The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 03, 1907, Image 7

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    V -3-lr '
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7 v.
- . oMsssssssaaawaaoaaaaaBMaaaaaaoasaaosawomBowaawowssssssooo" ttM&
glgggSgS lSTT- - ow miTv- oiwatiiral 1
ft I I 1 i . I
a Siiwf Mm Hh Farmse Unas
Jain Dean'a KMfMy PHIe,
J. D. TJaag&trey. music paMIsher, of
oMTolk. Va, says: "Dorian; two or
three years taat I aaa
kidaer trouble I passed
2 pouads of gravel
an4 sandy sedlmeat
ia the urine. Iaaveat
passed a stoae slace
usiag Dean's Kieeey
Pills, however, aad
I that was three years
ago. I used to suffer
the most acute agoay
during a gravel attack.
and had the other usual symptoms of
kidney trouble lassitude, headache,
pain in the back, urinary disorders,
rheumatic pain, etc. I have a box coa
talning 14 gravel stones that I passed,
but that is not one-quarter of the
whole number. I consider Doan's Kid
ney Pills a fine kidney tonic."
Fnr silo bv all dealers. 50 cents a
box. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. T.
A worthy life is impossible without
a worthy motive. Ruskin.
rian for Good Health! Take Garfield
Tim now; it regulate, the lier and kid-nev-.
oiercMTne cont-tipation, purifies the
l.lw,fl :.! eradicates disease. It is made
hollx f Herbs.
The worst ot slaves is he whom
passion rules. Brooke.
lxW Sngk Binder a rich
taMe. Yf-ui- dealer or Jwis lactory,
I tarn. 111.
Nothing is impossible to tha maa
who can will. Emerson.
tone tram Bellrinfer
Or Williams' fina rms rc ic
"Reliable A Favorite Household
Motherhood may be the crowning
blessing of. a -woman's life or it may
bring grief aad sorrow. Mrs. M. J.
Wight, or ITO Seventa Street, Auburn.
Maine, relates ber experience after the
birth cf her daughter in 1901. as fol
lows: "I was all run down at the
time the baby came and did not im
prove in health rapidly after. I was
rale, thin aad bloodless. My stomach
distressed rao being full cf gas all the
time and my heart fluttered so that I
.::ld scarcely breathe.
"Finally I remembered that a friend
hrd recommended Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills to me so I commenced using
ihira. I gained in strengin rapim.
while the La by throve also. When I
-.pccied nsy next child I started tak
ing the pills again as a tonic and
strensthener and had no such diffi
culty as before. I got up better and
:nv strcuglh came back much sooner.
""A vcar ago last winter I had an at
tack cf rheumatism in the hands which
ent from one hand to the other. The
joints swelled up and were so stiff I
could not move them. The pain ex
tended up through my arms and
Khouhlea?. I felt sick enough to go to
bed but did not do so. This attack
lasted for several no:iths. I tried sev
eral remedies but fiually came back
to using the pills which had done me
so much good before and found that
they benefited me almost at once. I
have net been troubled since."
All druggists sell Dr. Williams Pink
Pills, or they will be sent by mail
post-paid, on receipt of price, 50 cents
per box. six boxes for $2.30. by the
Dr. Williams Meatcine uompwo.
Schenectady, N. Y. Send for book of
WSisMUrMMSt vie
W m'JSSS msaoMMMMmsawMmsOMmsLMMP
rV lllliillltllflMltiW
WM ease yowr heme la
VA mmry way. ttfw'
. tt better far leas aMSwywtdi
V t all afct Alnhnllai
wM first anyway.
Emm. Well cheerfolrr send
bTbotA smi fr.11 wiftmiutinn if VMS
AfA will send us your addresi
AVAfi on a post card.
- JwM Ta AlaWstJae Cow.
