The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 02, 1907, Image 4

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It is a secret ao longer, W. J. Bryan
i aaxioas to ran for president the
third time. Aad it will again be
- recorded, "three dates and out"
If the old saying, better luck in odd
auatbera is true, the coating year of
1907 will have to hustle to come np
to the past year of 1906, for 1906 was
certainly a great year of prosperity,
peace and great advancement for our
- entire country.
Lest wo forget, everybody, youag
aad old, came home for Christmas to
be with their respective families aad
home folks, except our Mr. Babcock,
who remained away at his post of duty.
ZMM aBaaattaTafawaa
fay asaar. ar aasaaaraWaata wiitlaas) yaar
- '' " aUaiUS aS Jaa- M"?
' libllitMiri as nesiat.
wJgilin 1 1 nil ill'.
JOOMIMTOABCM ..""ggg .& i',fc
'aaaMaasnara aalMMiirlaMw to sasaBBttaBa.
afcaaaM f asai g JgC? &
IvIhitfM pMte as savirsd. yea saoali
.ftTTurti aaaaraatlaataaa iihw
to cinch the Columbus power canal.
All honor to Brother Babcock.
All those wiahiag fat positions, such
- as president or treasurer of the various
railroad companies, also passes when
the governmeat shall own all the rail
roads, had better file their applications
with either Mike Harrington or fid
gar Howard, for they are the presi
dent and secretary of the government
ownership league. Hitchcock of the
World-Herald will then have to walk
or pay his fare, for he is bucking gov-
arnment ownership of railroads.
-Once more the Omaha papers report
that the Columbus power canal has
beoa financed and work will begin in
the spring. There are a good many
doubting Thomases here, but we are
among those who believe the power
canal is bound to come. We have
great faith in the future of Columbus.
Most of our people do not realize what
it woald mean to Columbus to have
the millions spent right here for labor
in constructing the canal, even if most
of the power raised from this canal
was transferred to Omaha and other
If Joe Bailey was a republican and
a United States senator from a north
ern state, instead of being a democrat
and a senator from the state of Texas,
there would be no question as to his
re-electton. He would simply be down
and out yes, more than that. Public
sentiment would be such that he would
not dare to be a candidate for re-elec
tion, and if he was not confined in
some prison, he would surely be on the
road to it Compared to Senator Bai
ley's .ofense, Senator Burton of the
state of Kimws committed the small
est act of petit larceny. In the south
a maa is all right if he is a democrat,
and he is a democrat if he is right on
the "nigger" question. He can be a
free-trader, a protectionist, a free sil
ver maa,a Standard Oil man, or any
thing else, if he is only a democrat
This same spirit has been in evi
dence ia Platte county, to the detri
ment of our community. Some years
ago the republicans of this' district
were fortanate enough to have on their
ticket as a candidate for state senator
a maa who was not only one of our
earliest settlers, but he was also a man
of the highest integrity, thoroughly
qualified for the position, respected
-aad honored by all who knew him, and
. he was known all over the state. Had
he been elected he would have made a
most useful, coascieatious aad leading
member of our state senate. Opposed
to him oa the democratic ticket was a
maa, a comparative stranger in this
community. He did not have a dol
lar's worth of property in this county,
he had ao ability for the office, not a
particle of experience, but he was
' elected and by a majority of over seven
r handred votes, just because he was on
the democratic ticket He went to
Lincoln aad seemed to forget that he
was leprsseating this district He did
not evea return at the close of the ses
sion, but he was on the democratic
ticket, aad that ia Platte and Colfax
county is enough to elect anyone.
