The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 02, 1907, Image 6

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Aug. 21 Uprising of
Insurgents In west
ern Cuba.
23 R evolatto n
spreads and gov
ernment decides to
raise M.098 men to
fight rebels; 7.600
insurgents under
arms In Pinar del
Rio province.
24-Heavy fighting
In Pinar del Rio
' province.
K Band -of MO tn-
'.surgents loot Las
Lajas. Santa Clara
23 Government of
fers amnesty and
many leaders in
Provinces of Ma-
tanzas and Santa
Clara surrender.
Uolnes sails for
Secretary Taft.
tt Cruiser Dee
Sailors land from Cruiser Denver at
Havana but Immediately ordered to re
tarn to vessel; guard ror American lega-
.tlea left.
ft President decides to send Sec of War
T.-'t and Assist. Sec. of State Bacon to
Cat investigate conditions and lend
. influence to restore peace Extra aes-
atea of Cuban congress grants Pre,
nlma fullest power to carry on war
gainst Insurgents.
IK Falma erdrs suspension of hostilities.
V Taft and Bacon arrive at Havana and
begin efforts for peace.
as Indications are that American lnter-
itktt will be necessary to restore
g American Intervention occurs; Sec
Taft Issues proclamation creating him
self provisional military governor; ma
rines landed la Havana to protect treas
rr....I,akaa resigns presidency.
Oct. 5 American troops quietly 'landed at
-Chas. K. lfageen. newly appointed pro
yWeoal governor of Cuba, arrived at
Havana - .Gov. Taft Issues general am
nesty decree.
W-Secretary of War Taft. Assistant Sec
retary ef State Bacon, Gen. Funston
ad party arrive in Washington from
-Arms or Cubaa Insurgents thrown Into
sea from Iforro Castle.
O Moot Pelee in violent eruntion.-.
Bartbquake shocks create panic
throughout West Indies.
hpr. 18 Earthquake and ensuing fire
rates heart ef 8an Francisco; property
dUsaage placed at $290,000,000; 60.009 peo-
Baomeless; ltt.660 buildings In ruins;
m persons Injured; loss of life; dam-
eHenus along tne enure Pacific
appropriates H.0M.0W for suf-
-Last ef Frisco Ores eztlnruished: con
gress provides SUee.tee more for relief
f Quake victims.
m Presideat shins authority ef relief
wark to San Francisco citizens, with
Red Cross as auxiliary.
gt War department sends tsm troops to
Saa Francisco.
t First street eats run across city,
y President recommends approprla
tiea C additional $500,090 for quake vic
tlsaa.... Vesuvius again showing conskl
araMe acUvtty.
9uL M Socerre. N. IL. badly damaged by
Jaag. 17 Disastravs earthquake visits Val
es, cam: rataiiues estimated at
property loss $230,000,009: several
towns In country In rulns:rall-
rsads all destroyed; town or Qulllota
with population of 10.W0 completely de
stroyed. lap. 9 San Juan. Porto Rico, experiences
aeries of earthquake shock.
1 ,
Jan. 3 Resolution
., Introduced 1 n to
New York legisla
ture asking U. S.
Senator Depew to
resign because of
insurance , expos
ure, t 7, '
7 Gov. "Hanly. In
diana, flies suit to
oust Sec. of State
Storms for dere
Hctior. of duty.
$ J. M. Patterson
' Inaugurated gov
ernor of Ohio
Iowa ccneral as-
. scmbly began.
"15 Wisconsin legis
lative inquiry be
g I n s insurance
16 Philippine free
Cong. Hepburn.
trade tanir mil
ftifirT national house of representatives.
& Indianapolis (Ind.) Judge decides that
. courts have no power to oust Sec. of
State Storms. '- - .
VM. 7 Venezuela requests t. S. to con
tort French consulate: Secretary Root
-Gov. Patterson. Ohio, signs 2-cent fare
aflL making it a law Pension appro-
atiattea bill carrying $I.000.090 passed.
f4 J. G. Brady. Alaska governor, resigns.
19 Sec of State Storms. Indiana, resigns.
...Illinois wins right to divert sewage
tnta Mississippi river, .in national su
preme court case.
9-Refermers win In Philadelphia alder
asanlc election.
9M Gang. Grosvenor ef Ohio defeated for
osnlnstiw - -
S3 President extends- civil service pro
visions to alt government laborers.
-.)! J. M. Patterson, cnicago eoiamis-
iBoc weras, Becomes aocuiiisi
Bl-Stata Ssaater -Green, New York.
final net guilty ef '.conspiracy to de
fraud government. ' ?
Asserlcaa forces wipe out entire Moro
bi la Island or Jolo battle, killing 600.
at Ifatlrmsl supreme court gives Chicago
ee ef Its. streets, taking rights from
cempanies a. w. uunert.
nasi representative. Indiana.
accepting Phllipolne Judgeship.
-Ex-State Auditor Sherrick. Indiana,
catlty ec emnezziement.
9L Francis, named as ambassador
Austria-Hungary, to succeed Bel-
leafy Sterer.
ff-Mayer Weaver. Fblladeipnia, forces
tractiaa coamaaies to give up franchises
wecth millions.
Labor heads appeal to president for
fca.lslillMO aid.. ..Chicago federal Judge
1 graata smatunity from punishment pleas
to H Indicted packers.
ffa-o. W. Perkins arrested for grand lar
ceay fer giving N. Y. Life cash to Re
publican campaign fund.
liar. 91 Okie general assembly adjourns
jApr. t Heeae passes national .quarantine
r MM.. ..David t- Rose. Democrat; defeat-
bt B. st. uecKer lor mayor ot aiii-
M....t:nicago goes on record as op-.
municipal operation of street Tail-
ways. -
a finis auereme court declares .new
arlssary election law unnineUtuUenaL'H
speech at Washington.
XT Wisconsin supreme court 'sustains
legality ef'law permitting women to
vote la school matters,
as ladUns supreme court declares Parks
aatl-dgarette law valid.
May 2 Gov. E. W. Hoch renominated by
Kansas Republicans.
a President sends message to congress
arraigning Standard Oil Co. aad officials
a recommending legislation,
U Oevernment wine ait brought to dte-
aohre paper trust at St. PauL
U Panete psawiil Hepburn railroad rate
Mil aw vote of Tx to 3.
court -nrcu aecisioa j sen-
Burton to -months Ira-
Vane9 OT t awJWBY
Mil carrying 7.att.UX. and carrying
inspection mil.
Reed Smoot net ea
tress Utah.
eoadltteaa at
amt to
...u. H.
asseted Jeetlee ef
El . "
. mBBawaW1 &
VAgr' j
emaetoeasamaaaaJr aubaa
BaeBwenawSBJrfc eaWSVl
. aV-y. r-F esratatom eeaater fresa lafsyerterfiaTMra, IL flffTJiyaaa
U. TC J ------- - ta - - -- anew. - -" " " May
. .. ,- - u - iat BBanmwvM. . a e ia wrasK. ii MatiaB Braaa
aareya-" . Gaaar Baaiia. Ia t ireaae? atrhi' Cstr astelt reeerriac rebates frees
ewsnsjssaa sa4B aaaasa sssvisary aa aea ss rz t m f 3f" " . m
aeatok eawwalas wane waesae; la river. fretgat breker.
