??!I!j5wC5!T?5W?ff i - " f A J 'W-v j. t 1 ?' i m BERRY RAGA7Z& CO. CUMMmXSALE or CROCKHOT .4aUaBBaaaaaaj ssBvaaiw jSMSaaWal T HE SIGN which good tooMkeepere watch for is up. It is to the effect 4h4 prices for "SINE CROCKERY are down away down. Oar annual stock taking is.at hancL r -We.want to reduce our holdings as much as possible. - So we throw, prof its to the winds to induce you to buy liberally. .There are some tremendous bargains for early shoppers. , , HENRY RAGATZ CO. THIRTEENTH ST, HOW MUCH Easier can the house keeper do the work if she has a good kitchen cabinet. We have the best on the market. Let us show you. HENRY (HISS Faraitare9UaiertaklBr9Pitare Fraauiag. 219-21-Sr West 11th St. BfMB Sfftwf s s mP"W PENNYMYALPIIS lAOOtSI Askyear CnBTBM rax GoLasseUlttc bo RlbboC TAKtTOOIB Snow V DnuktuAMlcror unutaroMM Car Safest. AV wavs Reliable Sei&hjDnmgaeraj BUCHESTEB caBMICAfcCO..FHD-. PA. JIM'S PLACE I earry the heat of everything is ay turn. The drwtaac stab- tiis h6HMfltMt8ieMII far. Ke.ll a ever? H EA WORLD'S It enrra UmmnsM.T said by dmajrf d4rtrTr! DUMONO Qk BKAND Bi tan. OLNEY aMrAf, aotrtatnsi' rr Til r jJ TOLTHbtBUS, HBB. I i. c 1 X BnBsafasaafsftaBSBBBsVSkA mP mW-9m aaaasa GflLHELSON Plasterer AND - -i x; Contractor Columbus Nebraska. A eelee MhNmt'tUl the f the Mgaaafalryheto get rid of tmt it will m kT ahte to wlthamad Bee's laxative Heaey and Tat. That will oere aUeelde, ages' oroep, eto., by .r driving t sowols. If yea aesld try 41 anal u atteansdtjet ky Stat Oeaftary Dtm BtofC Plaits OiOOV. M, Tt l mmwmwmwmmmmww; l r'l U I Til " 'n-l'waPrwl aP-'saw -ft n IHK r:KM I H11 hK lUb VUkfll JIosIIoVIbII THOUSANDS of grateful ieaatoaten ie I etgse-attest-the WONDBBFUL LftfG PROPBfcTUB&V of -the! BEST LINIMENT , DEAN'S u.J 4 KING CACTUS OIL TllllUlrnWIIiiilwhltSf cuts, snrmins. brutee. sore. ItTBeartf. old wound, lumomto. chapped rMntli.fi on Hfai. etc- end is the wtaiitferd rsnedv for . i- Mr e.u-amntinal9L -tMmeae ea4 'addle-calk, acrajtche. etejE' bf 1. caked wdder. Itch. ie.elc ' It heals tf-woand"fnm tin- Mtuta aad hr- aBUiUr. - ( KfJVOtC retterf KfHKtEAeTUjrOf. Is. , - Jts In !.. -.. ami t K.tUn. ft end: ' runs, or ont plil 'Vfce'Baaii.rar- u i st jwu druggiam Pollock & Co. T 1 HffifllBORBOOO EflWTO. ".-. BSU.WOOD the dmrilm. Bev. H.rZfnnecker, wife and babies, peat Christmas witlf Mrs. Zinnecker's parents at $L Edward. . Mia Bessie West who is attending school at Peru, is spending her vaca tion around the old hearthstone. Mr. Will. Fiske and Miss Rena Hudson, who' are attending school at Lincoln, spent Xmas with their par eats. -'. Miss Jessie Meyer, who is teaching school at Comstock, Nebr., came to Bellwood Saturday .evening and spent Christmas with her parents. Mrs. J. K.Byrey, formerly Miss Polly Bailey, now of Pennsylvania, is visiting with her parents and was present at the-marriage of her sister. Elsie Owings of Bedford, Iowa, who was here last;, week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Smart, his uncle and aunt, returned heme Wednesday by way of York, where he will visit a few days with an uncle. Miss Jane. -Barley and Mr. Leo Wilson were united in marriage at high noon on-Christmas day at the residence of the bride's parents in Bellwood. Rev. Ulraer, the Baptist preacher at Columbus conducted the ceremony. None but relatives and .a few intimate friends were present The bride was born and brought up in Bellwood and' has the well 'wishes of her many friends. The new groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. -Wilson of Bellwood and- is said to. be a young man of excellent habits. After the bridal ceremony a sumptuous dinner was served to the bridal party. rQmm. fFroomUM&cMMr.l ' Farmer Eager of the Indian school returned from his annual vacation the last of the week and will soon resume his duties at the school. The village schools adjourned on Friday last for two weeks vacation and the teachers departed to spend the holidays at their homes. Miss Mable Thurston, who is em ployed in the local telephone office at Central City, spent the holidays with her relatives in this city. Everett Mc Williams, who has been working for Skoog &Son the past two years, has resigned and accepted a position with Kelly, Potter Co. at Monroe. r Work on the new Masonic Temple has been progressing finely and a few more days and nice weather 'will' per mit the masons to finish the ..brick wore, as well as the carpenters the roof. Word was received at this office the last of the, week from Jacob Bowser, who went to Phoenix, Arizona,- a few weeks ago, directing that his paper be sent to Florence, Arizona, where Mr. Bowser has purchased 80 acres of land. One hundred and fifty gues s assem bled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. Er Green on Christmas morning .at 10 o'clock to witness the 1marrisige of Mr. and Mrs. Green's only daughter, Miss Ethel L., to Mr. Sherman Leon ard of Lincoln, Nebraska, the cere mony being performed by .Rev. J. W. Brient, pastor of the M. E. church. