The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 06, 1907, Image 7

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Wfltt, PA1E, THM
Or.WWiannnk Pills RMtoftd Mrsi
ItoMmsT Health and Also Cwraa
Her Daughter of Anaemia.
Mrs. Jocle Bobbins, of 1121 Clar
St, Decatur. 1TL, says: MI was weak,
tkia and troubled with headaches. Ml
appetite failed so that I did not rel
ish say food. I was unable to do say
work because my limbs pained me
so and my feet were swollen. I got
numb and, dizzy, say tongue aecmed at
times to be paralyzed so' that I
couldn't speak distinctly. My extrem
ities, when in this numb state, felt as
if some one was sticking needles Into
me all over their surface. Through
my shoulders at times I had such pain
that I couldn't sleep. Many times I
awoke with a smothering sensation.
"When the physician's remedies
failed to benefit me I began to look
for something that would. My sister,
Mrs. McDaniel. of Decatur, recom
mended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to
me and I at once purchased some. I
was greatly encouraged when I saw
how they acted on my nervous condi
tion and continued using them until
cured. I am now able to attend 'to my
duties and have not consulted a phys
ician since.
"I also gave them to my daughter
who had always been weak and who
at this time seemed to lack vitality.
Her cheeks were colorless and she
was thin and spiritless. She had an
aemia and we feared consumption, be
cause every time she went out doors
if it was at all cold or damp she
would take cold and cough. But Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills brought color
back to her cheeks and strength to
her body."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
all druggists, or sent postpaid, on re
ceipt of price. 50 cents per box. six
boxes for $2.50. by the Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. T.
Typewriting Has Not Driven
Work from the Field.
There is a renasissance in penman
ship, despite the speedy comforts of
the typewriters. Ten years ago it prob
ably would not have occurred to any
one to show a page of manuscript at
any exhibition; to-day pages or books
of script form a feature of every show
which takes to itself the name of arts
and crafts. Some of the work is in
Roman capitals, but the form of letter
usually adopted is the unciel or half
unciel. Apparently all the writers
have founded themselves in these
models. Within these last few years
not only has the art attracted a good
deal of attention, but it has become
quite the rage, so that in some circles
it creates no more surprise now to
learn that an amateur is taking les
ions in script than it would have done
some years back to be told that he or
jbe had taken to poker work. From
one viewpoint it is difficult to say
wiiere writing ends and illustration
begins, but though in the recent re
vival the two arts naturally have gone
hand in hr.ndY the scribe and the illum
inator arc not necessarily one and the
same person. Some of the illumina
tions show most elaborate and minute
figure decoration, so delicate in color
ing and so refined in treatment that
it challenges comparison with the best
of old work-
Oldest Living Scotchman.
James Grieve, who was born in
Borchilly. Glenquoich, in Glengarry,
on New Year's day, 1800, is the oldest
living Scotchman. He was a shepherd
up to a few years ago. He can remem
ber incidents of nearly a century ago.
He lives very simply and seldom
eats meat He married in 1522. jJ
three of his 14 children survive.
Greenock Herald.
And Many Greenbacks.
325 boxes of Gold and Greenbacks
will be sent to persons who write the
most interesting and truthful letters
of experience on the following topics:
1. How have you been affected by
coffee drinking and by changing from
coffee to Postum.
2. Give name and account of one or
more coffee drinkers who have been
hurt by it and have been induced t
quit and use Postum.
3. Do you know any one who has
been driven away, from Postum be
cause it came to the table weak and
characterless at the first trial?
4. Did you set such a person right
regarding the easy way to make it
clear, black, and with a snappy, rich
5. Have you ever found a better
way to make it than to use fonr heap
ing" teaspoonfuls. to the, pint of water,
let stand on stove until real boiling
begins, and beginning at that time
when actual boiling starts, boil full IS
minutes more to extract the flavor and
food value. (A piece of butter the size
of a pea will prevent boiling over.)
