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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1907)
. fcv- J-- Un -, . t. .- .r-r. -;- T- - . jbw-J' LSesPTTV!?S s ' K-rr-efr-Kiiw --ji 'iWj"8 3 V". - -". -- - . . 1 s t ,, ?; T - i - . t w- Vy--. -2? "71 - CtooKJMatari with the CtohaMTlmw April 1,190; with the PUtto 0mty Argai tomry 1, 10C - - I'.w" ' - ; rii - i. WHOLE NUMBER 1,850. VOLUME XXXViiL .a fev "S ft e- fF7f'?wmmmmm9mmmmM m'i-ie. ' - .y t-:. "'--; i.- ::-rimm&&mwP&mwm&??m . . ' ' '. .- j bWK. m -.ZZ - ,- - -V . ", Si "- - f-TTy LtA.V.t"! -CVC? .4 . ' (. . STI;1.V ZiL -JJbWbWbWbW-- " k. v.- ssfy- .Banana! v, " -'-' saaaif"" i -wr . . . . ..33? v - ' - - If W' WM '- v . jnEinnWtSv'-nm; - 'jys. 'iB'it-.. . 8r WI - f'- . - 'aUWbUB ..B Jk. -Oi- ;- -. ,'::i- WUnWB""7-iW5Wm:Jfff""at"'- ff' JWreiW'-VnnH-JJC '.-''-A'Jt-ar-r--A' 9t HHjB m . - annnnwnnnnnnBn nTmm .nnnv ,n .BmV t"- BUnW . unnnnl.nnj . nf j&. .BBBBm A.aBk4- Sflfll ' -BUnu. dUnnx .nHIIBV- anum faWna'tatr 'k IAh .h 'ATmY tuna J . - i JB NUMBSB 4. - - OOLTJMBUS, iWBBAMA WDIIX8DAY, MAT 1, 1HQ7. A. J. rrvi ;&r.' -V-; - . ."V ijr" ' k 2t JT i1- A c. u !t $ r t t r. tK tr- . UL-& ' I T iBSSaaaaw w.vpMvsMw pmiiHtiwi -II IXavw-- aVBaSaMHigaW n. n a -- - - -- --. . i . . s 11 ID aval I ?-- ei IKaoxwaed aaaniBaaaaMapBjBBjgs - - - - m;mv m nrnw - -.- -- - i -?v a BaVJBSi&lPafiaL - - - . - . . . ... . .,v .. , -.. f v . :V Z : aSavflaVaVavlavSak ti. n k.. - . Wtfh tva loaitalnei lWaii Iwai re- S.LVlrWlaTlDf - I t. Moeroe was a Mbaroe Tiaitor avavavHBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaE. i wB'BBBaaiam bvmbbvmbbw jajKaaaat aaaaaaaj waam BBvasaaaaaamv vasaaaaaa bbv pbb aaw aaaa aa s - -sk- tHaBPP .rr .-mnr- tarWcialfc. koardcoierdi. S UUIMMHI t IBflavAeavT' WeddMcriaaaaadkinalaai iewalrr ": - r ., .-:. r.i.. -. io ami yaar aipay jewauy wawawawa ""i1""" aacraaaaaa9aaHaaawaaafwaaiaKaaiBje 5 1 jfct a 1 w it Carl fmiire T1iMta etreek r!-... ..''.L-..iiaT-L if ills tbertffctfcrtot Jewelry. w k p v ww h 1 sbbw awSawKawJaa u '.BawL AL. awJaVXVawHawA DfJaa ea s ir waBwi waRBWMewa vw Jwvwj aaawamwawBBWa iew a r. - v . aaa w.al1 - - ku& ksaI Dr. J: W. Twtu I CYE SPEClAUST EXPERT. OPTICIAN f BcwtKfupftiOptiealOfliMi , nm wot kitlwfnat iwmm ever Paloek ACasDncStere. Will be a GetaaAaa oares Sexdar. e 4mj, Tmeadmj and Wednesday of speetacMe aaa eje tifeny fitted aad Eye CONSULTATION FKEE fJaVIal .. t Wl IMbU M ICwwl.. ...... VJOfE '& Barley aa w XCaiB as r L Files of The JoaraaU Hay 2S,1872. TheeoaaHBtioaen hare aeea with aa iajaactioa, etoyiag the of the bridge boade aatil the q oterauaedbytheeomrte. Appeal bead was civea ia the mm of fSM. We ehsll aot kaowa the reaalt mata the aexttemofdietrietoeart, at least. J. P. Beeker ia oae of our asoot eater- priHBf basiaess bmb, always oa for say work of isaproresasat. He jiBsoBbisaewbriek kilBsshorQy.aBd wUl havette haadred thowasad brisk for sale dariair the eessoa. Those of oar Meads who are coateaiplstiac baildiac this saaiBMr wUl lad it to adfaatageto iaveeticate the mmim ef briok arer laaber, aad ffOTera Shell Creek aaaaldsd ahoatteafeet lestllridayakht. The freshet was the Uchsst that had aeea kaowa for several others thiags that