The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 10, 1907, Image 7

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Lincoln Letter
Current Geeslp from the
Legislative and Otherwise
The thirtieth session of the Neb
la' legishttBre-hM-pnctically gone late:
history, as at this writing the hoar of
final adjournment is near at hand. The
last day was speat in listening to the
reports or conference committees and
a general joiliication and goodbye ser
vice which began and ended as the
mood of any certain member dictated.
A great many of the members of both
houses left Tharaday evening, but a
quorum was present all day Friday
and faithfully voted on the conference
committee reports, and toward evening
It was only a waiting game waiting
for the enrolling clerks to get bills en
rolled. Late In the evening it became
apparent the enrolling clerks coald mot
finish their work before morning, and'
as there was no business to transact
until their labors were completed,
both houses took a recess until Satur
day morning. Friday was spent most
ly on the appropriation bills and the
conference committee reports which
were adopted cut out the $20,000 ap
propriation for the new orthopedic hos
pital at Lincoln, cut out the salary
for a chief clerk in the office of the
labor commissioner and added and sub
tracted some minor amounts, leaving
a grand total of all appropriations
against the general fund of $3,589,217,
not counting the 1 mill levy for the
university. 'This amount caps the ap
propriations of past legislatures, but
members-of the finance committee of
both houses justify the increase by
the increased needs of the state. The
1 mill levy for the university, of
which $100,000 goes to the state farm
for new buildings, will add not less
than $G17.Gi:: to the amount the tax
payers will nave to contribute -during
the next two years, providing, of
curse. Governor Sheldon due not get
buty with his pruning knife, which it
is freely predicted he will do. The
total of all appropriations two years
ago. including the university appropri
ation, amounted to S3.ti2l.G04.05, add
ing the estimated amount which will
go to the university will make the in
crease this biennlum approximately
$617, CI a. The Lancaster delegation
made a hard fight to save the new
building for the orthopedic hospital.
but the legislature could not see the
need of It just at this time.
A feature of the legislature in its
closing hours was the presentation by
the members of the senate to Lieuten
ant Governor Hopewell of a beautiful
gold-heaiied cane. In accepting the
same he said: "I -shall not endeavor
to express my feelings at this time,
because I could not if I should try.
I can only say I sincerely thank you
from the bottom of my heart, not for
the cane, but for the sentiments that
the sneaker has expressed in present
ing it. This session has been very
pleasant. We have made many ac
quaintances and friends that we will
remember as long as we live. I think
I can say this is a memorable body,
a pood deal above the average, if we
take the word of those who have been
Acquainted with legislatures for years
past I believe this is the finest body
of men I have come in contact with.
There may be a better body some
where, but if so I have never seen nor
heard of it"
The state university won $50,000
from the Nebraska legislature in the
closing hours. However, this will af
ford little relief, according to the re
port of the university authorities. The
conference agreement commands that
$100,000 be diverted from the 1 mill
levy proceeds and be expended on the
state farm. In return the general
fund of the state is to furnish $50,000
to be expended as the regents direct
This 'sum is insufficient it is stated, to
make any progress on the civil engi
neering building so badly needed by
the university. On the other hand, it
Is teared that the expenditures at the
slate farm will necessitate the use of
the $50,000 for the maintenance of the
university proper.
House roll 269 was indefinitely post
poned in committee of the whole. The
bill sought to penalize teachers vhen
they broke their contracts. Senator
King opposed the bill. He declared
that the school teachers of the state
were honorable and honest They
deserved the utmost consideration. If
they damaged a school board, there
was an action at law.
Don C. Despain, clerk in the labor
bureau and letter writer of much re
nown, has been worsted in his cam
paign for the perpetuation of his pay
check. The conference committee on
the general salaries bill eliminated his
alary of $1,200 a year fron' the list of
perquisites. In the n'cse 7esenta
tive McMullen had the item struck
out, alleging that Despain returned no
service therefor.
A romance was one of the features
of the closing day of the senate. It
leaked out that Senator H. B. Glover,
one of the bachelor members of the
senate, and Miss Cordelia Johnson of
Lincoln were to be married In the
evening. Their acquaintance began at
one of the receptions held by Governor
Bheldon. They met frequently at the
came function and were together much
of the time during the session. The
nuptials were tipped of and Senator
Glover was the subject of consider
able "joshing."
