan
spread through carelessness of onr
pis. First Albert Lammertcaj
fromSoath Omaha sink and
pliysician wnsasllsd who nronoanosdit
small-pox and aaaraatined the family.
bataottitthe had bean aronnd the town.
M. D. McKsnsie was next taken with it.
Than down along the Batter county
feanawhotoleiofitwaadmosvatad. Is
the J.W. Sutherland family asou had
hail it and was up and ntound again and
now his nereats are down with it. A
nan in the family of Oharles Meatasr has
aVand Dorothy Young has it also. City
aaa Corbin was prompt in hw
work whsaonee he got onto the cae aad
quarantined the Satberiaad. Young
nava Meatasr homes, but not untU others
were expessd. 8chool chUdren have
been ezaossd and gone on to school nnd
ifUMrekaotageaeralspread ofamall-
it wiU be a wonder. Dr. Corbin
that these Butler county cases did
not eome froayonag Lammert. Free
Whih) Joseph Pechota, section fore
asaiant nsvans, aad two of his men were
ia Silver Orsak for sappties Monday
nisht, the 1Mb, two young man, evident
lyonry Htsachng to practice a little joke
on Mr. Paehota, nlacad two pieoss of
iron oaths main Use track a few rods
wast of where Mr. Feehota's hand ear
stood, which was shortly afterward ran
over by the car on hie return to Havana,
and' of coarse at once removed. t
Union Pacific, however, regards such
which might have cost the ds-
rof Kfs and property had aot
the faithful section foreman shortly re
turned aad removed tto danger. There
fofaUpsrsonsare hereby waned that it
is a penitentiary offenasto place nay ob
straotiohs whatever upon the tracks of
any railroad in opsratioa in the state of
Nshrasrs.sadthatif death aaoam re
sult to any person by leasoa of such
"- a ehana of murder in the
first degree would be placed agsiset the
guilty parson. Lot us hope, ahtrafnre,
that there will-be no repetition of the
in the future. Silver Creek Saad.
At the coming State Fab?, the first
waskiu8atambar, there will be anew
alaaanaliialiiiii for Oauaty Collective Kx-
Th state has basa divided mto
dtrieta, the aastorn being th
ooaaties lying east of the west Ha of
Km Pieres. Madiaoa, Colfax, Butler,
Seward. Saline aad JeaTsrsoa counties.
The Central being Ike eounUes Jyiag
west of said line nnd east of the west
line of Boyd, Holt, Garfield, Ouster,
Dawaoa. Frontier aad Bed Willow
counties aad the Western being all the
na-ti-- lvins? want nf said Unas Twentv-
JhfeHaadfad DoUsrs m set apart for
1frpiii-B AU exhibits to partioipaU
sawaeat of th highest score ia their
navicular district, by Beam Score Card.
fiwjdubita sooriag shove sixty per cent,
waftvartieinat equally ia 1141UUU(be
iatOpercentoftWaoOXaadiB $940.
pro-rata, according to th number of
atoata above the minimum. In addition
ttfmboTe, $50.00 will be awarded to each
exhibit eooriag th highest in its dis
ttttL Tannsrttr county is allowed to
exhibit under n handicap of 100 points.
WMmss Tsaiia nrifntfinasifr la super
iahshdentot thia department.
)'.JH acoordauce with the universally
isaurnhTed fact that th amaanoent
feature playa quite a asajorpart ia the
auaeral success of a law, aad that new
ajeaovel attiactioasahonld be provided
iorth patrons, th Managers of the
nuateFair havedossda contraot with
f atrias J.Strobel, of Toledo, Ohio, who,
amye tne reuremens or noy ausnenaaae,
huioknowledge to he the world'a pre
uBur aarahip amaipalator, for nuking
daily fights at th Fair Grounds, Ian.
