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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1906)
w ; -. r-iii-;'; " t--WWG K- &3?&r -T ifv js liS J - : :-!" "'" , SFCT'I'i', M .TyTTlfilji- -J' -'- "l'J- - "'...... .i-u;i-----im&mt,l; 'I nATT&OfsriMwtiWTWM. BaWtarasasrffl III sasaTsarfnt M p - tgggssas rur aMastrm a aunt bisbsP bmb) fiflrl s.mml T VWl um . iVaiM xamiaui Bady ef evade ' Paw let piaaaa amujan) ..'.T-"'t"i . "T 7- .laaasam vaa any.wmmnmp mns , ia f " .M -. - in .r. ia'' an flBehae'l WaalilaajBaa" iv'taaajaaaaH TstJC J bbWbW . BaBwPk t Tti r v .tim ' "iriTna ijAh f vaafeM avennmmannnaanB'iBBTnmi- uenuunsnar ; - - ' - r . l , ,- BMlty ventilation ef dwellings m am - . . -,. M aha R L-SDafl mmiW4LFl 1Tri' - - trimmmsemttm t pnsflolphia, ..ttkajfipanij, fJl mm,M a sadden.eae ofthaan ; llmaBBammSiaasBWl :'?kj"SIMP5 -Kfc-. ISS? i :S ; . -- - K- v. f. " ii' . I Hi i I l lull l -. ! W factor la BB ef'iBBeSB. ef Hving in roeme hakitaally kept at m Imii in turn altflTA 7i ttBJCTBM it, and witk the cfcarnd with noxkma ! the nmlatare aeecasary nr tke healtk of tka delicate linings of fkaalr passages, readers tka aosy rack laaa aMe to resist tka electa of up ure to coli aad wet. and is one ef tka am iatportaat raaaoaa why. la eease families, coughs aad eoMa are asatters of every-day oocarrenoe. Tka sternness of 'tka air prodaced by tka presence of aajaaroaa people la email rooms la dee not oaly to tka consump ition of oxygen, aad the accumulatloB ef earboa dloxld gas, kat alao to tka formation la small auaatltlea of a Brfgfciy polsonona aabstance called "crowd-poison." la addition, nozlpna ases arise from the imperfect com tamtloa of coal la stoves, or furnaces jaaj of gas or oil la other forma of theaters, while the air la ateam-keated. apartments la always abnormally dry junlese special paiaa are takea to sup-:' iply tke necessary moisture. Iivngia !such rooms is productive of general depression, headache, inability to coa (eeatrate the thoughts and bad tea: per, and is particularly harmful for' (children, whose bodily and mental de-. elopment is interfered with, and who-' ere rendered very susceptible to die-. iases of thet nose, throat and lungs., Owing to the means of heating aad ;the increased amount of. artificial II lumlnatlon, says tke Youth's Corapaa-. bob, tke frequent alriag of rooms Is Seven more essential la winter than la summer, and at least oaoa a day fresh air from outdoors should be allowed. jto circulate through each room. If 'the apartment must be occupied while this is done, thorough ventilation is jpoasible without danger by resort to San old and simple, but very elective, plan. A board about six inches wide is cut so that its length equals tke width of the window, and Is placed on we edge under the lower sash, which fs shut down upon it la this way air enters freely through the space be tweea the two sashes, but the current jw directed upward, and no draft la kelt In the room. It should not be for gotten that the ideal plan permits the escape of the stale air at the same ftime that fresh air is being admitted, iand that an open fireplace in opera tion forms one of the most satisfac tory means of household .ventilation.3 Bacteria. '" The discovery of bacterial life, and the reduction of its activity to order and a place in our industrial systems; Is a romantic chapter in Applied Sci ence. One of the tasks to which these hard-working little cells have been snost lately set Is connected with that urgent problem of urban life, the dis posal of sewage. Sewage not only teems with disease-producing germs, but its solid part is composed largely of organic matter. The "natural" breaking down of organic matter is