away by the raajpaat eowa, begs, etc, Qsataa aaawsrorthe hst maaM wemtswadia s drift-pikr- crVetllL Itlaaapposed that they ere, or rather were, the property of J. P ay epsriaisas ofthepto- ithathewoald soaroely.wdeB adoaeaortwo. We dtp the foUowiap; sketch ofCol vmbastroai the oocrespoadeaee of the Piaaeer farsser, aa eioeUeat afriealtar aljearaalpablishedat Ooaaea Blafs: Colaaiaas, Hebrsaka, ia the cetaty est of Platte eeaaty. This tsarishiag mi iiainial towa is sttaated oa the Uaiea Paoifte railroads, aiastj-two aiileswestotOBMhaat the poiat where the railroad crosses the Doap river aad taras sharply aoathward, thas plaoiag thetewBapoaaB elbow as it were, ead sjrriag it eoausand of the trade of a large eeope ef eoaatry. Geographioally, ao towa ia that sectioa is so faToeably sit wated far trade as Colnaibaa. aad ear taialy ae poiat ia the Platte valley. betvraeaOBMhaaad the saoaBtaias, eaa rivalhsriafatareiasportaaee. 8aneaad lag Celaaibaa. areeosM of the oldest sad best cmltivated farsas iathe state. The Platte riverie bridged at thispoiat, whiohgivesthe towa ooaneaad of the trade otfoarof the best eoaattes ia the state viz: Batter, Polk. York, aad Hasi JUaa, all sttaated south of the Platte aad rapidly illiag up with a eaperior eaass ef fanwers. Popalatiea aboat 1,000. The towa has oaeof theasost ably ooadaeted aewspapers ia the state aad the several breaches of are well repreeeatcd." Dr. Haamaaa, Deattet IS St. Dr.W. H. Slater, BoraSatarday to Mr. aad Mrs. William aever,wb0lrfiaosatColaabas,ababy girL WJL Maya aad family drove to Leigh Saaday aad visited with W. M. Foraey aad family. Mr.aad Mrs. Brack of Madieoa epeat Saaday ia this city vkitiac relatfvas Mrs. A. G. Mahal fey aiek the peat week bat is maeh impver edattamwrittiag. BTASBANB 80FT COAL fiEK8 FILLED PEOMFT LT. F. B. 8MITM LU1KI CO. mt AOmm iathe eity Thataday last oa their itoar of the Mm. M. J. Kelly weat to York I ar. aad will aasad 8waday with hssssai irhi far e lew daywfi be in heaeef BmweamirimagiBiil iBmsli that eity. anatmayatwya hsastniil in isstsiisg Ww aitfMBiiBBrBtfBBBwiw BBBBBvaBHWaBf Sbbb Biss.. vMSBmm ae aaama. AnsBr asaay Jisesaf maay bvsvbvvi u.,----.--. bbbbS. bum, h. , bh. rmacuananaue. ssevaa am aweary r.-. .,.' A maa mmmmJm aajaBBmea BmaaaaV vawiM aaa.fA&aaB F wBafBtt wmawB VfmBa, awBBJBBBBJ 9m "SmwBwBBi aahfBBiBhama. 0ttr,Cala. - nkaw . Ti. t.i ...i thegaathatiwwfiaoa f. V, . A' -ili ' 1 . jp. PaJ aad Mta-t DomtJat. I- ik. -w" . M -- - ai.. iT.r. n.a. . - - - - - v. ri f . a Arttar CfnOaat Tdaeobi hi wkttmg at thehemot hie awas hi this etty, Ha. Arnold Oebkiea. GeoiKeTaraeref The Jemraal fore m tka' aAiMl afui MM CaWM MM IMHni BJnHMI imiy. far the May term of Gall aadaee war mew ataok of wall iathe Marxay Tow eaa kOl asore daadeliaas wkh Kaosweed iaea hoar thaw all day with a kaife aeeeaee' they stay killed. Gray'a. JadgeJ.J.SeiHvaa weat to Oeattal Ctty Tassdey where heatteade coartaadwss aaafii by W. F. OUteaaWd at fmllsrtoa. Mr. aad Mm. Teat OeeteUe who have peat the last tea or twelve daysia to teas eity Mewdey. Isaaaattrip. MhwAlies Ieae, of dttrietNe. 