The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 03, 1907, Image 6

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aoMssn ts Elect Five State tMfeiate
J Harrlmas CMtJcfwt the Cam-
New York Chicago will hold its
anuulcipal election om Tuesday. Tha
between Fred A. Bmm, the post-
and TenubUean .. jMWdMate for
and MnWEdward F. Dunne,
democratic candidate for re-election
as eoamlicated by referendum on the
traction question. The traction ordi
amace; which was recently passed br
the city council orer the Teto of Mayor
Dunne, provides for the iseae of
twenty-year franchises, hat stipulates
that the city shall have the right of
purchase on giving aotlce of such in
tention. The ordiaaaee hi to become
effective only after it has been in
dorsed by public referendum. The re
amblieans favor the adoption of the or
dinance, while the democrats oppose
nee indorsement and advocate asser
tion of the city's rights of eminent do-,
anala, the condemnation of the street'
car properties and municipal owner
ship. The campaign has been a heated
Michigan will elect five state officials
on Monday, including two justices of
the supreme court, two regents of the
Btate university and one member of
the State Board of Education.
The Interstate, Commerce commis
sion will listen to arguments by coun
sel for E. H. Harriman In Washington
on Monday on the question whether or
not the commission shall appeal to the
courts to compel Mr. Harriman to
Answer certain questions affecting his
management and control of the Pacific
railroads and the Chicago Alton.
Argument in the case of Benjamin
Greene and John N. Gaynor, charged
with conspiracy against the United
States government, will be heard be
fore the United Stages circuit court of
aupeals at New Orleans on Monday.
Greene and Gaynor are now in jail at
Macon, Go.
King Edward will leave Biarritz
April 5 for Toulon, whence he will
proceed the following day on board the
royal yacht for Cartagena to meat King
Alfonso of Spain. The approaching
meeting between the two monarchs
has created considerable comment
throughout Europe. Every available
Spanish warship will assemble at Car
tagena to meet the British squadron
of seventeen vessels.
Man Prominent for Over Fifty .Years
Dies of OM Age.
Bingamton. N. Y. Galusha A. Grow,
former congressman from Pennsyl
vania., died at his home in Glenwood,
Pa.. Sunday as a result of a general
.breakdown attributed to old age.
Mr. Grow was elected to congress
from the Wilmot district of Pennsyl
vania as the youngest member of that
body in 1851, and after retirement from
public life for nearly forty years he re
entered the house of representatives
as congressman-at-large from Pennsyl
vania fourteen years ago. When he re
tired four years ago his public service
in the house extended over the longest'
period, although not continuous in ser
vice, of any man who ever sat in that
Extensive Deep Water Terminals Are
to Be Built at Astoria.
Portland. Ore. The Oregonian says
that the sale of between 400 and 500
acies of land lying along Young's nay,
near Astoria, Ore., is being closed and
the purchasers are believed to be the
Harriman interests. The price to be
paid is approximately $700,000. It is
understood that the property is for
deep water treminals for the Pacific
Railway and Navigation company.
Death From Pumpkin Pie.
Smoot, Wyo. A post mortem ex
amination of the remains of James H.
Bruce has been made, and the result
will be known in a few days. Bruce
died suddenly at .his ranch near here
a few days ago after eating a quan
tity of pumpkin pie. It is alleged that
death was due to strychnine poison
ing. Bruce did not have an enemy in
the world, and the suicide theory is
- scouted.
Woman Killed by Auto.
Koneonta, X. Y. Mrs. E. S. Love-
land, niece of the late Collis P. Hunt
ington and a beneficiary under his
will, was instantly killed Sunday
while operating an automobile. Mrs.
Loveland was thrown from the car
when it plunged over an embankment
and her neck was broken.
X P. Spends a Million.
Brussels It is currently reported
that J. Pierpont 'Morgan of New York,
has acquired for $1,200,000. the unique
collection of Jules Van Den Poreboom,
which comprises furniture, pictures,
arms, brasses, ancient engravings and
chimney pieces.
After Ceal Land Frauders.
