The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 02, 1907, Image 7

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KWwy-WH Nit
Hat Formed.
. .Capt. S. I Crete, AiJL W. Watts
Camp, U. C Vv Roaaoke, Va says: j
"I suffered a long.
Ions timewitatay
hack, aad felt
draggy aad list
less and tired all
the time. I lost
from my asnal
weight, 225. to
176. Urinary pas
sages were too
frequent and I
nave had to get
up often at night.
I had headaches
aad dizzy spells also, but my worst
suffering was from renal colic After
I began using Doan's Kidney Pills 1
passed a gravel stone as big as a
bean. Since then I have never had
an attack of gravel, and have picked
up to my former health and weight. 1
am a well man. and 'give Doaa's Kid
ney Pills credit for it."
Sold by all dealers. SO cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo N. Y.
Will Get Thorough Trainlnf ea
American Beat.
The first Japanese youth to be ad
mitted to the crew of the schoolship
St. Mary's Is Katzern Artyoshi. Art
yoshi. who Is 17 years old. has been
la the revenue cutter service on the
Pacific for the last three years.
As it is necessary for all foreigners
who wish to become members of the
schoolship's crew to have a guardian,
Art3'osbi was forced to get one before
be could be admitted to the crew. He
succeeded in getting Capt. Osborn to
act in that capacity. Capt. Osbora
will coach the boy along and help him
over the hard points in his lessons.
Artyoshi has not made up his mind
yet whether he will remain in thie
country or go home to Japan after he
has been graduated from the school
ship. A term oa the schoolship fits
a boy for service in the merchant ma
rine. Artyoshi says he likes the
United States and may stay here, bat
If Japan ever goes to war he will re
tarn home quickly as possible to take
partia it.
Hands Cracked and Bleeding Nail
Came Off of Finger Cuticura Rem
edies Brought Prompt Relief.
MI had eczema oa my hands for
about eleven years. The hands crack'
ed open in many places and bled. One
of my fingers was so bad that the
aail came off. I had often heard of
cures by the Cuticura Remedies, but
had no confidence in them as I had
tried so many remedies, and they all
had failed to cure me. I had seea
three doctors, but got no relief. Final
ly my husband said that we would
try the Cuticura Remedies, so we got
a. cake of Cuticura Soap, a box of
Cuticura Ointment, and two bottles
of Cuticura Resolvent Pills. Of course
I keep Cuticura Soap all the time for
my hands, but the one cake of Soap
and half a box of Cuticura Ointment
cured them. It is surely a blessiag
for me to have my hands well, and I
am very proud of having tried Cuti
cura Remedies, and recommend them
to all suffering with eczema. Mrs.
Eliza A. Wiley. IL F. D. No. 2, Lis
cmnb. Iowa. Or tkk."
Rothschilds Never Presecuta,
While the Bank of England makes
It a point never under aay circum
stances to relinquish the prosecution
of those who have defrauded it in the
slightest degree, being willing. If need
be. to spend thousands of pounds to
capture and prosecute people who
have robbed it of even a few shillings.
the Rothschilds make it a rale never
to appeal to the courts or to the police
In such matters. Of coarse, they are.
like every other banker, occasionally
the victims of dishonesty, bat neither
the police nor the public ever hear
about the matter. This has always
been a principle of the heads of the
house, who take the ground that It is
better to bear the loss ia silence than
to disturb popular confidence la the
safety of the concern by allowiag It
to be seen that its treasures are act
adequately safeguarded.
Horses Still in Demand.
Happily the horse has a faculty for
upsetting the gloomr predictions that
he Is fated to be put out of business
by the automobile. The horse business
has kept right on developing ia spite
of the fact that the automobile indus
try has been engaged in similar un
dertaking. The demand for horses ia
still great. The supply of souse
classes of them is Inadequate. The
prices are high. The automobile mar
acare the horse into the ditch, hut
It Isnt likely to crowd him to the wall.
There will always be a field for the
horse, as there will always .he a Held
tor the automobile. Hartford Times.
Guarantee On Their Produeta.
