:3'3-3 f?SC .Ziffvi s- f. - JT S(.--a 5S -T tr sf:. r -t- t" ifrjsrj-rJPtv " Vf "' -? 1 y s - - ' m Tf-jr-V i-1--.?.!,! .t-mr .-. r v--- fc. ''aw,r'K' .f" 'ia. -v- N ' -lB-V ',IT'' V ' -B-.. , -W V?W. .-"" 4 .r -s; i i5r "r- ' '-.. V t?: - -Sf pjt'L f A ;s-T- , - -' Jv.'.-'i. ft CkMiwilldaled withe Columbtti Time April 1, 1904; with the PUtte CtoOMir Argus January 1, 1906. k VOLUME XXXVII. NUMBER 36. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 5. 1906. h : WHOLE NUMBER 13W. iejSne,.; - -- . A'mammF r '. U ''SB" SBFS SB dtuJ if' "s V Jtoral t!iOlmnbns Ai-.K WimW.v ?. i rmm w jLW mAJJb M maSVamVm 5 -a i ,- ft - I - LV K 'S.s-. i,u. "v?, ww TTTaTH. If ' I V- iV ILTiTr SENDING TO THE BANK becomes a pleteaat dnty when yom hare once become used to it. You know that your balance k jaat ao mack atroBKeraad all your money k abso lutely aafe. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK iavitea you to acqaire the baakiag babit It is one that you will often thaak aa for auggeetimg. Doa't wait for a wkole lote of money. Start witk what yon bare. Tlit First NatlMal Bank IW awMg out 0 MMiMMMMH Jourail Files February 17, 1875. No suck cold weather kaa visited tba nortkern and eastern portioaa of tba United SUtea, aa baa been felttkk winter, bince tke wiater of 1835. itfoka, a l'awnee brave, called at tke Joarnal ofllce one day last weak aa) re ported a pleasant visit down tba road in the direction of Omaha. Good time, plenty of money, etc. for John. . We lean from Mr. Spoerry that John Ifaurer, of Stearna Prairie, lost kk boase by fire on Tharaday of last weak. The fire originated ia tke root, aad is aappoaed to have caagkt fromaparka comiag out of tke stove pipe. Lieut. H. O. Heyl, of the 23rd Infan try, oalled aponua yesterday aveajng aad iaformed ue that Lieat. Yoaaaj would be here in a few days to distrib ute army clotkiag amoaa; tba destitute of kk oouaty. Tke olothiafj k here for distribution. -Lieat. Heyl kaa been eagaged ia Merrick- coaaty earoUiag tke namea of those who will need grain for seed, to be f arakked by the fevera meat, aad k4ea to boeae osamry tkk ing for a similar panose. Tke Union Pacific railroad company kaa made request at the Commissioner of the laacT office to eonatrae tke act of Jane 22d, 1874, for the relief of settlers on railroad laade so a to permit tke Union Pacific Bailrosd company to se lect lands containing coal and won in lieu of agricaltnral lands. We lean tkat tke conatraction gives to the act by the commissioners of the land k ma favorable to tke wkh of the Union Pa cific Railroad company. Tke ball given by tba A. O. H. at Orpkeaa hall teat Tharaday evening wan well attended aad was aa enjoyable af faiia. For Thanksgiving week Jadge Batter- man ieaaed four marriage follows: Ernest N. Taylor and Lokr, aad MeUo Mowery aad Jesak B. Bayd, all of Columns.: Lloyd A. MaaTatt sad Bealan D. Price, of Fremont; Wil liam H. Hecoz, of Seward, and Ooldia K. Napier, of Columbus. F. C Stimson, tke Union Pacific ci il engineer wko had charge of tba work of tke 8trcmaburg-Cntral City' breach, was ia the city Wednesday and rested the rooms over Ascae's atore, when he will have headquarters while he has change of the double trackiag between Oalsmbsa and Oread Island, wkich will aooB be commenced. For the last few years Ed. J. Nkwek ser has