Sheridan. Wyo. Deputy United
States Marshal Joe LaFors has sub
peonaed about thirty persons In this
section who have been instructed to
attend the session of the United
States court in Cheyenne on April 2.
Decently- a nuntbeff 'ef secret service
wen have been at work in this sec
tion, and it is believed some-startling
disclosures are to be made by the
- United States authorities. It is not
known whether the cases are in con-
. 'section with., coal .land frauds or il
legal fencing of the public domain.
Sweeping Change in Law.
Des Moines, la. The pensions of
15.000 of tte veterans whose accounts
are carried in the Des Moines office
of the service will be affected by the
sweeping new lew which gees into
' forte with the next quarterly payment
SUtypfei Usee Bine Pencil.
St. Petersburg Premier Stolypin
has sent n circular to -the governors
of provinces ordering them to pro
hibit the printing of news of the
agrarian disorders Jn Koumania in the
fear that they may spread to Russia.
'U .;-, ,fc-.-.--r"JSB?aai.
Public Ownership Declared to Be sn
. Intlsn. , ?
Boston H. M. Whitney, a prominent
Mataarhuaetts democrat, Friday eight
'made public a letter he had Jmst re
ceived from William J. Bryan, dealing
with the railroad question. It follows
"I am In favor of both national and
state regulation and I also believe that
public ownership is the ultimate eola
tion of the railroad question. In my
discussions I have iJ9ijUeditrtaat be
cause ef the danger'of centralisation
in ownership by. the federal govern
ment of all the lines. I prefer a system
in which the federal government will
be confined to -the necessary trunk
lines and the ownership of the rest ol
the lines be left to the states.
"As an advocate of regulation of the
strictest sort, I can nay to, you that
there is no danger whatever that this
regulation will be carried to the point
of preventing a reasonable return on
money invested in the railroads, of the
country, and I also assure yon that
whenever public ownership is adopted
by the state or by the nation, .the
stockholder may expect to receive a
price' at least equal' to the value of
the physical properties of the road;
but no such assurance ought to be
necessary, because the public has
shown no disposition to reduce rail
road orig to n point which would
deny a reasonable return. I have con
tended that the present value of the
railroads should be .ascertained by the
interstate commerce commissions of
the various states in order that in
vestors may know when they are buy
ing stock of intrinsic, value and when
they are being cheated.
"As long as promoters are permit
ted to use stock that does not repre
sent real value there must be fluctua
tion in the stock market for every dis
closure of bad railroad management
necessarily affects the value of stocks.
The stockholders, therefore, who de
sire to purchase for legitimate invest
ment should have as much interest as
the patrons in reducing -the railroad
business to an honest basis, but the
railroads thus far have prevented the
passage of a law authorising the in
terstate commerce commission fixing
the value of the roads'.
"I think I can speak for those who
believe in regulation and I know there
is not and never has been danger of
injustice to the owners, of the. rail
roads and if I can speak for those wto
believe that the ultimate solution of
the railroad question is to be found in
public ownership I can say there is no
disposition to confiscate railroad prop
erty, even if the courts would permit
Assistant Attorney General to Take
up Campaign in Wyoming.
Washington Illegal fencing of the
public domain must be stopped. The
interior department has issued this
ultimatum and Secretary Garfield Is
taking up the -work of Secretary
Hitchcock in the prosecution of every
piece of land illegally fenced belong
ing to the public domain throughout
the United States, and there is to be
no truckling over conditions. Ne
braska is not a marker to the illegal
fencing that has been going on in
Wyoming, where millions of acres
have been' set apart by the men own
ing cattle and sheep. There will be
no let up in -bringing offenders to jus
tice. Assistant Attorney General Rush
has been ordered to Wyoming to look
after matters relating to the .illegal
fencing of public lands, and it is ex
pected in Washington that a number
of very prominent persons will be in
dicted. Telegraph Rates Raised.
