The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 16, 1907, Image 7
3j,-? "V" &k ?i&W W.S nv. a &J. J".r vwy!.- ., ..- 1 J " -fc'J i-TCrt, , . -7! 1 , '15 - " T iM.r. 1.VT . "V f -i 33? nmnaBmmmmmKsfa&?gBmmmmmK"9 ammmmmmmmBliiMammmmmfl mSm IHpSHRreliHlSB BmmmmmmmmmmmmmraKmaBmTHy& 3mn IrlP&TCHaWgBfBJJ Iad&;BBmmmmmmmmm" :nmmm HamKammmmmmmmmPaLYaa1 MMtvjM.'?wW amwfli anmmmmmgajflamaal II FORTHGHT UK PE-tilHU CUBED HIH CM Affecte Hea a Tl Attack was Severe. Cbas. W. Bowman, 1st T.ieuL and AdjL 4th M. 9. M. Cav. Vols., writes from Lanham, Md.. as follows: "Though somewhat averse to pat ent medicines, and still more -arerse to becoming a professional afBdavit can, it seems only a plain duty in the present instance to add my ex perience to the columns already writ tea concerning the curative powers vt Peruna, 'Immre meem mmrticulmtiy memetlte my Urn use tmrcmUs im the mem4 mm tmrmmt. I tore teem mble im fully cute mtyseH mi m anas severe mttmct to imrty-eigmt mmmn my Ms use mccmrmVmg tm m'irecHmm. I awe H mm preventive wmemever tmremtemeM wkk mm mttmck. "Members cf my family also use it Tor like ailments. We are recom mending it to oar friends." Chas. W. Bowman. Ask Your Druggist Hr Free Perumm Almtmmmc tmr 1997. If yon are a say old dog you hare bo right to whine. To recover quickly from bilious attacks ftirk-liftulxche, indigent ion or ttildx, take ai field Tea. the wild laxative, ijiiaraii tHl tinder the Pure Food Law . Many Peculiar Languages. Of languages which so widely differ among themselves as to be incompre hensible without particular study the number readily exceeds 1,000. The extraordinary popularity of fine white goods this summer makes the choice of Starch a matter of great im portance. Defiance Starch, being free from all injurious chemicals, is, the only one which is safe to use on fine fabrics. Its great strength as a stif ener nukes half the usual quantity of Starch necessary, with the result of perfect flnislu enual to that when the goods were new. SAVES HER VISITING CARDS. One Woman's Pet Economy Certainly a Queer One. Women are proverbially niggardly on one or two points; every woman that ever existed had some pet econo my, no matter how extravagant she may he in some respects. There's the woman who spends hundreds of dollars on imported gowns, but hates to give up one penny for a paper of pins. The paper-saving person who drops into department stores and ho tels, to sorrow stationery rather than spend any money upon the commodity always is with as; we all know the stamp stealer -nd the match borrow er; but the Visiting-card economizer is a new brand of woman who exists only in the mo6t exclusive society. So niggardly is she on the point of her visiting cards that she demands them back from her iatimate friends: from her mere acquaintances she steals them at an opportune moment when the servant's hack is tamed, or when the mistress has left the room. She puts them slyly back into her card case. By a clever series of ma nipulations it is said she can make 100 of them go as far as 500 went be- THE FIRST TWINCE Dt Rheumatism Calls for Dr. Williams Pink Pills If You Would Be Easily Cured. Mr. Frank Little,' a well known citi een. of Portland,-Iouia Co., Mich., as cured of a severe case of rheumatism by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. la speak ing about it recently, he said: Wiy body was run down and in no condi tion to withstand disease and tte years ago I began to feel raeu acatic pains in my arms and across my back. My arms and legs grew numb and the rheumatism seemed to Fettle in every joint so that I could hardly move, while my arms were useless at times. I was unable to sleep or rest well and my heart pain ed me so terribly I could hardly stand it. My stomach became sour and bloated after eating and this grew so bad that I had inflammation of the stomach. I was extremely nerv ous and could not bear the least seise or excitement. One whole