M" R k I. I 2 I J fc - 'jy n. ) I 785 s II .f? ia fc' L? t rinlTll niV SUIT ? r W . IHifHsV EMHARlA iM.ii.' !.. 'iri- -.i ti- awVlraa JMevUljl I ty sagsrvaw 4 try to wisot lha coa- Imi ssml stiaJaBt haaso ajal s ssnmas lAniAL ui I uiai Jr srsrJSiJ" ss '--' -v- k??. nr troiKAi- sist'.'frswsKtt itsrsiirj! ENATE PASSES STRAIGHT TWO CENT FARE BILL. EvnTsmmnESEnviianiiiu Bill File fto.SS.TlM and Hm the Clause At Thereto. PmpM 2-Ccnt Fare Bill. The state senate, impatient because of the slowness of the house ia pass lag a 2-ceat fare bill. Tuesday' took ap a stmlllar bill in committee of the whole as the special order for 10 a. in-, discussed the measure till nooa and af ter a recess placed the Mil on third reading and passed it by a unanimous vote of all the senators present, two only being absent. The Mil Is a flat 2- cent rate bill. It merely changes the word "three" in the present statute to "two" and yntains an emergency clause so that it will go into effect as soon as it receives the approval of the governor. The bill provoked a free discussion, in which nearly every sen ator Joined. The senate passed the bill, S. F. 55, by Sackett of Gage, and hurried it over to the house, where the announcement met with applause. That body later considered a simlllar house bill in committee of the whole, and as the senate bill had not been read for the first and second times in the house it could not be substituted for the house bill on the same subject. Therefore the house, in committee, of the whole, recommended that the house bill be ordered engrossed for a third reading, shorn of all Its amendments except one intended to make a minimum fare of 5 cents, regardless of distance for in terurban lines. It is believed that the house will pass the senate bill, which also contains the emergency clause, although many members of both houses prefer not to have the bill go into effect upon approval of the gov ernor. . In the senate the discussion .was stroagly..aatl-railroad and in favor of a flat 2-cent fare bill, despite the fre quent citations of. expressions of Gov ernor Sheldon during his campaign that he thought it better to place the raising or lowering of passenger rates In the hands of the new railway com mission. King of Polk argued that it would be unconstitutional to amend the pres ent statute relating to passenger rates, one that had existed since 1887 and at tach to it a clause giving the railway commission power to suspend this rate. He said the title of the original act was not broad enough to cover such an amendment Epperson of Clay said that an original act Including the two subjects, with a new title, could be enacted, but he favored the bill under consideration. This argument 'did much to bring about unanimous ac tion in favor of the flat 2-cent fare bill. At the last moment McKesson of Lan caster withdrew his motion icTpost pone action until Thursday at 2 p. m., and he' and his colleague. Barns, both voted for the report of the committee of the whole to order the bill to a third reading. The senators who asked for delay warned their fellow senators thta a 2-cent fare might not be upheld in the courts. The great majority were willing to take chances and were eager to pass such a bill, alleging that unless they took summary action no relief would be granted to the people who are asking for lower freight and passenger rates. Every senator present voted for the bill when it was read a third time, Randall of Madison and Latta of Burt being absent Sale of Game Prevented. The house concurred in unimport ant amendments to H. R, No. 98 and the bill is ready to be sent to the gov ernor. The bill ia one of the most important game laws that has ever been enacted. It provides that it shall be illegal to sell wild game at any time of the year. The bill was asked for by Chief Game Warden Carter in the hope that It would stop the oper ations of pot hunters who shoot and sell for the market As long as people will buy game and place it on tables of hotels, restaurants, dining cars and caTes for sale, Jt is believed men can be found who will find in this faoi an inducement to violate the game laws. After Lean Sharks. An act aimed at the business of chattel mortgage sharks and pawn brokers who loan money against the iuiure wages of working men, exact ing a heavy interest rate therefor, has been prepared by Representative KI1 " len of Gage county for Introduction in the legislature. The bill is intended to make void all contracts pledging wages as a security for a debt except where the amount so pledged has been due for more than. twenty days. New Telescope for Uni. The