tuned kk store over to the ladiea of tke different charcnee of the city for one day prior to tke kolidsya, they to receive a percentage of the sales os that date7. Monday of thk week the Preaby teriaa ladies wen in charge and tkeir percentage of the sales netted tkem a neat ;um. Next Saturday tke Msthodiet ladies will kava charge of the store and the following Moadav wmhsthedayfortheEpkoosal ladiea. ThetftkasBsal abow ofthaOolam- has Posltry aad Stock seseciatios k be isg held is the Cover bsUdisg os 11th street thk week. Ia spits of tke asfav arable weather the exhibit k gaod, there - five hundred birde. Ose sf features of the show k the barred, basT asd white Plymbsth Becks. The Wyasdottea asd Bhede Island alas mere a good skowiag. both hi af the exkftit aad ssambaraC bwds; inclnded in the snsaksas aad sst as wall represented, bst the stock ia mmeextoaaice birds. Iadsaka. asd tarkeva the exhibit k the istkekktsfyoftheasaa sstkward, af leasts Cey,Ma,k the bards.aad Jsrry Oarrigk The ahswwai T.J.S swtM Friday sight aftsVSkBsaBmaa m Hsrriak far fsrsltsra. Dr. Naamsaa, Deatkt 13 St. Hsrriak far kaby ga-carta. Dr. Mark T. MaMsksa. sastiat OaaaU's aaarkei far freak aseata. Dr. Talker, Osteopath, Barber block. eats ami prompt delivery at WAT UP k used by all who desire a fas qaality of patent flour. The Co lmmbaa roller mills makes it. The besatifal fifteen dollar doll at Condon & Walker's will ckange her ims before Christmas. A ticket on thk doll gives with every 25 cent pur- Smoke the Lsmo a east cigar. B.-S. Diokiasos took two care of feed- are to am ranch Bear iswtag, jxeor Wedseadsy moniag. Dr. W. H. Slater, vatariaarian, phone fa. Dr. W. W. .Frank, of Monroe, was in the city Wedaeaday attending a meet- of the panaios board. Dr. a A. Allesksrgar, oases ia Nina births asd four deaths for the moath of November are reported by Registrar John Sahmoeker. The ladiea of Grace church have been coadaotiag; s vary aueceesful bazaar in the North bailding on Thirteenth street thk week. Sarvkeaia Baptist ckarch next Sun day, Decmber 9: 10.-00. Bible school; MJasas oa tbe Cross;" 11KX) aermon: "The Ioflaasee of Kind;" 3 JOO Junior; 7S0 B. Y. P. U.: Consideration t tke writer of tke Bi We asd "Seven Words from the Cress;" 7:30 aermon: The""' Point of BeaUty." Corner "N" and lth. Mrs. 8ehrsibar, tiving on WestFif teeath atreet received a telepaooemes asga from Edgar Monday saying that her mother was at the point of death. Mr. aad Mm. Schreiber and family left at osce for tkat place. - Tke sew Union Pacific freight depot k getting up above tke foundation and makes quite a showing. Tke company k going to build a six fool brick walk on the east aide of North street and are also pattiag sp the addition to the ice kouee aad movkg some of the build iaga ia the yard to make room for thk 4 improvemast. riiTorimWvoiUothij sa tke Usioa Paeafc to leave Omaha at 11230 n.mV gfrMff the same aaveral yeara ago. Tkk traia will give people an opportunity to traaaact business in Omaha aad return the eame day. and also give the branch towns aa excellest mail service, and will be qsite popular. Twelve applkaata for tke position of raral carriers presented themselves at the Colambaa Commercial college to take the examinatioB ordered by the de partmeat 8atnrday. Six of them were from Columbaa and the remainder