'S '--"&& r ' '- ' 3-rV-r - -.r "- - r-r -J rk. , i - j.-v - 5si- ,. -w-s1 v.f attaawwiiiiHiattiiiMiiaaHiiM " ! i HENRY RAGATZ & GO, "FORE WARNED" Is to be "forearmed." This forewarns all good people in town that there is a place where "best of all kinds of groceries" can be had, and money saved in buying them. SHB STOCK On our shelves? It's the stock of "best of all kinds of groceries" referred to. It's a saving of dollars when you buy our goods. Compare prices and see. HENRY RAGATZ & GO. THIRTEENTH ST, COLUMBUS, NEB. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. SHOES CLOTHING Gents9 Furnishing Goods RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. FRISCHHOLZ BROS 405 11th Street, THE 6EMUM UT'L Columbus, Neb. Our continuous growth as shown by our last published statement, is an evidence that the service we accord our natrons is satisfactory. Open an account with us and let us prove to you that you luadc no mistake by so doing. Our aim is to please. TIE SERUM MT'L UH. NEIGHBORHOOD MS MOTES. GENOA. From tne ijsaaer. Work has been resumed on the Mason ic Temple. The roof is now complent ed and the windows and front are being put in. Miss Mary Johnson went to Colum bus the last of the week where she ex pects to have an operation performed for gall stones, which have been troubl ing her for the past year. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Mollin drove over to Newman Grove the. last of the week and spent the Sabbath. Mr. Mollin's mother's health is in very poor condi tion. She fell and injured her side last week. John Hoges, after getting ready to move on his farm again this spring, finally decided to remain in town and the last of the week purchased the Juli us Phillips house. He has leased his farm to Peter Larsen Jr. for a term of three years. Sheriff B&bb was in the city Tuesday and took the oldest Lewingwell boy to, Fnllerton with the object of sending him to the Reform school. He is accus ed of eteling money from G. 8. Young. While only eleven years old he is about as toagh as yon find them and that the Reform school is the place for him is the general verdict. The sheriff had quite an experience in chasing the kid down, who in company with his younger brother ran like a deer and finally craw led under a bed from which he had to be dragged out. Ora Ball and Frank Danf orth played rather a mean trick on 8am Elm, Ed Ford and several other Skeedeites the last of the week. Ors and Frank spent early a whole day hunting for fish in GROCERIES Columbus. the water holes on the bottom at Kent without finding a blamed fish. That night they got busy over the telephone with the result that nearly the whole Skeede turned out the next day armed with pitchforks and rakes and went fish ing for the mate to the 22pound cat fish which Ora caught (in his mind) the day before. There has been no blood shed over the matter up to this writing, but there had ought to have been. Mr. George M. Cochran and Miss Rose Tyler were quietly married at the home of the bride's nncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Coffin, on Tuesday morning. The ceremony was solemniz ed by Bev. W.J. Brient. Only the im mediate relatives were present and after a wedding breakfast the happy couple departed for a wedding tour which is to include a visit to a number of the near relatives of the groom, principally in Kansas. The bride is well known in Genoa having grown np in our midst, being the youngest daughter of Mr. and Wo. Tyler. The groom is one of our most prosperous farmers and stands high in the estimation of his friends and neighbors. Excitement ran high on our streets a few hours last Tuesday .evening, caused by the report that Marioe Brown, daugh terof Mr. and Mrs. Win. Brown of Sonth Side aged 14. had;been assaulted near the railroad bridge, on her way home from school, by Ferran Cudde ford, a boy fifteen years old. After be ing thrown to the ground the little girl succeeded in escaping from her assilant with no injures save a few scratches about the face. Young Cuddeford was arrested Tuesday evening, but up to the hour of going to press we have been un able to learn where he is or what is pro posed to be done in the matter. We un derstand, however that the officer in charge has been keeping him bid for fear of the results should the infuriated father learn of his whereabouts. Young Cuddeford is pretty tough for a boy his age and something should be done with him, but wether the whipping post, the penitentiary or the gallows is a matter of opinion. From the Tines. Citizens of Genoa will her the JIM'S PLACE I earry the best of everything inmyliae. The drinking pub lic is invited to eosae in and sat for Me. 11$ Bev. William Hsnptnun, who tiled the pulpit of the" CfrsnjrsgslirsMl ennron here six or seven yean ago, and later was appointed chaplain of the Kearney Industrial School for boys. One year a ago Hanptman appeared in Searchlight, Nevada, a saining town that is at present attracting considerable attention on ac count of rich mines which have recently been developed. The "little Fsrson," as the citiseae of fleamhlight christened nisa,itocoe gathered the children to gather and aoon had a Sunday school doing business. Sundays he preached to older sinners, and