university is now constructing in its own shops a telescope of twelve inches aperture and eighteen feet focal length. This would be regarded by professional telescope makers as a rather ambitious undertaking, since the machinery for operating a large telescope, while massive, must yet be "built like a watch." Professor Rich ards is confident however, that the work of building the mechanical parts even including such delicate work" as graduating the circles and building the driving clock, can be successfully done in the university shops. The mounting of this telescope will be rather more than usually compli cated for an instrument of Its size, for it was felt that since it was to be built and not bought there was no use in foregoing any accessory that might add to the convenience and usefulness of the instrument Form stance, the motion of the tube may be controlled either from the eye-end or from the floor; small accessory tele scopes at both the eye-end and dowa.at the side of the pier enable the, ob server to read the setting circles and so' to direct the telescope to any part of the sky from either position. .. . Kn mnarhli - bm kr Ika I ..-;- " - UqaSeilSa w.waSBl .YBO. A-st" ifti--v. ". I - ' Li k v . - - t -r .-J" - - J- -- ' of the state board of health. the members believing that the $1. Stt appropriated two years ago for the of the hoard was iUegally ap- TMs belief is founded on the section of the statute which says the secretaries of the board asay charge fees for the examination of ap plicants for license to practice medi cine, SIS for each applicant hoUirg a diploma frost a Nebraska college of medicine and $125 for other applicants. The statute says: "AH such fees shall be equally divided among the few sec retaries of the board as fall compea- for their services and ex- Historical Building. The finance ways and mlttee of the house iatrodnced a bill appropriatiag $25,000 for a new state historical society building to be erect ed upon haymarket square in the city of Lincoln provided the right to the use of this property is ceded' back to the historical society by the city. The bill carries out the cherished plans of the society that have before been pre sented to legislature, when, however, alargerapproprlationthanisnow asked was requested. The house committee has canvassed the situation carefully and will report the bill favorably since it bears its name. s Maximum -Rate Bill. Senator C. G. Sibley, of Lincoun county, stirred up the senate by intro ducing a bill establishing maximum rates for wheat, corn, and other grain products. His bill provides for a re-, duction of about 15 per cent over the present rates and on some of the pro ducts it Is a reduction of 15 or 20 per cent over the rates in the 1893 maxi mum rate law. He will introduce two other bills one for a maximum rate on lumber and coal and a third on hay, potatoes and apples. Why such a bill Is introduced in the face of the fact that the state railway commission is to be put to work is not quite clear, but Senator Sibley says that the com mission will have more than it can do and he proposes to help it get a good start State House Repairs. To make the state capitol present able, safe and accessible will require an outlay of almost $80,000, according to the results of the investigation made by a special committee of the house of representatives. A report was filed by the committee, consist ing of Messrs. Marsh, White and Besse, giving an itemized estimate of the cost for work that is deemed nec essary, amounting in the aggregate to $79,200. It was placed on file to be considered at a later time. The special committee sent with Its statement a letter from John McDon ald, an architect in which he corro borated the report made by G. A. Ber- llnghof in January relative to the shaky south wall of the capital's east wing and its dangerous character in the present condition. McDonald said in his letter that it will be necessary, to vacate the offices while repairing the capitol. brace up the floors and roof, remove about seventy feet of the wall and rebuild It from the ground up. He agreed with Berllng hof In estimating the cost of this work"" at $20,000. The largest other item in the' list of proposed expenditures is $16,500 for cement walks to take the place of the "canals" which now lead to the state house from all directions. Eight thou sand is to be used for putting gold leaf on the dome, if the report Is followed. Washington's Birthday. Tribute to the memory of Washing ton, the father of his country, ead to that of Lincoln, its savior, were the principal features of the Washington's