eoln, Sept. find to 0th. Mr. Strobsl de
lighted thousands nt the St. Louis and
Portland lqoaitions, and at th Iowa
State Fair last year aad will come direct
itat tbe
Louis Schwarts, a
absr of
hoard of aaaerviaers of Platte
waa in town yasterdsy. He 1
visitingrelatives near Chapman, and
ssopped hare to look up the agreement
between thia county aad the Union
Pacific, pertaiaiag to the public road
along the oompanyu right of way
thorough the county. In Platte county
the railroad put the road along its right-
of-way out of oomiisaioa y digging it
away to obtaia dirt for building the
grade of the doubm track -Central City
May ia oat of th
-for Nebraska, vetmst Friday
May 3, paeple awoke to find the ground
eovered wkb almost aa lnoa of the
benutifalsnow. It did aot last
as by aeon oaly a few
by the cold
MmsLasfis Gray baa resigned
psuttion asaJght aparatar foe the Neb
Baka TsasBkons Co. and, will' leave
ffifit, V '" " "T. "-"
eapiedby M. A. Ohvka,
MF T..n.Lra.W JorarionoltnisaremnotahU MW
WrororifWkyo Wuty. For that nnosaU aomsdnml M
fy which strscht to proJocts made ,- W
W Iqr artists who work ysnmV B
ami - mmmm a AaswaswnennK nnnmnnnnnnnnnnnnn uwal
U fMSUBdcr eondrhens f fSlPra 'numnunuuTanl 11
l afrV fusjosa snal who take B ElnnnnwH 1
. mv unn LBnnnnnnTan unl - - - - - u. saBUnw tyAUuBBBBBBBBBBBAT MB
I ' VJMMWkM Ha .-J w euswavPiBse WSmMW M I
IrH nwMaT. mWmLmW J ' I
lmvlMamiB J. NUWOHNEBHKHrajl
VSI :. ur" MMwmMmsMMmMiwi
Wr-'-WfTSm JM -nV it vnnullnumBMff fi
n WsE.a'TAM-mnnnT unannnnnW. v-Vaunnnnnnnnnni j wBmnnnnunv v' vilVsmWsnlmwnuunnnuVBnnnnnnnnw m am
Hnvnsrmnnnnnnnnnn1hm ffl
IU" snad&XaLMunnnnnnnnnK A.amil f
ILauh, nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnuaBBBBm aKyft MMmlM
wMmwMf B'B flSv AuBh. Af'JunahaBBnun vmf
""nlaMsnnnnBnnnwMBWaBPBSi, mmurr
. .
Dr. Mark ;T. htoMahnn. daumsl '1 Special oandy sale
G. B. Prieb, painting and paper knag
Ask for
eoapona in all pspart-
has completed a
Andrew Erb, who
of school aesr
ClarksNebr.,retaraedtotbis city Fri
day eveaing, to speed his vacation with
relatives and friends. "
R.& Palmer th tailor, cleans, dyes
aad repairs Lsdie's and Gents' olothiag.
Hate cteaaad and repkwked. Battoaa
made to order. Agent Germania Dye
Worka. Nebraska .phoaes:
Flu 8eaji-Poresaaia, dainty ;,decora
tioa to be given away witb every cash
sal. Save your aouposn.-Galley's dry
goods atom,
WANTED: Fnfnished room dose in
tobueinesB portkm l Address, at once,
O. P. B. Williams Deputy Revenue Col
lector, eare Meridian HoteL
John Graf made a trip to Albion Moa
day moraiag as mail clerk on the Albion,
the regular clerk, Martin Pedersoa, be
ing compelled to lay off oa account of
the serious illness of bis infant sou.
The Bona building, formerly occupied
by Miss Kelso's LUnery store has basa
rented to two Greeks from Lincoln, who
will put in a eaady auaafaotory aad
also a retail store. The building wilt be
pattereaaUsem for;ecpeacy at
Otto Rudst underwent an
Saturday, at th home of hia brother
Frank Bodat oa oast 11th Street, for a
growth ia his throat. He ia getting
slong nicely aad was able to be taken to
hia home five miles south wast of this
city Monday afternoon.
TheaewY.M. a A. budding will be
located on the Millett corner, Fourteenth
and N. that beiag the site selection by
the committee having the matter ia
charge. Now that the location has bees
sattled, plaas will be sscursd at ones,
sad preparations made to begin work.
Mm. & J. G. Irwia of Creigton died at
her hoaw Tuesday morning. Mrs. Irwia
is a daughter, of G. W. EUstoa of this
city and was for many years n resident
of Platteoounty. Mr.Irwinisunephew
of J. H. Galley, who went to Creightoo
to attend the funeral, which will be
held Friday afternoon ntS o'clock.
Mm J. A. Berkley and two ckildren
arrived Monday evenig from Port
Elixabeth, South Africa, for an extended
visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lender Gerrard. Mrs. Berkley left
Sontk Africa March 80, and arrived in
Loudon, April 1. Mr. and Mrs. Berkley
haveheenin South Africa for the last
five years, where Mr. Berkley has been
constructing electric lines for aa Eaglish
Decorated table war free, we give it
with all cash sales. 8aveyour ooupona.