We warrant and guarantee that
nil packages of Postum Cereal, Grape
Nuts and Elijah's Manna hereafter sold
by any jobber or retailer, comply with
the provisions of the National Pure
Fooi Law. and are not and shall not
be adulterated or mis-branded within
the meaning of said Act or Congress
approved June 30, 1906. and entitled.
-An act for preventing the manufac
ture, sale or transportation of adul
terated or mis-branded or poisonous cr
deleterious foods, drugs, medicines,
liquors, and for regulating traffic there
in for other purposes."
Postum Ckkeax Co., Ltd.
C. W. Post, Chairman,
Battle Creek. Mich.
Dec 12. 1906.
Subscribed and sworn to before met
this 15th day of December, 1906.
Benjamin F. Retd,
Notary Public.
My commission expires July 1. 1907.
Our goods are pure, they always
have been and always' win be, they are
Bot mis-branded. We have always
EhyT the beginning of our busiaeav
printed a truthful statement on the
packages of the ingredients contained
therein aad we staad back every
l5sil S l
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. it
- ;H
wi . . r ' -j.
When It came to the point of ac
tually carryrag out his intentions ' p
that wonderful May afternoon. Mr. J.
Spencer Parker seemed to accomplish
no more than a hunting dog chasing
a rabbit ia the tall rye, continually
Jumping up and' down and never get
ting anywhere. A dozen times he
walked resolutely toward the brass
door-knob of 1316. and as many times
he concluded to sauhter languidly
past, as If he had no other reason
for appearing In that neighborhood
thaa simply to sun himself. -But
finally he summond up courage enough
to pull the bell-knob, and an imitation
cow-ban tinkled in-the back ot the
house '" " "
"J. Spencer Parker, upon my word!
exclaimed the middle-aged woman
who came to the door. "And pray
what brings you here today?"
She spoke in a sweet, musical tone.
la pleasing harmony with the diffi
dent demeanor of her guest, whose
every motion was quiet and respect-,
able, and whose voice sounded strange
ly like hera. as he replied: "Just vis
aing.' ma'aral ' I -wished to pay you
my regards. Mrs. Simpson, and to con
gratulate you upon Mr. Watkins. who
la coming to board with you."
"Congratulate me!" cried Mrs.
Simpson. "Why, I am Indeed delight
ed to hear that Do you know. 1
have never seen him yet?"
"Yea?" The look in Mr. Parker'a
eyes was far away aa he replied, and
his body bent forward attentively, "I
have known Mr. Watkins Jeremiah
Watkins, ma'am from a boy. 1 am
glad he is come to such a home aa
"Indeed, yon please me. Mr. Parker."
returned Mrs.' Simpson. "I shall .be
specially happy to tell our boarders
what sort of persoa they may ex
pect." Mr. Parker gave a sudden start, hut
aarefally recovered himself. "Ah." he
aid. "that's what I came to toil you
"Tea, Mr.
Again the courteous speaker leaned
trd aa lie spoke, struggling awk
wardly far the next word "but I waat
yoa to knew that be is a gentle-
"Ah!" returned Mrs. Simpson, with
iataitioB. "Then he te perhaps
"Not exactly." replied Mr. Parker,
thoughtfully aad sweetly, "but he
looks, let bm aay. he looks rougher
titan he is."
"But he is"
"Yes." said Mr. Parker. "He la a
Halt aa how later the door closed
softly, and J. Spencer Parker came
down the front -steps of 1316. at first
smiling, and then sadly, walking with
slow, unsteady step. As he passed
by the little corner grocery store, he
paused and smote himself pathetically
n the breast.
"Liar!" he said, groaning. "Liar!
And yet It had to he done. God
forgive use!"
