The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 09, 1907, Image 1

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Consolidated with the Columbus Times Aprfl.,-1, 190'wlth tbePlatte'ddaiity.Argas Janaary 1; 1906.
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Soon gets musty. Put it i a oar bank
aad we will loan it at fair interest and
give you the benefit Make an initial
deposit with us now and call it an
There isn't any of the "Jcob-web" or
lusty" methods that pertain to this
bmnk. It's up-to-date and safe.
The Fir. National Bank
fow j.
r v - v .s
Bmm wnwin Iminim
From Journal file, April 7, 1875.
It is staled that they have in Polk
ty a school teacher who sleeps and
tea daring school hours.
Messrs. Wn. Hagel & Co. have rented
JlaMahoa & OToule's billiard hall and
pea oat today in the same business
Messrs. Schutte & Pohl are erecting a
bajstaess house on 13th street, between
Oiive street and Nebraska Avenue, to be
ttsed aa an isaplement depot.
? Advice comes from every direction to
the farmers of Nebraska to diversify
their crops. Sow wheat, barley and flax,
and plenty of corn and potatoes.
Kearney claims to have one of the best
bands in the state. That may be, but
lbus boys bring out of their
its most excellent music.
i all over the prairies is putting in
. appearance. The first of Miy
bably find more pasture on band
i aswal at this time of year.
The contract for carpenter work, etc,
for school district No. '4; was let to
Messrs. Ellis & Loveland of this place,
at one hundred and ninety-four dollars
and fifty cents.
Mr. Platte Baker and his wife started
for San Diego yesterday. They go by
rail to San Francisco, stopping a week
at Salt Lahe City, and take the steamer
at San Francisco for their future home
at the sunny seaside.
Tae&day afternoon of last 'week the
depot building in this city was struck by
ligL-ning, damaging the roof and one of
the large door posts. Mr. Mahoney was
felkkl to the floor, but escaped without
receiving serious injury.
Stearns prairie has been settled four
years this spring, and untjl recently no
barying place for their dead has been
established in the vicinity Now a
hoantifnl location on the high lands has
sen selected and a home cemetery
At the school meeting in District 44,
Monday, a tax of five mills was levied for
a teacher's fund. P. S. Griffin was elect
ed treasurer in place of A 11. Gibson,
aad WW) ia bonds was voted for desks,
aapa, -charts, globes, etc.
Samoa the Lasso R cent cigar.
' Dr. Vallier. Osteopath. Barber block.
John Schmockcr reports twenty-two
births and eleven deaths for the month
of December.
Dr. W. H. Slater, veterinarian, phone
Yoa wans to read Joarnal ads to
fad bargains.
Liee Jenkins was up to Madison Fri
day looking after his land and other in
terest. Michael Savage was up in Buffalo
eoanty last week looking the country
over but more particular to attend ' to
his personal land interests there.
W. M. Currey arrived in Columbus
Thursday with a car load of horses
from the Clarke-Branigan ranch near
Kimball, Neb. The horses will be among
the letoatered at the big sale by Brani
gaa January 12.
Mrs. Ears Mahaffey and daughter
Edaa,aftera ahort visit to relatives
,ad friends at Platte Center, returned
.home Thursday. She was accompanied
by her mother who will remain for an
JadefiBite time.
Unable personally to thank all the
friends who assisted as during, the late
illaess and the death of our beloved hus
.baad jwd father, Joseph C Tiffany, we
take.taas mesas to express oar gratitude.
JeaaasEu Tiffany and children.
Wo have the following Coals now on
Jaad: Koek Spring Lamp and Nut and
fjlaek, Colorado Lamp and Nat, Kear
aey Lump, Trenton Lamp, Weir Nut,
Semi Anthracite Furnace Coal. Hard
Gaol both siaes, Best Peasylvaaia.
NawjfAK A Waxen
Harrlok for faraitmre.
Dr. Naumaan, Dentist 13 St.
Herrick for baby go-carta.
Dr. Mark T. MeMahoa. dentist
Oasiin's market for fresh meats.
Girl wanted for general housework.
Mrs. E. H. Chambers.
Wedding rings and high class jewelry
at Carl FromeTa , Eleventh street.