birthday observance by the two branches of the Nebraska legislature in Joint session February 22. An ad dress of remarkable oratorical force was given by Senator C. H. Aldrich of Butler county on the topic of Wash ington's life, his works and the bene ficent influence they had had upon the nation. To Reduce Express Charges. Senator Aldrich of Butler Intro duced a bill to reduce the charges of express companies 25 per cent below the rates In force January 1, 1907. He has introduced a bUl applying to rail road freight charges calling for a re duction of 20 per cent The bills are both drawn after the same general style, making it unlawful to charge more than 75 per cent of the charges in force by express companies Janu ary 1. 1907,- or more than 80 per cent of the freight charges in force at that time. The penalty in the express rate Mil Is a fine of not less than$L000 nor more than $2,000 for each offense. In the case of railroads the penalty is a fine of not less than $10,000 and not more than $50,000. In the case of railroad rates the railway commission is given power to hold hearings and to either raise or lower rates, but no such provision is incorporated in the express rate bill. The State Journal Case. For the third time -the case of th state against the State Journal com" pany has been 'submitted to the su preme court It was submitted on an application of Attorney General W. T Thompson for leave to amend the. pe tition of the state asking for $85000 damages for the alleged sale of su- prcue wun reports, me suit was in stituted by F. N. Prout who has since left the state. Twice the court has given decisions in favor of the defend ant company and the attorney general now asks leave to again amend the petition of the state. To Reduce Rate 20 Per Cent Senator Aldrich of Butler has intro duced S. F. 325, a bill to make the maximum rate on freight In Nebraska 80 Pr cent of the amount fixed in the classification and schedules of rail roads In force January 1, 1907, until after the railway commission shall have provided a greater rate. The bill repeals the old maximum rate of 1903. which the railroads prevented the. old board of transportation from enforc tog by an injunction suit In the federal court SERVE YOUR SUPPORT. JEAIC MPCH TO COMMITT He Is at the sTWrseI OT Tpsw llwtvBpVJ Are Td (Copyright by Alfred C Clark.) The shore head Is a subject that ess well be treated as open for dis cussion sad consideratioB at any said all times, it is also a subject that should Interest all persons who have at heart the welfare of the community la which he lives aad who wishes to aee it grow sad prosper. No person can afford to do what he knows will work aa injury to the com munity la which he Uvea. Ia Justice to himself he cannot refuse his sap port to the home industries 'that .are striving for existence aad the welfare af the town ia which he goes to do his trading. Ia considering this question It should be borne la mind that the coon try people, like an other American citizens, are always oa the lookout for a place to invest their money that will bring them the biggest returns for the least expeaditure; in this they are right aad are Justified la so doing, bat at the same time they should re member that they are depeadeat on the home merchant for the money that they send to foreign markets. If they should stop to think how these catalogue houses are operated, and look into, aad know, the true con dition of affairs, probably they would reconsider the stand they, had taken toward them. Ia many cases the peo ple are ignorant of the true surround ings and inside operations of these concerns aad think they are doing right in sending them their money. They are led to believe that what they get from the catalogue house is the same article that the home merchant sells, only at a much lower price. The majority of the people do not know that they are buying the cheapest article that can, be manufactured and Ifs a Shell Garni that they are to reality paying more for an inferior grade of goods than those sold by the home merchant which probably cost them a few cents more. Since the catalogue " house has sprung into the commercial world and begun operations to the United States, all kinds of schemes have been tried and worked to get the money from the people that are always looking for bargains. No expense has been spared to their struggle for the almighty dol lar of the country people, and they have been so far successful, at the great expense of the home town of the people that sent their money to these concerns. Magazines have been started for the sole benefit of the catalogue