foh L-e i H V i a Oi ?.t?1 ir I I I JV - v 4 r: ?3 - HENRY RABAT Z CHOtCECROCaUaES j Sbbbbbb"; '.? "FORE WARNED" Is to be 'forearmed." This forewarns all good people in town that there is a place where "best of all. kinds of groceries" can be had, and money saved in baying them. SEE JTTA3T i: M On our shelves? It's the stock of. "best of -', all kinds of groceries" referred to:. Itfs a saving of dollars when you boy our goods.' Compare prices and see. HEMBY RAGATZ & GO. THIRTEENTH ST, COLUMBUS, NEB. 1 FRISCHHOLZ BROS. SHOES CLOTHING Gents' Furnishing Goods RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. FRISCHHOLZ 405 11th Street, SPRING HAGONS Let as baild job obo. We pat nothing bat the very beet material mad workmanship in them. The pries ie right. . . Brine; in yoar tools meJements to be sharpened aad repaired now; It will save you -time when the : spring work '- v , We keep only the latest and beat in " laggR aM Cari1its -r "Mkafls :a- ..Fin lajllUllts,. ?i. , -"i : J GaTOac Horasahoai atiek:-aad' don.hwse yoar horse-7ry them. T ..I - ... Ltiis Schreiber. "i-t! CwliKhmwms; . --;n Oar osatiaaoas growtk'af aaowabjoar pabliahed evideaoe taat the service, we accord oar aajtroaa is satisfactory. Qnea 'aa accoant with a aad let as Jrore to yoa thatyoa bo nsJatake by ao Oar aim is to please. tin. aad GO .iV, Columbus. . CBKRoir. FraThe8tBteMa. k Mr. and Mrs. IL O. Stadlay were visitors at Coiambos on Wedaeaday. A daaghter was bora to Bar. aad Mrs. CLE Garronoa Monday, April 1Mb. Mrs. L. Weetbett returned Taeeday evening froevher viait with relatives at Golambas. Dr. and Mra.H. Q.M it to Oolambue yesterday, to attend the ingotthe-HsttoooBBty asedkal Society. t ..... .. , . Frilx Veuia hariag his aad residence bajUHajr treated to a coat of paint Geo, ,aod Ohas. Hook ap plied the braah. jfc. . '' w i,- J E: Lndwiok loaded his household goods,' etc, iaton ear ea TBasday(aad on Wednesday. Mr. aid Mii Ladwiok and daughters Goidie aad Era aad son Ottis,left for tarhewhease near Or ohard." . -,. . , -. living Borth-wett' 'of towa jiiT :fi - - , m - i. ass aoaea Bsoraa op Bignar froandr tikia week, t aave he making thMatoveaohe oaa sea over hie whole farm. He does aot want .Banter or BBhazsto Prof. HnrlbnU reoetred from Dsasutt Wadamtlay fareaoon, that his fstherin-lsw had died. Mr.Hurlbett drove to Norfolk, iis order to get' aa ear lier traia for Baatett. there for asveral OBBXU. . MT.sndMmyeanie Btttles apaata ooaale of daya. at Oolambaa the latter part of the weak---.- i. . TneMesdaeMe Hoaser and Bieharda aad Miss Haacl were Oolamapa visiters labtBatarday. .v- v . :.--, Mrs. T. Cale wentto Celaaibws the last of the week for BMb5ceI trsatmeat, retaraing Satarday. We regret heisealled nam toohreeW eletheslaathofaa Infant ehild of Mr. and Ha Henry Lewe of the Skesdes on) tteeaaaeof hei geod. braady oat of sawdast. When a man eaa take, aria get drank oa a raB Uoalaws for Sheriff Bebb of FaQartoa Tamisyaad aad- a feet raaa, TTsnaaw dewa after the l4fiagweU beyaterthe aa. It BROS Haaaeyiaet, saltingfrom hooping eaaga. Beaded ia rHng a let of ariMol ways be called thirty or forty of them tegelBsr aad ofered thMi a Mario iAikb gfcHea, snnnsr Mil than, nktapeok ted loose ob the anal of -a off wiOxa yel aadthe fee ia IS. IV Vaawht'a yard aid; the aao fn oaptBred laTa eaayoB aorth of towa. It wfll bo rekomhsisd that those hoys ware taaaa before Jadgo BJobiasoa to rati to their boom oa the all sad the they attead Uaiaiteaariaad have bow -. to tteBssenalsBB.