The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 30, 1907, Image 7

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One of the moat interesting perform-
aacea of asodera times is the handling
of the malls in great ocean steam
skips. 8ome of the men become so
sapert at aortiag that they work 1
saost aatosaatfcaUy, many of them be
ing able to pat their finger on any
uarttcalar town marked on the rack
blindfolded. On an ordinary western
trip they carry on an average about
250.M letters and some 18.W0 regis
tered packets. The latter have all to
be written up in detail in their books
faring the voyage, and this takes
more time than the actual sorting. The
omcials do not always manage to fin
ish the work by the time they reach
port, and when such is the case they
accompany what is left to the general
post office and complete the Job there.
Clover at Grass Seeds.
Everybody loves lots ard lots of Clover
Gruaes for 'hogs, cows, sheep and swine.
We are known as the largest growers of
Grasses, Clovers, Oats, Barley, Cora. Po
tatoes and Farm Seeds in America. Oper
ate over 5,000 acres.
Our mammoth 148-page catalog is mailed
free to all intending buyers; or send
8c is STAMPS
and receive sample of "perfect balance ra
tion gram seed," together with Fodder
Plants, Clover, etc., etc., and big Plant
and Seed Catalog free.
John A. Salzer Seed Co., Box W, La
Crosse, Wis.
Tibetan Printing.
Great printing works are estab
lished at Nartang. in Tibet. A corre
spondent says: "There are thousands
and thousands of blocks -at Nartang,
comprising matter in type equivalent
to numerous different volumes. Each
wooden block is aboat 24 inches long
by 12 inches wide, one face having
carved upon it a complete page of
lettering. The method of printing is
primitive in the extreme and consists
of laying the paper on a flat surface
and levering the block upon it with a
long handle much as the village black
smith works his bellows."
Revolt Against Trading tamps.
' "No more trading stamps," Is the
slogan of a campaign which English
grocerymen are carrying on. One of
them, whose shop Is in East London,
says: "There is not a small grocer in
England who earns 15 per cent on his
capital. Ten per cent is average profit
and the cost of trading stamps leaves
him only about 6J4 per cent
Still Behind the Times.
New York city transportation fa
cilities are as inadequate as they were
before the subways were built, al
though these underground highways
carried 45.000.000 passengers in 1906.
Says Be-ra-na Is m Good
Ron. C C. Brooks, Mayor of Sun
bury. Ohio, also Attorney for Farm
ers' Bank and Sunbury Building and
Loan Co., writes:
"I have the utmost confidence in
the virtue of Peruna. It is a. great
medicine. I have used it and I have
known many of my friends who have
obtained beneficial results from its
use. I emmmet praise Pentma too
T1ERE are a host of petty ailments
which are the direct result of the
This is more true of the excessive
heat of summer and the intense cold
of winter, but is partly true of all
seasons of the year.
Whether it be a cold or a cough,
catarrh of the head or bowl complaint,
whether the liver be affected or the
kidneys, the cause is very liable to
be the same.
The weather slightly deranges the
mucous membranes of the organs and
the result is some functional disease.
Peruna has become a standby in
thousand 0 homes for minor al!
meats oi this sort.
Ask Your Druggist tor Free Peruna
Almanac for 1997.
Pseinvelycaiei Vy
these Little Fills.
Iney also leUere Dis
tress tren Suspends. In
aigegflna and Too Hearty
Fating. Aperfectrcm-
eoytor Dizziness. Xsnsea,
Drowsiness, Bad Taste
la the Month. Coated
Ttaogns, Bain In the side.
regulate the Bowels. Pcndy Vegetable.
Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
IfFATaPPQ of this paper de
AJLssllAO sirinj to buy any
" thine advertised in
its columns should insist upon having
what they ask fcr. refusing ail substi
tutes or usitatiocs.
