The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 28, 1906, Image 8

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WE make our bow to the good people of Columbus in the east
store room of German National hank building,
'--''- We liad this eveat in view IfSt winter (in the slack season) when we placed oar order with eastern
fiutories for. 30 ear' loads over 500 pianos-for CASH, for iall delivery-Hhe largest "amount of pianos
ever shipped west' by any voncern. Do you think we saved any money on this purchase? Well, we just
did, and that's why we can, during our.opening sale in Columbus, sell pianos at retail for the same price
the small dealer pays for them at the factory. 4 "
Now, the secret is out That's our way. (What do you thinkof it?) Of advertising our. Columbus
store. "We are going to sell pianos for. - T-,. Vc"
at so low a price that you won't get over talaing about it (and advertising The BHNeCt ConpaRy,
ddn't you see) for two years. Yes, that's why we do it to' advertise. We get the advertising, you get
the only chance that will ever come to you to buy one of
The World's, Best pianos
Fr jmst what the Siall piMO dealers FJ And there is not a poor piano in the lot Read these
names: t -
Chickering & Soas, - Everett,
I?ersPraV 8tarr,
Kohler k, Canpbell, Packard,
Harvard, Back, Rich moiid, Sterliig, HMntiagtea; Meadelssoka, RemiHgtoa, Chase,
Hiding, Richardson aad others.
No such pianos were ever shown in Columbus. They are the World's Best the pianos you
will find in the homes of the wealthy the pianos that are selected by the world's best pianists. And think
of it!' You can buy them next week for the price asked by other dealers for inferior, unknown makes.
$250.00 Piano for $125.00 $300.00 Piano for $148:00
(This sale only) , - ,. -' - '" 'x (This sale only) .
$350.00 Pianos for $187.00
'(This sale only) " ' V
TERMS: Nothing to pay down.1 .Payments of $5, $6, $7, $8, or $10 monthly.
Sheet Music Free!
Every lady caller will receive a copy of 50c or GOo sheet music (vocal or
instrumental.) FREE,
Herriek for faraitare.
Harriok for aaby ajo-earts.
Dra. Fsal and Matzen, Jentista.
Dr. Mark T. MnWaaoa. dsatisl
OasiBa saarket for fresh meats. -Dr.
Vallier, Osteopath. Barber block.
Tender oats aad prompt delivery at
Chickering & Sons Pianos, oldest in
America, best in the world. Sold at
See Bella, .Meade as Mrs. Brown in
Buster Brown .at the North Opera
House, Friday, Nov. 90th.
Do not buy a piano till yon hear about
oar special Factory Sale offer. Parti
culars at oar opening Saturday, the
Beanett Company.
Arthar Leaecbe son, of John LeuBche,
living north of town, is suffering from a
brokea leg, the result of a horse falling
oc him. The accident occured last
Heary Davison, the night switchman
who waa injared near the freight depot
last Wednesday evening, is getting
aloag nicely, no bones being broken, his
injuries consisting of bruises.
Mr. and Mrs. William Oaks of Johns
town, Pa who have been guests at the
home of .their uncle,. Dr. CL D. Evans,
for the last week,- left Wednesday for
their eastern home.
Bev. Munro announces for next Sun
day's sermon's: Morning, Paul's Idea
of Sound Doctrine." Evening, "A man
Who Chose Bather to Suffer Than to
R.S. Palmer the tailor, cleans, dyes
and repairs Ladle's and Gents' clothing.
Hats cleaned and reblocked. Buttons
made to order. Agent, Germania Dye
Works. Nebraska phone 194.
Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers,
local agents for the German Insurance
Company, received notice last week that
that company had resumed its business
in the Royal of Liver Pool, England,
one of the strongest companies in- the
world, and that all policy holders in the
German were fully protected. This
firm has now secured the Columbus
agency for the Royal and the business
of the German will be continued by the
Royal as heretofore.
lee cream ami frmit cake for
Thanksgiving. Leave yonr or
ders early. Poesch's eaaiy
factory ami bakery.
Farms far Sak.
Improved farms for sale, Platte and
Boone counties. First National Bank.
Irate He. 2.
H. P. Mohrmann was called to Fre
mont Monday to attend the funeral of a
relative by the name of Mr. Baltz. Mrs.
Peter Haggeman of the route was a
daughter of the deceased.
Mrs. C J. Bisson had the misfortune
to break one of the fingers on her' left
hand last Friday morning. Her mother
Mrs. Herman Lueschen, is assisting her
with her household duties.