house, and these circulated among the coun try people at tea or 15 cents a year. They build up a circulation on this low price of hundreds of thousands; this circulation brings to them mil lions of dollars in advertising from the catalogue houses and this money ex pended for advertising 'Is more than doubled from the sales of these con cerns to the country people who are losers by the transaction. Catalogues are sent out telling the people that the house from which they came is the cheapest 'place to the country to buy, and it Is, if the person receiving this catalogue wants a cheap article, not only to price, but also to make ami material. The farmer re ceives this catalogue, looks it over, and after reading the well composed guarantee or assurance that the goods described to it are the very best that can be found anywhere, sends to an order. The house receives the order and immediately ships the articles wanted. 'The farmer drives, many miles to get them and when the box Is opened it is found to contain some thing much below his expectations, but this does not satisfy, his mind on the fact that he has been duped and that he is not getting his fuU money value. In a second order he may be treated the same as the first one, but still he may think that he has saved money, by buying it where he could get it cheap. - At the same time the merchant at. home has the goods oa the shelf to his store waiting for them to be taken away so that he can replace them with aewer goods, thereby keeping his stock fresh aad aptodate. If he has aot the article waated he can order It from the wholesaler or manufacturer and it wffl be seat to the purchaser to as good condition aad short time as if It had been ordered from a cata logue aoase. The home merchant's business mast be kept ap aad la order to do this it Is absolutely necessary that the people at home patronise him aad help him keep ap with the times, or else he wttl sooa. he oat of the straggle for existence among the country people. The home merchant should 'not .be expected to pay the highest price for produce aad farm products sad thea Tti VsssmT mmmiBaL J 1 1 ssmwP3," ' Si' kJawT. Kfefll - 'ammmallanafeN "' ' P Bffia!nriBsP '' llijlwBSrabr- "vb&Sm- rW Jr- bbV llar-T ' Z?S 11 am - vn mnssBBBBBBBsw -m, mrs vsmv-v r zs vs a , & I lar z v " 2 56 - .(., ts made for the of the article. If heeees not carry It ia .stock. The house aserchaat advertises or should advertise, la the home paper. This keeps the aoase paper k the field and helps the people take the tt gives an the local news that they cannot get say other way aad thas the advertisements of the aterchaats are read by thesm. If the people do aot patronise the home sierchaat aecaa aot afford to advertise,. and without advertislBg a paper win sopa. prove a failure. Soon the home paper: is seat to the wall for the waat of support from the merchants; it amy have a large circulation, bat without the mer chant's help it will sooa be lost to sight Then the merchaat is next to get oat of business for the waat of support sad the town wUldecrease ia populatioa, aad the' people, will won der what the trouble is when the editor and the merchaat leave .town together. The home merchaat contributes to the support of the church, he pays his taxes to keep the schools up, he contributes to the horse show, the fall festival, and the hundred aad one things that he is supposed to help out and give his support to. He is at the bead of the list for everything that is for the good of the community aad he deserves the honest aad hearty co operation of all the people, aU the time, that are interested in the wel fare of the community in which they live. The merchaat helps to elect the mea that are to represent them la the. city, county, state "and national, af fairs, and he is ever on the go looUag to the Interests of the people. The people like, to be entertained and they will come many miles to some amusement given by the.ater chants of the 'town where they are ever ready to go to sell their farm products. The merchant cannot give these entertainments unless he rhas the support of the people and It Is aot fair to expect this of the" men "that jire striving for a livelihood, when the peo ple send their money, to a concern" to some far away, city that will neither contribute to any of these enterprises r ., cosamnalty aleag. 