IS House votes In favor of lock canal far
1 House adopts Beveridge amendment
bill to agricultural bill relating to meat
inspection.. ..H. H. D.-Pierce appelated
minister to Korway.
a Wisconsin supreme court sustains In
heritance tax Ian-.
29 General deficiency bill passed by con
gress....Pure food bill passed.... Con
gress adjourns.
Aug. 1 Iowa Republicans renominate A.
B. Cummins for governor at Des Moines.
16 Speaker Cannon renominated for con
gress at Danville. 111.
17-J. S. Harlan of Chicago appointed
member interstate commerce commis
sion. 1
Sep. 10-Cong. C. E. UtUefield. Republic
an, of Maine, reelected.
19 President extends eight-hour law to
apply to all public work.
2C Hearst nominated for governor by
' Chas. E. Hughes nominated for gov
ernor by New York Republicans at
Oct. 3 Senator Beveridge opens Republic
an campaign at Ue Homes. ia.
Nov 6 Election held throughout country:
Chas. E. Hughes defeats W. R. Hearst
ticket for governor of New York;
Democrats elect rest of state ticket....
Republicans elect governors. and ma
jority of state ticket In Iowa. Michigan,
Wisconsin. Kansas. Nebraska. New
Hampshire and Colorado; also elect
state tickets In Illinois. Ohio. Connec
ticut and Pennsylvania: Democrats win
in Minnesota. Massachusetts, Oklahoma'
ana tne south: Republican majority u
house cut down ...
CO John A. Mcllhenny appointed civil
service commissioner.
Dec 3 Final session of Fifty-ninth con
gress begins.
10 John W. Riddle, minister to Rou
manla and Servla. named to succeed
Ambassador Meyer at St. Petersburg. -
11 President sends special message to
congress urging full citizenship for Por
to Rlcans.
17 President in .special message praised
work being done on Panama canal and
flayed critics of enterprise Secretaries
Strauss. Bonaparte and Metcalf sworn
in as members of reorganized cabinet.
SO Congress adjourned over Christmas
holidays. '
Jan. 11 Sir Thomas
LIptoa plans race
against New York
Yacht club Cor
American cud..
12 Herrera knocks
out Young Cor-
sbett, in . fifth.;, at
Los Angeles'
lS-WUlle Hoppede-
teatea Mau rice
Vlgnaux for
world's lt-ln'ch
balk line billiard
championship a t
Paris.... Inter-collegiate
football put
under ban at Har
vard university.
IS "Kid" Gook
killed by blow on i
neart, in bout, in
Joe Gans.
sew York.
29 Demogeot at Or
monde Beach, Fla.. drives auto 2 miles
In 58 4-5 seconds, breaking world's rec-
Feb. 28 Frankie Neil knocks out Harry
Tenny at San Francisco; latter dies of
Mar. 14 Battling Nelson easily beats Mc-
Govern in 6 rounds at Philadelphia.
21 American bowling congress meets, at
Louisville, Ky.; .R. H. Bryson elected
27 Hoppe defeats Slosson for world's balk
Una billiard championship at New York.
Apr. 12 National. League baseball season
17 American League baseball season
starts Sutton averaged 100 and made
run of 234 in G90-point billiard game at
Chicago. - -"
May 23 Frank Gotch defeats Tom Jenkins
fnr wrtfMttllaflr phomnlAnihln Ammi,m
at Kansas City.
Ji.Ta 15 Fnk Kramer. American bicycle
rider, wins' city of Paris grand prize
Value. $1,000. -
Jul. 9 16th asnual congress American
Whist League opens at Boston. '
21 FrankCotch defeated C. Olson, south
ern catch-as-catch-can wrestling cham
pion at New Orleans. - '
Aug. 7 Umpires Johnstone and Emslie
barred from .Polo grounds, N. Y.; Nat.
League game scheduled between N. "Y.
and Chicago forfeited to latter.
24 W. R. Crosby wins western handicap
at trap shooters tournment at Denver
with score of -S7 targets. '
Sep. 3 Joe Gans wins lightweight cham
pionship from Battling Nelson in 42nd
ro'intl at Goldfleld. New. on foul. ?
14 C M. Daniels, of New York, 'lowers
world's record for 220 yard's swim at
St Louis. New mark. 2:42 2-5. .
Oct. 2 Manager Fred Tenny announces he
and Roy Thomas, of Philadelphia Na
tional leneuc club, have bought inter
est In Boston National league club. .
3 Silico wins Kentucky futurity at Lex
ington, valued at $14,000. t ' '
13 Chicago American league club won
world's championship by defeating 'Na
tionals In post-season series at Chicago-.
16 John Horgan. world's champion con
tinuous pool player, formally surren
dered title.. . r '
XI Willie Hoppe defeats Jake Schaefer.
- of Chicago In 18-Inch balk line, one shot
in. contest, at New York.
2S Cornell wins inter-collegiate cross
country run."
29 Billle Mellody wins welter-weight box
ing championship In 12-round contest
with Joe Wolcott at Chelsea. Mass.
3a Abe Attell won decision over Harry
Baker In 20 rounds at Los Angeles. Cal.
Nov.- 8 Steve L'Homraed'eu. well-known
bookmaker, ruled ,off turf for life by
Louisville Jockey club.
19 Tom- Cooper, noted bicycle racer.
killed in automobile collision In New
York. .
30 Ralph Rose breaks world's record In'
putting 12-pound shot at San Francisco;
distance 55 fee cu Inches.
Dec 12 Harry C. Pulllam reelected pres
ident Kauonai .Basenau uaue.
18 George Sutton defeated Willie Hoppe
at 18-2 balk line billiards In New York,
retaining championship.
.Jan. 4 In CoaMale. W. Va.. 23 In mine ex-
8 At Haverstraw, N. J.. 15 la landslide.
9-At Minneapolis. Minn.. 11 la hotel fire.
18 At Detroit. W. Va., IS In mine ex
plosion. ,
21 At Philadelphia. Pa.. IS In church fire
23 Off Vancouver Island, in Pacific US In
wreck of steamer Valencia At Sunny
side. Col.. S in snowsllde.
25 At Poteau; L T.-. 14 in mine explosion.
Feb. 4 Near La'-Salle. I1L. 4 by drowning.
8 In West Vh-gania. 28 in mine explosion.
12 At Portland,. Ore., 4 In business section
fire. v ' v
19 At MaitlaaA-CeL, 1 In mine dust ex
plosion. '
25 Gambler, O.. 3 In college dormitory
fire t
Mar. 1 At Meridian, Miss.. 24 in tornado
which caused property 'loss of $1,590,009.
14 At Jamestown. Ind.. 3 In collapse of
building.. Auaauc ocean, x? ny
drowning on foundered steamer British
' King.
