The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 21, 1906, Image 8
N ..': o -. J.' v - v. -S- ' 'i, ?...- " rf N - 5 ?"",- Z WjaBmmBBBBnBBBBBaBBBBBBaBBnmm ; , . : : 'Kr' - wM 7H ?-A.-?y - tl mm l ' : n. r "-i-- -" i-.,..,,,. rj-... . .-.f-rft-, ?.. . -.ff.,1 i,'? N E V A D A ':-! WCSEttfl '. Tr e as ii re Hon s & a f Go W f HC' - H " ":" - ' If you will cat more ; - M v r I Uneeda Biscuit Bam -' H' H you cam do more irork, OMbli yoa to ears JH M '" more moocr. so tiut you out buy more -H- B Uneeda Biscuit S mm mm mB ma H do man work and. ears still mm money. ttfl ? mwf -- -aH - I? SaV - ..a -i vsmw 1 bbbsT asaTsnmv maW 1 asm AmmTK imm i i vm " s mw I M . iJ mm. I mm p, mm H HMWKAL BISCUIT COMMinf '- rnVmrnJ mmrnHfl fi IS9?Jm mmj r Bk mrfll mmvA mmm9lm?mmmmmmmmmmBmv9mmmmmmmmmmmmBmmmmmmmmmmmVm?mmm& mmVI b mm3mFmmmmjBmjJPj'yym1mwm?jmmBm mmm I ! ADDITIONAL NEWS. I ...... 1 Bntiok tor lanltan. -I I I .. I iiA yiipii I " - """ -- - m i iH i ih ii ia h i i i ii -m m m II , UMU'lMnNNC W J 1 1 ' 4 lUlWbto, i Httriekta Dra. Pal ad MatzM, DmtiaU. Dr. Mark T. !HMh . irit CbMU'a awrlMt for Dr.TUitrOalnirth.BrbrM k. Look at'tkaM TW 8omth BmmI The Majcrtio, The Qmiok Med, Tee Moaarch-at BoUeitec'. WriteViaeeBt;ALaadoB Bel Eitato Ageate, Wethiagtoe, Kea., for their re TieedlietofFaaeat, Neb aad weatera lands. Get oar Bit before yoa bay. TheBadiaat floae base baraar aad the Fwaoae Genua Heater at Botk Mtaer. Now that the eoW weather ia ooewag ooitietiaeto.aavetaebiokea wiadow Kghta replaced. Leave yoar ordera with EeholeftDietrieh. tf V ati aad proatat deUTacy at lB Ifcll WATUMaaedbyaUwho daaire a iaeqaalitiyotpataat iear. The Oa laaibaa roller Ola aMkea iL We have let) of aholee city lialta sale ia 10 KllieU, Bpalea Oa. 1 E8TBLT notice. i ap at ay plaea. 4 H ailaa Oolaaib . aa taa Faaalka Baaafam ia aMrittoWBaaia.Miiiaailwr IS. MM, tee aalraa, eaa year old, eolor red, aauk ia riaa m U Joaai Luacaa. Cohiaihaa. Wab. Easier can the house keeper do the work if she has a good kitchen cabinet. We have the best on the market. Let us show you. H GASS, FwralUrv,UMlertftkiBg, Pietare FraaiiRg. 81t-Sl-2S West Uth St. BttWamV ttfiit labraika ea-eaBaBaPB PFTeWF'F anaapppi i BBSaaaaBaaaW va BwisaaiaiBBv. mStSSP arraw New Homes InThe NortHrest To the aian who ie a poeaaeanr aff a few huadred dollaia the etateaeff OREGON, WASH INGTON AND IDAHO . ' Peat Canty Sawi. SEFOKT OP TMS COMDITION At Columiut, iVaeraees, mi the CUm '., Nmt. It, 1906. awuissi maa a hoeae aad a ooaipet-. aaey THROUGH. TRAINS DAILY AdaMHHI SHMa aaHJaaaaaltt u n nnaai in aiiaia amaiaMiiai aai PiiaU U. S. aaaia ewea ITfiaaa.fliiaaillM. aliii UB HaatiaglioanLfaaan aai lHawa . Daa ftcailaHneal Baaaaiaotn. aMfw MMHJMalB aWlWa mm Daa ftwaiaiBtBaaJfaairfiaaiati.... MJHl vMMasaBWaWSHJaWaawSaWAaWeWSaFa Mt d yaWaa' aatHMHr JMMHaWJHHHl MHMBHa ww wP MaM aaflawtal 4B 17 aaawam waaawaa wa iMrfameaajr Baaarra iaBaaJc via: t fsBaalaa Mil MB 70 m aBfjaaaBaa iavaaava; i BfiMtlua feed 5SaU."aTaaa. anr(Sparaat.eC ainekaioa).... laiei Total ..