11a -You Pay Your Money Without Knewinf. What Yea Are Going ta Get or take an interest tojthe surround ings thereof. Home trading makes home indus tries,' brings more to the town and keeps them there, and It helps to build up the place. But the town win be at a stand-still so long as the people per sist to , this way of robbing the home merchants of the right to live and do business among them. If the people will keep their money at home there win. be: no need for complaint The place" win assume a Uvely air, it will take on a metropoli tan look, and the people win say to their neighbor that business Is good, and it will be, as long as the people continue ,to trade to the home mar kets. The least that a person can do toward the betterment of the com munity and his own interests, is to keep the money at home and see to it that it is put where It is most needed' and wanted. , This should be a vital question to aU concerned 'to the welfare of his community and it should be aa estab lished rule that one should not seek for things to other parts that he can get at home. FENTON J. LAWLER. Retort Courteous. The world Is fuU of women who can amuse the ordinary man. They can sing, dance or recite In a manner most pleasing, but the poor man often goes begging for a woman who can sew on buttons or mend his clothes; who can cook his food with economy and flavor id his taste. San Augustine Yidette. Miss Myrtle Loggtos, the charming editor of the Vidette, caa make the average man out hunting for a wife imagine he is being entertained by an angel, whether he does bis court ing in the kitchen or to the parlor. Those east Texas girls have a wonder ful knack for flavoring a man's life to suit his taste, whether he be rich or poor. Houston Post Origin of "Helpmeet'' "Helpmeet" has bad a curious his tory which began with the biblical account of the creation, whea "the Lord God said. It is not good that the man should be alone; I win make him an help meet for him." That is to say, a fit assistant But the two words hove become curiously combin ed Into a "helpmeet,'' and they are constantly used as oae. Moreover, the confusion is increased by the cor ruption of the words Into "help-mate,' aad Macaulay writes of the., waiting woman who was "generally consider ed as the most suitable help mate for a parsoa." ' Clever French Imitation. The French maaafactare a paper llaea so cleveriy that It is ahaost Im possible, without 'examination, to de tect the difference between It aad dam ask; aad' even to the touch the ar ticles made of papier Itoge are very I much like linen, and are oftea ased ia jits place. , ' THSSBABI ? :vm J. A- WWiSWaWii TiwsUt sui COMMUNITY TAKE8 8IDE8 .r Oaes) M His Deelaratiew That Ollle Kefcfer Sball Yet Beg far aamasWIlAsmnk Ua MmmmSmmlt - - rWwWIMWgm' eTVfjr .avfJBjWltlWllj' iwfflfJiJVBJ)" Kshlsr Had Leved Pretty Little One's Mother, and There le.the Rest M Aha Wha Trnhl nlriit" Ik Via Has Been Intereetiwa, with Further Cyathlaaa. O. Four hundred aad sixty-three naraoaa aave hissed little Miss Margaret Dunham, aged four Skoaths and three days. The tally in cludes Dave Downing, who travels for McKeehan, Helstaad Company's grocery, aad the five candidates for ofltoe la Pike county. Ohio, who vis ited during the recent campaign, which are about all the visitors the little hamlet set down In the beauti ful Brash creek hills, has had recent ly, or at least as recently as the com ing of Miss Dunham Into the world that has welcomed her with Usees. But despite the fact that she has been kissed by more persons than any girl la Pike county (and most of them are klssable). the fact that Ollle Kibler has aot kissed her has started trouble, divided the town Into two factions and almost caused a fend between the Dunhams sad the Kibler family. Everybody ia Cyathlaaa, over the lags of five months excepting Kibler, has kissed Miss Dunham; Kibler alone has' refused to fall in love with her. How Kibler can refuse to kiss her no one else In town can understand, for she Is the prettiest plumpest sweet ast baby ever bpm. That is what her mother says, and besides that 463 per sons, including Dave Downing, who ought to be unprejudiced, being a bachelor, have said the same thing. She is so soft and satiny, and so pink and white, and her blue eyes open with such 'amazed and delighted stares, and her dimples evolve such unexpected and wonderful smiles, and her soft, little rosebud bands flut ter so confidingly into even the horny hands of the loggers, that any per son, It seems, who has any human blood in his veins wants to grab her right Into his arms and Just squeeze her and kiss her and then ,look ashamed and say "I always liked ba bies;" and sneak away and wish he had one Just like It Where Ollie kibler Lest Out . That is : the way little Miss Dunham has affected everybody except Ollie kibler. He has not' kissed her and will aot kiss