Passage of the Gibson anti-brewer
bill was stubbornly fought not only
by members of the house front Dong-1
las county, but by a powerful lobby,
but the sentiment always favored the
bin, and there had never been a qnes
tiontiasi af its final approval by the
legislature. The final vote wasrtT
for the Mil and 21 against it After
Gibson introduced the measure such a
protest came np front South Omaha
that he never pushed It bat it was
forced ahead by frieads in both
and rassjMy vent throngs.
c TIm" conference'' coininTtteeTepoTt on
the pare food hill was. adopted by the
house and senate, making the bill teite
as stringent as when It Jeft the senate.
The committee was at work over the
measure a good portion of a whole day
and the reports were submitted in
each house Just before adjournment
being accepted without discussion
Many of the provisions objected to by
the druggists were placed in effect, but
the provision which the jobbers object
ed to with regard to laheu'oa canned
goods were changed to meet their re
qulrementa in a business way. la brief,
the conference cemm'lttee cat out the
provision for meat inspection aad left
this to state iaspeefbrs. The provision
that packages must hear the net
weight and measure of their contents
was put back in die bill, as was also
the provision that packages must hear
the ingredients stamped on the outside
under certain conditions. The dairy
provisions of the bill were little
changed as they were altered by the
house, with the exception that instead
of leaving the dairy commissioner to
decide upon the proper test, the Bab-
The Gibson bill to prohibit brew
eries from engaging in the saloon bus
iness passed the house. Its passage
was foreshadowed by the indorsement
it received. Introduced by its author
for the alleged purpose of revenge and,'
according to common report In the'
legislature, disowned and disapproved
by him the bill was taken up, by others
and pushed with a vigor such as that
given terminal taxation and some of
the other big bills of the session. One
feature of the bill which was approved
of by many who voted against it is
that which forbids breweries or their
agents to own or aid in securing li
quor licenses. The other feature
which was denounced by a number
who voted for it Is the provision pro
hibiting breweries or their agents from
renting property for saloon purposes.
The Hamer bill amending a bin
which passed both houses early in the
session and became a law, was passed
by the senate after an ineffective fight
to kill it by Epperson of Clay. The
legislature passed. H. R. 31. early In
the session, taking away from cities,
villages and precincts the power to
vote bonds in aid of railroads. Until
after it became a law very few per
sons knew the importance of it At
the request of members from the
northwestern part of the state, an
other bill correcting the "joker" was
introduced, the new bill allowing
bonds to be voted for steam railroads
only. Seaator Epperson, who bscked
the first bill, fought the second one,
but was unable to kill it
Redmond of Nemaha got through a
resolution in the house to clear the
title to eight acres of land belonging
to T. J. Majors, by allowing the col
onel to sue the state. When the state
bought sixty acres of land for the State
Normal school at Peru it was in two
tracts. By a mistake the eight-acre
tract was not properly described and
instead of getting .what the state
bought the deed reads eight acres be
longing to Colonel Majors. However,
the state has been using what it
bought for forty years and the reso
lution is only for the purpose of al
lowing Colonel Majors to get his title
cleared up.
Senators Ashton and Aldrich fought
a two hours' oratorical battle in re
gard to the Milford and Grand Island
homes for old soldiers. Ashton won
his fight He pulled house roll No.
491 through, this measure apropriat
ing -$25,000. in state funds, for a build
ing at Grand Island. Milford was al
lowed $15,000 and then Grand Island
came in for $9,000 for repairs.
Through the provisions of a bill
which was passed in the house, and
which had already passed in the sen
ate, the sheriff of Douglas county will
receive a salary of $4,000 a year after
January 1, 1908. Until that time he
will draw his present salary and will
receive 39 cents a day for feeding
prisoners. After that date the feeding
of county prisoners will be done by
House roll No. 328, to allow bonds
to be voted for railroads, slipped
through the senate by a vote of 25 to
7. Hamer introduced the bill in the
house. Senators Hanna and Phillips
worked for the bill, claiming the
North Platte country needed railroads.