17, i a a f afsMan a. gaaBAgtatgaajffgal Sgpgaa a JswJssVMa tJBawJVJBawJslfU wfJKBV last FridaT, aad retaraed to aerhoaae ia Cblasmbaa the regalar ssrvioe of the attheDsptistcharohtherewfflhe Oovaaaat.MeatiBfTharaday evealac at 8.-00, aad Oesaat dayatlJJtBu Clerk Graf abac ae warraata. wfll be far wast hoaaty, the lagislatara Viotar TarsaJaski baaght the baakraptatoak at.refanea sale dey,aadasitwloeatedia his baildaiaV hewill opea the etore aad ead " --A- . i'l lew this aaa raparlait to labeaersasl, as the a Dr. Jihsssa, ef iathe eity lest way ago he passed throagh the ordeal ef a dtHrstt spst sliim aa aas nf his sjss A hardlamphad formed oa the Bd aad so mat the oaly relief. ThefeUowiag amrriage Beaaas dariac the last Jamas a fltoae, Maria F. Platte Csatsr; SylTsetor Oeaoa, Hslsaa Kixycski, Ooli , aaka.aBBaBBB , fcwii Ask. Oolambas; , ABBB W, , T Sniti the baggy had art iiiiapssl the hesae aaaev "" t Ki tiK&i Wedaeedey sfisfassa, -fass. Otto; FaieiereatwIsVfawef her tody frisaataeraoeeaeeetTeastraeL. The ladks report hTrs. paawaer aa ea celkateeertoiaer. - ' .w- The asheol frieade of Paal BiilUbiri at bis haaaTowVgS wtreek Maay gsaiss wst playilaftor -wyeh refresh- SBBBBBWajBS WWBaBVB1 BSBSS WVBWBb SBaBrBa tSJBSB SJP BBBwBJ aBBUSav aaV EEsslPwa wBeppSsTwvaA W VsawsTeS TaafPpJlww' geodttsaa. FaDertoa HajsJasd hasaa fresa Osaaha where a weak The faaeral of the lata Hsmasl & Smith wse held at the home of Jadge J. aBisiar8aadsysitsraaaaataD, be iac eaadasted by Bar. Maaro ef the Coagragatioaal charoh. The eervieea were m charge of the Maasaa aad Bar. De Wolfe of the Mothoamt eharchread the iatpreseive barml eerviee at the grave. MBLlaakBwiet oatortaissrt a few of her ledy frieade Wssmtaday fast sftoraeea at her home am east 11th street, aahoaor ef her mother Mm. W. A. Oehrotder who with bar hashsal watt leave Saaday far aa saliadsd Tmit to qevelsad,Oaio. Mr. 8ehroaer iatsade visitav bis eld heme ia 8witasrkmd be fore refaramf. The Fallsrtoa Peat to the improved ia a msaasr. A aaw editor by the aame of JoeaB.Doft-iriiin..Isli lor the great eaeegeaadasheie a prasHesI priatar himself, wiU, withawt doabt give am the bast of eerviee aad the waiab the towa ef rBnMi who have amde this cky their hasae far agoedakanyyeere eeaect to leave this era state. Tha'aevo la amde in the laerear. Teaeri aai a aeavy far aauar wtm"gggt5 rw ' hai ttoa is that he did aot ha faded to get off of the traek Ha UaI Ahototaw hv three WMtoralaMs akailaad part of the aoMWasdrivwaiatothe Waia. Dr. J. . Bsatoa, the eesspeay phy skiiea, was saaiBwaad ar oaos As hereaehed'the seeaeof the aeaeaeat waioh ocoarred aboat a arils seat of towa. He. It, the Lf ' aag aad the hospital at did. The two i the iejaredtoaato Whiehhe withPam- toast oat of eaaawr. It caly week that a Greek was WUed the assasaaaaaer aaarPaddeak. Upwards of tve haadred bmb are work- dock aad the V of towa aaditis Ithe .mb behiad the gvea the city hell job is haviagankndsef grief. It la i is hat of, a .swajsr aad a lever of try the grief as we chair with PoUee Jadge or. says Brother Barry who la a devoat ohristtaa at the hard aheU Baptist iiaassjua ia aMedeaoalllagit the Uaitad Baptist BPaar. To this Major Beam who erlyofthisity, bat of Cbasha, iathe holy ef at of aaw leeated at is eagaged ia a shop. The bnda havag lived hai