16 At Adobe, Col., about 45 In train col
lision.... At Camden. N. J., 3 in armory
19 Near Silverton. CoL. 18 in landslides.
22 In a West Virginia mine explosion. 26.
....In Winneia voi.j mining aisinct. s
'in landslide
28 Near Natsona, Wye 10 by drowning.
....At New York. 4 u fire and explosioa.
Apr. 14 Explosion in gun turret of bat
tleship Kearsarge in Cuban waters kills
7. injures 14.
22 In mine near Trinidad. CoL. 22 by dust
St Tornado destroys Bellevue, Tex.. U
dead: other eamage. throughout etate.
Hay 4 Seven in train wreck near Al-
tooaa. Pa.
Z-Flve at Oelcenda. Nev.. by drewalng
as result ef breaking of dam.... At
Louisville, 9-la train wreck.
Job. s At East Providence. R. L. 11 la
trelley car wreck. . .
7 At Rocky Fard. JCeat.. S by white
la mine.... ssx w ssvsBa-ia
. J- Jf k -
2-AtMaaltfWC Wla.. K by Itgatateg..
ZS At Urn ith . FraBjHngham. Mass... .7 ,by
ceCapse off baUdteg. "
Aug. t-AtOmana. Keb.. S childrea aT.-
O. Daniels la burning home. -
12-At Davenpvrt. Wash.. B by drownfag."
1-At Sang HoDow. Pa.. T fat train wreck; f
8fk 1 Four Itallaas at Naugatuck,
Coaa., by police in. dispute
14 Four in tornada la Nebraska.
U-Sevaala train wrack at " Cimarron
River, Okte.
21 Seven at Jelllco. Tenn.. by dynamita
explosion: property damage. $..
2-4Vz la rail collision, near Danville. 111.
27 Hurricane on gulf coast devastates Mo
bile. Ala., .and-Pensacola, Fla. Loss of.
UtVcstlmated at 159; property leas. $,-
Oct. 1-Ioudburst at MobUe. Ala'causes
over $l.W0.eM damages.
4 Twenty-nine, .known deal and many
more entombed by explosion at Poca-f
Bonus iva.) mine Five passengers
killed, score injured in rear-end col
lision nean Troy. N. Y.
6 At Philadelphia. 8 by explosion. or
Illuminating gas in subway.... Cyclonic
disturbances In region about New Or
leans caused loss of S lives.
9 Near Tamaqua. Pa., 4 by powder ex--plosion.
17 At Ft. Recovery. O., 5 by gasoline ex
plosion. 19 Hurricane sweeps coast of Florida,
Cuba and Central America, causing
heavy loss of life and damage to prop
erty. 21 Considerable property damaged by
storm along eastern slope of Rockies
from Wyoming to New Mexico.
22 Near Lowden, la., 4 at railway cross-1
24 At Johnstown, Pa.. 7 by mine explo
sion. 23 At Kansas City, Kan., 13 by fire which
destroyed Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
uct. a Train of three electric cars car
rying 91 persons Jumped from trestle
near Atlantic City, N. J., carrying
about 60 persons to watery grave. Fifty-four
bodies recovered.
31 Near Vacherie, La., five scalded to
death by escaping steam.
Nov. 12 At Cleveland, O.. six by boiler
14 Floods cause loss of 3 lives and heavy
damage to property in Oregon.
18 Terrific wind and rainstorm In Ala
bama. Mississippi and Tennessee, takes
8 lives and causes heavy damage to
property and crops.
19 Forty-two lives lost by sinking of
steamer Dix in harbor at Seattle, Wash.
20 Seven trackmen swept into river by
slip of land on Norfolk Western rail
road. 23 E. D. Keeler. professional automobile
driver, killed in collision of racing autos
at Philadelphia.
29 Samuel Spencer, president Southern
Railway Co.. and fi others in rear end
collision near Lynchburg. Va.
28 At 3t Louis. 6 in fire in Salvation
Army hotel.
Dec. 4-Clifton. Ariz., partly-destroyed by
flood caused by breaking of dam; sev
eral persons drowned.... Four children
burned to death in home near Westfield.
7 At Ithaca, N. Y.. 7 perish In burning of
fraternity house at Cornell university.
Near Lewiston, Me., 4 in bead-on
. collision.
19 Near VIcksburg, Miss., IS by explosion
on river steamer.
23-At Enderlin, N. D.. 9 In railroad
Jan. 14 Parsons, Snyder Ca. Cleveland,
O.; llabiliUes. $1S0,C00.
18 G. 3. McReynolds St Ca, Chicago; lla
biliUes, $100,000.
Feb. 8. BolH'er County Bank, Cleveland.
Miss.; llabiliUes. $110,080; assets. $130,600.
15 Bank of America, Chicago, placed In
receiver's hands.
2 Cash Buyers' Union, Chicago, placed
In receiver's hands.... Williamson Lib
bey Lumber Co.. Oshkosb. Wis.; liabili
ties. $500,000.
Mar. 1 Southern Bank 4b Trust Co.. Ft
Smith, Ark., owing depositors $80,000.
2 Walsh, president defunct Chicago Na
tional bank, arrested on charge of falsi
fying reports.
27 National Business College, Qulncy, 111.,
assigns; liabilities. $30,000; assets. $100,000.
29 North Freedom (Wis.) bank closed by
Apr. 2 Tela, Smith & Co., bankers, Pekin.
III.: liabilities. $100,000.
24 First National bank. Attalla. Ala..
closed by national bank examiner.
May 2 Delmont national bank. Delmont.
Pa., closed.. ..Receiver for American Re
serve Bond Co.. St.' Louis, appointed.
28 Joplin (Mo.) ' Savings bank closed by
state officials.
Jun. 18 Farmers' State bank of Clear
field. Ia.. closed by state bank ex
aminer. -
30 White, Dunham 8hoe Co.. of Brockton
and Boston, failed; liabilities. $400,000.
Aug. (Milwaukee Ave. State bank. Chi
cago, closed by state bank examiner;
liabilities. $4,000,000.
8 F. E. Coyne, ex-postmaster. Chicago,
failed in bakery and luncheon business.
16 Garfield Park bank of Chicago closed
as result of collapse of Milwaukee Ave.
State bank.
28 Real Estate Trust Co.. of Philadelphia,
suspends business; liabilities, $7,000,000.
Sep. 20 Bates National bank, of Butler.
Mo., closed by directors.
29 Private bank at Middienort. O.. closed.
Nearly all deposits of $115,000 gone.
Nov. 15 Bank of Beckwith & Co.. at Ev
ans ton, Wyo., closed owing to financial
30 Three banks conducted by C. V.
Chandler at Macomb. Colchester and
Bardolph, III., closed for lack of ready
Dec. 1 Bank of Kiowa. I. T.. closed on
account of slow collections and inability
to realize on assets.
12 Farmers' and Drovers National bank
of Waynesburg. Pa., closed by comp
troller of currency.