M wA ssisisrfiMthi .fciiys
The teatimoey of Hw-
taoss oaras;
Xmi bT aar the astt-
enitarslietaras ten la
crea ad l wutmmt mat Im
vlae. ma still tksCmaar
dlan GorerMBratoests
tea actv rstKB to
Snie if the Ataitiges
tu itninmanil IncMaae Id rsilwky
ain lines aa brsnebst bn put almoctersrr per
tKia ot tke cosBttr wltala sssr leack of skBtcses,
cboon. BtoACU. caemp iaei m troj imhii
"tmskot aiiusoswcsnsi. whsatckop
of ibis yrar meni aw.Sa.aa u the farmers of
Wnicro V-ansda. apart from tas nsslu of otksr
F.?aarlraBdlBfarawtioa address too 8VPSB
r ir aiitiKjnied tioTeiusieat Asset.
W. V. IERNETT. Ml Hew York life
Eating.. JM
asu.. - t-yi t-Ut:
"I think I mast have been oora oa
Friday," said the discoasolate report
er, as'fce dropped isto a chair aear
the window ia a dowatown hotel te-
"A Wae envelope in the mall box,
I snpposer said' his brother scribe.
"No. I was not fired at ieasx. w-
on the pay roll when I left the omce.
said the first speaker.
"For two days," he continued, l
have beea turning every angle to dig
ap a story. To-day I got the first line,
oa it, and I worked like a trojaa.
Ten minutes ago I met the fellow who
knows the whole story, tie lausucu
and showed me some newspaper clip;
pings the yarn was published three
weeks ago."
.u-r lnnc r.av vou been m ine
newspaper game?", asked the other
man. as he slid a little further down
in the comfortable chair.
"Three years," was the reply, "but
this is the first time I ever got on
such a sidetrack as this."
"Cheer up, old fellow. Let me tell
you a story true one tnac nap
pened to me five years before you be
came a 'cub. tt
"Oae afternoon," he continued, an
..nnmniM letter came to the city
editor. It told of a woman held pris
oner in Chinatown. Beyond stating
that the writer had 'seen her- in a
third-story window, and. further, that
the writer shrank from publicity, there
was no clew to the writer. Parrisb,
who has long since quit the newspa
per game, was assigned to the story
with me." ...
" 'What do you make of this letter.
said he. as we stood at Harrison and
Clark streets.
" 'Past me.' said I. ready to get rid
of the assignment.
" 'Look again, said he. 'Can't you
see that it was written by a woman?
It is written with a stub pen. It is
written on business stationery, and
the woman who wrote it is not accus
tomed to writing with a stub pen. It
was written from an office building,
from an office that is on a floor lower
down than the tenth floor."
"'How do you make that out?'
8814 L ' -i
"'Well, the stationery you will al-
law. The fincer print shows the girl
got ink on her fingers, then left its
itnnrint when she folded the letter.
At the top here is about one-third of
the last line on the letter head. Note
the left end of that line three figures
or three letters are partly left on the
margin. Ninety to one those are fig
ures denoting the room number. Do
you follow me?'
"I replied that I did.
" 'Now, three figures being the con
lecture, the room must be between the
. "ta
first and the tenth floors ot me duiiu
ing from which this letter came. The
rest of that line shows seven type
faces. Naturally, let us conclude that
is the remnant of the building's name
a seven-letter name.'
" 'Go ahead,' said I-
" 'Chinatown's back windows can be
seen from Dearborn street pnly. The
writer of this letter is employed in an
office in a building the name of which
contains seven letters that building
is on the west side of Dearborn street
and also north of Harrison street
"True enough, but how are you
going to find the building and the
room and the girl who wrote the
'"We are going to make a canvass
of Dearborn street for a building with
sevea letters in its name. A very
easy job, inasmuch as we have only
one block to cover. This paper is a
peculiar blue. Janitors sell waste pa
per, you know, and when we locate the
hnildinc: we locate the janitor, ask
him from what office paper similar to
this has come.'
" Clever idea,' said I.
