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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1906)
f'WFi Sqis-"- .r t - "1 3: - Z ; 'l(?' -.1 : .Sk 15' I I ! HENRY RAGATZ & 0, FINE GROCERIES, FINE CHINA, CROCKERY, LAMPS, GLASSWARE 1AI HAVE made more extensive preparations HH p than ever before to supply our customers in the best of Groceries, Confectionary, Nuts, Raisins, Cider, ' pure apple juice, Currants, Citron, Apples, Dates, Figs, Pure Buckwheat, the celebrated Ralston pan cake flour, Maple Syrup. We have received our new 1906 Canned Goods. Riche lien Canned Goods still stand at the head for quality and flavor. We are headquarters for FINE COFFEE, the Richelien brand, at 15, 20, 25 and 30cts. Nothing better than our 30c Java and Mo cha Richelien coffee. In TEAS, as everything else in this store, quality is the first consideration at prices that are always right. A large assortment of Crockery, Fine Decorated China, Lamps, Glassware. HENRY RAGATZ & GO. THIRTEENTH ST, COLUMBUS, JNEB. $1,000 DOLLARS (L 000 In Pictures and Picture Frames double of all the stocks in Columbus pic- -tures 5c up to $15.00. Beautiful Xinas presents. 200 patterns in Rockers. 50 patterns in Iron Beds. Brass beds 25, 40, $50. A store full of good stuff for boys, girls, men and women. UNDERTAKING BOTH PHONES HERRICK 14 HOW MUCH Easier can the house keeper do the work if she has a good kitchen cabinet. We have the best on the market. Let us show you. H. GASS, Furniture, Undertaking Picture Framing. 219-21-23 West 11th St. EltfMth Stmt . Ctlmiw, Ntbraska P W e " rrr-r The Columbia Phonographs Phonographs, price 25. Phonographs that play the long dance records Condon & Walker. Cylinder .Records can be used on Edison or Columbia IQBfiBHHOOD Kffl Kira. Mmb Christy! one of the teachers at the Indian school, resigaed ana depart ed for her hone at Beatrice the last of the week. Her friends -At the school express themselves as expecting to re ceive some nice eagraved cards in the near future. - Frank Johnson had aa exciting ex citing experience one day last week while out driving with his wife and baby He was driving a livery team which sud denly became heightened at sotaething and .began to run. When Frank at tempted to hold them one of the lines broke and for a half mile the occapants of the baggy took a wild ride. Frank finally polled them into a wire fence which cheeked their speed sufficient for him to jump oat and catch one' by the bead. Frank says at times the baggy was running on one wheel and that it was miraculous that they were not thrown out and seriously Hurt. We can think of nothing more horrible than for a man to be placed in a position where his family is in danger of serious injury and possible death and he power less to assist them. CBE8TON. (From the Statesmen) W. J. Belknap left -on Monday for University Place, where he will remain with his daughter, Mrs. Cain, this win ter. Mrs. Gbas. Campbell and little girl, left on Monday for Milwaukee, Wis for a visit with her father, Albert Schroe der. Wm. Wenk, Wm. Clanssen and Gas Schmitt, returned from South Dakota last Saturday. We understand Mr. Claussen invested in a half section of land. 9 Wagner Bros, voluntarily closed their merchandise storc'on Monday for the benefit of their creditors, notifying each creditor of the act of the firm. II. Sohl purchased of John Craig, the Ely farm house and had it moved to town, onto the lot south of the old Wheeler blacksmith shop, and is having it fixed up for a dwelling and will move into it in a Tew days. HUMPHREY From the Democrat. Mrs. Peter Eorth and children went to Columbus the first of the week to visii her parents Mr. and Mrs. Franz Lachnit Frank Widhalm went down to Colum bus last Saturday and accompanied his daughter home who has been in St. Mary's hospital for several weeks re ceiving treatment for typhoid fever. The young lady is much improved and seems to be getting along in fine shape.. The bazaar conducted by the ladies of St. Francis church in the hall of the new school building' on Thanksgiving day resulted in a wonderful success from a financial standpoint. Something like 8800 was cleared from the bazaar and the dinner and sapper served. rLATTE CENTER From The StenaL A card from Ed. Van Allen informs us that the family has moved' from Los Angeles to Pomona, California, where they have acquired a five acre orange ranch. Emil Schoen