FjfrSS!wK? -w - - s45w V v ' TK' 'si -xs.-w- jS& . L F? J - e m. --j .- !tC Sfeil ""1i ijri Ctlnmbu5ourtiaL FICTION nr HISTOEY ga aaaaaaaaanani mmmmmmamma. m - lsMwayBaBBv,'m - SMOKELESS POWDER. ICi?.!?- It. "r- 'J-tA -"" l-1 -. j- 3lSS3K ?lllti fc . - m ',- ' " S. -- " .-" ,- i l-5- .-?:-. !& -2-' & j? i SI 3TS ?haaarsBWBaWS(aaaBaBa aaaBBSa.. ... m9mV HHVMMaffMMMMMHWMMMM .i.a ja HBV . .. ...... nut. ...... ... J- , 4 a. G. SraOtMHL . f. C STKOTNHt.. ar aaaaavaff amnVSr AmM as waaflTtsaBS Ms 22JSiis55S&J2i j tiJSrSSi sanawaawaV''" Peojile who amanage Chattuquair, asks aad tke like, of course want to fftgckpeaken m will draw the liffawtarowaa, bit there ahoaldbea liatteaawaoasachmeuae Pitchfork IHnaaa of Sooth Garoliaa. People Wawknowhimsevneis honest, and Ise nmy be sincere, bat he certainly talhs like Aiofui and bully, frvor iaf lynch law in the south. For the geed of the aoath and the whole r, the leas we bear of such MTOlnwn the better. AMERICAN HECOR06 IN PARTrCULArl ABOUND IN ERRORS. - " -i - The fact that a larg proportion f an the Urtorj of an the werJd Is fake I mi perhaps known to few people. That; American hlatocy particnlarjy abonnie In errors, blunders and falsities Is known to even a nnmher. Walpole, wishinc to amnse his father after an anasnanr wssrt sorae day, proposed .reading; to hint from a book of hlstorj. MAnythlnf bnt historj," said the eld, nun, "for hlstorj most be false." When it is considered that historians In every period of the world hate been narrowed and biased by personal opln lon and surrounding circumstances the wisdom of this remark Is perceived, The worst part of it all Is that when ence a .mistake has been.made It has rarely been rectified, each sacceeding historian being content to accept as facts the work of those who went be fore him. The ultimate result of this was that the mistakes were believed by those who read them, and events in history that never happened' or were false were accepted by the world and ever after known as the markers of Important epochs. For Instance, the battle of Lexing """5P "-'-' saannm nrinfJnVflf - ' Bfn1HB"nVMnBnsB - mv w rpm i HVSBsnnB , - jjflnrSnnftnn ss HJHjBBsnBnnnnnui annna. ' BftlnYnnnnnnYnBnL-ni nmhwt" mm mm vPTh- w -- '.MMMf sisBBBBBSiSBBBnnsa mnnmmn IsBPnBWnl swPMWAWWmR W Tasraiors, CUhUTnUnV is isoossalshasA W lianMnT. m KGITeCt m QUaswIP Kt 9 Eoononsteaf In Ue T f Muil(N4ll6 In Piic R9 H IntA. CntlnVAVanllnt mneas mm BVdMtSMflW Bha jgv HB H '"sw' snwBBjBBsnnja AwslwfJBl AW KDGanlnsV CMaKv Mr JUaVH oHV snTsnw snv snVnnnnaisnnnBnBBBnnnBLB annHhw nssnBnw nnnlBnw vnss ensBBBn snssawssunv 1 -i What Is this nmokriiss iitWsMdsnihich KFKREE8' SALE Noticw is hereby givni that, porewuit tn aa KebndateiMdeaBdamtered.of reoocd.oa thelSUicbgrof NoTember,18S,iaaonteia aait The death of Samuel Spencer of tbeSoathera railway again brings be Mte the public the posibilities open to the AnMriean youth. Here was a ease of aa obscure clerk rising to a which placed him at the of some of the largest railway in the south. And he reach ed the goal by hard work and strict to busiaess, President Spen- i recognised as one of the lead ing railroad men of this day, and he was also one of the staunch supporters of President Roosevelt in his fight for railroad regulation, bele - his course wonld go a long way toward many of the difficult tran- .probli 4- 4.S . vrz-' ts: m " John Sharp Williams, democratic leader on the floor of the house of representatives, calls this an era of "fictitious prosperity," but we in Ne hisska know that never as a people have we been as prosperous as we are now. Uuring democrauc rule we always figured that when crops were goods prices would be poor, but with proper republican regulation of the tariff lawt, prices on farm products of every kind have never been more aelismctory than now. Our Nebraska humors never accumulated as much wealth aa they do now. Skilled labor paid as well, bricklayers, , plasterers, all earn higher Our merchants are doing an , and we think fig ure en better profits. The only class of people not benefitted by the present em of prosperity are the men and women working for a fiixfd sal ary. Of course it is easier to get po- Aiany railroad companies ; the salaries or their em- nleyes. living expenses are higher, ami k is right the should. Coogress at this coming election should raise tM wages of such employes as postal clerks, rural