. 4t-
.KJSWamW:'-"- ' ' Mammal
i-x .tSansaW. v - ' YmYK
to3HbdSJQgE&.'-' '. mK
mBnaawB&v -,a;- w
vASBSmmmmmsg36 ..&'': . mi
?BgmSSSSSSSS9nZ&Sra2ffxtt4& . . , ww
'awEawawawawawSSBBJUHBffJSHg . Us i
ssax3aBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBflHBK'iv- . Ys
aaa9BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBvBSS!c sa
ssa -S
aamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHE '
InaaaaaTaTaV. ''"TBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
mmmmmv r gaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaVl
i BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiieaaaaaaBL '
ggggggk?gggggggggH9ngB '
(Copyright. 1906, by
The Spur mountains belonged to
the Uacdonalds, and the Lonnon
mountains to the McAllisters. The
alley between them was no man's
land,' for they were too busy fight
ing over it to keep out the thieves
from the hills. '
Neither boasted long or advantage,
till the days when Robert McAllister,
seventh of the name, grew old. Then
an ill time happened to the clan. His
son slipped over a crag and was
killed. Since Robert McAllister was
too old for arms, the name of the
clan grew small, and the more dar
ing of the tribesmen took service un
der the king of France, for Mary Mc-.
Aliister had the spirit of a man, but
only the body of a maid.
Alan, the young chief of the Mac
donalds, had won great renown in
arms, and he had the way of leading
men; and those who are born for lead
ing never lack men to lead. He
drove the McAllisters from the valley,
and built little fortresses there to
hold it, and. when he had held it for a
full year he sent a message to Robert
McAllister, saying:
"From Alan Macdonald to Robert
McAllister, most courteous greetings.
"The fortune of war has given us
advantage which you cannot resist.
;When strife is useless, strife should
cease. If you will own that the val
ley is mine I shall be honored by
your using it It is said that good
foes make good friends, and I am
wishful to try, for there is none who
honor your name more than I."
Robert McAllister, being a wise old
man, was minded to consent
"It is a generous offer from a gal
lant enemy, he said.
But his daughter pleaded with him
in her dead brother's name and pre
vailed. So he made answer thus:
"Robert McAllister sends all cour
teous greetings to Alan Macdonald.
The fortunes of the moment changes.
For those who come after, I hold to
what I have held, and my forefathers
before me. If our numbers are less
ened our courage is not"
Then came another message from
Alan Macdonald.
"If you rely on courage, let one of
your tribe meet me in single com
bat, the valley to belong to the vic
tor's clan. Alan Macdonald."
Many of the McAllisters volun
teered for the fight but there was no
great man of arms among them, and
the elders would not consent
"It were giving Macdonald the
land," they declared. "There is no
man in Scotland who can stand be
fore him." i
So they sent no answer at all, and
Mary McAllister locked herself in her
room for two days, and brooded over
the dishonor of her dan. Presently
she made a deep plan, as women will,
and rode out in the gray dawn to the
ipastle on the Spur mountains; and
when Macdonald's outposts chal
lenged her in the valley, she an
swered: "I am Mary McAllister, and I have
come to answer the challenge of your
chief." Then they sent a guide to
conduct her the easiest way to the
castle, and when the chief warder
came to the gate and asked her pleas
ure, she made him the same answer
as before.
She looked him straight in the eyes.
v "If your challenge is such as a man
may accept" he answered steadily, "I
accept it unheard."
She put' her hand in her bosom and
drew out two quaint phials of colored
glass, with stoppers of dull wrought
"Will you drink a toast with me?"
she asked.
"Surely," he answered, "if it Is
such as a man may." But he looked at
the strange vessels and liked them
"It is an innocent toast enough, and
harmless if you drink the one."
"And if I drink the other?"
"It is only death!"
"There are worse things." he told
her. She pushed the phials smilingly
towards him.
"Choose. I will drain the other."
"And then?"
"One of us will gain the valley, and
the other will feel no loss."
He took up the phials and held them
in the sunlight that streamed through
an open casement on to the floor.
It was awesome, he thought that
death should come in such a guise;
and he was angry with himself, be
cause he feared that he feared.
"Dare you not?" she asked, taunt
ingly. "Aye," he said. "I dare. Give me
which you will."
"I should give you death," she an
swered. "For I know." Alan Mac
donald looked hard at her, and saw
that truly she was passing fair.
"Give me death, if you will."
"I take no odds," she said. "Neither
would I have the death of so generous
a foe on my soul. For your honor,
Alan Macdonald, choose."
He bowed and looked at the phials
once more. One was green and one
was pink, and either flashed in the
sun. And before any could stay him
he had drained the green phial. "Tour
health, madam!"
Mary McAllister rose steadily and
put out her hand for the pink vessel.
"Tour health, sir," she pledged him.
"Ton have won."
"Tou are a very brave man, Alan
Macdonald," she told him, in a slow,
hushed voice. "Suffer me now to go."
