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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1906)
irfrfvff sv "vr jr rs. tv' Zi:&?&rf2e&&g&ii ?T -y. ?ptpwppf!rf v-3crrKiwui8:;s-::a(y5;3 :- r. va.- t-t k . :rt v. w-. -- r .a - n - - - - ji .j - w-j ws yrT'wi?j,trfw-7iwwtsn&. xncn7v,-.wi4rtis-.-v , ipw?9AsMi'-: .-. , - L .. - . - . --' -c . - " . - - . K -, ' . . . - '. . ,-- -. tr --S3Mi--M,CV' r f.Ajyalww.w.. -?Vi rP '- --.t r pii SWSEaBWSKPrgnnnnwswpsra i mm!iwmm w? laer, a i'j-v-s: r-p Jf t $rr -, 0lttmtjusg0tirttat ht - i? -. .x- A" . . .. t- " i miimiilM fla? -- SUUBBJ wRMOHTXnnit WW By BBBB, BeaeBJB IIHm WB5 BBS; Wi WaDMMDaX. MOTKMBKK 27. UN. R. G. STROTHER. . F K STlcOTHEICt ; ...EdMor mmmmmm tfnBMrAantowilt taunMYOSjr wmSiim ItMimitwl v to Jaa.tMel. wulea ifcwgiil niiniiliglr. mBMmbiw aotiaa n ay war w.ow'""!) paid. If yoa do not hai expired. ?ob aacaM ffMaHr aannr ai cb hoomb h. MWWIMBMBMMUM ie DnmnrrnnTASCB-l llliiiMtlMiitnriiTrfTTl MOBVJOTI llUHMRWWMtbtl itaaJe hilhtlM saM Cor r CHIMOB Dl ADD tiataa 10 J0UBV1L 8UB8CUBEIS: We want it distinctly under stood that The Journal will con tinueall subscriptions and no one else is authorized to fill them'. The subscription list, good will and plant of The Journal was included in the sale to the present management. Over one hundred and seventy-five members in three days for the Com mercial clue indicates that Columbus people are alive to their opportunities and proposes to improve them. With one of the best locations in the state there is no reason why Columbus can; not get some of the good things that are in sight. Summing it up, the ruling of the interstate commerce commission on advertising contracts between the rail roads and newspapers will result in placing this business on a sound busi ness bases. The agitation at this time is quite similar to that of almost twen ty years ago. At that time the rail roads issued annual passes to newspa per men as a courtesy and very sel dom asked anything in return, per haps once in awhile a little local ad vertising a punlication of a time card. But there has been a gradual change. The railroads began to appreciate the value of advertising, and this depart ment was added, until today some of the best advertising men in the coun try are at the head of these. The placing of railroad advertising on a cash basis would not mean any less advertising by the railroads, but more and better advertising, and every edi tor in the country should welcome such a change. ttixby in the Lincoln State Journal says that Egyptian darkness still pre vails in Platte county because at the last election there were two democra tic votes cast for every one republican vote, and he also claims that next to Douglas and Lancaster, Platte county has the most saloons. We admit we are not proud of the distinction of be ing the strongest democratic county in this state, and we wish it were oth erwise. Outside of the men who hold and seek offices, and who know that a nomination practically means an elec tion, no one can be proud of it This preponderance of democratic strength in this county is anything but a sign of superior wishes or good common sense, yet we are a peaceful law abid ing community and our schools com pare favorably with any in the state. But it is the privilege of every nan, whether native or foreign born, to vote as he pleases, and some day our friend Bix may be able to record the fact that darkness has been dispelled. This is Thanksgiving week. The president of the United States and the governor of the state of Nebraska. have, by proclamation set apart Thursday of this week as the day of yearly Thanksgiving, and have re quested the people to express their gratitude to God for the bounties of the year, to "enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise." All through history there have been festivals of Thanksgiving. It was reserved, for the pilgrim fathers to make the festival one of annual ob servance and from the custom it has become an annual holiday throughout the country. So precedent and grati tude command a decent and seemly observance of the day. One of the features of the annual Thanksgiving festivals is the family reunions. The members of scattered " households, wherever they cam congregate at the old home and so far as spared the old circle k renewed. This aspect makes the day hallowed. In the larger sig nificance of Thanksgiving day all the people have a part. Hereabouts no great calamities have occured. In dustry BBWhad full employment The earth has heat fiberel in her