carriers, oatmasters, department aad others. The present of wans was established our government , set aa example in dealing fairly mi employes. Generally speaking the train serv ieaia aad oat of Omaha is excellent. The daylight arrangements could hardly he better than they are, but an imafwfsaMBiianbemadehi theserv is at night. One of the things es pecially Beaded is trains that will al low people from the interior of the to spend the evening in Omaha to their homes after the The Burlington now has such a train aad people can spend the evening in Omaha attending the thea ter, or otherwise, and reach home as fsr as Iincbln in good season. The Faafic has a train which i of its parsons in the south, ami then people appreciate the con- reward the company by a sew years ago the Union Pacific had a similar train whieh was vary popular, but it was the eastern eon- of the Union Pacific were he tram schedule was ar ranged to auk the coaveauace ofthe For several months there clamor for a restoration of It weald be of immense to people as far west as Grand The die the Ui amibyeaei fe s thing,' hut as yet no steps sen taken to le satahlish the aa the Union Pacific just it -he aa af the meat eeuld ton, which occurred April W, 1775, Is known ss the' first battle between the colonists and the British. But this was not so, for the records of Orange county, N. GL, show that on the road from Hmsboro to Salisbury on May 1 1771, an engagement between a squad of British troops and a body of colonists took place, In which thirty six men were killed and several wound ed. The trouble was caused by the re sentment of the colonists over the Ille gal taxes Imposed by the British clerk of the county court Historians persist In saying and peo ple persist In believing that the breast works thrown up by General Jackson at New Orleans were made of -cotton baleSjCovered with earth. Asa matter of fact, there was not a pound of cot ton on the ground, and tins fact has been verified by Major Chotard, Gener al Jackson's assistant adjutant gener al, who was himself a. participant In the battle. A wen known engraving that nearly always appears In modern school histo ries Is that of General Corn wallis hand ing his sword to General Washington at the surrender of Yorktown, and this la spite of the fact that to spare Com wallls the humiliation. General 0Hara gave his sword to General Lincoln In token of surrender. Possibly in the course of time the battle of Bunker Hill will be rightly called the battle of Breed's Hill, and, to return to ancient history, the mar velous chronicles of Herodotus will be discredited. It Is told in history that Hannibal cut bis way across the Atos with iron, fire and vinegar, but the question still remains as to bow he ap plied the vinegar. The conflicting ac counts of the' life of Napoleon go to n lustrate the discrepancies of many his torical writers. An have heard the words, MAU is lost but honor," attributed to King Francis L In a letter, to a woman, yet when this letter was referred to for the phrase It was not to be found there. And, again, when Louis XVL laid his head beneath toe guillotine his confess or. Abbe Edgeworth, . dismissed him from the world, so history tells, with the beautiful viaticum, "Son of St Louis, ascend to heaven." Yet in reali ty he said nothing of the sort The brave defiance, "The guard dies, but never surrenders," attributed to Cambronne when at Waterloo the Im perial guard were ordered to throw down their arms, has been shown 'to have, been the fanciful creation of some historian's mind, and the saying, "Providence favors the stronger side," or, as it has been corrupted, "God is on the side with the heaviest artillery," which has been attributed to Napoleon, really originated with writers of an tiquity. Cicero alludes to it as an "old proverb." It would take volumes to contain all the blunders. smalL laimrand Indif ferent; that historians have made, and the lamentable part of It Is that the old blunders are constantly being made over again, so that with the errors that are bound to occur In the history of the present and the mis takes that our forefathers made and which we are stfll maHn history in time win become Uttie more than a. long though extremely mterestmg work of fiction. Sunday rgtM1 tt icta pradiM wherein George Btompek to gbiatiff aad JonpkiBe BH pek. aad Woba Bceapek, her htttwnd. Helen Steapek. Balbiaa