., -i ri ?V "jfSJ-T. -:irM4-$H v-iy 'Sl.!sW ?W .-! 1T VI.- .-.,, ? C VW . 'iH 1 Ll" tJMk.l AS5I V U. S. DISPENSATORY the Principal Isacedieats M PeHsMM. Are we claiming too much for Peru whea we claim it to be ia elective rsssedy fer chronic catarrh? Hare we akandent proof that Peruna ia in real ity sack a catarrh remedy? Let us see what the Uaited States Dispensatory aaya ef the principal iagredieata sf Peruna. Take, far instance, the ingredient aydrustis canadensis, or goldea seal. The United Statea Dispensatory aaya tf this herbal remedy, that it is largely enjoyed ia the treatment cf depraved mucous membranes, chronic rhinitis (nasal catarrh), atonic dyspepsia (ca tarrh cf the shomach), chronic intesti nal catarrh, catarrhal jaundice, (ca tarrh of the liver) and in diseased mucous membranes of the pelvic organs. It is also recommended for the treat ment of various forms of diseases pe culiar to women. AirJther ingredient of Peruna, cory dalis forraosa, is classed in the United States Dispensatory as a tonic So also is cubebs classed aa a stomachic and as a tonic for the mucous membranes. Cedron seeds is another ingredient ef Peruna, an excellent drug that haa been very largely overlooked by the medical profession for the past fifty vears. The seeda are to be found in very few drug stores. The United States Dispensatory says of the action f cedron that it is used as a bitter tonic and in the treatment of dysentery, and in intermittent diseases as a sub stitute for quinine. Oil of copaiba, another ingredient of Peruna, is classed by the United States Dispensatory as a mild stimulant and diuretic. It acts on the stomach and intestinal tract. It acts as a stimu lant on the genito-urinary membranes. Useful in chronic cystitis, chronic dys entery and diarrhea, and some chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys. Send to us for a free look of testimo nials of what the people .think of Pe runa as a catarrh remedy. The best evidence is the testimony of those who have tried it. U. S. NAVY enlists for four vears younjr men of good character and sound itir'cal condition be tween ineagesof I'andSSasapiiieniicc sea men; o::mnilies for advancement; pay Slfi to 70 a month. Klectricians. machinists. lilackMiiuhb," noptMniuiibs. yeuraen (clerks), en reenters, ebipniicr. firemen, musicians. e.wt-,ete . betwee.i 2i ami :5 year-, enlisted in tec al ratings villi suitable v-iv; hospital apprentices 18 to 38 years. Ketirenient n three-fourths pay and allowances after JO e.-irs service. Applicants must beAaicucau it.rcns. 1'irst. cloitaimr onttit free to recruit. Upon divriit rice travel allowance 4 cents per mile to place of enlistment. Ilot.us four months' pay and increase in pay upon re-enlistmen twit bin tour months tiffliwch.nnte. Offices at Lincoln mid U-c-tiiiKS. Nebraska. Also, fliirinswintcr, at l'-s Miim"-rrtiooxCitT. loirt. Address H.WY KECIXITISC STATION .r.0.BI&.MARA WWiDY BMW Unexcelled to r general farm- WslUC UUaili '. -UK-t. .Uirjln. fruit, truck, itc. oeiveuirnttotlie riyinr-t iiinikctandtrannprir l.tioti facilities. Writetiore-totlieeforlUtkaiidpub-le-at!eis. M. V ltirlianl-.I.ii"! am lmttnil Apent. S.n,.-mt;i m1 N.!iile.vlii..i:.l:. tVasliliic rnn. I C l-S Ch t.t. W,t.Ast..C2C:iruilcalBllir..St.Liiis,llo. New York's Eariy Name. Manhattan island was once named New Orange for 15 months. When the English took it from the Dutch the name New Amsterdam was changed to New York, and then when the Dutch recaptured it in .Inly 1G73. they called it New Orange. It held that name un til the English retook it in November, 1674. when hc name New York waa restored and has been retained ever since. Stimjfate the Blood. Brandretli's Pills are the great blood purifier. They are a laxative and blood tonic, they act equally on the bow els, kidneys and skin, thus cleansing the system by the natural outlet of the body. They stimulate the blood so to enable nature to throw off all morbid humors and cure all troubles arising from an impure state of the blood. One or two taken every night will prove an invaluable remedy. Each pill contains one grain of solid extract of sarsaparilla. which, with other valuable vegetable products, make it a blood purifier unexcelled. Brandreth's Pills have been in use for over a century, and are for sale everywhere, plain or sugar-coated. Danger in Salt Baths. Salt water, so strengthening ordin arily, is most weakening when too warm. On most ocean boats there is an abundance of warm water in the bathrooms, and the daily salt bath ia a great tonic, but beware of getting it too hot It will turn you faint if yoa