side of my body became paralyzed. "As I said before, I had been suff ering about nve years and seemed to he able to get no relief from my doctors, when a friend here in Port land to!d me how Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had cured aim ef neuralgia in the face, even after the'psin had drawn it to one side. I decided to try the pills and began to see some Improvement soon after using them, rfcis encouraged me to keep on until I was entirely cured. I have never had a return of taa rheumatism or of tie paralysis. The Bills are for sale by an drug gists or sent, postpaid, on recelDt of price, 50 cents per box, six boxes 12.50. by fae Dr. Williams Medietas Company. Schenectady. N. T. tx. . rafnTnfMsramfra&ate 1HREE GOOD IDEAS ONE IS IMPROVEMENT ON POPULAR FUDGE. EVE Addition f Marshmallows Makes the Confection Delictus Odd Fur; nishinf far Dan Oysters in Chafinf Dish. Fudge is bow as popular as when first introduced several years ago; re-. .placing the favorite chocolate cara nets. The expert fudgemaker seldom thinks of me?-iring her materials, but just guesses it the quantity of sugar, milk, chocolate and butter necessary. It is just before the fudge is done that' the additions which give it nov elty go in. Nuts are always good) One variety or several kinds mixed maybe used. Then there is crystal ized" ginger cut in small pieces. An other mixture is of marshmallows. For this the following recipe may be used: One-fourth cake of unsweetened chocolate, two ' cups of granulated sugar, one cup of milk, one teaspoon fill of butter. Boil for five minutes, then take from the fire and pour in a heaping saucerful of marshmallows torn in small bits. Beat until the mixture begins to stiffen, then pour quickly into buttered tins to cool.' Another way is to sprinkle the shred ded marshmallow on the bottom of the pan. and pour the hot fudge over it. This is convenient when both the marshmallow, nut, and the plain varie ties are to be made from the same boiling. A den seen recent;' was furnished Jn black oak and the walls were done in deep red burlap. The trim, includ ing a wooden cornice, was also black. The ceiling was a deep cream, or per haps more, on the buff. The couch was upholstered in linen taffeta to match the walls. There were many pillows in 'plain fed and a few in buff. A plate rail of oak for china anil steins was carried around the room. On the black oak reading table was an oriental scarf, harmonizing with the walls and the pillows. Upon this rested a wrougbt-imn lamp with a deep red bowl, and shade of gold-wire cloth. The mantel was ornamented with several old brass candlesticks.' About the room were scattered several pieces of old brass which were put to use. A large brass bowl was utilized as a scrap basket. For luncheon Sunday night tea oysters may be prepared in the chafing dish at the table. Use a tablespoonful of minced celery. Put it in your blazer with a tablespoonful of butter, a teaspoonful of lemon juice, a little salt, and paprika. When the mixture is thoroughly hot. put ir. as .many oysters as you need anu cook them until they are plump. Then add a cupful of cream, and when it has thorough!' heated, serve on hot tcast. Lentil Curry. Soak over night in cold water one cup of lentils. Wash, cover with fresh water, and cook slowly for two hours. Drain, put two tablespoonfuls of but ter into a saucepan; when' melted add two onions chopped fine; cook slowly until a golden brown; add a teaspoonful of curry powder, a dash of cayenne, and half a pint of the water in which the lentils were boiled. Add lentils, cook slowly for 20 min utes; add a teaspoonful of salt, the juice of one lemon, and serve with well boiled rice. Hand-Dipped Candles in Favor. Hand-dipped candles have reached the dimensions of a fad, for who in a day when old-time styles and ways are copied to the letter, can counten ance a molded candle in a colonial stick? The latest fancy of this kind