Chicago The Western Union Tele
graph company has announced a new
scale of telegraph rates, representing
an increase, in some cases, of 20 per
cent, effective April 1. An order to
this effect was received by the local
offices of the company. 'The increase
in rates is not the same in all In
stances. Between Chicago and New
York the day rates have been in
creased 20 per cent. Where 40 cents
has been charged for a message of
ten words between Chicago and New
York it will be raised to 50 cents.
Walked Out on Good Friday.
St Louis In an effort to enforce
demands for increased wages made
by members of the United Brewery
Workers' union about 850 brewery
workers walked out of the twenty
three breweries in St Louis. Friday.
Bryan Speaks in Texas.
Austin, Tex. William Jennings
Bryan spoke In the hall of the house
of representatives, at the invitation of
the Texas legislature, discussing na
tional issues. Mr. Bryan spoke at the
University of Texas, confining his re
marks to higher educational matters.
Gambling a Felony in Texas.
Austin. Tex. Governor Campbell
has signed the bill making gambling
a felony In Texas. The bill provides
a penitentiary sentence for any per
son convicted of gambling.
Higher Wages for Workmen.
New Orleans A drawback to immi
gration in the south is pointed out by
Immigration Commissioner Frank P.
Sargent as follows: "There la one
thing the people of the south must
learn in the' hssdhnfr of immigrants
They mast pay snfafcr wages or the
foreigners WOT not remain aw4thi fheat
The south, la bndly in nee of agricul
turists, but it is not possible for the
farmers and planters of the south to
keep laborers at, a wage of 90 cents
to $1 n day when-they can secue42
in the north.
- Philippine Election Call.
New York The president has
signed the executive order requiring
the Philippine commission to issue the
call required by the law for a general
election of delegates to the first Phil
ippine assembly!
Picking Peaches Down South.
Hew Ot leans Ripe 'peaches, gath
ered months ahead of time, were
picked Friaay in Plaqaemihe parish.
Louisiana. The mildest winter In
thirty years was the cause of the
early ripening. -
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Can Uncle Sam settle the little South American mosquito with the Big
General Managers of the Railroads Ad
mit that the Situation Wears
a Serious Outlook.
Chicago The controversy over a
wage scale between the general man
agers of the western railroads and
their employes in the train service
cannot be arbitrated. The only way
in which a strike can be averted is
for the officials of the roads to make
terms with the men. This is the ulti
matum issued by the representatives
of the two unions involved in the dif
ficulty after a meeting Thursday to
consider the action of the fed
eral government to try to
'bring about a settlement by media
tion, along the lines provided oy the
Erdmann act. The arbitration move
of the general managers was consid
ered at considerable length by the
union representatives, but the propo
sition was finally rejected and a reso
lution passed refusing to arbitrate the
wage scale question.
The general managers admitted for
the first time that the situation was
grave. The crisis was intensified by
the fact that no compromise had been
effected with the representatives of
the 15,000 locomotive firemen, who are
here negotiating for higher wages and
an eight-hour day. Another confer
ence was held Thursday between the
General Managers' association and a
committee representing the. firemen.
but nothing in the way of a settlement
was accomplished.
Secretary Slason Thompson of the
General Managers' association said:
We are waiting to see what, the gov
ernment will do. We do not expect
to hear directly in answer to our
request that the whole difficulty should
oe arbitrated along the lines suggested
in the Erdmann act but we believe
when the labor leaders involved re
ceive word from Washington that the
government has been asked to take
a hand in the matter that they wUI
be willing to submit the question to
arbitration. We are not looking for
trouble, but we have made all the con
cessions we can afford under the pres
ent conditions ana the sooner the men
become reconciled to this the better
It will be for everyone concerned.
'New York Seth Low, chairman of
the conciliation committee of the Na
tional Civic Federation, has taken
a hand in the trouble between the
trainmen and the western railroads
which threatens to culminate in a
strike affecting 50,000 men. 'He has
put himself in communication wijli
both sides and has asked for a joint
conference. Mr. Low came here from
Will Fight Two-Cent Law.