do, even if you are accustomed to an equally high temperature In fresh wa ter at home. Travel Magazine. Laundry work at hoine would OS much more satisfactory if the rght Starch were used. In order to get the desired stiffness, it is usually neces sary to use so much starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric Is hidden behind a paste of varying thickness, which not only destroys the appearance, but also affects the wear ing quality of the goods. This trouble can be entirely overcome by using De fiance Starch, as it can be applied much more thinly because of its great er strength than other makes. In His Father's Footsteps. Allan Sankey, son of the famous sing ing revivalist, is following his father's footsteps as a composer, and some of his hymns are popular in New England revival meetings. Give Defiance Starch a fair trial try it for both hot and cold starching. and if you don't think you do better work, in less time and at smaller cost, return it and your grocer will give you back your money. Some day there may be universal peace. If it-comes it will be when one man has succeeded in gobbling every thing and at the same time convinced everybody else that he is too strong to be fought Panthers and Grizzly Bears. Ship Fan Pelts McMillan Fur & Wool Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Write for prices. Be severe when the fault demands It, but don't owe the man a grudge. Some men make a specialty of ves tas; as horrible examples. u w -.- fARM ih-MiKt The noisy, singing hen is generally the hen that lays. Tour garden seed order in yet? Ought to be. Hurry up. The health of the flock is dependent largely upon a good dust bath. Plan for the draining of that swamp. Why let it remain idle longer? Put yourself in the horse's place. You wouldn't like blinders, now, would jou? i It Is not good practice to put ma nure in the hole in setting young trees. The best time to fight the scale Is in the spring before the buds begin to swell. An empty salt sack used to rub the horse down with will make the coat glisten. Will the coreless apple be followed by the cobless corn and the rindless watermelon? Don't forget that a thinking cap should be included in your spring equipment of tools. Lima beans cannot be grown on poor soil, and should never be planted while the ground is cold. The earlier that the colt is broken the easier it is for the animal and the better is the job done. The large importations of wool em phasize the fact that more sheep ought to be raised in this country. Again we say. clean up the or chard, burn all rubbish. Insects will trouble you less next season if you do. The well balanced farm is the one where stock is kept to rebuild the soil which the grain crops have de pleted. The percentage of profit on any farm is dependent upon the kind of management the farm has, remember that, Mr. Farmer. The San Jose scale louse is no re specter of persons, attacking all orchard trees, rose bushes, berry bushes, vines and shrubs. A progressive dairyman will not put up with scrub stock, and a scrub dairyman may be given well-bred stock and soon bring it down to his level. The more evenly manure is spread over the land the better will it be in corporated with the soil. Don't leave it in lumps. The manure spreader is a great help. Western fanners are coming to ap preciate more fully the value of alfalfa as a forage crop. It may cost extra trouble and expense in getting a good stand, but it pays. A good hen man when asked wheth er ne gave ms nens pepper, saia: "No!" and the emphasis was so strong that we concluded that it was not a good practice. The chicken with a broken leg can be easily saved if worth saving by en casing the leg in a splint made of nar row strips of strong cotton cloth sat urated in melted glue. Rotting vegetables in the cellar are disagreeable and unhealthful. Now is the time of year when the cellar needs straightening up and the vege tables stored there looked over. Lifting that mortgage may cost lots of backache and long hours, but think how good it will seem when you can look out over your broad acres and realize it is all yours. The man who said that poultry cul ture was made up of a chain of lit tle things, one link out of place mak ing a bad kink in the whole chain, struck the nail pretty nearly on the head. Handsome is as handsome does, whether the poultry are handsome, pure bred, prize winning stock or not It's the eggs laid during the season of high prices that determine the real value of the hens. Mr. Yerkes. the commissioner of in ternal revenue, gives it as his opin ion, after investigations