is the hand-dipped tallow candle, flavored with spearmint, which is said to give out a minty fragrance as it burns. The candle has the interesting irregularity of hand-made things and is greenish white in color. Preservative for Egos. A simple solution of salt and lime is a good preservative for eggs. Put into a stone jar a lump of lime weigh ing about two pounds. Pour on this one quart of water and stir until lime Js broken up; add one gallon of water and one pint of salt. Place the eggs in this jar and keep them well cov ered with the solution. to Leek At. A girl with magnificent red-brown hair looked delightful in a rough, dark serge with a copper colored suede cap perched on her beautiful hair and two copper buckles at her waist and cop per colored kid shoes and stockings. These shoes. It may be remarked, are made In thdmost practical shades and kids, and can be cleaned with prepa rations specially made for them, and the colored stockings are everywhere to be had of suitable warmth. Gentle boor-Taps. A story of extraordinary deafness was unfolded at a recent meeting of a medical society in Philadelphia. An elderly woman, exceedingly hard of hearing. lived near the river. One afternoon a warship fired a salute of ten guns. The woman, alone in her little house, waited until the booming ceased. Then she smoothed her dress, brushed her hair back in a quaint manner and said, sweetly: "Come in." Harper's Weekly. Stolen Works of Art. The robberies at the Louvre recall an incident in the park of one of our most illustrious historical castles. Several masons arrived one day and began to remove a beautiful vase. In reply to the superintendent the ma sons said they were taking it away for repairs. The superintendent there upon assisted them to remove it, and it was never seen again. La Figaro. GoM Waits for Flnier. Some 20 years ago a Spanish steamer, the Alfonso XTL, foundered n the Canaries. She carried tea large boxes of gold. An expedition poorly equipped was sent out and nine boxes recovered. The tenth Is still there a fortune In itself. Sunday Magazine ju- M11fca,MJdtJ MJf ' , MIL UTTERLY WORN OUT. Vitality Years with KMiwy TroMblt. Cast. J. W. Hogun. former bom Mr of Indiaaola, sow living at Austin, Tex., writes: 1 was aiflUcted for years with pains across the Mas. and in the hips and shoulders. I had headache .also -and aearal gja. : My right eye, from pain, was of little use to me for years. The constant flow of urine kept my system depleted, causing nervous chills and night sweats. After trying seven 'different climates and using all kinds of medicine I had the good for tune to hear of Doan's Kidney Pills. This remedy has, cured me. I am as well to-day as I was twenty years ago, and my eyesight is perfect. Sold by all dealers. SO cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. X. T. Origin ef Starch. The art of starching was not Intro duced into England until the ingenn-' ity of Dutch women in starching 'ruffs induced Queen Elizabeth to turn to them when she took to wearing cam bric and linen cuffs. In 1504 Mistress Dinghein von den Plasse, the refugee daughter of a Flemish knight, came with her husband to London, accord ing to an old writer, and set up aa es tablishment for starching, where she not only plied her trade, but instruct ed English -classes in her art. SCALY ERUPTION ON BODY. ! Doctors and Rsmedies Fruitless Suf fered 10 Years Completely Cured by Cuticura. "When I was -about nine years old small sores appeared on each of my lower limbs. I scratched them with a brass pin and shortly afterwards both of those limbs became so sore that I could scarcely walk. When I had been suffering for about a month the sores began to heal, but small scaly eruptions appeared where the sores had been. From that time on ward I was troubled by such severe itching -that, until I became accus tomed to it, I would scratch the sores until the blood began to low. This would stop the