St Louis The executive officials of
railroads operating in Missouri and
Arkansas at a meeting in the office of
A.. J. Davidson, president of the Frisco
system, agreed to contest the 2-cent
per mile passenger rate laws passed
by the recent legislatures of those
states. The attorneys of the rail
roads were instructed to outline a plan
of action and file suits".'
San Francisco The Call says that
the local six Chinese companies with
the endorsement of the Chinese con
sul general, have issued a notice call
ing a meeting at which the claims of
American and Chinese firms against
Chinese firms repudiated their indebt
nees after the big fire in April last
are to be presented.
Rushing Flour to China,
, Chicago It was announced by the
representative of the Union Pacific
and Chicago 'A Northwestern railroads
that shipments of flour for the famine
sufferers in. China would be moved
.by expedited freight from MtaneapoBs
to flan Francisco. ITierfnmI leave
San Francisco on about April 3 on the
United States transport Buford. The
train carrying the shipment across
theuntinsnt wurbe.fiftyr.imrs kmgr
each car carrying 40,000 pounds.
Honolulu It is stated here that
President Roosevelt has offered to ap
point Governor Carter for a 'second
tens. The governor is considering
the matter and wUI probably confer
personally with President Roosevelt
before reaching a decision.
Washington President Roosevelt
is giving earnest consideration to an
invltatJoa extended him by the Illi
nois Manufacturers' association to
talk to that body in Springfleld. III.,
at an early date on the railroad situation.
v t - -.i.J-1
Chief Executive Invited to Deliver An
Address as Soon as Possible
At Springfield.
Washington A committee repre
senting the Illinois Manufacturing as
sociation called on the president by
appointment and extended to him an
urgent invitation to address at Spring
field, 111., at the earliest possible date
a convention of representatives of the
manufacturing and mercantile inter
ests of Illinois and the middle west
After the conference the committee
gave out the following statement:
"The committee submitted to the
president that the present railroad fin
ancial situation was creating a feeling
of timidity and apprehension to such
an extent that is threatened an imme-
daite curtailment of banking and busi
ness credit which had heretofore been
extended to the business interests ot
the country at a time when the great
est possible demand for the extension
of credit prevailed for the development
of the increasing demands of the man
ufacturing and mercantile industries of
the country. It was shown to the pres
ident that the manufacturers in the
enjoyment of -tiieir unprecedented
credit had largely extended their busi
ness in the making of purchases nec
essary to fill orders which require
many months for their completion;
that the manufacturing and mercantile
interests were apprehensive that a
feeling of distrust was getting a foot
hold which would lead to financial cur
tailment and threaten danger to the
great prosperity that now existed in
all avenues of industries. It was urged
upon the president that very great
good would cometo all interests alike
if he would signify his willingness to
express in a public address as soon
as possible the keynote of his crea
tive and 'constructive policy. The
president was informed by the com
mittee that although the country's
prosperity was very great it soon
would become seriously impaired by
the creation of an uneasiness on the
part of the banks and investors ana
would lead to such distrust as to pre
vent the supply .of the necessary
moneys to satisfy existing wants, as
well as to meet the unparalleled de
velopment of the manufacturing and
transportation interests of the coun
try. The president inquired carefully
into the prevailing mercantile condi
tions and expressed himself as most
anxious and determined to do all in
his power to protect preserve and en
courage all legitimate business inter
ests of every kind.
Delivery Will be Discontinued Where
They Are Not Provided.
Washington In a decision rendered
Fourth Assistant Postmaster General
De Graw insists upon an adherence to
the regulations requiring that boxes
on rural mail routes shall be erected
by the roadside, so that carries can
easily obtain access to them without
deviating from their routes or dis
mounting from helr vehicles.
Will Go If He Can.
Washington "I will come if I can,"
was President Roosevelt's reply to an
invitation extended to him by n
committee of the national arbitration
peace congress who asked him to at
tend the public dinner to be given in
New York by the congress April 17.
Plan to Stop the Strike.