through putrefaction, a process both disagreeable and dangerous to health By the aid of bacteria this process of organic chemistry Is now replaced by a process of inorganic chemistry. In loose terms, the sewage rusts instead of rotting, is nitrified instead of putre fied. The existence of bacteria which bave the power of converting organic matter into inorganic nitrates have been known for some time, and with in a few years they have been used to revolutionize one side of the sci ence of sanitary engineering. The modem sewage-disposal plant con sists, essentially, of a heap of rocks covered with a film of these bacteria. The sewage flows on to it a stream of unimaginable impurity. The bacteria else 'upon the filth and cleanse the liquid, and from beneath the heap Jlows pure water laden with harmless salts. Announcement from Berlin that tka alaugkteriag of dogs for food In Prus sia increased 33 per cent and that. of horses 19 per cent, during the last year goes to show that the hunger for the natural meat food is more Intense, than ever before. These statistics twill be used, by those who are agitat ing for the opening of the frontiers to the importation of foreign cattle aa indicating the necessity for immedi ate government action toward giving ithe working people cheaper food, aad well they may. Ok, horror! Uncinariasis, or aaky foettoatiasis. Is dae to a distinct spe cies of the ankyiostumum duodenal. A man with names like that in aim might aa well give up, first aa last He win have to give an to tka doctor jwko discovers tkem la km system. Coaatderiag the allowance of tlfa,- year tka duke of Ifarlboroagk got fee refaalag to be decent Count Boat da Castrilaao probably wishes now tkat ke aad married a Vaaaer kilt A New Yorker who believes that tka eye has mack to do witk lndadng aaa sickness waat ta know if tkebUnd Wa wait for Infer- lt is a crime la Germany to pub lish a kook without coaaaltlag tka parties Interested." Bat Bosody Is interested? ACaUfomia tad language without any . It nmmv ferameiUlaesB. Tke: custom VM. MRta JO- A L . M ?- ?mfcM' f waldm mmt tfy Aa g- -gr-p-mc-,, .. tana aa mm anpn- da to write ia bat not to predisposlag to , V-r-7Sii-E:-'aTsr T v,.-v:: KBaWi '-fmBSl I KTbi 11 I - A atainsnea eempaay wcb fmtT m.ti.r ,,, ,,.i M,. bn, - - -- - - - WASHINGTON The termination ta dismiss witk from tke army ef . tka United three companies of the Tweoty-tftk In fantry (colored) because of tka "akomv ing up" of the town of Brownaville, Tex., wherein owe man waa killed aad several persona seriously wounded, created more discussion than any act of Theodora Roosevelt smce ke kaa been president of the TJalted States. That the pendulum will swing hack Is a truism which particularly fits tka case of tka colored troops of tke Twea-ty-fiftk Infantry. Time waa when tka south looked upon Theodora Roosevelt, by reason of bis entertaining at lunch eon the famous negro educator. Booker Washington,' aa everything that waa unfit aad unholy. The north, and par ticularly tka New England section, applauded the presldeat'a broadness of view and saw ia the Booker Washing ton Incident a personal aad vital exem plification of the Declaration of Inde pendence, that "all men are created free and equaL" The pendulum bow swings back. The south la hysterical In praise of the actions of the presi dent la dismlsslag from the aervlcethe three companies whose men are sup posed to have engaged in the riot at Brownsville. Bat where New England and the aorth complimented the presi dent in entertaining the first negro ed ucator ot the land at the white house, they Bra-mow found grilling the action of the president, and have even gone bo far as to raise the question