Dr. D. T. Martya, jr., office new
Oolambas 8tate Baak haildiag. . .
Tender ,euts aad aroma aalivery
We have a good heating stove and
furnace Inmp coal at $5.50 per ton, and
all other good coals.
L. W. Weaver & Son.
Write Vincent A Landoa .Bel Estate
Agents, Washington, Kan., for their re
vised list of Kansas, Neb., and western
lands. Get our list before you buy.
R. 8. Palmer the tailor, cleans, dyes
and repairs Ladie's and Gents' clothing.
Hats cleaned and reblocked. Buttons
made to order. Agent Gennania Dye
Works. Nebraska phone 194.
The Wisenstine cafe changed hands
the first of the week, Frank Schram
being the new proprietor. Mr. Wisen
stine will now move to Albion, where he
will open the Albion house this week.
At Nevada, Mo., there is a specialist
who claims be can successfully treat the
disease which has robbed W. H. Busch-
man of his eyeiighL and that gentleman
is going to give him a trial. His many
friends hope that his quest may be suc
cessful. .
T. K. Matzen, father of Dr. Matzen,
purchased L. W. Snow's residence this
week, and expects to move to Columbus
some time during the summer. Mr.
Snow expects to begin the erection of a
new home on the corner now occupied
by the old Luth buildings, which be
owns. These will be removed to make
room for one of the nice residences in
that part of the city.
W. F. Mann, who has produced so
m&ii'y sucetfeseV the last three years will
present his latest offering "As told in
the Hills," at North opera, Columbus,"
Thursday, Jan. 10, 1907. It is a story
of the western plains and shows the
brighter side of Indian life that existed
on the plains some years ago. There is
a sensational Indian fight and many
other thrilling cenes that cannot fail to
interest the lover of the exciting inci
D. Frank Davis, an old timer in Co'
iumbus, editor, postmaster, and lawyer,
and who is now editing a rattling good
local paper in Silver Creek, says in an
ewer to queries why he adopted the
name "Sand" for his publication as fol
lows: This paper was named Sand be
cause we knew it would take sand to run
a paper in a town which had been a
graveyard for newspapers. We made
good and were making a living, thanks
to the good people of the town and
country, when the fire struck us. We
lost the profits of three years' labor in a
few minutes, but we still have the "sand"
and will make good, so don't worry
about us. We need your patronage and
will work to deserve it. Silver Creek
needs a paper and we will furnish it.
We still have "Sand."
Columbus breeders of fancy ponltry
done unusually well at the Tri-City sec
ond annual poultry show at South
Omaha last week. In the White Ply
mouth Rock class, P. J. McCaffrey car
ried off first and second pen, first cock
bird, first cockerel, first and second pul
let and third hen, sweapstakes for best
cock, hen, cockerel and pullet in the
show. J. C. Fullmer won on Bnff Ply
mouth Rocks, first and second hen, first
and second pullet on S.C.K.I. Reds
first cock, first hen, second cockerel,
second pen. On R. C Brown Leghorns,
It Babceck won first and second cock
erel) first and second pullet, first and
second hen Wm Snyder attended the
Colfax Counly show held at Schuyler,
and carried off the honors on White
Plymouth Rocks.
Last Wednesday afternoon at 5 p. m.
occursd the pretty wedding, at the home
of the bride's mother, of Mr. Roy Peirce
and Miss GuesieM. Gregorions. The
solemn ring ceremony of the Episcopal
church was used and Dr. Arthur J.
Westeott,of Grace church, officiating.
Aside from relatives only a few personal
friends witnessed the marriage. Those
present from abroad were Mrs. Ralph
Beverage, Norfolk; Miss Gertrude Stein
baugh. Fremont; Mr. George Peirce,
Sioux. City; and Miss Anna Janson,
Wahoo. Directly after the ceremony
a wedding feast was enjoyed. The new
married ooaple left the same evening for
Skrax City, where they will visit for a
short time with the groom's parents
after which they- will go to Omaha
where they will reside. The bride is
one of the most popular young ladies of
Colnmbas and will be greatly missed
from social circles here. 'The young
husband is a traveling representative
for an eastern brewery with headquar
ters ia Omaha
i aad aappUat at Mow
Hana Elliott was np the branch oa
business Friday. '
Mrs.C A. Williamson of Albion is rer
ceiving treatment at the
Will Flick is carrying aroana a bad
eye, the result of a splash of hot lima
landing in the optio while mixing morr
ter at the new U. P. depot.