$MMM4S Gaaatalateekaaai ia $ SUM aa Haiiilaa faa4T7. ije waaiTi paa, laai aaaaaaai aaa laatTliaal iiiaiai aiaiiBt aa aaaak.V. DaaaaaiaartiaeaBHflCeaaeaat HaMaarttfealaiaCeaaaaft.. .......... PiTatucFeleyeHeavryaadTar. Foley k Go, Ghieege, origiaated IHoaey andTar as a throat and lung wady. aad ob aoooant of the great awrit aad popularity' of Foley's Honey aad Tar auuiy imitations are offered for the geeaiae. These worthless iiU tions have siaiilar aonndiog names. Be ware of theea. The genuine Foley's Hoaey and Tar ia in a yellow package. Ask for it and refuse aay substitute. It is the beet resaedy for ooagbe and colds. SMMflS uajwas at auass Eeaippea with Pallasa rSeepiag Oars, PaHaaia Hlsepiag Care, FreoBocl iaiag Chair Oars, etc. etc. lata! at 9afMiMas w H at tea Union Pacific laeidre at W.H.BENHAM clc JOBAS mm UiaMtii BEFKBEES' SALE Notieaia hereby aiTra that, paiaaaat to aa etdsroftha Diatriet Coait of PJatto Ooaetjr. Mabraaka,dabaHMiaaadaBtaiad of wcort oa taaUthdayof NoTaiber,18a9,Uacftaia aait th-iaia paadiae wberaia Gaotaa Btempak ia phtartff aadToapphiae Stenpek aadWoha &toBvak.aarhaalDd.HalaB84aaipafc, Balbiaa Btaaapakaad Maiaalioa Staataak. a adaor. are alaadaata. the anderajgned referee ia partftioa will ob Tharaday, the 27th day of Deoamber N6S. at the froat door of the oout hooaa ia the efty of ColaaUwa, ia emidPlatte eoanty, at the hoar of 3 o'cloek P. M.. offer for aala at pablie aaetioa to the hieheat bidder, the following deecribud real property aitaatedia the ooantyof Polk aad atataof Mahraaka, Lot Three (t) eoa toiaiacSlacrea ia Section Tan (W) Towaahip (Muanseuaeu) weat, oc taeoui r theSoatheaatOaartarm. K-li) of the met Quarter (S. W. Mof Seetioa Twea- torre (S) Tnwaahip Huttiteaa (17) Kaaae Two 2) Weat, of the Sth Priaeipal Meridian, aitaatad Platte Coaaty. Mebraaka Tenaa of aala. aaahtahaaa. CaantiAii H. Gsuemraaa. Tlatii, Koaaaibaaa) M8ff. Beferee. , - M.:alaothel mTimimi iiWanimQ vwmjmwjmj At HARTS you will find all the newest sty les in Menrand Boy's Suits and Overcoats fresh from the fingers of the best tailors in America. Investigate, it will be profitable lor you before you Gorton's Famous SOTICB OF DISSOLUTION OP CO-PABT- MEB8HIP. Netkaiaaanbv sine that thee-partaeiahip exitiagbetweea C. P. Feaael aad Hahriia.byautaa .aLHafaric will roaHaaa aaaOaaMaAaaiallalBiaMdaatoarewias ay the ans awat ba awda with M. BLHalwic ' -. CJ.FslnrBX. M. M. Haiwie. Datad.OM U, 1M. - A soar iliannh. a bad areata, a pasty eaaaalazioB aad other eaase- of a dieerdered dlgep rtsa are ed ay the ase of Bla'aa Two days treat Sold by 90th Oeatary Patte Oaatar. Nab. ejaaeaay laaiDf DjiuisiIi Taaleto. aaaat free. Dragtaere. Welbyaa4 Pearl Toledo aad Jacob City Jake Welky I'.. Williaass mothers. Beatl Foley ft Go Chicago, origiaated Hoaey aad .Tar aa a throat aad lnag aad oa aooouat af -the greet aad popalarity of Fblay Honey aad Tar amaay iautatioae haTe-aiaulari geaaias Foleyra Hoaey aad Tar is in a yeUewpeckage. Aak foe it aad refaB aay eabetitaU. It is the beat nsaed; fereoagaeaad ooMe. a H. Deck. lK' I5KSS cseg5?? fe Ss'Jkii, -v--ti' . -l3jJS--?S " .jw-i:yi 5LKrfs 2ZM2. :vg&&m AdPeeav aWaTWBaht' VaaBBBaaaLWSaiMMBMBT' 4(v '-ajt.jiwaiBaiF "aaJia? r.5brs?rriJSr-&.-ft?,4l . - is.- -.' J.Vii Zj:&s?z!&p 'WfA.;a3i .r- bsi'tjiik'Zx.-1 Osai fZ!m&tt282&l!T. 'rliSSvS.-.- -7 , I'fcJim ss.ifcfe-ir -.