13 Cummlngs Commission Co.. one of
largest brokerage houses in northwest,
17 Lincoln bank of Morton Park, suburb
of Chicago, fails. .
Jan. 1 E x-G o v.
Stennenberg, o f
Idaho. murdered
by bomb at Boise.
2 Clarence Barnum.
near Rochester.
Mich., kills wife.
. son and daughter
with ax and slays
self with gun
Mathew 8 t y e r.
Caledonia. Minn..
kills sweetheart.
her mother, sister
and self.
11 Nels Nelson.
Walkason. Wash..
murders mother.
attempts to kill
wife and children;
then slays self.
12 E x-A u d 1 1 o r
Sherrick. Indiana,
arrested at In
'dianapolls, charge
Paul O. Stensiand.
embezzlement and conspiracy.
17 Ex-State Treasurer W ulff. of Illinois,
sentenced to 2 years in Jail for alleged
. lottery swindle.. ..New Hampshire fa
ther kills wife. S'chlldren and self after
burning home. , . .
21 Henry Nenuembaumer, Boise. Idaho,
kills 5. including his mother and sweet
heart, and slays self.
25-Captain of-Gen. Slocum. which burned
with loss of 1,000 lives, sentenced to
prison for 10 years.
FebT4-J. A. Linn, Chicago circuit- court
clerk, indicted 25 times for forgery, em
bezzlement and larceny.
5 Yaqul Indian band murders 8 Ameri
cans at san jansucw - . , .
C Mrs. Annie Dixon. Boston, asphyxiates
4 children and self. '
U-JolHi Witt. Detroit, kills 1 child, severe
ly wounds 2 others, and kills self.
20 Mrs. J. W. Walters, drowned 3 chil
dren and self from .fail River (Mass.)
steamer.... Leaders of Western Federa
tion of Miners accused of 30 murders
and assassination of ex-Gov. Steunen
bare of Idaho.
23-johann Hoch. convicted wife mur
derer, hanged at Chicago.
27-Springfleld (O.) mob in race riot burn
dwellings, wreck saloon and injure of
ficers, making it necessary to call out
. troops. . . , . .
28 Six more homes burned in race riot
ing at Springfield; ,0. -
Mar! 9-Dayton (O.) Jury finds Dr. O. C.
Haugh guilty of murder of mother, fa
ther and sister. ...
55 Richard Ivens. confessed slayer of
Mrs. Bessie HoUlster. found guilty of
deed at Chicago and sentenced to death.
26 Six Italians murdered at Minneapolis.
28 D E. Sherrick. ex-Indiana auditor,
convicted of embezzling $11-0.900 state
funds, denied new trial. -
Aor. S J. A. Linn, clerk circuit court.
Cook Co.. ' BL. pleads guilty of con
spiracy to defraud county; given in-,
definite prison -term. ' t -
12 Contractors Green and Gaynor. con
victed of fraud against government in
connection with harbor work at Savaa-
28 Greene aad Gaynor fined $575,749 each
and sentenced to 4 years imprisonment.
14 Three negrots hanged aad burned by
mj at Springfield. Mo.
M Nine men killed la riot In Phillips
niffltT. Ark.
: wSFsnr casaier u. . uen. oc
First Nattoaal Bank ef Milwaukee.
feoad guilty ef breaklag baaklaa; laws.
s-ueu eeamacea m years- napria-
mx. wv. lisaveawerta. suta.
N. T.
... . , ..
V 4a rmmmwLm
HKC r Isaaaafc
JtML 11-Dr. W. B. Otfiatt and X. A. Graa
, hiss, former vice presldeats of Mutual
Llfe. indicted far reraory and perjury.
Jusu 12 Four lesnlsg-acklng concerns
, found guilty at Kansas City f .accept-,
sac rebates free railroads. ' - "
Ua. BWAQ, railroad faaadtgwilty at
Kaasaa City of granting concessions ta
leading packers.
29-dTeur kilted la attsesa.Csnrfets to
aefrom convict -fararTat Angela, La.
asaassa saiga skeae? m 'eWAataia
kilte .Stanford watte, -aeted architect
ana amitimalro, at Maalasn aquare
Roof. Garden. N. T.. fer alleged la
ttaaey with wire, formerly Kvelya Nes-
28-Taaw.todlcted for murder la drat de
gree for, kitting White.
29Thaw pleads not guilty to
charge .
JuL 1 Nacre rsaaaad.aad burned
nnwx, 1. x.. oy moo ror assault est
C C. A A. railroad and 2 former oBdals
found .guilty at Chicago of grantiag re-
30 J. A. Cook, ex-circuit court clerk,
found guilty at Chicago or conspiracy
to defraud Cook county; sentenced to
Aug. 6 Mob at Salisbury. N. C.. takes S
negroes from Jail and lynches them.
8 Standard Oil Co. Indicted at Chicago
for receiving rebates.'
10 Geo. Hall sentenced to 15 years Im
prisonment at Salisbury. N. C. for par
ticipating Id lynching or 3 negroes. Said
to be first Instance of kind.
Sep. 3 Stensiand arrested at Tangier.
5 A. Segal. Philadelphia promoter, ar
rested for causing failure Real Estate
(Mrs. H. Knippen decapitates' her 2
children. .
22 Eighteen negroes and- 1 white awn
killed in race war at Atlanta, Ga. -
26 Stensiand pleads guilty; given la
determinate penitentiary sentence.
Oct. 16-Standard Oil Co., Indiana, indict
ed by federal grand Jury at Jackson,
Nov. 2 Federal grand Jury at Atlanta.
Ga., Indicts 5 well-known manufactur
ers for peonage
5-rH. W. Hering, former cashier of Mil
waukee Avenue State bank of Chicago,
pleads guilty to forgery and embezzle
ment; given indeterminate penitentiary
15 Mayor Schmltx. of San Francisco, and
Abram Ruef. indicted by grand Jury on
charge of extortion.
23 Enrico Caruso, famous Italian tenor,
found guilty and fined $10 in New York
for insulting women.. ..Joseph F. Smith,
president Mormon church, pleaded
guilty to charge of unlawful cohabita
tion and fined $300 at Salt Lake City.
29 Mayor Schraitx, of San Francisco, ar
rested on charge of extortion Federal
grand Jury .at Salt Lake City votes sev
eral Indictments In coal land fraud
Dec 4 Chester Gillette, convicted or mur
der of sweetheart; Grace Brown, "at Big
Moose Lake. N. Y., on July U. at Herk
imer, N. Y.
Jan. 5 At Kansas City. Mo., 4 buildings
destroyed; loss, $3)0,000.
Feb. 9 Littleton. W. Va.. nearly wiped
out. 1,500 rendered homeless.
16 NIverton. Pa., almost entirely wiped
18 Business section Rutland, Vt. partly
destroyed.... Grain elevator at Duluth.
Minn., burned; loss. $1,000,000.
21 Hitchcock, Okla., business section
practically destroyed.
22 Business section of Dawson. "Wis..
wiped out.
Mar. 4 Last half of Standhone. Ia.. busi
ness section burns; other half destroyed
some time before.