Born, on the 23 nit to Mr.' and Mrs.
Frank Schilz, an eight pound bouncing
girl baby. The handsome papa ..was
feeling so elated over, the event that
he failed to report to the newspapers
until now. , -
After spending the holidays with .her
parents and friends in Columbus, Miss
Maggie Willard. departed for Des
Moines, Iowa,' Thursday where, she will
resume her'studies at the auditorium of
musio at that plane.
Peter Duffv, accompanied by his
brother Charley, left our city for the
sunny south Thursday, "Pete" to his
home at El Reno Oklahoma, aad Char
ley for Kansas City. Mr. Daffy goes
back to make bis agricaltaral aewapa
per sparkle with good advice 'to the
tiller of the foil, while the brother will
enter a tonsorial parlor and amputate
whiskers without pain.
In the wreck which occured at Brule,
Neb., first station west of North Platte
early Thursday morning when two TJ.
P. passenger trains" collided, mail clerk
Gilbert H. Worley was seriously hart
and one passenger instantly killed. Mr.
Worfcy is a former Columbus man,
having lived here some ten years ago
with his parents, his father being .min
ister at the Methodist church. He is in
the hospital at Grand Island and reports
say he will get well. . 1
Joint public installation of officers, of
Baker Post, No. 9, Grand Army of the
Republic, and Union Camp 134, Sana of
Veterans, took place at their Eleventh
street ball Saturday evening, with quite
a goodly number in attendance. After
the installation ceremonies a sumptuous
banquet was enjoyed by those present,
C. C Jones, caterer. A number of the
militia boys from Co. K were present,, as
honored guests.
Merv Kuntzelman and C. L. .Baker
report thai woiye are playing thavoc
with chickens and young bogs in the
neighborhood just north of town. Last
Thursday Mr. Kuntzelman chased a
large gray wolf out of his yard, and the
animal was so hold as to loiter about the
place, but remaining a safe distance from
the muzzle of a shot gun. He has lost
much, small stock through the work of
these pests, and the other day together
with a Journal reporter it was decided
for a general round-up in the near future.
The town is long on hounds and enough
people can be had for the chase by say
ing the word, and a general "cleaning-up"
of the coyote will be the result.
There are many mean tricks and jokes
played on some one every day of the
year but the very meanest to be thought
of is one to be played oa an editor or a
preacher. The editor of the Lindsay
Post is the very latest victim, and says:
"The editor was greatly surprised last
Thursday morning on going out to his
chicken coop to find the door open and
five of his nicest fowls missing. Not
surprised alone at finding the chickens
missing, as there are anch tilings hap
pening in every town, bat surprised
when we were informed as to who did
the work. I am told that it has base a
passtime with a few of our citizens for a
number of years to have a chicken fry
several times during the season, and to
get their birds through this dishonest
method, thinking it sport I am really
at a loss to know what steps to take in
this matter, or whether to pass it up as
a cheap joke, as I know every maa that
took part in the deal, three reliable gen
tlemen having given me their Barnes. It
is not the loss of the chickens so much
as it is the fact that Lindsay.bss men
with no more priuciple than Una as it's
citizens, as well as being treated in this
manner that hurts, although it is a loss
to me."
Better Than Ever
Men's 16 inch, Black Elks kin, double Viscol-
ized welt soles $6.00
Men's 16 inch Dark Tan Elkskin double Vis-
colized welt soles. .$6.00
Men's 16 inch, Black calf skin, double Vis-
colised welt soles. $5.50
Men's 16 inch, Tan calf skin double, Viscol-.
ized welt soles. .'..., $5.50
Men's 12 inch Black calf 1-2 double welt
soles .7 $5.50
These are a few styles only of Complete line of high
cut waterproof shoes for hunters or anyone where a
high boot is required.
GOLUMBU, - - NttTeUka
, . . .
tt ... iii.iniM
Dffltettr. to .
Jtjwd r ,
Byrtifioial light?; Or Uaew?
ur io aoaay worn taa teu aires -.i
a good waul of aye work?