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard departed. on the noon train' for Lincoln where they will make their future home. PLATTE CRNTER FraaTaeSia-BaL Mrs. Clint Wilbur came home from St Mary's hospital last Friday even ing, much improved in health. Mesdames Edward Ballon aid Her num Brodfuehrer and children, of Cok lumbus, spent Christmas day with relatives in Platte Center. - Miss Kittie Gentleman is spending the holidays at home. She seems entirely recovered - from her illness, aad looks the picture of health. " ' Goorge Scheidel, jr., and Fred W. Meyer were at St Mary's hospital in Columbus on ChristmaX day visiting with -Mrs: Scheidel. who underwent aa operation some ten days ago. She is convalescing, nicely at this writing. Last Friday night, or rather Satur day Morning; William Foley, son of Mr. aad Mrs. Patrick Foley, was taken violently sick. Dr. Pugh was called aad he pronounced it a case of ptom aaic poison, probably from canned salami eaten, at supper time Friday eveaiag, although he was not: taken side .antif nine hours -after he had eatea the salmon. : Dr. Martyn of Co huahas was called next day, and later Dr. Evaaswas also called. The phy sicians labored with him- for several days with bat little hope of saving his life. In all - kd had sixty-eight 1 con Tokioas those for- the first day or two being very severe, but they gradually became hghter until he is now" past danger, ia fact is recovering rapidly. To the fact taat.aewat r very strong, healthy yoang iaan he was enabled to the ravages of thedeadrr C. J. GARLOW ATTORNEY AT LAW ' OSoe over German Natl Bunk Columbus, - - Nebraska. A.M. POST ATTORNEY AT LAW Columbus, - Nebraska. C. N. McELFRESH ATTORNEY AT 3AW ZinneckerBld'g Columbus, Nebraska. t family also ate from the same can, but were not effected. It will doubtless be a long time before Will has a genuine "hankerin" for canned salmon. CBEbTOX. From The Statesman. Mrs. D. Westcott started the. latter part of last week for a visit with home folks in Missouri. Fritz Venz has installed a new gaso line engine, and started his sausage machine yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Priest was over from Monroe and spent Christmas with Mrs. P's home folks, Mr. and Mrs. H. O.Studley. H. W. Luedtke was up in South Dakota last week viewing the country. He was so well pleased with the coun try there that he bargained for a piece of land. nUMPHHBT From the Democrat. Mrs. Alice Stewart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Cowdery, arrived Sun day evening from the Philippine Islands, to eat Christmas dinner with her parents and to make an extended visit to the United States. . Mrs. Stew art was 35 days en route home. Mr. Stewart who holds a government posi tion in the Philippines, is now in Aus tralia, where he will remain for several weeks selling goods which are manu factured in the Philippines by the government. It appears that the home consumption is not great enough to meet the production and it is neces sary to find a market for their goods in other countries. Farmers, remember the Farmers' Institute to be held in Humphrey, January 9 and 10. Some good prizes are going to be offered for the best ten ears of corn. At the institute held two years ago we had an exhibition of corn but no prizes were given for the best; last year some nice prizes were offered and there was a marked im provement in I he quality of the corn over the previous year, and while it will perhaps be more difficult to pick good corn this year for seed, we ex pect however, that the exhibit thu year will be an improvement over that of last year. Arrangements have been made to hold the institute in the new parochial school hall, so there will be plenty of room for all who may wish to attend. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Boyer sympathize with them in the loss of their little boy, Charley, who died Christmas moruing at 7 o'clock. The little fellow had not been feeling well for the past couple of weeks, but nothing serious was thought of until the day before Christmas, it was deemed necessary to call a physi cian and he was put in bed. From that time on he gradually grew worse although everything that was possible to do was done to relieve him. The night before he died he was able to eat his supper and did not appear to be seriously ill, but the ravages of diseased kidneys and liver had such a hold on the little fellow that it was apparent that he could not live. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the M. E. church, Rev. Carroll preaching the sermon. Winter Wearing Apparel At HART'S you will find all the newest sty les in Mens'and Boy's Suits and Overcoats fresh lrom the fingers of the best tailors in America. Investigate, it will be profitable for you before you spend your money elsewhere. HART'S 13th Street, Columbus. We are praearad to all kinds of nal at the leweit atasea to tk A clergyman, discussing leve affairs; said: unhappy "Many a love tragedy is caased by a hoslx. .d's promise to a dying wife that he will not marry again. He thinks when he makes this promise that it will be easy to keep. Whether It Is easy or hard to keep, it la a promise rarely if ever broken. Time and time again widowers nave sought me out for advice on this subject. They are in lore, bnt they promised their dead wares not to marry again. Shall they break or keep this promise? I can only advise them to do as their conscience dictates. At the same time I think it is selfish pt dying wives to extract such promises from their bro ken hearted husbands. Such prom ises, by the way, are rarely extracted by dying husbands from broken heart ed wives. But. then, when the dead husband's will is read it Is usually found that if the widow marries again the money is all taken from her. So It comes to the same thing ur the end. doesn't It?' New York Press. Fasaeaa Celleetlaat et Aatlers. Of the famous collections of antlers formed in the seventeenth century only two or three have escaped the general fate of conflagrations, sieges and pil lage. One of these is in Morltzbnrg. the king of Saxony's historical hunting castle, near Dresden, while In the cele brated gun gallery In Dresden Itself are to be seen in an unrivaled show the wonderfully inlaid arms used by the elector. The great banqueting hall of the castle of Morltzbnrg is one of the sights with which ho doubt many a traveled reader has been charmed. It Is a chamber of noble proportions, sixty-six feet long by thirty-four wide and thirty-eight feet high. On Its oth erwise unadorned white walls hang seventy-one pairs of magnificent ant lers, which one may describe as the most famous of their kind In the world. Not a single one carries less than twenty-four tines or Is less than 200 years old, while some are probably double that age. A Celebrated Clack. The art of the clockmaker. has achieved many remarkable triumphs during many centuries. Sometimes it Is a clock wonderful for the complexi ty of its movements and its busy popu lation of automatons that attracts our admiration, like that In the Cathedral of Strassburg. At other times the im mense size of the machinery and the dials excites astonishment. This is the case with the celebrated clock in the tower of the Church of St Rombant at Mechlin. A writer in La Nature thinks this clock possesses the largest dials that exist in the world. There are four of them, one on each side of the great square tower, and their extreme diam eter is nearly thirty-seven and one-half feet The figures 'showing the hours are nearly six and one-half feet high, and the hands nave a length of nearly twelve feet. Wh sets Year Vate? "Do you see that man there?" re marked a barber to a customer in bis chair. "Well, be has had one and the same job for the past forty-seven years and has been married all that time, and his wife has never at any time during that period known what salary her husband was getting. The wife gets so much a week and no more and has never been able to learn what amount' of money her husband has been receiving