Department of Agricaltare balletin
indicate that under the initial regula
tions nMnafactare of denatured alco
hel by individual farmers will not be
is a general prac-
The vagalations have, of caarse.
haaa drawa with chief attention to
niVnalinn rffraads oa the revcaneef
sa'nMde in dlacas
of tax-free aledhal fcr the artj ,
aad which naturally would be promi
nent ia the -.minds of the - revenue
authorities in early experience under
the law. How far manufacture can
be localized, even if not yet practical
at small farm sills, can only be deter
mined experimentally, but particular
pains have been taken so to draft the
rules as, while protecting revenue, to
favor distilleries at the smaller towns,
near the source of raw mateaials. But
manufacture of this as of other articles,
is likely to be determined by general
industrial forces. The chief public
interest in which farmers, both as con
sumers of denatured alcohol and as
producers of the raw materials for it
especially share, is that this new sub
stitute for agents of light, heat and
power already monopolized, shall not
itself fall under control of monopoliz
ing combinations and trusts. Such a
result, if it should happen, would in
fallibly and swiftly cause the same
irresistible demand for relaxed rev
enue regulations as has just caused tax
exemption of denatured alcohol. And
in any event the government upon its
own motion may be expected to mod
ify them as rapidly as practical expe
rience in administering' the systom
shows it to be safe from the revenue
point of vi iw. Omaha lee.
Supervisors' Proceedings.
Columbus, Nebraska, Dec. 17, 1006.
The Board of SniwrvisorH of Pl.-Uto county
Nebraska, met in adjourned session at 2 o'clock
p. bu. Hob. John Swanaoo chairman unci John
Graf clerk.
Boll called and following members present:
Sapra. Clother.. Goetz, Held, Newm:in, Lri(t,
Schare and chairman Bwauson.
The proceedings of the protions meeting or
the board were now read and approved. '
The petition of Nels 31. Lnmltvn and others
for the establishment of a public ro.itl -10 feet in
width, commencinK at the. southeast corner of
action 7, town 20, ranee -1 went, and nmninti"
thence due north on section line one mile, was
presented and read and on" motion referred to
the committee on roads and bridge
The petition of Julius IteilX'l ami others for
the location of a public road 10 feet in width
commencing at the southwest corner of section
8, town 18, range 1 east, and running thence dao
Borth oa section line one-fourth mile, was pre
sented and read and on motion referred to the
committee on roads and bridges.
The petition of George Henggcler remonstrat
ing against, the vacation aod relocation of part
of the "School Sect on Itoad" in ll'smark town
ship, was presented and read and on motion
referred to the committee on roads and bridges.
Attorney C. J. Garlow now addrensul the board
oa behalf of Georgu Henggeler, requesting that
an opportunity be given to the romomtritor (o
produce evidence showing tint an alteration of
said road is not a public necessity, that it will
greatly injure and damage the farm of the roinon
strator, and that the hoard of saiieri'if-ora shall
fix a time for the hearing of testimony in regard
to the matter.
On motion the request was granted and the
time for hearing testimony fixed to bo at '.
o'clock a. m. tomorrow.
The communication of the town board of Co
lumbus township whereby the board of sutter
viaors are requested to take action oa cause to
have the bridges which span the irrigation ditch
in said township be made permanently ii.u-s.-iMt-aa
their condition has become almost intoler
able, was presented and read and on motion
referred to the committee on roads and bridges.
The following was presented:
To the Hob. Board of Soiicrvisors, Gentlemen;
Aa shown by the attached tountj treasurer's re
ceipt, I have paid the taxes fur the jear 110". on
lot 5, block 3, Uobisons addit'on to Jlumphrej
under protest, for the reason that the taxes ex
tended aad charged against said lot contain a
charge ia the sum of $21.00, under item "Stiecial
Side Walk Tax." which charge is unjust for the
reason that the side walk adjacent to said lot
aad constructed by tho village board of Jluin
phre is five inches lower than the struct crossing
aad four inches narrower than provided for bj
the village ordinance, and is also constructed of
inferior material, therefore 1 ask jour honorable
body to cause to have said unjust ch-irge of
$2100 refunded to me. ltesectfully submitted,
II. J. Jlerl)es.
Ob motion name was referred to the committee
Aa itemised statement of the Auditor of Pub ic
Acooaats showing the amount of taxes due the
State from Platte county since the 1S70, was
presented and read and on motion same wa-t
ordered placed on file for future aclioa hy the
board. '
The report of County Treasurer, D. A. ISccher,
of the uncollected personal taxes forthe juir
1986, showing ia detail the name of e.ieh iersou
charged with personal property tax, which he
his deputies have been unable to collect by
of the removal or insolvency of the per
son charged with such tax, was prteuted and
read aad on motion ordered placed on hie for
fatare reference.