- ' BorneaWsdassday. April HtoMr. aad Mia! J. W. Davia, a daaghter. Attorney Msalliatar aad Ligataeraad Sd Bnssitsi were apfremOolamhas last Satarday. Mm, MaiaaaW MeWUliame lataaed to her aesaaia BaaMea batnrdey. Mr, aad Mm. Dawson MeWnhama aooompaakd aer aa far aa Oolambaa. W.BbCeleaa4 family esnect to leave the fret of for their ia Garden OUy, this week: 3 v WaHer. drove toOalambaa Sat- ardey aad visited with their grand-par-eata, Mr. aad Mrs. Robert Lewis. - 'Mm. Wbu Weheter, aosompaaied by her taw eaUdren, left kat Friday for a viaitwith her mother at Bonnet, Neb. Mr. Webster eeeompeaied aer asfarsh Una WiHamaie enjoyiag a visit from ale mother, Mrs. Jane Williams, who ia eareato to her home ia GranvOJe. N, Y after a viaitwith her seee, Jaekaad Oa, who live at Saata Orex aad Boalder OraaktOaUforaia. And what do yon think of that This weekafarmeroa the rente, ia moving hia harrow treat one fold to the other, hanledintheroad, aad when weoame ap,heeaid, Didyoa ever have aa niee a read as that before? That harrow dees more good than aU the road bosses that here been oa that read since Nebr aska was a territory. If we woald har row the roadejaetead of plowiagthem they woald be maoa better. Do yoa take any farm pspsrs?M ' Moaday evening aboat eight o'olock ire was discovered ia Dr. Freak's oMee known as the Gates aaBdiag. Ia the early part of the ereaing the doctor had been baraiag the grass' aronad the bailding,aadthe ahiagles eaaght Ire, aatwaaaooapat oat, Bad he thonght ererything waa safe. Batit seems the are had aieo eaaght aeer the gToaad aad baraed aa betwsea the aidiag and plast ering witaont briag discovered nntilit broke throngh the roof. The hose waa aopa attaohed to the towa pump, aad in a few minntes the ire was aader con trol aad the bnllding eared. Had it not been for the pamp there ie no doabt bat that.baildwg aad probably others wold have gone ap ia the emoke. ubdbat. Dr.Eraaeaadwife aad Dr. Tobkta t to Oolambaa Thareday to attend n of the Oonnty Medical Aasooia- tioa. Dr. TobkiB ia to read a paper ea titled. "Microscope Medidae." J. W. Fanasaar aad family of pmaas, Liadaay'a new batcher, arrivedlaat Sat arday with two " eareef heasshold farai tore aaamfit market iztares. Heiaat prsseat sagsged ia repairing the Ohria tonasa bnildiag which hewiU ocenpy andaayeit wUlpomsblybe two weeks before he wfll aaea apfor beeiaem. Mr. aad Mm. A. W.Taylor of St. Ed ward, arrivadlast TharadeysvaaiBg aad havaofSBSaaa jewelry atora ia the baildiag reoeatly vaeated by Aatoae Osrny. Both Mr. and Mrs. Taylor are makers, jewerars aad haviaghad a aassbsr of yeara ia Baa. They oome to as highly rocommaadsd, ' BeeeatlT a petiUoB was Jrawaapby nanatber of mail patroas oa Lindsay rami loateNo. 1 that they be placed on Newman Grove roato No f. The peti tion was aeet to Senator a A. BandsU waa then taraed it over to flsaafsr Nor risBcowa. Ia a weekeUme the petition was graated aad a aortiea at thaLiadaay rente traaafsried. ThM gives Oarrier Ouagiam a loager roato with hatter pay and better roada. Newman; Grave Her aW.v Atto'eleekTsaadaymorniBgMr.Joe were Baited ia the Holy boads of Matri mony, Bar, Father Staaalaas omciatiag Gharlas Sohsaeher aad Math 8ehsaSar mb while LsB8ohaefer aad JIM'S PLACE MBjVKB SaWlv JiaW PVaVBvBR wW vaOT aeaa located aaAeaatsBwd wJle biding Gertie Bchaschrr sated as bndssmsi Is, After the nmrriage seolsma high mass waa eaid, after whiah a large aamber of relatiWaad friends went to the home of the brides parenta where a rsesptioa waa teetered them. The newly married oonplo ware the nsiiiata of maayns well as nesfnl preasnta. The bride la a deaghtorof Mr. aad Mm. M. flrhssnhw nadras bora aad reared la tak locality niece her ehOdheedead Baaiher of her frienaaytheseera. The groom is the BefatoeisBdtoeaBBeai 'amJ55R -aam.-' ssaeaaesi--BweM aaav JsanAitxaaammaja ATTORNEY AT LAW COLUMBTO, -, Nkbjuska.