itching for a few days, but scab places would appear again and the itching would accom pany them. After I suffered about ten years I made a renewed effort to effect a cure. The eruptions by this time had appeared on every part of my body except my face and hands. The best doctors in my native coun ty advised me to use arsenic in small doses and a salve. F then used to bathe the sores in a 'mixture which gave almost intolerable pain. In ad dition I used other remedies, such as iodine, sulphur, zinc' salve, s Salve, - Ointment, and in fact I was continually giving some remedy a fair trial, never using less than one or two boxes or bottles. "All this was fruitless.' Finally my hair began to fall out-and 'I was rapicfty becoming bald. I used s '-, but it did no good. 'A few months after, having used almost everything else, I thought 1 would try .Cuticura Ointment, having previously used Cuticura Soap and being' pleased' with it. After using three boxes .1 was completely cured; and my hair was restored, after fourteen years of suf fering and an expenditure of at least ISO or $60 in vainly endeavoring to find a cure. I shall 'be glad, to write to any one who may be interested in my cure. B. Hiram Mattingly. Ver million, S. Dak., Aug. 18, 1906." HEADS SHAPED TO ORDER. German Doctor Explains Causes of .Vsrieus Formations.'. """ - At a recent convention of German naturalists and doctors Dr. Walcher, of Stuttgart, in an instructive paper put forth a sensational theory to ex plain the formation of .the shape of the head of infants. ' He- maintained that the head of a child could he molded artificially. He found by ex perience that when a medium-shaped head is placed in a soft cushion the child turns on Ks back, or rests on the sack of its -head, in order to free month, nose and face. In this manner the head rests smoothly, aad a short head is developed. But If the medium shaped head of a child is placed oa a hard onder-rest, like a hair mattress or rolled carpet, the child's head turns aside, as it caaaot stand any more on its head than an egg; for the muscle of the hack is weakened. Therefore, with continued resting on the side a long head is developed. To pnivefhla assertions, 'tlM 'lecturer pre sented a child whose mother and sis ter are short-headed. The child at its hlrth had a short head.' bow after It months it is long skulled. IfthechiM had seen placed on its back, according to other experiences its head would have seen short-shaped. Dr. Walcher did not deny that the shape of the head was inherited, but asserted that it could be greatly inluenced by the way the child rested. COSTLY PRESSURE. Heart and Nerves Fail on Coffee. A resident of a great western state puts the case regarding stimulants with a comprehensive brevity that i& admirable. He says: "I am 56 years old and have had con siderable experience with stimulants. They are all alike a mortgage on re served energy at ruinous interest As the whip stimulates' hut does not strengthen the horse, so do stimulants act1 upon the human system. Peeling this way, ,1 .gave up, coffee and all other stimulants and began "the use of Postum Food coffee some months ago. The beneficial results have been ap parent from the first The rheumatism that I used to suffer from has left me. X sleep sounder, my nerves are stead ier and my brain clearer. And I hear testimony also to the food value of Postum something that Is lackmg Jn coffee.' Name given by Postum. Co, Battle Creek. Mich. There's a reason; Read The Road to WeUville," the anaiat little book in ptgs. ..'A'j . t w . BTaBTaHBjBiRaBCto annannvvrinna) that Economy is the read -to wealth. PUT NAM FADELESS DYE i tke rssd to economy. 10c per package. A Many a dtisenwho trades on Sins wouldn't think of buying a Brick. - . ' Lewis' Smgfc 'Binder easts more than etherSc eissrs. Sojokers kaow-iwhy. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Pearis, lu Most. people lad neighbors in order fault with their to get even wits fault with them. who Garfield Tea parifiea the bleed and erad icates diaeaae. Take it fee cMutipatioa. Gusraateed uader.tbe Pare Feed-law. Kindness is wisdom. - There is none in life hot needs it and, may learn. Bailey. ' cvkkb) xb to) la maw. razoourmnaT ttfMiutw tm mr mm or luutm. mias. nitaftMv ar rtgtmmma, 8 to U aaya ar away tataaOaa. Mc. Man cannot he altogether cleared from Injustice in dealing with beasts as he now does. Heraclitus. Top Prices for Hides. Purs, Pelts. Write for circular No. N. W. Hide ft Fur Co., Mianeapolia, , Minnesota. Richard Croker, the old, Tammany chief, who is about ( to return to New Torn. Is said to nave' had aa offer ef $100,000 for an nntbhlography. By following the directions, which are plainly printed on each package of Defiance Starch, Men's Collars and Cuffs can be made just as stiff as de sired, 'with -either gloss or domestic finish. Try it 16 oz. for 10c, sold by all good grocers. Reman Relics Found in Wales. Workingmen engaged in diverting a roadway at Welwyn. Herts, Wales, uaeartked seven Roman urns in a good state of preservation, a Roman spur, two drinking howls t six inches high, one smaller cup, a howl, soma bronze plate, an iron standard and a' small urn six inches high. . Always to Be Depended Upon. When a person gets up in the' morn ing with a dull headache and a tired, stretchy feeling, it's an almost certain indication that the liver, 'or bowels, or both, are decidedly out of order. At such times Nature, the wisest and best of doctors, takes this means to give warning that she needs the help aad gentle assistance which can best ho obtained from that old fam ily remedy. Brandreth's Pills, which has been in use for over a century. They are the same fine laxative tonic pill your grandparents used when 'doctors were few and far be tween, and when people had to have a remedy that could absolutely be de pended upon. Brandreth's Pills can u be depended upon', and are sold in every drug and. medicine store, plain or sugar-coated. French President's "Double." M. Fanieres' was, until recently, be lieved to be the only president of the French republic who bad no double, but his counterpart has heen found. The man who most resembles him physically is a respectable merchant of the Rue Saint Honore, who plays his part with decorum and dignity. He wears exactly the ssme kind of blue butterfly necktie with white dots aa the president, the same kind of hat aad exactly so oddly cut a beard. And on his promenades he is always ac companied by a frend who could easily-be taken for the president's pri vate secretary. Dignified and with measured steps, the enviable double walks through the Faubourg Saint Honore and feels overjoyed at being; saluted on all sides. Uneasy lies the THE DISCOVERER Of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, the Great Woman's Remedy for Woman's Ills. m T Mm jf'-:'-mmmmmmmmmmmmMmmM'x X 'w I m It r&$$Jiimmmmr aHHjHBai?:gHjjjjk 1 1 I II immtBah. ta. aBmmBilwM I i eiii':9!s!mBBmmT iba. nmmmxiii!a il J m ArSl!nmi't'KlaBmnmmmmmr nmnm VaBmmmmmmHBSSaScI'SnBCV'Bwm mr mr I W ::::&'&!-i7 mm LYDIA E. P1NKHAM No other medicine for Woman's ills in the xvorid has received such wide spread and unqualifed endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female illnesses or such hosts of grateful friends as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For more than 30 years it has beencuring all forms of Female Complaints, Inflammation and Ulceration, and consequent Spinal Weakness. It has cured more cases of Backache and Local Weaknesses than any other one remedy. It dissolves and expels tumors in an early stage of development. Irregularities and periodicalpains. Weakness of the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating. Nervous Prostration, Headache, General .Debility quickly yield to it; also deranged organs, causing pain, dragging sensations and backache. Under nil circumstances it acts in harmony with the female system. It ressoves'taat wearing feeling, extreme laatitude, .Vdoot care' and want-to-be-left-alone" feeling, 'encitahility, irritability, nervousness, diz siness, faintness, sleeplessness, flatulency, melancholy or the1 ''blues'. These are indications of Female Weakness, or some demngement of the organs, which this medicine cures as well as Chronic Kidney Complaints and Backache, of either sex. Those women who refuse to accept anything else are rewarded a hundred thousand times, for they get what they want a cure. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Refuse nil substitutes. PUTNAM w 'Jfi Those who believe T. If r BAKING IVV POWDER Made from IvUaUbtheaM Why pay more for inferior . powders? 7" - :x Attention, You will be. interested in our new size family package of package contains a beautiful piece of semi- porcelain china. It is china than you have been buying at the price of ordinary kinds 25 cents. Quaker Ots is the best Oatmeal because it is (Quaker Quality) in the largest, 1a the world. The careful, painstaking processes bring out all the delicious flavor and leaves only the nourishing, wholesome elements. Buy a pjtduge tohday for . breakfast to-morrow I TaQaahtrOn!s Poaitivery coved Thy these little Fills. Taey also relieve Ins isting, A perfect rem- edyftM2zbws8.KaBsea, Drewstaees, Bad Tests In the Xoath, Coated 'Team, rata athtstda. TOKFID IIYBJL Hay 1 the SamlLrll, MmUlttt SmirlCL wm mmnaMust BoaT FnSiTrS Sgnaiuft iefise siisTiTiTEt. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 3, 1007. Ipli FADELESS DYES"S in quality use' pure, carefully tested e Ladies ! Quaker Oats. Each better, oats and better made of oats of the finest' quality cnaoest and best equipped mills fujny SpeciaJ Trams Leave FOR t ill vt,namBnBBmmnn-anmmpmBmmmmmmmmmmmm WESTERN Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Homesteads. Canadian Government representatives will accompany this train through to destination. . For certificate entitling cheap rates, litera ture and all particulars, apply to W. Y. BBME1T, 811 11 Y. life lUf., Pa-ala, Wekahika, SI.OO0.OO REWARD! SSS-jftK-..'- FALFURRIAS LAND 0JMLT COAST COWmtV IN SOUTH TBKAS. Oar FaraMra ak , a,a ereaTorfraaa . - J.::i ?Iicrc-aB two or " "ose a year. aWFtCtuWJuWA?SmM Ska in the Paa handle. Lan tells NOW at io to fccoo pr acre, oa easv trrZ. wirrF-K DAY for FREE LITERATURE and LATEST TEXAS MAP. Ao5a!atai.Jrn ' FALFURRIAS IMMIGRATION COMPANY KANSAS CITY. MfT TitTsHQW Y0MI G ALL-STONE CNE. Stone inta.KIdB.ra. lfAfiMi.tITriaM M Jauatflca aad all &taaea Traebten rveoftSaa- Treat BUmmmml wm. rBsmwrB, aaoa mwrnmrnm. wmcHEsnii REPEATING SHOTGUNS are strong shooters, strongly made and so inexpensive that you won't be afraid to use one in any kind of They are made xo, xa and A rAVOMTE OF AMEHCArf r. ,'"i-i'. . i rr.: ."jr-h-'. -1Ci.iif frulVjfi.? K WmsT LnTutt 1 r SIXTY ACMD5 BBSS atwlcr. TIE SMITH IAS IS SSKIISI CaaI.waoi MiwkMk taxes Jawrclhaaaelael pcfMeaea. law svrcnniTSMUBJiT Ottawa Caaaaa. a a XSaarrasMat Agent. Mr aavtoE op w.v. TORN of Me. to fhV (at about 13), ? ; women (at akout 45), mm ln of a aura,; foajc memWno. to cany over tho critical aarfed aai nuro their tmws. Try it. At all kdamril --i V. S. NAVTT ealiaia for fear icata yaaa t waaai iha aaaa el H m; oaaanaaitiaa far SMtaSlimaMaiaL Baaa fclattoittaa. aaajwiaamSa. y OJatfBOjBwmfmj nmnapmiaojtav HrmaBe aaaia. ., aata aaa SI a a ia aaaaial rattan iUi aaMaW aaae(iea SMSn tSrec-foartaa aay aatf icanacrftoe. aaaltcaa nam. lint atetalaa eatSt ftaasaiaaialia. Di ditebanc travel allawaace eeaia par arila U place 01 aaiiaiaiaai. aui aad Ineraaae la aa aeon ?&& four vinutka of aiaakarsa. ajiUastiaca.ftebfaaaa. AleoulaHae atlMaMoiaMaaSraaxClty7la. i rttvTI I9TATBJB.I FREE it Of T.. Ckicaf , March 14, - I FOftBAU. x6 StttTSJmD! CAM Waay; KpWal CANADA. MFIIIIE STUtlsrs vi . jXrcej"- .t , tz t mjj!L.-. .J-'i -- ' tfl t i 4 -! 3r v.?