The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 27, 1907, Image 7

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Ct- -r V 'V4,3
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"Hello, central!"
"Heller Click, click, click, click!
"Central, if you please, give me tae
Hotel Jamb." .
"What Bomber?" Click, click, click.
"I don't know the number." Click
"All right, HI get Information for
Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz. Central on
the track of Information. Wild voice
on cross wire:
"What number is this? Wkat?
What?" Click!
Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Information
gone to the tall timbers. Central in
hotfoot pursuit. Phonograph.
"Central! I want the Hotel Jamb
Have you forgotten?"
"No! No! It's all right Hold the
wire. Get Information for yon. In a
"Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! The hoofs
of Centrals horse in pursuit of In
formation. Information hiding behind
a tall iree. Central almost upon her,
but not quite. Deep bass voice sing
ing. Cilck. click, click, click. Wild un
known voice:
"Central! That number! I want
that number!" Click, click, click. Pho
nograph. "Central! Will you give me the Ho
tel Jamb?"
"All right. I'm getting Information
for you!"
Rat a tat tat. Rat a tat tat! In
formation's horse's hoofs at the door.
Click, click, click, click! Informa
tion's high heels as she leaps from
the back of her high horse.
Buzz, buzz. buzz, buzz! Triumph
ant voice of Central:
"Here she is!" Click, click, buzz,
Information in a voice tired from
her long wanderings:
"Well, what is it?"
"The Hotel Jamb."
"Do you know the number?" Voice
very tired.
"If I knew the number. Information,
I wouldn't have asked 'for you. I
would have looked it up myself."
Information's voice still more tired.
"What street is it on?"
"Steenth street"
"What- avenues is it between?"
"Between Fifth and Sixth avenues."
"On the north side of the street or
the south?"
"On the north side of the street"
"And you don't know the num
ber?" "Information! If I knew the number
I wouldn't"
Information quickly:
"Very well, I'll try to find it for you,
but it's a pity you didn't know the
"Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz. Click,
click, click. Singing of a canary bird.
Buzzzzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Sharp
' voice:
"Don't you tell me!" Click!
Click, click, click, click. Phono
graph. "Central! The Hotel Jamb!"
Central, hurriedly: "All rigfct! I've
Cound Information. She's looking it
up for you."
Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Strange
cross-wire voice:
"Central! That number!"
Central: "AH right They're busy.
They're busy, I say. Shall I can
Strange voice, pitifully: "I've been
waiting an hour!"
Central: "I say they're busy. Shall I
call you?"
"Central! The Hotel Jamb!"
Central: "All right Information is
looking up for you. Here she is now.
Here's Information!"
Click, click, click! Information's
feet approaching. Buzz, buzz!
Information: "Was it the Hote'
Jamb you wanted?"
"The Hotel Jamb."
"On Steenth street?"
"Ves. On Steenth street"
"Between Fifth and Sixth avenues?"
"Between Fifth and Sixth avenues."
Click, click, click! Fire alarm! Beli
ringing! Phonograph!
Information: "I have found the Ho
tel Jamb. The telephone number i
546789321 Morningside. Shall I con
nect you?"
"Good heavens! Information, if 1
hadn't wanted you to . . . what would
have been the . . ."
Click, click, click, click! Phono
graph . . . Click!
Voice: "Well, this is the Hotel
Woman's Chief Need.
One reason why the average woman
wears out and grows old and plain is
that through a mistaken idea of dutj
she lays out for herself at the begin
ning of married life a scheme of duty
of which every hour is filled with
work, says a correspondent This she
follows religiously for years, feeling
that she has done her duty. She, how
ever, soon becomes merely a machine;
Can any woraaavkeep. brightness, orig
inality of thought or even good looks;
with such a life? And, without those
things, how can she keep her husband
and children full of loving admiration?
Constant association ' with others of
her own age, with her children and
their friends, and an occasional period
- of recreation is what the average wo
man requires to make her attractive;
Shell Startled English Village.
The little Sussex fishing village of
Selsey, famous for its lobsters, and1
lying on the south coast a few miles
from Chichester, had a startling ex
perience recently. A shell from a war-
. ship in the channel whistled over the
houses and falling in a meadow Jast
beyond the limits of the village with
a loud explosion startled all the inhab
itants.. The projectile came to the
ground within 100 yards of the Fisher
men's Joy inn. Mr. H. A. Smith,
brother" of the innkeeper, was thrown
down by the concussion. The shell in
exploding plowed the earth to a depth
of five or six feet over a space of nine
or ten yards, and became embedded in
the soil.