This contest is confined to those who
have used Postum prior to the data
of this advertisement
Be honest and truthful, don't write
poetry or fanciful letters, just plain,
truthful statements.
Contest will.close. June 1st, 1907, and
no letters received after that date will
be admitted. Examinations of letters
will be made by three judges, not
members of the Postum Cereal Co,
Ltd. Their decisions will be fair and
final, and a neat little box containing
a 10 gold piece sent to each of the
fir writers of the most interesting let-
tor; a. box containing a $5 gold piece
to each of the 2t next best, a sz green- j
., .
hack to each of the 10 next best, and
a $1 greenback to each of the 200 next
best, makinjr cash prizes distributed
to 325 persons. N -
Every friend of Postum is urged to
write and each letter will be held la
high esteem by the company, as an
evidence of such friendship, while the
little boxes of gold and envelopes of
money will reach many modest writers
whose plain and sensible letters con
tain the facts desired, although the
sender may have but small faith la
winning at the time of writing.
Talk this subject over with your
friends and see how,many among you
can win prises. It Is a good, honest
competition and la the best kind of a
cause, and costs the competitors ao
lately nothing. .
Address yoar letter to tne. rtmmm
Cereal Co, Ltd. Battle Creek, Mich,
writing tout owa maJie and address
writing your
Recipe That Is Sure te PI
Most Fastidious.
. To make' mayonnaise is indeed a
fine art in cookery; unless the great
est care is observed the dressing will
be either too thick or too thin, or it
will curdle at the stage when the
oil is poured-In. Here is a famous
recipe for' mayonnaise that- cannot
fail to please the most fastidious:
Beat the yolks of two. eggs .until,
they are cranny and then add, very
slowly, three or four tablespoonfuls
high-grade salad oil, and next two
tablespoonfuls of vinegar, rlowly, as
the oil. Now pour the contents from
the mixer into a saucepan of boiling
water. Tou are. to continue stirring
until the dressing begins to get thick.'
when it Is to be removed from the
water and stirred until cool. Now
add one-half tcaspoonful of salt, two
tablespoonfuls French mustard, one
tcaspoonful sugar.
Having previously beaten the
whites of the two eggsand a fourth
of a tumbler of cream, stir these in
with the dressing in the order named.
As this will make a rather large quan
tity of dressing you may save half for
another time and in that case do not
add the w ".lipped cream until you are
almost ready to serve at table.
Requires Care and Attention
for Success.
In putting a ruffle on a sofa pillow
be sure to allow plenty of fullness at
the corners. Baste it carefully, with
the right side of the ruffle to the right
side of the embroidered front: on top
of this baste the other half of the pil
low, right side in. Sew in a seam
an eighth of an inch deep around three
sides, leaving a big enough space on
the fourth side to turn the cover and
slip in the pillow.
When the cover is turned and
pressed the pillow should be put in,
care being taken to work it down well
to the corners. The real pressing, by
the way, if an embroidered top is used,
should be done before the back is
basted on, leaving just a final "rub
off" for afterward. As embroidery
must always be pressed on the wrong
side, and preferably on some soft,
thick substance, the iron should be
slipped inside the cover. Be sure,
first that it is not hot enough to
After the pillow Is in. the cover
may have the open edges neatly blind
stitched together, or they can be
turned back, whipped to prevent fray
ing and fastened with small hooks and
buttonholed loops.
Spinach Cream Soup.
Put your spinach into a saucepan
with a cupful of cold water, and bring
to a fast boil. Keep this up until the
spinach is tender and broken to pieces.
Turn into a chopping tray, straining
off the water in which it was. cooked,
but not draining the vegetable. It
must be quite moist Chop very fine
and run through the vegetable press.