in Europe and this country, that denatured alco hol can be made at a cost not to ex ceed 35 cents a gallon. The best adviser on farm practice is not the distant expert, as a rule, but the successful farmer right in yonr own neighborhood. He understands the conditions under which your dif ficulties arise as no outside expert could. If yon want the calf to grow up hornless take him when he is not more than three weeks old and after clipping away the hair so as to be able to get at the little knobs which in time will be horns, wet the ends of the horns and rub thoroughly with a stkk of caustic potash. No horns on that calf if the Job be thoroughly done. mim. R-Pf sawsssaaaaHLswsWsaJgCl A novelty which some seedmen'are offering is what is called com wheat. It would be well for farmers to let agricultural colleges and experiment stations investigate the value of such a novelty before experimenting with it. Disgusting sight, those manure laden cattle, and no doubt if one could learn the .true inner feelings of the patient creatures we would find that they were disgusted too;' disgusted with their owners for letting them live in filth. 4 Fruit trees should be planted, not set, with emphasis on the planted. The soil should be given as careful preparation as for any other crop and the tree carefully placed and the dirt worked in around the roots. Hasty, careless work is responsible for many an unthrifty tree. The making of paper from corn stalks Is being investigated by the agricultural department, and should the experiments prove commercially successful, the result will be of two fold advantage in lessening forest de struction and giving farmers a mar ket for a by-product The reason young wood on fruit trees kills back during the winter is. that it was not properly ripened in the falT, owing to poor drainage of the; soil. Where there is too much mois ture the growth of the trees is not checked and hence the new wood is not matured to withstand the freezing of the winter. Congressman H. C. Adams says: "If any young fellow asks my advice about making fanning a business, I ask him, 'Are you man enough? If not, don't do it, but go and be a law yer or a doctor or a preacher or some thing of that sort' " This sounds dif ferent from the old adage that if the boy wasn't good for anything else make a farmer out of him. The pear scab fungus can be kept J in check by spraying with Bordeaux mixture used at time buds begin to swell, again after buds are out and just before blossoms open, a third ap plication after falling of blossoms and a fourth and fifth spraying are advis able where the disease is very bad: The last two sprayings can be given at intervals of from ten days to two weeks. Here is the portrait of the fortunate .farmer as painted by the Katonah (N Y.) Times: "The fanner's hair may be bushy, and his skin bronzed; but his eyes are clear, his digestion is like that of a three-year-old mule, his conscience like the ether above his head, and his bank account as fat as his favorite shoat He is the most independent creature that wears the garb of civilized man." Secretary Wilson's proposed substi tute for the annual free seed distribu tion in which a quarter of million dol lars of the government money is prac tically wasted, was not adopted by congress. The secretary's plan pro vided for the use of the money in the purchase of the most perfect seed and its apportionment to persons and lo calities where strict supervision and responsibility could be secured and thus obtain definite results, and the maximum of good to the country at large. A poultry diary is well worth the trouble it takes to keep it Each day note the doings of the poultry yard the cases of sickness, your treat ment, and the results; the effect of feed; when the first pullet egg was laid; when you introduced new blood; and lots of matters which at the time may seem trivial, but which next year may be very important. Try the diary plan for one year. City folks who have never had any farm experience and who have be come inoculated with the germ of agriculturitis, and are contemplating giving up a livelihood to risk their for tune on a farm, should remember that the farmer has a task master quite as exacting as any soulless corporation and that he is his own master only in so far as he obeys the laws of nature and works out his own salvation. It takes brains, brawn and business push to make farming pay. The average city man put on the average farm would raise chiefly a crop of financial ruin and bitter disappointment Think twice, go slow, take one step ata time are good rules for