AU bills and official bonds on file with the
clerk were on motion referred to appropriate
Oa Baotioa board of supervi ors now adjourned
aatil 9 o'clock a. m. tomorrow.
Columbus, Neb.. Dec, 18. 1'.sOO -
The board of suuervLsors pursuant to ad
journment met a 9 o'clock p. in.
Hon John Snansou, chairman and John
Graf, clerk, and all members preMit.
The peUtten of Joseph 1 Sj slow and others
for the location of a public rojd 40 feel wide
commencing at the northeast corner of sec
tion 24, town 19, range 3 we-t and ranniiig
thence west on section line one mile, wxs pre
sented and re d and motion was n'rerred to
the committee on roads and bridges.
The foUo wing was presented:
To Hon board of supervisors: Gentleman. We
the undersigned officers of the Farmer, lust i
tate of Humphrey, Neb, respectfully pelition
your honorable body to appropri.itt! the sum
of 45 to assist in defrajiug the expense-, "of a
two days institute to be held ia Humphrey on
Janaary 9 and 10. 1907. Wo have an active or
SBBizttiOB and tccording to a bill .a-s-d by
the legislature a few yeais ai;o, are entitl
ed to expense mouey fiym tbu county.
, Kespectiully suumitUU,
.L M Heesacker, 1're-ident
F J Pratt. becy-Trcas
On atotioa the same was referred to tho com
mittee ob accounts and expenditures.
The time fixed by the board of supervisors
to bear testimouy relative to the remonstrance;
filed against the alternation of part of the
school section road in liisniark towusliip hav
iak arrived, Geo Henggeler together with his
eoaasel C J Garlow, appeared now before the
'board aad upon being first duly sworn by
Chairman Swaason, .stated that" the ulteriu
tioBOf said roadas petitioned for would bo a
graat damage to bis land and that iu his opin
ion the alternation is not necessary fur the
reason that the controction of a bridge at the
old tocatioa would not be as ex pens ve as it
woald be the new location.
AatoB ffiant'lia also testified as to the dam
agea which woald result to the lands of his fa
ther by the alternation of the road, at the con
etaasoa of which the matter was taken under
atraMaaeat by the board.
Ob atotioa the board of supervisors nowad
jomrBad for eoatmitte work antil 1 o'clock p.
to adjoaraaeat the bord re-con ven-
ed at 2 o'clock with aUawatberapreseat.
The following bills on reconmeMlatkm of
the committees were oa atotioa allowed by tb
board and the cleric directed to tasae-warraats
in payment of saraeoa'eoanty general f Bad:
Thos Jaworski. petit juror diat ooart S3 10
Steve Hogan same
Mervo Elston same
S P Mills same
K 1 Itrigliam same .V...
Wm Luescho same
Henry nns same
Eil Newman sr sime ;..
J LSIiarreasrsamo
Fred Davis same
Wm Ifcvidssatne
Otto Kail weit sr same
Frank Ferricksanie
Geo Tladen same I
Walter llichcock same
Henry Dresanie
Paul (iertschsamu
31 J Clar same... .. .... .. .... .. .... .... .,
Daniel llollornsame
losei b Apgar same
A G Kolf same
J J Ducey me :.
John Walker same
John Doresb same
Chan Hogemann sauio
David Schuplkicli same
G Lan nor. same .....
ThotnasO Dell same
John Schinockcr same ...
Otto Kniiiiner talesman
Fred Lwkey same
Hobert Lewis same
loliu W llyrues same
John K Hroclrbailiir
Ed Kosiler Mtme
C M (Jn.enthrr, CDC costs Nov term....
" '" " same state cases.