It should be a soft paste. Have ready
a scant quart of boiling milk in a
farina kettle. Never forget to drop a
pinch of soda into milk when you boil
it In a frying-pan melt two table
spoonfuls of butter and stir into it a
tablespoonful of flour. Cook and stir
smooth, add to the spinach paste. Let
the whole simmer for a minute. Pour
in the hot milk, stirring all the time;
take from the fire, season to taste' with
salt pepper, a little sugar and a dash
of nutmeg and pour 'out Strew 'sip'
pets of fried bread on the surface of
each plateful.
Sewing Hints.
Metal eyes which protrude beyond
the edge of the material, where a
hook and eye fastening is employed,
should always be carefully and neatly
covered with buttonhole stitching.
Needles should never be kept in
flannel-lined needle books, as sulphur
often enters into the composition of
this material. Sulphur invariably
rusts the: needles in time.
Bent pieces of whalebone can be
strengthened by being placed in cold
water for two or three hours. This
will make them pliable. They should
then be pressed under a heavy weight
When .making a skirt it is always
best to try it on the first time on the
wrong side, then reverse it and finish
it on the right side.
Love Cakes.
Mix with one pint of sifted flour
one-half teaspoonful of salt and half
a pint of cold butter. Work together
until of the consistency of meal; then
add just enough cold water to mix
into a dough-and roll out .'one-eighth -inch
thick and cut into hearts. Pierce
some of them with an open-top thim
ble, and use as the tops for the un
pierced ones after they are baked.
When these pastries are cold spread
the bottoms with currant jelly and
place the tops on. Serve in a pretty
basket lined with rose foliage.
Banana Compote.
Make a syrup of four tablespoon
fuls of water and four tablespoonfuls
of sugar: add the rind of one-half fern
on,'twb'Cloves,-one.inch.of stick, cinha !
mon; cook ten minutes; then drop into
the syrup six bananas cut into fourths
It is best to cook just enough pieces
of banana at a time to cover the bot
torn of the sauce pan. When the
fruit becomes transparent and soft
take it up carefully, put into a pretty
dish and pour over the syrup. Cool
and serve wiin wmppea cream sugnuy
sweetened and flavored with lemon.
Vermicelli Pudding.
Boil one cupful broken Italian ver
micelli in well-salted water to cover
for ten minutes, then add to a pint
and a half boiling milk. Simmer 20
minutes in a double boiler, then take
from the fire and Ptr over four well
beaten eggs stirred together with one
cup sugar and a large tablespoonful
butter. Flavor with a teaspoonful va
nilla, turn Into a well-battered pudding
dish and bake in a rather slow but
steady oven for half an hour. Serve
with cream sauce.
Dried Dates.
Dried dates make a nice breakfast
fruit u slightly simmered la boiling
water and servid with rich cream,
either hot or cold; they are a whoie-
Ucme fralt for everybody to take at
,'hji time of year.
Physicians Now Believe Lees in Trans
mission, of Disease.
Medical men are coming round to
the view that it is the personal his
tory that is of primary importance, or,
hi other words, that a man's own man
ner of life, bis record of health, and
his circumstances should be more
carefully considered than the illnesses
that his ancestors died of. Dr. Rabag-
JfatL.a medical examiner for insurance.
companies, who Is well known in the
profession which he adorns, and of
high repute in the north of England,
has devoted much thought to this'
question of heredity from a life insur
ance point of view. In his opinion it
Is not so much disease that is trans
mitted from one generation to an-'
other, but organization, or "human
ity," as he expresses It Any member
of the human family may suffer from
any disease to which, humanity is sub
ject, and when an individual so suffers
it is the cause of the ailment that
must be inquired into. Exposure to
this or that set of conditions brings
varying results. If the body is exposed'
to one set of conditions it will take
on gout; if to another, consumption;
if to a third, cancer; and so on.
Quiet Cynicism, or Good Honest Row
Which Is the Better?
"Most men," said the man of experi
ence, "think it must be awfully nice
to, have a wife who takes things as J
coolly as Dave Potter's wife takes
them; but others, more discriminat
ing, prefer a good honest row to her
style of quiet cynicism. The way she
behaved the other day when she
found a letter in Dave's pecket from
a girl is an example of her method.