Anyone who had happened to see
Mr. Parker's friend. Mr. Jeremy Wat
kins, on the next day. when he came
with his trunks to 1316. might have
been excused for cherishing the sus
picion that he was not exactly a Beau
Brummel or a Lord Chesterfield. He
cursed the baggage man for letting
his trunk fall roughly to the ground,
and quarreled with him ever his fee:
and. to further give veat to hfc feel
ings, he strode to the door aad gave
hen, knob a vicious Jerk. There
aot'a look on his face or a ges
of his body that did not reveal
him a coarse, ill-mannered young maa.
pfvperly of the stable, rather than
the house. His square, rough face,
with its loose mouth and broad nose,
his burly shoulders and big hands,
aad hie clothing, inviolate with re-'
peet to any previous contact with the
whisk broom, bespoke a vulgarity of
persoa that he did not attempt to con
ceal. It seemed almost impossible
that he should be a friend or acquaint
ance of each a persoa as J. Spencer
Mrs. Simpson, radiant, sweet and
fresh, appeared at the door, and gazed
at hint for a moment. Then, seeing
his trunks, she extended her hand
savd said:
"Mr. Watkins. I suppose?"
"Tea." J. Watkins was on the point
of sekiag her who In h 1 she thought
ha was. with two trunks right there
before her eyes; but something in her
htdylike manner evidently different
what he had been accustomed to.
1 am so glad to see you." she
oa. o giaa to avow tnat we
are to have yon here. We are almost
Ike a family here, aad so you can
Imagine how much I waa pleased to
keara that our new lodger was a cul
tivated gentleman."
Watkins -Bushed angrily, supposing
that she was making sport of him.
but one glance at her frank, ingenuous
face convinced him of her sincerity.
"Some one must have been here "
he stammered, uncomfortably, "telling
you about me."
"Yes," replied Mrs. Simpson. "Mr.
Parker was here y :terday. He thinks
highly of you."
Again the surging suspicion that
Mrs. Simpson was mocking him and
again the sweet and straightforward
look from her.
"I have known him a number of
years, ma'am." replied Watkins. ia a
subdued voice. e
"So he said." returned Mrs. Simp-
and it is indeed delightful that
who know one well can speak
so weR of him. But come--your
trunks must be taken care ot I will
an oar man."
I The man came a wizened man.
whose face was wrinkled into a con
stant smile; he bustled about,
assisting Catkins with the trunks, he
talked pleasantly and respectfully.
Ton wfn be pleased here, sir," he
said, aa they stopped, panting, at the
top of the stairs. "If I do say It
myself, there are no more-gentleman-.
;ly r lady-Ilka peonte la tha world.
i tha at Kit,"
'?.'.? .. vfc-j.-.- -
i'-'. ?"--.
Watkins. who had been Just oa the
point of cursing the man roundly for
dropping tha trunk on his foot at th
top 'landing., contented, himself with
blaspheming inwardly instead;
At dinner there was a general hush
when he entered the room, aad ha
was introduced to the lodgers, one by
one. A sweet looking girl sat aext
him. who sald:
"It will be so delightful to have you
here, Mr. Watkins. Mr. Parker, who
called here yesterday, tells oa that
you spent two summers in Europe."
Memories of rough debauchee In
London and Paris and feverish gam
bling at Monte Carlo came flooding
to his 'brain. His only subjects of
conversation, in' regard to European
travel, heretofore, had been coarse
ones. But now, coloring, ha epoka
Mr. Watkins.
ot Notre Dame and the Louvre: of St.
Paul's and Windsor. The unaccount
able influence of this slight creature
beside him. brought to his memory
scenes of beauty and laterest that he
had looked on only In passing, , aad
had long forgotten. He talked with
out roughness, and even found hiss
self thanking the waitress for things
she passed hiss. -He felt pleasantly
lie walked that erenlag with two
of his fellow lodgers, for a little exer
cise before retiring. One of them,
was the young lady whom be had eat
next to at dinner. The 'other was a'
young lawyer who occupied' the room
ext to Ms fat the hall.' Their 'talk
was wholesome and happy. They
asked hiss about his home aad his
business, sot as curiosity seekers or.
Idlers, hut as people sincerely inter
ested in him. They- never, talked of
themselves: but answered his ques
tions frankly.
When he returned to his room there
was "a flower on his bureau. -The gas
was burning low. The windows were
slightly opened, aad the fresh, pure
air surrounded him. He found a pitch
er of cool water at hand, and a glass
stood near it. Presently. Mrs. Simp
son knocked at his door. "It occurred
to me." she said, sweetly, "that yoa
might not yet have unpacked row
Watkins looked apprehensively at
the cheap, trashy literature that
adorned bis shelves. "K ao," he
said slowly. "I haven't."