16 White Pigeon. Mich., business' section
nearly wiped out.. ..Business portion.
Rustin, Mich., completely destroyed.
28 Johnstown, Pa., swept by flames; loss.
Apr. 3 Buffalo N. Y.) Evening Times
building: loss. $200,000.
May 17 Boone (la.), Boone Cereal Co.;
loss. $106,009.
IS Hundred residences and dozen busi
ness buildings wiped out at Stanley.
Wis.; loss. $200.000.... Town of Cobalt,
New Ontario, Can., completely de
stroyed; several killed by explosion.
Jun. 1 South Boston. Va.; loss. $300,069.
7 Duck Hill. Miss., almost completely
destroyed. Over 800 homeless.
11 Fire in Armour packing plant at
South Omaha. Neb.; loss. $100,900.
17 Ryan building annex at St Paul; lose.
20 Santa Cruz, , CaL. main building of
' Casino at resort: loss, $144,000.
Jul. 17 Wentzville, Mo., practically entire
business section destroyed.
Sep. 13 TIburon, Cal., entire business dis
trict, 200 people homeless.
Oct. 18 At Blrmincnam, Ala., business
houses; loss $300,000.
22 Second disastrous conflagration at
Bristow. Ia., wiped out practically all
of remaining business section of town.
31 At Leipslc, O., entire opera house
block burned.
Nov. 13 Richland, O., practically wiped
out by gas explosion; 2 children burned
to death.
27 At Belmont. O., most of business sec
tion. Dec. 1 At Princeton. O.. mob of 300
masked men burned 2 big tobacco stem
meries owned by tobacco trust.
6 At Lynn. Mass.. boiler explosion in
shoe factory caused damage of &&0.009.
8 At Chicago, fire in wholesale business
district caused loss of 3)0.000; 2 lives
Jan. S-W. R. Har
per, president Uni
versity of Chicago,
at Chicago.
15 Col. R. G. Lowe.
Galveston. Tex..
newspaper pub
Usher. 16-Marshall Field.
Chicago merchant
.prince, of ' pneu
monia. In N w
20 H. B. Hurd. no
ted lawyer und Il
linois citizen, at
Feb. 25 Ex-Speaker
D. B. Henderson,
of national house
of representatives,
at Dubuque. Ia.
27 S. P. Langley.
D. B. Henderson.
secretary smiiu-
sonlan Institution, at Aiken. S. C.
Mar. 4 Ex-Gov. Hogg.. Texa3, 'at Hous
ton. 11 Gen. J. S. Gage, distinguished soldier,
at San Jose. Cal.
12 Susan B. Anthony, suffragist leader,
at age of kC. in Rochester, N. Y.....John
St. John, first white settler at head of
great lakes, in Superior. Wis.; aged 90.
18 Johann Most,, noted anarchist leader,
at Cincinnati.
19 Gen. J. M. Thayer. ex-U. S. senator
and governor. Nebraska, at Lincoln.
25 Ex-Mayor S. M. Ashbridge. at Phila
delphia. 29 T. E. Barrett, sheriff Cook county. 111.,
at Chicago.
Apr. 4 Former Gov. Gen. Blanco. Cuba,
at Madrid.. ..C. A. Warwick, publisher
Constitution Democrat. Keokuk. Ia.
30 J. E. Boyd. ex-Gov. of Nebraska, at
Omaha Mrs. Mary McKittredge. be
lieved oldest woman in America, at
Uniontown. Pa.: age 108. suicide.
May 7 Max Judd. noted chess player, at
St. Louis.
23 Henrik Ibsen, noted Norwegian dra-
matist and poet, ut Christlania.
Jun. 1-Congressman Robert Adams. Phil
adelplUa. committed suicide at Wash
ington. 4 Senator A. P. Gorman, Maryland, at
Washington. ,
14 Robert B. Roosevelt, uncle of presi
dent, at Sayviile. L. I.
15 Congressman R. .., Lester. Georgia,
result of accident. "
17-H. N. Plllsbury.
., noted chess mas
ter, at Phlla....
'Gen. H. L. Porter,
leading shoe man
ufacturer, at How
ell. Mass.
19-Gov. J. M. Pat
'tlson. of Ohio, at
Milford....E. Hig
glns. ex-a c 1 1 n g
Gov. Utah, a t
Washington. '
27 Jerre Dunn, at
Elizabeth. N. J.
29 R e v. Dr. J.
Smith, noted Con
gregational minis
ter, at Roxbury.
JuL 3-G. Y. WIsner.
noted consulting
engineer, at De-
A. P. Gorman. trolt.
9 Congressman H. C. Adams, of Wiscon
sin, at Chicago.... Judge G. P. Wanty.
of Michigan, at London.
16 AlfredBelt, millionaire South African
. financier, at London.
22 Russell 8age, at Lawrence. L. L;
- -age 89. .
Aug. t-EL A. Gage, son of former secre
tary, at Seattle. Wash.; suicide
4 Rear Admiral Train.-at Chefeo. China.
19 L. Morrison, noted actor, at Yonkers.
N. T.-
Aug. n E. Reeewater. proprietor Omaha
Bee. at Omaha.
Sep. 3 H. Oetrichs. prominent New York
ciubmaa. oa beard ocean liner.
16-Ex-Gov. A T. Bliss, ef Michigan, at
95 Kx-CenaTesessaa Clarke, ef
at ax. Maw.
Oct. 1-AIbert
at New Yerk.
rjmm ,aav
bbbbbbbVSeT BBaBSaasaas!
al Uwrer: at"T
11-Caat. JC L. Tartar, ex nraoHent At
' laata West Petat rallread. at Aaale
. tea. Aia.' Trr z ?fci- ' J v
tssdTfr .
trala near Little Rock, Ark.
Oct.lf-Mn. Jeffersoa Davis, widow ef
preatdeat of the confederacy.
IS Ex-Senator J. D. Walker, at Fayette-
vllle. Ark., aged Tf.
2S M. U Newell, ex-assistant attorney
gensnu 01 iiunaw. ai aprmgneia.
-Ceagreesman R. P.- -Davte.
T rail ruver.
Nicholson. D.. D.i ef Milwaukee
cooal diocese, at Milwaukee.
n Judge Joseph E. Gary, oldest mem
ber of Chicago bench, at Chicago.
aged Sfi.
Nov. 1 Ceagreesman Rockwood Hear!
or Massachusetts, son late Senator
Hear, at Worcester.
12 Gen. Wm. R. Shafter. retired, at
Bakerafleld. CaL .. . .
IS H. H. Shufeldt, multi-millionaire dis
tiller, at Oconomowoc Wis.
18-Ex-Gev. F. A Trittle, of Arizona, at
23 Ex-Mayor E. L. Cronkrite. ef Free
port. I1L. at Freeport.
25-Ex-Gov. F. W. Hunt, or Idaho, at
Goldfleld. Nev.
Si-Otto Young, multi-millionaire. Chica
go merchant and philanthropist, at
Lake Geneva. Wis.