The legislature has repealed a similar
law at the present session. The bill
restores the statute as far as "steam
railroads" are concerned.
Senator Randall made a fight to in
crease the $1,250 appropriation for a
monument to General Thayer to $5,
000. He declared the larger amount
would be necessary to erect a shaft
suitable to commemorate the. memory
of one of Nebraska's 'leading citizens.
His amendment was voted down.
The governor signed S. F. No. 76, by
Seantor Gibson, a bill to eliminate
brewers from active or indirect partic
ipation tn the retail Qqnor business.
Delegation after delegation of brew
ers called on Governor Sheldon, but,
despite their pretests, he signed the
Both senate aad the house adopted
the report of the conference commit
tee on amendments to the pure food
bill without serious opposition, the ex
pected fight not materializing. The
conference committee amended sec
tion 8. over which the big fight oc
curred, to make it practically the same
as it was -when the bill left the sen
ate. It requires the names of ingre
dients, but not the quantities, to be
placed on bottles, aad requires the
quantity to be placed on all bottled li
quor except that used for medical pur
poses. cock test was prescribed. The pro
vision with regard to stamping pack
ages with weight and measure was ex
cepted ia the case of persons in the
canning .business or jobbers putting up
private' Brands,
The state board. of irrigation, as ap
pointed -by "the governor, met and re
elected Adna Doesou, secretary and
H. Smith of Lexington aad P. T. Fran
cis, division secretaries. The office
force win remain the same,' George
Bates, assistant, aad Miss Gilmore,
The kidneys have a great work to'
in, m keeping Je Wood. jwre,Whea
tney getont-oc oraer
It causes backache,
headaches, dizziness,
languor' and distress
ing urinary troubles.
Keep the kidneys
wen and all these suf
ferings will be saved
you. Mrs. S.A.Moore,
proprietor of n res
tasnraat at Watervflte,
Ma. mtrs: "Before
sing Don's Kidney PUls I suffered
everything from kidney troubles for a
year and a half. I had pain "la the
hack aad head, and almost contmuons
la the loins aad felt weary all the
time. A few doses, of Dean's Kidney
PUu brought great relief, and. I kept
on taking them until in a short time
I was cured. I think Dean's Kidney
PUls are wonderful.
For sale by all dealers. S cents a
box. Fbster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N.T.
Ranchman Rede Far After Meet Seri
ous Injury. '
Jack Farlaad, a ranchman living at
the base of Pike's Peak, and whose
post office is Midland. In this county,
yesterday suffered a broken leg by
being caught between a horse which
he was riding and a timber wagon
which he was attempting to pass
while en route to this city, says the
Cripple Creek Times. Farlaad dis--played
the greatest of pluck by riding
on to Victor after suffering the injury,
although he said upon arriving here
that he felt several times that he must
'give up. Knowing," however,' what
difficulty would attend any attempt to
dismount, and how well nigh impossi
ble it would he for him to remount' in
the event that he succeeded in getting
safely off his horse, the ranchman
gritted his teeth and kept on. After
having his leg set by a surgeon of
this city, Farland collapsed and It
was late in the afternoon before he
was able to proceed homeward ia a
carriage, the accident having hap
pened early la the morning.
Make Your Own Sareaparilla er Spring
Bleed Medicine.
Mix one-half ounce Fluid Extract
Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kar
gon, three ounces Compound Syrup
Sarsaparilla. Shake well in a bottle
aad take one teaspoenf ul after meals
and again at bedtime. Any good drug
gist can supply these' ingredients.
This is said to be a splendid Spring
Blood Tonic and system renovator be
cause of its gentle action in restoring
the Kidneys to normal activity, forcing
them to filter from the blood all im
pure matter and acids, destroying
microorganisms which produce ill
health and sour blood.
Everyone should. take something to
cleanse' the blood at this time of year,
and the above simple prescription is
the most highly indorsed of the hun
dreds of home remedies generally used.
Mix this yourself, then you win
know what you are taking.
Sheep Raising in Australia.