When Peter Schmratt reached South
Omaha with bis cattle last Thursday he
was satisfied with the market, so ship
ped them to Chicago, hoping to make a
more satisfactory sala '
The roads are practically lined these
days with teams loaded with wheat,
corn, oats, poultry and hogs. This in
dicates a prosperous year in the many
products of the farm, and we know the
producers are getting good prices for
all of it And this will also show a
prosperous year in the way of finances
for the producers.
Tone the liver, move the bowels
eleaase the system. Dade's Little
Liver Pilla never gripe. Sold by 30th
Century Drag Store, Platte Center,
Easier can the house
keeper do the work if
she has a good kitchen
cabinet. We have the
best on the market.
Let us show you.
Faraitare, Uiaertaking, Plctare Fraatiag.
219-21-23 West lit- 8t.
HfNifli Strati
BsahssBBBBsVa akaVaMkal
fi. K
Pirating. Fetey's Heney saw Tar.
Foley k Co., Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as" a throat and lung
remedy, and on. account of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's Honey
and Tar many imitations'are offered for
the genuine. These worthless imita
tions have similar sounding names. Be
ware of them. The genuine Foley's
Honey and Tar in in a yellow package.
Ask for itaad refuse any substitute. It
is the best remedy for eoughs and colds.
Noties fa hereby given that, psrsaut to aa
onleroCthe District Court of Platte Gouty.
Mebrttka. dab made and entered of record oa
1Kb day of taTmbw. 1898. in a certain it
Uv-rein pending- wherein George Btempek k
plaintiff ud XonnUne 8teapek andTokn
?1?!ia,MI"dE&aiSteBI"k BalbiM
Stenipekand Marnaliaa Stenipek. a minor, are
defendant, tfeeanderaianed referee in partition
wui on TMuaaay, tne znn day of Deoember 1SSS,
at the front door of the eosrti
in the city
Cplambaa, in aaidPlatte county, at the boar of 2
ri2f5.r'JwAOTVHPB'Mtion to
the hicheet bidder, the following described real
property Htoatod in the oonnty of Polk and
ftateof Nebraeka, to-wit: Lot Three (l) con.
taurine 21 acres in Section Ten (10) Township
M.:sAe8ooibeastflhaarter(S. K.J) of the
8oattiwertQQarter(& W7M)of SertSi Twen-
in Platte Coantr. Mebnikm. TwZTf
SSSyjr11, . anuriA a. uboxbthxb.
Mammon ASwBHiiBr k. .!.
i Two
Biitm 3iii Hi Willi 'it Livs
Fster Fry, Woodruff, Pk, writes:
"After doctoring for two yearawith the
best physkaaBS in Waynesbarav aad
still, getting worse, the doctors advised
me if 1 had any basiaeas to attend to I
had better attend to it atones, aa I ooaid
not possibly UveaaotlMr ssoath as there
waa no ears for me. Foley Kidney
Care was reeomassaded to me by. a
fnsnd, and I immediately ssat my son
to' the store for it, aad after takwg three
bottle I began to get better aad eon
tweed to improve aatil I was entirely
well" CBLDaalu -
Gold! Gold! Gold!
' Precious Yellow Gold.
Tou want I want it. Everybody wants it
and we want it NO W. Read, Investigate
and grasp this opportunity.
Thousands. Hesitated, Procastinated Passed
the Great Mohawk up and Lost a Fortune
This may be Another Mohawk. Don't
Pass it by.
Bo you know, that out in the desert of Nevada, there is a city
barely four years old, on which the EYES of the ENTIRE WORLD
- are centered? Why? Because of its Enormous Production of the YEL
LOW GOLD. The city of
Goldfielde Nevada.
The greatest GOLD camp in the world's history. Has produced more
high grade ORE in the last three years than any camp in the world.
Rightly nemed,-"GOLDPIELD," for it is truly a LARGE
field when the acreage of the "proven area" is taken into consideration,
which, as shown by the map of the district covers the greater part of six
sections, extending from the Diamondfield Black Butte mines on the
north to the Goldfield Portland on the south.
Between these mines above quoted are a number of BONANZA
Mines, whose daily output of High Grade Ore is astounding the world
and adding to its wealth, Millions each, month. To-Wit:
The Great MOHAWK, now producing $110,000.00 each 24 boars.
Florence, from which B. J. lteilly took out $800,000.00 in 100 days.
Sandstorm, which made the leasers large fortunes.
Red Top, a regular and constant shipper of High Grade Ore.
Jumbo, whose stock sold in April 1906, at $1.25, now 15.00 .
The Great Combination, pays regularly monthly dividends of S48LO00.OO
Laguna, recently proven by diamond drills to have Bonanza Ore.