A good many of the opportunities
that seem to be golden are merely
That to the Story ef a JwicMgaa Farm
er Who Uvea in Western Canaan.
OMs, Alberta, Dec If, IMC
Mr. M. V. Mclnnes, Detroit, Micni.-mn:
- Dear Sir aad Friend It will he fomr
years next May since I came to OMs,
and have lived here ever since.
Since I came here wheat has run
from 25 to 45 bu. per acre, oats from
C5 to 115, that I know of. I raised
that last year, 115 bu. to the acre of
the finest oats I ever, saw, aad oats
that I sowed 31st day of May this
year went 72 to the acre and weigh
ed 41 lbs. to the bushel. My barley
went 49 bu. last year and 50 this year,
and was not sown until the latter part
of May. I had 3 acres of potatoes this
year and sold 700 bushels and put 275
bu. in the cellar, and no bugs to pick.
We have a fine Government Cream
ery at Olds. Our cows made $41 per
head and I didn't feed any grain;
only prairie hay, so you see we are do
ing well. Wre have the patent for
our homestead now and am very
thankful that we came to Alberta.
We have made a little over $1,000
each year besides making our living.
I would not go back to Michigan to
live for anything. If I had my choice
of a ticket to Olds or a 40-acre farm
In Michigan I would take the ticket
and in two years I could buy any of
them 40-acrc farms. This is the coun
try for a poor man, as well as a man
with money. ,
I will close, thanking you for our
prosperity, I remain yours truly,
Olds. Alberta.. Canada. Box 159.
Information as to how to secure
low rates to the free grant lands of
Western Canada can be secured of
any Canadian Government agents.
Hard to Believe.
"I saw the rabbit coming through
the air, and the next moment it ap
peared under my coat," said a man
who was charged in an English police
court with stealing a rabbit from a
shop. Furthermore, he swore that
that day he had taken only two
glasses of beer.
Excellent Advice Which Our Readers
Will Benefit By.
Now is the time to get the rheu
matic poisons and foul acids from the
blood and system, states an eminent
authority, who says that Rheumatism
and Kidney trouble are caused by the
blood, which often becomes sour from
excessive acids, and also tells what to
do to make it pure and healthy.
Get from any good prescription phar
macy one-half ounce Fluid Extract
Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kar
gon, three ounces Compound Syrup
Sarsaparilla. Mix by shaking in a
bottle and take a- tcaspoonful after
meals and at bedtime.
Just try this simple blood cleaner
and tonic at the first, sign of Rheu
matism, or if your back aches or you
feel that the Kidneysare not acting
right Any one can easily prepare
this mixture at home. '
New York Women Have Surmounted
Great Obstacle.
Marvelous as it may seem, New
York women have lately discovered a
way of fastening their waists up the
back without calling, for assistance.
Thought not lacking in generosity, they
became so tired of the outstretched
palm of the chambermaids that they
now feel that it is time to guard their
pockets. The Gotham woman discov
ered that if she put her blouse on
hind side before,' with the sleeves
hanging free, it .could be fastened
from top to bottom, with the excep
tion of the hooks at the neck, and
then turned around and the arms
slipped into the sleeves without un
duly straining the fastenings. So sim
ple! So strange that no one had
thought of it before. Or is it possible
other women have used the plan and
meanly kept it to themselves? Will
the waist that buttons in the hack
bow have a new lease of life?
The Small Pharisee.
A clergyman's daughter, before be
ing put to bed, uttered this somewhat
remarkable prayer: "And, dear Lord,
this afternoon I saw out on the cold
sidewalk a poor little girl, and she
had no shoes or stockings on, and
and" (followed by a silence, as
though the little mind were wrestling
with the problem), she concluded:
"but R's aene of oar business, is it,
Peed Humor Returns with Change to
Proper Food.
"For many years I was a constant
sufferer from indigestion and nervous
ness amounting almost to prostration."
writes a Montana man.
"My blood was impoverished, the
vision was blurred and weak, -with
moving spots before my eyes. This
was a steady daily condition. I grew
ill-tempered, and eventually got so
nervous I could not keep my books
posted, nor handle accounts satisfac
torily. I can't describe my sufferings.