"If you would like to use aay of oar
books. Just go down iato the Kbrarj
and help yourself. You need not
bother to return them to their places,
if yoa get Interested. Jast leave them
here, la your room."
Upon the foOowiag Saaday eae ol
the neighbors met Mr. Watkiaa la
front of 1316.
"I suppose this to Mr. Watkins." he
said, cordially offeriag his hand, "I
am indeed glad to iseet you. for I
have heard of you from your Meads
Come up to-morrow to 1324.. three
doors up, and have dinner. We shall
be glad to add another gentleman to
our list of acquaintances."
And so time passed, until one
bright day, three months later, there
came again to 1316 Mr. J. Spencer
Parker. He pulled the door knob
with some trepidation, and heard
gain the faint tkiIe of the Imita
tion cowbell in thp rear. He talked
again to the mlddlaged, delightfully
beautiful woman wiio answered hid
call. He left agal 1b about half an
hour. But this ti&e, as he passed
the little grocery aaore oa the corner,
he was seen to sit? himself enthusias
tlcally oa the letf aad to smile ra
Missouri Statesman Waa
at Cabinet' Dinner.
Ex-Senator Cockrcll probably is the
only man in Washington who ever
kept President Roosevelt waiting at a
dinner. It was- one of the cabinet
dinners that were given by the sec
retary of the interior and Mrs. Hitch
cock three years ago. The president
and Mrs. Roosevelt arrived in due
time, as did all the other guests ex
cept Senator CockrelL
After a delay of almost an hour
Mrs. Hitchcock invited her guests to
the dining-room and dispatched a
messenger to the residence of Sena
tor Cockrell to make inquiries. Great
fear was felt that the Missourian had
started and had fallen by 'the way, as
the day was a cold and wintry one.
The fact was, however, that the sen
ator was sitting quietly at home when
the messenger got there, clad In hit
dressing gown and slippers and con
gratulaticg himself' that he could be
indoors. He had put the date of th
dinner in his calendar in large and
attractive handwriting, but had for
gotten to. turn a leaf- and was, ac
cordingly, a day behind time. No one
appreciated the Joke more thaa did
the president, and the dinner that 'be
gat In anxiety and appreheaaioa end
ed la a big laugh at the dear oM
i ttor. Deuver Timea. -.
' t
vt - ."-
- -Weliimirasl:10C V
Tha progress of a new country caa-
; not ba better ascertaiaed thaa by aot-
lag tha increase of railroad mileage in
its transportation system; and. Judged
by thls'standard, the Canadian West
leads aH tha countries in th world:
dw' the currant year. Thirty, years
ago aere was aot one hundred miles
of raOroad west of the Great Lakes,
aad very little prospect of a trans
continental route for. many years to
come,' but by the end ot 185 the
Canadian Pacific Railway was within
measurable distance of completion.
aad last year twenty years later
over 6,000 miles of railroad traversed
tha nrovinces of Manitoba, Sas-
! katchewan and 'Alberta.
In the past year the work of rail
road construction has been vigorously
prosecuted, and by the end of 1906.
some 5,000 miles of completed railroad
has been added, making a total of
fully 11,000 miles in the three great
grain producing provinces of Canada.
Such an increase in the transportation
facilities of the country is bound to
make good times not only ia -the dis
tricts where the railroads are being
built, but throughout the entire west.
AUowing $20,000 a mUe for construc
tion, the sum of $100,000,000 win be
put In circulation, and this ia itself
should cause good times to prevail in
a land where work is plentiful, wagea
are high, aad the cost of living ia mod
erate. Bat the building of new railroads
through Western Canada meant a
greater benefit to the country than
merelv the money put ia circulation
by the cost ot construction. Addition
al railway bailding means the opening
of new agricultural districts and an
additional area under crops; a largely
increased output of grain to foreign
markets with consequent financial re
turns; the erection of elevators and
the growth of villages, towns and cit
ies; and everything else that makes
for the progress of national life, and
the opening up of additional thousands
of free homesteads, so extensively ad
vertised by the Canadian government
agent, whose address appeara else
where. It was stated on the floor of the
Canadian Parliament recently by a
prominent representative that ten
years from' now would see the bulk of
the Donulatioa of Canada residing
west of the Great 'Lakes, aad if the
work of railway building daring the
present year is any criterion, the
prophecy made by the Canadian states
man may he easily fulfilled inside of
the time stated. During the present
year no less than 189,064 persons have
found homes in the Canadian west,
of whom 57,796 were Americans who
have' seea the great possibilities of
this new-West, and have decided to
cast In their lot with It. Certainly,
our neighbor north of the 49th paranel
Is making a great record, and deserves
the success that appears to be coming
its way.