Chicago TheUnited 'states govern
ment will be asked to intervene to
prevent a strike of the conductors and
tralnment on the western railroads
and if the plans .of the general manag
ers: do not miscarry the whole contro
vemywill he submitted to arbitration
for settlement General managers
declare they will demand arbitration
under the Erdmann act A strike of
the men would Interfere with Inter
nals believe it can o avoided-by ac
tion of the government
Tennessee Holds Lewis' Ashes.
Nashville, Teun. The Tennessee
legislature adopted a resolution refus
ing the request of Oregon to allow the
ashes of Captain Meriwether Lewis,
the famous explorer, to be taken to
that state for interment
Internal Revenue Collections.
Washington The monthly state
ment of the collections of internal
revenue shows that for the month of
February, 1907, the total receipts were
$20,260,C&3, an increase as compared
with February. 190C. of $1,917,318.
Prominent Fionma in tho wfunt Arn
to tae fact
8aecialr Aseletaat Attorney; General
Rush ''will leave for Wyoming to he
present at the Ion of tho federal
grand Jury at Cheyenne April l. tho
land trials scheduled for trial at tho
opening of the April term of the fed
eral courta In Omaha will not ho
started before April 15.
Tho investigation of the Wyoming
and-' Colorado land frauds are under
tho direct charge ot Assistant Attar.,
ney Geaerl Bnrch. Tho Investlgatioas
have been under way far several
months, with n largo force of secret
service men employed in almttnr work
here In Nebraska daring tho last two
or three years, which has already re
suited in the conviction ot n number
of prominent land and cattle men.
An official connected with these lav
vestigaUoas in Colorado said:
"The work here in Nebraska is
child's play In comparison with what
we are up against in Colorado and Wy
oming. I do not care to say just who
these investigations have reached thus
far, but they are not little ash by.
any means.' The statute of limitations
may run against many of tho criminal
cases, but from' tho present outlook
there will be n wholesale cancellation
of patents in Wyoming and the gov
ernment still has the recourse of dam
ages against the land thieves. The
same observatloa will apply in a way
to the Colorado land deals, but there
Is much to be done there yet A very
large force of secret men is in the
field and some very interesting devel
opments will yet result in -that state.
I might say that the work Is but just
commenced there and it will be pros?
cuted to a finish. Attorney General
Bonaparte is determined to probe the
land question to' the bottom and bring
the guilty parties to justice. The
work started by his predecessor will
net be permitted to languish, but on
the other hand be prosecuted with re
newed vigor. Assistant Attorney Gen
eral Burch will continue his headquar
ters in Denver so that he may be in
personal touch with the work."
Lunacy Commission Will Determine
Mental State of White's Slayer.
New York Harry K. Thaw may1
never again face the jury empanelled
more than nine weeks ago to try him'
on the charge of murder in the first
degree. Justice Fitzgerald on Tuesday
unexpectedly ordered a commission in
lunacy to inquire into the present state
of mind of Stanford White's slayer.
The decision of the three disinterested
men named to conduct the inquiry will
guide the future action of the court as
to ordering Thaw to an asylum or di
recting that the trial shall proceed.
Education Board Distributes $625,000
Among Five Schools.
New York The first distribution by
the general education board since it
received John D. Rockefeller's most
recent contribution of $32,000,000 was
made at a meeting of the board Tues
day, when conditional gifts totaling
$625,000 was made to five educational
institutions, as follows: Yale univer
sity, $300,000; Princeton university,
$200,000; Bowdoin college, Bruns
wick, Me., $50,000; Colorado college,
Colorado Springs, $50,000; Millsaps
college, Jackson, Miss., $25,000.
Magnates at White House.
Washington Edward R. Bacon of
New York, vice president of the Bal
timore tt Southwestern railroad, and
Edward J. Berwind of New York, pres
ident of the Berwind-Whlte Coal Min
ing company and director in a number
of banks and railroads, came to Wash
ington on Tuesday night and were in
conference with President Roosevelt
for more than two hours. While neither
would discuss their interview, it Is be
lieved the interview related to the rail
road and financial situation.
Valuable Ore Is Stolen.