from other towaa 4 ia tba coaaty. This exam ination was held tir secure a supply of carrkra for the new rostea to be estab lished Jaaaary 2, wbea comnty service goeaiBtoeaTect. The'Prelimiaary examination ef Wil liam Webb, os the complaint filed by Max Botklsitsar, waa held last Friday ia Police Jadge O'Brien's court. Tke original ekarge was ditmksed aad two otkera filed, aad be waa bound over to tke dwtrict court on tke charge or house breaking aad committing assault aad battery on the person of Mrs. Roth Mtaer. kk bosd being place at $500, wkich be furnished. Bohert A. Martin, Secretary Enter taiaaaent Y. M. C. A, Twenty-third Street Branch, New York-City Mrs Olivia fhagfir Hall appeared as the leadiag artist in oar recital and concert Nov. 19 1901. Her work was very fine 8ka fcot" her andknee from the first, ssd it was here so long as ske chose to make it so. Her ability ia reading pa thetic aelaetiosa k apeoklly fine, ask also her facility ia hamorous sketches. Sa doss all she claims to do. At High School Gymsasiam, Friday avesisg, Deeember7. Followisg are tba oskers-alect of Ooctdeatal ledge, Ksights of Py thiaMor the asssuag ysar: P. J. MeCaffery, ehascaUar eommrader; J. G. Becker, vice chancellor; V. A. Weaver, prelate; L. H. Laavy, master of work; W. N. Hasaley, master at arms: Geo. Fairchild, keener of record and seal; Carl Kramer, master of saaaoe; G. W. Phillips master of axcheqaer: flago Schad, inner gsard; J.V.Carrig, outer gaard; L F. Reotor, traatee for a term of three yeara. As kJormal smoker followed tke alactloa of offioers,aadatalk wasgiveB by Graad Ckasoallor Bargees of Lis- Aftar the fret of the year the to add twesty-five new which k asits gratifyiag to the local me Gaal Ws hsve .the fallowing Coak nowon sad Nat aad Nat, Ksar- Nat, CasL Hard baas': Book 8prisg Lamp fMsnk, Celarsds Lamp aad aavLaaapv Traatsa Laaap, Weir NawKAjr Wbxcb Facts and Figures WE have been asking yon to believe that thii is a good place to come for yonr Christmas 'remem brances. We have told you that for reasons oaSw est for reasons of variety for reasons of Jwhat yon get for what yon pay it is useless to goj else where near or far. Here are Figures In Black and White. If you look for still further proof it's right here in the store. Plenty of it enough to "con vince the hard to 'convince. Enough to put the stamp of truth on all that we have told you about what's here. This list tells, only of goods that are actually in stock, and for every item we print, there are hundreds that aren't mentioned. Only a visit will give you the right idea. -. . SPECIALS: Watcbea-Elgin or Waltbsm, Ladies 6 sizes, 30 year gold case. !i. IS. 00 Special 15 Jewel Americaa movement, gold' ease warraatsd M:j New England watches nickel case, $2.00, ailver 96.00, 90 year gold filled ladies' size, 97.00 aad $1100, solid gold 1&00 Ball Bail-Road watches kava adopted thk watch aa a standard Ladies' watches $36.00, men's 930.00 ' Hampden Watches. Hamilton R. R. Watches, Howard Watchee, High grade imported watches, all specially priced in plain agarsa. ricarkoTs haaal palBwtfl klRa Make artistic and useful Christmas preseats. Bractltu The largest aelection ever shown in one jewelry hones is Nebraska, The price starts at 91.00 to assy steps as high aa 950.00 each.'