her. "" Therefore, there is trouble. It appears, from the facts that are ascertainable, that Miss Margaret Shannon, who was better known, as Madge; wasihe belle of the entire dis trict around Cynthlana by the time she was 18 years old. Not only that but the young men from Bainbrldge drove down to caU on her, and once it was rumored that she was engaged to a wnsllhii iiiiiisamiiiiii nn at Wav. Wly, the' countjHatoat Everybody knew that" Fred Cravens, from Sink ing Springs was wildly in love with her. Almost all the town boys were and especially Ollie Kibler, who owns a big farm over Cameron's mountain. besides Ms house in Cynthlana. Then BUI Dunham, big; hearty, good natured. and with a laugh that could be heard over half the town fell, a victim to the prettlness of Margaret Shannon and that settled it They were married and OUie Kibler became a sort of woman hater. People with college educations would have called him misanthropic, but Cynthlana sim ply referred to it as grouch, except Uncle BUly Newell, who said OUie was peevish. At any rate, OUie ceased to be the Beau Brummel of Cynthlana and set tled down to business and was as hard as flint and, as Uncle Billy Newell vowed, "as cloes ss his paw was. and 14 shoemakers couldn't have got a bristle between his fingers and a dol lar." Story About the Caby. .AU those things happened years ago, possibly tea. BUI Dunham got along pretty well in the lumber busi ness, running a sawmUl over Newell Mills way. and hauling to Bainbrldge, and his wife was Just as pretty as when she was a girl, although in a different sort cf way. They were hap py, but until a few months ago their happiness was Incomplete. BUI Dunham's friends said he hadn't aa enemy on earth. He was one of the most popular men in Pike county and a lot of the Republicans up at yX5SSJ5C RICH MINES LOST TO HUMAN GREED Forgotten Drifts, Known to Be Valua ble. That Keep the Gold Seeker Constantly on Edge Locality of Famous Talepa Mins a Secret Hid den in the Breast of Uncommuni cative Indians. Among the rich mines worked by the Spaniards was the Tarasca to So aora, of which Humboldt writes so fascinatingly and Ward and other his torians mention favorably. The history of Tarasca is one ot eril deeds, of du plicity, of. theft of greed aad aU the base passions incited by the lore of gold, says Modem Mexico. Tholeine was worked long" before the Spaniards arrived ia Mexico and the gofj and silver fashioned' into ornaments by the aborigines. A family la Guaymas has a aecklaceof flying, fish bought from a Pima Indian chiefs who stated that the metal waa dug from Tarasca. The ! ! w rant, "- "w wavupsr vn7 jmhw www mmmv s. . lejsvthem make him an al ternate to the state convention, wale .waaeaa'heaor. He took his wife with him teCetembus and tlsy vmM e4;tM.ptfy thq hand asy lum aad hat that Is aaother 'Story. This story is about the baby. Whea the baby arrived everybody said tt wouM be a pretty baby, for Its father was big; and its mother so nrettv. G aea said it took-after the '0MA Graadpa Daahaan vowed R fav ored the Daahsms. bat almost every body said It resembled both, its eyes iwei7 Mae like f Its father's aad the apper part of Its face was his new coaM see that by putting a hand over the mouth. Batttts nose aad' mouth were Jest like Its mother's, oaly prat tler, she said, although, of coarse. BUI denied that Anyhow. It was the prettiest baby that ever came to Cyathlaaa. Every body conceded that, but no one sus pected that it was going to cases ao much trouble. The First Great Event. When ItTor she rather (her mother gets mad when anybody csUs her "it") was Just one month old they took her to the CampbeUIte church aad chrlsteasd her Margaret after her mother sad her mother's Aaat Mag. who seat the little turquoise ring aad the kait Jacket for the hah. - The real trouble didn't start natU Margaret was over two months old. Her mamma had her out riding in her new gocart (the one with the front that lets down, and the blue silk para sol, with a robe to match, all covered with blue ribbon) when, right in front of Wickersham's.store. they met Ollie Kibler. He was standing there talk ing to Nate GIddings, from over at Paint Kibltr Refused Precious Boon. Nate never had seen the baby, so, of course, he spoke to it and began playing with it and whea it cooed and laughed and wrinkled up its dim pled little face he didn't do a taiag but stoop down and kiss her. ' Nate is a family man himself and has three or four kids at home and likes them. But Ollie never moved. He Just stood, there and looked disgusted and Nate and Mrs. Dunham talked baby end she asked how Mrs. GIddings