'"I don't see,' wrote this girl, 'how
on earth I can ever live without you.'
Dave 3 wife read tbat gush, and a
lot more just like It without ever turn-1
Ing a hair.
" 'Weill' she said, quietly, 'that girl
is a fool. If she knew you as well as
I do she would be wondering how on
earth she could ever live with you.' j
"And tbat, in the opinion of the dis-,
criminating few, cuts a whole lot j
deeper than a common, everyday rum-.
pus." !
Talis How to Make the Best Blood
Tonic at Home.
For those who have any form of
blood disorders; who want new, rich
blood and plenty of it try this:
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half
ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
Shake well in a bottle and take in
teaspoonful doses after each meal and
at bedtime. Any good pharmacy can
supply the ingredients at small cost
This is the prescription which, when,
made, up. Is called.' "The Vegetable
Treatment;" by others, the "Cyclone
Blood Purifier.'' It acts gently and
certainly does wonders for some peo
ple who are sickly, weak and out of
sorts, and is known to relieve serious,
long-standing cases of rheumatism
and chronic backache quickly.
Make some up and try it
Where It Hurt Most.
"Young gentlemen," rcid the college
president notwithstanding the fact
that he was addressing the students.
"young gentlemen, dazing must be
8topped-:aud stopped -at-once. It has
injured the college more than any
of you ever could guess. Only last
week a gentleman declined to give
us $1,000,000 because there was so
much hazing. Hazing Is a bad thing
"How about morally?" asked the
"Aw-aw, really, there may be some
thing in that but w the the point
has never come up. and I aw am
not prepared to answer. But the point
Is worth considering." Chicago Jour-
Expect Contest Over Witt.
A. contest is expected over the wfh
of Mrs. Isabelle Bcecher Hooker, sla
ter, of Henry Ward Beecher. Mrs.
Katherine Burton Powers' of Brook
line, Mass., granddaughter of Mrs.
Hooker, is expected to contest the
wilL The bulk of the estate which is
estimated at about $70,000, is given tc
the son of Mrs. Hooker, Dr. Edward
B. Hooker of Hartford. Mrs. John C.
Day of New York, daughter of Mrs.
Hooker, receives nothing "because,7
according to the will, "she and her
daughter are so amply provided fot
by the estate of herniate husband."
A man should never be ashamed to
own he has been in the wrong, which
Is but saying la other words that he
Is wiser to-day than ha was yesterday.
15 Long Years.
"For over fifteen years," writes a
patient hopeful little lite, woman,
'while a coffee drinker, I suffered
frbe Spinal Irritations and -Nervous
trouble. I was treated by good physi
cians, but did not get much relief.
"I never suspected that coffee might
be aggravating my condition. I was
downhearted and discouraged, but
prayed daily that I might find some
thing to help me.
"Several years ago while at a
friend's house, I drank a cup of Post
am and .thought I had never tasted
cnything more delicious.
"Front that time oa I used Postum
instead of coffee, and soon began to
Improve ia health, so that now I can
walk half a dosen blocks or more with
ease, and do many other things that
I never thought I would be able to
lo again in this world.
"My appetite Is good, I sleep well,
and find .life worth living, indeed. A
lady of my acquaintance" said she did
not like Postum, it was so weak and
- "I explained to her the difference
when it Is made rigat boiled accord
ing to. directions. She was glad to
know this because coffee did not agree
with her. Now her folks say they ex
pect to use Postum the rest of their
Urea." Name given by Postum Co.,
Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little
book, "The Road to WellviHe, In
"There s a
Statistics Show That .the , Greatest
Number, ef Deaths F,rom Lung
Trouble Occur in Winter.
