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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1906)
c -?j &V- ki-sa v V" V"s.r -- , -s r " -. f . sTv J- -- v- -ts' Pv AWfIN WW0ftR sSS-S.Ul. ' " r. . e - - " " t w,"-"- ammm, IVmamwml.'mmlamrwmMmilBBammm' am f'i 'v3 t U BT amah BTfa BB SB SI AWenU m 'WM OamahV sr . rvaam m-ssaBsjBmi7Bsjma) mmlilM aaa 4.,,rv . an Bamma nW-m m m m mmmT bbbbbi t a Ua ' uasnnW' , & wfMMdrtH n0iMff -V- -c. if M . J. B. Jotaacm. of MS HMwh atteet, ColMtbla, Ma, sajrs: "FoDowlmg am opcr atfcm two years ag dropsy set ia, aai my left side was ss swoUea tie doctor said he would hare to tap oat the water. There was constaat pais aad a sargllas seasatioa aroaad say heart, and I could not raise my am above my head. The kidney actios waa disordered and passages of the se cretioas too frequent. On the advice of my husband I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. Since using two boxes my trouble has not reappeared. This is wonderful, after suffering two years." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T. Treatment ef Habitual Criminals. The New Zealand minister for Jus tice has introduced the habitual crim inals and offenders bill, which pro Tides that where a person has bees twice convicted of a criminal assault or four times of wounding, robbery or burglary, he may be regarded as aa habitual criminal and at the expira tion of his sentence detained in a re formatory. After six convictions for vagrancy a man may be treated in the same way. Discharge from the reformatory will be secured only oa the recommenda tion of the court, while the detained offenders will be made to work aad wages will be placed to their credit or toward the support of their depend oats. With a smooth iron and Delance 45tarch, yoa can launder your shirt waist just aa well at home as the steam laaadry can; it will have the proper stiffness and finish, there will be less wear and tear of the goods, and It will be a positive pleasure to use a Starch that does not stick to the Iron. In Tenth Century English. Dr. James W. Bright, of the Johns Hopkins university, has completed aa edition of the Gospel of St Luke ia the West Saxon. This is his fourth In his series of books in the English of the tenth century. He is also at work oa several other volumes. Cive Delanee Starch a fair trial try It for both hot aad cold starching; and if you don't think you do better work, in less time and at smaller cost, return it and your grocer will give you back your money. Japanese Patent Medicines. The Japanese, having discovered the possibilities of profit in patent medi cines, are extending their markets for them in China, Korea aad the south Islands. Delanee Starch la the latest iavea ilon in that line aad an improvement on all other makes; it is more eco nomical, does better work, takes leaf time. Get 'it from any grocer. Few Unmarried Indian Girls. In Ireland, out of 1,900 females ovet 15 years of age, 497 are unmarried; in India, out of the same number, only 45. Defiance Starch Sixteen ounces for ten cents, all other brands contain only 12 ounces for same money. There's a lot of people so perfect ly good they cannot give the rest of as a chance to be pretty good. Smokers appreciate the quality value of Lewis Single Binder cigar. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. The people are losing much of life where the prophets are afraid of los ing life. INSOMNIA CUBED Or. Williams' Pink Pills Res) Wrecked Nerves to Normal Con dition and Good Health Followed. The sufferer from sleeplessness too of ten resorts to habit-forming drugs in order to secure the coveted rest. But sleep obtained by the use of opiates is not refreshing and the benefit is but temporary at best. Mrs. H. A. Fletcher, of 99 Bktdget street, Manchester, X. H., is living evi dence of the truth of this statement. She says: "I received a shock of an apoplectic character. It was so severe that the sight of my right eye was af fected, causing me to see objects double. I was coufiued to my bed about four weeks, at one time being told by the doc tor that I could not get weU. When I could leave my bed I was in such a ner vous state that I could uotsleepat night. X would get up and sit on a chair until completely tired out aud then go back to bed and sleep from exhaustion. "I had been under the doctor's car for six weeks when my sister, Mrs. Loveland, of Everett, persuaded me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. I began taking the pills with the result that I soon experienced relief. One night soon after taking them I lay awake only a short time and the next sight I rested welL From that time I slept well every night and soon got well and strong. I have recommended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a number of times, and my niece has taken them for weak nerves aud poor blood and found them very beneficial." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cared many severe nervous troubles, headache, neuralgia and sciatica as well as diseases of the blood sochagamenua,rheniiiatism, pale and 'sallow complexions and many forms of weakness. All druggists sell Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, or they will be eat by mail postpaid, on receipt of price, 0 cents per box, six boxes for $2.50. by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, K.Y. U. S. NAVY mUsw for foar ycats rasas, " eoo chatmeter and aoand pkj n ifcn iffl TTf 17 1 1 -cer ana hvin pbtbicm wouiuob i ifee ae of 1? and S apprentice aea- an; opportunities for adTanceaient: pay SIS to STB a muBta. Blectncimns. nacfeiniKts. kiaenmiias, coppainun, jcoBCBincnii, amipiairrt. chipsuers. Suimi. Btnsieiasa. ink atr .between Si aad 3b rears, enlisted la special ratine wun suitable pay; bospltal aaorenticcv id w mm 7rB acHRHEfit w taree-fourths pay and allowances after M wearsservio. Apalieanttsa t So Aatertoaa Hi sobs. rim elotkinc oetSt free to recruits. -Upon dtseaante travel allowance 4 cents per mile to Blaeoof eaUatatept. Bunas four months' pay aadlncreasolapayaponre-enlistmentwttaiB fear moBibscr discharge. OStees at Liacola ajid Hasans. Hebratka. aiso. dariacwinter. attsMnlneardSioiixCitT. Iowa. Address ATI aCCantlM STSTIM.r.t Jtat.tMUU ElHISDATT- .saamtammv - i EHgl5 FILLED WITH THANKS itaND HMSWimiUBK - mind the mms.. Hi FATE L HAVE NSTCM FOR XHEERfULf QMO OUR fOt WEIL SAIL laSZLi Iwxmm&wmi&ftmsL tiow m mwr a? DREAD WMWWS TEARFUL- o F YJHr7t NnMrtDF13Tr?JfSI 4vVwVWMWwVwwVvVIAwVwVwwMVwVWWMMMMMMMMMAM When Turkey Reign as. Royal, Sacrifice. In Antiquity and .American Lineage the Bird Takes Precedence in Western Continent. When Thanksgiving day comes and families gather around the feast of which the turkey reigns as royal sac rifice, it is the hour to win opinion re garding the American national bird. Long has the eagle soared and screamed aad napped its wings, but no day of regard has been put in its honor in the calendar. When it comes to antiquity and a true American lineage the turkey takes precedence. Patriotic societies are finding this out, and committees are considering the advisability of making a place for the bird among na tional emblems. The eagle is a cos mopolitan, the bird of Jove; the tur key genus meleagris belongs to .the western continent. The sacrifice on the altar of thanks giving is a species distinct from winged and feathered fowl of a dis tant relationship found in Europe. The American turkey was among the strange birds discovered by the Spaniards when they invaded Mexico. Oviedo describes it about 1527 as do mesticated among the christianized Indians or New Spain (Mexico), and being the bird reserved for festivals. Gay describes the gallopavo sylvestris the wild turkey of New England as the wonder of the pilgrim fathers, and from all this data it will be seen that the turkey has a claim to na itional tribute. Virginia and Missouri historians write of turkey fowls as peculiar to their wooded hills, but Rhode Island has laid an official claim to the best bred stock that goes abroad. Little Rhody bases its traditions on the cus jtoms of the Narragansett Indians, a tribe which once ruled the entire New ISngland area, but became extinct dur ing King Philip's war. The Narragansetts treasured Ine turkey as a sacred bird after their days the Niantics took the -matter up both for the cause of religion and for the comfort of their stomachs and .thus preserved the species from ex tinction and brought the Rhode Island .fame high on the marts that cater to feasts and festivals. The Rhode Island turkey lives in the hills, feasts on insects and herbs best calculated to make it delectable to epicures and has become desired from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The white turkey comes from the confines of the state and