The greatest industry of Australia Is
sheep raising, mainly for the sake of
the wool, but also in part of -course,
for the meat. Australia now ranks
second among the great sheep-raising
countries, Argentina being first with
92.0e0.000 sheep, Australia second with
72.eM.et0, and Russia, third t with. 7f,
00,000. Only a few years ago Aus
tralia was first possessing so less
thaa 106.260,000 head of sheep. That
was ia 1891. Prolonged droughts were
the cause of the destruction of msny
millions of Australian sheep, but since
1902 there has been an annual gain.
Tet these sheep were not indigenous
to Australia. They were first Intro-1
duced in 1797, being of the Spanish
merino species.
Queer Idea of Chinese.
The following is a quite modern
Chinese conception' of the foreigners'
treatment of infectious cases: "If an
epidemic broke out two foreigners
took the sick away aad put them U
a little room, washed them with lime
water and then locked them up, so
that no one could see them, on pur
pose that tir might soon die and no
propagate the disease. Wives and
children might cryaad weep, but the
foreigner would but drive them away
with sticks, for until dead no one
must see those faces again. Better
for all of us to jump into the sea thaa
submit to this." South China Post
Read Slowly.
The New York Medical Journal
wisely remarks: "The colon bacillus
Is. usually .-ranked fa. thesaprophytie
group of bacteria rather than placed
among the organisms distinctly patho
genic for man; but we know that It hi
far from being devoid of virulence,
aad that It is capable under certain
conditions ot gaining Increased pew
era of invading the organism
manifesting very definite path
The Kind of Food That Will Keep I
The true way is to find out what Is
best to eat and drink, and then culti
vate a taste for these things iastead
of poisoning ourselves with improper,
indigestible food, etc
A conservative Mass.. woman writes:
1 have used Grape-Nuts 5 years for
the young and. for the aged; ia sick
ness and in health; at first following
directions carefully, later in a variety
of ways as my taste and judgment sug
gested. "But its most special, personal
fit has been a substitute for :
served dry with cream when rheu
matic troubles made it Important for
me to give up the 'coffee habit'
"Served in this way with the addi
tion of a cap of hot water aad n Utile
fruit it has been used at my morning
meal for six months; daring which
time my health has. much Improved,
have grown steadier, aad a
decrease In my comfort'
Name given by Postern Cereal Co,
Ltd. Battle Creek, Mich. Bend the
little hook, "The Send to WsflTttkv"!
hi phis. Ti . 1
Judging- People.
We are all inclined to judge of oth
ers as we find them. Our estimate of
a character always dspeads
the manner In whJch-taatw
affects our own Interests, and
We find it dimcult to think well, of
those by whom we" are thwarted' or
depressed; and we axe-ready to admit
every excuse -Cmvihe-vices of those
who are,, useful or agreeable to us.
That faVre believe", one of those illu-
skMsrto whteh.the whole hi
Is swbject and which
-resection can oary? partially
JU2 IV- C ,?! : 5 j
-naesr white goods, in fact, any fiat
wash goods when, new, owe meeh ot
their-attractiveness to the way they
are" laundered, this, being done in' n
manner Jo. enhancej&eif textile beau
ty. Home.Jaunderiug-would beeanar
ly satisfactory' if proper attention was
given to starching, the first saw at! si
being good Starch, which has sumclent
strength to stiffenwithout thlckenlng
the goods. Try Defiance Starch and
yen will be pleasantly surprised at the
improved appearance of your work. -
Parisian Champions Bsrmaide.
The Paris Matla says, apropos ot
the proposal to abolish the British
barmaid: "One must have Uvea
through a dull winter's night on the
shores of the Thames; one mast have
looked la the laughing eyes of some
waitress for a refiectioa of the absent
blue sky, la order to uaderstaad aU
the horror of the proposal to replace
charming barmaids by
In a Pinch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EAfiE.
A. powder. Jt, cures painful, smart
ing, nervous feet and ingrowing nails.
It's the greatest comfort discovery of
the age. Makes new shoes easy. 'A
certain ctrre "for. sweating-feet Sard'
by all Druggists, 25c Accept no sub
stitute. Trial package, FREE. Ad
dress A. S. Olmsted. Le Roy. N. T.
Increase in Savings Deposits.