Great Bend, which has very rich Sylvanite Ore.
Portland, whose recent strike of $400.00 ore extended the proven area
over one mile to the south.
These are but a few of the more prominent mines of the District aad
are quoted to illustrate the possibilities of profit. Tour attention is called to
this fact
All PROSPECTS lo not make MINES,
But all MINES were once PROSPECTS.
That the Large Profits are made by Buying
the "First Offerings."
One year back ltOH AWK Stock went begging at 10 cents. NOW $19.00
per share.
The Backward View on a Lost Opportunity
is not Pleasant.
To show the rapid advances of these stocks and the enormous profits
made the price of the stocks above quoted are given below, taken from the'
San Francisco Stock Exchange, on the dates shown:
Mohawk, March 30th, 1006, 58c Nov. Sth, 1906, Sold at $19.00
Florence, March 30; 190C, $1.50 Nov. 3rd 190C Sold at $5.00
Bed Top, March 30th 190G, $.30 Nov. 3rd, 190G Sold at $5.00
Jpmbo. March 30th, 1900 $1.80 Nov. 3rd, 1906, Sold at $4.50
Combination Fraction March 30th, 190G 20c Nov. 3rd, 1906 $600
Laguna March 30th, 1906 19c. Nov. 3rd, 1906. Sold at $1.60
Great Bend, March 30th, 1906, 25c. Nov. 3rd, '1906, Sold at $.80
8ilver Pick, March 30th, 1906, 26c Nov. 3rd, 1906, Sold at .... l. $1,25
., What class of speculation equals this? The snswer is NONE. Poss
ible only in MINING,. And to make these profits it is only necessary to get
in with the MINE MAKERS and clear of the MINE FAKERS.
To Further Illustrate the Possible Profits
A friend of mine bought 500 shares of Mohawk at 40 cents. He recent
ly sold 100 shores of the same at $3.80 per share, leaving him a cash profit
of $180 and 400 shares of Mohawk stock, which is now worth $19 per share
making him a total profit of $7780 on an inveetmenr of $200 in a period of
eight months.
Does This Look Good to Tou? Where can
Tou Equal This? Only Possible in Legitmate
Mining. Remmember that One Good Invest
ment in Mining Stock will give you More
Profit than a Life Time of Saving and Labor
That when you' win in Mining it's from 100 to 1,000 fold. That the
investment of Cents returns you $ $ $ $. That one good mining investment
will even up on one hundred poor ones! That the time to make the BIG
profits is in buying the first offerings of stock.
The columns of the Nevada papers show that nearly all the "Kings of
Finance" like Chas M. Schwab, John W. Gates, -Heints and Clarke, the
Bonanza Copper Kings of Montana and hundreds of others have been invest
ing in males ia all theNevsda oanpe. And it'a a pretty safe thing to fol
lowthese men, they eWt iaveat aalese there is something ia sight. "
Three lines of railroads are bailding into this distriet as fast aa possible
aad we kwow that eosUy railroad lines are not built aaJess there is toa
aageia sight.
I have speat both time aad asoney in trying to get ia. with tke'Miae
Makers aad am coaldeat that I have foaad a property in which the cbaaee
of loss ia reduced to a miaimam for this reason:
There are Three (3) Chances to Win on One
The Nevada Pearl Mining and Leasing Co.
They owa five (5) full claims aad (2) leases: Capitalised at 2.083.000 of
the par value of $1. 600.000 shares have been issued to pay for the five (i)
claims aad (3) l6aw6s,J,4oo,ooo remaining in the. treasury, the property of
the Coaipaay.
The fiveclaiaw are known as the Matchless Group, lying adjaeeat to
the Portland Mine aad south of the town of Goldfield. aad believe they have
a coatiauatioa of the great Combination vein reoeatly opened ap oa the
Portland. Assays from the oat cropping veins as good as any ia the dis
trict. The Company also owns a lease oa the Great Combination groaad.
(which mine M bow paying regular monthly dividends of $42,oeo) and a
strike of sulphide ore oa this lease would send the stock to par at once.
The Company also owns a lease on he Rabbit's Foot claim. of the Pal
ace Goldfield, oa whioh there is a 60 foot, shaft in which stringers of ore
have been cat assayiag from $5o to $400 per ton, which is a guarantee that
whea the shaft has obtained a depth of 200 feet they will fad the same rich
sulphide ores now opejaed up in the adjacent mines.
Aad this would mean $2 per share for stock. And the opening ap of
sulphide ores oa the Matchless Group would mean another MOHAWK.