"To locate the building was an easy
matter. A half dollar got the infor
mation from the janitor. There were
four rooms in the building from which
paper of such a tinge had come. One
of these rooms had a window with a
west view and was on the eighth floor.
"In that room we found a young wo
mb of perhaps 23. Parrish and I
walked in. He did not mince words
with the girt
" 'Kindly point out to us the window
in which you saw that girl a prison
er in Chinatown.'
"The young woman gasped. But
she was not to know how we located
her. When assured that she would
not be involved in any stories that
might come of it she pointed out the
" 'I saw her in the window several
times,' said the -young woman, 'and
for a white girl to be in Chinatown is
unusual. These are the glasses I
used. They belong to the "boss," who
uses them at the race track.
"'Let me have them,' said Parrish.
"He turned them on the window
where the woman was seen. Half an
hoar later the woman appeared. He
took a long look aad thea laid aside
the glasses.
"'Young woman,' he said coldly,
'you mean well, "but you are in bad.
That girl is not a prisoner in China
town. On the contrary, ber picture
was published in every paper in Chi
cago two weeks ago. She is the girl
who married the mayor of Chinatown.'
"We left the room, and there was
just a bit of spite ia the manner Par
rish slammed the door. After ail the
gumshoe work we got no story."
"Well, taat iruit i got was an or
ange, not a lemon," said the man who
had worked so bard for the story
three weeks old.
Ghuetly bapaeaiags have disturbed
the towa of KIrkwaH, tha caaital of
ifce ceaatr of Orkney. Oa Wedaes-
iay alght, says the Loaaoa Daily Mail.
the wife of the beliriager went to St
Magmas cathedraljto" aoaad the curfew
at eight o'clock. This Is am aadeat
custom still observed ia the burgh.
The hell had been tolled for less than
a minute, whea, it is alleged, a figure
suddenly appeared at the .womaas
M snatched her hands from the
rope and as mysteriously disappeared.
' Another morning 20 trees which
a few years ago' were planted ia
froat of the cathedral were found to
have beea'cut down. The night was
a calm one, with brilliant moonlight,
aad the trees were standing at oae
o'clock ia the morning.
Hundreds of windows have an out
look on the spot, and many people who
were still astir at three o'clock In
the moralng did aot hear the slightest
aoaad outside. Yet aa hour biter
ererr tree had beea destroyed. Tha
aolica are
Hew a vsvan River Settler Has
No trouble te
bright sad
It avails little to the aafortunate to
ha brave. From the Spealsa.
Every Family Should Make Ua This
Heme Mixture and Take New.
Beaito; Manitoba, Nor. 2S, lttf.
At Swan River Valley, fa May. lMt,
a settler took ap a homestead oa See
tioa 3t ia Township 34. Range 29
West of the First Meridaa. at that
time 5 miles' from a railway, tele
rranh. school tor church. There is
.n a. rattway within two miles off
my farm, aid all these other advant
ages close at hand. His story is:
;Atter making my homestead entry
fee of $10 1 had S45.00 total (forty-five
dollars) capital. Through doing
homestead duties in slack times of
the year. I managed to get a start 1
am a married man ot 28 years of age:
"I built my first house, or shack,
and broke up 8 acres, putting five
acres in crop the first year.
"This year, 1906, 1 had 80 acres in
crop 65 acres In wheat, 20 acres-'of
which yielded 850 bushels, of 42
bushels per acre; 16 acres of oats,
which -yielded 355 bushels, and one
stack of oats in sheaf for feed.
"Receipts for the year
Sold 1,755 bu. of wheat for... $1,037.10
In granary. 110 bushels 71.50
In granary, 355 bu. oats 88.75
Garden roots and vegetables - 25.00
One stack of oats In sheaf. . . 50.00
- - ,-..- asasTsTtsaasa the safaaanov osaMMoMI msW
wea CBowoVwaa vMOTafAmVe WkWwtmwm wkwm (ganmB swnnsaae"oT
It Is the fold of love that makes the
auartt of life worth walleA. C. Maa-
At this time of year, says a well
kaowa authority, the Kidneys become
weak, clogged and inactive, failing to
filter out the poisons and acids, which
sour the blood, causing not only facial
ud bodilv eruptions, but the worst
forms of Rheumatism. Nervous and
Stomach troubles. Backache and pain
ful, aaaoying Urinary afflictions.