Galley's dry goods store.
The county jail will he the head quart
ers for some time of a colored maa earned
Fan! Linrod who waa found guilty of
petty larceny, Thursday by Judge Batter
man nnd fined ten dollars and costs
which amounted to nearly fifty dollars.
He waa aosuaed of steeling 9UFJ6 from a
lady passenger on on of the Pullman
Can which passed through thia city
Saturday. Until recently Paul Liarod
was employed aa porter on Uaioa Pacific
train No. 3.
The aaaual meeting of theColumtrae
Lead, Loaa aad Building ssnocistioa
waa held Tuesday evening, nnd the
fallowing ofitoara elected: C.L. Lund,
president; G. A. Scott, rice pressdeat;
G. G. Bencher, treasurer; H. Hooken
berger, treasurer. Some1 importaat
aaseadassuts: to 'th constitution were
adopted, i the principal oae hateg the
eapitaf stock from $50000 to tLOOO.OOO.
--i- r
coupon with
every 35s 'cash pur-
I Wall Paper
J ; lye Woodman Linseed
UilAnd best uonse and
Barn Paint at
t .
arrif Shfist
t nnw Ann
Adiaaer set absolately free.-Galley's
dry goods store.
Geo Lswis baa been quite sick the past
and it wfeared he has apendicitm.
- The Grand Leader has decided to seU
oat tasir satire stock and quit business.
Mrs. Charles Hester, of Silver Creek is
visiting at the horn of Mrand Mrs. Ben
Mr. and Mrs. E. Bergman of Schuy
ler were culling on their friends in thia
ity Tuesday. ,
Mm. Pollock who baa been quite sick
for th past tww week is much improved
at thia writing.
Bav. B. Ifamarker returned from
Hooper Toesdsy where he has been at
tending a buaisees meeting.
Attorneys a J. Phelps sad J. A. Grim
isou of .Schuyler war ia thia city Mon
day attending to seme legal business.
George Turner, who ia employed in
th Jouraal onto, wait to Omaha Mon
day where he was called on business.
Friday evening Miss Edith Weaver of
8ehuyler arrived ia this city to spend a
few days with relatives and friends.
Mm Dr. N.Matsea who underwent an
operation at TiWeu a week or two ago is
improving quite rapidly and ia expected
in a weak or two.
Miss Althea. Clay tea, wno baa been
visiting friends' in 'this city for th past"
aw days retnraed to her horn la
Schuyler Monday.
Mm John Bosch and Mrs. Henry
King of Schuyler were tbe guests of. Mr
and Mis. Albert King and family Wed
nesday. .
Mr. Jacob Lewie, who several weeks
agosufferedastrokeof bis
reacknee southeast of the city, is mach
Joe Smith who baa been suffering
from n stroke of paralysis 'for the part
-oath -trM-ln-Msv and some hone is
entertained for his recovery.
Mr. Garner, father of tbe late Mm
Arthur Weetcott left Monday afternoon
for am home ia Allegheny Pa.. Mm
n.p-r will HMnaiH for the present with
the family of Bev. Weetcott.
Mr. Joe Bay sad family have moved
into the residence on ttenth street re
cently vacated by Mr. W. L. Rowley who
with his family have gone to York to
mske their future home.
Mm J. J. Coffrothof Pittsburg Pa
arrived in this city Saturday evening,
and is the guest of her sister Mm L. W.
Weaver. Sh is on her way to visit ner
parents, Mr. nnd Mm Sohrack who lives
in Seattle Washington. Mm Uoffrotn
is well known in Columbus, especially
among th old settlers, for twenty-six
ysara ago she with her husband J. J.
Colt roth now deceased, lived in this city.
Mr.Coffroth at thia time was editor of
what is now tbe Telegram and when it
aaooeeded the Era gave the paper iU
present name.
The nlav of "Julius Caesar in which
CharlasB .Hanford will appear at the
North open house oa Tuesday May 14
ia one which presents such n variety of
opportunities that every legitimate act
or finds in it a stellar part. Some of the
great players select the role of "Brutus"
setae one best calculated to display
their nowem Others choose the more
subtly sad intellectual "Cssaius" Char
les B. Haaford makes the eloquent
Mare Antonv" the central figure.