"Nothing I ate agreed with me, till
one day I happened to notice Grape
Nuts In a grocery store aad bought
package, out of curiosity to know
what it was. -
"I liked the food from the very first
eating it with cream, and now I buy
It by the case and use it daily. I
soon found that Grape-Nuts food was
applying brain and nerve force as
nothing in the drug line ever had done
er could do.
"It wasn't long before I was re
stored to health, comfort and happi
ness. Through the use of Grape-Nuts
food my digestion had been restored,
my nerves are steady once more, my
eyesight is good again, my mental fac
ulties are clear and acute, and I have
become so good-natured that my
friends are truly astonished at the
change. I feel younger and better
than I have for 20 years. No amount
of money would 'induce me to surren
der what I have gained through the
use of Grape-Nuts food." Name given
by "Postum Co.. Battle Creek, Mich.
There's a reason." Bead the little
hook, The road to Welhrille," inpkgs.
Dan'iarsMa to Neglect Evan an Ordfa
ary Cough er Celd Simple Rem
edy la Effective.
"Good food, fresh air aad rest; keep
yoar windows open, winter and. sum
mer." So we are told by the great scient
ists who are certainly doing wonders
.j reducing the death rate from Tuber
culosis. They also warn as not to neg
lect a cold or cough, aad it Is most im
portant that this advice be followed.
While the cough or cold may not bring
consumption, it is bettor to be on the
safe side and take' no chances.
Here is a simple remedy that will
break up a cold la twenty-four hours,
and cure any cough that is curable:
Glycerine, two ounces; Virgin Oil of
Pine (Pure), one-half ounce; good
Whisky, a half pint Shake well and
use 'in teaspoonful doses every four
hours. The ingredients can be secured
from any good prescription druggist at
small cost but must be pure to effect
the desired results. For this reason it
is always best to purchase the ingredi
ents separately and prepare the mix
ture at home.
Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) should be
purchased only in the original half
ounce vials put up for druggists to
dispense. Each vial is enclosed in a
round wooden case, with engraved
wrapper, with the name Virgin Oil of
Pine (Pure); guaranteed under the
Food and Drug Act, June 30, 1906.
Prepared only by Leach Chemical Co.,
Cincinnati. O. plainly printed there
on. Imitations and oils sold in bulk
pay dealers larger profits, but they are
dangerous to health and should never
be used. ,
One Call for Physician That Met with
Quick Response.
Life is such a constant rush to a
well-known physician that to secure a
little recreation he has recourse to
ruses. A visitor called one night and
began a speech to the servant:
"I want the doctor to come over as
quickly as he can."
"He can't do it!" the servant an
swered. "He left orders that he was
so busy that unless it was absolutely
a matter of life, and death he couldn't
go out at all this evening."
"But" said the caller, "it Isn't Ill
ness at all."
"What then?"
"We want him to come over aad
take a hand in a game of whist"
"Oh, that's different"
The servant disappeared, aad reap
peared a moment later.
"The doctor says he'll be over la ten
salutes, sir," he announced.
Terrible Itching Prevented Sleep
Hands, Arms and Legs Affected
Cuticura Cured in 6 Days.
"I had eczema nearly fifteen years.
The affeeted parts were my hands,
arms and legs. They were the worst
in the winter time, and were always
itchy, and I could not keep from
scratching them. I had to keep both
hands bandaged all the time, and at
night I would have to scratch though
the bandages as the itchingwas so
severe, and at times I would have to
tear everything off my hands to
scratch the skin. I could not rest or
sleep. I had several physicians treat
me but they could not give me a
permanent cure nor even could they
stop the itching. After using the
Cuticura Soap, one box of Cuticura
Ointment and two bottles of Cuticura
Resolvent for about six days the
itching had ceased, and now the sores
have disappeared, and I never felt
better In my life than I do now.
Edward Worell. Band 3th U. S. In
fantry, Fort Crook. Nebraska."
Coincident Inventions.
