The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 01, 1907, Image 7

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, . -r. yr Jf r s i j,. -- r " fc k -'kX' - i J--
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Pe-ru-na Relieves
Spring Catarrh,
..:. snsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnUB
. r. kv anSBBBBUBnSne-: : : :w-X'FyMUU&-
; y t :7?SSnUBnBnBnsS3&-. --:-::-:-"--:: ft :: :3SUK
' ?x BUUUnsnsnUJH$Ka,zAx
"Without hesitation I write to thank
you for the great relief I haz-e found in
your valuable medicine, Feruna, and
rvill call the attention of all my friends
suffering with catarrh to that fact. Be'
sides cheerfully recommend it to all suf
fering with catarrh in any form.1"
Miss Dora J fay den, Sig 6th St. S. W.,
Washington, D. C.
A Cmc of Sarin. Catarrh.
Mrs. N. P- Lawler, 423K N.Broadway,
Pittsburg, Kas., writes: 4 'Last spring I
caught a severe cold, which developed
into a serions case of catarrh. I felt
weak and sick, and could neither eat
nor sleep well.
"A member of our club who had bees
cured of catarrh through the use of Pe
runa advised me to try it, and I did so
at once. I expected help, but nothing
like the wonderful change for the better
I observed almost as soon as I started
taking it. In three days 1 felt much
better, and within two weeks I was in
fine health. Peruna is a wonderful
No Doubt the Policeman Understood
What He Meant.
W. H. Mallock, the well-known
English writer and political economist,
said at a dinner in New York, apropos
of a new definition of socialism: "I
find that definition rather confusing.
It reminds me of the young Oxford
student's badinage with the police
man. 'Officer. said the youth late one
night. 'I'd like to ask you a question.'
"Very well, sir. ,
"'Does the law permit me to call
you an ass?'
" 'You move on, the officer growled.
"'But stop a bit.' continued the
youth. 'Does the law permit me to
call an ass a policeman?'
"'The law dont say nothing about
that.' was the gruff reply.
" 'Then,' said the youth, 'goodnight,
air. Policeman.'"
It isn't the fault of the fair sex if a
secret remains a secret.
The Pills Have Cured the Dlssass hi
Almost Every Form and Even in
Advanced Stages.
Bhcumatism. is a painful fnflnmma
tion of the muscles or of the coverings
of the joints and is sometimes accom
panied by swelling. The pain is sharp
and shooting and docs not confine itself
to any one part of the body, but after
settling in one joint or muscle for a
time, leaves it and passes on to another.
The most dangerous tendency of the
diseaso is to attack the heart. External
applications may give relief from pain
for a th3 but the disease cannot bo
cured until the blood is purified. Dr.
Williams' Pink Fills are the best medi
cine for this purpose as their action is
directly on the blood, making it rich,
red and Iiealthy. When the blood is
pure there can be no rlieumatism.
- Mrs. Ellen A. Russell, of South Goff
St., Auburn, Me., says: "I had been
sick for fifteen years from impure blood,
brought on by overwork. My heart was
weak and my hands colorless. I -was
troubled with indigestion and vomiting
spells, which came on every few months.
I had no appetite and used to hare awful
fainting spells, falling down when at
my work. I frequently felt numb all
over. My head ached continuously for
five years.
"About two years ago I began to feel
rheninaiism in my joints, which became
so lame I could hardly walk. My joints
were swollen and pained me terribly.
"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were rec
ommended to me bv a friend, after I had
tailed to get well from the doctor's
treatment. When I began taking the
pills, the rheumatism was at its worst.
I had taken only a few boxes, when the
headaches stopped and not long after
ward I felt tlie pain in my joints be
coming less and less, until there was
noneatalL The stiffness was gone and
I have never bad any return of the rhea
utism.' Dr. Williams' Pink Fills hare cured
such diseases as nervous and general
debuity, indigestion, nervous headache,
neuralgia and even partial paralysis and
locomotor ataxia. As a tonic for the
blood and nerves they are unequalled.