So he led her to the gateway in
silence, and held her foot when she
"Friend or foe?" he asked under his
breath. She looked down at him with
Iter great blue eyes.
"Foe," she whispered hoarsely, "but
I honor you greatly."
Then she rode away into the mist
that hung over the valley below, and
he gazed after her till she was lost to
"There' was never her . like in all
Scotland," he vowed. "She would have
drunk her death."
"Aye," said a sage, who was stand
Joseph B. Bowles.)
ing near him. "She would have taken
it; and perchance she has mora of
the poison at home!"
The young chief 'stared at him for a
moment then gave a great shout
"My horse! Bring my horse!" '
He ran to meet them as they came,
leaped on his great black charger and
rode -down into the mist as if his
senses were not In him.
From the foot of the mountain to
the castle high above, the bridle path
runs a long way round; and between
bend and bend lies a great ravine that
neither man nor beast had crossed; 40
feet at the narrowest from -side to
side. The edges overhang so that the
bottom is, not seen; and when a stone
falls one grows tired of listening for
the distant crash below. Alan Mac
donald rode straight for the ravine.
When he came to the edge he looked
till he found a plot of level grass, and
there he rested his horse for a mo
ment and patted his neck and whis
pered in his ear.
"Now, boy, now," he cried. The
horse sprang forward over the even
ground, gathered himself together on
the edge of the abyss and flew. Into
the air.
"Live together or die together," said
Alan Macdonald under his breath.
Then he saw his horse falling short
of the black rock felt him strike
against it was hurled forward with
"I Love You."
a. crash clutched at something hang
ing from above and held dazedly to It
caught the sound of a woman's cry
clung mechanically to something, he
knew not what heard a dull thud.
When he found the world again he
was lying in some long grass, he'
thought and there was something yet
softer under his head. Then a wom
an's "face hung over him, framed in
the mist the face of Mary MacAllis
ter. "Tou must not move," said a very
gentle voice. "Tou are badly hurt,
very badly. I fear."
"I do not fear for myself," he an
swered, "only are you Mary McAl
lister?" "Tes." He tried to look round at
her. "Only be still." she entreated.
"I have sent for men to carry you.
They will come soon."
"How did It happen?"
"Tou were hanging by a dead
branch. I I lifted you here."
"I owe my life to you." He smiled
as if the thought pleased him. "My
"I do not think," she whispered,
"we are foes any more. Tou must not
move." '
"Tou saved my life."
"Tou had saved mine."
"Tou were not going to take the
poison at home?"
"Tes," she said, "I was."
"Tou will not now? for the love of
Heaven, dear lady?"
"Why did you take the leap?"
He smiled faintly. "For you."
She looked right into his eyes.
"Why do you care so much for my
Because he was dazed, the fine
speeches that he had tried to fashion
would not shape themselves to an
end. So he said simply, "I love
"Then," she said, "since you won
my life, keep it, and do with it as yon
will;" and he turned to look up at her
without a moan at the pain.
And because he was so helpless and
his eyes pleaded with her so, she bent
down her head and let him kiss her
red lips.
"To live together or die together,"
she vowed.
And when Alan Macdonald was re
covered, the clans went down from
the mountains, with white favors in
their bonnets, and married them in
the valley between.
Democratic Norwegian Court.
By far the most democratic court
in Europe is that of King Haakon of
Norway. The tardy Norsemen who
gave such cordial welcome to King
Edward's son-in-law insist on simplic
ity in the royal surroundings. There
are no hereditary distinctions or titles
at court, even the queen's ladies-in-waiting
being plain "Mrs." or its
equivalent in the Norse tongue.
Method in His Madness.
Smith It is rumored that Brown is
living a double life.
Jones Well, if it's true I don'
blame him.
Smith Don't blame him!
Jones No. He probably lives a
double life in order to correct in one
of the lives the mistakes he makes
in the other. Chicago Daily News.
Felt Warm.
"Did you ever try 'how birch wood
would burn?"
"Oh, yes; I've tried it on my boys,
it semed to burn, all right!" Yonbera
Statesman. '
At a wedding
always prove it
the best man can't'
Prescribed by Well-Known Specialist
In the Curs of Consumption Can
e Prepared .by Anyone.
Here is a simple and effective rem--ady
for coughs and colds.: .Mix a
half omnce of the Virgin Oil of Pine
(Pare) with two ounces of glycerine
and a, half pint of good whisky.
Shaken well and take in teaspoon,
doses every four hours. .