with her pareetsMr. aad Mrs. 0. M. Beeoroft, who ooadaeted a dry goods store oa lSth street. Mr. aad Mrs. BroafaehrerspeatTaajedey ia the eity far Mhehell, where the home for his bride, with their maay ia wishiagthem aloagaad pro- life. The foUowiag dJsaatab from Wi wiUcaaaa abroad satikto the raral earners. It follows: Puslmsst sr Geaeral aaaroved the detailed adjestmsat of seieriee of raral free eabmitted ,by Assmtaat Geaeral DsGrsw. The whieh wffl bsuume esTeativa Jaly laert, will make a graded iscrisn hi the eom peaaatieaofearriersef fromtto9s par eeat, based apoa the aamber of miles with the mraasM medeia the app roarietioa by wfflivmtvaaaaensaga the aest fassl of aatrb tglwAwlw. The lesofBf or mora ; to U arihav fBM; toB-fles,8ie;18tosaaes, $710; if to 18 aaass,S0; 14 to It miles, aS4f; it to U miles. ttM; It to IS mOea, ; 8 to it miles, aoi; totj at tea o the aaalriaae at the Oathaap t Mr. Max Iheter to Maw MaraUMk. xaa eeramoay ay a taraWamtaarmaToi re- the Bfa pair. After this the BBSsswea ey a saraja af friends weat to the heme of the arioVs pareats,'Mr. aed Mrs. Joe ia there oae of the eaiwaactaeieeeaaw z .. . -- ,vi iteea z TiT I ii miiaiia IhaTeieaDsT sdieat Ab. . z-m s' . m . . . - ehaMS ealil te aaamswaiiss aad call it aba " ,l?7, ty- Jmt '" OssaeUima. Heare, Blder Priaee, it m ?yy.?f irtT "" ""' UaHed tVeraaec aothiag far year ? . WIIMM?fc ITl. 'VW mJ Iks " S W . KBBkHb-aVBBS MHSWM WVM.M X . .-..t.- -imx - a Heta: a aajaBta triek played VaMaKmmBwawjBmw"" amv " wvwwawvwavw - -,- MadanTB marfl'f1 rausrioa arm ammmmmaaFkPvaa akrwf "waw j r,i " - .wmwammmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmrmm wmmar vafammmBw. -iiraa-"-eu iram- . - - - - - " - - - TT7 :"-' -'TT ? J l TW77:r:Z2tf XZ llBsdwffaFjBmHoB iaaaxar-aan mmm wiwii .. mm wards had beaa KKBBaVnBnBBa-WwBflBBmang arrival. A large teat cuvmed a dsaoiag been a laaMsnt af ear oHy far yaars and IsaamstSBgary aatomasd yawn lady, awl .the groom. Mr. Max Brnter, Is a. hasae. TheJeaaaalisiisii iisgntsla- wmaPwBm BBEbbEB8B aaawe wBwaBwBa wBwawP 'vBOSKnanB BJbVbBBBbV w&ABf BnAKaalmaaHBjmJ WBrnaBwrnMnaV thettaaVflar lad to be iiiaawnailaaM liiei c - IH A r"1:- - i . A good diaaeaaHac has provea aaezceUMt.iMfaaMaiaM K WMwar'aw i mt gtvsatha beaa attoiaed ae qaiekly ia aay ' '- vt ;s: 7S Tea will ladea Riag atook fall ' if.iiii). '- - I"" JstFii6ytwoyoaag bmb asaisd Seott aad nail lespscitively drove iato towa from Onfamhwa, They drove a an the atMIlaer'e Jhrery ban, however, the yoeM mB asprated, oaiy oae goiag. tothebsrawithtbahoraas. The letter prepessd a trade Jbraiae bmekteam beloagiagtothe liverymaa, who asked $ttuoboet.n The-trade wsamade ia. aosaa way throagh the eocoad yoaag bmb. TheOolambas boys immediately gat oat of towa, the spotted team proved to 1m almost worttloat Marshall Ike BsslsrofOeaoa wee phoaedtoaadia ak acted to step the horse traders. They drove throagh town aad the msishsll tried to take them ia towa. bat they they bad ao basis im there, aad ittawed ea to Oelambas, where they heldawtil BaerisT Babbooaid ar rive. Be brwavbl Bsaa)rhara to. fasa a of iiifiMHiiiiislTii. The The artide ia " -- air- HeWBrJoaraal of that r L T-T TO katweek. It was aa old gagbat