It is worth aayoae'8 time bow to
get from some good prescription phar
macy the following ingredients: Fluid
Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce;
Compound Kargon, one ounce; Com
nonnd Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
ounces. Mix by shaking well In a bot
tle and take in teaspoonful doses after
vour meals and at bedtime.
This simple home-made mixture will
force the Kidneys to normal, healthy
action, ao they will filter and strain all
uric acid and jwisonous waste matter
from the blood, and expel this in the
urine, at the same time restoring the
'full blood count" that is, 95 percent,
red blood corpuscles which Is abso
lutely indispensable to perfect health.
Total $1,272.35
Expenses of year
Blue stone for seed $ 1-60
Paid for binder twine 30.00
Paid for hired help 120.00
Paid for threshing 107.00
Total $ 268.60
Receints $1,272.35
Indians in United States.
Ta round figures, there are zs.uw
Balance $1,013.75
160 acres of land valued at.. $2,500.00
Frame house 20x26, valued at 600.00
Farm implements 425.00
1 team horses and harness.. 400.00
5 head young cattle ..v 75.00
2 'hogs 15.00
Receipts of this year's crop.. 1,015.75
have te call for Lnrk Shsfk
Under oamr to act it. Tour dealer er
Lewk' Factory, Peoria. HI.
i i 3 ,
People aeldoja improve, whea they
have ao other model hut themselves
to copy afterr-JSoWsmlth
",5lveT Defiance Starch a fair trial
try It for both hot aad cold starching,
aad IT yo don't think you do better
'work; ialess time and at smaller cost, andour grocer wm give
yoaback your inoaay. -
When1 You 'Are Praised.
When you are praised by a maa
'for whom you cannot possibly do any
favor and who,. as yoa aaow, is aware
of the" fact you may. fiad it reasonably
safe to conclude that he isn't laying it
oa any too thick.
In a Pinch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE.
A powder. It cures painful, smart
ing, nervous feet aad ingrowing nails.
It's the greatest comfort discovery of
r. n Makes new shoes easy. A
certain cure for sweating feet Sold
by all Druggists. 25c. Accept no sub
stitute. Trial package, FREE. Ad
dress A. S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. T.
English Women Good Shots.
Women who have recently joined
the Wandsworth (England) Rifle club
have proved so .expert in the use of
the rifle "that scores of 35 out of a
-highest possible" of 40 have frequent
ly been recorded. The club committee
is desirous of securing other womea
sharpshooters in order to arrange a
match between the women and men.
fc ascot of all to ha adasirerl.
Woesea troubled yjJffflg
3ltt Seaalae. t-a"Kes,- aad
biM iimsMifnl draaaiaa? aeaaauoaa,
. T- T - "w - 1
ta be aappy orpupwwMT,
meat im either home,"
M!iallifeis impossible-.
Tha eaase of these troubles, how-1
haaVs Vegetable Compound made
front native rootaaad J
at oaee apoa ti or nfflictedaad
the nervTeemtera, oHspellmf eee-
tasllv all these distressing symv-
iV -'.
XZZZ Ho other meSdaeia the cowtryaaa received sachaqtt
??!fjJ!!eordolcaraB of female ills as haa
Ly dia E. Rnkhams Veg etaWe CoiiiimmmmI
, 4.i ! KtAte-SL. Schenectady, N. Y., writaat-r-
SMSBUKM, - - Vw Z -, I -.Vtl.
"For mloaii-time I was wea w w----
dreia all nsy sueaan mwmy. - u- z nit,.iiroto
irritoMe,aBdallworaout. MtoSSpjKE2i Veaetaalh
of a ease similar to mine cured by Ljdia PWl5Lif?eSL
Cofpoaad, Idedded to try it and I TUSSJ
re-edyforllforsrof Fetoapli. JJ ?.