This formula Is said to be very ef
fective being the prescription of an
eminent authority. It will break up
a cold In 24 hours, and cure any
.cough that is curable.
The ingredients for this prescrip
tion can be found at any good drug
store, but care should be taken that
only the pure Virgin Oil of Pine
should be used. This Is put up only
in half-ounce vials for dispensing, se
curely sealed In a round wooden case
with engraved wrapper, having the
name Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure), pre
pared only by Leach Chemical Co.,
Cincinnati, O. plainly printed there
on. ,
. The cheaper oils and those sold In
balk only create nausea and have
nb effect whatever upon the bronchial
tabes. J
AH Kinds sf Animals as Playmates ffer
the Children.
. i
Children play, a great role in French
society; as all' those who have read
'Gyp's inimitable "PUt Bob" win read
fly admit and now the small Par
lslenne insists on receiviag on her
fete day and at the New Tear a live
pet instead of a costly doll or a me
chanical toy. The demand has been
creating a supply, and a lively trade
Is being done, not only 'n puppies and
kittens, In tiny monkeys and in lambs,
bat also in tigers and leopards. Up to
a certain age, these small felines are
quite harmless, and, of course, aa soon
as they begin, so to speak, to show
their teeth and sharpen heir claws,
they are sent off to one of the two
magallcent "Zoos" with which the
Gay City it provided.
Cuticura Cured Scale Troubles sf
Twe Illinois Girls Another Sis
ter Teek Cuticura Pills.
"I must give much praise to all
the Cuticura Remedies. I used but
one cake of Cuticura Soap and one
box of Cuticura Ointment as that
was all that was required to cure
my disease. I was very much trou
bled with eczema of the head, and a
friend of mine told me to use the
Cuticura Remedies, which I did, and
am .glad to say that they cured my
eczema entirely. Since then we have
always kept the soap on hand at all
times. My sister was also cured of
eczema of the head by using the Cu
ticura Remedies. Another sister has
used Cuticura Resolvent and Pills
and thinks they are a splendid tonic
I cannot say exactly how long I suf
fered, but I think about six months.
Miss Edith Hammer, R. F. D. No. ,
Morrison, 111.. Oct 3, 1906."
Pigeons Aid Physicians.
Carrier pigeons as aids to a physi
cian are reported from the north of
Scotland. The doctor has a scattered
practice, and when on long rounds he
takes several pigeons with him. If
one of his patients needs medicine
Immediately he writes out a prescrip
tion, and by means of the bird for
wards it to his surgery. Here an as
sistant gets the message, prepares the
prescription and dispatches the medi
cine. If after visiting a patient the
doctor thinks he will be required later
in the day, he simply leaves a pigeon,
with which he can be called, if neces
sary. Deafness Cannot' Be Cored
by local aspUcauoas, as tfeey cannot raaca tae n
poruon 01 tDB ear. r
Tnere Is omlyoMway to
cMSoesiwwaa ssniniTHoy
r eoBimauooai reaeons.
Deafaew to came by an iaflamea eoadttloa of tbs
lacsoa Hater of Um Eaatacbiaa Tabs. Wbeathla
tabs is laSaaiea yoa bare a rambltacaoaador Us
perfect bfartac. sad wbca tt to entirely closes, Deaf-
to tbs remit, sad unless Urn tataaunaUoa can be
takea oat sad tola tabs restored to Its normal condi
tion), ben lag will be destroyed forever; nine caws
ontof tea are caused by Catarrh, wbtcb to aotalag
bat aa tojsaaed eoadttloa of tbe mucous surfaces.
We win (Its One Hundred Dollars for say case of
Desfaeas fcnnssd by catarrh) tbat cannot be cared
by HalTs Catarrb Core. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. CHKXEY CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Dragctsts, 73c
Tabs aairafaaUly H1U t or coasUnattea.
Sweep's Curious Find.
Aa Atherington (Eng.) sweep,
aamed Joshua Folland, was sweeping
the chimney of a house which had
been unoccupied for some little time
at High Beckington, when, to his
great surprise, he swept down seven
full-grown, live wild rabbits, which he
With a smooth iron and Defiance
Starch, yon can launder yonr shirt
waist just as well at home as the
steam laundry can; it will have the
proper stiffness and finish, there will
be less wear and tear of the goods,
and it will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to the
Health ef New York City.