worked all right. This mthewayitwasdoBe. Avmaa drove ia MUlasrw Uveryetableaadpatap a team. dropped hi aadkmkedoTer the horses. Mr.MUl- aerheda Aaa pair of bleeks that he aBttle high. The team left a thea looked ovar said he woald give $150 for e thea went oat aad Millaer lashed ap the maa who owaed them aad a trade was soom made, Millaer hasiag has trade oa the propositioB of ssUlag themtothetretcaUer. The trade was made aad the maa hitehed ap his blacks to sss bow they traveled. He drove ap the street and theooafederate got ia with him aad 4hey drove pat of towa. Millaer bsgaa to grow aaessy aa4 bitched ap hie aewlyaeqaired apot tedBeaisBtoseeaowthey.woald drive. He bad Bet goaeabloek aatfl oae of them bsgaa to show sitae' of aome troable. Heharriedlyaatthateam ia thebaraaadgetU toaoh with sheriff Bsbb. Papers were got oat aad -the aheriff took ap the trail sad waagat the pair la Cohuabae aad broaght them had beaa left at aome here aad. Colambaeaad aot fbaad. Whea srraigaed ia ooaatyeoartthe maa asked Cora ooa tmssapi, which was graated,, they pat ttagapaeeehboadof $900 apiece. The day they Battled with BQBaer by Millaer wajuaslly worth, yet he . beamrtoeettlethe'matter then go to mw-with the poesibiUty of loaiaf bat (aaaaoially)in the ead. LrttleBthelDoBgleeUtiteda few of her eeeod friends to her hosse Satarday aftsfaooa to help hsr celebrate her cightt birthday. Altheaghtbe day was rather gloomy ead dasty the eaiWrsa, the Little Lady bad far laas,ia the afteraeoa, after which the departed to their homse each aome of them ooald have a birthday party every day. Am 'yon seviag yoar coapene? Ton ii nm ii i mi mi linn 1 1 Wall Paper! I .Pom Woodman Iimeed t 4juana use X Btra Paint at ..--.. s -. r.I i -t"j. ff aaasa ., Z'z ' Opfciciaji, S I lEIVTS Ing MM. J or DeadeUoa KilkrwiU do the work. Wekava ik OrmjS. Taeeday lataralag Wedaeedey JoeStovieekm haviag hiandeaee oa east 1Mb street impreved with a eoat afpsiat. ' Mr. Oalto aad deaghtoriloreaoeare tedey from their trip to Chieagoaad Mr.aadMn. JeeSay ead Miss Carl rie Bay were at Madieoa over Saaday, of Mr. Bay w Bafas H. Wood of Liadsay was before the iaeaaity Bommisaina Taeeday aad ordered takea to the hospital for dip- itm. ' Gas Lake, who has been re dviar treatmeat at the St. Mary's hospital returaed to her home oa east 14th street. Toesday morniag. Bobsrt Rammer left Moaday ereaiag far aaeztoadedttip amid the beaatifal sesas of Bwitserlaad. He ezpeota to leave Hew York harbor late Saturday Dr.A.O.Oo)maaofIiaooU is visif iag relatival aad frieade ia this eity. Albert was formerly aCUambas boy aad his maay frieade are plssssd to hear of hisaaaesa as a doctor. Rer, Maaro aaaooaose aahissabjeet fortheearmoo aext Sabbath morniag. The salt of the earth''. Thassosrmeat of the Lord's sapper wfll be celebrated at the moraiag asrviee. Ooaaty Payaieiea Boy Cornelias IBsraatiaed the heme of Bobert Ba preohtBorthweet of Oolamboe, Wedaes-1 day moraiaf, hsviag diseuvered a well developed eess of small Mr. Breed of St Paul Minnesota is Tieitiagatthehome of aia awier Mrs. Chen. JoaasoB. He was aooompaaied byMitoBsrssekwhoisabo visitiag re latives aad friends ia this oity. Word received Moaday from , Miss OfiveMeFariaad, formerly a Colnmbas lsdy.bataowef Spokane Wash, where ahem employed, as clerk ia oaeof the tbaa pleased with the ooaatry ended vismaU herb-toads to go west for both wealth aad hapassees.. - t - lae ,uoiameas junr- iagOBb arasaiTsd at tbaomce.ot - '.mJ SJ VV ., !