whether the constitution gives the presldeat the power to summarily dismiss 165 men comprising the three companies of tka Twenty-fifth infantry from the service of the United States and forever refus ing them the right to re-eater the serv ice. Two distinct camps have sprangrna in tke War department growing oat of the; episode aad the discussion has waged furiously, not oaly la. the War department but la the cluba aad lob bies of the hotels. TarUf revisions, the UMadmeat of the rate law, ship subsidy and other- extremely important legislation have been completely pushed, aside for the dismissal of the three colored companies, and out of the discussion there Is every reasoa to believe a congressional investiga tion will result .,'.. WIFE TO PAY DEBTS. That Is What Count Caetellane Would Like Done! PARIS It is probable that Count Boni de Castellane will appeal from the divorce decision. His final de cision depends upon the outcome of the creditors' case. If the court holds that the debts are not jointly the count's and countess's, but the count's alone, the count may appeal from Ditte's divorce decree. If the court holds the count Jointly responsible, ths countess will have to satisfy the cred itors herself, thereby letting the count out That will satisfy the count who does not care to face the future with a colossal load of debt on his shoul ders. DOUBLE TRAGEDY IN OHIO. Mr. and Mrs. James Scott Mitchell of Salem, Mass, Commit Suicide. TOLEDO, O. Mr. and Mrs. James Scott Mitchell of Salem, Mass., were found dead in bed at a rooming house at Bellevue, east of here. When their room was entered a strong odor of for maldehyde gas was noticed. Coroner Vermilya rendered a verdict of double suicide. Later investigation, however, revealed facts which, it Is said, tended to show that Mitchell drugged his wife and caused her death and then com mitted suicide by the same means. Weathly Farmer Killed. PAOLA, KAS Eugene Vohs, a wealthy farmer, 62 years old, who lived near Louisburg, waa shot to death with in a short distance of his borne aa he was returning from Louisburg. His wife heard the shot and found the body of her husband lying at the bottom, of his wagon. There was a bullet hole behind his ear. Carl Baker, 20 years old, was arrested aad held on sus picion. No motive for the murder is known. Evangelist Killed. COLMUBUS Miss Josie Hewitt, aged ' 40, an evangelist of Darbyville, O.. was killed by an interurbaa elec tric car striking a carriage la which she was riding at Linden. Death ef Major Markland. MAYSVILLE, Ky. Major M. W. Markland, died at the Elks' home. He was born In this city October 6, 1838. Hits Dance aad Sateen. DES MOINES Archbishop Keane of Dubuque has announced he will call all kls priests iato conference aad Issue an order that ao absolutioB shall be extended to any young woman who at tend a public dance. Farther than this he wm advise against extending kbeolutkm to parents who knowiaely permit these public dance kails. Ha lays tkat aay man who seeks political tdvancement through a eaavaas for the rapport of tke saloon element ia for public Deal far R ta tke HeraM tke Continental Rubber company kaa just closed a deal for tke pmrhnse of tke Sabraa kadenda aad adjacent jwuperty belonging ta the Penna broth ers of Torreoa. Tke parcaaas price of the Sabraa kadenda is said to be IS, Od.aen aad the price of the ether brings tke total price to about ft ,. 00. - The Sabraa praam ty coaelats ef S,00,0M acres, all of- which contains guayule akraa. Tke Barak ia ftifstataBMBMn apaaaT I flYlmni tie AlaT wC IM UMll'M DCTlafsl w,wr ' " TT ' ZT'Z - T.