- CNMeELFEBSH - ATTORNEY AT ?iAW jOoLirfBD8, - - -Nebraska. m w i Market V Now opeafor bneiasai Ohoice ante of jaiey eteaka, teaderloia , aadporkeaopa. Fish aad game iaaeaaoa. Orders promptly filled aad delivered to aay partxif tbe - eity. Wewill bay yonr poultry and aides. Gall aad see as. r-t ". Soath aide Park-Thirteenth St. Oolnmbos, Neb. t Both phones of Mr. aad Mm. Mi Sohaeoaer aad moved here with- hie parents soma snrweeks ago and has. made a large aamber of acqnaiatancss aad h highly thonght of by all of those who know haB. They will at once go to hoase keepingoa the groosala farm. Smiles soatheest ofbere. Wejoia the maay friaade ia extending oar coogratnlatioas aad wishing them a long, prosperoas and happy life. ' PLATTB CEHTKB ' Mr. aad Mrs. William Mytot drove to Colambaa Taesday. ' Mra. Heary Wilk aad daaghter aad Mrs. H. N. Zingg were Oolambaa visitors lsst Satardsy. Misl J. C. Parker of Oolambaa arrived here Thnrsdsy evening for a visit with her folks at this point. Miss Kittk Geatlemaa attoaded a party givea by . Mies Dene Kavanaagh ia Oolambaa last Satarday evening. Mr. aad Mrs. J. C. Kammer, of Oolnm bos. were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. GeoiScheidel, er., overSnnday. H. Metzger, the new shoe store man, opened hie place of bnsinese Taeedsy. He has a neat store, a fine line of goods, and wfll doabUess enjoy a liberal share of baeiaess. The storks got mighty basy lsst Tues day night ia this vicinity. They called oh'Mr. and Mrs. Max Brackner, Mr. and Mrs. H. CL Sobeidel and Mr. and Mrs. JohnBogan, aad at each place left a boy. . Mr. T. J.- Pineoa, secoad cousin to Robert aad William Pineoa of this place, arrived here from London, England, Wednesday evening. Mr. Pineon isn genial aad interesting gentleman. He telle no that money ia becoming quite acaroe among the middle classes and that tisses are aot ao good aa they were. eeveral yean ago. Mr. Pineon may'; deride to locate here on a farm. Ed Higgias lef t here on Taesday for avieittotheland.ofhis birth, Ireland. He will That relatives and friends at points in Illinois, Pittebnrg, Pa , New York City and in New England, and will depart from New York May 8th, on the Baltic, of the White Star line. A friend will accompany him. from Pittanarg. Ed has foar sisters and one brother at the old home, near Qoeeaatown, none of whom he has seen ainoe he left 'there thirty-six years ago. He expects to be absent aboat twomontha. Ia St. Bonaventura Catholio eharch, Oolambaa.. at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, in presence of a few relatives, Dr. James G.Stone and Mias'Mary E Ooaeidiae,of thai place were married, Bar. F. Liborius, of St. Joseph's eharch' of Platte Oeater officiating. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was serred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Schroeder, Mrs. Schroeder being a sister , of the bride. In the evening they came back home and for the present are living at the hotel. The bride has lived ia. Platte Center all her life and is a bright, iadaatrioas young lady with a host of wikm frieads. Dr. 8toaeisa oompara ttss stisuger here, bat he fias a manner ahbet him that impresses one with the thonght that the girl who cap tared him drew. .