A pamphlet on "Diseases of the
. Blood" andacopyof-ourdietbookwill
be sent tree on request to anyone inter-
Dr. Williams' Pink Puis are sold by
all druggists, or sent, postpaid, on re
ceipt of price, 50 cents per box, six boxes
for $2.50, by the Dr. Williinn Mniirhal
Ctaempany, Schenectady, IT. X
For Steel and Wood Frames. CS an4
an. n rile as before yon buy.
we E3TO yon money. Also
Pumps and Wind liills.
BUSJUS BSM.. m., m,, U.
atn wiiti n.i ore lhor on farms. MAMS.
CWMNairMa.B. v. n. iisi.
IS ocace t
tb packag
ratarebes only 12 cream mm price aa4
I lhmmmF tn Wat
TaWe Cleths Have
Deep Sereers ef
Filet Werk Sif le
Than a
tiene Hr Washing.
For aerriceaWe luncheon sets those
of 'Irish luudrembroidered linea with
scalloped borders and simple designs
of fleur-de-lis or polka dots are very
popular. They are worked in pure
white and are Baore appropriate for
the table than the old-style, sets em
broidered In. colored silks. Mexican
drawn-work is still used for tray
cloths and scarfs, but the Chinese
embroidered grass linea is much
Filet work is now fashionable. A
great deal of this lace is made at the
Azores islands by hand. Table cloths
have deep borders of this work, and
doilies and center pieces are often
made entirely of the net. Bureau
scarfs and stand covers usually have
alternate squares of the lace and
linen. Table cloths are bordered with
real Cluny lace or Irish crochet It
would be almost impossible to esti
mate the amount spent on linen at
large dinners.
Square table' cloths are mostly
marked ia the two opposite corners,
and round ones on one side of the
center. Napkins are usually marked
in one corner. The monogram or in
itial should be that of your maiden
name. On the table cloth it should he
three inches in height, on the napkins
two, and on the doilies one inch.
While a monogram is always orna
mental, a single initial is In good
taste. From 22 to 27 inches is the
favorite size for napkins, and as a
rule a dozen are expected to serve
with two cloths. It is not necessary
to have them match the cloths, except
on extra occasions.
The best laundresses give their
table linen little, ir any, starch, but
Iron it while it is quite damp, which
makes it just stiff enough. Hot water
should never be used in laundering
fine table linen or embroidered doilies.
Cold water and pure white scap con
taing borax will preserve their white
ness and beauty. Linen will not turn
yellow when packed away if it is
rough-dried in the beginning. It must
not be starched and should be folded.
If .this, method 'Is followed It can be
kept for years in good condition.
Cotton may be distinguished from
linen by moistening the tip of the fin
ger and pressing the fabric If it
wets through at once it is linen, but
if there is any cotton in the material
it will take several seconds to wet
through the threads.
If an invalid is unable to rise in
bed, it is fortunate if her 'diet is en
tirely liquid, for then the nurse can
feed her through the glass tubes,
slighly bent, that are made for the
purpose. The nurse should be most
particular in overseeing the prepara
tion of her patient's food, and in some
cases even making it herself. It is
most essential that it be daintily
served, pure, and exactly according to
the patient's taste. In this, as in
everything else, she should be hu
mored as far as the law will allow.
Breakfast and the morning toilet
have consumed not a little time, and
the patient very likely is tired. The
nurse should now smooth her face
and hands gently with a pleasant
toilet water, tuck a delicately scented
clean handkerchief under her pillow,
rearrange the flowers in the room,
draw the curtains and command a
nap. Perhaps there will be a nap, and
perhaps not. If the latter, do not
keep her prison dark, but let in a
flood of sunshine, carefully screening
any ,glare from her eyes. Amuse her
If she wants' to be amused; in fact,
watch her every mood, and please her,
without seeming to try to. Indulge
her in all the little dainties your in
genuity can gather and the doctor
will permit.
Change of position is very refresh
ing. Even a move from one side of
the "bed to another is an agreeable
novelty in this small world where the
little things are so big to 'this poor
prisoner. To pat and smooth the pil
low, to straighten the covers and to
shower little attentions on the patient
will do more toward keeping her
cheerful and peaceful than anything
else. Prickly heat will often add to
her discomfort, particularly on her
back, where she lies most of the
time. A pleasant lotion to relieve this
condition is made of a teaspoonful of
bicarbonate of soda in a basin of wa
ter. After bathing with this, rub with
diluted witch-hazel.