Headaohss fallow, aaoca than
likely aocompaaied by diary
sensatioaa. .. X '
It's your 'eyes athoat. a
doubt. The sysBtoBM are well
known to optiaiaas, aad they
mean that the eyes -are -weak,
or -that they
Let us investigate. It is
most a certainty that glaa
are needed. .
If yon will call noma day
will tall yoa all about it
Ed. J.
Drs. Paul aad Matxea, Daatists.
Sunday evening W. A. MeWillk
Monroe received a 'Islsgram frw
commanding cScer of vtaa Presidio at
San Francisco, asyiag that his son, Ells
worth McWilliams, aad died from the
effects of sn accidental pistol wound,
and asking what dianetUkm should be
made of the body. Mr. MaWillissas will
be remembered by aaaay Calamhas peo
ple, as he was employed in his father's
store on Eleventh street a few years ago,
aad later went south. Fer quite a while
he had not been aaard of aad duriag
that period ealisted ia tka.rsgalararmy.
His .parents have aot decided whether
or not to bring, the body here, batjtbay
are making inquiries in the accident
Captain J. N. Kiliah, accompanied by
his wife and daughter, were renewing
Columbus acquaintaaaea from Thursday
until Saturday of last weak. The cap
tain was enroute irom San Francisco to
Fort Riley, Kansas, where he haa.teen
transferred. Dnringne earthquake at
San Fraacisco, Captain Kilian wan eta
tioned at the Presidio, and had charge
of .the Ingleside camp during the trying
times following the disaster, and be
handled the situation in anch a manner
as to earn warm praise from both prom
inent men and the newspapers of that
One of the highest salaried companies
appearing in melodrama will be seen in
"As told in the Hills," will play an en
gagement in Columbus, at the North
opera house, Thursday, Jan. 10, 1907.
The play ia one that depends on taa in
dividual merits of the members of the
east rather than a scenic affects aad sit
uations that in real hare impfobable
and the.exeellent actiagof savaal msm-
bers of the company mssts with the da-'
served appreciation.
Mnvberman Opening mat with a pain
ful, accident Monday noon . She ia com
pany with friends was oa their may to
the Union Pacific depot when aha nap
ped and fell upon the ieey pavamsat.
She was taken to the doctors office and
afterwards removed to her home an aooa
aa a hack could be secured. At thin'
time she is resting easy.
Next Monday evening at their hall
will oecar the installation of .the lataly
elected oScers of the order of the Sons
of Herman. Preparatioas havabeea per
fected for an extra intersstiag session an
the head officers of the order will be
present and assist ia the work .of instal
lation. Lester Belford, who ased to work ia
the Journal office, bat now with 'the
Union Pacific fence gang, cameia from
the east Saturday eveaing aad tarried
over Sunday at home jaat north of tjaa
city. The fence gang loaded material
hare Moaday and pulled out for,tM
west Tuesday. -
laaaaira at Brriok. v'
4 -
mm hh i . rVv
The Jonraal ada pay pood returns.
H. & Elliot, maoa a trip toTarnor
. " tf 41T4 .
Frideylast. , K
fZ Charley Taylor. Kade a business trip
toMadiMMi Friday.. :
r,Dr. O. A, Alienaargnr.awWinaew
Bwa Bank nnllaiag.
Born, on Mew Yearns day to Mr. and
MmClareace Clark, a'dauglfer. f
. JTorria Whitmoyer retnrnrd Monday
to the military school at Kraruey.
Editor D. J. Poynter of the Albion
Argaa was in the city Monday and
' George Fairchild was confinml to his
room several days last week on account
of sickness.
Theodore Friedbof, jr., left Sunday for
Kaexville, 111., to resnme his st tidies at
the military school.
-Miss Clara Jacolwon returned
8aaday from Onawa. Iowa, where she
visited daring the holiday.
Engineer Rogers has sold his residence
hare, aad the family departed last week
for their new home in Omaha.
Mus Lillte Ragatz, who has !etn very
ill aad under the d -dor's care for several
daya, is reported as improving.
Irva Speice went to Omaha Friday, to
meat his mother, who was returning from
a trip to Chicago and Oklahoma.
Mini Malm, kindergarten teacher in
the public schools, returned Saturday
from her vacation spent at Lincoln.
