The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 19, 1906, Image 5

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    ", - ." . V'i'feSp?!''1.1 t-" '
I ju
HAVE made more extensive preparations
than eTer before to supply our customers
in the best of Groceries, Confectionary,
Nuts, Raisins, Cider, pure apple juice, Currants,
Citron,7 Apples, Dates, Figs, Pure Buckwheat, the
celebrated Kalston pan cake flour, Maple Syrup. We
have received our new 11)00 Canned Goods. Riche
lien Canned Goods still stand at the head for
quality and flavor. We are headquarters for FINE
COFFEE, the Kichelien brand, at 15, 20, 25 and
30cts. Nothing better tlian our 30c Java and Mo
cha Richelieu coffee. In TEAS, as everything else
in this store, quality is the first consideration at
prices that are always right. A large assortment of
Crockery, Fine Decorated China, Lamps. Glassware.
III Pictures and Picture
Frames double of all the
stocks in Columbus pic
tures 5c up to $15.00.
Beautiful Xinas presents.
200 patterns in Rockers.
50 patterns in Iron Beds.
Brass beds 25, 40,. $50.
A store full of good stuff
for boys, girls, men and
Easier can the house
keeper do the work if
she has a good kitchen
cabinet. We have the
best on the market.
Let us show you.
Furniture, Undertaking, Picture Framing.
219-21-23 West 11th St.
Eht rath Shift
Cthmbus, Nebraska
colde taken at this tine of the
year is generally hard ta get rid of
bat it will not be able to withstaad
Bee's Laxative Hoaey aad Tar. That
will care all colds, coach oroap,
waoopiaff coagh, etc., by driving
then oat throagh the bowel. If yoa
have a cold try it aad if aot oared get
year aMMMy back. Noooiatea, Sold
by'aoth Oeatary Drag store. Platte
OaMer. Heh.
Make Hoaely Women Pretty
No woman no matter how regular her
features may be can be called pretty if
her complexion is bad. Orino Laxative
Fruit Syrup aids riigession and clears
sallow blotched complexions by stimu
lating the liver and bowels. Orino Laxa
tive Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or
gripe and is mild and pleasant to take
Beaaember the name Orino and refuse
o accept any substitute. C H. Pack. ."
From ti6 XMHier. I
Both the boy's and girl's basket
ball teams of the high school played a
game at the Indian school on Satur
day evening last. The boys won their
game by a score of 37 to 19 and girls
lost theirs 14 to 6.
Kennedy Bros., have been busy
this week installing the new furnace
at the M. E. church. The recent im
provements made on this church
building gives the Methodist people
one of the finest' assembly rooms in
L. L. Goen of the Indian school
has recived a promotion and been
transferred to White Earth, Minn'.,
for which place he will depart in the
near future. He will become princi
pal of the school at that place. The
many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Goen
will witness their departure with deep
regret and the best wishes of the en
tire community will follow them to
their new home. Mr. Goen was for
merly located at that place.
Parties unknown broke into the
coal house at the school over iu the
district No. 54 the last of the week
and helped themselves to a . quantity
of coal and the school board has of
fered a reward of Sao for the arrest
and conviction of the thieves. It is
certainly time that something was
done to put a stop to the petty thiev
ing that prevails, not only iu this, but
in nearly every town during the
winter months, and a gentleman made
what we consider a very good sug
gestion this week. He suggested that
the county purchase a couple of
I blood hounds and put them in charge
of the sheriff. He said he believed
the moral effect would pay the ex
pense in a short time. Several coun
ties in the state have them and why
not Nance?
Office over
Germ nn Nat'l Bank
Columbus, -
Columbus, - - Nebraska.
Zinnecker Bld'g
Columbus, - - Nebraska.
(From tlit Statesmen)
Floyd Sharrar is in Lincoln
week attending the Nebraska
contest convention.
II. Soli I has moved his family into
his residence south of the Wheeler
blacksmith shop.
. Mr. and Mrs. John Lang and fam
ily left on Monday for Valley county
for a visit with relatives.
Miss Mamie Studley is employed at
the Creston pharmacy to help care
for the holiday trade.
Mrs. Chapman who has been visit
ing with her daughter, Mrs. Ed Hop
pen, returned to her home at Colum
bus the first of the week.