In exchange for his la bor. Now, what bothers me is which should have the diamond medal I say diamond, as in this case the finest would seem to be needed the man for being able toso long baffle a woman's curiosity or the woman for surviving so long an unsatisfied curiosity." Co lumbus Dispatch. Webster's Cssspllsseat. While it is well known that Daniei Webster in speaking of General Tay lor's candidacy for the office of presi dent pronounced It "a nomination not fit to be made," he never failed to do justice to the general's military abil ities and eminent service In the field. On one occasion he paid the old sol dier a delicate and well deserved com pliment General Taylor was com plaining of the crowds of people who daily besieged him soon after his as cession to the presidency. "They interfere," he said, "with my official engagements and violate my domestic retirement but still I do not wish to turn my back upon my friends." "You never did upon your enemies, general," Mr. Webster instantly re plied. The Saab. The snob cultivates a man or a wom an not because he expects to get a job or a loan out of either, but because he thinks either can help him along into society's elect. He cuts a former ac quaintance because the unfortunate person seems to be of no use In his own social advancement He sop presses the impulse that may lead him to dislike useful people and like use less ones just as the ambitious bank clerk suppresses his small extrava gances, his fondness for the race track. Because social position seems so Im portant to him he admires excessively those 'who have it and snubs those whose position he deems Inferior to his own. New York Mail. Dr. J. W. Terry OP OMAHA SPECIALIST EYE EXPERT OPTICIAN Best Eaiippee! Optical Ofltieei la The West in the front rooms over Pollock, at Co. 'a Drug Store. Will be in Columbus offices Sunday, on day, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. Spectacles and eye-' glasses scientifically fitted 'and repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted to anynose. CONSULTATION. sBBBBBBBJkl aH!IPnP!9ffiGBaW VsKSsfsaaaHi'aVasw ajB5gs3aMP!B?tl- i a a a a a a Saaaasasaei ia V an aaaksaasaWaiaWsasaamsasaW IJ0E2E SALEI.j 1 f. I will sell at Public Columbus, Neb., hut, m. m, 200 HEAD OF HORSES AND MULES e Consisting of 100 head of good fiit markable horses weighing from 1200 to 1600 lbs. 80 head of good' southern hones weighing front 1000 to 1150 lbs. 20 head of good young mules that' are front 4 to 8 years old and will measure 15 hands high and over. This is beyoad a doubt the best bunch of horses aad mules I have ever been able to buy. Come and brine your marketable ho: and I will have .buyers' here ltomall parte of the country. Parties bringing hi horses to sell most-get in by 10 o'clock in order to get them arranged for sale. We. are prepared to hitch and try every horse and hones must be as represented or no sale. TERM of SALE Eight months time will be given on bankable notes bearing 8 per cent interest.- THOMAS 1ANM X ' W. L BLAIN, Auctioneer.. H. A. CLARKE, Clerk. as aj ai sj FALSE ECONOMY. Taa Caaaat Wla Saaerlar Wfttk. laferiar Sfeth A Paris bank clerk, who was carry ing a bag of gold through the streets, dropped a ten franc piece, which rolled from the sidewalk.' He set his bag down to look for the lost piece, aad, while he was trying -to extricate' It from the gutter some one stole "ate bag and ran away with It t' Tree economy Is not 'stinginess or meanness. It often means very large expenditures, for it always has the larger end in view. True economy means the wisest, expenditure of what we nave, everything considered, look ing at it from tneibroadest standpoint. It Is not a good thing to save a nickel at the expenditure of 25 cents' worth of time. Comparatively few people have a healthy view of what real saving or economy means. I have seen a lady spoil a pair of fine gloves trying to rescue a nickel from a mud puddle. Several people have been run over by street cars or teams la New York while trying to rescue a dropped pack age, a hat, an umbrella or a cane. Bargain hunters are often victims of false economy. They bay, because they are cheap, a great many things they do not actually need. Then they will tell yon how much they have saved. If they would reckon up .what they have expended la a year, they would generally. lad