The Bureau of Census has published.
a report presenting mortality statistics
forme Raited .States forthelTe.cai
endaryears ltfr fc-JMt
As shown in. the table, tuberculosis
of the lungs, and pneumonia were- by
far the leading causes of death. The
greatest number of deaths from lung
trouble ' occur during the winter,
months. . Colds are so prolific of lung
trouble3 that they should not be neg
lected. Persons with weak lungs
should be especially careful. i
A noted authority on lung" trouble'
advises that as soon as a cold is'coni
tracted the following simple treatment
should be given. The ingredients can
be purchased, from any ' prescription
druggist at small cost and easily, pre
pared'in your own home. It is said to
be so effective that it wiir break up a
cold In twenty-four hours and cure-any.
cough ithat is curable. '' "' "
Take one-half, ounce Virgin Oil of
Pine (Pure), two ounces of Glycerine
and eight ounces of good Whisky.'
Shake well, and take' in7 teaspoonful
doses every four hours. ' "
Be sure that the Virgin Oil of Pine
(Pure) is in the original half-ounce
vials, which are put up 'expressly for
druggists to dispense Each vial is se
curely sealed in a round wooden case,
with engraved wrapper, with the name
Virgin" Oil'of '.PlneUPure) guaran- '
teed under the Food and Drugs Act,
June 50, 1906, prepared only by Leach.
Chemical Co., Cincinnati, O. plainly
printed thereon. There are many rank
Imitations of Virgin Oil or Pine (Pure)
which are put out under various
"Pes-8uch-,as Concentrated Oil of
Piiip. Pine Balsam, etc. Never accept
tlrcr ?s a substitute for the Pure Vir
rin OM of Pine, as they will invariably
ronnce nausea and never effect the
dfcdred result
Vriter Speculates on Shakespeare as
a Churchgoer.
Pmbably Shakespeare did his own
thinking on questions of religion, said
little, and conformed strictly to the ex
isting order. Still we question if he
.was 'a good churchgoer. The town and
church of Stratford had a decided bent
toward Presbyterianism, and there is
-reason to think that he did not get
on well with it in this respect Him
self the wisest of preachers, he does
not seem to bave been fond of preach
ing. That which sounds most like it
and very wise it is comes from
Polonius. whom he calls "a prating old
fool." We fear that when he walked
to church with bis wife he went; no
farther than the porch, but -strolled'-.along
the Avon, where he was found
by Susanna and Judith on "a grassy
bank" in close converse with "daisies
pied and violets blue," and "herb-o-grace"
as became Sunday. And in
winter he was not sorry "when cough
ing drowned the parson's saw." The
preacher and the poet have never got
nn well together, and will not until
they are identically the same person,
as Cardinal Newman says; and they
must not divide and antagonize what
God have joined together. Theodore
T. Munger in the February Atlantic
Girl Had Running Sores from Eczema
Boy Tortured by Poison Oak
Both Cured by Cutieura.
"Last year, after having my little
girl treated by a very prominent phy
sician for an obstinate case of ec
zema, I resorted to the Cutieura Rem
edies, and was so well pleased with
the almost instantaneous relief afford
ed that we discarded the physician's
prescription, and relied entirely on
the Cutieura Soap. Cutieura Oint
ment, and Cutieura Pills. When we
commenced with the Cutieura Reme
dies her feet and limbs were covered
with running sores. In about six
weeks we had her completely well,
and there has been no recurrence of
the trouble.
"In July of this year a little boy
in our family poisoned his hands and
arms with poison oak, and in twenty
four hours his hands and arms were
a mass of torturing sores. We used
only the Cutieura Remedies, washing
his hands and arms with -the Cutieura
Soap, and anointing them with the
Cutieura Ointment'- and then- vgave
him the Cutieura Resolvent In
about three weeks his hands and
arms healed up. So we have lots of
cause for feeling grateful for the Cu
tieura Remedies. We find that the
Cutieura Remedies are a valuable
household standby, living arte do
twelve miles from a doctor. Mrs. Liz
zie Vincent Thomas, Fairmont War
den's Ridge, Tenn.. Oct 13, 195."