- A tasBaBBm SpVaassVAemnamfr. lfj lremwIanV aanaW fJfJal tfsVflmB. nwasaat Wmtm1mmmmnmaWW aaWawsBB-nmj- lAassm BBFg aBavaaB' bb- en ---m--"" m ,-,,, m ---. saaniawan eBBBBAvsamr """assm-, wJBm, reeu fcaJn Tamnaaaaaa TaVftanahas enssiaai na " SsBBBBBBftfJaw aWwJamaT wPWJaamnm bf smm-mp - - . M-m I .. j7t.-m m.v . aa Joaat one bbt jntnavx'" t, amt -M - j seaa. . tea aeayiOC jaaaas wuaaa, oae oz w amoHm f tu hj .m.- - - - .-.- - -u .. a ... mn "Mnaa nm nmmarar m. i n BBaaaa aanaamvar . um. Arwrnmrnmrnnwenmnnmn naaaaa uurinnuss numnar - - - - - --- ww. m - awa -. -" w . m m BBai haA vv vhbi ibbbii iiibi - . m b nr aBBm . - i ! . munkMMH & .! BmaMBHi 'h hhtibhi i ibhl k. bibhhb HHiaBBHHBar -a sAentfn ae 'xaBaank n ir ii i MMmui wi jwww v mm saarv ef a ateal skracraaar aaflaaaai. ja "iSi. aa. m .rMi BLJiaB - nn - kam - " m m.mmmtmmmmm vv . ' b amaonor . , . "t-l I ni :, - . . . .. "." . P " f1 1" aaaaMMMM r ill ill t . nr m K mm - lJaW Hpr pgT)H5? m BBmegg"!ggggEagjy' aininl x vEC I tflLsVasmsM " fVXt Y3C"m mm PROPHET FIRED PRESIDENT SMITH GUILTY OF UNLAWFUL COHABITATION. la Sentenced to Pay $300 After Ex plaining His Plural Marriage Relatione. Salt Lake City. Joseph F. 8mith, president of the Mormon church Fri day afternoon appeared In the' district court-before Judge Ritchie and plead ed guilty to a charge of unlawful co habitation, and a fine of $300 was im posed. The charge under which the Mer man prophet was arrested and fined was based on the recent birth of President Smith's forty-third child, bora to his fifth wife. Presldeat Smith addressed the court He stated that his last mar riage waa In 1884. All his marriages, ke said, were entered into witk tke sanction of his church, and, aa they believed, with the approval of the Lord. According to his faith and the law of the church they were eternal in duration. He concluded: "When I accepted the manifesto is sued by President Wilford Woodruff I did not understand 'tkat I would be expected to abandon and discard my wives. Knowing tke sacred coven ants and obligations which I had assumed by reason of these marriages, I have conscientiously tried to dis charge, the responsibilities attending them, without being offensive to any one. I have never flaunted my fam ily relations before the public, nor have I felt a spirit of defiance against the law, but on the contrary, I bave always desired to be a law-abiding citizen. In considering the trying po sition in which I have been placed, I trust that your honor will exercise such leniency in your sentence as law and Jsutice will permit" Judge Ritchie imposed the maxi mum fine, but omitted the Jail sen tence of from one day to six. months, which he might have imposed .under the Utah statute. WHEAT PILED ON THE GROUND Railways of Northwest Cannot Handle the Grain. Minneapolis, Minn. In a special statement prepared in the office of L. T. Jamme, secretary of the Minneap olis chamber of commerce, the most extraordinary grain supply condition ever known in the northwest is set forth In detail. Minneapolis, on the crop movement to date is behind 12. 798,390 bushels of wheat compared with a year ago, and in receipts of grain of all kinds is short no less than 21,280,470 bushels. It Is a Tailroad proposition principal ly. The roads have not been able to handle the grain. Many lines of coun try elevators are choked with wheat, and grain 11m In great piles on the open ground at many vtationa. Finds Cooperation a Failure. Madison, Wis. The report of Commissioner J. D. Beck, of the Wisconsin bureau of labor and statis tics, contain a thorough study of co operation business in the United States. The conclusion Is reached that the business has been almost a com plete failure. Negro Troops Must Go. 