for some years the presidential Thanksgiving dinner has been presided over by an immense bird of the New England stock. As the Indian and the native cus toms even of Mistress Anne Hutchin son and Roger Williams are forgotten by latter day Rhode Island sons and daughters, so the turkey of that pe culiar breed is passing awtyy. Reports from the state agricultural stations give dire statistics of fatal disease among the turkeys and the vanishing rom the land. In this year Missouri, Indiana and Wisconsin are banner turkey states. The uncut timber and rough ground are good roving places, and the deadly microbe has not found its way to slaughter the innocents. White with iris-tinted feathers, bronze reflecting the shades of their distant relatives the peafowls, dark hues with rainbow tints and brilliant red dew laps and head ornaments, strolling along the roads in dignified locks, perching gracefully on fence rails and sounding the piercing call thus they have been seen in any coun try byway before the November knell was sounded. For All Oar Blessings Let Us Sing Past, Present and Future, Beyond Enu meration, Have. Been the Mer cies Extended. On the face of the earth there ia not a people whether they be Chris tian or Pagan, whether "they be Gen tile or Jew, whether they be Protest ant or Cathollic, whether they be white, black, yellow or red who have greater cause for thanksgiving than the millions who are gathered and sheltered beneath the hospitable and protecting folds of the Stars and Stripes. For, no matter how far we may fall hort of the highest ideals in govern iment, here, more than in any other .land upon God's footstool, is there .freedom of mind, freedom of con science, freedom of action here, jmore than in any other land, are op portunities within the reach of all, is success in life the reward of individ ual effort, is station in life dependent mpon personal merit, are men men. t- 1 7?N? j 'iBBBBESaQbHI WIT1WWW Ml WJ VMHOSnb f HHMM,aMW,fVWB WE U5. in km bsil. Thanksgiving Day the Oldest of Oar Holidays. First Enjoined aa Religious as Wall as Civic Obligation, the Spirit of the Season Remains. It is a season of gladsome tradi tions. Far away as are our lives from those of the little band of colonists ol Massachusetts Bay who reverently es tablished a day of thanksgiving foi mercies which to us 'seem no more than the commonplaces of a meagre existence, the spirit of the occasion survives. Through all the vicissitudes of our national development. Thanksgiving day has been preserved as peculiarly the New England memorial. For gen erations it had a sectional observance and a limited significance. It was not until the white heat' of the civil war fused our people of all sections into a nation homogeneous, that the New England Thanksgiving was made that of the whole country. Since the first proclamation by the president, calling for the observance of a day of thanks for the preserva tion of the union of the states, the cus tom has been maintained; the genera tion of to-day knows it in this char acter alone. This is the oldest of our holidays. In the early times of sectarian intol erance, when church and state were joined in the rule of Massachusetts, there was no Christmas under the law. Observance of the natal day of the Prince of Peace was discouraged, if not absolutely prohibited, by harsh enactments. But the recognition oi the day of thanksgiving was' enjoined as a religious as well as a civic obli gation. All this is changed in the growth of our people, our commonwealth, our nation, to the stature which we see to day. Our whole people unite in the giv ing of thanks; and if the religious ele ment is given less prominence in the forms with which the day is observed, in the hearts of all there is a no less reverent gratitude for the benefac tions with which the Power which rules the universe has crowned the life of people and of individuals in this happy age. We must be glad, every one of us, that we live to-day. The condition of humanity is not perfect; thee are cruel exceptions to universal human felicity; but the advance has not only been great but steady and full of mar velous promise for the race. And as for the immediate present, we have only to compare existing conditions of physical comfort, of intellectual im-" provement, of moral and social uplifting,-with those enjoyed. by our prede cessors, to feel a wave