? UMkralla make good Cnristmas preeaota, 8terliag silver, gold aad- ivory $4.00' to $15.00. MoBograma eagnved free. Alaioat 3000 to select froia, 91.00 taT9325.00 - ' Silvanwarf in piatvd and Sterling, more different patterns than aay oae house in Omaha, all marked in plain figures. We kava aaveral of the mail order catalogues on hand, to prove to you that oar prices are at least as low as any of them. ..Ed. J. NIEWOHNER.. JEWELER Atf D OPTICIAN COLUMBUS, Yon wane to find bargains. read Joanal ads to Platte Center has a bnn new brass band, and its first demonstration oc cured last Wednesday evening. After practicing for several weeks under the leadership of Prof. Martin Schilz of our city, the boys appeared on tke streets of their city and gave a fine concert, after which they gave a concert aad supper ia the hall for the benefit of tke organi zation. The Platte Center paper says: "The Platte Center fond gave ita first bow to the pnblio Wednesday evening when they played oaths atreet before their dance. Everyone expressed sur prise at the manner in which they played. They sre eertaialy makiagfice progress. They also played a few se lections in the hall jaat before tke sup per hour. HEN'S HIGH CUT SHOES Better Than Ever Men's 16 inch; Black Elks kin, double Viscol- ized welt soles $6.00 Men's 16 inch Dark Tan Elkskm double Vis- colized welt soles $6.00 Men's 16 inch, Black calf skin, double Vis- colized welt soles. $5.50 Men's 16 inch,Tan calf skin double, Viscol- ized welt soles $5.50 Men's IS inch Black calf 1-2 double welt soles $5.50 These are a few styles only of Complete line of high cut waterproof shoes for hunters or anyone where a high boot is required. 60LUMBUS, 1 the Facts f ? ; NEBRASKA. Car af Thanks. Wa desire to extend oar heartfelt thanks to the friends and neighborp, who in many ways aaskted in our late bereavement. Mr. O. F. Gleason. Mrs. a F. Gleason. Mrs. 8. E. Davis. Mrs. Helen S. West, mother of Mrs. H. B. Robinson of thk city "died at her home injClarka last Saturday. Mrs West waa one of tba early settlers of tkat locality and there are quite a num ber ot Columbus people acquainted with her. The funeral was held Monday, several friends from tkk city being in atteadanca. , . Write Vincent A Landoa Real Estate Agents, Washington, San., for their re vised lkt'or Kansas, Neb aad western lands. Get our lkt before you bay. IteftratJu. Dr. Campbell, Deatkt. Dra. Paal aad Matzee, Deatkta. Holiday goada at Cosdes Walker's. slkitaysar Christmas toys SEE the display in oar west wiadow. Poeseh's candy factory and bakery. Kodaks asd saaplies at Mswohaer'a. 8pecial prices to charohes aad schools os pare home mads candy. Poeseh's eaady factory asd bakery. Dr. D. T. Marrys, jr., eaVe saw Oslamkaa Saata Bask-kslldiag. Wadding risga and aigh daaa jewelry atCarlFromel'a, Eleveath atreet. C. L. Garrard left for Chicago last Saturday to look after tba interests of thr firm of Nay lor & Garrard. Ha may visit several poiats is Casada before hk ratara. Sheriff D. E. Linoola of Dawson county was inthe city Sunday, eoroute to Norfolk witk an insane patkat. During hk stay hare hk charge waa confined in the county jail. Tuesday evening the new boiler at tba electric light power bouaewas used for tba first time. Owing to some imper fection it did not work aatkfaoto'rly but in a short time tba increased