. Almost at the same time two dif
ferent' inventors in different places'
have announced their success with
electrical devices for seeing at a dis
tance. They are J. B. Fowler and Wil
liam H. Thompson. In Fowler's device
four wires are required to accom
plish the combined, effect of distant
vision and hearing! Details of the
Deration are withheld, however, oa
the plea of getting out a patent Each
inventor uses the name "Tele'
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Cured Stub
born Rheumatism When Other
Treatment Gave No Relief. '
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been
curing the most stubborn cases of
rheumatism' for nearly a generation
and thousands of grateful patients
have given testimony that cannot ha
Mr. Robert Odbert a machinist, liv
ing at 201 Cameron Street, Detroit,
Mich., had a .very distressing experi
ence with rheumatism for about two
years. He makes the following state
ment: "About the year 1S87 1 felt the
effect of rheumatism.'which gradually
grew worse until I was compelled to
give up work for a time. The years
of 97 and 98 L was confined to my bed
most of the time. I was under doctors
treatment but fouad no relief. My
legs were swollen from the hips down
ward and red blotches appeared all
over them. Frequently they pained
me so that I had to bind them tightly
with strips of linen. This sometimes
relieved the paia but at other times
failed to do so. At times I had to
crawl to my work, using two crutches.
During these spells I suffered greatly
from pain around say heart which I at.
tribnted to the rheumatism.
"At last my mother wrote me and
asked me to try Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. I did and in a short time I
found myself getting better and have
jad no trouble siace. I may here add
that I consider myself perfectly cared.
I have not had the, least sign of the
disease since aad feel better now than
I ever did. For these, reasons I
recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
to any one affected the Mae as I was.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
all druggists, or seat by mail, postpaid
on receipt of price, 60 cents per box,
six boxes for $250, by the Dr. W0
Ssms Medicine Co.. Schenectady. N.T.
Rosenthal, the
Rosenthal, the pianist Is one of
entitled to have his crankiness
termed "the eccentricities of genius,"
says the San Francisco Caroalele.
When he inspected his rooms at the
Majestic upon his arrival very lata the
other night, he went softly to the ad
joining doors, aad placing ids ears
close to the cracks, .exclaimed la
ihroken English, "Zgodd, no sow-da
pass thees." After nodding his ap
proval of the grand piano aad the fur
niture he frowned at the tan-colored
window shades. "Mast be green.'" Ha
was assured that a change would be
made especially for him the next day.-
At five o'clock in the morning Ros
enthal, clad only in his pajamas, cam
scurrying excitedly dowsT stairs and
into the office, where??- the drowsy
night clerk was nodding at the desk.
"Ze street cars! Noise! Must
stopped! Nervous me! I cannot
sleep." -
The clerk hurriedly seat for Mana
ger Gustav Mann,' and Mann spent
two hours telling Rosenthal funny
stories in German trying to divert his
mind while the clerk was upstairs
squaring the mangement for waking
a guest on the Gough street side and
ordering him to move at once to the
Sutter street" sideas "a "gas pipe had
burst under the floor and had to be re?
paired! .2 1
People appreciate the delicate taste and
natural action of Garfield Tea, the mild
herb laxative. Best for liver, kidneys and
bowels. Guaranteed under the Pure Food
and Drugs Law.
What we have been makes as what
we are. George Eliot. '
Smokers appreciate the quality value of
Lewis' Sinjne Binder cigar. Your dealer
or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111.
Reticence has been responsible for
many a lamentable failure.
Pot r'ltldren teethla. settees theawma.
aammaUoa.aMayapata .car wtedcoUc aca
It's about all some people can do to
keep from being done.
Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
made from simple native roots and herbs. For more than thirty years
it has been helping women to be strong, regulating the functions per
fectly and overcoming pain. It has also proved itself invaluable in pre
paring for child birth and the Change of Life.
Mrs. A. M. Hagermann, of Bay Shore, L. L, writes : Dear Mrs.
Pinkham: "I suffered from a displacement, excessive and painful
functions so that I had to lie down or sit still most of the time.
Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has made me a well woman so
that I am able to- attend to my duties. I whth every suffering woman
would try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound aad see what relief
it will give them.''
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female illness are invited to write
Mrs. Pinkham. at'Lynn, Mass. for advice She is the Mrs. Pinkham who
lias .been, advising sick women free of charge for more than twenty
years, and before that she assisted her mother-in-law Lydia E. Pink
ham in advising. v Therefore she is especially well qualified to guide
sick women back to health.