Denver Through the operations of
an organized gang of "high graders,"
whose headquarters and chief looters,
it is claimed, are in Omaha, $40,000
worth of ore has been stolen within
the last two months from the two
largest mines in the Cripple Creek dis
trict The stolen gold is believed to
be secreted both in Omaha and Den
ver. Government Wants Bonds.
Washington The secretary of the
treasury announced that he would ac
cept in substitution for United" States:
4 per cent bonds of 1907 now held to
secure public deposits any other gov
ernment bonds. Philippine bonds,
Porto Rican bonds. District of Colum
bia bonds at par and Hawaian bonds,
at 90 per cent; also state, municipal
and high grade railroad bonds, such as
are legal investments for savings
banks in the-states of New York and
Salvador Asks Intervention.
Mexico Mexico has been requested
by the republic -of Salvador to inter
vene and use her best efforts to bring
about peace in Central America.
Homesteaders Want Wives.
Riverton, Wyo. Several of tho
young men who have filed on home
steads since the opening of the Wind
River Indian reservation, have asked
the newspapers to assist them in pro
curing wives. An itTrrthinmsiit has-
been inserted in the local papers, and
will be. sent to the press throughout
ther country asking that marriageable
young women correspond with the sec
retary of the Riverton Bachelors' club
at once. The young men are willing
to pay railroad -fare and traveling ex
penses one way.
Mioses Fire.
Blalystok. Russia A bomb, was
thrown at Governor General Bogal
evskl while he was out driving. The
governor general waa not injured,
though the force of the explosion broke
all the "Windows in the street, and his
coachman was slightly wounded.
Fire in Homeitake Mine
Deadwood, S. D. A fierce Are is
burning in the 600-foot level in the
Homestake mine at Lead, and it may
become necessary to flood that part of
the workings to pnt out the
r' - -' v -.
Tho CewlMct Has
tho Me-
received n emontch
from PrssMsnt Zeiaya of Nicaragua
announcing tho capture and. occupa
tion of Tegucigalpa, tho capital
Tho capture ot Tegnejsnjna, tho
ital of Hondprss. by tho Ntearagssss.
coupled with the recent detent of tho
forces of' Honduras and Salvador at
Colateca. and tho flight ef rrssldsnt
BoniUa of Honduras, virtually ends tho
Central American war. ' It is now prob
able that Nicaragua will install an
other president at Tagaeigalpn hi Men
of President Boailla, and withdraw
its troops.
The conflict has been short, and judg
ing from tho reports which have
received here, none of the
menu has' been serious. Tho
ties have been comparatively light
four or Ave hundred la the most is
portent engagement reported in tho
fight at Choluteca. Honduras was
helped la this war by Salvador and it
has had to contend with a rebellious
outbreak of its own people. This was
also the case in Nicaragua, revolution
ists in each country taking advantage
of th differences of the governments
to further their own cause. The three
states became Involved. Costa Rica
and Guatemala remaining netrual.
Puerto Cortex. Honduras Via New
Orleans News of the sacking of San
Marcos. Honduras, an account of fresh
revolt in the interior of Honduras, and
information of considerable financial
loss to American Interests because of
the war, have been received here.
The sacking of San Marcos was re
lated by General Carmo of the Hon
duras army, whom Nicaragua dis
patches said had been killed thero
February 2G. General Carmo was con
cealed for several days after his de
feat at San Marcos and finally gained
the Honduran Hne3 uninjured. He
then gave an account of the outrages
perpetrated on the women and de
fenseless citizens of the captured
town, which he said was looted and
.sacked by the soldiers of Nicaragua.
Details or nls story nave not reached
The revolt reported here occurred
at Camaygua, Honduras, where on
March 20, 150 men captured the plaza.
Six hundred men were sent from San
Pedro to suppress this revolt and or
ders were given for a body of Icdlan
allies to join the expeditloa.
Violent Slump in Prices Accompanied
by Exciting Trading.