Statistics of the board of health
show that the general death rate ia
New York city is decreasing In all
diseases excepting the four groups of
acute respiratory troubles, cancer,
diseases of the heart aad diseases
af the kidneys.
Iinaartnnt s Mstnsrs
Tr -fa carefully every bottle of CASTOfftA.
a safe and sure itssedy for infants aad children,
and see tbat it
Bears tbe
Signature of
la Use For Orer 30 Tears:
Sbe Kmd Toa Bare Alwa-a'Scsgnt.
Hath any wronged thee? Be brave
ly revenged; slight it, and the work's
begun; forgive it and 'tis finshed. He
is below himself that is not above an
injury. Quarles.
Defiance Starch Never sticks to the
iron no blotches no blisters, makes
ironing easy and does not injure the
Large fortunes from small grafts
soon grow.
?L--,- fv,.
A Meet Dreadful Case of Kidney
.Treuhle and Hew It Was Cured.
N. McCnllough. 321 South
St, Colorado Springs, Cola,
says: "For twelve
or fifteen years I
was suffering fre
quent attacks of
pain in the back
and kidneys that
lasted for three
weeks, at a time. I
would be vnable to
tarn la bed. The
mine was in a
terrible condition,
at times a com
plete stoppage oc
curring. I began with Doan's Kidney
Pills, and soon felt better. .Keeping
on, I found complete freedom from
kidney trouble. The care has been
permanent I owe my good health to
Doan's Kidney Pills."
r Sold by all dealers. 59 cents a box.
Foster-Mllbnra Co., Buffalo, N. T.
Paper Drinking Cup.
A handy folding drinking cup of
water proof paper can now be pur
chased. It comes in a flat folded
package that fits the vest pocket
When opened it forms a cylindrical
vessel bound with wire and having a
wire handle. It holds about a cupful
of cold water, milk, tea or medicines.
It can be used to- hold hot liquids, but
can only be used once, or at most
A cup filled with cold water stood
for eight hours without injury and
was then dried,- refolded and used
again several times. It is useful In
traveling, la camp, and in the sick
room. A package of eight can be
bought for 25 cents. Woman's Home
Companion. " '
Invigorate the Digestion.
To invigorate the digestion and
stimulate the torpid liver and bowels
there is nothing so good as that old
family remedy, Brandreth Pills, which
has been in use for over a century.
They cleanse the blood and Impart new
vigor to the body. One or two every
night for a week will usually be all
that is required. For Constipation or
Dyspepsia, one or two taken every
night will afford great relief.
Brandreth's Pills are the same fine
laxative tonic pill you? grandparents
used and being purely vegetable are
adapted to every system.
Sold in every drag and med'dne
store, either plain or sugar-coated.
Monarch Uses the Press.
In the course of the recent sojoara
of King George of Greece, in Paris, a
long article was published in a news
paper in that city dealing with the
conditions in the island of Crete. The
article bore the signature of one of
the editors, but It has been learned
sincd'that the signature was fictitious
and that its true author was the king.
King George Is not the first monarch
to avail himself of an opportunity to
publish his views oa a pending ques
tion of the day.
Starch, like everything else, is be
ing constantly improved, the patent
Starches put on the market 25 years
ago are very different and Inferior to
those of the present day. In the lat
est discovery Defiance Starch all in
jmious chemicals are omitted, while
the addition of another ingredient, in
vented by ns, gives to the Starch a
strength and smoothness never ap
proached by other brands.
encourage Building Erection.
Loans are freely made by the Philip
pine commission to the various prov
inces for the erection of public build
ings ia the islands.
Top Prices for1 Hides, Furs, Pelts.
Write for circular and catalogue No. 9,
N. W. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis.
It takes a hair tonic manufacturer
to pull the wool over the eyes of a
bald-headed man.
PjLZO OINTUaTMT Is anaraatsed to cars any case
of ltcblns. Blind. Bleedla or rrotradise Piles is
to It days or money refunded. Me.
The man who is on pleasure bent Is
apt to find himself broke in due time.
Trappers' Supplies Sold Cheap.
Write for catalog and circular No. 9.
N. W. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis, Minn.
Men who make the most money get
others to make it for them.
Panthers and Grizzly Bears.
Ship Furs Pelts McMillan Fur k. Wool
Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Write for prices.
Every noble activity
for itself. Emerson.
Lewis' Single Binder cigar richest, most
satisfying smoke on the market. Your
dealer or Lewis' Factory. Peoria, ID.
To a big-headed man the world is
vary small.