- Monarchs aa Lingvlsta.
Monarchs must know more thaa one
language. King Edward, who trav
eled se much, speaks French better
than some Frenchmen, and also Ger
man. The czar of Russia speaks
French as well as his native tongue
and knows the numerous dialects.
Emperor William of Germany speaks
French and English correctly, and is
also weU versed in Latin. The king
of Spain, the youngest of all, speaks
German with ease and also French
and English. Because of his marriage
he now practices the latter. The king
of Portugal speaks French. .English,
German and Spanish. The king of
Italy is a master of French aad Ger
man and ia also well versed ia the va
rious Italiaa dialects.
No Advance in Wisdom.
Mark Twain tells how fow years
ago he was invited by the University
of Missouri to go out there and receive
the degree of LL. D. At the same time
he visited Hannibal, his boyhood
home. Just as he was about to leave.
being accompanied to the station by a
crowd of citizens, Tom Nash, a school
feflow, came up white headed, but
stin a boy. He shook hands with his
friend of many a year and nodding
toward the crowd said: "People of
this town are the same blamed fools
they always were, ain't they, Sam?"
Somewhat Embarrassing Gift.
Dr. W. G. Grace, the famous English
cricketer, 'has been the recipient of
many gifts from lovers o'f cricket as
tangible proofs of their admiration of
his prowess. Some of them have been
remarkable in character, but perhaps
the most embarrassing gift he ever
received was one of three young pigs
which a Worcestershire farmer sent
to him In recognition of a great bat
ting feat which he had witaessed.
Nervoua Woman Stopped Coffee and
Quit Other Things.
No better practical proof that coffee
Is a drug can he required than tonote
how. the nerves become unstrung in
women who habitually drink it
The stomach, too', rebels at being
continually drugged with coffee and
tea they both contain the drug
caffeine. Ask your doctor.
An la. woman tells the old story
thus: t
"I had used-coffee for six years and
was troubled with headaches, nervous
ness and dizziness. In the morning
upon rising I used to belch up a sour
fluid regularly.
"Often I got so nervous and miser
able I would cry without the least" rea
son, and I noticed my eyesight waa
getting poor.
"After using Postum a while, I ob
served the headaches left me and soon
the belching of sour fluid stopped (wa
ter brash- from dyspepsia). I feel de
cidedly different now, and I am con
vinced that it is because I stopped
coffee and began to use Postum. lean,
see better now, my eyes are stronger.
"A friend of mine did not liko.
Postum but when I told her to make it
like it said on' the package, she lilted
It all right" Name given by Postum
Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Always boil
Postum weU and it win surprise you.
Read the nttle book. "The Road to
id tor
Wellvnie" ia pkgs. There's a
eomTwoM Lector; Platform.- x
Tinaua- probably earns
every- year- eatae lecture
platform thaa aay otter American
who talks to the public for pay. ,-Froat
a authoritative source the statement
comes that the South, Carolinian's net
proceeds that far this year from his
lecture tow are $25,6M. ' Senator Till
man. is paid from jz5t to SM a lec
ture aad.he is coastaatly ia demand.
His season is not counted to the sum
mery, Caautaueua course aad he fills
aearly at-away dates ia tha winter
as at aay other time of the year: la
the last fow years it la said that he
has laid aside over $C9,ftf from his
lecture receipts. Henry Watterson
perhaps comet aext la the matter of
earnings oa the platform. Champ
Clark, of Missouri, ranks high as a
popular favorite aad makes about
twice as much at a lecturer at alt coa-
eresstonal salary.
Keep Your Blood Pure.