Boas Welsh and son Everett
t the holidays with relatives in
Osceola, returning home Fridsy.
Miss Margaret Neumann returned to
her school work at Loup City Saturday.
after spending her vacation here with
Dr. and Mrs. Naumann.
Jesse Betterton, who has been spend
ing the holiday season with hie parents
in this city, returned to his mining
seheol stadias at' Lead, & D., Sunday.
. Charlie Bean and Miss Grace Meikle
john of Omaha spent a portion of the
holiday season with the Bean family of
this city.
.0. K.v Davies, a former well known
Ifaacy stock gealer of this county, now io
tae real' estate ouBiness at jtearney.
came down the branch Friday; on his
return home.
Misa Gwendolin Garlow returned to
her school work at Bellevue Monday
morning after spending her holiday va
cation at home. Her father accompan
ied her as far as Lincoln.
The Misses Kinnan from 'south of the
Platte were over here doing trading on
Saturday, and more especially looking
for a residence property to rent, they
desiring to live in this city.
Usually when the residents of Polk
county want to get somewhere east or
weat they come to Columbus to make
the start, as well as to go northwest,
and so Will Ingalls came over from
Shelby on Saturday to make the start
from here to Omaha.
The case of J. S. Wells vs. Baker and
Sheldon, which was tried in district
court at the last term, involving a val
uable option on a piece of land, was de
cided in favor of Wellsmd he is given
sixty daya in which to redeem the land.
The amount involved is over $16,000.
Word comes to Columbus that the
family of .Walter Scott, noV of Omaha,
formerly residing here, is dangerously
afflicted with typhoid fever, Mr. and Mrs.
Scott and one child being bedfast Her
smtar. Mm. 8coaeld and bis father, C. J.
Scott went to Omaha and returned with
two of the children.
All Columbus people know Prof.
Garliseh. They know his ability as a
a masioisn and teaoher, having been
musical director in our city schoola a
few years ago,, besides doing class teach
ing and enjoying while here the promi
nence of leader in most all musical
faactioaa. He is now located at North
Platte, and the following news taken
from the Tribune, n paper at that place,
says of him: The writer believes in
speaking the word of appreciation and
totaisintsat desires to commend the
work aad painstaking' care of Prof.
.Garliaab, an instructor of innsic in our
pabue schools. It ia manifest to all
havbjgtodo with church work that
there hss been a noticeable improvement
ia singing on the part of our boys and
girls. In my parish lsst week one of
oar members ata rehearsal for our
ehildrsa's Christmas program expressed
surprise that the children took hold of
the musio so readily,' remarking that
the eoatraat with that of preceding!-
yean wan quite noticeable and asked the
therefor. To me the result in
measure, at least, is to be
attribatad to the instruction received
under the direction of Prof. Garliseh in
the public schools, and for this I am
heartily glsd. All of us recognize how
incieuaingry useful, we might almost
say aeosssary, is the ability to sing or
play soma musical instrument to our
young maa aad women today and
all caanot afford technical private
it is, a cause of gratification
that owpujrim school music is in such
'Ifr LmttSttlxt?' x
Governor Mickey made tha list act of
his administration the issuing of a'fuH
and complete pardon to Maa, Lena Lillie
She wa serving a, Hftv sentence ia th
penitentiary for the. supposed murder of
her husband, Harvey Liilie. at David
City. 'The governor had given this case
particular'stucly, and the flood of politi
cians and prominent people working for
her liberation, had with the
oake.x She had served about two yearsof
her sentence. The following history of
the crime, for which she was convicted,
is given below, taken from the Bellwood
Gazette, published at the home of her
parents, and formerly her old home:
"The murder of Harvey Lillie occurred
in David Cityia October, 1903 His wire
was arrested soon afterwards, and her
trial a few months later resaltedin her
conviction and sentence 'for life. Prior
to that she bad, been out on bail. .She
was kept at David City until .after the
supreme court had twice decided against
her. Then she was brought here. Alf
though Mrs. Lillie did not take the stand
in her own defense or attempt to explain
away the charges. There has1 always
been a large contingent of Nebraakans
who do' not believe her guilty, and
regard her aa the victim of a great wrong;
Many of these have been active ia bring
ing pressure to bear upon the governor
and their efforts have been supplement
ed by attorneys and friends and rekv
tives. The mother of Mr. Lillie has
always insisted that down in her heart
she has a conviction that Mrs. Lillie did
not kill her husband, and she is anxious
that a pardon issue. Mrs. Lillie hsf
been well treated at the prison. One
correspondent who has visited her saya
her room is more like a parlor' than a
cell, and that she has been given uunsua)
freedom, being permitted to take long
walks attended, and otherwise been
favored above others. She slill stoutly
maintains her innocence, and has im
pressed many besides the governor with
the justice of her cause. The bearing
this afternoon before the governor is
being warmly contested, protest sgainat
as well as appeals for a pardon being
made.' On behalf of Mrs. Lillie it is in
sisted that the evidence was not con--clusive,
and that an insufficient motive
was shown. That motive was that she
killed him to get money to gamble on the
local board of trade. It is iusisted that
in view of the very cordial relations ex
isting between hnsband and wife, a fact
uncontradicted, this i.s improbable espe
cially on the partpf a -woman or Mrs.