ow" a mhwim wempec a auaor. ant onwHiia,wenaaeniBeatecenwui putlUoa will on Tbanday. the 27th day of Deoeaaber 1SML at the l roat door of Uw mart bobm ia the city of uMamou, ta aatdriane oooaty, at the boor of 2 o'clock :P.M.. offer for aala at pablieaaedea to iae aicaeat Udder, the followinc described real property awaaMii ia ine county or. rout aad ktateof Nebraska, to-wit: Lot Three (S) eoa tsiniacaaeres ia Section Tea (M) Township Sixteen (MBaniie One (1) West, of taelth P jbu: un iw ooMBeaec uoarter IB. K. w. M) ot BoathwestQaarter (8. ij-are ia) Towaahti of the Mof SsetiOB Twen- Ire fS Tdwnafain H.m i tn Ibu. 1W (2) West, of the Sth Rrianinal MmmtASmm mitmmtmA ia Platte County, Nebraska. Terms of sale, cashtehand. Chmotiah M. OauaataMU Dated, NoreaUieraa, IMS. Referee. We are prepared to all kinds of real at the Uweet Beoher, Hoc uthU. tSUKKt tiU. SUCCESSFUL Buyor and Seller -OP- LIVE STOCK Your Business Solicited Market Reports furnished on application. Cattle SaJesataa hb. Bum. HoKBabaaua Wrxx J. Kioxly. Sheep SalesBsaa-J. & Cobbst. JIM'S PLACE I carry the beet of everything in my line. The drinking pub lie ia invited to oome in and set for I eaaanw I BJ BnaaaasSi:!!!aBBBBa( I vnafBPiaa Dr. J. W. Terry Or oatAWA EYE SPECIALIST EXPERT OPTICIAN BcfltEfiinnei Oatiei Oflieai ! The West in the front rooms over Pollock ft Co.'s Drag Store. Wfll be in Cjimmius itfices Sunday, on day, Tuesday and Wedoesday of each week. Spectacles and eye glasses scientificaDy fitted and repaired. Eye Gksees adjusted toanynqse. CONSULTATION FBEE Ptnesalve olsanses wounds, ihihss ly aatissptee, nneqaaled for crached hands. Good for outs. Sold by Mtn Oentury Drnff Store, Platte Hen. HI. NEVEU.rVwarletar 616 Twelfth 8treet No. 116 What WTe Owe Professor Darwin said that If It had not been for Insects we should never have had any more imposing or attrac tive flowers than those of the elm, the hop and the nettle. Lord Avebury compares the work of the Insect to that of the florist He considers that just as the florist has by selection pro duced the elegant blossoms of the gar den, so the Insects by selecting the largest and brightest blossoms for fer tilization have produced the. gay flow ers of the field. Professor Plateau of Ghent has carried eat a aeries of re markable experiments on the ways of Insects visiting flowers. He considers that they are guided by scent rather than by color, and in this contention he to at variance with certain British naturausts. Whatever may be the at tractions In flowers to Insffli yet It appears undefined It Is certain that the latter visit freely all sung bo distinction between huge, bright colored ones and the less eesamfcaous blooms like those ec currant, the lime, the n-ttio and the wfflaw. Winter Wearing Apparel At HARTS you will find all the newest sty les in Mens'and Boy's Suits and Overcoats fresh from the fingers of the best tailors in America; Investigate, it will be profitable for you before you spend your money elsewhere HART'S 13th Street, Columbus. Tie Sim!? of nfeUetae. The study of medicine Is the stndj of man and of his relations to bis en vironment. It Is the broadest and most useful of all the professions. A skillful physician can find opportunity for the employment of his highest skill In a hovel as well as In a palace. He Is alike welcomed by the king and by the peasant. The exactions of the phy sician's calling are more severe than those of any otter profession. He must' be content to hold all his personal plans for pleasure, profit or recreation subject to the exigencies of many oth er lives as well as of his own, so that his life must be less regular than that of other men. He belongs to the social fire department. He must often Im peril his health, even his life, to save the health and lives of others. He must be content with a short life. But all these disadvantages are Induce ments to the men who desires to live up to the highest and noblest ideals. From "Starting In Life,", by X. C. Fowler, Jr. s-r powder? It explosive which has the old style black powder. even as shulrUHj has superseded gas, aad which is used not only In the field for eptilani, latfisss, bat Is used ex clusively for the shoulder arms of the army and the navy as weQ aa for the machine gnus, the rapid are guns and the huge rifles en the decks of oar bat tleships and within the works of oat fortiarations. Practically it to