was. Then Nate, not meaning to make any trou ble, laughed and said, "Ollie, come and kiss the baby. Ye ain't afraid, are ye?" OUie said something about not making a fool of himself over any slobbery brat and walked away. Nate said afterwards he was so mad he could have kicked Ollie, and Mrs. iam - 'fff)- impi mine was worked by various Span iards and later acquired for the crown of Spain. It was extensively worked, barring certain periods during Apache wars, until the epoch of the French intervention, when the shafts and tunnels are said to have been con cealed by the administrator, Don Juan Moreno, nn Imperialist, who was forced to seek safety to flight After the restoration of peace Tarasca was looked for la vain, and to the present time no one Is certala of its location, though the mine now known as Ubar bo had beea extensively worked when rediscovered years ago. and the shafts and tunnels concealed under earth and brush. But the mine about which tradition gathers thickest Is Talpps, supposed to be located la the Shahuaripa dis trict to Sonora. Little documentary evidence exists to prove Taiopa's real ity, and that has evidently been manu factured by unscrupulous manipulat ors. A wealthy Mexican recently made a trip to Madrid, aad after minute search at great expense found abso lutely no data to prove that such a niine was worked for the crown ol the cellar. Of whether Osse he wouldn't hat that Ollle weald kiss the baby er be fartt. He waat right ap te the aad tohl Oils whmVhe theaght of 1 before aU the tow that OOte chance to kiss the baby before he get through with mad as BUI at kiss anybody's brat The idea of aaylac that andthat her a lamp of BUI aad Offle aad would have fought If Mr. tada't toM them to er go out la the street sad oat The trouble grew serious at ease. Half the people la town declared that Ollle ought to be tarred aad feath ered. A few said that the oughta'tto he so touchy. Jast kept quiet A few days later BUI came oat as a candidate for township trastee ea the Republican ticket. Jast to heat Osse, who was a Democrat He ealy had) three weeks to campsite la. hat ha swept the township aad It weat Re publlcaa for the first time la years. Bill didn't boast much. He simply repeated his assertion that OUie would beg to kiss the baby before he get through with him. Then he weat ap to Baiabridge on business aad caught the train for Waverly, aad what did he do but buy a tax claim oa a piece of land that belonged to Kibler. OUie had neglected to pay the taxes sad it was advertised among the delin quents, so BUL bought M. Jast to spite Ollie and make him spend money. People began to say that BUI Dunham could be Just as bad aa enemy as he was a good friend, bat they didn't know aim until he had two of OUIe's stray cows that were feeding aloag the roadside taken to the pound. When Ollle had to pay oae dollar each fine he was so mad he threatened to lick BUL That s the way the feud stands now. BiU still vows that OUie .nfust Use 'his baby and ask his wife's permission to do It Bat-Ollle swears hell law BiU out of Pike county before hell do It As for little Miss Dunham, she is growing prettier each day and from present signs about the time she gets to be 17 OUie or any other human being win beg for the chance. MMMMJt3dJ5yYM-Lj-axuTlvMajnjoTjJ' Spain and no reliable data ia the Mex Icaa archives or elsewhere to prove that such a mine was ever known. But quite as trustworthy as most written documents are the traditions gathered from the Pima Indians. They stoutly maintain that Talopa exists aad a few claim to know its lo cality. SmaU quantities of very rich ore are, occasionally sold at the moun tain mining camps and aU attempts' to follow the Indians to the spot where it is found or bribe them to reveal it have failed. Wanting bat little to ad dition to the core they grow, they are imbued with a superstition that if they reveal the locaUty ot. mine they win instantly drop dead. To oae aaae quaiated with the Indian character this statement may seem lacredlsle. but say prospector or miner ia the Sierra Madre will aflbrm its truth. Large sums of moaey have beea of fered the Pimas to teU where the lost mine is. They scora money aad the oaly opea sesame Is mescal, by the liberal nee of which the Indian may be made to disclose many things, hat so far he has held inviolate his vow to reveal to ao man the famous Talopa. Ssat -- tt htm: Oflhr was Jest aa was whea Lizzie Meats gave avajjgaata came near aghtiac Wlek- '.-5. -&!: "2 ? --.".". I -.-,". .i" .mt. . ' .-'a- J . i - . &&-! . -mjjd ..-j-.-:.- .iftz-.zsi . . . ifA;'," .yavia-egiaaai,?iJff: ir