Zr . T. o. 7W",
Stones in tho
Jaundice anC
""' mawsfffef
if Protect
m Hk HeaHh
-mjombamtsbfka&agoa mWmmamS anal
kr Pare Food. When it comes to HBM
m Baking Powder, ft means a tvAug vGT!m LaW
ft of health and money if you ase the I lljl
V standard article of purity and efB- lAMfll M
m cknqr the wonderful WafSS M
Kf BAKING trail
w powder Kf9 m
k An aiuwkstely pore baking powder lMHl - kW
scientifically com bined. 25 ounces mjSzbfdl AmW
B for 25 cents. Your grocer refunds KJe2J5 &m LW
your money if you are not sat- Wt-jsr m
fffied. Don't accept a substi- men
tutc! They are impure and a men- Lw
LV aceto health. Ask for KQ . aLW
rB. thestandardofquality. LLr
oiuuci,, oworiiii me urinary maoueror uraTei, JJiUonns Mallow complexion.
: ail SS5ch Tronhlei irjaultlnis f mo Biliousness. Write ffer els-ealar.
wjsi ,mmmw m, uwj
to light and washing and color more foods
than others. 10c per package.
Fate is a female who gives men the
laagh for believing her.
Ferchntrea ti
ceou. aci
It takes a clever maa to pick aw an
umbrella and walk off with ft Jest as
If It belonged to him.
Lewis'. Single .Binder straight 5c cigar is
good quality all the time. Year dealerer
Lewis- Factory, Peoria, III.
About all the consolation some
get out of losing their money Is the
belief that they are dead game sports.
TakvLAXATIVKnaOBHlQ-lsiasTMiau. Drwr
cHis refaad bob i( It talis to cars. K. W
QaoVBTSsiKBatsralsoacBefesex. ate.
Tour friends think that yoa are
right and yonr enemies think that yoa
are wrong, but you-have to show the
rest of the cold, unsympathetic crowd.
Garfield Tea (Guaranteed under the
Pore Food and Drag Law) regulates- a
sluggish liver, overcomes constipation, pu
rines the blood and eradicates disease. It
is' made of Herbs.
To Explore Greenland Coast
The duke of Orleans has announced
to his friends at Copenhagen that he
Intends to' start a new expedition next
spring in the ship Belglca to pene
trate as far as possible along the
northeast coast of Greenland. The
purpose is to jota the Danish expedi
tion, under Myllas Erichsen, which
left last Jobs to explore the saaw
1 hope yon won't be eitpeaateeV
dear, for I know everybody thonejntj
George was paying attention to yoa.
Bat as a matter of fact, he asked me
last night to marry him."
"He has then carried oat his threat,
poor fellow!"
"What threat?"
"He declared to me the last time I
refased him that he wonld take bobm
desperate step."
Laundry work at home wonld ht
orach more satisfactory If the right
Starch were used. la order to get the
desired stiffness, it Is usually aecas
sary to use so much starch that tha
beauty and fineness of the fabric Is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys thS
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods. This trsuWd
can be entirely overcome by using De
fiance Starch, as it can he applied
much more thinly because of its great
er strength than other makes.
In the Matter sf Tlpe.
The man who tips the highest gats
the best service and the most ostentav
tious deference. "Give this to the
cook,'' said a St Louis ( parvenue,
handing one dollar to the waiter with
his order, "and tell hum toxodk it say
way." "Give this to the cook. said
a scribe at the 'next tehle, handing a
two dollar bill to the waiter with hit
order, "aad tell him to cook It .ids owa
way, for ha is a better cook than I
am." We win .not he outshone. We
will not shrink hi say man's shadow.
At the same time the pace Is too hot
and fast for most of as. St
a more potent remedy in the roots
and herbs of the field than was ever
produced from drugs.
In the good old-fashioned days of
onr grandmothers few drugs were
used in medicines and Lydia EL
Pinkham. of Lynn, Mass., in her
study of roots and herbs and their
power over disease discovered and
gave to the women of the world a
remedy for their peculiar flu more
potent and elBcaeious than any
combination of drugs.
Lydia E. Wnkham's Vegetable Compomd
is an honest, tried and true remedy of unquestionable therapeutic value.
During its record of more than thirty years, its long list of actual
cures of those serious ills peculiar to women, entitles Lydia E. Pinkhaan's
Vegetable Compound to the respect and confidence of every fair minded
person and every thinking woman.