- KsW .! i-TNarHasaii jaBt-aat.,.. --rjffaaaaaai rf.wi tfeiSS;!.?': .tr s?" Jai:--?! TN SaCaaaaf Wedoaotkaowof where a coagh or cold rcealtsd ia aaaaia or eoaaamptioa whea Foley's Hoaey aad Tar had beea takea. It aad eolda perfectly, ao do with aoeae aakaewa which assy eoataia opiatfs, coaatipatioa, a eoaaitioa reeorery froat a eokL Aak Jar Faiey a Hoaey aad Tar aad rafase Gold! Gold! Gold! Precious Yellow Gold. You want I want it Everybody wants it and we want it NOW. - Read, Investigate and grasp this opportunity. Thousands Hesitated, Procasliiiated-Passed the Great Mohawk up and Lost a Fortune .This may be Another Mohawk. Don't Pass it by. Do you know, that out in the desert of Nevada, there is a city barely four years old, on which the EYES of the ENTIRE WORLD are centered? Why? Because of its Enormous Production of the YEL LOW GOLD. The city of Goldfield, Nevada. The greatest GOLD camp in the world's history. Has produced more high grade ORE in the last three years than any camp in the world. Rightly nemed,-"GOLDFIELD," for it is truly a LARGE field when the acreage of the "proven area" is taken into consideration, which, as shown by the map of the district covers the greater part of six sections, extending from the Diamondfield Black Butte mines on the north to the Goldfield Portland oa the south. Between these mines above quoted are a number of BONANZA Mines, whose daily output of High Grade Ore is astounding the world and adding to its wealth, Millions each month. To-Wit: , .The Great MOHAWK, now produeiBg$110.00a00eaeh 24' hoars. Florence, from which B. J. ReUly took oat $800,000.00 in 100 days. Saadstorm, which made the leasers large fortaaea. Red Top, a regalar and ooastsnt shipper of High Grade Ore. Junta, whose stock sold ia April 1S06, at $IM, bow $6.00 The Great Combination, pays regalarly aaoathly dmdeede of 48.o00.o0 Laguna, recently proven by diaaaoad drills to have Boaaaza Ore. Great Bend, which has very rich 8ylvaaite Ore. Portland, whose recent strike of $400.00 ore extended the proven area over one mile to the south. These are bat a few of the more prominent annas of the District aad are qaoted to iltaetnte the possibilities of prof t. Tour atteatioa u called to this fact All PROSPECTS do not make MINES, But all MINES were onoe PROSPECTS. That the Large Profits are made by Buying the "First Offerings." One year back MOHAWK Stock weat beggiag at 10 cents. NOW $19.00 per share. The Backward View on a Lost Opportunity is not Pleasant To show the rapid advances of these stocks and the enormous profits made the price of the stocks above quoted are given below, taken from the -San Francisco Stock Exchange, on the dates shows: Mohawk, March 30th, 1906, 58c Nor. Sth, 1908, Sold at $19.00 Florence, March 30, 1906, $1.50 Nor. 3rd 1906 Sold at $5.00 Bed Top, March 80th 1906, $.30 Nov. 3rd, 1906 Sold at $5.00 Jpmbo. March 30th, 1906 $1.80 Nov. 3rd, 1906, 8oldat $4 50 Combination Fraction March 30th, 1906 20c. Nov. 3rd, 1906 $600 Laguna, March 30th, 1906 19c. Nov. 3rd, 1906. Sold at $1.60 Great Bend, March 30tb, 1906, 25c. Nov. 3rd, 1906, 8old at $.80 8ilver Pick, March 30th, 1906, 26c Nov. 3rd, 1906, Sold at $1.25 What class of speculation equals this? The answer is NONE. Poss ible only in MINING,. And to make these profits it ia only necessary to get in with the MINE MAKERS and clear of the MINE FAKERS. To Further Illustrate the Possible Profits A friend of mine bought 500 shares of Mohawk at 40 cents. He recent ly sold 100 shores of the same at $3.80 per share, leaviag him a cash profit of $180 and 400 shares of Mohawk stock, which is now worth $19 per share making him a total profit of $7780 on an investmenr of $200 in a period of eight months. Does This Look Good to Tou? Where can You Equal This? .Only Possible in Legitmate Mining, Remmember that