notUng be .a mixture elf gun cotton and alcohol and ether, or acetone, or else acetone, with gun cotton and nItaroglycerinTthe two strongest explosives known and, blended Into a new compound which is at least double aa strong as the com mon black powder, explodes without giving off smoke, and, once finished, not merely loses the dangerous char acteristics of its dreaded Ingredients, but 'to so safe that you might give a hatful of the powder to a baby to play with. He might pound It with a ham mer to his heart's content, or you your 'self' might place it on an anvil and bring n forty pound sledge down on It 'It would merely squash like so much soap or putty. So commission proof is this powder that you might drop a house on a heap of fifty tons of It and It would not explode. So proof Is It against explosion by fire that- yea might place a stick of cannon powder on a saucer in your bedroom, light M with a match and go to bed by a flick ering, sizzling light as if given off by burning fat In short, you simply can not explode this powder unless you go to the trouble of confining It, and even then yon can explode it only by using a fulminate of, mercury detonator. The quickest way to picture smoke leas powder Is to dismiss all ideas of the ordinary black gunpowder so fa miliar to every one. The" color of the modern powder to not black at all. but has the shade of dark amber. In the sense of a powder being finely divided solid, smokeless powder Is no powder at all. It .consists of a waxlike com position, the stoe of the "grains" vary ing according to the calibers of the guns for which they are designed. For nee in revolvers, rifles and sporting guns the grains resemble the tiny per forated glass beads, of the sort used In old time needlework. For the ma chine guns, the rapid fire guns, the heavy rifles of battleships and forts the grains are cylindrical in shape, vary ing In size from a third of an inch to three-fourths of an Inch in length to three-fourths of an inch In diameter and about two Inches In length, each grain, In order to Increase the area ex posed to Ignition, being perforated equldistantly and longitudinally with from one to six holes, big as knitting needles, depending upon the size of the grain. A. W. Bolker in Appleton's. Men's Winter Cans M We are now, showing a large assort ment of Men's Winter Caps with inside bandsin both cloth and fur lined Prices from SLOO to $1-25 and $L50 gaaaaamaas-a-w A complete new line of Gloves and Mittens in both dress and working. Ladies' Kid Gloves The Simmons Gloves aaav issav- vtaaaaW The Finest Baalish Ote. Among the. many fine odes In the English language Macaulay has. char acterized Dryden's "Alexander's Feast" as the noblest; and Dr. Richard Gar nett agreed with him in thinking It the nnest ode we have. The fuU title Is "Alexander's Feast; or, The Power of Muslc-an Ode For St Cecilia's Day." Spenser's "EpltbsJsmlum," Mllton'i "Ode oh the Nativity," Keats' odes "To a Nightingale'' and "On a Grecian Urn" and Shelley's "To a Skylark'' are all notable Instances of this class of poem, and to these must be added, though their form to Irregular, Wordsworth's magnificent "Intimations of Immor tality" and .Tennyson's "Ode on tbs Death of the Duke of Wellington." Advertise in results. the Journal for quick at.. He sat sunning himself at the door of his curio shop. A crumpled evening pa per lay on his knee, and he peered fiercely at It through thick horn spec tacles of a kind usually seen in pic tures of village pedagogues. A thin young man with a flushed face sham bled across the street and stood before him. "Could yer giv" ssid the thin young man. Down fell the paper, and the old fellow began to lecture the ap pealing young man. "You've come to the wrong shop," he said. "Why, you ougbter give me summat. Instead of me you. 'Ere I sits all day, and sometimes I don't take a copper before I put the shutters up. But it's alios the same la this world 'im as 'as a shillln' gets It taken from 'lm, and 'e who 'as a sev ering gets another soverlng gen 'Im. I 'aven't lived seventy yesr for nothin'." "Yes, but" "Ob, I know! Why, there's dozens along 'ere every day more than customers, you bet!" "You won't let me get a word" Tve told yer my opinion. Go to the c'.