"Warfare'' in Africa.
Ia the neighborhood 'of Lake Tchad,,
Africa, the other day, six negro troop
ers, commanded by a corporal, armed
with carbines only, successfully de
fended a little mud fort against 600
warlike Tauregs, and when the Tau
regs gave up the attempt and retired,
the troopers sallied out and "pun
ished" them.
,- Some men "are like some horses;
they will stand without hitching, but
tie them to a post and they. will pro
ceed to kick over the traces.
Wtasttorls 8atlil Syrm.""
rwcMMm wmnTtw. sotteastBs areas, rebates
n , tnjiffc.cauM wtodcouu. ascstmas.
A toast May the best you wishjor,
ke the worst you -get
the brightest and fastest colors with lew
work and no muss. '
.Some men outlive their usefulness
and some" others - are bora - without
- ,ifi gf'?J J? IJ
MAHSSfSSr if""
Yoa alWt
dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, ill.
. . i - .
Many a man's Idea of hospitality la
to bring other men home and have his
wife cook for theav.
p:x.ra cvmnois otsu bats.
.PITA ulMTMKXT W KnaranUftf to carrfttkr ea
or lira nc. Hi; iid. r rmtrumng mc IB
6lulca)crmi.ey teutneea. aac. .
.. It isn't always policy to believe the
man who tells you what he would do
if 'he 'were in your place. ., ";
. " "t 7 ,- T ' .
furthers and. Grizzly' Bears. , .
Sbjp Fnw W.s.MvMiHnn' Fur &. VooI
Co..SImacano!ui;Minn." Vrit'ct6r price;:
According to statistics nine-tenths
of 'the men who commit suicide arc
married. Comment is 'unnecessary.
, .GsrfWd Tea; an'absohitely pure "and: ef-
to purify the, UcoJ. to overcome constipa-i
tion and' to eradicate rheumatism, aqd
chronic .diseases.
Idleness and pride tax with a heav-;
ier hand ;than- kings aad parliaments.
If we can get rid of the former we can
easily bear the Utter. Franklin.
Give Defiance; Starch a fair trial-
ifc for both hot and cold starching.
and if you, don't think you do better
work, in less time and at smaller cost,
return it and your grocer will give
yoa back your money.
It is not enough that we swallow
truth; we must feed upon It, as in
sects do on the leaf, till the whole
heart be colored ly its qualities, and
show its food in every fiber. Cole
ridge. In a Pinch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE.
A powder. It cures painful, smart
ing, nervous feet and ingrowing nails.
It's the greatest comfort discovery of
the iagc. Makes new shoes easy. A
certain cure for sweating feet. Sold
by all Druggists, 25c. Accept no sub
stitute. Trial package. FREE. Ad
dress A. S. 01m3ted. Le Roy, N. Y.
It is said or Home-made troubles
that they arc very ''like home-made
clothes, they never fit well, and they
generally last longer than others.
Stat or Oa;o. Cirr op Toledo,
I.vcas OniTT. f ""
raAXK .1. uuBxxr make oth that be Is m&'ot
gamer of tiie nrm of F. J. Chkhst A Co., duhic
dtlaeM In lb City of Toledo. County ad SUM
af.raa!d. aad tkat said Onn will pay the not of
ON'E HUXDKED DOLLARS for each and etery
eaaa of Uatamm tbat canout be cared by tbe uae of
Hau.s UatabsbCcsz.
Swore to before ise and ubcn! id in mj preacace,
til h day of December, A. t..!.-
. --7 A.W.GLEASOX.
nail's Catarrh Cnre Is taken Internally and acta
directly a tbe li d and mucous surfaces of' tM
system. Seed for ustlBa jalaU. trc.
T. J. CHESKr ii CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all DraKtua. Sc
Take UairaFaiBlly Pills for coast ipaUon.
If you bave knowledge, let others
light their candles at it, T. Fuller.