Several reasons led Mr. Hanford to that
choice. When he played the part with
the Booth-Barrett combination hesoor
ad aa instantaneous hit. When he de
cided to engage in n starring tour be
was olossly indentified with the pert in
th publio mind. To have eelected
either of th other roles would have
basa to challenge bomparison with two
man whose areataess made them incom
parable aad it would also have compell
ed another player to assume tbe part
with- whkh Mr. Hanford aad beoome
brilliantly idauiged. Fortunately, for
Mr. Haaford. determination "Mare
Aatoap,,ia th sympathetic hero of the
play. Hm personal grace, nia loyni ax-
fectioatothe memory oc a oeao rnena,
his impetuous yet well directed eloquen
ce all combine to nuke him the idol oi
the nwdern multitude as he was of the
poflanoe ia Rome. The priacipal
femieiae rate "Portia" will be assumed
by Mb Maris Drafaah who basso Wag
n esBsfseaoas favorite ia tan una-
lter wants, MsridisB hotsL
Bra. Paul aad Mshiss, Dsntishi
tromanattact of the Grippe ia
to her roam for the past meuU ia
a better at this wntiag.
L. Lvone aad Mas, Diaeen dt
Madison sneat Sunday in ihiaeity vinhV
ing relatives aad frisads.
If younrelookmg far bargsias attend
the big olesing out sal aft th Gmnd
r, 11th st Coin
F. W. PetacsoB aad A. O. CUag of
Madison were ia this city Tannuay at
tending to
Mm W.H.Ford; of Omaha has
the past week viaitiag at th bom
her sister Mm J
Mian Gertrude Jaeggi. who has
the past two weeks viaitiag ii
returned to her hosa Tuesday
Mm M. T. MeMaaoa who has
critioaUyill for sobm
bo better at this writiag.
B. H.Keller and Chris Karlin left for
Oklahoma Tuesday, the former going to
Oklahoma City and the Utter to El Banc,
They made th trip over the Burliagtoau
Miss Augusta Eauffssaaa aad Mm
WiU Hagel left Tuesday moraiag for
Bed Lodge. Moat, where they wfll visit
far about three mouths. Thar ware
accompanied by Miss Dssgaa, who has
been vieitisg here for om time,
home is in Bed Lodge.
day moraiag ia the Presbyterian
age. Report of committee oa local
oaarities was adopted aooordiag to which
th eity is divided into five districts: 1
south of railroad aad seat of L street, 2
south of raildroad and west of L street,
3westoftheMerediaB, 4 aorth of rail
road between Meredian and O streets, 5
north of railroad aad oast of O. street
Theorgaaization ia to be composed of
tbe members of the Ministerial Aasooia
tioa and on lay member from each
church, who shall represent the orgsaisa-
tioa in tae several districts, sadr oa of
whom shall be treasurer. It shall be
the duty of the district workers to look
up thaeedy cases aad report same to
treasurer, also to oolleet available sup
plies fat th several districto. . Th
Bevs. DeWoH, Maaro, Hayes, aad
Ulmer were present at the meeting. Th
following lusolatioa waa adopted:
a Where aa a crest sorrow has com to
our brother. Dr. A. J. Weetcott, in the
departure from this life of hia beloved
and faithful wife, resolved that we, th
members of the Columbus Ministerial
Association, 'do extend to him our
brotherly nnd heartfelt sympathy assur
ing him of our earnest prayers in his own
behalf and that of bis motherless chUd
ren, commending them to the tender eare
nnd keeping of oar Heavenly Father aad
tbe comfort of tae Great Oomforter."
E. J. Ulmer, Secretary.
t 1907.
A period of 11 yearn intervening, in
which good crops aad high prices hav
produced an era of prosperity neyer be
fore known in the history of th U. &
And the question of to-day, is. Are w
entering another year of gooda crops?
Will prices continue as high as ia the
precediag years? If so, we hav aothnig
to fear, no csuse to worry. But if the
statement of the chief of the weather
bureau ia correct (and why should we
question it) the of wet seasons sad per
iods of drougths, follow each other ia
cycles, and having 11 years of moisture
plenty why should we aot expect a re
turn of the dry season?
An evideac that people expect a
change is crop yields nnd times of the
cast, is, that MbusinesB men" sad -farm-
era'' are buying Navada Mining stock sa
as protection against short crops.