Method That Will Prevent Unpleasant
Ivory-handled knives may be cleaned
in this way: Coat the steel with wax
or paraffin, and immerse the handles
in a solution of chloride of lime and
water, in the proportion of one part
of lime to four parts of water.
Leave the knives in this bath for a
day, then wash well with warm water
and wipe dry. Remove the wax If
the bone is perfectly white and free
from stains.
Another way is to dip the handles
hi a saturated solution of alum and
water for from one to three hours,
then wash and wipe dry. This latter
method is far preferable unless the
handles are very much darkened and
discolored, polish the blades with i
putty powder, using a buffer wet with
alcohol. This will not stain the ivory.
Spinach a Fine Tonic.
Spinach should put in a frequent
appearance on the table as it is a won
derful tonic It is a very wholesome
vegetable and has a beneficial effect
upon the digestion.
It isN frequently recommended by
the doctor to those in middle and ad
Tanced life. It is light and laxa
tive and wonderful properties have
been ascribed .to it.
It 4s useful In cases of rheumatism,
though, in this -respect not quite so
valuable as. celery ,whieh all gouty, sub-.,
jects should partake of, not raw, but
Netei Physician Tells Hew te Prevent
R"MM"JsKleMHf It 0H9)r
v rt
(By Gee. Etaaad Floes, U. J.)
If yon would avoid BVsias 11 gat and
KMaey and Bladder Troubles, be mod
erate in thecosaumptlon'of heavy
rich foodsvsabsUtute as'fer a possible
soaps,, broths, fresh milk and drink:
watertots of water. Take ieaty of
time to eat, and don't eat after yon
have had enough, even if It does taste
food. If your work Uconnning take
a moderate amount of exercise each
day in the open air.
Of course, neither diet, water,-rest
nor exercise win care these aJUctJons.
I advise them as preventives only. For
the beaeit of the readers of this arti
cle who are now aflUcted with Rheu
matism, Kidney, Bladder or Urinary
trouble, and desire to be cured quickly,
I give below, complete In every detail,
the famous prescription which has
made eso.ssccessfal'in the treat
ment of these diseases. It is the most
certain care for these, diseases that I
have ever used. It is pleasant to take,
it Is not expensive, it can be tiled by
any druggist, and I believe it is the
greatest prescription for Rheumatism,
Kidney and Bladder. Trouble ever writ
ten. It is also a valuable spring tonic
and blood purifier. If yon are a suf
ferer, save this, take it to your drug
gist and have it filled, or get the In
gredients and mix then, at home.
Fluid Extract Cascara Aromatic,
Concentrated Barkola Compound, 1
Fluid Extract Prickly Ash Bark,
Aromatic Elixir, 4 ounces.
Adult dose, take one teaspoonful
after meals and at .bedtime; children,
one-fourth to one-half teaspoonful after
After you are cured follow the ad
vice I have given you in regard to
diet, exercise and water, and you will
not need the services of a physician
again for these ailments.
Other ticrr ere trzvitegrd U cefr.
Prized .as Edible in China Are
Here Fashion's Pets.
"He is the real thing in the way of
a chow," said she. "Father bought
him for me In Shanghai. Did you know
they ate them there?"
"I had heard that the Chinese ate
dogs, but I thought it was a fake, like
the story of their eating rats."
"No; it is the truth. They do eat
dogs, but only the chow variety.
'Chow. you know, means 'edible.'
Yes, they eat chows. In every butcher
shop you see chows' -carcasses hues
up, the same as we hang up the car
casses of pigs. The flesh is white."
"Yes; like veal. The Chinese raise
chows for food and feed them only
soft, washy stuff, mashed vegetables
and bread and milk. Xo meat what
ever. Hence the white, flesh;
"Notice Wu's black tongue. Well,
chow tongue is a Chinese' delicacy.
They make soup of it. But it is very
expensive, like our turtle soup, and it
is only eaten by the rich.
"Isn't it strange that a dog so fash
ionable with us should be only an arti
cle of food in China?"
Delicate in the Old Home;
Health in the New.
Churchbrldge, Sask.,
December 1st, 1906.