J'SSaaiitioa mtaranaMeiafra-
f. l.nMf1 awl1iAf7ho.nMOf Idle.
IvteT. Plokham'sStondliir InHtoO2
WoaamaaJEerbMrxromaay xorm ox nww " " -JI?oWaatewitJ.lirs.Hakaaai,atLyaa,
i free aad always aelpfaL
are bxvitei a
Her aavloa
Total $5,030.75
Loan on farm 500.00
Balance to my good $4,530.75
Particulars as to how to secure low
I railway rates to the free homestead
! lands of Western Canada may be se-
Indians In the United States at the cured from any Canadian Government
present time, 91.000 of whom are m Agent
m ri
Indian territory and 16.000 in Oklaho
ma, or -106.000 in the coming siaie.
Those of Indian territory, the five civi
lised tribes Cherokees, Creeks, Choc
taws, Chickasaws and Seminoles
have been managing their own affairs
for two-thirds of a century, and are
la all respects fitted for the citisen
ehip which they are soon to exercise.
All of these, and nearly all of those
to the Oklahoma end of the coming
state, wear civilized dress, and have
otnnie fhnrftbes and the ether ac
companiments of civilisation. Les
lie's. Churning Deos.
A curious point in regard to the new
dogs act occupied the attention of the
Carnorvan county bench on Saturday,
says theuLohdoh Daily Mail. The superintendent-reported
that eight per
sons had applied for exemptions in re
spect of dogs which were used for
churning. Issard Davids inquired
whether it had aot beea decided that
to use dogs for such a purpose was
cruelty, but several of his colleagues
replied in the negative.- The, bench
decided that the owners of the churn
ing dogs mast take out licenses.
Benefits of the X-Ray.
It is noted from Baltimore that dur-
lag the ten years since the discovery
of the X-ray important research has
seen made by the medical department
of Johns Hopkins university through
the use of the ray as a diagnostic
ageat; and the results of great bene
fits derived from the early diagnosis
aad study of aneurisms, or morbid di
lation of the walls of arteries, through
this agent, have just been compiled
and described hy Dr. F. Howard Baet
jar, of theualversity.
The Cheerful Bohemian.
T never see you that you area
light-hearted aad cheerful," they said
to the seedy Bobemlaa. "Why ia it
we woader."
"Well, you see," the Bohemian ex
plalaed, "I've got so used to never hav
ing any money, to being always broke,
to realising that I've come to the ead
of my rope aad there's nothing left
for me, that I've made ap my miad to
make the best of it and take my medl-
wlth a smiie.-.
Many Children-Take jSacramenL '
A notable confirmation took place
recently In Dublin, at the pro-cathedral.
Archbishop Walsh conferred the
Bacrament of confirmation on nearly
a thousand children. The actual con
ferring lasted two hours, and the cere
mony was concluded by the adminis
tering of the temperance pledge and a
strong exhortation to the children to
discharge faithfully all their religious
Etatz or Onto. Crrr or Toikdo, J.
T !3?&m e-jL . I. h
aartuer of US ana I r- "". "J"
aforeSd. sa taat ssld Srm will psy toe ssm mt
cat ot Catakbb tost cauot bo cured by tas ose oi
Etotb to before wo sad alirrlied Inwy prsseace,
thto ttbdsy or Uecanber. a. i GvaAaK.
IlaTsCsttrrtt Cure U tslcen 'nterssllyamd sets
dlrwtly iaUo blood sad mucous surfaces of toe
system, miof- A co., Toleo. a
Prosperity is a great teacher; ad-, a greater. Possession pam
pers the mind; privation trains and
strengthens It Hazlitt
for Emergencies at Home
For the Stock on the Farm
SIocvks Liivinveivt
Is a whole medicine chest
Price 25c 50c 6 LOO -
5nd for Tr Booklet on Horsts.Celk.Hstts Srbswiy.