-a priae. The Signal 'extenda eenaratnlationa. - . BXIiIiWOOO, ,. Hoffman bow drives aboat a MOO teom which he parohesed at Schuy ler Charley Sheldon, aaothar old. soldier is very iU at his residence by BeUwaodV withalighthopeof hiB recorery. - ' Mm. Jena Taylor aad daaghter of Colambaa visited: over 8aaday with Mr. aad Mai. Geo. Taylor aad family. Yates, who haa bean taking for ever a month, ia aygsttiag better. beAetiU asablsto High BBhosl aaafla are ramiag Park Mea Sturek&Korgie tWwomsa-say boy babies are mora elwieUesthagMaeMs. Oar aVllrliaMhasbesathat hpthkiaas take -i - 's IdNedttMwesaJaoaday eveaiag tae -ssaiors-qnietly reieed their .lag. Taseilay evening the jaaiora hoietsd a aadpaiated the towa; red; makiag Bcf taeowarrsof eaasent walks hot eoUar. The esaiorB now have ofthe'iaalorfiag. Qaiteaaoarewaaereatedat the home er Mr. aad Mm. Royal Jaderiae oa Mob day Bsoraiag. Mra. Jadeviae who haa besaUl for some tisas, by mistake, was grrea afsdisine by her mother for exter aal parpose instead of the internal med eiae preseribsd. For a time she Buffered eonsiderahle aaia. Medical aid was to her bedside and in. the conrseof a abort time she waa relieved from her paia aad eoBfiidered oatofdasger. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jadeviaea littie 18 ssoatbe old boy created coaatderable amaaaaMBt in eharch last Sandsy eve aiag and it was with dimcnlt that Rev. Zinneckerconld draw the atteettoaof his eadieaoe from the child. After liberating himself froai his pareata anaa hessade a bee Hae for the preacher and after gazing at aim for, a few seooade aaceadedthe steps to the altar, where he grabbed the offering basket, damped it oa the carpet, Ssssmiagly not earing whether the preacher got a cent or not. Of coarse, each things will often occur among ehildrea and mother's deserve sympathy at each times GIVEN FOR BRAVERY HOW THE MEDAL OF HONOR IS AWARDED. Decoration in American Army Corre eaenae to Victoria Cross of Eng land and Famoue Iron Cross of Germany. While the American people love their flag and boast of their army be ing second to none. It is a strange fact that few of them know of the medal of honor; the greatest decoration that can be bestowed upon a soldier In the United States army. Every British subject knows the meanlng-of wearing the Victoria cross; every German knows what it is for a soldier In the kaiser's army to possess the iron cross, and while both of these decorations represent bravery, they do not neces sarily 'mean as much as does the pos session of the medal of honor. Regarding the granting of the medal of honor the Army Register says: In order that the medal of honor may be awarded, officers, and enlisted men most perform in action deeds of most distinguished personal bravery or self-sacrifice above and beyond the call of duty, so' conspicuous as clearly to distinguish them for gallantry and In trepidity above their comrades, Involv ing risk of life or the performance of more than ordinarily hazardous serv ice, and the' omission of which would not justly subject the person to cen sure as for shortcoming or failure in the performance of his duty. The rec ommendation for the medal will be judged by this standard of extraordi nary, merit, and incontestable proof of the performance of the service will be exacted." At the present time there are only 4 officers and enlisted men Jn our army who possess the congressional medal. When it Is taken into consid eration that the maximum strength of the army is 66,385, it shows how hard it is to win the medal of honor. Less than one in every 1.000 possess It Of those who have been awarded the decoration, 46 are now officers on the active list, oat of 3,869 in the serv ice. There are now on both the active and retired lists 160 whose deeds of gallantry have been recognized by the granting of the medal. The awarding of these covers a period of 45 years, Including days of the civil war, Indian campaigns, the Spanish-American war, the Philippine Insurrection and the Boxer trouble In China. During the numerous engagements hundreds of gallant deeds,, which would have brought the medal of bravery in for eign armies, went entirely unnoticed. Unlike the foreigner, the American sol dier does not do an act of bravery sim ply to try and