New York There was a violent
slump in prices on the Stock exchange
again Monday, accompanied by excit
ing trading, but without .news to ac
count for it other than a decline in
metal prices in London and higher
rates for call money. The monetary
situation did not seem to attract much
attention, however, and according to
brokers and members of banking firms
there was nothing to explain the rapid
melting away of prices, except that
holders of stocks wanted to sell them
and apparently without regard to the
price they got for their shares. Ameri
can Smelting was one of the weakest
features, falling an extreme 1334 points,
nut the United States Steel corpora
tion shares and the railroads also made
wide declines. It was noteworthy that
throughout the day there was entire
absence of the disturbing rumors of a
fortnight ago to the effect that impor
tant failures were impending.
That Is What a Congressman From
Oregon Claims.
Washington The question of wheth
er a member of congress can be im
prisoned upon being found guilty on a
criminal charge is involved in the case
of Representative John Newton Wil
liamson of Oregon in which a motion
to advance was made in the supreme
court of the United States. The mo
tion Is based on the ground of the pub
lic importance of the case. In 1905
Williamson, with others, was found
guilty on the charge of conspiracy to
unlawfully secure United States lands
and was about to be sentenced to pay
a fine of $500 and serve ten months in
prison when he protested that his im
prisonment would prevent him from
attending sessions of congress, from
which deprivation he claimed protec-'
tion under the constitution.
Clemency for Cochran.
Washington The president has ap
proved the recommendation of Secre
tary Taft that clemency be shown
Captain W. B. Cochran, Twenty-fourth
Infantry; sentenced to dismissal la the
Philippines for drunkenness while on
duty and has mitigated the sentence
to the loss of fifty files. This makes it
impossible that Cochran can ever rise
above the rank of lieutenant coloneL
Fight With Indians.
San Antonio. Tex. A special from
Guaymas.' Mex.. says that ia a fight
between Yaqul Indians and soldiers
and rurales in the hills of Barrigona
district north of this puce, two In
dians were killed ana several Indians
and three soldiers injured.
Colonel Myer Promoted.
Washington Colonel Albert Lb
Myer. Eleventh cavalry, has been se
lected for promotion to the rank of
brigadier general to All a vacancy cre
ated by the death of Geaeral WInt
Big Eno la Dead.
Appleton, Wis. Elmer Shepard. a
negro known throughout the country
as "Big Eno," the heaviest man in the
United States and only 17 years of age,
died here this morning of fatty degen
aratlon of the heart. Ht weighed 640
All the Veterans Recover.
Leavenworth. Kas. All but one of
the 900 veterans at the national sol
dier's home here, who were poisoned
by eating tainted hash, have been
1 discharged from the hospital.
i -
jfttena. .rWUv &a3&& -StafT' S j-JfcS
wmk new m hib
' v.
CT1vo(l PROM WCHAMmnm .
ANmfmnmsmsATCHS. f
H i i
KniM Nonm of Isiirist nmnr- VfM
hnj Upon Many tshji m tx
BffsfffljdBflsml 3BNB00fftts
Cotnenons wil get alemg with twelve,
ssliiss thai year. - -)'
Tarn finmlsl hotel at Arapahoe
owned, tho hnm hnang nmni.
mwA adUr t hmest.
noted tlet to urn flrosson's fund.
Tho river Is doing a great deal of i
a- an the vteJaity of Nebraska
a twenty
year fran-
;s market
ably be
verted late
A hastily devised fire guard saved
Red Cloud from imsmsw. front flro set
by n train.
Col Winfrey, an auctioneer at Red
Cloud for over twenty years, died sud
denly tost week.
Tho ninety-eighth anniversary of tho
birth of Mrs. R. T. Bruce was cele
brated at Niobrara.
" Schools of Red Cloud are over
crowded and room hna been sought in
the Baptist church.
Successful revival meetings are be
ing held in the Christian and Meth
odist churches nt Ghwen.
John J. Madden of Seattle, was in
jured by cars nt Table Rock while
riding in n car of lumber.
Levid DeHart n fanner living ten
miles southeast of Red Cloud, lost his
house sad all its contents by Are.
The golden wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. Enos W. Myers was cele
brated at their home in Table Reck.