-. f yui, aaui luimwiaa HL B,' BoWeeoa, presi dent; G. B. Speice, eseretsry; Daniel 8ehram. treesarer; Thomas Braaigaa, Q. A. Bohroeder. directon. The dab willbaikl a track iathe Evans pasture, Borth of towa. Aaother meeting of the dob will be bata'.Tassday eveaiag to adopt a ouasttiaCoa aid by laws. Dr, A. Heiata aad & E. Mwty retarn-, ed Saaday from their visit to Amerfllo aad Trio Texas, both geatlomen report a very plesssat trip. Dr. Heiata ssema to be more tasa'pl Band with the ooaa try, sndMvstb prospects for the yoaag tiller of the eoUie great He advisssaU who waatato get rich to get one of these farms aad go to work, for in the soil he thiakeis bidden mack of mother earth's Saaday nsoniing, the neighbors sad friends of Mrs. Pat Marrey were some what frsighteaed when their family carriage draws by two favoriate horsss wsaearrisd dowa the road with the speed of the' wiad. The horses beseme frightened aad started for their country home aboat tve miles northwest of the city, where they were caaght Aa the carriage aad no occupant no one was ia jared and little damage wassaffsredby the of Mr. Glackapsat the greater part of the In Omshs, aad while there paroasseda beaatifal residence, located eaStMaryw aveaae. It is aJeiatea ttoa together with his family to leave Oolambas aad make the great western BMttopolis their fatare home. Thiewe all regret, as Mr. Gliekhae always been oaeof the foreasost basiasss mea here and wns'gsnsrslly at the bead of any stove to be avsde for the bettermeat, aad advaace-asnt of our city. Last Satarday eveaiag jaet as the efaekatraeksix. Martia Lsagley strip, pad his baggage uniform, headed msn ager kUias hiskeys, end after picking ap his peraoaal bsloagings bid adiea to hie fallow sesooistes aad dattss as trunk hastier end walk home ia the open air e free ama, that is free fromhisasaal datieeof about four yaars aa asssstaat will eooa bee fall , aad if he puts his sued eadlabortoitasae the depot he wfll eurely win out H. J, Arnold of. Fullerton. spent last aifht in Colnmbas ead left this Bftoraiag farbishoasa. He has been iathe west era part of the state aad says that part af Hsbresha is csrtsialy the place for a aaa with limited meaaa to secure a home, aadjhat that eeotion wfll, ia time be one at the beat parts of ouratatoas an agrionlturaland stoearshang district He epeat moat; of am 'time in Seott BUrifs county where the great govera- amatditohM being built aad believes when thia aadertalriag has been eom alatoj, lead there will be ealeBy aa pre daetrfe,aad Ugh in price as the land The sad mPlorei 5o'eleekoa eott was bora OeC 1, 1871 at told. Fagfaad bemg the oaly of Frederick ead 7, 1901, ia Maaeheeter, Taglaad Mr. Westcett hemw stlthat time pSBBBBw wsw fjsmw Heath, to ioaiaOeMteiead rk ia aia. Mrs. Weetcott leaves three eaDd reaAIbaa aged 5 years, Dorothy t, aad a'bslwottwsshB. Herpereateresiihag ia AJlegheay.Pts, ware ealled to her bedside ead