yield. Prataerityand contentment abound. "The people of the United States vs. Theodore. RooseveH,resident," will be the title of suit that-will 4 fled as soon as the chief executive re turns from the Isthmus, if James B. Green, a negro lawyer of this city car ries out his intention, The lawyer wiU take ap the erne of the three com panies of the Twenty-fifth Infantry, whom the president 'discharged be cause of the Brownville, Tex., race troubles. The negro soldiers, it will be remembered, refused to divulge the identity of several of their number who engaged in a shooting affray with citizens of the town, and the president forthwith issued a sweeping order dis charging tne battalion, which took from the members the right to serve again in the military or naval service of the nation, and furthermore abro gated their civil rights. This order, contends Mr. Green, is in violation of the constitution, and he proposes to bring suit to compel the setting aside of the presidential order and the re turn of their civil rights to his clients. Only by a courtmartial can men be punished as the president punished them, is the contention. Washington Correspondence. There is wailing and weeping in Annapolis and West Point because of the new railroad .rate bill It has been the practice of the railroads to carry the embryonic Admirals and Generals to the annual football game without charge. When the usual courtesy was diplomatically asked this year, it was learned that, under the ruling of the Hepburn bill, the cadets would be compelled to pay their own fares. The war department after a full investigation of the matter,, has bowed its head to the inevitable and has ordered the cadets, if they want to chase the pigskin against the jack iesofthe other service, to scrape to gether the price of a railroad ticket or stay in barracks. Washington Correspondent A Card This is to certify that all draggists are authorized to refaad your money if jroMFS nosey ana Tar tails to core your eough or cold. NIt stops the cough heals the lungs and prevents serioaa re salts aom a cold, uares la gnppe eough and prevents pneumonia and con sumption. Contains no opiates. The genuine is in a yellow package. Befuae substitutes. O.H.Dack. of the rid of A eolde taken at this time year is generally hard to get tmt it will not be able to Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar. That will onre all eolds, coughs croap. ooagh, eta, by driving out throngh the bowels. If yon have a cold try it and if not oared get your money hack. No opiate. Sold by SOU Century Drag Store. Platte Omter, Heb. NORTH Opera House Sjffjlim Thursday, December 6. Fred G. Conrad presents Ernest Stout's absorbing dramatic story In a Woman's Power Pakdonne7 I am Simply One Of Ze Doctaires Patients A drama founded on an exciting episode which happened in New York City a few weeks ago. It shook society in two cities to its very foundation. The story is told briskly by an excellent com pany and is well seasoned with thrilling climaxes. Seats will be placed on sale one week In advance of date at Ptllick's Drug Store Prices 25c, 35c and 50c H THE TABLE Ho No No. WB8T BOUm. HAIB Um. ..12:25 p. m ..85 p. B ... 7:90 D.B No. ft.Faat No. 1L Colo. No. IS. North Platte LocaL.. . No.SS. Local VMcht. 1. Overland United. t, Colorado Kzpnaa ft. California aad OranaEz. No. 7, Loa'ABCslea Limited i mau , 2:26 D.B. .. 4jM p. m. ..108 a.m. ..1125 a.m. ., 7s00 a.m. ACT BOOm . VA1I lit" 2, Overland Limited 4. Atlantic Kxdt&m. S. Kaatera Kxpnaa 225 p a lioaAnfelea Limited 8:38 p IS, VaatMail 28 p 523 p.m. (saw a. m. No. No. No. No. 8. Loa Ancetea Limited 8:38 p.m. Ho. w, jrart Mau 28 p. m no. u. UhicaKo Bpeeiai asn No. 14. North Platte Local.. 120 p. No. SO. Local Freight ;.. 64)0 p. OBVOLK BBAHCI. No. 29. No. 77. No. SB. No. 78. No. 79. NO.S2, Depart 735 p.m. 71 a. m. Arrive 1HP.bu 7:00 p. . AUIOa AJTO SFAUUHQ BXAXCB. Depart 225 p. at. 740 a.m. Arrive MOp No. SB. Mixed 7 35 p.i BIILIIITON THE TIILE Always thf Same v Baking Powder I GEO. BURKE CO., SUCCESSFUL Buuer and Sellers -OF- UVE STOCK Your Business Solicited Market Reports famished on application. Cattle Salesman Chas. Bonn. BHog Hatnaman Will J. Ricklt. Bbeep Saleaman J. 8. Coskby. No. 22. Pass, (daily ex. Sub.) leaves ...725 a. No.32.Frt; Ac. (daily ex San.) leaves 4:30 a. i No. 2J. Pass, (daily ex. San.) arrives.. ..8:50 p. m. No. 31. Frt ft Ac. (daily ex Sun.) ar.... 130 p.m. JIM'S PLACE Write VinoentALandoH Reel Estate Agents, Washington, Kan., for their re vised list of Kansas, NebV and western lands. Get our