nun who had not been to church for years went to him. When the -Little Btrson" not engaged in religions work he was out prospecting with other fortune seek ers and at night studied mining law. Finally he quit preaching and opened a law office, and later on, when a rich find was made on a claim in which he was interested, assisted in the organisa tion of the Eldora Mammoth Gold Mining Co., of which he is now vice president and chief counsel. The Killara brothers,! John George who own 703 acres of land in ' Council Creek, listed their land for sale with Julius Phillipps, aad last Friday John Breese of Columbus contracted topur chasetheeamefor$53,0ca MriPhOlippe' commission on the deal will amount to about 11,400. Front the Demearat, Mias Lucille Meta who has been iously ill with! pneumonia the past few week, is much improved Fred. Fuchs, Frank Brockhaus and eon Jos. left on Tuesday of this week for California to spend a few weeks visiting friends and relatives sad looking over the country and seeing the sights. Mrs. W. H. Tkekoetter and son Frank have purchased the Mattes residence property on Main street in the wast pert of town. This will make them a very desirable place to live. MissCeliaPederson left last Friday night by the way of Norfolk for Pierre, South Dakota, where she will take up a residence on a homestead west of the river. Her homestead is near that of Miss Mary 8teffs. It will be necessary for her to live eight month on the claim before she will be able to secure title to Max Muetisg is reported in a serious condition again. For the past week or so he has been confined to his bed con tinoualy and it is necessary for somebody to be near him night and day. Several of the town people have been taking turns the last few days in sitting up nights with the sick man. Mr. and Mrs. W. J.Luescfaen left en Tuesday of this week for Hot Springs, Ark to try the medicinal qualities of this popular health resort in the hope of improving Mrs. Lueschen's health. Her many friends here hope she will find immediate relief sad that she will return home fully restored to her good health. Marty Keen, a nephew of George and Joe Smith, and George Stillinger, of Buffalo, N. Y- arrived in town last week on a few weeks visit. This is the first trip this far west the young men have ever made. They express themselves as being well pleased with the country and its people and they may decide to remain here premanently. UHDSAX. the Opinion. Mrs. Seller received word Tuesday that her daughter, Mrs. Peter Baokee, of Osmond, . had been taken to Colum bus to receive treatment at 8t Mary's hospital. J. C Nelson on Lindsay route 1 was transacting business in town last Satur day and made his annual call on the Opinion. Mr. Nelson informed as that he has purchased a 160 acre farm one mile from Genoa in Nance county, and will move onto same about March 1st He has rented his 80 sere farm south of town to Frank Morrow. A business meeting of the Lindsay band was held Thursday evening of last week and was well attended. W. B. Miller was elected secretary to fill va cancy, and M.J. Weidnerwas elected librarian and custodian. The treasurers statement was read a nd accepted, which showed receipts of $16060 and disburse ments fo $100.75. It wss decided to give a grand Easter ball, the date to be decided upon later. The new constitu tion and by-laws were read and signed by all members present. , From The Post.' F.J. Smith left Tuesday moraingfor Spring Branch IJL, in response tea message announcing the serious illness of his mother. M. J. Ducey has this week purchase one of the up-to-date dray wagons which will enable him to handle dray aad bag gage business in a more satisfactory Mrs. Lew Waal and childreu left for their future home at Peoria, Bi, Wed nesday morning after a abort visit with the Ducey 's. EdWeidaar of near 8t. Bernard pur chase the Eton Swaneon rwidauua the first of the week, consideration $1,300. Mr. Weidner intends to move to town about the first of 'April when he will take the position of engineer at the ele etrio light plaat. tlmsxm cmn Mies Josie Clother was taken quite suddenly fll last Monday, sad since then ssjehasbeeaccnlaedtoberbed. Mrs. M. J. Morris arrived here Sunday from New York city, called by the Alness of her mother. Mrs. Than. Iivsuth. k u Mrs. P. F. vistt front her is receivings . Vfm.XfWBBBU A. M. POST ATTORNEY AT LAW Columbus, - Nebraska.. CN.McELFI.ESH ATTORNEY AT JLA W ZinaeckerBld'g' Columbus, - - Nebraska. and baby, from Columbus. Mrs. New man will join her husband at Wheat land, Wyoming, hv a few weeks, where he has purchsned n iaefarm. We wish thei Joe Frevert arrived here on Sunday noon's train from his hetna near Burke, a p. He reports the family all well, happy and contented. Says they have had plenty of anew and cold weather tide winter. Having some business to attend to he wm remain a week or ten days. Mr. Frederick Hobheasiefken died at the home of his son Henry, two mfles south of town, at 11:30 last Friday, Feb ruary 15th, aged 78 years and 10 months, Deceased had been totally blind for the past twenty years. The funeral was con ducted from the German Baptist church in Platte Center on Sunday, and the re mains were laid to rest in Shell Creek cemetery, east