-.ureh army.. II tnere's anything In yer they'll do summat for you. Or try the un employed camp. They seem to do fair ly wen there. Why, Pm forty years older than you, and I don't find things easy out 'er pocket often on my job. Tea," waving the paper, "whoTl do owt for me? I know yeve only a copper left 'erd It before. I 'ad to borrow an 'alfpenay for this paper." Here be paused for breath. "I were goto," said the young man, "to arst yer for a Ught"-Manchester Guardian. Prices $1, $1.25, $1.50 Silk liaed Suede Gloves ia Black and Color fgl Also a complete line of Ladies' and Misses' Golf gloves and mittens. N- H. GALLEY, 3 a DRY GOOPa, CLOTHING. HATS, CAPS. SHOES, LADIES' CLOAKS AND CARPETS Z 505 Eleventh Street, Columbus, Neb. : Fine CalHenrii Wins & Braadies For the Holiday Trade. I have just received a car load of ine California Wines and Brudies, consisting ofthe well known brands: Angelica. Ports, Sherry, Tokay, Reisliag and Zinfandel Also choice California Grape Brandy The best know brand of Kentucky Whiskey. We guarantee all onr goods to be absolutely pure. Wm. BUCHER. Eleventh. St. IH'-uKK, When Too are Going to Erect a Monument or Marker at the Grave of Tour Lost Ones RettOMfeer That Tlit Granite American ft Marble Works Of GeiMlMs, Nebraska ' WiU do Your Work Satisfactorily. We will Not Be Undersold by Anyone. Give us a Call Before Racing Tour Order. No Order too Large or too Small for us to Handle. E. BERGMAN, Proprietor WJnCE OF DIBBOLTJTIOH OF CO-FAKT- t- aaaaBaBaBaaaa 'wavanaaaTal- Sf. ,' "' - W ': naaamw aavvai Aat railroad maaBaBaaaBkBBIHHIHaJmBaBaBaassV asawfc NeOwtoaarabvcifaatta tase n.SLHehrkk.hyiifsl eaassi MaVBLBalwig will asatiaas Ik fcas Sri awstbs aauto with M. BLBstwic C.J. laawi.Oat.Si, M0JL KimOYJILKLf IF. Mar We myoar Marty Co.' ' MMKMwX-jS BRAND gSpSsmnraliYl """fcjgty1 mmm naatTffilail M i - - kfiaLiraraPeetoaartittou. Ton can not aceompush very much if your liver is inactive an you feel dull, your eyei are heavy aad alight -exertion shansts von. Orino Jjaxafave Fruit gyrap stimulates the liver and. bowels aariatakasyoa reel bright aad'active. Oriaoliazative Fruit Syrup does not or jrips sad is auW and tie take. Ormo is mere tree than puis or ordinary snhetitutas. fur stoves at Rotate. Dtalaasatle SUrace. When Franklin arrived In France he was somewhat astonished at the lux ury, noise and bustle of the court of Versailles. The courtiers, who are by nature effervescent and volatile, made much ado over him. He was himself Inclined to be taciturn. Vergennes, the French minister of foreign affairs, also was of a reserved, circumspect, uncommunicative nature. The Introducer, having presented Franklin, withdrew." The two states men, left alone, bowed to each other. Vergennes, with a gesture. Invited Franklin to be seated and then walt- .ed. Franklin, However, said not a word. Possibly he wished to put his companion's gravity to the test the French had always been pictured to him as so loquacious. The French minister felt that he was on ue verge of overstepping' the rules of courtesy and hospitality. He there fore took out his snuffbox and Invited Franklin to take a pinch of snuff. Franklin complied, reflected an In stant and took his snuff In silence. Vergennes, on his part, did the same, and then the compliment was return ed.. After a brief flash of silence Franklin rose; so did Vergennes. whereupon, after a farewell obeisance, they parted. This was the entire sum and substance of their flrst Interview, which happily was to be 'followed by ethers of n more fruitful character Addresses of Frederic K. Coudert. Holiday Groceries AT KEATING and SOMAN'S As the Holidays are drawing near one naturally looks about for the best to be had for that season of the year. At our store you will not be disappointed as we are pre pared to give the very best and purest goods that money can buy. A FEW REMINDER nhaejo At $fonrwYn'ai nnflBaA rm.-. - . For Tour Money. Cereal Blend. Rsintri Sos J? Special Blend. GAL NELSON Plasterer AND Gontrtttor Columbne - NebcMka. if I per pound 20c per pound: 25c per pound 30c f per pound 35c ? per pound 35c O.G.Java....'. Mandheling Java , TATa laJlA ftV V-1A4. a n vfuuauuiu luouuennira unase & San- W r UUaTUVJJ XCwVS. rrees. Xmas Candies imu Mnta. Xmaa atVni f KEATIR6 aw SCHRAN Eleventh Street Columbus, rfebraaka. V BM4WW' ! I ! ! I ! . K Vfr y. ! , i j, ;, t, JOURNAL ADS ALWAYS BBUfG BISTJLTS. a & 5-;Sfe?,ur'r -."rU . 1. " tk T - . --iZs-u '. 4 -, -- :TnS i.Ssi? -. i2ft ife s&S$3n 'sBfe; .-i3 .s5&jfAiS,a. tfyy w W p- -"Mf -J - .