To the Editor.
Dear Sir,
I came to this country from the
State of Wisconsin three years ago,
and must say that I am greatly pleased
with the outlook' In this western coun
try. For my own part I am entirely
satisfied with the progress I have
made since coming here. I have raised
excellent crops of grain of all varie
ties. Last season my wheat averaged
23 bushels of wheat to the acre, oats
60 and barley 40.
We had a splendid garden this year,
ripening successfully tomatoes, musk
melons, water melons, sweet corn and
kindred sorts.
The country is well adapted to
wheat growing and mixed farming, and
to my mind it is the best country un
der the sun for a man with a family
and small means, as it is possible for
a man to commence farming opera
tions with much less capital than is
required in the older settled countries.
The climate is all that could he de
sired, being very healthy and invigor
ating. My wife came out about six months
ago, and although inclined to be deli
cate in the old home, she has enjoyed
the best of health since coming here.
In short, I am more, than satisfied
with the land' of my adoption, and I
am. also satisfied with the laws of the
Yours very truly,
Write' to any Canadian Government
Agent for literature and full particu
lars. English Ribbon Trade Flourishing.
The English ribbon trade ia said to
he now in a more nourishing condi
tion than it has been in niany years,
owing to the huge demands the dress
makers' and milliners are making up
on the output of the manufacturers.
Shake' Into Your Shoes
Allen's Foot-Ease. It cures paisfalwollea,
smartiair. sweatiac feet. Makes new shoes
easy. Sold by all Dragzists and Shoo Stores. I
Don't accept any substitute. SampleFREE. I
.aare?s .a. . utmstea, us Koy, n.-x.
Queen Alexandra, after a residence
9f 45 years In England, has visited the
tower of London. She is said to have
been "much. Interested' in what ehe
saw." '
It is a pity to be'iil! Tate Garfield Tea.
the laxative exactly suited to the needs of
men. women and ..children; it is nude
wholly of herbs; it iari. the Hood,
eradicates disease, overcomes constipation,
brings Good Hedlth.
The reward for a good .deed done tfl
in baring done it IJanerson.
ax nMaiflsr Trebles.
Justice Gee. E. Law, ef Brazil, InsL,
Has Married 1400 Csvpies.
Justice Geo. . Lawof Brazil, lad.,
has fairly earned the title The Mar
ryingSeeire," by .which be Js, known
tar and wide, having
couples. .Ton
years- ago
Deputy County
TrBjrrer. "At that
time," said' Justice
Law, "I was sinter
ing from an annoying
kidney 'trouble. My
back' ached, ay rest
was broken at night, and the passages
of the kidney secretions were too fre
quent and contained sediment. Three
boxes of Bonn's Kidney Pills cured me
hVlft7, and for the past nine years I
have been free from kidney t complaint
and backache''
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-M ilburn Co., Buffalo, N. T.
Writer Devotes Seme Elesjvsnce
v&pIbWJVwC VMswuTTsHlvlsllvBlle
When the poet spoke of "ethereal
.madness,'' he meant spring 'Iamb and
peas. How well ' be knew them!
Lamb, the type of Innocence, and the
pea, the first fruit of dvilizatlbn, away
back on the Aryan summits. The pea
grows nowhere in a wild state. It is
the product of tender care and the
heart's solicitude, and hence fitted for
gentle association, and all the quiet
moods of nature, where no anger,
trouble, or tumult comes. When a
sharp wind arises or frost hurls a
menace from a. clear night, spring
lamb and pans vanish, like a bird
that feels a prying breath upon its
nest. But when the shadows shorten
and the robin is abroad in the early
morning and the apple blossoms are
whitening the air, then appear the
lamb and peas, with a smiling saluta
tion. "Here we are gather about us.!
Don't we? Don't we taste the ethe
real mildness? Don t we feast our J
Imagination- on the blue sky and the
osuoqhs. unto state journal.
Awful Humor Eating Away Face
Body a Mass of Sores Cuticura
Cures in Two Weeks.
"My little daughter broke out all
over her body with a humor, and we
used everything recommended, but
without results. I called in three doc
tors, but she continued to grow worse.
Her body was a mass of sores, and her
little face was being eaten away. Her
ears looked as if they would drop off.