of town, beside those of his wife, who died some two years ago. Last Friday the five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Maokey was kicked by one of hie father's horses, which was running loose in the yard, and a gash out in his forehead, making a frightful took iag wound and laying the bone bare. It took nine stitches to close the wound. The lad displayed remarkable grit dur ing the operation, sitting hi his father's lap and never uttering a whimper while the physioisn was performing the work. He will probably carry a ecar during life, to remind him of what happened to him "when he was a boy." Last Friday afternoon a man named Fred Blessen, living on one of Henry Gearing's farms, met with a very peinfnl, in fact very near fatal, wound from the accidental discharge of a shot gun. He went into the timber to cat wood, takiag his gun with him, and leaning it against a tree. When he had his wagon loaded he reached for the gun and one hammer caught on the tree, the gun was dis charged and the load passed through his left shoulder. He ran to Mr. Gehring's house, a quarter of a mile. Dr. Pugh wm telephoned for, and upon his arrival he dressed the wound temporarily aad had the man taken toTarnov in time to eateh the freight train, on which he was taken to Columbus for treatment at the hospital, the doctor accompanying him. At the hospital it was found that the charge had torn a hole clear through the shoulder, just inside the joint. A plas ter cast was applied and these seems to be a good chance for the patient's re covery, but with a stiff shoulder. Bles sen is a man leas than thirty years of age, with a wife and two or three chil dren. He has been in this country but about two years. CKK8TOH. Frost The fltatwmm. Attorney Garlow up from Colum- bus on Friday last. Geo. Irving has commenced to move his grain, machinery, etc., onto the Franz Fredricks farm, which he will occupy this year. The Royal Highlanders gave a fare well supper at their meeting, whkh was largely attended, on Wednesday evening, in honor of Mr. and, Mrs. Geo. H. Palma teer and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Craig. Mr. and MraPalmateer moves to Ho wells as soon as they can get a vacant house there. Mr. and Mrs. Craig have not as yet decided on their new location. James Jackson met with an accident last Sunday afternoon that will lay hum up for some time. He went to Peters burg on Saturday evening to spend Sun day with a lady friend. Sunday after noon being pleasant, they went out for a drive; the team in some way became frightened, and, in their sudden start, broke the doubletree, and pulling Mr. Jackson out of the buggy. He fell in suck a way as to break one of the bones of his right arm at the wrist, and also breaking hie nose in several places. The team got loose from the buggy, but was later caught. The young lady re mained in the buggy and was not injured in the accident. Mr. Jackson's injuries were attended to by a physician, and on Tuesday morning he returned home, accompanied by his lady friend, Miss Grace Kinney. MONBOB. Float the Beptblicaav J. M. Bryan and family leave this week for Emporia, Kas., where they will make their future home. Mr. Bryan hauled hie machinery and household goods to Columbus and shipped from there over the Burlington. COLUMBUB MEAT MARKET We invito all who i steak, aad the very best oats of aii otaer meats to can at our market on Eleventh street. We also handle poultry and fish end oysters in season, S.E MABTY&Ca Telephone No, L - Columbus, Neb, H. 8. Dunlas returned last Friday Bsnfcnell, BL, where he accompan ied his mother. He was compelled to return via Grand Island on account of the flood damaging the tracks on the main line of theUahm. Pacific. John Traelove loaded hie cars of emi grant nwveabies and, accompanied by hie eon Fred, left Monday evening for his new home in Emporia, Kas. He was delayed here eeveral days on account of the hoed making it impossible to run trains on the main line.. Carl Gertsoh hi taking treatment at the Hot Springs in Arkansas, Be was over heated last summer, which caused a blood trouble. As Carl was a favorite with the young people, his many friends with for his speedy recovery and will be plsassd to see him come back. Lest Friday evening about thirty Woodmen and. their families arranged a farewell reception for John Truelovesnd family, prior to their leaving for their Kansas borne. For a number of years Mr. Traelove held the office of venerable consul of Monroe camp, and as a token of esteem the members presented him with a gold watch. Jacob Dittner and Fred Lapp, who lived a mile west of Monroe, had a nar row escape from drowning in the flood Tuesday. They were hunting on Ben son Island and did not notice the water raise, aad when they attempted to get out they were compelled to unhitch their horse and then swim out them elves. They lost their gun and shoes, aad escaped with a good wetting in the icy water. Last Friday morning Ed Dubrava's farm residence, northeast of town, came very nearly betas: destroyed by fire; shortly after the kitehea fire had been started Mrs. Dubrava detected the smell of burning wood, aad called her husband who was at the stable. He at once be gan to look for the fire