assumed charge of the Hoard Grain Company's elevator Monday. He tells as that his family will continue to live on the farm, two miles east of town, and that his boys with the assistance of a hired man, will work it next season. Mr. Fred Hoare has accepted a po sition with the Hoard Grain Co., as their agent at Rogers. Neb. Mr. and Mrs. Hoare have told their home to Al. Parker, our Union Pacific agent. We regret to see Mr. and Mrs. Hoare leave here, and sincerely wish them well in their new location. This is a peculiar time of the year forscarcety of hay to appear. There was an unusually large crop secured hereabouts, but the owners of mead ows say they have sold all they can spare. Six dollars a ton in the stack is what it is selling for an unusually high figure for December, and the weather fine as ever known. UKSSAY. From the Opinion. Matt Schaefer of Oklahoma, a former resident of this vicinity, is renewing old ocquaintanoee here this week. -Frank Freechauf departed Saturday morning for Neola, Iowa, where he expects to reside permanently and engage in some line of business. Mrs. A. M. Church and children de parted Monday morning for Lynch, where they will visit for a few weeks with Mr. Church's parents. As soon as Mr. Church can find a suitable resi dence at Bonesteel they will go there to make their future home. Nels Holpuist has 'purchased the blacksmith business of N. If. Nelson, the deal being closed last Satrrday. Nels is an industrious young man and thoroughly understands the blacksmith ing business and will no doubt do his share of the badness. Mr. Nelson was obliged to dispose of the shop as his growing implement bnstness takes op all his time. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar the original laxative ooaga syrap sots as a cathartic on the bowels. It is asade from the tax gathered frost" the piae trees of oar owa ooaatry, therefore is the best f or children. It is good for ooaghs, colds, crown, whooping oomgh, etc Try oar free offer, bold by JOth ueatmry Drag Store. Platte Sab. 17: RICHLY BRED Scotch and Scotch Topped Shoit lorn; V yyj SAL 3. -a At Tom Bnougaia' Sale-Barn in Columbus, Nebraska Friday, Dec. 28th, 1906 35 head, 15 Cows and Heiiem and 20 big growthy Bulls, ranging in age from 10 to 20 monthi old, 3 are Sootch and the rest are from three to seven Scotch Tops. I- I Bed, big boned, blocky kind, and every one good one, coming from the best herds In " Iowa and Nebraska, carrying as good pedigrees as can be found in the Herd Book.. As to their individuality, come and see them and be your own judge. Twenty Bulls that are second to no twenty bulls ever tied in one barn, and offered in one sale in Nebraska. The 16 Cows and Heifers are a useful lot and the duel purposed kind. Every female of breeding age raised a calf this year. Six cows will be sold with calves by their side and the rest safe in calf to the best Scotch bulls. This offering as a whole is said to be one of the best to occur anywhere in the state this season, and I extend an urgent invitation to all stock far mers and to all concerned, that no better or more useful lot of Cows and Bulls will go under the hammer this season. Catalogues are. ready soon. Address, W. M. MoLEMORE, Kearney, Neb. TERMS Cash or credit of one year at Eight per cent. Remember the date, Friday, December q8, 1906. Under Cover No postponment Col. T. C. CALLAHAN, Auctioneer and Assistant. O. T. ROEN. of 1st Nat'l bank Clerk. unm OWNER Kearney Nebraska BEFEREE8 SALE Notice is hereby given that, 'panaaat to aa order of the District Court ofFlstteCoaetgr, Nebraska, duly made and eatered of reeord oa the ISth flay of Norember, 1888. ia a certeia eai tli' rein 'pending wherein George Stempek to plaintiff and Josephine Steswek nd Ma Stempek, her husband, Heka Stosipek. Balbtas Stempek and Maraalinn Stempak. Minor, are defendants, the ondenigBed referee la aarttttoa will on Thursday, the 27th day of Deoeaaber IMS. ik. i4aa a! tksa awtflvlftAaaama fan ftBMMtWM Columbus, in saidPlatte county, at the hoar of 1 o'clock P. M.. offer for aaJe at pablie aaettpa to the highest bidder, the folkmiac describe real property situated in the coontyo Polk sad btate of Nebraska, to-wit: Lot Three (t) epa taining 21 acres in Section Tea (10) Township Sixteen (16) Range One (1) West, of tbeftb P M.: also the Southeast Quarter (8. K-X) otths Southwest Quarter (8. W. H) of SeetJoa Twea-ty-five (25) Township Seventeen (17) Kaaae Two (2) West, of the 6th Principal Meridian, abaatad in Platte County, Nebraska. Tenas of sale. casn in nana. iuunua m. asuanu Dated, Wovemberau, uws. 5-t FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE WILL CUM YOU of any case of Kidney Bladder dieeaie that ia not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. De not risk having Bright' Dis ease or Diabetes. There if nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Settles Sold by Ckas. H. Back, ft m THE TIME .OsieaaaeBi LGaHCataiai Tea laaslsj MaWC eMUta sTa, T. a. a, a. II. o.U. & avc a. M, no. u .la. aa. as, srwassasar.. a.TT, attaad .. we.M. wEEF" stsia vSS aaaaraa m fc't VssaaiesBBa aaV ajasMaaBjarae,.aBasa ... .........113M p. aaasaVoe dew ao aaa. t ZS3S fSw BsW a esi ! eoelVJawJ Sl Bate .........a., vrww. . .any inn. Ho a 3Si-SJoamle ! SlSSP ami ).. aa. LaHsMsMeooo JPer Z3S9 aBW Snla ISaaU dW 4e TssbsbI alal Wk faTJ ajBJCSm MssaaMs m.dtB7 P aaa i 6& mrwaaiaaa 1, t it ty t J J f " etfliffS) ldBBM. f a , " Osaart M 2 Arrive ..... IjW a. ai. K a. THE TIILE NsLaS,lAc.(asay Me.SLVssa,.(dsflr ..7:26a.i &fip.i lJsp.1 Wa aara ltO aetaa of oaoloe aaaf amlla fttaa OiiT Uaalta for lav 10 aoca teaota, KUiait, 8paloa Oo. Z5fe Union Pacific Flan a Trip to This Wonderful Land This Winter. There's nothing jost Hket in the world. ' It has the sunshine, the flowers, the watering places, of other winter resorts, bat it has things to see and a finer, drier air to bretbe. Goto California this winter, see monster growing trees, higher than a 21 story office building trees that were standing 8.000 years ago. Send for California books. Ask about the rates and the great train service via UNION PACIFIC. Inquire of W. H. Bentaam, Agent White Lead Paint - The best painters still use pure white lead and. pure linseed oil, and they secure results, both in ap pearance and in wearing qualities, which can. be had in no other way x If your paint has peeled off the house, it was not Collier, Red Seal or Southern Pure White Lead tlacfsmaLirwaFMUAmaitttm. Toa caa not accomplish ywry much if yoarlivaria inactive aa you feel dull, your eyas are heavy aad alight exertioa aahaaata yoa. Oriao Laxative Frait Syrap stiaudatea the liver aad bowele asvlaukaayow. feel bright aad activa. Oriao Lazativa Frait Syrap doaa not orgripaaadiiBuld aad very it to take. Oriao ia more efes- .tfva taaa pflls or ordinary cathartka. Befate raaaUtataa. aad brtath, a at a ilaardarad ilgaatlaa are by .the aaa of Bia'ca Two daya liaat ay 10th . Hea. When You are Gqing to Erect a Monument or Marker at the Grave of Your Lost Ones Remenber That The.. American Granite ft Marble Works Of Columbus Nebraska Will do Your Work Satisfactorily. We will Not Be Undersold by Anyone. Give us a Call Before Placing Your Order. No Order too Large or too Small for us to Handle. E. BERGMAN, Proprietor and Pnie Linseed Oil; Paint made of these ingre dients wean smoothly and does not peel NATIONAL LEAD COatFAXT j Clerk Aieaasss4 jo Ssfelasjfclaaj 1 Backache Any person hating backache, who will take two or three Paneiksuponretlrtogtf atalfllttlWaWte vMatiaftht BWaffSaWataafteawaMaal aaaa aaa) asaajaajaa aywa aaasaaai jaa awafaataaaiialifaisaa Piratiaf Faltyi Qaaey aad Tar. Foley Ca, Chicago, originated j Hoaey and Tar as a throat and lung reaaedytandon accoant of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey aad Tar auuiy imitations are offered for the geaaiae. Tajee worthies inoita tioaa have aiaular aonnding names. Be ware of theaa. The genuine Foley 'a Hoaey aad Tar iaia a yellow package. Aak for it aad refase aay eabetitute. It ie the beet reasedy for eoagba and colds. oo. cmcAOs 6AL NELSON Plasterer AND '' .. , Contractor Odmntaa Nebraika. JIM'S PLACE I carry the beat of everytbaag in 'my line. The drinking pah lie ia invited to oome ia' aad aaa for theaoaelvea. eMS. WEVELS.rraaflatf 616 Twelfth 8treet FhoaaXe.l awHESTars okusr OEKNYR0YrUrilS BRAND efte DIAMOND tWC- y rn m fer A aaunaY'1 r inrM I Adc'Tair Golb saeUlUc boxes. seeJeewstttMee yy Drnvkt aad sale for CKU ! an & StlABMaifB) : tweaty-fire years kaowa sa Bat, 8aey aa a. K ?& J : S& M I -CJw. . UW -( ti I?- -r sa 1 1 J" 1 & 11 " i 4 -i 1- SWwWaf WiVSfsV aVSTw aWVWasW M JaSWVV "sfwVSV &: i. - - - , . . . .1 .. . . 3 - . - - E. jtefifea&asiigia . ?m-jJ Xi tmmfm. . ;. t r.ncB -j-. - - " iiiii miiti im m .. . mt iakaBWBMri.4d.AMiwBEiBiBBi