of congratula tion surge over our hearts. Personally, many of us may feel that fortune, or providence, has dealt harshly with us during the past year. There have been disappointments, perhaps grievous afflictions, whose pain is not yet dulled. Let such sum mon up the resources of the faith that sustained the men of the first Thanks giving days, who felt as well as be lieved that "whom the Lord loveth, them he chasteneth;" and let all look forward straight into the future where the sun shines with a glory and a gracious warmth unknown to the race of mankind at any period before this favored century. Johnny's Good Time. "Well. Johnny, did you have a good time Thanksgiving?" "A good time? Well, I should think I did. Ma had to sit up with me for the next three nights." We are a powerful people, we are a prosperous people, we are. take as all in all, a harmonious and a happy peo-1 pie. The blessings we have enjoyed I In the past, the blessings we are en-! joying in the present, the blessings wp have reason to hope to enjoy in the future the blessings which our bless ings are diffusing among humanity everywhere are beyond enumera tion. ' Surely, not since the royal psalmist laid down his harp in Israel have there been a people who could with greater cause and better grace than we take up and swell anew his parting an them: Praise ye the Lord. Praise God In his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power. Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness. Praise him with the sound of the trum pet; praise him with the psaltery and harp. Praise him with the timbrel and dance; praise him with stringed Instruments and organs. ' Praise him upon the loud cymbals; praise him upon the high sounding cym- bals. I Let everything that hath breath praise ae xora. raise ye tae i, .ffJH- i I Bifl wBlvLr jaarc--.'2lt?K9s3? 3a Tvv-asryl anSBafe??N5C??S& ar t'aa n I ammmasra w- sams m. qVTCJwjH . Jwr I awmnamnaaHwi .aBmnmnannBSmnBmBB 3sanaSf3aa&7 MiraciiUm Cure by Cot km a. -Words canoat speak highly oaoogh a no Oatiemtm gooios. n atvonty-two yoara of ago. My aad been an ran down. My blood was so had that wood in. I. had. ftvMnd , so taaBy I wont to the hospl whore I was laid ap for two avrnthai My foot and ankle were almost be yond recognition.' Dark blood towed oat of wounda rajaaay places and I was so disheartened that I thomght surely my last chance was slowly lear lag aa As the foot did not lmprovs; yoa earn readily Imagine how I felt I was simply disgusted and tired of life. I stood this pats, which waa dreadful, for six htonths, vaad during this time I was not able, to wear a Shoo sad act able to work. Some one spoke to me about Cuticura. The consequences '.were-1 bought a set of the Csjtjcura Remedies of one of my friends who was a druggist, and the praise that I gave after the second application is beyond description; it seemed a mir acle for the Cuticura Remedies took effect" immediately. I washed the foot with the Cuticura Soap before apply ing the Ointment and I took the Re solvent at the same time. After two weeks treatment my foot was healed .completely. People who had seen my foot daring my illness and who have seen It since the care, can hardly be lieve thetr own eyes. Robert Schoen? hauer. Newburg, N. T , August 21, 1905." Feer-Feeted Thieves. Is Winchester, England, a grocer began to miss money from bis till, aad set his wife to watch? After two weeks the wife was not able to de tect the thief,' though money was stolen almost every day. There were two clerks in the store, aad the grocer finally t called them thieves aad discharged them. When two others had taken their places the money continued to dis appear, and the case waa given to th police. Aa officer who hid under the counter solved the problem.' He found bits' of paper represeatiag about $50 that the mice had made aests of. They had entered the till through a hole in the back aad takes the bills one at a time. The two clerks who had been dis charged for dishonesty brought salt tor damages, and the other day the grocer waa compelled to pay $300 each. A Weil-Known Remedy. One of the oldest, safest and most favorably known remedies ia the world today is Brandreth'a Pills a blood purifier and laxative. Being purely vegetable, they can be used by old or young with perfect safety, and while other remedies require increased doses and finally cease acting