werepreesatat the time of her death. Oa Taeeday at 80 sum.. Father Cash of Albioa seeisted by Ber J.'F.CoUasof Seaaylsr said -a reoaiar ass for the repose of her eoaL .At 11 a.m. Bishop A. L. WiUiaam assisted by Deaa Bscbar of Trinity Cathedral Omaha, the Bar. J. 8. C. Weils of Norfolk, Father OoOas aad Father Cash esmbiated another choral Bee,aim mass iataaded far the beaeit both - of Mrs. Weetcott aad the rest of the family. The barial services waa held at the eharah at to at at, aad' the body was thea laid away iathe Colambaa eeme tery. Mr.Wseteott has the sympathy of ell his people ia this great anttoa aad their oarietiea kiadasss has beaa demoaetreted by maay acta of a prac tical aad most helpfal kind. If yoa owa a dog aad think the world aad all of it like some people do, thai bit of informstioa regardiag'. the stand goveramaat has taken ia the matter of protects of amil carriers, will be read with interest, taken from the Omaha Bee of yesterday: "The United States sitaatian ia .Omaha, Captaia Palmer, postmsstsr of Omshs, alarmed at the way the dags are ptoktag oat his from Mayor DsUmaa aad Chief of Police DoaBhBa for his postmsn to carry revolvers, aad henceforth Tigehed better look oat as to his victim ar he might ran against a snag. Captain Pjamsrsayait la now np to the people of Omshs who own doge to keep them tfdl lllBJuili torto tka'aat 40. thttMikM Ala itW.pM..w. W beahotiasttodofthe dog, the aaptaia laagjj.aad said that; the eaipof TJnefa8eai'emen waa otortoto h au over HmoouBBry. xnaaauaa oziaeipjgij! msilmnn compel him to enter every body's yard, aadia doing this they have hocosse acqaaiatedwithssoetof the dage but duriag these days of dog assree the dogsdo aotesem' to omtiagaieh between friend or foe, and neither will the avail man henceforth. Hereafter the dog which comes toward the smailsssa with a friendly greetiag had better etay away, for hie motives might be mietakee aad he is liable to beeosae a ssark for 'the msilmsn in hie target practice. Mr. aad Mm Adolph Jaeggi ware pleesaatTy earprised Wedaeedey eve aiag at the Maeenerchor hall by the ladies of GreetU-Vereia eooiety, who hadplaaed to help this worthy coaple celebrate their 8aver wedding. This highly- esteemed lady and gentleman have went aloag life's pathway hand ia head for tweaty-fve yean, aad the faaotiongiven in their honor will long be remembered as oae of the ssoat enjoyable-events of the sssson. As Mr. aad Mrs. Jaeggi catered the ball, Mrs.1 Leopold Jaeggi who was seated at the piano played a wedding starch. The yoaag ladies belongiag to thia eo oiety pleeeed the gatheriag with every pretty song, after which the gasets wereiavited to tad places at the tables, sad partake of the good thiags the ladies had ao nicely prepared, for, thsm. Ia the course of the eveaiag, Rer. BTHea SBarker smsde en appropriate speeoh aad preasnted the hoaored couple with eeveral beaatifal pieces of silverware. Mr. Jaeggi responded aad fcVbrief told howthaakfal Mrs. Jaeggi aad he were to their ssaay friends. At a late hoar the frieade departed to their respective homes. The out of town guests proi were Mr. aad Mrs, John Horst of . The wreetHng match lset Friday night at the opera hoaas