'Washington. Secretary Taft's hands are off in the matter of the dis charge of three negro companies of the Twenty-fifth infantry. He has re scinded his order to delay the dis charges and has received a telegram from the president declining to change his stand. President Sella for Home. Washington. The navy department advised Thursday that the battle ship Louisiana with President Roose velt aboard, and convoyed by the bat tleships Washington aad Tennessee, sailed from Ponce. Porto Rico, early Thursday for Hampton roads. ' Carl Leak, Telede, Diea. Toledo, O. Carl Leak, prominent aad well-known aa one, of Toledo's old eat buaUees men, dd hare Thursday after a iiageriag illaaas He waa 71 years oM. wfarm. Carlsbad. N. W. Tke fuel, sup ply ia tais town ia exhausted and people have been forced to burn aacoa to keep from freexing. Schools kave been dlimlsaed in' consequence of the cold. Tke saow la foot deep hi town aad two feet on tke range. Blame Ream on Dead Man Seattle, Wash. Testimony takea by the auxin Inspection shows that Mate to blame for tke waa, of Dix. He was among tke at .V JWSlmJ vtOtoM GIANT SWINDLE IS BARED. Federal Officials Uncover Gang ef Fake Promoters. Chicago. The federal authori ties Tuesday unearthed what ia described by them as one of the largest organizations of swindlers ever brought under the notice of the postal inspectors. Headed by Thomaa D. Daniels, said to be a son of aa ex chief Justice of New York, the band, according to the confession of Dan iels, has been maintaining magnificent offices and pseudo eorporatloaa In New York, Chicago, Milwaukee. San Fraadsco and New Orleans, aad the inspectors believe that branches will be found in many other dtlea. Daniels, who has been going under the name of Thomaa E. Cameron and conducting a brokerage agency in Mil waukee, made a complete confession to United States District Attorney Butterfield and Post Office Iaspecter Ralph Bird, which put the authorities on the trail of offenders all over the country. Aa a result of the confes sion nine men were arrested la Chi cago and one in Joliet Five concerns witk high-sounding names are caught In the net which has been spread for weeks, aad more arrests are expected. The operatkms of the band have extended to all parts of the United States. The. mem bers of the band are said to have fleeced thousands of victims. MANY DIE IN LAKE STORM. Twenty-Three Lives and Several Ves sels Lost Buffalo, N. Y. The gale of Wednesday night and Thursday on the great lakes caused a heavy loss to ves sel property and 23 Uvea, The barge Resolution sank off Toronto and six men were drowned. The barge Ath ens Is probably lost off Sandusky, 'O, with eight men. All hope for the Ath ens, however, has not been abandoned and tugs are scouring Lake Erie for herT Chicago. Driven miles out of its course by the mile-a-mlnute gale which raged over the lake, the steam ship Frontenac of the Graham & Mor ton line, a small steamer plying be tween Chicago and St Joseph, Mich., was buffeted about on the high sea for almost 20 hours, until it was finally driven into the harbor at Racine. Wis., at 7 o'clock Thursday. The. steamer was due in St Joseph Wednesday evening. Grand Rapids, Mich. Four men who were caught by Wednesday night's storm" on the crib work of the new breakwater at the entrance to Holland harbor on Lake Michigan, were drowned. Desperate attempts were made by the life savers when it was learned that the men were caught but efforts to reach the pier In time were' unavailing. Caruso Guilty; Fined $10. New York. Enrico Caruso, the famous grand opera tenor, was found guilty of having annoyed women at the zoological garden in Central park He was fined $10 by Magistrate Baker. ' Caruso's counsel immediately an nounced that they would appeal. The