" in the
always the
25 aiCBi mr 25 emmtm
is the purest and most efficient baking
help in the country. It's a waste of
money to pay
not half so good! KC Baking Powder
m made and guaranteed by
Jaques TIfg. Co.,
Ton Need Cardni
At every age, after ectermg womaahood. girls and women need
the strengiirtmiiig. building. pamrencvlnc art wanes of Wine of Cardui.
It will cany you over the rough places, ease your hard days and
tneraasa'tbe comfort and pleasure of living. '
What ifcntfatona erf userethU ef M,Uwel eypraand is these
words of Mrs. Rosa Leo Cole, of Sntfmseo, Ma. vbo writes: "I suf
feredtTomranuMtroubsSsfor7ywars. I had pain, lor down is my
stomach, my feet hurt so r could net stand, and I was, so weak and
nervous I couM hardh; do sjivthiDg. I was just sick al the time. At
l I wrote you for advice and you recommended Wine of Cardui,
which I took , according to your, directions. I have now taken
Iaaaymatlrsl cimsiBBtsssaach lisaiisaaaa.the msaaaria whkk it la
First, thare
its seeds! acriea. To
that hare aflghtiy sifereat action, the
menace te tae see far which the
wan selected as to their eftcacy, bat the
TUX PSOPOSTIOsT ia which they are
IttBBaoyosrsaMyeareof mpwiaBii to diacever this
la aolaw of tatmlsl ry , of aaexaucy, By
caaheaetarmiBii IXPIRHJICS IB
Ia tSMHBBBlag a catarrh remedy
perieace. In the use ef the Tarious
remedy, reran, he has Manet, ntue
kew to cemune them
nice arsasftiaas aa to
of each several
ceatkal sreisct beyond the criticism ef
SELTES. The coameaad mast preseat a stability which is aet affected by caaagceef
tempcratare, aet affected by ezposare to the air, aet affected by age. It mast
be so combined that it willremaia jast the same whether ased ia tae legging er
amiaiaf caerpsef the aorthwest er the coffee alaatatkas of the tropics.
A complete list of the ingredieats of Persna would aet enable any druggist
er shyaidaB to reproduce Parana. It ia. the, skill, aad. aaeadty .bywhich these
iagredieats are broaght together that gtrePeraaaxnsAsf itaaecaliar claims as
aa eftcadoas catarrh remedy.
However much virtue each iagredieat of Peraaa amy possess, the Tame of
the compound depends largely upoa the manner aad si spat Lisa ia which they
are ceaabiaed. The right ingredieats, ant together rightly , is the only way a
ajailcal caanoaad can be made of real vane.
lists for foar years yonttm men of goo
character and mat physical conditio ae-
i tee aces or w aaa a as npprenuee sca
opDortunttlM for advancement; mt
,SIStotn)aaiota. msetrielaas. awcalaUta.
klacasaiitas, coppersatitbs. yeomen (clerks),
carseaters, skipatters, flraeaea. amsieiaatL
eeois.ete..kscweea Jl aad 56 years, enlisted
la special ratings with sai table pay: kospltal
apprentices to years. Retirement oa
three-fourths pay and allowances after M
yean service. Applicants moat be American
el tineas.
First elotfcln oatflt free to remits. Upoa
dlaekarae travel allowance 4 cents per mile to
place o f enlistment. Bonn f onr months' pay
and Inerease ia pay apoa re-enlistment within
foar months of discharge. OSJees at JJacola
and Hastings. Nebraska. Also, oaring winter,
at Pes Mniae and Siona City. Iowa. Address
KrlUCECeM Wrier Starca
laoadry work a pleasure. ;soz.pks.Ma.
from the same physical disturbances,
and the nature oftheir-duties, in
many cases, quickly drift them into
the horrors of all kinds of female
complaints, organic troubles, ulcera
tion, falling; and displacements, or
perhaps irregularity or suppression
causing; backache, nervousness, ir
ritability, and sleeplessness.
Women everywhere should re
member that the medicine that holds
the record for the largest number of
actual cures of female ills is
land is not
most costly.
more tor baJdng powder
be made with strict
iiajataaasi. The drags assy be
which the .exact balance ef preeertiea
ngreiieats which
the catarrh
ay little, sow to
into a etaNe
Mead the taste, tae
am the
iaffresjcatiaardertoarsdaca a
dieters, saaraudsU er chemists.