. 27 SS
. 2110
. 24 SO
. 08
. X2 88
. 32 80
. 27 80
. 3 50
. 8 40
. see
. 3 50
. w
. 7 SB
. 33 SO
. 2SSD
. 23 90
. 2'l0
. 23 W
. 20 20
. 1S
. 23 W
. as so
. s'w
. av
. qui
. 4M
. 44 00
. 2300
103 75
. 8340
C J Carrig, sheriff, serv jurNov term D C 49 80
attending di, court 48 00
jailor fees 60 00
Itoarding prisoners.
.. 22 25
ijouis Lightner counsel U P B tax matter. 23 00
Aug Mertz meals for jurors 13 00
Dr 'J'iesiug com insanity of C Nelson - 8 09
WMCornolius same .'.. 3 00
O J Cirrig ciLsh advanced 46 25
CM Oruentherci-h advanced 28 65
DA Itecher cash advanced 105 00
John in ternian costs state cases 78 99
Win O'lSrien costs state vs Wm Martin.... 8 05
Chai JCel ley register 35
John sfchmocRer s'une x.... 15 55
OE Wngnersamo 1 75
It P Drakesimo 9 85
John Moliit Mime 4 50
Henry Gass bull-register 2 20
(ieo II Hnder same 50
J II Johannes pub proceedings etc 68 44
Columbus Tribune pub bridge & tax not.. 8 82
L I'Jatte Center Signal pub road notice 7 75
LimKav Opinion pub proceedings etc.... 63 10
Omaha Printing Co supplies 18 00
Klopp.t Kurt left Co supplies 13 75
Worrell Mauf Co supplies 25 00
Henry lingatz Co mdse for county 4 10
J H Gnlley game l'S5
Curl Kolle setting stove etc at court house 5 30
C J Carnft janitor, salary 2d half 1906 112 So
German National bank rent Co judge 62 00
Jonas Welsh canvassing election returns. 3 00
Go Fail-child same 3 00
John Graf co clerk same 3 00
L 11 Leavy co supt salary 4th qr 1MB 300 00
LKLatlrun coatt'y same .200 00
John Graf co clerk same 100 00
W U Cornelius same co physician 50 Cq
l A ISccher Co trcas cash advanced 7-4J
John Graf Co clerk same 60 85
LH i-avy Co supt same 10 40
C J Cnrrig sheriff samo 00
City of Columlmo water rent court house. 9 44
C A Whale laundry for court house 5 64
Ferd Henning rent for sheriff 25 00
Louis Held repairs for county 10 70
John lrar co clerk preparing tax list... ..Kit 36
latte co Ind Tel Co services for county.. 28 60
Neb Iclco mum 34 50
Tiie claim of L K. Lath-im $283 cash advimced
for tillico rent as county attorney from Jan 1.
1V0.: io Jan 1. l'JOTwas on recommendation of the
committee on supplies and public property on
mot ion rejected by tho board.
The following official iMindson recommenda
tion of the judiciary committee were on motion
County Attorney:
W N Hnsley
Township Treasurers:
Joseph F lielford (Vilumhus township.
A nl on Javvorska Burrows.
Jo-"'pli Ijichnit Granville.
Ferdinand Fuchs Humphrey. .
John llelHwsch tJrand Prairie. ' -
H W Bender Sherman.
Ceo II Ifender-Cranviile.
MA Tuardonski Butler.
F F Clark Crctton.
Fred Soepur-St Bernard.
Hulteit liniiin untmi Pniirie.
Jamet Green, constable Woodville. Overseers:
Herman Lntzke Woodville.
A II Fre-e iiismark.
Theodore Frost and J MUleason Monroe.
I z Werner-Humphrey.
Frank SoUid-Bntler.
J S Weiuhoff Graml Prairie.
Win Grotcliicscheii .inind Prairie.
Garret Suhultz Shell Creek.
Sam Connelly St I tertian I.
Peter Schilz-Lost Creek.
Tiie following was presented:
To the Hon. Board of Soiiervisora, Gentlemen:
1 re-ijH-ct fully ask jour honorable body to con
sider at this session the advisability of purchas
ing.'! new w.di carriage tyiw writer for use ia
i he ollice if the clerk of the district court, j The
old machine now in use in said office will be
entirely worn out inafew years whea practically
nothing will bo allowed in exchange for a aew
machine, while at this time a substantial sum
will be allowed as iartof the purchase price.