capacity will enable the city to sea all tba street lights. Miss Anna Creig, state chief operator for the Nebraska Telephone company, was bare the last of tke week instruct ing the local operators," with avkwof improving the service. Wkea the new central energy system b installed Miss Craig will make Colambus ser head quartan for aboat thirty days, or uatill tba eperatore become f amilkr with tba new system, and are handling it satis factorily. The Bar. Dr. Weeoott, Rector of Graoe Chareh, has, at the request of Bishop Williams, accepted an invitation to hold stos days Mission in the P.riah of Triaity .Chureh, Norfolk. The Mh ska will commeaca os Sunday morning next. The aasal services will.be bald ia Grace chareh daring Dr. Wescott's In isrpoase to a police call last Satur day aftersooa, Chief of PoHceSehaek waa asked by a Pounder from sosth of the Platte to arrest s farmer who owed him 9900, aad aetata him until it was paid. ' The .chief juaforiass him that col leotioBS were. oat sf hk tiaVaadsag- gested that he take kk case ap witk soma attorney. Monday the officers of the Monroe Independent Telephone company, President Lightn r, Secretary Deck, and Treasurer Webster, were ia tba city lookirg after the damage case filed against the company by Miss Emeline Lawrence of Monroe, who formerly bad charge of OMtral at that place. Mica Lawrence asks ;S90y00O damages on ac count of a severe shock she received while attending to the switchboard, claiming that it waa the result of negli gence on the part of the company aad that tba board waa defective. Tke company claima that she wss cot com pelled to attend to tka board during a storm and tkat she disobeyed order when she wss injared. HARD AND SOFT COAL ORDERS FILLED PROMPT LY. P. D. SMITH LUMBER CO. R. W. Hobart arrived in Mitchell Wednesdsy from Columbus, Neb.( where be had been packing hk house hold and office furniture forshipaieat to Mitchell, the ooming wetropolkof the North Platte Valley and western Nebraska. Pending the completion of the office building which he k erecting, Mr. Hobart will open hk law' office in rooms over Burtons atore as soon as be receivea hk office equipment which in now oa the road. Hk wife asd on will come to Mitchell soon. Mr. Hobart k accompanied by hk brother, C E. Hobart, a contracting engineer from Nova Scotia. Canada, who is on a visit to thk part of the country for aigat-seeiag purposes, Mitchell Star. M. X. China tiaaay Serrkaa. The moniag service will be devoted to tba doaisg sermon in' the exposition of tka Model Prayer, tka sabjeot being The Prayer for Deliverance from Evil." Evening sermon, "The 81s which Destroys tka Upright.'' Every body invited. Lotaa R. DeWolf, pastor. BBsssalVftea SaperiBteadeat 8kermaa kaa baas prepariag a lkt for tkstraaat officer by compariag tba sarollsMat of the sehook with the school ceases, Thk lkt will be gives to tbeTtraaat officer ia aboat a weak aad ha will look after the noa attsadasta. Tke debate betweea the Ceatral City asd Columbus high sehook will be held at the gymsasiam Friday evening, De ssmbsrH. Hams Babeock, Maris Zia secker ssd Saaas Bora will reprassst Calaajbas. Tka queatios Jm. Besolved, "Tkat theaaaexatioa of Caba will be a detrimeat to the Uaitad States," Col ambaa haviag ths sagative. As sthlatk associatios k ked by theatadaats of