Canadian GoTenment
Free Farms
Over.aavns American
faiastn who have set
tled ia Canada daring
the peat few years test,
f y to the fact that Cana
da is, beyond qnestioa.
tke createst fanting laird ia the worli
of wheat from the harvest of Met saeaaa good
money to the farasera of Western Canada when
the world has to be fed. Cattle Raising. Dairy
ing and Mixed Farsaiag are also profitable call
ings. Coal, wood aad water tn abundance;
churches and schools ooavenieat; smarkets easy
of access. Taxes low.
For advice aad information address the Super
intendent of Immigration. Ottawa. Canada, or
any aathonaed canaaiaa Government Agent.
w. v. aammii, ami mew isn awe
tests wrsek and savsbsijm farws. mjAMW.
t.SssswmwsVi Bst. HOT. iiMilfcss. SiiIiiIi ,
rework with i
W. N. U, OMAHA, NO. 13, 1907.
xoanave never gotten tnat aoua oossni
" pipe smoke " shonld give a
It has aa elegant Aroma whieh no other nine tobacco possesses, aai
its smooth. deDahtfal flavor and free smoking qosiitieB are the resales
of years of careful stady aad experimenting.
aeBBBBBBV BWaWaWasWnBasfamMr aamaBBBBBBBBm a
wasj iaWaWaWaSWChl afttWaWawavml -t
MHimHaaB itV-Vjn
' nnalssn naicl
box, 10c; 8 os. tin box, Ste.; 8
box, 90s. Hooey lefoadedto
Cot oat thia advertisement aad sead wHavatoasy
Write yoor name aad artdfram islfialy, aad BlirimeO
UtMIS ft BRO. CO.,
$33.00 AND $300 SHOES tTS&
w.LwmMUMmumi man ismii ummuMummtL
-- u.mjs atimsT m rsnim'itrins sari
wTITDoaglae shoes am recogaiawd by expert iwages of
lw ll. fet m aftwl Ok .mil ! liiii iilsi lain iisneli
pert of the shoe and erery oxtail ofihemialfls is leete4 after
aad watched over by skilled aaoesaaken, witheert regard
;. j Tf T U tAksVwnw iatn nsw laiwa far till isM aft
Brockton. Mass., aad show yon how carefaUy WL. DoeglM
ahees ate nude, yon weajd then udentasd why tlwy.keel their
eoar toeaw. snilsTn nf jawnnlirr Tntrr t T -w " ' -
jS!bMhmW9MmmmaU0tr. BsptKhssmosOi
6 Ml
Troebies reeaitlae
& Women
5 bottles of Wine of Cardui. and am
yean. My feet and stomach do not
gone. I am getting stouter and sttxnger,
In the garden sod tend to 260 Ittue dBttasa.'
Wise of Cardui acts directly upon
otansorfuactsons. It is a natural,
tains no dangerous inioerasj. or other
purely vegetable, perfectly hanjiless aiid
gwJPJgf-l I H'BBBnew BB
Of Sldn Tortured
Disfigured BaWcs
Wami Baths With
And gentle aro'rtmgs with
afibrd instant refief; permit
rest and sleep, and point to a
speedy core ot uMiunngsUB
figuring eczemas, rashes,
itcbings, and uiilaliqna of
mtants and childieu when all
ebefiuh. Guanmteedabao
hitetypore, and maybeascd
from the hour of birth
- Jsure iecsaeS to aemeiat aealer vf7 1
brass an4 lew town jlfeeral eraeswHInw eaw
hrariswtlirM Imsm BBBM whOSMSnSlfjae M
first applicant. MaVsUSSCTCU CO..
Factory Jobbers.
IThtAXa, Naaaaaavs.
jf y&sXm.
sagj BBBsm v BmnSWi
bw Ba. maT5. sfaV
aonrywnere, sad aaaalreaa of
. aadsaf taMawatsaaa
'1 ZSL. - t-i
off ovary nine eanoker ia thia
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it yoar aeaier does
handle Of
sead yea any mso
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"CnasmWmim tot
r oa aau. rnnmn.
feeing better Abbs
past 7
hurt, my
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aw9Ss9E3LVv 1t
Wesmesv. fSM PJ
w.w YeBPfianl
trass tamjsmaemv mreeee
besMftclal to
bottlaa. Try it
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