Dec 3 Mark Hassler. noted musical di
rector and composer, at Philadelphia.
4 Chief Justice A. P. Wlswell, of Maine
supreme court, at Boston.
6 Rear Admiral P. Asseron. at Brooklyn.
t Bishop G. E. Seymour, of Episcopal
diocese or Springfield, ill. at Spring
field.... Ex-Go v. A. Garcelon. or Maine,
at Lewiston.
9 Dr. F. Henrotln. leading Chicago physi
cian, at Chicago.. ..Capt. "Billy" Wil
liams, famous turfman, at New Or
leans. 10 J. J. Klnneally. socialist-labor candi
date for mayor of New York in 1S05,
drowned in Long Island Sound.
12 Ex-Senator Brown, of Utah, at Wash
ington from bullet wounds Inflicted by
Mrs. Annie Bradley.
19 Bishop C. C. McCabe. of M. E. church.
at New York, of apoplexy.
Jan. 3 Rodriguez
attacks P u e r t a
Plata, San Domin
go, killing 25.
4 S a n Domingo
rebels defeated; 3
Morales generals
and 120 men killed.
S San Domingo rev
olution ended with
defeat of President
Morales and Mil
ling of Gen. Rod
riguez. 12 France breaks
off diplomatic rela
tions with Vene
zuela. 14 Ex-Premier
four beaten f o1
election to parlia
ment; 1 1 b e r al s
Pre.. Failierles. or -- .eVies.
Republican, elect
ed to succeed M. Loubet. as president
or France.
21 Brazilian cruiser Aquldaban destroyed
by explosion; 212 lives lost.
25 Venezuela expels all French consuls.
29 King Christian or Denmark dies at
30 Frederick VIII
proclaimed king or
Feb. 5 Countess Boni de Casteilane. for
merly Anna Gould of New York, en
ters plea for divorce In Paris.
13 New British parliament opens; J. W.
Lowther elected sneaker.
IS Remains or hue' King Christian
Denmark laid to rest....Fallleres
sumes presidency or -France.
25 In Colombia tidal wave, 2.009 drowned.
Mar. 4 Tavernola, Italy, swallowed up by
Lake Iseo. -. ,
fi Fuceccblo, Italy, dance bail panic re
sults in IS deaths.
7 French cabinet resigns.... Three would
be assassins or Gen. Reyes, president of
Colombia, shot to death.
11 M. Sarrien accepts task of forming
new French ministry mine explosion
and Are kills 1.193 in France.
13 In Arabian rebellion. Turkish troops
massacre 5O.U00 natives at Sana. Arabia.
18 Earthquake at Kagi. Formosa, kills
hundreds and .destroying LOW homes.
19 Palma elected president of Cuba.
Mar. 31 Moroccan conference reaches
Apr. 5 Fifty-five killed by collapse of
hotel In Black Forest. Germany.
6 German troops win victory over natives
In German. East Africa; natives lose
205 men.
10 Fourteen killed, over 208 injured by
collapse Market p!m-e. at Naples.
Apr. 18 Father Louis Martin. "Black
i'oce" of Jesuits, dies at Rome.
20 Town or Pasil. P.' 1.. destroyed by fire.
May 1 Considerable May day rioting in
Paris. Over l.iXw arresis made-.
2 Czar accepts resignation uf Premier
19 Palma Inaugurated president or Cuba
at Havana.
1 21 Wedding of King
I Alfonso XIII. of
train ana Prin
cess Victoria of
Enyland celebrat
ed at Madrid.
Couple narrowly
escape assassina
tion by bomb
which kills 16 and
injures 111-iny.
Jun. 20 Pu l.ijanes
kill 5 policemen' 0:1
Island of Le te.
p. r.
21 Haakon VII. and
t-Queen Maud
crowned rulers of
3023 persons killed
in train wreck
rear London.
Jul. 4 Son born to
King Haakon, of crown princess of
Norway. Germany.
5 Spanish cabinet resigns.
K Natal troops defeat rebels, killing 547.
12 Maj. Dreyfus restored to position in
French army.
11 Fire nt Nljl Novgorod. Russia, de
stroys 275 houses; over 3.100 families
IS Lady Curzon dies in London.
20 Fire at Yokohama. Japan, destroys
1.O00 houses.
23 Band of Pulajanes on Island of Leyte.
P. I.. kille-.l 13 soldiers and 1 civilian.
Aug. 5 Italian steamer Sirio wrecked oft
Honnigas island: 300 drowned.
Sep. N Father Wernz elected head of
Jesuits ut Rome.
18 Hurricane in harbor of Hong-Kong.
China, caused over 1.000 deaths and
great damage.
Oct. 14 Twenty-five miners killed by ex
plosion in colliery near Durham, Eng.
20 M. Clemenceau. French minister of
Interior, tendered task of forming new
ministry Over 100 persons drowned
at Coateret-ue, Salvador.
25 Heavy loss of life and property by
hurricane which swept over southwest
ern Japan.
Nov. 15 Anna Gould (Countess de Cas
teilane) granted divorce from Count
Boni by French tribunal at Paris.
Count's plea for alimony denied.
17 Bomb exploded in St. Peter's church.
Rome, creates, panic.
20 Attempt of 'French- government offi
cials to take inventories in Catholic
churches results in riots; troops and
peasants wounded in clashes.
21 Thirteen persons killed and both ves
sels -Jama-jed by collision of steamers
Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse and Orin
oco, off Cherbourg. France.
23 Troops called out at' Hamilton. Ont.,
te preserve order In riot of street car
29 Twenty-four persons killed, hundreds
seriously wounded and several hundred
slightly Injured by explosion in factory
near Annen, Germany.
Dec. 3 Spanish cabinet resigns; action
followed by hostile demonstration In
chamber of deputies.
7 Dr. Lapponl. physician to pope, died
at Rome.
11 France expelled secretary or papal
nuncio as result or church-state war.
12 German emperor dissolved reichstag
and ordered new elections following de
feat .of government on African bll.
22 James Bryce selected to succeed
Durand as British ambassador to
Feb. 1 Operators reject demands of mine
workers for wage increase: miners in
crease defense fund.
18 F. A. Heinz sells Montana copper in
terests to Amalgamated company for
S23.OC0.00O. ending 7-year industrial war.
Mar. 19 Standard Oil officials agree to
answer questions ef Missouri attorney
29 United Mine Workers, after second
unsuccessful conference with operators,
decide on strike April 1. involving both
anthracite and bituminous fields; opera
tors appeal to Roosevelt for aid.
Apr. 13 Strike or 2,080 brick layers at St.
Louis practically brings building to
May Anthracite nrJners vote to. accept
original prveeeltloa ef operators aad re
turn to work.
Jun. 7 Wages trouble ef asuthweet aUa-
era aaa operators sstuea ay Jena snick
eu at kbbbbs -city; uss
aw Ljaa?
I ft,
!PU1S ?