ths A meetisg was ksld eommittees appoistaB to draft a tsttoaasd by-laws, I GORRESPONDENeE V1M m ilia BilttaT.L Ths masosa iskhed their Ws, Darkep'a kosse. Emil MUkr sad Geo. Bsrtak kava bought a aew sheller asd gssaliss eagiae. MamEmmaGodelotScribaer k s itiag bar parssta, Mr. aad Mm. Frask Araold, or. Nick Ademy k haaliag hay from hk valley meadow to hk hosas farm, miles north. Albert Basttohar kaa ssresssjd s team of hones from Ed Stasdea, asai of Colambaa. Doaahsa preseatod the carrier, with a sack of oats last weak, aad thk weak Mm. Doaahae sands kirn s sreseat of a fine pork roast, for wkich ws very gratefaL ' Tba Platte Ooaatv talephons eompaay have placed five new telephoaaa, oa ths roate, Jobs Heibel. Julias Hsibsl Saibart Heibel Haary Luaeaiager, aad Albert now having tolepkoaea. lHUlri Mr. Mm. J.aDawaos apeBtTaaaka giviag witk relatives asd fries da at Jolly, Iowa. Matt Gottberg fiaiahed thrashisg for tba Dodd Bros, last 8atarday. Thk winds ap the threahiag os the roate forthksaaaoa. Backwith k 8oaa have finished ping their sugar beets. aadv are takinseareof 9200 warts of squash that kava beea lyiag oa the ground because tkey coald aot gat help to work ia Mr. aad Vam. M. Camball Thankagiving at Norfolk with their daatber. Km John Stevens. While there Mrs. Campbell had the susf ortuss to accidentally fall through a trap door into the cellar, severely bruming her. No boaea wen broken, kowever, and able to retara borne Saturday. asmteRsS Pater Haleebee k hashing eora far William Behlea. Adsm Bekle took ia the Vaster Brewa showFridaf;sight. MarUaAaawisrihsaidasew miU whils ;Calsmb-a Isst Satarsay. Araold Sohmitt stteadsd ths dance si Adolph MaeUers hossa last Sasdsy eveniag. Mka Clara Kresger k vkitiag her sister, Mrs, Joe St evieak, ia Colambaa tbk week. Miss Mary Borcbara waa taken to St. Mary's kospital Moaday Baorsiag for treatsMst Mies Aaaa Becker spest 8asday at the old Becker homestead in Graad Prairie towaabip. After a month'a vacation, Miss Birdk DoddabegaateachiagacaooliaDktrict No. 19 Monday moniag. Masars. Phillips and Sohrosder, of Columbaa. wen calliag os sossa of the farmem os tka routs Tfcnkagiving dsy Mka Katie Oalerloha, whs baa beea visiting bar eouaia. Warn. Godekia, asd family for the last moath, left Tuesday mors ng for ser hoses is New York. Miss Mate Albers, who has beea with Mrs. Rhode at the L!ndell hotel ia Golumbtus returaed to ker some oa tke roate Sunday.' Mr. aad Mrs, Mail Carrier aad Mka Katie wen entertained at dissar Tbanksgiviag day by Mr. aad Joka Byraes, of Colambaa. The young folks os roate No. 3 report s jolly time at ths shadow social Friday eight at'BoksstkTke program was Asa. especially the aiagiag by Bsv. Gaia singer's daughters. Mks Margaret O'Callagaaa, of Platte Center asd Mka Bath Johaaos and Mrs.&aBreaaaaadfamilyof Colum bus, spent Tkaaksgivisg at E.M. New- Willie Kramlaad waa aa isvited gsest at tka home of Mr. aad Mrs. Henry Kleavar oa Thssksgivisg dsy. After an axeeUest repast, coasktiBg of tarkey asd other good things, Mr. Kramlaad ia eompaay with Misses Emma Braakea aad Gaats Kleaver drove to Pktte Cas tor for s pleossre trip. Fred Saalfeld returaed from Fremoat Tassdsy wksre ha west toatteadtbe fanaral of Mr. Baits, a relative of hk who was baried last Weda essay. 