Kf M-ctfully submitted,
C. II. Gruenther,
Clerk District Coart.
On motion samo was referred to committee on
supplies and public property.
Tho iietition of B. Kosal and others for the
opening for public travel of a strip of land com
mencing at.tlie northwest corner of lot one in
Germrd's first sub-division of the northwest
quarter of the northwest quarter of section 24,
town 19. range :t west, running- thence doe east
10 feet, thence south parallel with the west line
of said lot one, !?$ feet to intersect with a right
of woy running east and west, thence west 10
feet and thence north to place of beginning wan
presented and read and on motion referred to
the committee on roads and bridges.
Tho bill of the Standard Bridge Company,
fitl.VJ. for briiges constructed in 'St. Bernard
township, was ou recommendation of the com
mittee on roads and bridges allowed ia the sum
of yvi.niiaudthe clerk directed to issue warrant
for said amount on tho county beidge fnad on
account of St. Bernard township, tiie baJaaceof
the bill fi.'i.OO to be allowed when the caps in
certain bridges arc changed and 8x10 inch timber
be int in place of box caps.
Tho bill of the Standard Bridge Company,
775.72, for bridges constructed ia Walker toko
ship, was on recommendation of thecoatatittee
on roads and bridges allowed in the sum of
$7J5 72, and the clerk directed to issue warrant
for said amount on the county bridge faad 'oa
account of Walker township, the balance of the
bill.$Ti000 to be rl.owedwhen the caasiia the
bridge on the county bine north of section 6,
town 20, range 4 west, are changed and 8x19 inch
timber be put in place of box caps.
The following bills of the Standard Bridge
Company, on recommendation of the committee
on roads and bridges were on motion allowed by
tho board in full ami the clerk directed t aarae
warrants rn payment of 6ame oa the oaaty
bridge fund:
Standard Bridge Company aaroo'it St.
Bdrnard township $ Ml 12
bame account Granville twp SW 64
Same account Walker twp - MS 74
Same account Woodville twp MIS 74
Same account Bismark twp --. SS8 00
On moticn of Supervisor Clother the board of
supervisors now adjourned antil 9 o'clock a. au
Colnn-baa. Nebraska, Dae. IS.
The board of supervisors parsaaat'to adjaara-
meat met at 9 o'clock a, ak. Hob. )oaa Slrsaso.
7 i
MXWmjw nvjip0aaBangnaBBjB-.
2 aat -v3W
f --- ?-'af
v .nfBnnajBavMBjBsnuBis rt
T-Aft) sswWstVBlssBam V
BL 'HBk SJ Vj.aM'
SL '4,im'bbbvbbvVbbWbvbv4bbbhP"m-b"
!,W fefflWJatrfiaT
- JisalaBaagaB,.ta
chatrmaa aad John Graf clerk.
BollcaUed aad foUowiag meaabero present;
Sapra. Clother, Ooetx, Held. Newman. Priest,
Schure aad chairmaa Swansea.
Oa motion the board bow adjoaraed for cem
autteo work and reconvened at 2 o'clock p. hi.,
with all members present. ,
The survey, plat and field Botes of eoaaty sur
veyor Bossiter, relative to change ia the "Dick
enson Road" on the east line of theS. W. J4of
theS-W.ofaectio 18, tows 18, range 1 west,
was now presented and approved by the board.
The following official bonds were on saotioa
approved by the board; Max Gottbsrg, clerk,
Shell Creek township; John Ebaer, road over
seer, Dist. No. 18, Lost Creek township; Charles
Beader, road overseer, Dist. No. 7, St. Beraard
The following bills on recommeadatioa of the
committee on poor farm were on motion aUowed
by the hoard aad the clerk directed to issue war
rants ia payment of saaaeoa eoaaty poor fund:
' Berber, Hockenbefger & Chambers fire in
surance poor farm buildings i.$ 99 00
J K Kauffmaa, lumber for poor far a Ill 28
Karr Nichols Co, brick for poor farm 9,10
Carl Both, brick work at poor farm 7 50
Alfred Josai, carpenter work at poor farm 7 Ti
Wm Newman, jr, same.....