Neighbors advised me to get Cuticura
Soap and Ointment, and before I had
used half of the cake of Soap and box.
of Ointment the sores had all healed,
and my little one's face and body were
as clear as a new-born babe's. I would
not be without it again If it cost five
dollars, instead of seventy-five cents.
Mrs. George J. Steese, 701 Coburn St,
Akron, O., Aug. 30, 1905."
.Swell Club of London Waiters.
The waiter who respectfully attends
you at the Carlton, the Ritz, the Sa
voy or the Cecil is quite a different in
dividual when he enters the palatial
premises in Noel street, Soho, which
were opened last night as a waiters'
club. The building' has cost 15,000.
The opening of the club was made the
occasion for a grand banquet, which
was a combination of the best that'
can be found in the best West End
restaurants. London Daily Mirror.
There to BBorc CaUrra 'm this Mctioa of uw esaafy
tkaa ali outer dlteaws put tueetacr. nd aatn tke laat
fewyeanwasaopaoaedtoDalaearabie. For a great
Buay rears doctor proaoaaced It a local illifiw aad
preKiibed local remedies, aa ay coastaatlj fSIUas
to care with local treatmeat,BroBoaacedltlaearabIa.
Scleace has prorea Catarrh to be a coast UnMonal dts
eaa. aad therefore requires coast Halloas! treaaneat.
Halls Catarrh Care, maaufsctared by F.J. Cheney
A Co., Toledo, Ohio, is theoaly CoastttatloBaleare oa
the market. It Is takaa lateraallr la doses from 10
drops to a teaspmmfaL It acts directly oa the blood
aad macoas sarfacee of thasystasa. They osor oao
aaaaiva aouars ror any cat a it laua to car.
zor circaiara aaa lenimoeiai.
Address:' P.J CHESS? CO., Toledc.OhJa,
Sold by DraBists,-a3c.
Take Hairs FaaaHy mis for coastlpatloo.
Would Grow Tobacco In Ireland.
An effort is being bade under direc
tion of William Redmond to repeal
the law which prohibits the growing
of tobacco in Ireland. It Is held that
soil and climatic conditions In Ireland
'are favorable to the production of a
good quality of tobacco, and that its
cultivation caa be made nroitahle.
With a smooth iron and Deflance
Starch, you can launder your shirt
waist just as well at home as the
steam laundry can; it will have the
iroper stiffness and finish, there will
be less wear and tear of the goods,
and It will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to the
The men and women nurses in the
Paris hospitals have issued a notice
demanding better pay and treatment,
and indicating that they will strike
if their, demands are not met.
,a For more reasons thaa one. Garfield Tea
is the best choice when a laxative is
needed: it is Pure, Pleasant to take, Mild
and Potent. Guaranteed under the Food
and Drugs Law.
A pretty girl is as fond of drawiag
attention as a political omceholder is
of drawing a salary.
Lewis' Single Binder straight 5c cigar
made of rich, melknr tobacco. Your
dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111.
really good
out In the
- j
SHU.;' v
BBUur 1
'0B?avnVJh an
r ajBpBT I jBaSB
. - . - .-. .. .. . . . emt -r- .ti . -- w. -. -bb- -' -. . - - , - -
Chamois .Skins from
.I'-fJhameis akins' ia a majoritref
fsW according to a- United 'Stales
eeaamlar report recWt issue; art
really an oil tanned sheep or lamb
akia hning:Taeupply of skins from
the chamois is Tery limited. Enough
could not be obtained in a year to
supply the United States for more
than a single day; a fair average
crop lrpa.V8witsrlaBd being only
about MM to '0,000 skins. The cha
mois skin ia heavier than the skin of
&m ncqp wm www, tim, .' cumer. i
For strength and durability the, cha
mois is preferable, hat for ordinary
use and appearance the ofHaaned
sheepskin lining would, in moat In
stances, be preferrfd.
" i
Laundry work .at home would ho
miK mora satisfactory if the right
Starch were need. In order to get the
desired stiffness. It Is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty .and fineness of the fabric is
hidden behind a-paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys the
appearance, hut also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods. This trouble
can be entirely overcome by using De
lance Starch, as. it can be applied
much more thfcdy because of Its
er strength .than, other.