No one can be happy, light-hearted
and healthy with a body full of blood
that cannot do Its duty to every part
because of ltt Impurity; therefore, the
first and mostmportant work in hand
Is to purify the blood so that every
organ will get the full benefit of a
healthy circulation. There Is no rem
edy so good as that old family rem
edy, Brandreth's Pills. Each piU con
tains one grain of the solid extract or
sarsaparilla blended with two grains
of a combination of pure and mild
vegetable products, making It a blood
purifier unexcelled in character. One
or two x taken every night for awhile
f will produce surprising results.
Brandreth's Pills have been ia use
for over a century, and .are for sale
everywhere, plain orsugar-cohted.
Chinese Superior to Jape.
Discussing the little rumpus with
Japan, Senator William A. Clark ex
presses the opinion the Chinese la
this country are superior to the Jap
anese. "1 have loaned thousands of
dollars to Chinamen," said the sena
tor, "and aever have I known one to
fan to meet his obligations." He em
phasized his opinion as to the superior
ity of the Chinamen by calling atten
tion to the fact that the Japanese ia
their hanking institutions employ
Chinamen in positions of trust in
preference to their own countrymen.
Water on a Battleship.
As many aa 8,00a gallons of fresh
water are used la a large battleship
daily. About twe-thlrda of this la.
taken, up by the boilers, and the re
mainder is used for drinking, washing;
cooking, etc When the store which
she has taken eat with her from port
has been used up. a vessel has to de
pend upon her condensers for further
supplies. Every modern warship is
fitted with evaporating machinery te
distil the salt eea-vator.
Sheer white goods, in fact, any flne
wash goods when new, owe much of
their attractiveness to the way they
are laundered, this being done in a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty. Home laundering would be equal
ly satisfactory if proper attention wat
given to starching,' the first essential
being good Starch, which has sufficient
strength to stiffen, without thickening
the goods. Try Defiance Starch and
you will be pleasantly surprised at the
Improved appearance of your work.
Insist en insularity.
The people of Cornwall's coast ob
ject to the Great Western Railway
company applying foreign names to
their climate and scenery. One adver
tisement called a certain locality the
"English Riviera," and a Cornishman
at a meeting of protest the other
night said Cornwall had "nothing to
gain by being called after something
in the south of Fraace or a dirty lit
tle Italiaa to
$100 Rsward, $100.
The traders of thU smper will te pleassd ta lean
that tbera 1 j at leat oris dreaded dfceiM that aclence
baa bee able to core la all lu te. aad tbat U
Uatarrfc. HmlTa Catarrh Can la the ooiy pasture
care uaw kaora to taa medical f laterally. Catarrh
eelac s euaUtaUjaal dlitaae. require, a coattltu
UjaaJ treataMK. Hair CMarrk Cure 1 takea la
teraallr, actla directly pj the blood aad inncon
surface of toe yatea. i&ereby destroying the
foaadstloa ef (he disease, aad glrta the pstleat
suesgth by boUdlac ap the eoauttattoa aad aaslst
Imrnitnra la dotan lu wjrtc Tha DruDrietors hare
to ranch faith la Icacarattre powers that they oter
One Hundred Dollars tor any ease toat it xaue t
cure. Bead for llu of teatlmoolala.
Address P. J. CHESEV a CO.. Toledo. O.
Sold by all Drozztst. 75c
Tsio Han's Family PUli for coastlpaUoa.
Known aa Memory Bells.
Memory bells are toys given by the
Japanese youths to their sweethearts.
They are constructed of slips of glass
so delicately poised that .the leaat vi
bration sets them jingling. The deli
cate tinkling serves to remind their
owner of the giver; hence the pretty,
fanciful name.
important to Mothera.
carefany every bottle of CASTOrttA.
safe and rare icaway for infanta aad children,
aa aw that it
Been the
fit Vat For Over 3t Yean.
Xfac Baal Toa Bate aiuss
Taking Precautions.
When Speaker Cannon was swear
ing fat tome new members Congress
man J. Adam Bede remarked: "Uncle
Joe makes 'em hold up their right
hands when taking the oath to see
that they haven't anything but their
undershirts up their sleeves."