and discovered that the roof of the kitchen was burn ng. Prompt auction by the neighbors in forming a bucket brigade saved the main part of the building, but the kitchen was badly scorched. The farmers on the north part of the route can hardly talk of anything but the new railroad and where the new town will be located. They have not as yet decided oa the name but the city directory will read like this, so the rumor goes: Bob Humphrey, saloon; Henry Lohoff, butcher; J. T. Evans, P. H. Albers and John Borches, brewery; J. Hughes, groceries end dry goods; Geo. .Lamb, hotel; Jim Thomaxin, real estate; a. AlDBCS, jr., ana u. aiigue, uvwy wu feed, and the Misses Albers and Hughes, millinery. The oncosts of the city will be elected soon. On Thursday. February 14, at noon, at the castor's house, occurred the wadding of Mr. Boy S. Thurston and Miss May A. Zlegler, the ceremony be ing performed by their pastor, Joseph W.Anealhand witaessed by relatives. After a wedding dinner at the bride's home, at which members of the families gathered, the happy couple left on the afternoon train for their new home at Primrose, Nebr. Both will be greatly missed from Monroe, and will be follow ed by the best wishes of a bostof friends The bride especially has been unusually active and efficient in Sunday school, church and Endeavor work, and where ever her help was needed. Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Potter occurred the mar riage of their daughter Lucy, to Mr. Harry G. Hill, Promptly at 8 o'clock, aa the wedding march was played by Mrs. Fred Hill, the couple entered the room between white ribbons held by the little twin girls, nieces of the bride, and took their places near the bay window, which was beautifully decorated with smilsx, ferns and white roses. Bev. Dr. Westoott of Columbus performed the beautiful and impressive ceremony of the Episcopal church. The bride wore a beautiful gown of white swiss trimmed in valeneoeins lace, and carried white roses. After congratulations the guests were invited to partake of a bountiful repast which had been prepared for the occasion. Only relatives Nand intimate frienda were present. The bride and groom have been residents of this locality from childhood end have the respect and esteem of all, aad their host of fiiends join in extending congratulations. Costly teats In Parliament. The 1,273 candidates who sought po litical honors at the last general elec tion, according to London Answers, paid $5,800.M0 for the privilege. They polled between them 5,845,104 votes, so that each vote cost one dollar. The dearest seat in the house of commons was that won by J. H. Beth ell, who sits for the Romford division of Essex. He paid $19,200 for the honor, but as he polled 21,534 votes, the cost of each was below the aver age. The cheapest seat In the house for which the owner had to fight was that held by John J. Mooney, the member for Newry, who paid $600 for the 802 votes he obtained. His opponent's 73$ votes cost him $1,860. Kelr Hardle'a and Will Thome's ex penses amounted to $1,860 and $3,940 respectively. Mr. Balfour's unsuccess ful contest at Manchestetr cost him nearly $6.f$f. 1 understand that the Rev. Mr. Goodings Is considered to have very little tact" "He hasn't any. Once he lost a call ton large church in Philadelphia. He was Invited over there to preach, and roared out his text twice in a loud vote: 'Awake, thou that aleepest.'- Net Such a Feel After AIL . A theological student supposed to ha deficient In Judgment was asked by In the course of a class ex- "Prey. Mr. K, how would you dis cover a fool?" "By the enesttons he would ask, wa tha rather stssaiag reply. THE YALTJE CLOTflIM Is always determined by the quality of ma terial and the manner in which they are made. If you would have the kind that wear well, look well and retain their shape, see to it that they contain the quality and workmanship that makes them dependable. The class of Merchandise sold by us. Men are interested now in our Salt hundreds of pairs of best makes now selling at 25 to 33 1 DISCOUNT All $2.00 and $2.50 Trousers now . . $1.50 All $3 and $3.50 trons-now- , 2.50 Everyone of which was a good value at the regular price. They are yours at the above prices. Gloves! The Hauser Glove is the most dependable on the market for railroad men, mechanics and farmers. GREISEN BROS Eleventh STREET Columbus, Nebraska Kitchen PfariFTi The above cabinet is finished in satin walnut and has the best bin on the mar ket We also carry a full line in white maple. H. GASS 219-23 West 11th COLONIST RATES In Effect March 1st to April 30th Go the Mountain Way. Insist that your ticket reads via Colorado Midland Railway. THROUGH TOURIST GftRS Frasjcisc LMflftttlM $2250 (than Bates apply from Missouri KiTer east 01 me riTcr siiguuy mgner.j Ask F. L, PEAKINS. General Agent. 219 8. llth Street. Omaha. HOBELL LAW, General Agent, Mi Sheidley Building. Kansas City. or yonr own local agent on any railroad, or 6. W. SPEE. General Passenger Agent, Denrer, Colorado. MIDLAND ROUTE OF All $4, $4.50, $5 trousers now..' All $6, $6 50, $7 trousers now. Cabinets! i n-m St. Columbus.- I SSL i? W wtP -3h - f J $25.00 ttstou $20.00 common points aad thereof: Bates "W-! i3vt -f fc. rfit, ,-JV. j-iV