JaL 2-1
ef I
I? 'f.-Nertaera:
OetviT-Waaaa ef
wdasre totaaasa. fJat dtotrlet
Ner.t Announced that wages ef aH
Pteyee ef Peanxrlvaala rallread mn
oa Hnes east aad went ef Plttsaurg to'
be increased; nearly lSe.099 mea affected.
U Tweaty-atata- aaaual eeaveatwa ef
Amertcaa FederaUea ef Labor oeeaod
. at Mlnaeaaella..
lS-American Society ef Kqalty. Natieaal
"rajnr nmoa, aaiaetea wita Amen-
eaa Federation ef
riaima mambarsblBi aim tamfna
24 Samuel Gemaera reelected president
American FederaUea of Leber at Ilia
aeapolls. St In trial ef unlea teamsters at Chicago
4 of defendants pleaded guilty.
Dec M Two thousand members Indus
trial Workers of World struck at Sche
nectady. N. Y..,.becauee eT refaaal ef
General Electric Ca. to reJaetate X mem
bers of unloa.
Jan. 1 Moscow rev-f
ointHMi crushed:
Insurrectlo n 1 at s
4 Terrorists beran
war..'.. Insurgents
seize Factory in
rage; troops bat
ter down doors. I
Killing- many ana
capturing 1.609.
One thousand
killed and 3.000
wounaea in Mos
cow riots.
9 Near Hazennot.
dragoons surround
revolutionists, kill
ing entire band.
12 Cossacks blow up I
Armenian s e m 1-1
nary in TIflls kill
ing 33 and wound-1
In-? 300. Nearlv Pmmliir flt-nlvml
350 killed as result of attack.
15 Russian rebels assassinate major aea-
eral and 3 police officials.
Feb. 21 Gen. Ortnff in quelling Baltte
province outbreaks shoots more than 709
Mar. 20 Mutiny among sailors at Sevas
topol results in massacre
Apr. 6 Fourteen Russian soldiers butch
ered for refusing to fire, oa Sebaetopel
S Governor or Tver killed' by bomb la
streets of city.
May 6 Governor general aseassfeiated at
Ekaterinoslav....Gov. Gee, murdered a
Elirabethpol.... Attempt made to-as
saasinate Vice Admiral Douaaseff at
10 Czar -delivers speech to dotuaa; aa
mention or amnesty made.
13 Body or Father Gaaon found hanging
in deserted house In Finland town. -
15 Imperative demand for reforms made
ia douma's reply to czar's speech.
21 W. H. Stuart. American vice conaaf.
British subject, killed at Batum.
Jun. 14 Hundreds killed la massacre ef
Jews by Christians at Bialystok....
Anti-Jewish fights throughout count.y.
JuL 11 Attempt made to assassinate Vfca
Admiral Chuknln at SevastopoL
19 Port Arthur commission recommen&s
death for Gen. Stoessel ror surrendering
21 Imperial ukase dissolves parliament.
23 Troops at fortress at Vlborg. Finland,
mutiny. . '
Aug. 2 Mutiny at Sveaberg-ended.
3 Governor of Samra killed by bomb.
25 Bomb Intended te slay Premier Stoly
pin wrecks his villa on Aptekarsky Is
land; 33 persons killed. Premier es
caped.... Gen. Mln assassinated by
young woman at Peterhof.
Sep. 10 At least Set Jews killed and
slaughter at Siedlce: 1.000 wounded.
12 Massacre of Jews at Siedlce ceases.
1! Gen. Nicolaleff assassinated at War
saw. Oct. 9 Commission appointed by czar
finds causes or 8veaborg and Cron
stadt mutinies largely attributable to
negligence and Inefficiency of officers.
30 Nine soldiers convicted ef plot to blow
up building where court marshal trying
Cronstadt mutineers to sitting executed.
Nov. 8 Seven nationalist workmen shot
down by socialists at Lodes.
Dec 1 Chief of Police Chepote or Kaxaa
21 Ten terrorists executed at Riga.
22 Count Alexis Ignatieff. member of
council of empire and ex-governor-gen-eal
of Kiev. Volhynia aad Podoiia. as
sassinated at Tver.
Jan. 2 C. T. Terkes. deceased traction
magnate, gives 3750.000 to Chicago uni
versity and making ample provision for
numerous charities, as well as for wife.
7 Midshipman Decatur, acquitted by
court martial of charge of hazing at An
napolis. 21 Uopkinsville (Ky.) mob takes negro
accused of assault, from Jail and hangs
24 V.'illof Marshall Field, deceased Chi
cago morciiuin prince, opened, showing
estate of JK,t-W,LV0; J4.ttJO.0eo left to
2S Mrs. C. T. Terkes weds Wilson
Mizner of San Francisco.
Feb. 2 President pardons Midshipman
Miller, convicted of hazing at Annap
olis. 6 Dr. G. II. Simmons. Peoria. 111., minis
ter, bank president and politician, kills
self, when facing exposure of financial
methods and private conduct.
16 Pat Crowe found not guilty of rob
bery in connection with Cudaliy case at
17 Miss Alice Roosevelt married to Cong.
Nicholas l.ongworth at White House.
Mar. 5 Prairie tires sweep Texas causing
loss of 3L0O0.0SO.
11 Nine hundred Moros slain In 4 days
fighting with Americans, in Philippines.
15 Andrew Hamilton scores New York
Life trustees before insurance commit
tee at Albany. N. Y.
IS Steamer Atlanta burns off Sheboygan.
Wis., on Lake Michigan Snowsllde
near Ouray, CaL. causes damage of
19 Andrew Hamilton shows receipt for
STS.OOO. donated to Republican campaign
funds, by New York Life insurance com
pany. Cu Giving or political contributions de
clared non-criminal, by District Attor
ney Jerome.
Apr. 1 John Alexander Dowie deposed as
leader of Zion City. 111.; Overseer
Vnliva elevated to leadership.
7 Kansas supreme court rules that Kan
sas City live stock exchange 13 illegal
25 Application for receiver for Zion City,
ill., made by Dowie.
Jul. 3 Secretary ot State Root sails for
3 month" tour of South America.
Aug. 9 Wisconsin railway commissioners
render opinion reducing grain rates for
state 1 cent per bushel.
10 Gen. R. B. Brown, of Zanesvtlle. O..
elected commander-in-chief of G. A. R.
at Minneapolis.
Auc. 30 W. J. Bryan welcomed at New
York by big gathering or De-nocrats on
return from trip around world.
Sep. 30 Secretary of State Root returns
from tour of South America.
Oct. 5-Presldent Hill of Great Northern
railway sold 75O.COt.0OO tons of ore to
United States Steel corporation for
-Standard Oil company fined 35.C0O at
Findlay. O., for carrying on business
combine in violation of state laws.
Oct. 18 Triennial convention or World's
Christian Temperance Union begun at
19 Troop of cavalry sent to Wyoming to
to round i,r dissatisfied Ute Indians.
26 Federal 9 -and Jury at Cincinnati up
holds federal 8-nour law in nrst test or
statute.... Thirty-third annual conven
tion of National Christian Temperance
I'nlon opened at Hartford. Conn.