the would-be farm ers who are now making a good liv ing in town or city. While a big crop of increasing prosperity is the lot of the American farmer, his British brother is expe riencing rather a hard lot, for it is stated that the condition of agricul ture in the United Kingdom is stead ily declining, due, it is said, to the continued exodus of the farm labor ers to the large cities. The increas ing dependency of the people upon foreign countries for food is shown by the statement that in 1845 the wheat production of the United Kingdom was sufficient to supply about 90 per cent of the population. The home grown wheat now feeds only ten per cent The area devoted to corn has declined 40 per cent in 30 years. During this period there has also been a great increase in jlhe consump tion of imported meat When carrying on fertilizer tests the farmer should remember to leave a check plot by which he may make comparison to discover the exact ef fect of the treatment The check plot is simply a small section In the same field left untreated, although the soil preparation and cultivation of the crop is identical with that of the fertilised ground. Where the farmer attempts to judge of results by com paring the crop obtained with the crop obtained on the same ground be fore the fertilizer was put on he Is al most sure, to em for seasons differ no greatly :in rainfall and supply of solar heat that one year aaaot.be used as a standard by which to Judge another year. But where a plot of ground is left untreated and sown with need and cultivated in the same manner as the rest of the field It can be deter mined Just how profitable the son treatment has beesv- HARDSHIPS OF ARMY LIFE. Left Thousands of Veterans with Kid ney Troubles. The experience of David W. Martin, a retired merchant of Bolivar, Mo., k just like thous ands of others. Mr. Martin says: "I think I have" had' kidney dis ease ever since the war. During an engagement my horse fell on me, straining my back and injuring the kidneys. I have been told I had a floating kidney. I had Intense pain In the back, headaches and -dizzy spells and the action of the bladder was very irregular. About three years ago I tried Doan's Kidney Pills,, and found such great relief that I continued, and inside a comparatively short time was entirely rid of kidney trouble." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Mllbura Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. From the feminine viewpoint an en gagement ring Is a desirable thing to have round. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local appUcaUow; m they caaaot reach tfea dis eased partiaa of the ear. Tnere Is ml j one war to care deafness, sad that Is by coast fictional remedies. Deafneaa Is caused by an inflamed comUtlua of tbs mucosa llntns; of the Eurtacblan Tabs. When this label Inflamed yon hare a rambling' soend or Im perfect Bearing;, sad when It U entirely closed. Deaf ness la the remit, and unless the laflammaUon can. be takes out and this tube restored to Its normal coadl tlon, hearing will bo destroyed forerer; atae eases out of tea am caused by Catarrh, which Is nothlas bat an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollar for any case of Deafaesa (canted by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hairs Catarrh Cure. Sand for circulars, free. K. J. CUENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold br Drmrdstii. 73c Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Disease Puzzles Doctors. A mysterious disease is troubling the Dutch medical profession. It has broken out in the district of Ouddorp, not far from Utrecht, and Prof. Spronck, of Utrecht, after all the best efforts he can devise, has had to con fess himself perplexed. The disease is a contagious affection of the heart, and the patients invariably develop bi?h fever. There have been more than 100 cases. Prof. Spronck has marie a careful anlysis of blood taken from ratients, but has utterly failed to find a cause or an origin for the epidemic. THIS IS WORTH SAVING. Valuable Advice and Recipe by Weil Known Authority. The following simple home-made mixture is said to relieve any form of Rheumatism or bacbache, also cleanse and strengthen the Kidneys and Blad der, overcoming all urinary disorders, if taken before the stage of Bright's disease: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsa parilla, three ounces. Mix by shaking well in a bottle and take in teaspoon fnl doses after meals and at bedtime. A well-known authorits states that these ingredients are mainly of vege table extraction, and harmless to use, and