Lillie s refinement. It is also contended
mat tue evidence is entirely -circum
stantial, and that it does not conclusive
ly prove her guilt. On the other hand
it is contedned that the woman has had
a fair trial, that a jnry of intelligentmen
in her home connty hud reluctantly con
victed her, and that the supreme court.
after tvrb hearings, bad held that the
evidence was sufficient to uphold a con-'
vie t ion and that she bad a fair trial."
Mrs. Peter Bender sr. for more thsn
21 ytars a continions resident of- Hum
phrey, died at her home in this city last
Saturday morning at 6:45 o'clock after
an illness of short duration. Mrs. Ben
der, seemingly, was possessed of a strong
and hearty constitution and not with
standing her advanced age she bad every
appearance of being able to live for sev
eral years yet. But when the ravages
of disease once took hold of her it was
soon apparent that her constitution, due
to old age, was not strong enough to
free her. She passed away peacefully,
surrounded by her lifelong partner aad
her children, happy in the thought that
she was heir to all that is good in the
world above us. Catherine Mailman
was born in Udenbauaen, Germany, on
April 17, 1832, consequently at the time
of her. death ahe was 74 years, 8 months
ann 12 daya old. Deceased was an act
ive member of the Christian Mother's
society of St. Francis Catholic church,
and during her entire life she has dis
played a truly Christian spirit, always
exemplifying her Christianity by deeds
of sisterly love. The funeral was vheld
Monday forenoon from St.- Francis
oharch and the remains were laid to
rest in St. Francis cemetery. Hum
phrey Democrat.
The hearing of A. Heagey, charged
with statutory rape, was held before
Judge Ratterman last week and it was
discovered the crime was committed in
Merrick county. The Judge discharged
the prisoner and the father of the girl
went to Central City to secure a
warrant in Merrick county. But as
soon as Heagey was discharged he gave
a bill of sale of all his belongings, 'to
another party and left at once for Ger
many on the first train. If be had re
mained he would undoubtedly have
paid the penalty, as there was no doubt
as to his guilt.
There -are more than a million and a
half dollars in mortgages. filed ia Platte
county for the year 1906. The record
in County Clerk Grafs office shows
$1,595,067.82 filed; and while the releasee
amounted to more than a million dol
lars or just $1,072,31133 leavingthe in
creased indebtedness at the close of the
year 523.&i6j9. , ,.-',-,. v
The new board of supervisors, brgan
ixed -Tuesday afternoon by electing
Mablon Clotber chairman. "An adjourn
ment was taken until Wednesday .morn
ing,, when the. chairman- will announce
the committees. - - - -
J V i. . -v.V '.