Wben women are troubled with irregular or painful functions,
weakness, displacements, ulceration or inflammation, baekaehe,
flatulency, general debility, indigestion or nervous prostration, they
should remember there is one tried and true remedy, Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound.
No other remedy in the country has such a record of cures of
female ills, and thousands of women residing in every part of the United
States bear willing testimony to' the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable compound and what it has done for them.
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She .has
guided thousands to health. For twenty-five years she has been advising
sick women free of charge. She is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pink
ham and as her assistant for years before her decease advised under her
immediate direction. Address, Lynn,
OAX.K ax
aiavx city.
W. N. 1)., OMAHA, NO. 5, 1S07.
la a Certain Remedy FOR GALL. STONES.
anu wraa atcbbc st. JUwL'IsVaaO.
Jfr !
Aiw Restored
by Dr. Willi ma Ptak
Pills in
sf DenUKy ana
-General debility :is caused by
tal or physical overwork with imi
feet assimilation of nouiishmeBt, er
by some acute disease from whica
the vital forces have been prostrated
and the entire organism weakened stV
as not to easily rally. To resteiw
health ft Is accessary that tae bleed
should be parined-aard made aew. '
vThe-case- af -Mrs. K. hi. Spears, ef
92 Mt. PlesaenrtVaawet, Ataol, Mass.,
is a common one and is given here ia
order that others may be benefited by.
her experieace. She says: MI had seen
sick for a- year from indigestion aa4
geaeral debility brought oa by over
work and worry. I had tried many
remedies, but found no relief. I suf
fered from swelling of tae limbs, toss
of appetite and dizzy spells, which be
came so severe towards night, that 1
sometimes faiated away. I was bil
ious and my hands and arms would
go to sleep for an hour or two at -time.
I wss so sleepy all the time
that I could hardly keep awake. I
had frequent cramps ia my limbs and
severe pains at the base of my head
and in my back. My blood was im
poverished. I was afraid to give up
and go to bed fearing that I would
never get well.
"About this time Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills were recommended to am
by a friend ia South Vernon. Vt I
felt better soon after beginning tha
treatment and continued until I was
entirely cured. I consider Dr. Wik
Hams Pink Pills a grand medicine
for weak women."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are ssM
by all druggists, or sent postpaid, oa
receipt of price S9 cents per box, six
boxes SS. by the Dr. Williams Meal-
N. T.
ta stvhjred by many
modest vomec, who object to
tasting about all their symptoms
with a doctor. To such women,
a pure rnedfckie, with specific
povar over woman's dlsoses,
At all BntfJufJs
Caaadiaat GoTenuaeat
Over 209,069 Americas
farmers who nave set
tled in Canada dining
the past few years testi
fy tot lie factYMTCasMV
- ""'r da is, beyond qnestion,
the createst faming laad in tbe world.
of wheat from the harvest of 19SS means good
money to the farmers of Western Canada wheal
the world has to be fed. Cauie Raniag; Dairy
ins; and Mixed Farming are also proStabie cafl
lags. Coat, wood and water ia abundance;
chnrches aad schools cosrvesneat; markets ess,
of access. Taxes low.
Foradrice aad information address the Safer
iatendent of Immigration. .Ottawa, Canada, of
any authorised Canadian Government Anvnt.
w. v. buhw.ii, asi new rem ia J
enlists for fonr years yoins men of coed
character and son ad physical condition se-tw-eeaineacesof
17 and S as apprentice sea
men; opportunities for advancement; nay
SIS to 70 a momn. Electricians, machinists.
blacksmiths, coppersmiths, yeomen (clerks),
carpenters, chipntters. ti rente n. musicians,
cooks. etc .between 21 and U years, enlisted
In special ratings witn suitable nay; hospital
apprentices 19 to 28 years. Itetirement en
three-fourths pay and allowances after Vt
years set-rice. Applicants most bo American
First clothing oatflt free to recrnlts. Upon
discharge travel allowance 4 cents per mile to
place of enlistment, llonos foar months' pay
and Inereascin pay upon re-enlistment within
fonr months of discharge. Offlcei at Lincoln
and Hastings. Nebraska. Also. f!arin?wtnier.
at les Moinc aril Hour City. lown. Address
DEniMCE STIIMI easiest to work wltb
starctes ctotHes
Sljmarait iieKevea psrisdicsl
aad cone the dim sice fisruMar to
f '
j i