appeal will take the lorm of a writ ol certiorari, directing a review of the case by the court of special sessions. Killed in Automobile Collision. Philadelphia. Ernest D. Keeler. ol New York, demonstrator and profes sional driver of racing automobiles, was killed and Henry Lutton, of Col wyn, Pa., was dangerously hurt in a collision Friday while trying out rac ing cars on the Point Breeze race track, preparatory to the Quaker-Citj Motor club cup races. Keeleftrwas from Lansing, Mich. Mayor Schmitz Denies Charge. New York. Mayor Schmitz, of San Francisco, who arrived here Friday on the steamship Patricia, said there was absolutely no truth in the charges made against him. and that he will go to San Francisco aad court the fullest inquiry. No attempt to arrest Mr. Schmits war made. Te Hold Panaaeifle Exposition. Honolulu. The promotion com mittee has arranged to hold a Pan pacific exposition la tais dty next year. Sheets Teachers in Revenge. Punxsutawney, Pa. Because kls teacher refused to grant him permls sion to go hunting. James Dougherty, Jr., 16 years old, shot aad seriously wouaded Prof. J. E. Kohler, principal, and Meade Sayder, his asslstaat Critically III. New York. Jennie Yeamaas, tke actress, daughter of Annie Yeamaas, tke veteran player, is Iyiag at tke Ho tel GIrard critically ill. It is stated tkat Miss Yeamaas has galloping coa sumptioa aad cannot loax survive. the body, of Jesses WOsea. oae of tke great, figures la tke revolution, which lay hi a North Car- ollaa grave for lf$ years. day placed ky tke aMe of tkat of kia wife in tke burial ground of klatorle Christ ckurck. Tke ceremonies at tending tke re-latermeat were simple bat impresalve aad were conducted according to tke rights of tka Protes tant Eptecopal- cnarck. Tke body of tke great patriot waa dtataterred from its grave at Edeatoa. N. C Tuesday, aad was conveyed to tais dty oa tke gunboat Dubuque. Prior to the services at Christ church, the remains lay In state in the Declar ation room la Iadepeadeace Hall where tkoasaade of persona filed past the bier. The body waa escorted from Independence Hall to Christ church by a troop of Philadelphia cavalry, aad Justices Fuller, Day, Holmea aad White, of tke United States supreme court of which tribunal Wilson waa oae of the fret aaemaera, acted aa honorary pall-bearers. Ob the way to the ckurck tke procession paaaed tke grave of Benjamin Franklin wkere It halted aad stood la silence for a asoment Following the servlcee for Jke dead, tributes to the patriot were delivered by 8amael Dickson, chancellor of the law assodatloa of Philadelphia, for the bar of Pennsylvania; Gov. Penny packer, for the people of Pennsylva nia; Dean Wm. Draper-Lewis, for the University of Pennsylvania; Judge Alton B. Parker, for tke American bar; Andrew Carnegie, aa lord rector of St Aadrews University for Scotch Americana, Wilaon having been a aa live of Scotland; Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, for American literature; Justice White, for the supreme court of the United States; Attorney General Moody for the presldeat the tribute at the American people, aud Attorney General Hampton L. Carson, of Penn sylvania, who delivered the orattoa. PEARY ARRIVES AT SYDNEY. Explorer Reaches. Pert. After Lang Search far Wis. Sydney, C. B.7Fiytag.the flag of the United States, which, had been placed nearer the north pole than any other national standard, and weather-beaten and disabled, the Peary arctic steamer Roosevelt arrived here Friday under sail and steanV after 16 months' vain effort to read the pole. Though not entirely successful, the expedition nev ertheless got to $7 degrees 6 minutes north latitude. ( Commander Peary came ashore al