between Jack OTieary.ehampioB light weight af the state aad "Dago Kid" of Genera, Hebr- aska,was won by thechsmpoia, ia two faUeoat of there. A fair crowd of spectators attended themstoh lathe fret CLeery won ia 9ft miautee, and the asooad weat to the Geneva boy , ia 14 minutes, aad the third and last round O'Ltary put the required amount of potato of the "Dago BM"en the met ia 12adautsa to win the ooa test Both areetlsrs showed np ialaefi gave a satisfactory go far the the tatore prseeat Mr. O'Ltary baa ridedto.makeColambUB aia wfll make the sarroundtai eihibitioaa of bis skill of the erthe teUews. Tharaday aighthe meeteea by the aame of Gamy who 106 poaade, and expeetaaroack go, then on Saturday eight he wfll mix thtags astoaff am owa aatioasbty, at Spalihagwith a fellow hytheaaateef Peaaerbathe does aai ettpeet to bo The Bent Paint to use the . Walvl Bllwf , lw RlwwsEw) Pollock & Co. ' THE DEUOOIoVTS UB warO OOFsMI COLUMBUS, BEBKASBtA. q.B. Prieb, psiatlay g. B.& !: freatiebeeBg in t which wiU be eooBBicd by the athi iathe oKy to have tUa ;. wiU be held ia Call en JaaelT. the ami ae.W.L. wind, aad a i eeOera bevel from ander dwattine; aot the wast batwOijeeia crew here aad rsmsia eicee to heme with the old folks. WithJehei prodigsl eoa Joel the Journal. Bath the have to B Webb, mow, l bus, end waite tna vjmm aaai weefey weal gvod Platte ooaaty held at the Saturday, aboat eeventy-tvo being in altoadancs. The one of the faataamr'af the waU broaghtontthe her work. Mra. astratioa af work with a asUgthe class for the ProftB. B. gave a talk oa the by the last wsseoftba eystsm. After the at which the .uniform' enures ef atady forallaighseaoolsof the elate doing 10 grades of 'work was prsssatsd' anel' adopted. Ia this ooaaection it shsaM bemeatioeed that the atadeato' eaamV iaation far all those who sapeet to eater the high eehuol aextfell wfll be held MsySaadt Pereata mast notify the ooaaty aaperiateadsnt before Jaae 10 of this year if they wish their ebBdren to attend the high eehool, provided they are eligible, es the supsriataadent ssnet aotilythnseboal distrieteeothetprerri ston ana be amde at the annas! msstina; topaytaition. This mast be sttsaisd to before Jane 10, aa after that Cntdef Wedeeketo thank the fi and aaighbors,fer their V Mrs. Uraale OmLDanw asdFi I I .KM. ESTATE AM LMR. I i waatmvnr nssanan; nnMBW in real estate, either fans made 1 or town lata, it wfll-be to year iatereettoeoneaHear asm. Wa abmhvn. 1 far rent in it wfll I payysntai RSVRttiVlfHSHVimVIVl 1 to loan hi nay 1 Fbe, Tmaado Insm wmmmsBssemmtemmetma Clark of the Kearney slsls umil Mlm Aaaa Yeanereeek ef the finaiB Bbatk Isl, eehoals, and Prof. B. B. wmwnaai af this eity.' Monday after two amatha work with a aoaatrnstian craw on the dlvMsa wast from that place. He eeye everything ia enthemeve awl there, aanasmBy aba beaesa. HawM saeeUag aad was wall received 0ber spseisl faatarsa of the pi ugi sajpsn Baas Bom paper an drawiag. in wAien aba Briadley aaee enll- f. Bechcr, Hockenberger S 1 Chambers ftvmsmivfisv!ysitBivHfe!!mins S ! I Ohmmbers. labia tym 1 -r -c ! "- .V lllllllllllllllllllllllllli i -f c l.i::X? .i -1.- . iii& 51v. , . . i - iKW -ig:e:.i t &&.. - -.'fix, !fc&.