that tbey have spent more than If they had only bought what they actually wanted whea they aeeded It aad had paid the regmlar price far it Ifaay people- have a mania for attendbig auctions and baying all aorta of track which' does aot match anything else they have. The result Is that then? homes are a veritable nightmare aa to taste aad Itaess of. things. Then, they aeveret. the frst best wear of anything. The secondhand things are of tea jast oa the point of giving out and constantly need repairing. This foolish baying la the worst kind of extravagance. Qual ity, durability, should be the flrst con eideratioa la baying anything for con stant ase. Yet many people keep them selves poor by baying cheap articles which do aot last No greater debsskm ever entered a baalBesa maa's head rtaaa that cheap labor Is ecoaoaay. Trying to eat me payroll down to the lowest possible dollar has rained many a concern. Business men who have been atost successful have found that the tiest workmen, like the best materlala, are the cheapest In the end. Tbe: break age, the damage, the losses, the "ex pensive blunders, the injury- to mer chandise, the loss of caatomera resatt lag from cheap labor, are not compea sated for by low wages. Aay one who tries to get aaperlor . aalts from Inferior methods, front cheapness m-quality of material-or service, deludes himself. Cheap labor means cheap product and cheapened reputation. It mean Inferiority all along tin; llnef The Institution ran by cheap help Is cheapened and mesne a cheaper patronage. Orlsoa Swett alar dea la Baccese MsgasJae. Before Mrs. Sage left her heme far her annual sanuaer -rislt at her iaeth- Auction at my barn in wanted anything that wasat M sight to write to her for "Don't turn the house upside down, as you generally do, she said, with unhappy recollection. MI will by return mail and tell you Jua It is." Mr. Sage found everything to has hand, but soon after his wife's de parture a neighbor'came la to borrow a pattern which she waa sere ale wife had.. Mr.-Sage wrote, aa he requested. His wife's reply quently found its way Into the field Republican. -You will find It hanging oa the wall by the attic stairs," ran the letter, "or In the. box on top of the sewing ma chine In Ellen's room the green box or the red one. I forget which. Per haps, though, it Is on the top shelf la the closet in our room left head aide. If I remember correctly. Bat leek oa the other side too. "If not mere It la la the bottom drawer of the high boy hi the upper hall. That Is where I keep my pat terns, and don't untie all the baadlra. It is among them somewhere. I am not sure but it Is In the second drawer from the bottom. It Is stairs anyway, so don't downstairs. "P. S.-Come to think of It, I have lent it to Mrs. Halt Write ase if you find If Tae Daaes. The Danes, or Northmen, first he- came prominent In Europeaa in 783. when they began to ravage' the north coast of France and em shores of Great Britain. The dar ing of these hardy, seamen was re markable, for in their small ships they even penetrated the Mediterranean i became terrors to the seaboard popula tion of .Italy, Sicily and Greece. The first king of Denmark la said to have been Skiold. 00 B. C. ail It Hectc. MI made this potato salad fa mvself." smiled she. "Isn't It det clousy "It would be," assented her haaband. "if you bad put a little saore oil 'vinegar and pepper and mustard seed and horseradish-' in the dressing and introduced a sliced egg or two and a few white onions and left half of the potatoes out? Taleraaee la Ail Westerners seem to find It celvable bow' the' -Japanese can awlB-l tain allegiance to. different creeds atl one and the same time. One bread ex planation of this Is that we aa a aat ,are tolerant in mind, especially la saat- ters pertaining to. rehgkm. Japanl Tunes of Tokyo. Taa 1 ' Haskell What's Bobby crying Mrs. Haskell Oh. the poor boy his finger hi the pantry door. WmV He evidently didn't get Jam he was looking far that time.- Pfck-Me-lTp. Gettfac HewHt-I got evea with who vaccinated -me. Jewett Hew yoa do It? Hewitt He ran far and I seratebed hiss. Flattery, la telling a anaa to las The other members of the east which waa Intaafia eaiy far r news. S -- s. r rA?-vJ W . - A ft.. si;. a v-C-Ajvj &jg5vc.g3gfe 3ei2d&i'lz:;j6 acvfe.--t.g,-v t . - , . ..,.! - J .-, f.,-"'..-. V- tf ?r- . . .