Court's Acoustics Bad.
The acoustic properties of the
courtrooms in London's new criminal
courts building are so bad,, it ia said,
that the other day a prisoner who had
beea sentenced to six months thought
he had been sentenced to 12. He
said to a warden: "One of the beaks
gave me six months and another of
'em gave me six months before."
Alaov besides echoes, "reverberattoas"
are complained of.
Xsnhe csfoNftj evax bsttte of CASTOHU.
asaMaal on iilj for iafaats sat chUdiea.
ta TJn Tut Over SO Yens,
She Kind Tea Bern ahra nougat.
with the Prospect.
Her Suitor I wish to marry your
daughter, sir.
Her Father (sternly) My daugh
ter, air, will continue under the par
ental roof.
Her Suitor Well, sir, the parental
roof looks good to me. '
That an article may be good as well
as cheap, and give entire satisfaction,
Is proven by the extraordinary sale of
Defiance Starch, each package con
taining one-third more Starch than
can be had of any other brand for the
same money.
Nature 'makes occupation a neces
sity to us; society makes it a duty;
habit may make it a pleasure. Ca
pelle. Krause's Cold Cure.
For cold in head, throat, chest or back.
Best remedy for La Gripiie. Druggists, 25c
There are lots of people In the so
cial scale who do not weigh much.
Mrs. TVnIow" Seothlae Sjrmm.
Tot ehlMrea teetnLur. of tea the guru, reheat a
ttimitlon. alUy pain.caw wlart coU:. 2Scmtoctta.
A bad imitation Is often better than
the real thiag.
. Personal lamriedoe
uw compehuve age and
pomessor m the front ranks of
The Well Informed of the World.
. Avajtfurxiclpenonal knowledge a rcasy essential to the achk vtmtut of the
A ftmeledge) of Forme, Knowledfe of Function amd Kmowt
edge of Products are al of the utmost value and in quenions of afe and iiealm
whm a hue aid wholesome remedy is demed k ahoakl be remembered that Syrup
of Figs and Eanr ;of Senna, nuiiubctured by hSc tf onus Fhg Syrup Co, b an
ethical product which has met with the approval of die moat eminent physicians and
aives evirersal avdaac
ButT uutdUMBamimn, afmsasnlalBsi BsT
naswwaa """Jl caaswwu UWOJCUD6 CUM laBUWU VOSaWJOlMalE,
raroaod luuwonumvaiuaMeiiatoceaoorm Informed ot the
world, who know of their own personal knowleoW and hom actual nw
and best of famiy laxatives, for
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known
under the name of Syrup of Fags and has attained to world
wioV acceptance as the incmexcenen Asks pure
laxative principles, obtained 1mm Sean, are welknow
and the Wei Intonned of the world to be the best we have
adopted the more rfthoiate name of Syrup of Figs and
Eaxk of Senna as more hnV dWrJntive af the ihmJv.
but doubbas it wfl arways be caled for by the shorter
name of Syrup of Figs and fcTget its beneficial
effects, always note, when punJumng the ful
What is medicine for? To cure you, if sick, you say.
But one medicine will not cure every kind of sickness, because different
medicines act on different parts of the body. One medicine goes to the liver,
another to the spine, Wine of Cardui to tne womanly organs. So that is why
Wine of Cardui
has proven so efficacious in most cases of womanly disease. Try it.'
- Mrs. Wm. Turner, of Bartoovile, IB., writes: "I suffered for years with female diseases; and doctored
without relief . My back and head would hurt me. and I suffsred agony with bearing-Kiown pains. At last
I SJUUS wv U9 Wl VsuUkl ensUlal Uww
toon wine oi araia ana now i
er asckase. than' ethen
colon i
am brighter and fester.
at e certain age
IwVSwcle Binder strand 5c Ifany
bbokii pracr lacm ivc opus, x
dealer ervLewk' Factery, Peoria, DL
Life, mtefortune. al
erty are the fields of
have their
who are sometimes
those who. win renown. Victor Has.