8, a
From the Democrat.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Tony
enger, Saturdav, December
Judge Ratterman of Columbus, was
in town the first of the week, having
been over to spend Sunday with his
daughter, Mrs. Geo. Bender and lam
ily. An agent of the Nye, Schneider,
Fowler Co., one of the largest eleva
tor corporations in the state, was in
Humphrey Wednesday and contract
ed to purchase from John T. Steftes,
seven lots in the south part of town
situated along the east side of the spur
which runs out to the beer vaults
from the Northwestern rail road. The
agent was as mum as an oyster as to
the company's intentions, so ilie Dem
ocrat was unable to find out anything
definate as to the size of the elevator
or when it would be built.
Acre Proverty.
We have 160 acres of choice land
one-half mile from city limits for
sale in 10 acre tracts.
Elliott, Speice & Oo.
Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar the
original laxative cough syrup acts as
a cathartio on the bowels. It is made
from the tar gathered from the pine
trees of onr own country, therefore is
the best for children. It is good for
coughs, colds, croap. whooping congh,
etc. Try oar free offer. Sold by 20th
Century Drag Store. Platte Center,
of any case of Kidney or
Bladder disease that is not
beyond the reach of medi
cine.. Take it at once. Do
not risk having Blight's Dis
ease or Diabetes. (There is
nothing gained by delay.
50c. and' $1.00 Bottle.
8tli ay au. H. Dick.
Hire a Good
But do not hire him
toq often. If you use
poor materials, not
even a good painter'
can give you a good
Cheap or improper :
paint is very expensive .
in the long-run.
Paint should be
made from
Red Seal or Southern
Pure White Lead
(Made by the Old Duch Process)
and Pure Linseed Oil.
Such paint will give
good service.
Clark Avenue and toth Street, St. Lous, Mo. .
For sale by first-class dealers.
Noticn is liprvby Riv-m that, pursuant to an
nnkrofthe District Court of Platte Connty.
Nebraska, dnlr marie and entered of record on
the 13th day of November, 1806, in a certain suit
th rein pending wherein George Stempek is
plaintiff and Josephine Stempek and John
Stempek her husband, Helen Stemek, Balbina
Stempek and Marealina Stempek. a minor, are
defendants, the undersigned referee in partition
will on Thursday, the 27th day of Deoember MM.
at the front door of the court house in the city of
Columbns. in saidl'Mtte county, at the hour of 2
o'clock P. 51.. otter for sale at public auction to
th)highe8t bidder, the following described real
proierty situated in the county of Polk anil
Mate of Nebraska, to-wit: Liot Three (3) con
taining 21 acres in Section Ten (10) Township
Sixteen (16) KangeUne(l) West, ot ttieotti f
M.: also the Southeast Quarter (8. E i) of the
Southwest Quarter (S. W. X) of Section Twen-
ty-tive (2.1) Township Seventeen (17) Uange two
(2) West, of tlin btli I'nncipal MeriOian, situatea
in Platte County. Nebraska. Terms of sale.
cash in hand. Christian M. (Jbckntbeb.
Dated, November 20, lDuti. Referee.
Sluggish Liver a Foe to Ambitiea.
Yoa can not accomplish very much if
your liver is inactive as you feel dull,
your eyes are heavy and slight exertion
exhausts yoa. Orino Laxative Fruit
Syrup stimulates the liver and bowels
and makes yoa feel bright and active.
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not
nauseate or gripe and is mild and. very
pleasant to take. Orino is more effec
tive than pills or ordinary cathartics.
Refuse substitutes.
M .TMtcM Rb ke ITarM
, v Caase Lots mt Awxletr.
' One of the silliest lies ever told was
the famous invention of 'Sailor Man
John Brennan of Sllgo. It was made
oat of whole cloth. There wasn't the
shadow of foundation for it. but there
was so much that might have been
true about it that It was cabled round
the world wherever meu o down to
the sea in ships, and for several hours
It kept hundreds of people on the rack
of anxiety.