Here are some temperatures in Neb
raska taken in March: Lincoln. 91;
Auburn. 94; Falls City. 9; Republican
City, 85.
A stranger at Fremont broke a wia-
dow in Marshall Bros. shop and stole
$20 worth of spoons and jewelry. He
Mrs. A. B. Miller of Millmore coun
,ty was badly hart in a runaway, caused
by her horse taking fright from an
The Metropolitan Life Insurance
company of Omaha ia out $1.0so.
taken from the safe of the institution
during tho night
Alexander Martin, one of Johnson
.county's old settlers and most highly
respected citizens, died at his homo
northwest of Tecumseh.
The superintendent of Prospect Hill
cemetery, Omaha, has been bound'
over to the district court on tho
charge of desecrating graves.
Mrs. Bancroft of Grand Island was
paiafully, and perhaps fatally burned
while disposing of rubbish in her yard
The skirts of her dress caught flro.
Nicholas Rea of Nebraska City has
been taken to the insane asylum. ' He
Imagines himself in love with two
women and don't know which one to
The labor unions of Fremont peti
tioned the ci.ty council not to allow
Chinese. Japanese and Italian labor
on the paving contracts which are to
be let in that city.
Fire supposed to have been started
by tramps caused the loss of twenty
stalls at the Beatrice driviag park
and ninety tons of haled hay stored ia
the building. The loss on the build
ing will amount to $600 and on the
hay $1,080, fully insured.
' Over 500 trees in the village park
at Bralnard were badly damaged by
fire that was started from the engine
on the local passenger train on the
Union Pacific railroad. Just how
badly the trees are damaged In hard
to determine at the present time.
The recent warm weather, says a
Nebraska City dispatch, has been, very
severe on shippers, particularly those
who have been sending hogs to mar
ket L. A. Hanks, who lives in the
southwestern portion of the county,
lost over 4,000 pounds in one car sent,
to Mebraska City, the hogs Becoming'
overheated in transit Other shippers
have lost heavily. ...--'
The work train and steam shovel
on the Northwestern began operations
in the chalk rock cut one mile west of
Niobrara. This cut is about three
miles ia length and requires day and
night watchmen, who make the roaads
before every train. Bach spring it
gives trouble by eruaahkmgv some
times great rock slides covering the
track and requiring an ' ' Ting; t
open the way.
Minor accidents near Ashland last
week: Arthur Brown, shot in the foot
while handling a calibre revolver;
Joe Bauer, shot off two toes by prema
ture gun explosion; John-Rieuy. leg
broken by falling from n horse; Viol
Brendenberg fell and ran lead pencil
through her cheek; Ora Gul'hsm. arm
broken by falling tree; tramp nenrly
suffocated by barsjng Union Jail; O.
W. Worley. cut artery by falling:
William Smothers, caught in seta in
Platte river; Boston) ay!
dragged through barbed wire by
Charles L. Fowler.
Steel City, for the oast nine or
years, sas been ammlsaifl on' tae
charge of incompetency, shortage In
his aecouats and other reasoaa, says
a Washington dispatch.
Grand Master J. hV Mstileun of Neb
raska Independent Order of Odd Fet
lows. was fa McCosk nrrnngmc fcr tm
district meeting of Odd riihnus t ho
held there. April 29. It is nimuml
to Interest lodges all ever southwest
ern Nebraska in this gathering and
tans stlnralate tho work of the order
over that section of the state.
At n special election in Tekamoh the
proposition to issue beads lav the sum
of $10,008 for the paipesu of erecting
an electric lighting plant and $2.56w
for an extension of the water sjsUim
carried by n henry anifority.
General Manager Walters of the
Northwestern ansasmu that hie road
will coaunence iauaedinteiy to h-11arT
iso awes or track: Between Long; Pine
sue unanron at an rntlmalid east of
siiXMiee. -roe Baiineting to ho
in thai work will ho gravel from
or the Northwestern's new smma,it.
of Lone Ptae -.
-7f "i J
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cost of l
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