Think of it, Mohawk bow $19 and going ap each day.. All promiaeat
Brokers of Goldfield predict that when the leases expire (Jaa'y 1st 1907) the
Mohawk will sell at $80 00 per share.
Prominent Engineers Predict that Numerous
Mohawks will be opened up with Further
The officers of this Company are MINE MAKERS not "faker" Hoa.
Geo. W. E. Doreey. President, of Fremont, Nebr., Ex Congressmaa from
Nebr. A miaiag man of experience, interested in the Great Bead Exten
sion, Palace Goldfield aad other Nevada Mines. .
J. C McGormack, Vice-President. Interested ia several Nevada miaee
aad a miaiag maa of years of experience. , .
F. M. Dorsey, Secretary. A prominent Broker of Goldfield. Nevada and
iaterested ia various Goldfield mines.
Zeb Kendall, Director. Who took out the first ore from the Mizpaa at
Toaopah was associated with Reilly on the famous Florence lease.
H. If. Bartiae, Director. Represented Nevada ia Congress for years and
is now iaterested ia some of the best mines in Goldfield.
These officers pledge each purchaser of stock a "square deal" and that
every dollar derived from sale of stock shall be used in the developement of
the property of the company.
I have secured the agency for the Nevada Pearl and have an allot! meat
of 100.000 shares for sale at 25 cents per share.
$25.00 buys 100 shares
$250.00 buys 1000 shares
REMEMBER. You have three chances to win. It might be another
MOHAWK. If one strikes the ore your stock will be worth ONE DOLLAR.
If they make the second strike jour stock will go to TWO and possible
FIVE. If all three make good, you have the investment of your life.
YOU YOUNG MAN: Just on the threshold of life:
Do you realize that an investment of $50.00 to $250.00
in this stock might make you independent for life.
Might buy you a farm. Might set you up in business.
Might make you more money than you could accumulate
by a lifetime of hard toil and grinding economy.
Might make it possible for you to live in ease and
AND YOU MR. MAN. With your money in the bank, drawing 3 per
cent, aad the bank making from 5 to lo per cent on your money (and some
times the Banks fail) Is not the possible profit here offered, worth the
risk? Are you doing yourself justice when you pass this up? Wake up
Opportunity is knocking at your door. The most conservative citizens ia
Columbus are buying this stock. WHY?
They want to get into some Company in this district of High Grade ore
This appeals to them on its offering of Three chances to Make Good.
They know that the Lease on the Combination must win for the Com
bination is a proven Mine.
Those who have investigated know that the Lease on the Palace Gold i
Field has rich ore at a depth of only 60 feet, which is a guarantee that '
whea the shaft reaches the sulphide zone it will have shipping ore
And They also know That the Matchless claims of 100 acres on de- -'
velopement, might make another Mohawk."
They Waat to Make Money. Don't You?
Investigate! But Don't Fnxsrmstinate and
Lose this Opportunity
This stock is going fast, 15,000 shares being subscribed in 3 days. I
predict that it will be sold before December 1st.
My Friend, Get Busy! Buy all you can Af
ford! Buy Now!
If you will call at my office I give more complete information thaa is
possible ia these columns, will show you by the latest Maps, the exact lo
cation of these properties and also the location of the Bonanza Mines of
me uoianeia auwnct. aiso win mi-muii you jrcaHpecras oi tne tomnanv.
Those who desire the Prospectus by mail, will receive
oa applica-
: Call and talk this matter over with me, I can convince you this is sure, safe investment
Address all communications to
Room 16 German Nat'l Bank, Columbus, Neb.
Since the writing, oi this "ad," received the foUowing telegram:
O. C; SHANNON, Columbus, Neb.
- Shaffrof "COMBINATION" lease entered salphiderkthis morning, fifty feet sooner than expected. Look
like a shipper sure. F. M. DOKSEY-
We have 1
of ohoioe laud
citv iismits for
sale ia 10 aofe tracts.
Elliott, 8psiee m Oo.
E8TKAT notice.
a st nv ate. 4 13 miles northeast of
nths Enaalka Bnssfann in Bts-
awatUstKovambar. 13. MM. two heifer
Attorney - a t - L a w
Tou wane' to
:fiU.slarrssasmrsjhtesr lgBd bargains.
read Journal ada to
JlttTM : at : Law
all the aewa.
or wittest ia.
Attorney - at - Law
Bead the old Beliable
v yy . .. z f -V 'iL..jit s?i it.-L-it ifiL ' .. - . ...V. f "?-
V "
if .." -"
XS ii".'?-. i. -"-.iS.S. -i..x,Kd,i".-rraSM5.' .V?K2rsa5?S.KRnA,, ?.H. ?Vi;'ife y?
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