'Last aummer Mr. Bilte waa vkkiag at the Saalfeld home aad will be remembered by many. Thk fall he was ia aa Omaha hospital to usdergo as operatioa from the efeetaof vhiebhadid sst reasvsr. the whist lab Tharaday Ths bast harvest k few days wfll complete the seed harvest. Ms. F. Goks aad ckilatass left day lor s vast with York eossty. C. B. Watts left for Omaha Moaday, ha has ham sffsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSaW maSBBBBSBaSBBBBam BSSBS ""aBH BBBBBBBBBBBVaBBBBBBam BBB BSSBBBBBBBBBwHaWJR'maSBaBBBW ' rnVsasa'aBBBBBBBaTBBBBaW BBBmmmBBWMBsVaB8F''HKmBBBBBBBn BBBsVaBBBSSSslmBSSSSSSSSSSBm BBsi BBBm SBBBBBBBBWaBBVBBmsfsSBTBBBBrffi B WH B2H9Bsaa9jVV '.' s aa ws fisHatMnss! aaai macaamimamam BMBtcoaalad sroas asrvice Wa Wsaght ths boa State itaak to Ha aad shave who havs beea wkh aa chaner waa gTsated. oar hsakiaar mathoda. if raa fiusilisr with thsm parsoaailly. Ws sasJl he pleased to firs aay desusd lafbrmatioa Opmi aa accoaat aad get 9JVIfisaalmfJa sPamwV Dsmsaa B, J. Coulter wast to day, to bay a stock sf Holiday fc WsaaW VaMMp E.B, Deck day, is tke iatarast sf Iadepeadaat Talaphoss H. A Masaaald received a ths death of hk Mr. Massisld left for Moaday moniag to attssdthefassrsl. Mr. aad Mm. W. G. two daaghtem of lastJSatarday, after s vkit with Mm. Goadaa's brother, T. W. aad family. They warn) by Mr. it far Ths Bight Revaresd A.L. BmhoB, Coadjulor, of Nebraska, Oxky, lets Pnaaipal sf ths sf. ths mar. Dr. ia ftttvar Creek. Mr. Oxkykagri : will f iaatioa far Holy Wesestt'a direotios. Hs wiU Colambaa sext desoa at Grass Chareh : Death af la the death of O. a Moras, Plakta coasty has snffsred a leas' at asm aC-aal ithoamrabtarssjdasts. ThattsMaa pablkhed at hk aarmar pays tka followisg tribute: v O. a Moras was sera ia Wast Yk s4ak,Mareh3, 1868. Os October 17, 187i.BswaaaurrkdaBd asms to Xa hraaka aad settled oa al Brilea costs east of bare, which owseduptilthetimeof hk November 119,1909. past sasaffered with trouble, sad took oesannaal trhm to differest plsoaa to try sad health, asd waa oa hk way to wbea ha was takes sick, asd stopped seT at Lexiagtoa for medioal aid, ka grew rapidly worse asd sooa sxpkes? Is leaves kk life partser asd s large fsasi ly, besides other relative tomasrshm departars. - Mr. Moras waa a . sea aad seighbor asd'had won ,;ass spect oc nie neighbors and aeo,!! esa. Ha bad held tka office efx treasurer for kk diatrkt far yeara, sad twice sleeted ee ess af coaaty saaervkors. Ia 1897 ssd ska hi 1899 he wee elected rspissnataHvs sf Platte eesaty. Although hk bsdy i sa Wheeler cemetery, his UlremaUgrseaUthe sfhk fallow smb. Improved farms for sale, Platte i .KM. ESTATE AM) 1MB. i- towa late, it will hs to iatereetto falsa hare ssvar si - far rest ia Calami I isyysatoesmsa Calam- Baosa OoUacaa. Bas areaanferakasalessm- Orsars ssder Dr. arrivBBB ommtssd its Far savaral vaara Becher, HockfAberser at I Ghamben 1 f aWamawJ9asJ Wmm amaTaaWBRBBavmV R J SHvamrmaaaaaaviisavammiBSMmsirm S sheet astlss S Fba, Tsrsese aad aasssaat I Iaamnaaaau '" - z . m waa fi. ,, z I HoctoaibeTftgt to I V BBassaaaYimsim aS -1 A" l i i ? n 61 1 7i :i 1 ri A --. ' A& : , .& -a;. 1 . '1 'L'1 e5 A. " a-.-S m. .-t-. 'S - . 'TS. j. ..-St. .efcrC'ft.-a- -'ja&&& .5fei,.t5,Cv' ' .- jr J- .-. - j Sa ii!'II5.-ir3S ' 17M? mJ,'l'Zt j ? f-iSTi. Atr.-,JLi;.. Lf'S : f?J?. k it,iU . :-? aci'.k: ? 'V-- a1neiaS4Lk2S