list before you buy. Backache Any person having backache, kidney pains or Madder trouble who will take two or three Pine-tiles upon retiring at night shall be relieved before morning. BWBBBnj) XneBBtanasatMnssef tne W erata nssa ant mine ek- taani iWtto Bttrte Pint bare lean sissanjnni ay tt minlril are. nlef tne iMass ef tie Bathe Mas that Bt4alMlasa1lsfiKB itt HEDtCINE CO. CfOGAOt 20U ttttirj Dnc tort, PlitU Mir I earry the best of everything in my line. The drinking pub lics is invited to oome in and set for themselves. HIS. NEVEl.rrenrtater 616 Twelfth Street Phone No. lit FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE WILL CURB YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright! Dis- fease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles Soli by Chas. H. Dack. Do Not Burn Off Old Paint You will have to do so if you use hard, inelastic paint; but there is a better way. Use old-fashioned white lead and linseed oil paint. It wears down uniformly, without that scaling off which disfigures so many modern houses, and is ready for re-painting with out burning or scraping. Colliery Red Seal or Southern Pure White Lead (MadaByinaOUDnttaFrocam) is just such an old-fashioned paint. Our booklet wffl tefl you about it, and give you other paint infonaatko valuable to the NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY dark Avaaee aad & Street, StLoai, Vo. For sale by firstdaas dealers. ' efrl'fr'frfrcfrfrfrofrufrufrifrfrfr 4 it fir n afX MXAx rtfT &r av C JSAP aawS?1IESaw J BBBBBBjMaJ- mz t-anaBBBBBnnsT-sz. sEmit .irmvi.y $ '.aSBBBBBBBm' REJOLVED' THAT VE W1LUUW5VrJ' Lt AVE EM LAUGHING WHEN ,ve iftY Coor B'rE BV5TEHJROWN r f The Record Breaking Musical Comedy sra By R. F. Ontcault latest Nereion of the Universal Hit Strongest cast it has ever had. Prettiest and Best Singing and Dancing Chorus in Musical Comedy - New Music New Costumes . New Comedy New Scenery Buster Brown's Bobby Burns Brigade .. ' 20-Great Big Song Hits-20 North Opera House. Friday Nov. 30 efraifrifrefratfrifriiiK 'KKKfrX1. m snnt nraen atoaetm y S . ' aVavI'- - " ' - Bn-- .n .j- J --BayS- ul, , -' " " af anufeM nana .-''. . ini ai mm mu. av am'av c . faaaa-arguali Ifllt.n ISM I H IIP I l 111- ItV men o niiiici uauoa IS- ' I . kind nss t ssn- - - ' W f m bloves -i; na" "ZaB)1 BSSB" fljajBb SSBS aaSaBml iatniaatfe as eld as me-tnat la, a f ellet I't when be Is sixty- Ov eoncse, he likes a ssaeke his pipe an set aronnd an with the borate git hla lshnue time te. pass. A aman wnora fjeton lens years toe weak to hoe er plow, fat Tjluasnis of the rood old sanall chance anyhow. But there's one tklac I Bke to do-ane thlnn I Joy-ifs coin to a drcne with- some poor, big eyed small boy. I always like to hare It be the first show he to. I like to watch those big Oh, snap they always da I Bke to see him smOo an 'clap an i see him eat- hi' peanuts, tarowln aheDa down on the ground. It don't seem Tery long ago that I was eight er nine, nor long since the first show I saw seemed sim ply grand-divine. I member now 1 set ap there Jest hi a It of Joy. Yob ace, I knew the feenV that comes to the big eyed boy.. I don't care much for chxnses like once I need to care. Bat; friend, I get say pleasure takfa' little fellers there. An while I. set en Jeyfca' lt-I mean that kWs real Joy-I almost cry to think that I cant be a boy. Dearer Post A tailor who had received an order, for a suit of clothes was asked by the customer's wife for an Interview. "I want to ask you aa a special fa Tor,' she said, "not to put any pockets In my husband's clothes." "Why not? asked the astonished tailor. "Because they are responsible for hla looking so shabby so much of the tune," she explained. "He wears hi? clothes for weeks without pressing be cause be says it is too much trouble tc change the things In hla pockets to an other suit. He says that half the men who go around in seedy clothes do so for the same reason. If that is so, just leave out the pockets, and they will have no excuse for shabblness." "That la a new point of view," said the tailor. "I will see about it" Bat when the suit came home It had the usual number ef pockets. New York Sun. Haw FNatMt The first effect of cold on the akin Is to contract the tiny vessels that connect arteries and veins. Arteries are ves sels that take blood from tne heart Veins are those that bring blood back to the heart, and the connecting ves sels are called capmarles. While these little vessels are contracting the skin Itself becomes tenser. In a few mo ments or minutes the effects change. The