Ia 1906 the resources of the saviags
banks of the state of New York
reached $l,465,M0,eef. an increase of
$S9,0M.00 ia only one y
Garfield Tea, the Mild Laxative, is a
purer practical household remedy; good for
young and old. To be taken for constipa
tion, iadigestion, sick-headache, colds and
diseases arising from impure blood. It
clears the complexion.
An aim in Ufe Is the 'only fortune
worth pursuing. Adnah.
Lewis' Single Binder straight So. Yea
pay luc lor cigars notse gooo. xeur
or Lewis' Factory; Peoria, I1L
When a tan man is broke that's the
long aad short of It
You saye
and avoid failures in your
baking if
23 mmmcmmlm 23 cmmtm
Here is true economy. You cannot
be sure $Ptry ti me or have your
food dainty, tasty and whole
sotiie if you pay lessor
accept a subatitite.
Hal mLphnllai-nffhia
nnuuuj nuuunuannnoinsUSlBSBsasBcasBSSK- EaaSBaasJBaaaaaaaanai naa
Vjbf aaarVBl aa
ALABASTINE comes in dry powder form, ready for use by mixing with clear
pare cold water. Safeguards healthand makes homes teantiful and Uvable.
Easy to mix. You can apply it yourself with aa ordiaary flat wall brush.
Insist on goods in packages labeled " ALABASTINE" and that your work
men bring Alabastine in unopen packages and nee on job.
If your dealer does not have Alabastine we will supply you. Write for free
color suggestions and send us 1 cents for book ' Dainty Wall Decorations."
ATLABAST1N COMPANY, Gsapd lUfalda. Itachu Mew York City.
$3.00 AND S3L50 SHOES -&
W. k. VBBBJ MM. Kll
r AT
oars awsas, jsa jm majm. ygfcass.1
w.Ij. uouclaa sooea are reeocaiasd bvezaart ladaaaof fnat
tehetao heat in style, ttaawaerpiadnceamthfaeeuntry. Each
waaaasaV b 4VV as la rasa aJ SMSaoa Ja4!1 aIaL. .Wa a a m
." r7 mram mm ""??,," " asaars; ss looaea alter
ss waseaea over oy amued anoamatan,
mm w cw. mm. m. maw mm yoa mio asy
JvrecKtea, aiaas, aasa saua you aew eantaur W. I IJrjacIas
. - s .
wear loagerv aad are of grantor
CaSaaa aas tw
I ment
Sy JPFt aWteasanf) fnfJp JDJMfeV lWMWjaF
iirs se'meeh easier to ten. a He
than it ia to make people believe it
Fruit (pods will net stain rood, dyed
the colors are bright and fast.
He who .Is firm and resolute In win
molds the world to himself. Goethe.
Levis' Kaffc Bender costs mere than
ether 5e Sspara. Smokers know why.
Year sailer er Lewis' factory.'iPeoria, IIL
.Every truth that comes home to us
ia a moral call, bidding as rise to a
position. Goethe.
Garfield Tea the indwpeaaable laxative!
Take it in the Spring; it purifies the blood,
cleanses the system, eradicates disease. It
is made whouy of simple Herbs. Guaran
teed under the Pare Food and Drags Law.
Chinese City Waking Up.
Nanhin, China, is to have an elec
tric light system of the most modern
hind; also a aew water works.
that Contain Mercary,
ww Micjy ai i tier us seat of sbmB
r mrnnmn us wsmo must van
BUI itas sassa ssihiss. Sack
ail ha Mti i' al ia imi !
sjsss frnss isssisMs soyslen . its saiVai tasy
wOHU urn mtvttht mutt ytmamtmSRrS-
msmsstSM. Hairs Cstan Cart, sMaafectart
sy r. J. Ckeasy C. Tel, O.. wiatatas m awr
caty. sad at take attscasDr. actfsc esrscUj
ks MosS sa saaeoas sariasss f tks ?. Ha
boytac Ban's Catarrk Cars fee sars roa t tao
ffS? -,,.,J& "rtwaanr ss4 swis at Tea,
eata.byl'.J.Ckaacyec, Tssilwsalsls hssT
TaksBiarsVaaaay raster
. He enjoys much who Is thankful for
little; a grateful mind is both a great
and a happy mind. Seeker.