One Good Invest ment in Mining Stock will give you More Profit than a Life Time of Saving and Labor That when yon win in Mining it's from 100 to 1,000 fold. That the investment of Cents returns you $ $ $ $. That one good mining investment will even ap on one hundred poor ones. That the time to make the BIG profits ia in buying the first offerings of stock. The columns of the Nevada papers show that nearly all the "Kings of Finance" like ChasM. Schwab, John W. Gates, Heints and Clarke, the Bonanza Copper Kings of Montana and hundreds of ethers have beea iaveat- iagiamaiesia an the Nevada eempe. Aad it'a a pretty safe ,thiae; to fol low these mea. they doa't iaveet aaless there ia eoaaethiag ia eight. Three lines of railroaJa are baildia iato this district as fast aapoaaiala aad we know that costly railroad lines are not built aaless there is toar aageiansight. I have spent both time sad BMaeyiBtryiag to get ia with the Mine Makers aad am eoaideat that I have foaad a property in which the chance of loss is redaced to a miaimam for this reason: There are Three (3) Chances to Win on One - Investment. - The Nevada Pearl Mining and T-ftfuring Co. They own five (5) full claims sad (2) lessen: Capitalized at 2.080.000 of 'the par value of $1. 600.000 shares have beea issued, to pay for the five (i) claims aBd (2) leases, l,4oo,ooo ressaiaiag ia the treasury, the property of the Company. The five claims are kBOwn as the Matchless Group, lyiag adjaeeat to the Portland Miae aad south of the town of Goldfield. aad believe they have a coatiaaation of the great Combination vein reoeatly opened ap oa the Portlaad. "Assays from the outcropping veins as good as aay ia the' dis trict. The Company also owns a lease oa the Great CombiBatioa grouad. (which raiae ia now paying regalar monthly dividends of $42,ooo) and a strike of salphide ore on this lease, would send the stock to par at once. The Company also owns a lease oa the Rabbit's Foot claim of the Pal ace Goldfield; oa which theie is a 60 foot shaft ia which stringers of ore have' been cat assayiag from $50 to $100 per toe, which is a gaaraBtee that when the shaft has obtained a depth of 200 feet they will find the same rich sulphide ores now opened ap in the adjaeeat mines. And this would mean $2 per share for stock. Aad the opening up of sulphide ore oa the Matchless Group would mean another MOHAWK. Think of it, Mohawk bow $19 and going ap each day.. All prominent Brokers of Goldfield predict that whea the leases expire (Jan'y 1st 1907) the Mohawk will sell at $60 00 per share. Prominent Engineers Predict that Numerous Mohawks will be opened up with Further Developements. Tbe.officers of this Company are MINE MAKERS not "fakers' Hoa. Geo. W. E. Dorsey. President, of Fremont, Nebr., Ex CoHgresamaa from Nebr. A raiaiag man of experience, interested in the Great Bend Exten sion, Palace Goldfield and other Nevada Mines. J. C McConaack, Vice-President. Interested ia several Nevada miaea aad a miaing maa of years of experience. F. M.. Dorsey, Secretary. A prominent Broker of Goldfield. Nevada and iaterested ia varioaa Goldfield miaes. Zeb Kendall, Director. Who took out the first ore from the Mizpah at Tonopah was associated with Reilly oa the famoue Florence lease. H. P. Bartiae, Director. Represented Nevada ia Congress for years and is bow iaterested ia some of the beet mines ia Goldfield. These officers