About 3 o'clock on the afternoon of
Oct. 14.M891, a bulletin was posted
at the New York Maritime Exchange
that the City of Rome had foundered
off St Shorts, off the coast of New
foundland. About the same time the
newspaper offices got a dispatch from
St John's, N. F saying that Sailor
Man John Brennan of Sligo, Ireland,
bad got Into the little town of Tre-
passy that morning from Peter's river
and had declared that he was probably
the only survivor of the City of Rome,
which had struck on the rocks and
gone down. He was in such a condi
tion of exhaustion that notbiug more
could be got out of him until be had
had rest and nourishment.
That story was cabled and telegraph
ed everywhere, and at once the news
papers began to strive for further da
tails. The first effort was to get con
firmation or deuial. It was found
at once that the City of Rome had
sailed from New York at such a time
that she must have been near St.
Shorts when Brennan said she was
there. That looked like confirmation.
The evening papers got out extras,
with lists of the passengers and crew,
pictures of the ship and her history.
The offices of the Anchor Line agents
were crowded with persons eager for
news. But there was no news. Friends
of the passengers flocked about the
i:lace. The Maritime and Lloyd regis
ters were searched for reports of other
ships with names similar to that of tho
City of Rome. An Italian Citta di
Roma was found, but when she was
tracked it was found she was all right
Then the newspapers begaii to pre
pare to send men to the scene of the
wreck. Boston papers got men off for
Halifax, there to take ocean tugs for
St. Sbotts. All the time the telegraph
and cable were worked for further
news from Newfoundland. At last!
there came a dispatch from the cable
station at Cape' Race to the Anchor
Line agents here: N
"Your City of Rome passed here on
Tuesday. All well, It said."
That was all. For the next twenty
four hours the truth hustled to over
take the lie. It succeeded, but It was a
hard chase. Brennan had absolutely
nothing on which to go in making up
his story. He couldn't have known
even that the City of Rome was In
New York or had sailed. He just fired
in the air, and. as may happen once in
ten million times, he hit the mark.
Merry Christmas
Specials for the last Two
days before Xmay:
9x12 Axmiiiister Rug.. .$22.50
9x12 Velvet Rng. ..$19.50
36 inch Black SHk at : 98c
Extra Large Bath Kobes $ 2.50
' $15.00 Cloaks at ....$12.50
$20.00 Cloaks at $17.50
$25.00 Cloaks at ...'. : $2 1.50
Special values in Furs
New Plaid Silks for Waists : $1.00 to $1.50
Advertise in
the Journal for quick
Low Bates.
Round Trip to the Coast: Daily
Tourists rates in effect all winter to Pa
cific Coast destinations with variable
Chicago and return: One fare plus
$2.00 for the round trip December 1st to
4 inclusive for the International Live
Stock Exposition.
To the East and South: Very low
homeseekere nnd Winter Tourist excur
sions through the autnmn and winter
to various destinations throughout the
south and southeast.
Visit the Old Home: Low excursion
rates to the old home points in Illinois,
Iowa, Wisconsin, Missouri and other
middle states destinations, November
13th and 27th, limit thirty days.
Homeseekere' Excursions: Frequent
ly each month to Western Nebraska.
Eastern Colorado. Rig Horn Basin, dry
.land farming destinations or irrigated
Dry Land Farming: Send for Folder
and get hold of a quarter section of
cheap land before it is too late.
Free Kinkaid Lands: Write D Clem
Deaver, Agent Burlington's Homeseek
ere Information Bureau at 1004 Farnam
St., Omaha, about getting hold of a free
section of Kinkaidlands now being re
stored to the public domain.
Consult nearest Burlington Ticket
Agent and see what rates he has 'avail
able for your proposed trip.
Consult nearest Burlington Ticket
Agent and see what rates he has avail
able for your proposed trip. -
Agent C.B.&Q. By.
G. P. A.. Omaha.
The Choir He IVnnted.
John Fisfce. the American historian,
was an ardent lover of music and him
self no mean musician. Furthermore,
hewns extremely corpulent and felt
the hot weather painfully. He was
once delivering a course of lectures at
a summer school In a small city of the
middle wjest. The heat was terrific.
and adjoining the house where the lec
turer stayed was a church where an"
111 matched .but zealous "quartet" prac
ticed and performed during all hours
of the torrid afternoons and evenings.