Geo A Hoagland, lumbal for poor farm . . .
H P R Oehlrich, nails etc for poor farm..
J H Galley, mdse for poor -:.
M A Twardowtki, same L..
Peter Xoslowski, same
Max Bruckner, same
Frischholz Bros, same
Smith Mercantile Co, same
Henry Bagatz & Co, iame.
Edwards &. Bradford:coal for poor '..
C.A. Speice,aame v
Walrath & Sherwood Co. same
John FZettje, care of Caroline Neumana.
12 45
30 00
32 90
2 00
53 00
12 Ut
4 00
35 00
St. Mary's Hospital, care of inmates
J L Braakea, livery to poor farm
Joteph Schaeher, overseer, cash advaaced
45 70
D A Becber, Co Treasurer, same 147
M E Clother, supervisor, same. 5 OU
The following bills were recommended by the
committee on poor farm were deferred for fur
ther consideration:
Dr A F Condon prof serv for Mrs Savidgef 150 00
Dr A Pauley same IS CO
Dr G A McMillan same for Jas Tomoay. 25 00
John Baker care of Jas Tonomy, 4575
Thefollewing bills on recommendations of
the committee on roads and bridges were on
motion allowed:
Solli van and Drees account Bismark twp. 3 00
M ! Krumnann act Bismark twp 32 50
D V Macken act Bismark twp ,.... 11 SO
Otto Ernst act City of Columbus 15 00
Louis Held act Columbus twp 20 00
Wm Nansel act Monroe 10 50
Walrath & Sherwood Ibr co, act same 26 87
Jos Nienaber act Grand Prairie twp 22 40
W L Lueschcn same 21 00
Edwards and Bradford lbr eo. same 48 50
Peter Luchsinger same 9 00
Otto Kallweit same l4 50
Wm Hellbusch same 3 U)
FredUellbusch same 15 00
William Groteluschen same 6 00
Heinrich Mayer 17 25
Adolpli Hellbusch same 24 00
JosS Wemhoflf..'. 79 50
Diederlch Hollman act Creston twp 100 00
Henry Neemeyer act Humphrey twp 9 00
A bra m Palmateer name
Ignatz Werner name
John W Bender same
Ceo A Hoagland act Butler t p . . .
Frank Sokol same ,
J K Kaufman same
John Hwanaon art Woodville twp.
Continued next lemiel
43 SO
3 45
48 50
30 12
1 50
Theatrical Life Haa Few Jaya aad
Much Ultteraesa.
Booth, to whom Henry E. Abbey
would cheerfully have paid $1,000 a
night for ISO consecutive nights, was
one of the most unhappy men on the
face of God's earth. He had buried
two wives, been through the mortifica
tion of bankruptcy and so far as world
ly wealth is concerned, so far as the
comforts of, a settled home go, had yet
to make the one and secure the other.
This being the case, what do you sup
pose is the fate of minor people? The
fact is that they work hard, are under
paid, never play the parts they prefer,
pay much, by far the greater portion of
their salaries, for stage costumes, in
variably have a gang of hangers on
who vat the bread they earn, are out of
engagements most of the time and
ninety times out of a hundred die so
poor that they are buried at the ex
pense of their fellows. In the first
place, it Is extremely difficult for them
to obtain a position, and, having a
position, how few its advantages.
They have to rehearse at inconvenient
times; they go out in ail kinds of
weather regardless of their health or
comforts or home desires; they dress in
outlandish places, either wet, damp
and chilly or overheated. They are at
the capricious mercy of speculative"
managers, and, having found by ex
perience that there Is very little sym
pathy for them, either before or behind
the footlights, they wrap themselves
In a garment of mental Indifference to
appearances, which Is utterly misun
derstood by a cynical and suspicious
'I know of a girl who was called to a
Sunday night rehearsal. Her father
was very ill, but the rental of their
rooms, the fees for the doctor and mon
ey for the drugs depended upon her at
tending to her business. It was imper
ative that she should be in the theater
at 730 o'clock. Having arranged the
room as women only can, having placed
upon the table by the bedside of her
father his medicine, she kissed him
goodby and, with a loving touch, prom
ised to be back as .early as possible.