Address Dr. Earl Su Slcaru Boston, Mass.
Itching, Bleeding Sores Covered Body
Nothing Helped Her Cutieura
Cures Her in Five Days.
"After my granddaughter of about
seven years had been cured of the
measles, she was attacked about a
fortnight later bya furious itching and
painful eruption all over her body,
especially the upper part of It, forming
watery and bleeding sores, especially
under the arms, of considerable size.
.She. suffered a great deal and for three
weeks we nursed her every night,
using all the remedies we could think
of. Nothhig would help. We tried the
Cutieura Remedies and after twenty-
four hours we noted considerable Im
provement and after using only one
complete set of the Cutieura Remedies,
ia five consecutive days the little one,
much to our joy, had been entirely
cured, and has been well for a Ions
time. Mrs. F. Ruefenacht R. F. D. No.
3. Bakersfield, Cal., June 25 and July
2S, 1S06."
Man Expert Milliner.
Charles Manners, the famous opera
singer, Is credited hy a London ex
pert wlth.beiag oae of the finest ama
teur mimaers Uviag, his worn equal
ing some of the best French models.
carefully every bottle of CASTOtQA,
assises omro mnotj hr iafsasi so caUdres,
aad soo that it
Bears too
wulam at
&a TJo For Oser SO Team
Gentleness and Manliness.
Let this truth be present to thee in
the excitement of anger, that to be
moved by passion is not manly, bur
that mildness and gentleness, as they
are more agreeable to human nature,
so also are they more manly. Marcus
Skirts ana Typhoid.
Prague's death rate is 42 per l.ftt .
ewiag principally to its had water sup.
ply. As traniag dresses are believed
to contribute to the dissemination ef
typhoid germs, a geaeral proaiMUoa
1 has aow beea issued.
Dropped a Valuable Hint About Coffee.
"For about eight years,' writes a
Mich, woman. "I suffered from nerv
ousnesspart of the time down ia bed
with aervous prestratioa.
"Sometimes I would get numb and it
would be almost impossible for me to
speak for a spell. At others. I would
have severe bilious attacks, and my
heart would flutter painfully whea I
would walk fast or sweep.
"I have takea enough medicine to
atart a small drug store, without any
benefit One evening our grocer was
asking husband how I was aad he
arged that I quit coffee and use
Poetum, ao ha brought home a pkg.
and I made tt according to directions
aad we were both delighted with it
"So we quit coffee altogether and
used only Postum. I began to get bet
ter la a month's time aad look like an
other person, the color came back to
my cheeks, I began to sleep well, my
appetite was good and I commenced
to. take oa flesh aad become interested
ia everything about the "house.
"Finally I was able to do all my owa
work without the least sign of my old
trouble. lam so thankful for the little
hook, The Road to WeUviUe.' It has
doae me so much good. I haven't
takea medicine of any kJad for six
months aad don't aeed any.
"A friend- of ours "who did aot like
Poetum as ?' made it liked mine,
aad whea sh learned to boil it kmg
eaoagh, aer's was aa good as mlae.
It's easy if you follow directions.'
Name givea hy Postum Company. Bat
tle Creek, Mica. Read the little hook,
Road to Wellvflfe," la
We must aot care for the length of
life, but for a life sumeleat for our
duties. Life is loag if it is full; but
it is full when the soul hath completed
its development aad hath saowa all its
lateat powers. Seneca.
Garfield Tea is for those who desire an
ideal laxative; it is simple, pure, mild and
potent; it regulates the liver and kidneys,
overcomes constipation, and brings Good
Health. Jt is guaranteed under the Pure
Food aad Drags Law.
A maa may know much aad yet he
aothiag. Dr- Parker..