most immediately after the steamer anchored and Joined Mrs. Peary, whe has been here for two, weeks waiting for her husband's return. Commander Peary ia enthusiastic about the performance of the steamei Roosevelt Asked of the very ad vanced point to which he had been nble to place the Roosevelt in winter quarters was due to careful and in creased knowledge of the movements of the ice he said it was due to the Roosevelt herself. He did not believe there was ever another ship afloat could have stood the battle with the ice the Roosevelt had successfully fought The boilers were the one de fective feature of the ship. TO PROBE RISK COMPANIES. Investigation of Action In Settling 'Frisco Quake Losses Ordered. ' Washington. Secretory Metcalf of the department of commerce and labor has directed the com missioner of corporations to make an Investigation of the action of fire In surance companies In the settlement of claims for losses resulting from the earthquake and fire in San Fran cisco and other places in California. George E. Butler, of RosaFCal.. has been appointed special agent to con duct this Investigation In California. Mr. Butler, is was stated, has had an experience of 38 years in the fire insurance business on the Pacific coast Canada Ends Mail Compact Washington. As the result of friction over publishers' privileges in the two countries, the Canadian government has notified this govern ment that the postal convention be tween the two countries will be abro gated on May 7 next The notice is accompanied by a statement that it is only in-so-far as It relates to second class matter that this action Is desired .to extend. - Farmer Illinois Speaker Dead. Freeport 111. Edward L. Conkrite, at one time speaker of the Illinois house of representatives and widely known in political and Masonic circles throughout the west died suddenly at his home Friday. Hotel Robbers Kill Two. Arkansas- City, Ark. Early Friday two masked men in an. attempt to hold up 'the St Charles hotel here, shot and Instantly killed William Goff. the night clerk, and 8. A. Halpia, an actor. Vanderbilt Scats Carlisle. Nashville, Tean. In n fierce grid iron, battle on Dudley field. Thursday, Vanderbilt defeated the Indians from Carlisle by a score of 4 to 0. Bob Blake, for Vanderbilt kicked a goal from the 17-yard line. Fire in a Washington Town. Bellingham, Wash. Fire that broke out In the Nooksack 'hotel at Nooksack City early Thursday de stroyed the hotel aad seven 'busi ness buildings. Loss estimated at $190,000. as if -he'd ran He of tke nothing. to khi fairly peppiag "Great Scott! rd Use aa aae tkat woodpecker. It a whopper.- aTsaaaa city KOCOpVfvlYf' wf' awS GWJf Mrs. Augustas Heatoa. of tiaa age cnaaged from tke to tke Roman OathoUc ekurck aad ky way of celearataiag tke event dedded to give a reeeptioa am honor of tke bishop ef her diocese. Ska dedded, kowever. tkat ker already fsasous drawing-room waa not suffi dently resplendent to aerve aa a place ef reeeptioa for tke bishop who waa to eoBM and congratulate ker. Tkere waa yet time in which to stake tke room more attractive aad Mme. Hea toa, witk tree artistic taste. everything takea oat of tke cept tke old furniture and a few art objects. Tke walla Before aad covered witk tapestry, kat tkat not eaoagk for a reeeptioa for tke bishop. After mack thought ska finally decided on drab silk wall cov ering. Waat witk this aad other ex tensive changes fat the room witkoat tke purchase of furniture Mrs. Hea toa got rid of tf .ttf. Diet Die Woche, awafrtSJaTC , a tells its "what eat" taking a type tke average New York bustaess aaaa. Hot cakes, quick lunch dishes, pie, Welsh rabbit tee cream, grapefruit oyster cocktails, perk aad