You know what Sunday night rehears
als mean: They, mean I, 2, 3, 4 o'clock
the next day. That is what this one
meant. The girl hastened home. The
candle light had gone, the cold' gray
of the' early morning was In the room,
the father was dead upon the bed
Boston Globe.
Nine-tenths of the failures intend to
do well.
' If air castles were' real, some people
wouldn't be satisfied.
We are always meetings people wbO'
;Mcallf lacidents that we had hoped
taey'had forgotten.
Whea people do not enjoy doing,, the
taTnjpi We JO, wettre apt to think they
ae net have a good time.
;Yoar neighbor Js funny." .If yoa
tnro his dog aoneV he suspects you
4 tfjlag either x6 poison it or to win
Its affectiou from him.
It vis Interesting for a man to look
through his old effects if for no -other
;rjeason .than be wOr,t$e that he is
as big a fool as be used to be.
You-may have such a fierce admira
tion, for('thuhder dog as to be unfair
to the-upper dog. The upper do? is of;
Urn compelled to fight to get bis right
Atchison Globe. ' '
, , Frwwde's IsMcaraey." A ,
What competent critic today doubts
theeneral trustworthiness of Froude'H
"History of England," In writing which
he was obliged to transcribe from
Spanish masses of t papers rwhlch even
a Spaniard puld bare read with ditn
culty? Yef what sweeping charges of
inaccuracy were long made against
him! Writing la 1870 to a friend, the
historian, says: "I acknowledge to fire
real mistakes in the whole book-
twelve volumes-about twenty trifling.
slips, equivalent to Ts "not. dotted
and t's'.not crossed, .and that-is 'all
that the utmost malignity has discover
ed. Every one of these rascals lias
made a dozen- blunders of his own
while detecting one ofniine." Success
Old Tianew la Hew York.
In 1789 New York city maintained an
official who would whip a servant,
either free or slave, for the master
charging a shilling for the job. Tetty'
uueves were uranaeu ror lire witn a
T on the' check. "Airs'. Johanna Young,
and another woman convicted of graud,
larceny were driven all over "the city
In an open cartt then sfripied to 'the
waist- and' given thirty-nine.' Iashe
apiece In public and tlicn banished:
,Whereupon,"8ays the record, "they
went to Philadelphia."
A Slaa-er'a Lwacrn.
The singer at the end of tiie practice
aria panted heavily.
"I sang 19G notes that time," he saltl,
without once taking breath." "
"Indeed. That must lie a record."
, "No. , The,record is held by Courtice
Pounds. Pounds sang 316 notes with?,
out respiration In 1S98. The record
previous to that was held ly Farinelli,
with 300 notes. Norman Salmond has
sung 287 notes hi this way.
r"It Is wonderful what lungs trained
singers have. The average man could
hardly sing fifty notes without breaih
tog, whereas to the singer 200 would bo
nothing." Philadelphia Bulletin.
Kaaae Meaaut Home.
It Is said that the name of Nome
was the result. of an error inude by
some Englishman in writing a letter.
He, evidently intended to write the
word "home," but the makers of the
maps read it Nome, and thus the name
Nome belongs to history ami the great;
district of Alaska. Some authorities'
claim that the word Nome is a -corruption
of the Indian phrase or word.
Knoiua, meaning something' like "I i
know It." National Magazine.
If you cannot be Iiappy in one way,
.be in another, and this facility of dis
position wants but little aid from phi
losophy, for health and good humor
are almost the whole affair. Many
run about after felicity, like an.ahsciit
mlnded man hunting for his hat while
It Is in his hand or ou his head.
arelt Reseatmeat.