tiny nerves whose stimulation caused contraction of the capillaries are more or less paralysed, and the ves sels dilate so the skin gets red. Soon the veins are dilated, and the skin be comes bluish. Then the nutrient fluid in the skin (the lymph) Is coagulated, and the stretched skin ruptures or "chaps." If the cold la more severe its action u deeper, and the blood itself may be coagulated. This Is frostbite. We are now showing a large martr men. of Men's Winter Caps with inside bands in both cloth and fcir lined Prices from $LOO to $1.25 and $K50 A complete new line of Gloves and Mittens in both dress and working. Ladies' Kid Gloves The Simmons Gloves an7 "ti " uV Bk mnsSBmT Akavsk vena ttflMM TST Tgf Prices $1, $1.25, $1.50 Silk lined Saede Gloves ia Black aad Colors f j Also a complete line of Ladies' and Misses' Golf gloves and Amt 1 Persons who are troubled with rheu matism in Bussla take ant baths as a cure. It Is done in this way by the peasants near Moscow. Finding an ants' nest, he puts Into a linen bag the ants, their eggs and necessarily consid erable dirt Beturnlng to the home, he plunges Into the hot water of the bath his bug of ants, which he has previous ly fastened tightly at the mouth. After several minutes the water gives off a very strong penetrating odor of formic add. The bath is now ready, and the invalid is put into it Such a bath has a very active Irritant action on the akin, being, in fact a counter irritation that causes the rheumatic pains to dis appear. Strand Magazine. Veaeawetam Cvwmy. When the Venezuelan cowboy wishes to catch a bull or cow for branding or for any purpose, he rides alongside it and, with horse and bovine on the dead run, stoops from bis saddle, grasps the creature's tall and with a sharp, peculiar twist sends the animal rolling on its back. From the" force with which it falls the creature's horns almost invariably pin Its head to the ground, giving the vaquero time to dismount and sit on Its head, hold ing the animal helpless to rise, while a companion ties Its legs. J. H. GALLEY, 3 JTI DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. HATS, CAPS, lS SHOES, LADIES' CLOAKS AND CARPETS J g 505 Eleventh Street, Columbus, Neb. - r When You are Going to Erect a Monument or Marker at the Grave of Your Lost Ones Rssjssjbtr That Tha American Granite t Marble Works Of GwiMmlMis, Nebraska Will do Your Work Satisfactorily. We will Not Be Undersold by Anyone. Give us a Call Before Placing Your Order. No Order too Large or too Small for us to Handle. E. BERGMAN, frffritttr Gealaa aad Wrlc Men give me, credit for genius. All the genius I have lies Just In this: When I have a subject In hand I Study It profoundly. Day and night It is before me. I explore It in all its bearings. My mind becomes pervaded with it Then the effort which I make the people are pleased to call the fruit of genius. It Is the fruit of labor and thought Alexander Hamilton. A Basic OaTeaae. "May we have the pleasure of your company this evening, colonel?" she asked. The colonel drew himself up haughti ly and replied, with every evidence of eaTended dignity: MMadam, I command a regiment The Kallaar Beggar Can you help a poor man to Pedestrian I think you have touched me before. Beggar Possibly, sir, possibly. Ton see Pm a stranded photographer, and the old habit of re touching clings, sir. Kaew the Syaai Young Wife My sweetest, darling. hearted bubbyl Hubby (resigned ly) All right spring It I am prepared far the worst Meggendorfer Blatter. The first Ingredient In conversation la truth, the next good sense, the third good humor and the fourth wit Sir William Temple; OilL NBLS0N Plasterer r I JSBBLri I g k W YM WJUIT at PJPJPX ePePJMfaaaa Call on us. We sell the well known Staver I' make and can save' you money on a good job. I L. W. WEAVER & SON, I HARNESS, COAL AND BUGGIES. I rttMYMYU.PIlS AND Contractor Columbus Nebraska. DUiyrOfWarisjla BRAND -eff iaa 4l 91a wan A?e . w!1 i jar uhv es& laaV Sa hx TJUMBSI aafcyear CHt-cnna-TKa's nui GoLaanttal ihhna. X aa W laxative fruit iwi caa aw aocemaoaai varv ak it m' j anacn u your liver miaactivo aa ya JM dull. your eyes are heavy i exhausta you. Oriao Syrap stimulates the Kver aad makes yomfssl brstht Oriao Laxadvo Fruit Syruf) deaa net nauseate or grwo aad m aJH innssaat to take. Oriao m tire than pilk or fefuse subatitatea. w tweatv-Sva years knownai SUKaiBSTKa CBTtaflTAT. BSSfcSara. HeaAiuarteru far atevea as -" -" ca.rai,ra laern. ' "" l ijta.'HlV Hyvsi.-jtviagjjsv-.jfj-, mfsxt .W.V.-Si.f 'Z'-l.Z.- ji.lftCii'Jt-il &iayat: rTa.r