W. N. U, OMAHA, NO. 15, 1907.
you use
BS-.iy Q
9Htn&KfKDw ansnnaTaTM eTMeaBwaMaW aTMsjssmnnpmnsjsmy
without regard to
lane factories at
m .. r. .. -
rny taey sold taeir
shape, w thettar.
I Wine of Cardui
the wdr-known female tonic. For sale at all drug stores.
Jot Momaiie. of AKjribald.
. i- , -
wre us a uma
s - . ( -'
Women Avoid'
trouble is tea that an oper
ation m neeessarj, it, of
ration 1s 'Ifceoa
greet monj nonirn have been cared
by Lydia E. Plakhama Vegetable
Coaanonnd after an operation has
been decided upon ss the only cure.
The strongest and .nest grateful
Lydia E Pinkham' s
from active roo4a and herbs,
evidenced by Mies RoteMoore'seaae,
Dear Mrs. nnkamaa'Ljydm. JS. nnnaamva vugomoio uumpuuuu nee
cured me of the very worst form of female tree avkaa I wish to express
to yon my dpest gratitude. I suffered intensely for two years ae that
I wneanahle to attend to my duties and was a burden to aay family. I
doctCTned aaoVKtoTed with ly temporary relief sail nsnetsatly ahjestieg
to an operation which I was advised to undergo, I decided to try Lydia
E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Coaunowed; it cured me of the terrible trouble
and I am now in better health thaa I have been f or ameny years.1
This and other sswh esses should encouraare every wemnn to try Ly
dia E. Plnkhams Vetabie CcwpoundbeJoraaaeanaealtetoamcMrai
Mrs. Mnfduun's SUndinr Invitatioa to Wfja
Women snfiTering from any form of female weakness are invited to
nrossptly ceanmenieate with Mrs. Pinkham. at Lynn. Mass. Freaa the
symptoms given, the trouble may he
way of recovery advised.
Make Your Children Heppy
It will cost but TEN CEHTS
This TEDDY BEAR is printed on strong,
durable muslin in soft tans and browns.
A few stitches and TEDDY BEAR stands
complete, a Bear Baby 11 inches high.
It will be loved as dearly and cherished as ten
derly as the imported 15.00 Bear.
Sent Postpaid on Receipt of 10c.
tk uunos psnnsm
asoKioaal stiles
of railway this
fcsre opes up a
itrlmtnmni terri
toty to the sasjitaswe
tamers off Western
Caaaoa a4 tke Gov
crassest of Use Dessia
ioa c llaaca to give
SIXTY ACKEB FAKE to every settler.
Coal, wood sad water la saoalaaw ; cbarches
aa schools coBveaieat; s&arkets easy of access;
taxes tow; diacste the best ia the aertkera tess
aeratosone. lwaaS order prerailactcijwhtrc.
For advice aad iafsnaattoa address the
Ottawa. Caaada, er aay authorised Csaadtia
GoVCtVaataTBt ACCnlt
v. v. rowsn, an Rew ta ia
Tseenvlnee any
haprovs her health
and do aU we cJabu
for It. Wa win
STnuawtesttnwmlals. Bend
sad address en a postal cava.
eh ss nasal
1 troubles Is extra.
nroSn TdymnrnxMardrmrnl
aHsai far roar roars reaatj sssa off essd
anetcraad soaad shrslaal ssadhlsa ao
twosa tao aof naaenaasspfsoiUs ssa-
at Dwimiii andSlaaaqty, laws, as
navY mtaaiiiau aranaw.r.1
rfaraaaaSalsaaalaiaawl n wTTm
I. T. wTttarc "ily wtfe had aMarasren fcr
Umf Tfraj,,,,, j mwAl Ln J
sr.v Jsvvannnnnnnnnnnaw. rgawEir
SCf asaanasTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanV Oa' s
saaaaaran aaaaaaaaaaaaa
' 'Bi i j gnap'f'
r t -gOSBBaaanV9 aaaaaaW m
4VaaaaaaPT HaV A3a
VJrWCnr gTfr -
JUmr Ty rYaaii
Vegetable Cosmotsuf
of 991 W. ssthat.K.Y.Shewrites:-
located and the quickest aad :
Raskes Itchings JM
Irritalkms Of
Speedily Cored by Warn
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