win the medal. Hun treds of British soldiers have lost their lives In a vain effort to obtain the Vic toria cross. Such no doubt was the case when Lord Roberts' son was killed In South Africa In an effort to save a battery. It Is nearly always the young officer who performs the gallant deed. Out of 112 officers who have won the med al for bravery 71 of them were under the rank of captain at the time of per forming the act of gallantry which won them the decoration. Nearly all of the others were young captains, although bow and then a name appears on the list showing the possessor was a field or staff officer, but in nearly every case he belonged to the volunteers and held a high rank at a young age. The youngest officer who, was ever awarded the decoration ' Is now the senior officer of the army, Lieut Gen! Arthur MacArthur. For bravery whea he was 18 years of age he won the cov eted medal It was at the time he was a boy- adjutant of the Twenty-fourth Wisconsin Infantry when his regiment was charging up Missionary Ridge. The color sergeant became exhausted tad went dov-n, when McArthur picked apthe flag, raa to. the head of the regi ment aad amid a storm of bullets which swept down the hill led his regl- meat ap. . -. Origin of Seme Fads. Moat fads have an odd origin. This to true of the present notion for wear ing a narrow band of black velvet aboat the throat either tied hi a little-bow In the back' or crossed and fastened with a brooch ia front Late lastsaammeran Impertinent mosquito bit the throat of a beautiful woman at NMmnrt. The bite became hideously inflamed, defying all efforts of mis-' trass and maw to concern tu i the sight of a lovely old iaJatatare brooch framed Ia pearls saggested a happy thought aad that eight the belle appeared with aa. Inch-wide band of black velvet aboat her white throat pinned fa froat with the miniature. . Aad the effect waa ao lovely that this beeomiag little fad came la at oace, aad baa stayed all winter. G. H. 41416 west Eleven! lies tttstftifwiiffl wt i comparison of QUALITX aa weir IA nTITnflff asthe PRICE. The nmhaadaiw Hi ilUVaaK that this store offers ia the Mm the obtainable, prices considered. You can buy here in perfect confidence, both as and look at a perfectly Not a Shop worn 444iK44H-l' Utitltmilli ? Fresh Groceries I have a complete line to the trade, which r? if H. F. GREINER T 306 Eleventh Street. ,H.M-?'f'll?lllf iiif it ri QUEER WAYa OF FISKINa Trout Killed with a Hammer Masked Lake Fishermen. .L- 1 wore a woolen mask when I caught that fish," said the. angler, pointing to a mounted specimen above the sideboard, "aad the thermometer registered 12 degrees below zero at the time. It was on lake Michigan. On the lakes the summer fishing will aggre gate 130,000,000 pounds a season. There Is a winter fishing, too, when men In wlndmasks sit over little holes in the thick Ice and, at a polar temperature, watch their tleups. They don't catch much, but what they do catch they get, seven or eight cents a pound for, and thua It Is possible for the winter fishermen to earn $12 a day. I'd have earned $17 the daf I went out If I had sold my fish. The little carp over the mantel was 'caught with a mirror. My line had a mirror behind the bait When a fish approached his own re fection made him think that another fish was about to snatch the bait from him, and he bit greedily. The fine trout above the hole in the carpet I caught with a hammer. What? .Yes. a hammer. That Is the Georgia way. They wade up and down a stream and whack with a stout sledge every big stone they pass. Then they turn over the stone and find, as like as not a stunned trout underneath." New Or leans Times-Democrat Japanese Life Undergoing Change. America