beans and smaay other pure ly American dishes, aad Ice water, are referred to aa indigestion promoters. "All thm," says tke writer, "the Amer ican eats witk reUsk. They are tke dishes of tke dty aad of tke country. He balks at only four things: Frank furter sausages, sauerkraut butter milk aad limburger eaDa 'Dutch foods.' M Positively cued ky these Little Pills. They afeo reneie Ins-treMfrosaQyspcTcttwIn- disesttonsadToonmrty A perfect: the imgue. Pain to the side. TORPID ZJVJEK. yunnyYaRtatds. SMmlrlL UmlltSL WULfMBL Must Signaturt IEFISE SIISTITITES. 'When you bay "WET CLOTHINO you want randkMi9 enrvsce. In TOIVERSS mtat nvnAND OllZDCIXCTHnvG co twnMta, m rmtmn-mn co ... aewndered nenkew km kaaami bear aaaat aajaef xaaai m ian SICK HEADACHE GARTER'S YlVER pijj.s. UrTTErS IlivER mm I ' II ZISZE& j m m m lll BACKACHE "I wrote you for advice," writes Lelia Hagood, of Sylvia, Term., "about my terrible backache and monthly pains in my abdomen and shoulders. 1 had suffered this way nine years and five doctors had failed to relieve me. On your advice I aook Wine of Cardui, which at once relieved my pains and now I am entirely cured. I am sure that Cardui saved my life." It is a safe and reliable remedy for all female diseases, such as peri odical pains, irregulari ty, dragging down sen sations, headache, diz ziness, backache, etc. At IreryDr-i Store fa WINE OF When he cold days faMew hot. aattry daya. the Tke psrsasrstloa fcuHnat ta amraa wwatkerkaaaeea Lheiliad Thss de tains witkia the system biiIbubibb materials wktek kave haistefsrs iaaani escape through tke perspiration. Moat ef tke tatead as the system kr the perspiratkm find tkear way amt of tke kody. if at an. throng This throwa anon tke They witk tke BMterials. TWsl fiame tke Mdaeys. al diseases of tka kldaeya times BranA's Disease. Pmwaa acts upon the akki by latlBa!the thus preventing tke eeteaoon of pom enonn ssntermln wnleh shoaM aaaa) oat. Pemna tavigoratea tke kldaeya function hi spite ef tke chills M Of COM w a of wen-tried leas tkat kave stood the test of time Many of these TsSbbMqW9 sMbT0 aad by tke people America for a knadred years. TeiuBS kaa been need by Dr. Hart- nsaB ta kls private practiee for vesrswlthnotaNereenlts. K kaa been proven ky decades ef aae ky sWrnasBBBManmBB - faRfiOfsBaflL easaaal asaMI aubstaatiated'over aad ever by" W. L DOUGLAS ,3.504&,3.00Sh0M UpmkB$4attfaJiBnV (temamnrspm AT"At liiCa. ui'iiV a - t - r-- 9ry W. t Domlmmymammm'm.Mlmrm m &iMmikoes: far utylm, St una wit thev ajccel athar Hsakea. I caald take yoai hate yaeia way tkeylmld tkear aha wear leager. aad are of e, fit Better, STOVE POLISH ALWAYS READY TO USE. NO DIRT. DUST. SMOKE OR SMELL. IE STIVE PaUSN TBBWBLKS Wmi ACDM 0 J6IITH PILE CTT co Urtem icteawtn rtni sCycWatw W. N. U, OMAHA, NO. 4. ItOt. $1.00 bottles. Iky. TsT$SmHasaT aa-rummeWeraJ. aa far Oaaawk eaw JRasm JBuuBaemae nT bbbssssw bbbsb vsi nsarAvllml sfN maTflaHMK BBwamanBKUaL tsmrnvBij aBmur VVaTJwsr aamnaWsTo WavWCVans VaMI aflVwU VsRsl Camat flaMMS w Bm OiMlMsbem. Jjr?ZX P1te-ntS npja aaa aaanar NaB. twv awi aaMav et,m AaVaaraBarSVW.L.B)aaclaSShMe fmstCotorEoelttswmT: VmtrntH metwar Brwwp Writ far mtttfi Cflig Fa Stylf. W.L.DOtJOLAaiPmti iZ.mnCkMm.Mmm. BBai M CsBBSBBBBBl BB BBHB en-BWBflBBaamawlHtoi jpsf IWaWf feflPl 8L SfflKSJ1 w hw amiB,m hmlU I nBASnC "" I WcHt m a kttcr mmdmm a I year syaatoas. aad viU Maya I FratAMce.lapbiaaaUMaavaW I TbClurttanoaBiMadida(OL.CkaM I Meaa. Terns. jjj CARDS V v 4.' e &- . . v, - y . . M. fcj & '-.iii.ti-., . - - '&.; Ii -.'crfK - - hu'.'i ll I m WM ' i II XrflSSRteftsfc-B&lM-K3?-r-.'a--7 -KlKi.ic: inBBMBSBBBBBBBlBBKXSLL - AAr -..j. ' s- pLct-. A. 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