The Hamburger Nachrlchteii contrib
utes the following to the stories rela
tive to the, relations between Emperor
William IL and Bismarck, "if the kai:
ser wished to ride alone," said Bis
marck, I could have found no objec
tion. Thai he drove me away, though,
wounded me. If he wanted to get rid
of me he should have told mc so frank
ly, and I would have taken six mouths''
vacation. If things got along without
me I would have remained away. Oth
erwise I should have returned. Rut
this! 'I was nearly thrown out of my
house In the Wilhelmstrasi--e. I had to
pack my belongings -in haste, for Ca
privi was waiting at the door."
Walter Iaiera 'Way.
I4 remember telling Walter Pater
about "The Story of an African Farm"
and the wonderful human quality of it
He said, repeating his favorite formu
la, "No doubt you are right, but I do
not suppose I shall ever read it." -And
he explained to me that he was always
.writing something and that while he
was writing be did not allow himself
to read anything which might jossibJ.v
affect him too strongly by bringing a
new current of emotion to bear, upon
him. A. Symons in Monthly' Review. .
After Dark.
Mrs. Gayboy (severely) What time
did you get home last night? Gayboy
(cautiously) Oh, a little after dark.
Mrs. Gayboy After dark! Why, it was
daylight when you came in! Gayboy
We'll, Isn't that after dark?
The letter A.
The letter A is In Hebrew' called
aleph, an ox, and the Phoenician char
acter which represents this sound was
originally a picture' of an, ox head;
hence the name. The right band stroke
of the A represents the top of the head,
tiie other down stroke the left side, and
a line, since fallen out 'of use, repre
sented the right side of the head, while
hi very old Phoenician manuscripts
two dots above for eyes and two lie
low for nostrils rendered the resem
blance complete.
Baeaelor -f aaeraaee.
"Aren't men the limit?" said young
Mrs. Wheel. "When I told my brother
this .morning, that baby' bad just cut a
tooth, he asked me" savagely why I
had allowed it to play'with knives.
"And my bachelor uncle," said Mrs.
Whoa, "when he heard that my baby
had begun teething, wanted to know if
It would begin hafring soon. New
York Press.
Odd Baoksaarlca.
A Newark librarian has kept a record
'of odd
bookmarks found in returned
The record includes an insur-i
fence policy, a two dollar billa'pair
r spectacles, love letters, a wul a
I falcate, a promissory note, dress
f -.las aad a aars's foot
not f
We are now showing a large assort
ment of Men's Winter Caps with
inside bands in both cloth
.and for lined
bw" rsBaav
A complete new
Mittens in both
Ladies' Kid
The Simmons
Prices $1, $1.25, $1.50
Silk lined Suede Gloves in Black and Colors 4fel JZf
Price fpIOUf
Also a complete line of Ladies' and
Misses' Golf gloves and mittens.
Ed. H. GALLEY, 3
grr..-505 Eleventh Street, Columbus, Neb. -
Reasonable Resjaeat.
"The trouble." said the dentist as he
prolMMl away "at the aching molar with
a long, slender instrument, "is evident
ly dne to a" dying nerve,."
- "Well" groaned the victim, "it's
.open to you -to treat the dying with a
.little-jnoiv respect."
The Comminution.
5Iiss Miilynn One can be very hap
;Py in this world with health ami mon
,ey. Dead broke Then let's be made
on?. I have the health and you hae
the money. illustrated Bit.
"al i c ct.' ti' , (, ' H C o' &'
V r
E wish to
mers and
liberal patronage the past
year, and hope that through
courteous treatment, honest
goods and reasonable prices we
shall continue to share your
good will and patronage.
h Eleventh Street
l4fM33,9fr --rM--
inter Caps I
Prices from
and $1.50
line of Gloves and
dress and working.
. A Fvarfo! Oorl.
The most tumble. duel fought at any
time in Paris was' the one between
Colonel 1.. an old oiiicer.
and M. !evC. or the Gardes du I'orps.
a mere youth, but of hereuli-an
strength. The two men. lashed toetli
er so as to leave their right arms
free, were armed with sbjrt knives,
placed in a hackney coach and driven
at a tearing gallop around the Place
tie la Concorde,. -They were taken out
ol" the coach dead. The colonel had
eighteen stabs, the youth only four,
but one of these hail pierced his heart.
thank our custo
friends for' their
Columbus, Nebraska.
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