Nov. 1 Band of 100 Ute Indians capture
wa-on load or army rations intended for
troops in Wyoming.
"5 Supreme court of United States af
firms 'decision of court of claims in
"white man's enso;" cases Involved long
pending claims or thousan-is or whito
persons to participate In distribution of
lands and funds of Cherokee nation bo- 1
cause of marriage with members of !
tribe. Decision favorable to Indians.
C Three companies of nesro troops In
Texas ordered dismissed from army for
failure to disclose identity of comrades
guilty of rioting at Brownsville. Toz.
7 J. T. Harahan elected to succeed Stuy
vesont Fish as president of Illinois Cen
tral railroad.
9 President and Mr3. Roosevelt and
party teft Washington on trip of in
spection sf Panama canal, on battleship
2i President and party return to Wash
ington frlm trip to Panama and Porte
Dec. 5 F. .W. Flnley. second vice presi
dent of Southern railroad, elected to
succeed late president. Sampel Spencer.
-John D. Rockefeller and associates
who control Standard OH Co.. served
with subpoenas to appear 'before federal
circuit court la St. Louis. January 7
Kansas grain Inspection and weighing
law declared veld.
M-Nobel peace arise, valued at $49,099.
conferred ea President Reese r sit by
Norwegian storthing: auaev will be
te eetsciun industrial peace cem-
on 4
aaay at FladTay. O.
tkrewB eat la'
as ceurc
'tea ,Wexjcara erder rer ttgm aaasea. 1
m mwwi
aa9H bbB
SdkmmWSlm 1
Tism WdH.
:Wa aH n'9e'-tlat-se vm ta
-da;1 w-dB ere-tocd. K ia
a-taaetl-m of saowey; It
ia alaa a. smarter of ietaQ aaeVe gUta
a aatall pertloa of oar time to keeplac
oar aaawigiaga is order: Ne suttar
how exaeaaiva or weU' Itttes osa'a
-ireaa'is the aayearmace ft aadiled ay
a aoiled atock or piece of lace or
crashed aad frayed skirt.
Jaat atop and talak what a aariac
of tiaw aad asoaey tke skort aklrt la
to a woaaaa, especially tke kosy woa
an. No skirt braids aeed reaewal; ao
rrayed edges give ker aa aatldy ap
pearaace. Take a look at yoar everj-day skirt
aad think wbat aa ianproveawat a
good presaiag woald be to it. Thia
caa be done very easily at bosae aad
should be done every week or two.
Place your skirt oa a covered ironing-
I board aad have kaady two hot irons
rather heavy ia weight; bow cover the)
portioas to be pressed with a thar
oaghly wet piece of nableached ataa
lia folded dqable, aad when presslas
don't move the iron too quickly over
it. but press until the material stop
Should there restate dulled or
glazed spots sponge lightly and press
again. This repressing, when damp,
will form steam that will remove sack
spots. ,
It la an Aaaetizini and Neuriehint
Dish tor Invalids.
I was in a Swedish hospital with
fever that might prove typhoid.
"Keep her oa a milk diet," said the
doctor to the aurse.
"I loathed milk, yet the next day.
"Keep her oa a milk diet." said the
learned man. I besought the aarae
for baked potatoes aad she firmly re
peated the doctor's words: "Keep her
on a milk diet."
-But one day that blessed narse from
Sweden brought me a bowl of fruit
The Mobammedaa paradise kolas
no joy equal to the taste of it. 2 ca
joled that Swede woman into giving
me the recipe.
Fruit Soup Stir together a handful
each of dried apples, pears, cherries.
raisins, prunes and currants. Whea
done add water to make a gallon,
sweeten to tke tastet and add two
tablespoonfals of vinegar. Thicken
with potato flour or with oatmeal.
Potato flour, to be aeed for thicken
ing and for puddings, is made as fol
lows: Grate potatoes, soak la cold
water, strain out all the potatoes first
with a coarse sieve then with a fiae
one. leaving the potato starch la the
water, pouring off each one aa tong
as there is any color ia the water.
Finally haviag peared off the last
water, let the starch cake and take
out aad dry oa cloths. Kansas CKy
Mushrsem Toast.
Cut the stems closely from a quart
or more of fresh mushrooms, peel
them and remove the fills.
Dissolve from two to three ouacea
of butter ia a porcelain lined sauce
pan. Pat in the mushrooms, strew ever
them a quarter of a teaspooaful of
browned mace mixed with a little
cayenne and let them stew over a gen
tle fire for about 15 minutes.
Stir or toss frequently while cook
ins; then add a dessertspoonful of
sifted flour, shaking the pan until it
browns slightly.
Pour in by degrees half a pint of
gravy or beef stock, and when the
mushrooms have stewed softly in this
for two minutes, throw in a little salt,
and a squeeze of lemon Juice. Pour
them on a crust cut about an inch and
a quarter thick from the under part of
a moderate sized loaf and fried la '
butter a light brown, after haviag
been slightly hollowed in the inside.
Shoulder ef Fresh Pork.
A ham or shoulder with the bona
taken out and the space filled with a
bread or prune stuffing is delicious
when well cooked, and a popular disk
among German and Swedish families.
Have the skin scored in narrow strips,
fill the space with the stuffing, close
the openings with skewers and place
the leg in a dripping pan. Rub salt,
pepper and grated lemon rind over the
scored top and squeeze the juke of a.
lemon over it. Bake, with an even
heat, basting frequently. The meat
should be well done and should bo
served with an accompaniment of
apple sauce or cider jelly.
Eggless Fruit Cake.
Two cups of granulated sugar, one
cup molasses, three cups of graham
flour, sifted, two cups of white flour,
three cups of seeded raisins, three
cups of currants, half pound citron,
two cups of milk, one teaspoon saler
atus. one teaspoon of cloves, one tea
spoon of allspice, one teaspoon of salt,
two teaspoons of cinnamon. Grease
tins and put in slow oven, and do not
touch for half aa hour. Be careful in
turning them or they will fall. Bake
for Vfz hours to three hoars. Makea
two good loaves.
Rich White Stock.
Three and a half pounds veal, a
chicken or a rabbit, two stalks of
celery, any poultry bones, two blades
of mace, one onion, two quarts of
cold water; cut the meat into small
pieces and break the bones; put them
into the pot with the water and brine
slowly to the boil; skim thoroughly
. . ,. ., ,-ji. , , 3
a'J the other Ingredients and simmer
slowly for four hours; strain and
when cold remove the fat." The bones
may again be boiled down.
Wash Egg Shells.
Egg shells whieh arc to be used la
coffee should be well washed before
breaking. If,the shell is staiar-1 --''ike
a little scouriag powder on i: -: ra
lightly with a damp c!:!. ThN -v
remove any spot and make the si.. .1
fit to use.
Caring fir the Kail:.
Boa't cut the, cuticle oc aay part
of the flesh areaad the Balls. Ooa't
polish the Balls too highly; they
should nave only a aataral
Don't cat the aalm la points, bat
I fully arch.
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