Drew Copious Floods ef T
A physician In .Portland, Ore., esti
mated that 2,048 teaspoonfuls of tears,
or two gallons in all, were abed In one
night by the audience that heard 8av
age'a ruadam Butter! y" ia thai dty
recently. '
Lydia E Pinkhams
man honest, tried-and true
Th medicine made from nntivc
of actual cures of female diseases
icrchanununT aV"!.
known, and thousands of voluntary testtanmmla are on ale 1
laboratory at Lynn, Mass.. which testify to its wonderful value.
Mrs. C. E. Fink, of Carnegie, Pa., writes: Dear Mrs. Piskhauw "I
wish every suffering woman would take Lydia B. Piahham'a Vegetable
Compound and write to yon for advice. It haa done men world of good
and what it has accomplished for
When women are troubled with Irregularities, Displacements, Ulcer
ation, Inflammation,. Backache, Nervous Prostration, they should re
number then is one tried and trne reused, Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vege
table Compound. iui i nm
Mrs. PinkhjitTi's Standing InyiUtloa to Women
Women suffering from any form of female weakness are Invited to
write Mrs. . Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Out of her vast volume of ex
perience she probably has the very
Positively cured by
these Little Fills.
- -They also relkte Sis-
trem trosaPyspepwlB, Ts
digenoasadTooBsBrtr mag, A perfect
m the Xsuth.' Coated
reftustotte Bowels. Xrab; Vegetable,
lie-Sienle Sipauflt
W. N. U., OMAHA,. NO. 18, 1907.
1 1
is Hie wnsaW (actor m the
when of ample charactrr at places as
oaseBeiaam Ba B &3
wb do extravagant or i
isme ot the fompany CaHorma rig Syrup
Co. printed on the front of every package,
whether you can for Syrup of Figs
or by fhe ful name Syrup of
ram and tJna of Senna.
- v-wv bbbp
am m good health. ' sou everywhere. In
Write aaasyforafreeoaer of valuable, 6-i iinrtritJ 1
ViVi. Pc"De y?" ffca. staflasate. aad
5 !. iu navawy um.1
TheCaaWSBoasa ifcsadaeCoL. '
-' Prinee Pone) of
LchfMal boxer and Is
In this nineteenth century to, heap
up with the march of progress svstj
power of woasm. ia strained to its
utmost, ami the ta&npusi her physi
cal system ia far neater than ever.
in the good om-fashtonwi envvaot
They, relied
roota and herbs to euro
and disease, and their hnowledge ef
roota and herbs waa tar
than that of women teda
It waa in thie study of roots and
herbs that LydJa B. Phskhusn. of
Lynn, Mass.. diseovsri
'to the women of the world a
iMnation of
Vegetable CnmpmmA
roots and
contains no
of nay medicine the world has i
me I know it will do for others.'
knowledge that will help your
The taatimoar of
aaaoa Sanaa- the pass
yaarlatsmt thoCaaaOlasj
Woaaiatfee beat Waes.
Year ay sear tee asn-
itMaraa have le-
ereeeodla velasM aad ta
jalea, aad still taeCaaa-
ataa uoteraaw
ISO aterve VI
Soie of tie AinitiEis
TIM pheaeeMoal Increase la raUway
asalB lieee aad. braaeaea aa pat alSMst
tia of iBoeetfBuy wHataeaa reach of
aeaooia. asaiketa, cheap feet aad every
Tae ma nrr miluojt ausaam, WHaurcnop
of this year lueaae Mn.US 10 tae farmers oT
Weston Canada, auart frasa the resaba of i
sraiaaana eeiuc.
For advice aad lafomatloa address the BtJPUU-
or any aninonzca uorenuBcat ageat. .
W. V. IBtHETT, Ml Brer Tom Lee I
sl 'uui
tare made.
r A
91.00 bottles.
ebt We
reply wW fee scat ha.
our svaaoaBOxaesn
every aor-
11 j
- .
BHEl. i?S?NI.iA?
-t?'2t- J. w, , . lOV"" i-.'. jr
y& !.,.- ?i..iE, . '-j
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.r&jSis.1; -7&&Sitt&&ZZrH&i
':9-i.'EiAi&Lr:. i-. Ti'i.n
'JI 1.-J1
.li f-,y?;i
&$!$fya- Si? U&ie&
ii r ii ! '" i a P ia -u