By following the1 'directions, which
are plainly printed on each package of
Defiance Starch, Men's Collars and
Cuffs can be made just as stiff as de
sired, with either gloss or domestic
finish. Try it, 16 oa. for 10c, sold by
ail good grocers.
Country youths sow wheat and raise
corn, but some of their city cousins
tow wild oatt and raise Cain.
Top Prices for Hides, Furs, Pelts.
Write fof circular No. N. W. Hide &
Fur Co., Minneapolis. Minnesota.
"Fear ef the future is worse than
one's present lot Quintilian.
TahO XJLXAT1VB nitOlIO Onlaine Tablets. Dma
ss rviaaa mtmmr ir it xaiia 10
JBOVaTU senators la on each box.
xalia co one.
K. W
- Nothing is more annoying thaa a
tardy friend. Plautus.
Sawkers appreciate the quality value of
r LeWnJactorvPeom ID
ear k factory, ireona, xu.
rtOCBing. IB more euUeiaaam taaa
-!-. Ammm ,
" wwvsa. .
Herfaetrr HHBae
dyeinc with PUTNAM
DYES. 10c, per
' Maay a widow heart' tea
warmed over BT
ij .. -. k Ji
Villains lavarlably get what ia
lag to theat-a the stage.- ,
' rnwcfiimntitiilt'
aso oucrxKtt4mmm
MtMM. !, BtoWNMI ?
Ik) M J . mMm.;Pfc j
They are countless
sites to the grave. Clear.
Garfield Tea is made of herts-e great
pmat ia its favor! Take it, far constroe-
Use, iadigesuaa ana uvsr
ita get as tired of belag mar
ried at some women do of aot betas.
Lewis' Single Binder the famous
straight 5e cigar, always best quality.
Yow dealer or lejos' Factory, Peera, Bl.
Lecturer en Hysteria.
Marie Pierre Feliux Janet, profes
sor of experimental psychology, in the
University of Paris, who la now tra
veling and lecturing ia the United'
States, figures la the public mind aa
a hypnotist As a matter of fact thie
is only incidentally, but he It trying
to demonstrate that the victim of hys
teria it at the same time two differeat'
The Language ef Commerce.
Great Britala aad her colonies tad
the United States represent together
the fabuluoua total of 111.
English-speaking persons,
whieh leave all competitors hope!
lly4mHhe rear. Germany aad Kussta
P occupy second place with 75.000.tot
apiece, tad Fraace. Spam. Italy and
Portugal follow, with Sl.ute.fOt, 43.
000.000, 33,06e.tt0 and 13,000.000 re
spectively, according to The Atlas ef
the World's Commerce.
of thUi
atrincto bnynny
UuaaadtitiBadm te cakarms should insist upon havtac
what they ask for. rtfashw. all
fagl rumt ravi wm &wg
W. N. U OMAHA. WO. 1, 1107. ,WJUIX' ammjL ' tmmfm
Bauumanakaw bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW
. a
.dnafaaBBBBBBBBBBBBsF anaaaaaBBV
jYoa save money .
m and avoid failures in yourk
r baking if you use L
laVBstavH dBBBr
I fVGfl Here is, true economy. You cannot 'r
feowcSU he smepery time orhaeyout
sEifcafag food dainty, tasty and whole K
ngibn some if you pay less or T
asRKfsVdaTav accept a substitute. K
pWEShJfl-- jdsnanaW
r BsBBBBwsnnBBw '
m i MM
Jcl jBaViriai
I w. M BsTVlfi"ae'aBBBBBaBaaBul
lit. BaaanaMaawa m i JVt 1 VABbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"
1 ' ')
the nmo pries per package, but they contain only xa ounces of starch.
Consult your own interests. Ask for DEFIANCE STARCH, get it, aad we
know you will never use any other.
Dtfiatee Smrth Gmnm, Ortata, Ntfc.