The General Condemnation of SoCalled Patent
or Secret Medicines
of an injurious character, which indulge in extravagant and unfounded pretensions
to cure all manner of ills, and the
Natitaal Legislation Enacted te lestrict Their Sale
have established more clearly than could have been accomplished in any other way
The Value ani Iapertance ef Ethical lenveiies.
Remedies which physicians sanction ior family use, as they act most beneficially and
arc gentle yet prompt in effect, and called ethical, because they are of
Known Excellence and Quality and of Kaewn CeaBenent Parts.
To gain the full confidence of the Well-informed of the world and the approval of
the most eminent physicians, it is essential that the component parts be known to and
approved by them, and, therefore, the California Fig Syrup Company has published for many
years past in its advertisements and upon every package a full statement thereof. The per
fect purity and uniformity of product which they demand in a laxative remedy of an ethical
character are assured by the California Fig Syrup Company's original method of manufacture,
known to the Company only.
There are other ethical remedies approved by physicians, but the product of
the California Fig Syrup Company possesses the advantage over all other family laxatives
that it cleanses, sweetens and relieves the internal organs on which it acts, without
disturbing the natural functions or any debilitating after effects and without having to
increase the quantity from time to time.
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of
Syrup of Figs, and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of
family laxatives, and as its pure laxative-principles, , obtained from Senna, .arcane;
known to physicians and the Well-informed of the world to be the best of natural
laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna, as more fully descriptive of .the remedy, but doubtlessly it will always be
called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs; and to get its beneficial effects,
always note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup
of Figs, or by the full name, Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, as Symp bf Figs'
and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy niannfactured by the California Fig
Syrup Company, and the same heretofore known by the name, Syrup of Figs, which '
has given satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading dmggists
throughout the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price
of which is fifty cents per bottle.
"Every-bottle is sold under the general guarantee, of , the Conuwy,, filed vW4th.thes.
Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C, the remedy is not adulterated or mis
branded within the meaning of the Food and Drags Act, June 30th, 1906.
Louisville, Ky.
The lis peculiar to women,
Some ladies suffer, every
feeling. Others suffer agonies
act on tbe cause of their trogbbs,
Wine of Cardni
Mrs, M. a Austin, of MwnpbJs. Teoa, writes: "For frtw (5) wn
of female disease, but after usiof
- -. . . .. -. - .- " ""'
OpstnoMorphav norineraL
Kot'Nakcotic. c
. iLLi
s ana H
AperCrcl Remedy forCoasfipa- H
rion. Sour Stosach, Diarrhoea
nrss and Loss OF SUSP.
t TacSimlc Signature of H
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 10, 1907.
San Francisco, CaL
U. S. A.
London, England.
take dtff erect forma,
month, from dark rings reond their eyas,
of pata. that words can harfy express.
the waiksmd womanly
tha welmown Caidui Home Treatment, I was amthaly wea.'
Write today fcr a free cssrsf'
km isvice. awuiw. jwu 1
-V .-
. a - i -7g rr-;L'Zlri' T'r.'i
The KM Ym Haw
Always BNgni
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
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SH II a Wm
wsanlB'lf l '
a Br I'""
-B- B- -B
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The Circuktion Stimulated
and the Muscles and Joinfe
lubricated by using
Price 25c 50c, 61.00
Sold by aH Dealers
rSfoai&Trwfise OnTbeHorst-Stnt fn
Unexcelled forsjesoralfa
tac'ntoek. dalrvtaar.- fraUa. I
me :c,inTraitiittotwrykiafkMaa4araasar
tation fariliti- Wrtlusmt naVs for as
Smithmi Rr. sad !MilOMna-R-Wa
C S. Cha: Wst- Sst-tiMClMaMMJl
New York, N. T.
hlnlcaas on tfcr Ah sjaittfwi
I suffend wHh mmn 1
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OZ. tt,S .l..P9-Hitx.
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