and Europe can see that Japan Is being caught in the strong current of modern industrial and com mercial organization and Is being awept far away from the old moor ings. A Japan of factories and mills, machinery and big corporations, wealth such as the country never be fore knew and a grim industrial grind strange to the Japanese is coming into existence. The whole color of Japan ese life Is changing. -Wealth is mak ing Itself the usual object of worship -In industrial and commercial nations. Will its votaries and the victims of its bitter rivalries the, human sacri fices of wealth abused and misdirect edemulate the feats of. arms which amazed the world In the siege of Port Arthur and the great battles from Llao-Tang to' Mukden? Cleveland Leader. COLONIST RATES In Effect March 1st to April 30th Go the Mountain" Way. Insist that yoar ticket reads via Colorado Midland Railway. THROUGH TOURIST GARS FraawtoM $22.50 (Ahwe Betes appfcr from en of the river aSwsBBwaBBBwV JkF.Ii.PZAKIN&GaadAsMt.218.14th MORKLL LAW, General Aces. SS or joer own load acemt . General Vmtmm, MIDJLAJTD :;"V' '- vxrf"i;S LAN DO kCl t --i- Si. -" v i-n I in getting the beat value -i for the money be your own judge if you will and make a or x Mas nj x vr a x vauuc - givisag; sort, such aa wecan back op with'1 guarantee to .be the beat! .i to price and quality. Come clean and up-to-date stock. Article in the Store. of Groceries to offer I invite to examine J-UJbeB FOODS f Calanbag, Net T VIRTUE IN THE EELSKIN. Worth Trying by These Who aTwNra RRUfTawKI9lTae "Why don't yoa get aa eelskla?" said the old "vegetable lady," as the master at cae of oar largest markets paased in front of her' stand aad rubbed his knee, giving utterance to a half-smothered exclamation that rhymed with clam, ham aad words like those. "What good woald aa ed ekin doT growled the market-master. "Doat you know." was the answer, "that aa eelskia Is the very best thing yon can. try for rheumatism? Some folks think that the eel. being natural ly limber and quick in its spotions. gives a virtue to the skin, aad Ode makes a rheumatic Joint as limber as the eel Itself; but I guess there tent much In that notion. It's a kind of magic, yoa know. "But the eelskia really does do good, aad the way it does it is this: The eelskln Is Just like leather, only not so thick, and It feels like a piece of tough kid that has been soaked In oiL Now, yoa wrap the eelskia round your knee and tie It on. or pin It oh. It doesn't mat ter which,, aad It keeps the Joint warm and the oil makes the skin soft, aad after awhile your rheumatism Is gone. People laugh at the Idea aad can It aa old woman's notion, hut some old women's notions are pretty good notions." Philadelphia Ledger. The Bey Who FeH Down. At Ausburg, la Bavaria, they have some curious laws aad ordinances. Aa American family from Wlscoaata were stopping there last December, aad one of the seas, a hoy 33 yeara old, slipped oa the icy sidewalk cae day. He was at oace arrested aad takea lath court oa the charge that he had fallen dowa to make trouble for other folks. It was held that whea She boy fell dowa a number of people stopped to see If he had been hurt Also, that the shopkeeper before whose door he had fallen felt humili ated over the circumstance. Aleo. that he frightened a horse. Also, that when a policeman came ap he could aot talk German to him. The case was tried in court, and the boy who fell down instead of standing up waa fined three dollars. $25.00 $20.00 timet UcftUr Motor.) gheidtey BaiUKac CKr. on aar railroad, or t Asaa. Daerar. Colorado. f.1 ' I i lVii M r v ( . .- 'W-Cit'rXsi "VGii. Vi . ,. 'o, j V "r. j . 4. a.- SSgW' t -,if L- f .? tlMM L-tJCS" :5if?: L, i '-i