1,000.00 REWARD! SHrJSiSSSSi
B n M BK.
in thetttiur COAT COwHTaV IW tOUTH TEXa,.Qar Faryers jnafcjara atate ef fram
ia.m(atmiBrtt!R.uiltniriknacrontTcir. SwFFlCf KMT aAlfaVatX. . nfanSRBvB
TIVK80K. AtrreaiAB) WKIXa. ttCALTHFULCUfAATg. - " - iiiljj.;j
use mine ran nanoie. urn kio nun
PsYBirf mtK meiAiuKft mm mieat
j raXUBBiAS ummcbatioh oairajir. aajiaa irraiOL-
-,.k m J auBeaaaauBm afa sbbbbbTbV bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi
bumt Deflect fcv srmwataaWv salBT7aurBlBamatusBBr.
- TADLESS SflJaWaaWt ssslKaussssssssBBlBussBC
.,-.. . gfJjy'lB! Srlg ,-..?-
"t aarVflBm HrBUBLBBBBrflmP "BasawV VarPJ7aarr
Bast.. IbbwJ1IU1U tWtamasmmump
bubbbbbbbbu' . ijpaatfllmwaBs,ofefltflfluyBt'
iaias;Bjiap BWaallTIlm tsmtaaaatmusauassy
-aa ". ' ImWaliSSaBfi makm. 'Auamuamaa
MwatTpawskMUa. I ptu. mM Ffjai ' y?t-- -?-
cIkJbbF - l jy-
rsV Jill i una. J
LalmBa daaV M ft
at wave BSaTTV TO OSB
rjPTT. dust. 5wuna yw
at) auuts trove ruusm
CaBadian Got eni-tcit
the peat Jew yenra
i wheat Iron the harvest of 19M narMnanad
MemeytothefarnseraefWealern CaantaAee
thewerldhnstohefrd. CMtte BanunfL Bm
lar and Mixed FanaJn nie nam acoatable eatV
inn. Coal, wood and water ia aljinilaarsj
rhHichea aad schools
of access.- Taaea low. "
For advice aad laforaattaaa address the
tmt.m,m imntieraUoa. Ottawa.
aay aatherised Canadian Goveraateat
V. . aOrBTlT, Ml Warn la us
oallnta far foar yeai
chataeu ana eoaad
-i" -.- - .
I a aaapp
Maas Msartaniuca Mr
M ana a asonw.
meraautha. y
aarneatara. shtpSttara. Siaajia. inwaai
oeofcs air tr SI aaaj jsara. enlisted
iTsiesial rauns wi tn saltaTlaaay7l jaiasj
uataatiata M te- Si yearn. BeUisaasntea)
three-fearta nay ana
yiraTilethiaaontst fine as
dlneheran travel aiiesranaa e a
as aula an
Bubs fear atoatsa' nan
la nay anoa re- ulsimeatwitasa
fear sseathaerataraa ran. .onNsaiusvaa
aBfrastses.lehraaa. jMne..aarinwiniav
at Dre aswnf " iwiiwg. "2J- tS
ATI BELBUlllriu siaiarn.r.w.
Nothing pleases the eya se ranch
at a well made, dainty
if properly laundered.
To get the best result)
it is necessary te use
the best lauadry
gives that finish to the
clothes that all ladies
I desire and should ob
tain. It is the delight
I of the experienced
laundress. Once tried
they will use noother. It is pure aad
is guaranteed not to injure the aaoat
delicate fabric. It is sold by the
begrecers at ioc a package. Each
package contains 16 ounces. Other
starches, not nearly so good, sell at
.K .BBBk. . . - .
i aEBsaT. t
the awateat farming li
Om atXtnt AiKmat
tied ta Canada ImlfJ
nisawBwaa inr
anmes. jspaaMsiMsiM wm
iJiS1 s-eonm BLiu.oaeasyseraas. wauxa.-
wm naaa-. mrmtmmm vm
3.i. &L.. j
Stv "." Afsfi
-X?r 5, -f
- i?l
Bii"-r: j r
!j.t-.-f-- -
. "
VSSiM,T.Tt-!.i,a3ift..JcA.. I
l-l Atf:&ZiJit.Mrh . Jw".vKg j&Al?uj?W3rk?3ft zw .
. j51
w .. . J--.- .'-. ?.' , .. . W'
,f - .,- v- -
irfy-f , . ,-Vt;&s iaH -t.i A,
t -. .?i-