1 k?"BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafP
:mi 'aTammmaawfVvi iiaf
bbi aavqamw iaaw- -Vat
BBBBwflVVstrTmaw'' W
A s. .iBBBBBBBBBaaaaaaTmaaaaaaVaaaarsBBmmrvBBBBBBWf sal
BamaaaaarBBBBBBBBBBwa"JBBBBBlJBVaaaaaaam bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI
BafomaaaB'aaaVBaT 'aaal sbbbT anaananannnnnnnnVI1
bbm 3MjsBBaaBmr. , aj
saa TsV,'sT'"rJBi mUaT- btb
BBBjBas' w sBBpPaWaaawsTas7 arm
jr-isa JS3alpm.BBmmaT vwat
' i - . i
la -'placing yoaffuads in this hank
which is managed by men of expe
rience, whose buiiesB is to daily carry
out your wishes. s
, The officers, of this bank will he
pleased to advise, without charges,
persons desiring .services ' along this
ajnmmmajaysBa) 'nPwainjBj aaamBam
John Dawsoa came down to the coun
ty seat Saturday aad did the neeanmry
shopping 'besides transacting other
For'the first week
the aew year
the followiag
Micaael a Zaerhea,
Schmitz, Pauliaa Draif arat, St. Baraard;
Frank AlHafsrland, May A. Siaxm,
Swift Co.
-added another ia
with their Celnm-
bne plant. They
have iaatalled the
maaiagof egg
fillers which wUl
twelve girls three
give employmeat to
months oat of the year. Manager
Rowley has had this 'change in mind
for some time aad at last saeoiMded ia
lew PsnteaUe las lent.
Box rent rates have beea fixed hereto
fore upon no estsblishsd beam, with the
result that at certaia large post oflees
rates i are 'lever' than at many small
offices; that taa oharga for email bases
is ia many eases higher than that which nmde. for large boxes; that
rents are sometisMS collected at the
saaae rate for boxes of all sizes; aad that
at post offloeu of like elass, ia the same
vicinity, equipped with similar boxes,
rente are collected at widely different
rates. In order to mmedy these condi
tions aad to provide a definite and satis
factory rule for the collectioa of box
rents tbe4 following schedule, based upon
the kind and capacity of boxes, and the
gross receipts at post offices, has been
adopted and will be strictly adhered to
by the-Department in the establishment
of all box rent rates, from and after Jan
nary 1, 1907: . .
Under this order box rents in Colum
bus will be sixty cents aad 91 for three
months. This is quite a .raise and hss
oreated a good deal of dissatisfaction,
but the postmaster is not to blame for it,
exoept that! perhaps herotofore he baa
not charged enough for box teats. The
highest prises for box rente, are charged
in Chicago and Nsw York city, where
large boxes rest for Pfi per year.
BsCsieiai Waara yam "Spit."
The mayor last week eaaeed -to be
sooted ia ooaapicaoas pleess abeat town,
notices coataiaiag a" receat aew ordi
nance passed by the honorable body.
Every citizen in town should warmly
approve this aew city law, as it is ia
direct liae with more pureneas and cleaa
Hasse for our towa. We give below the
ordissnss as a nutter of bows aad that
everybody may know of ita existence:
Section 1. It shall, hereafter be un
lawful for aay person to expectorate.
spit or throw saliva, or tobacco substan
ces, or cigar stumps, or- riada, parings,
waste paper or ether effeasiva matter or
dsBgeroas substances on any sMewalk.
public wslk or etaanag. school .house or
other publie building or buildings, winch
are resorted to or open to the publie, or
on the steps ia or leadiag to such build
ing or buildings; or in the public parka
.Sectien 3. Fine aot lam than $3 or
Hockenberger to
' Chambers
Wbeaever deairiag iavsstmeat
2 ia real-estete, either farm' Isads
' or town lota, it will be to year
m .interest to sonaaltear bats. We m
also have asvezal good dwelliaga S
forrentiaColumhaa. aad it will
pay yon to come sad see as before
completing y oar
r , , ,
Money to Ioan.ia aay
abort aeties.
Fire, Toiaede sad,
tttWlttll4 '
5 .vmmmpmiHiis
m .
t - -- Becber, S
t- HoxsksxAbergmT U
t CaUhmbenL J
Sw . Bh
- j.
fc jp Jt
J -
itH.- jz&jJxA j-4
-Jfc-. SjinJS . .
H y-- ".
-J-- i'Z-J &$. &
j&ifzx&kfa.' -jtf&i&AH&rt .
- - u.S&- tzr JS "Vf-i"
is "S -
-.TTr .-r - ""- x- ng.JY-iH r?X&xz . &l. htmSj'
. . jp jp ww m m