pledge each purchaser of stock a "square deal aBd that ' every dollar derived from sale of stock shall be used ia the developemeat of the property of the company. I have secared the. agency for the Nevada Pearl aad have aa allottmeat of 100.000 shares for sale at 25 cents per share. $25.00 buys 100 shares $250.00 buys 1000 shares REMEMBER. Yon have three chances to win It might be another . MOHAWK. -If oae strikes the ore yoar stock will be worth ONE DOLLAR. If they make the second strike your stock will go to TWO and possible FIVE. If all three make good, you have the investment of your life. YOU YOUNG MAN: Just on the threshold of life: Do yon realize that an investment of $50.00 to $250.00 in this stock might make yon independent for life. Might bay you a farm. Might set yon up in business. Might make yon more money than yon could accumulate by a lifetime of hard toil and grinding economy. Might make it possible for you to live in ease and comfort AND YOU MR. MAN. With your money in the bank, drawing 3 per cent,'aad-the bank making from 5 to 10 per cent on your money (aad some wuiw ure muh jauj is om me pussiuie pruni nere onereo. wortn tne ruk? Are you doing yourself justice when you pass this up? Wake up Opportunity is knocking at your door. The most conservative eitizeas ia Columbus are buying this stock. WHY? They want to get into some Company in this district of High Grade ore This appeals to them on its offering of Three chances to Make Good. They know that the .Lease on the Combination mast wia for the Com bination is a proven Mine. Those who have investigated know that the Lease oa the Palace Gold Field has rich ore at a depth of only CO feet, which is a guarantee that whea the shaft reachesthe salphide zone it will have shipping ore And They also know 'Tht the Matchless claims of 100 acres on de velopemeat, might make another Mohawk." They Waat to Make Money. Don't You? Investigate! But Don't Procrastinate and Lose this Opportunity This stock is going fast. 15,000 shares being subscribed predict that it will be sold before December 1st. in 3 days. I My Friend, Get Busy! Buy all you can Af ford! Buy Now! If you will call at my office I give more complete information than is possible in these columns, will show you by the latest Maps, the exact lo cation of these properties and also the location of the Bonanza Miaes of the Goldfield district. Also will furnish yoa Prospectus of the Company Those who desire the Prospectus by mail, will receive same on application. Call and talk this matter oyer with me, I can make you some easy money. Address all communications to O. C. SHANNON, Room 16 German Nat'l Bank, Columbus, Neb; 1906. Since the writing, oi this "ad," received the following telegram: GOLDFIELD, NEVADA, NOV. 8, O. C. SHANNON, Columbus, Neb. x ? ' Shaf t of "COMBINATION" lease entered sulphides this morning, 'fifty feet sooner than expected. Look like a shipper sure. F. M. DORSEY. FOR SALE. Barred Plymoath Rock cockerels at tl Bttort Noasnnater, CalaMbas, Nek. c. j: oablow Attorney - at - La w COLUsUDaMIEBJt ft. m. roT ftttsrasi : at : Law C. N. McELPRESH (Onv'a caiaa taken uw aaaeaa eaaa.) Ton waaa to I tad bargaiaa. read Joaraal ads to The Jearaal or write it te all the aewa. Attermey - at - Ism Reed the old ttnMt . 'pH$3rl &m? r.i . -- k-.;a.?V k r tii??jc;-. - l -V "c. - a:r . . V Ti&Qk &&kl F- t-'j jmi r . B-W-J .?.ni mAi