Oae purchaser ' statiag, that, aa be
tween "the crop prospect this year" aad
"Nevada etook2'! he would take the
stocks, aaia his judgment it offered s
a more sure and possible burger return
than the crop prospect of 1907, where
the buyer waa offered aa honest pro
position in which the Taker" waa elim
inated aad the money used in honest
I hav used both time aad money in
obtaining information relative to the
stocks I offer th publio sad sat coaffd
ant that in presenting the Nevada Pearl
to tbe investor, I am offering him n stock
that will being quick and large returae,
and that it iea workisg corporatioa,
honestly and conservatively msaaged
aad located in the Bonanza district of
as rapidly us men and money wfll drive
them, oae being nt this date over 300
feet deep aad now approaehiag the sul
phide son sad liable to strike bouaaaa
oss at uayttasawhea the stock will at
oacebeteaaa off th market aad thia
umge be gone.
Stocks rapidly mount th Dollar mark
after the high grade or if fouBdaadthe
rate efUofdaeld stocks w, tBey do aot
atop at 11,80 hat keep oneiimhiag.
What bet tor ptoteotieu agmast a short
1000 shares of Nevada
Pearl, I have a few thoassud shares far
id they go at 25 ete sa leeg as they
Call at
IS, German National
Bank aad at
and at the
the maps of the Distriet
favorable loeation of this
The .
Best Padnt
' to use -
Stawii - Wlwiis
Pollock & Go.
Oa tJM
IswBaw naj 111 llgapjl awl
FraakaiichBlzstertedBaiaurB plant
part at th esuaty
Fraak Hihuar was a eallarat th aoas
ofMr.aadMm Fred
aoviag a large
In honor of her tweaty-t hard birthday,
tlu young friends di Maw
skrht. BatrsshuMateaadi
thsordsr of th evaniag,
oa taeoatsjde. Awovaawhwfs
wfll be placed srouad the i
Themsil carrier discover
mvsterious traeha aad a well
trackarouadaeertatenMulbox, aad it
is said they were placed there Qua nay
night after church, but no body
to know just how. Perhaps th
donate lata wire
plaia,cr perhaps they are just tracks ef
a Teddy bear.
Bora,OB Friday, May S, to Dr. aad
Yiaitour store. We will be
to shew you thia ksndiss
Gelleya dry goods store.
Oa Friday aadSatarday we will cut
aad eerve at oar grocery
the beet brands of vegetables
ever pat ia ease. A eoraial iavttatioB
is extended to all to teat th quality af
our goads at this deaaoaotistioa. You
are under ao obbigatioa to laav aa or
der. We want yen to see sad test the
Moaday eveuiag th board of educatiea
elected aU the present teachers for th
coming year ss follows: L H. BritelL.
E. J. Huntemaa,Estella Boss, Emily A.
Aston. Hulde Malar. Jalia Bedmere,
LaaraDarrow, Sarah A. Briadwy, Oaira
ar Moaday.
Pstsr ffrhmitt lsartad a ear at flour fiar
Miltaai MUl-r ma vmkhaw friaa-m in
whose Miss Mary Wiwss hi visstiug lala-
metMon- . ru. - - - -----
a the west part at t
1 ftV
aw wwsa.
aFer6naad8eefsldwas ealled te
Frassoatto the hudsid of her mother
who is reported sa beiag very seek with
Bnaumouin. . A teleathouo Baesssaw Tues
day moraiag reported bar sa lasting
Jacobsoa, Ida Thompson, Elba Bnesnss,
EsteUn Mace. Ruby Binkley, Ida Khuf
mann, Bertha Schuphach, Iasa E. Nash, a
Lida Turner, Arviaa Luera, Aaaa H.
at a salsry offices year.
orator for thai year. Thooasceraof th
board un Hsurr Luhknr.nrasidsat; W.
A McAllister, vkBcanWnt;M
S 1 Whenever dasiring iavastesaat m
Sortowa lota, it will be -to your I
teteresttoeoneuHoux hma. W
w usjonav savurui goon
a . . . - .
Hockenbergei' k
Becher. X
5 Hqckiberger k
2 Ohovmben S
In, nt rinl-M-M- mmA it -rill
I pay yon to cense aad eeeunbefstw
completing tout misngt meats
Money te loaa ia say smsuat oa
abort aetiee.
tFire, Toraado aad AsaJdaat
- iMBurauoa.
S-Lam-wB-VMaaj-aiaajaxA uu m
CfteumbWE. I
aW .aaa
vr V .
"" .L .'w rAl ii fcr!k?S::
-. sf -
j-m j m , 'vwrfl.i :-?wj-.-'Ta'-
.C . vZ yjH&&-cr : V -v - -
isc' aiA,t.-i .. ri--fcir,j