One evening, seeing the famous man
sit for a time unoccupied nnd apparent
ly oppressed by this combined afflic
tion, the young daughter of his hostess
attempted to divert him by offering
him a new novel, then Just becoming
popular. "I think 'The Choir Invisible
Is perfectly splendid, Mr. Fiske," said
she. "Wouldn't you like to read it?"
The historian put the book aside. "My
dear young lady," said" he, "the only
choir In the world in which I could
feel any interest at this moment would
'be the choir inaudible."
To accommodate hili'hiy travelers a
rate of a farev ami one-third lor the
round trip to many points on the Union
Pa cilice and its connecting lines, lias
been placed in cllect by tho
Union Pacific
Dates of saie, Dec. 20, 21, 22, 2:1, 21, 25 2!), SO,
SI, 1!H)G, and Jan. 1st. 1!H)7.
Inquire of
W. H. Benham, Agent.
Did any one ever try a "derivation
bee?" The difficulty no doubt would
be very often In deciding what was the
right answer. For Instance, what Is
the derivation of the word "spelling"
itself? At one time Frofessor Skeat
found Its origin pretty confidently in
the Anglo-Saxon "spel," meaning dis
course or story, and the verb "spellian,"
to declare, relate, tell (which appears
Iu "spell," a charm, and In "gospel").
To spell, then, would be to tell the let
ters one after another, though Skeat
admitted that there might have been
some confusion witii "spell," a slip of
wood, since such a slip was used in our
old time schools to point to the letters
of a word one after another ia spelling
them out. Later he has become more
lenient toward the view that this wood
en "spell" may be the real origin of
"spelling," "spellian" being irrelevant.
London Notes and Queries.
Phyalclann Earn lux.
A very few physicians iu large cities
enjoy incomes of about $23,000 a year,
and possibly there are some whose re
ceipts exceed this amount. The aver
age physician in large cities receives
probably from $2,500 to $5,000 a year;
and comparatively few
doctors have annual incomes of less
than $1,000. There are In large cities
fuite a number of family physicians
who are not specialists, yet have prac
tices worth from $3,000 to $10,000 a
year. The average annual Income of
the physician established in some coun
try center is from $2,000 to $3,000, the
minimum probably ljeing not over $,
000 and the maximum not in excess of
from $0,000 to $7,000, comparatively
few receiving more than the larger
amount Well established country
physicians earn from $800 to $2,500 a
year. From "Starting In life," by N.
C. Fowler, Jr.
A sour stomach, a bad breath, a
pasty complexion, and other conse
quences of a disordered digestion are
quickly removed by the use of Rings
Dyspepsia Tablets Two days treat
ment free. Sold by 20th Century
Drag Store, Patte Center, Neb.
Seal Etsate Loam.
We are prepared to make loans on
all Uada of real estate at the lowest
rata oa easy tanas. Becher, Hook t
bargar Gaaaihan.
When You are Going to Erect a Monument
or Marker at the Grave of Your Lost Ones
Remember That The.
& Marble
Of Columbus, Nebraska
Will do Your Work. Satisfactorily. We will
Not Be Undersold by Anyone. Give us a
. Call Before Placing Your Order. No Order
too Large or too Small for us to Handle.
Pirating Foley's Honey and Tar.
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated j
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy, and on account of the great
merit ind popularity of Foley's Honey
and Tar many imitations are offered for
the genuine. These worthies?' imita
tions have similar Founding names. Be
ware of them. The genuine Foley's
Ilonpy and Tar in in a yellow package.
Ask for it and refuse any substitute. It
is the best remedy for coughs and colds.
Columbus Nebraska.
I' carry the best of everything
in my line. The drinking pub-
uo is invited to oome in and i
for themselves.
JAS. NEVELS.rraariatar
516 Twelfth Street
Phone No. Ill
$ flW 2&
T.Anns I Ask tot Sramst for
Gold metallic boxes, sealed witt i KaeON
KIDDOn. iiunuuinu. mj w jw
Druggist aad ask for CBLCBH
rai MB PIU8.tta BflAJMXI rears knows as Bwt. &sf
B.i;.tifV snldbvDranfstsevenrwi
t n
?M .i.&..
,'.. I., -u.
t .