can be obtained at small .cost from any good prescription pharmacy. Those who think they have kidney trouble or suffer with lame back or weak bladder or Rheumatism, should give this prescription a trial, as no harm can possibly follow its use, and it is said to do wonders for some peo ple. SOME POINTS ABOUT NEEDLES. The Evolved Product of Centuries ef Invention. The point of a needle is a very im portant part of that useful little In strument, and there are many points about needles calculated to interest the general public. The dally con sumption of needles all over the world is something like 3,000,000, while every year the women of the United States break, lose and use some 300, 000,000 of those tiny tools. Few peo ple while threading a needle have ever given a thought to the various processes through which the wire must pass before it comes out a needle. Yet the manufacture of needles includes some 21 different processes from cutting the wire and threading the double needles by the eyes to separating the two needles on the one length of wire, heading, hard ening in oil, cleaning out the sides of the eye, point-setting, and final pol ishing. For wrapping purple paper Is used, since it prevents rusting. There are many sorts of needles, for sur geons', cooks', glovemakers', weavers', sallmakers', broommakers', milliners and dressmakers' use. The needle is the evolved product of centuries of invention. In its primitive form It was made of bone, ivory, or wood. Point by point its manufacture has improved, until this little but not in significant instrument is now one of the highly-finished products of twen tieth century machinery and skUL Zion's Herald. A FRIEND'S TIP. 70-Year-Old Man Not too Old to Accept a Food Pointer. 'Tor the last 20 years," writes a Maine man, "Pve been troubled with Dyspepsia and liver complaint, and have tried about every known remedy without much in the way of results until I took up the food question. "A friend recommended Grape-Nuts food, after I had taken all sorts of medicines with only occasional, tem porary reliesV "This wai about nine months ago, and I beg&a the Grape-Nuts for break fast with cream and a little sugar. Since then I have had the food for at least one meal a day, usually for breakfast "Words fail to express the benefit I received from the use of Grape-Nuts. My stomach is almost entirely free from pain and my liver complaint is about cured, I have gamed flesh, sleep well can eat nearly any kind of food except greasy, starchy things and am strong and healthy at the age of 70 years. "If I can be the means of helping any poor mortal who has been trou bled with dyspepsia as I have been, I am willing to answer any letter enclos ing stamp." Name given by Postum Co . Battle Creek. Mich. Read the lit tle book, "The Road to WeUvffle," in pkga. There's a Reason." Kn. Wlasfww. Beetata Sjrreaw reMMrea teethlnc, softens the gams, noses g .nuajsys, earns waesssa. av Some men make it their business to Interfere with the business of others. Dresses, Cloaks, Ribbons. Suits, etc. caa be made to look like new with PUT NAM FADELESS DYES. No muss. Many a woman has married a fool for love; but few mistakes would be made if fools never had money. iixnw otrstK ix ts i mti. PAZO OUITMKNT Is rasraBteed to care anr esse I Itch aeVWliui. Bleeding or Protruding Piles la StolldajsormoBer reiBiMled. He. Many a man sows wild oats at his leisure that bis children must reap In haste; .For lexibllity, smooth finish, stiff ness, and dnrabllitv. Defiance Starch has no eaual 10c for 16 or. Some men are not satisfied whea they kill two birds with one stoma unless they can get the stone back. Lewis Single Binder costs wore than other 5c cigars." Smokers 'know why. Your dealer or-Lewk' Factor-, .Peoria, 111 A man who is content to do the same thing day after day may be a good husband and a kind father, but he is a poor news-maker. Defiance Starch Never sticks to the iron no blotches no blisters, makes ironing easy and do23 not injure the goods. Booth Tarkington when at work rises at five o'clock in the morning, drinks a little cocoa and writes till nine. Nearly all his best passages have keen written at sunrise. Take advantage of Nature's splendid of fering, Uariield Tea, the laxative that is purr, mild and potent. It is made wholly of Herbs. For constipation, biliousness, liver and kidney disear. It purifies the blood. Guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drugs Law. Receives Carnegie Pension. Judge C. C. Cole, of Des Moines, Ia for many years dean of the Drake University law school there has re ceived a Carnegie pension of 11,280 a year. He was graduated from the Harvard law school. In a Pinch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. A powder. It cures painful, smart ing, nervous feet and ingrowing nails. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Hakes new shoes easy. A certain cure for sweatins feet. Sold by all Druggists, 25c. Accept no sub stitute. Trial package, FREE. Ad dress A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy, X. Y. It isn't likely that Homer knew the difference between heroic pentameter and a milk wagon; Rafael probably never guessed that there was such a word as "genre," and the language of the average musical critic would doubtless have been too technical for the understanding of Wagner. Important to Mothers. EaaaiSrc carefully erery bottle of CASTOrttA. a safe and rare remedy for infants and children, aad sec that it Bears the Steaatareof ZzZzfar m - w la Uw For Orcr SO Years. Sae Kiad Too Base Always nougat. One of the times to get busy is when you are discouraged and think there is no use trying any more. AWFUL NEURALCIA Pain Turned This Woman's Hair White but She Was Cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Do not seek relief from suffering simply, but free your system from the disease which is the cause of your suffering. That is toe message which a former victim of neuralgia sends to those who are still in its grasp. Hot applications, powders that deaden the senses and others that reduce the heart action may cause temporary re lief but the pain is sure to return with greater intensity. Mrs. Evelyn Crcusere, who has a beautiful home at 811 Boulevard West, Detroit, Mich., suffered for years with neuralgia until she tried this tonic treatment She says: "My trouble began about six years ago and I did not rest as I should have, but kept up about my many duties. After a time I became so weak I could not do any work at all. I had severe backaches and such dreadful headaches in the back part and top of rcy head. My eyes were easily tired and at times I saw black spots before them. I consulted sev eral doctors but without the slightest benefit. The pains were so intense that my hair turned white. "I lost continually in weight and strength and was almost in despair when a friend recommended Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills. I tried them ac cording to directions and soon began to feel relief. At the end of three months I had gained ten pounds in weight and had no more trouble wita my nerves. I have been in perfect health ever since and can heartily commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists, or sent postpaid, on re ceipt of price, 50 cents per box. six boxes for 12.50. by the Dr. William Medicine Co, Schenectady, N. T. AaBsBBBsaw"' TTie isgef pare, wyatabte lagriaiwaa, ataa - which. acordiec the iMllsnaj, Pi BBBBx esTuiosssBds wlut laws need it, wJB BJ ower k iTvr -" i- aaBBBBBBBr Vs aWUw VBBBBBBa SnSjSssCasrOQflL DsssUBa ana1 TOVBsT BsaVsaaaaalaaaas Baas a4w Behind the Dough! i ?" faar w aaaaw rjsi masi. asyass pj J If H BAKING - fjV V POWDER I tiggiPI aaaaaaaaaaaaa Baa ZZ KSH A realfXJWer tfmtjaisCSandsaUinS the -m 'SaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafJ ifl dough with abaohrte cataioiy. No W .. , , I feomsU failures. A cake made with K C giW I BASBpakJOJ e m aaaw "t"' immmmmmmm H 511 fr?'."1 . . ,M xsssat snavai I WbsM we msist upon rehiring yor gfr' m HcjHft nwney if a trial does aot f HSSSSSSSSSSSaEflJf rSSSSj coorbecyou. atfftfesSS-SS niPP BBflBaaBaBBaB MBSJmXi mm&mWmr mmmmmmWmmmMmr JaafaaW laaS. GaV oaaeaWeaSalWaaaesa9 AILING W0MBN How Many Perfectly WeU Women . Do You Know ? Ml GRACE E. MILLER MRS.w"5TF0RD 'I am not feeling very well, "I am so aervons it seems as though I should fly.- "My back aches as though it would break." How often do you hear these signi ficant expressions from women friends. More than likely you speak the same words yourself, and there is a cause. More than thirty years ago Lydia E. Pinkhsmof Lynn. Mass. discovered the source of nearly all the suffering endured by her sex. Wbman'8 Ills," these two words are full of more misery to women than any other two words that can be found in the English language. Sudden fainting, depression of spirits, reluctance to go anywhere, backaches, headaches, nervousness, sleeplessness, bearing down sensations, displacements and irregularities are the bane of woman's existence. The same woman who discovered the cause of nil this misery also discovered a remedy. Lydia E. Pink hasn'a Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs holds the record for a greater number of absolute cures of female ills than any other one remedy the world has ever known and it is the greatest blessing which ever came into the lives of suffering women. Don't try to endure, .but cure the cause of oil yonr suffering. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. The following letters prove this : DO YOU SMOKE A WHAT KINO OF TOBACCO DO YOU SMOKE? TB VlifT 1741712 WAT TDTETa sBAIIa CKaSTLi mm. iuu iumi iwi iwa You have never gotten that solid comfort whieh a good " pipe smoke " should give a man. QBOID WILL HOT BITE THE TONGUE IT IS THE ORIGINAL OF THIS STYLE TOBACCO It has an elegant Aroma whieh no other pipe tobacco possesses, and its smooth, delightful flavor and free smoking qualities are the results of years of careful study and experimenting. H nRvassssw ImWrwJ LV w 1 "postage Tjaioy'wpcw receipt of rffnia, situ.-vii:Prsces,lio.tia box, 10c; 3f 02. tin box, 20c; 8 os. tin' box, 45c and IS on, fiiacy tia box, 90c. Money refunded to any dissatisfied purchaser. a Cut out this advertisement and send with money order or Write your name and address plainly, and address to LARUS & BR0. CO.. A DOLLAR of town its life is ended. Kept messenger of continuous benefit. me importance 01 Keeping this G ALL-STONE CURE. " " aiajnaB- WBHBnsjaj Sfrm in that aTIHnv 8tAHM 1 n Ike HslBa Jaoadlce aaa all bftr.ab K,J. " asaMi FREE send ner absolute! box of Paxtlne wu Mens and genuine To convince any "wnmi lusi aTSX tine Aatlaeasle ill bnproTe ber beatta and do all we claim Inp it TlTm. ..Ill send ner absolutely free a large trial box of Paxtlne with hook of lastrnc- uuua ana genome lesumoaiais. Send' your name aad address on a postal card. juu Bwmc aaa aaarcaa on a po PAXTIHE cleanses and heals ueous as fe.A s icvuuua, 9uca as nasai catarrh, pelvic catarrh and inflaaunaUoa caused byfeni nine ills; sore eyes, sore throat and mouta. by direct local treatment Itscur athre power otct these troubles Is extra ordinary and gives bamediate relief. Thousands of women am min mi mu. ommendinglt every day. m cents at uiuHcuisuruyraaii. JKnessDer. IT COSTS TOU WOTfllXG TO t TO TRY IT. XJa JC aAXXOX CO KFUICE STUCI JsunsSS V Mrs. W.S. Ford of 1938 St, Baltimore, Md. writes : Dear Mrs. Phkha; 'For four vears my life was a ma. I suffered from invsnlaisnea. pruslon, terriblo draggfaBg seaaasioss and extras saOTOissaeK. 1 kadgJvea apt al hope of ever being weu again wans Jydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable CoaXMUd was) recommended. It eared aty waakasaa aasl made an well and strong." Miss Grace E. Miller, of 1813 Michi gan St., Buffalo, N. Y. writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham : "1 was in a, very bad coaditfcmof health generally; irritable, rrobs! hackacke and suffered from a feminine weakness; Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable- Cosapeaad. cased uio after all other awdsciam bail failed." What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound did for Mrs. Ford ami Miss Miller it will do fbrothcr'womea in like condition. Every suffering woman in the United States is asked to accept the following invitation. It is free, will bringyou health and may save yonr life. , Hrs. RfttMs's kttWlM fit Wtact. Women suffering from aay form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. From the symptoms given, the trouble may be located and the quickest and sajfrst way of recovery advised. Out of hvr vast volume of experience in treating female ills Mrs. Pinkham probably has the very knowledge that wiil help yonr case. Her advise is free I and always helpfuL PIPE?. WDWIlsf -rum- SPECIAL OFFER OraOITI Tobacco is now yisVla on sale almost everywhere, and hundreds of thous- andaof boxes were consumed last year, and it is oar pur- pose to pmee QBOID isneacM of every pipe smoker in this country, and to that end ws make the following offer : ' If your dealer does ant handle QBOID Tobacco, ws will send tos tav sara bor. I Richmond, Va. spent at home reacts ia its benefits with unceasing; sreneral nrnfit Cn nn with the home merchants it is a Business men should awake to dollar at home and make a bid for it. "Cgsas Cabas. Cm" - Caw?tIlw sHsaakstw rAB fill ft aYwwMMi In n iM. a iiHu.i ... 9 , "T"VIB - - TST?75:.y'gy'jyP'ss mmwm jssvsat wmmsi ansse, an. msaOSa, J CARDUI I BAD I Baal BBBBsf palos every inosm, ladsCata aarf. m I. ous female (Jbeast, astarjrto ba- I I come Dangerous. If sot rnsnatr ft I treated. Afnedkdaoteassdid I which acts directly oossvo-l I raanr organs, aacfa at I nmt W. N. U, OMAHA, NO. f. .XcferV 1 . -- Ut,, k JZtbhJaJi4lliQii,ma ilfo.'Mw.uLfaX -4,j&f&;