One of the Important Duties of Physicians and
the Wen-Informed of the World
is to learn as to the relative standing and reliability of the leading mannfactur
ers of medicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians are the most careful as to
the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well
known to physicians and the Well-informed generally that the California Fif Syrup
Co., by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character ot
its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which
is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name ot the
Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy.
appeal to the Well-informed in every walk of life and are essential to Tjermanent suc
cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all wbo would
enioy good health, with its blessings, 4o the fact that it involves the questioa of right
living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hour
of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made i to contribute
to that end and the use of meoicines' dispensed- with- generally to.great, advantage, tjat
as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the
proper time, the California Fig Syrnp Co. feels that it is alike important to i present
truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy s wom
the appoval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the WeU-Informed because
of theexcellence of the combination, known to all, and the original method of manufac
ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only.
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of
Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent ot
family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senaa, are well
known to physicians and the Well-informed of the -world to be the est of natural
laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and jStaor ol
Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtle85iwcays be
called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial ejects arrays
. . a a? - of . af.MiTMwo flea ear . vim Arar
-ariiAfi nnrrh9;inir. tne lull name ox me vwnpany vuwmu a j'r '
.) naa,aa ' a
.lixir oi senna is iuc uuc muum .mms.mj . .. j - -
Co. and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which has given
satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout
the United States unoriginal packages of one size only, the regular price of which
is fifty cents per bottle.
Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the
Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C, that the remedy is not adulterated or
misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906.
Louisville, Ky.
San Francisco, Cal.
U S. A.
London, England.
New York, N. T.
rlta I
fr Eft Mat
W. N. Un OMAHA, NO. 14, 1M7.
4 VBCj&
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SB9BnB sVMMSBp wJM Hj MMoMM JawMjpS" ssMHMMjL SMS1 wM) aaMJioMMa wa' MeMamnsap
w. 1. TJuowlas aaessan leeataiaai Tsv exastt JasTHMotfaetwasr
im ia sins mi aas asiasaaai mi mailill aasa
Mrtattka aaoaaaavoTvotaeftaamalMlsossasfier
ai watoaei ever W skilto sTuaaiTrirs, wUaoat rogrd f.
tiaMoreost. UXeoaJdHtoyoaUtomvowceuctorMsati
WmnTrtMs. MaoL. aoal ahoWTOM Toow eaiemllv W. L. Dottclasl
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SKV- fc r atam?
asesara aaa,yaawonjvnen anaeimnei war saoy aw
wear laafor. aad sroor Knamrvsmetaaa any esaarsssaea.
WLnoslasiaiasiSBOr'rsaatsiiisalasiiriiai J- ti Till r '""TSfiisasjnitrBT-
eoWUsiliiMoaiiLfcoaiiliiMaOo. mI jjstjsssoSoiRiewtyoaei.
sofOJsrTgstas aial awlosiis CWulmjmaliafrm. W. a ViatMM,
A saasBtnm for and prior to mesmra or any omer bIiiIii. aaa wUI eat
MaasTtsa most atlicsm skin. Tnasaia-sOsviaaaBi camSrm aawaoa at
thosrticloaro wonoorfuL It will atop taa msmarne at sac
HfttascassadSeiallca. We roceaunaadtt assise Team aaa i
fcoaow4iritatfawn.slsosssncstaraalremosy forpaiasla me
asasaansdi ana all Raeomstic Hsarsltic aaa Goaty compls'ts. Awtal
Bimmiilii tni fnr rlrf-r- Onai ami aafamtty will sailBaiitR. M
! ssv "it Is the seat ef all ;
of oaoHiai arsJoao tko ammo carriss oar Isssl. as ulasflM ft laaati
sxaaASKA aaa xowa Mmcwairrs-we
amseSecsiea to aoeoiat a sToaler in ovety No-
brocfae tares liprjiiij Msisa fooif.'M" so
hS aoolkaat. HKBBASKA CYCU CO..
1 Pactocv r JoaToaa, 03CAMA, KOasWCA. 1
BawZMaMMofl SlMattmor--tTSJZ
KFttt fUMTffira.
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