alfa gether, with Brandreth's "Pills the same dose always baa the same effect, no matter how long they are taken. One or two pills taken each night for a while is the best thing known for any one troubled with constipation, in digestion, dyspepsia or any trouble arising from impurity of the blood. Brandreth'a Pills have been In use for over a century, and are for sale everywhere, plain or sugar-coated. Cosmopolitan America. Is there a type of "average Ameri can workman?" Dr. Arthur Shad well, an Englishman, author of "In-' dustrial Efficiency," tells how in one of the older towns of Massachusetts he witnessed a procession of cotton operatives oa strike. "They were marshaled by nationalities with a c rious effect The different types, cheek by jowl, stood out in vivid con trast the French, the familiar Eng: lish, the Celtic, the Scandinavian, the Slav, the small Portuguese and the swarthy Greek. Such a sight can be seen nowhere else. It brought be; fore my eyes in one living picture the amazing cosmopolitanism of Ameri can labor and made me think with a smile of that convenient abstraction but almost mythical person of whom we have heard so much the 'average American workman.'" Veteran Driver Has Record. James H. Johnson of Washington,' who drove the remaining members of the Davis family at the funeral of Mrs. Jefferson Davis, in Richmond, has driven the Davis carriage at the funerals of each of the members who have gone before. He drove at the funerals of Jefferson Davis and Miss Winnie Davis. He has never missed attending a Confederate reunion aiace the war. Intricate Game ef Chess. Chess, ss played by the Japanese, ' Is the most intricate game ia the world. The board baa 81 squares, 20 pieces are ased, aad the pieces change their value whea they arrive at a certain position on the board. COFFEE IMPORTERS - Publish a Book About Coffee. There has been much discussion as to Coffee and Postom lately, so much in fact that some of the coffee import ers and roasters have taken to type to promote the sale of their wares and check If possible the rapid growth of the use of Postom Food Coffee. Ia the coffee importers' book a chap- ter is headed "Coffee as a Medicine,' and advocates its use as such. Here is an admission of the troth, most important to all.iaterested. Every physician knows, aad every thoughtful person should know, that habitual use of any "medicine" of the drag-stimulant type of coffee or whis ky quickly causes irritation of the tissues sad. organs atimulated and finally sets np disease in the great majority of cases if persisted in. It may show in any one of the many organs of the body and in the great majority of cases can be directly traced to coffee in a most unmistak able way by leaving off the' active ir ritantcoffee and using Postom Food Coffee for a matter of ten days, If the result Is relief from nervous trouble, dyspepsia, bowel complaint, heart failure, weak eyes, or any other 'malady set np by a poisoned nervous system, yoa have your answer with the accuracy of a demonstration ia mathematics. ., a naaaar tot portam had facilities of .ik bat they are ' Gsrasts ma be colored en the fast wish vrrrsramc vansT.vfiB nvm Ti s - w-" t Me i xt. ? J& -Af - is contemplated sweat, hat It Is always zy bitter when realised. 4- . ' '4 LeW: Single Binder - the atmiaht'5c emmr. .always best agar, .always nets -osanjy. aTCris Factory, Pesria, JB. wr ya Mem .are often capable of things thaa they perform. They arc seat; into, the work! with bills of credit sad seldom draw to their fall extant Wapele. . $100 Reward. $100. ... C utfs sapor win lsaa lam tatiaawtoatlatoaaiaitmiiwiUMlirtsaf; imkHsiUi ta eara la all lea staaws.aa4 that is Gaasfth. Hairs Catarrh Cars Srttw eat samara IIP taamsaicn niwrany. uatarra oaai alssaas. iwaausa a ooaawa- Haira Catarrh Cars to taaaa tt- tarasnr antlaw atrrtli-aarm thahlnni arfaoia CIM syssMa, thanby easiroytag ttm foaaaasiaa ot the aliens, aaa smag ths paUsat nms ap taw eoaautauoa aaa sssw lagaataNtasolacltswork. Tea proprietors pars aomaeh faltkta IcaearadT powers that they oCer Oaa Haaaroe Doners tor aay esse that It telle to ears. 0 mm far Mat ot teetlMoalala. Adarese r. J. CBBffET CO, Telese, O. Sola ev all Drassmts. 75c. Take flau's Family ruu tor iWaahlneten Monument The towering Washington meat, solid as it Is. cannot resist the heat of the sun, poured oa its south ern side on a midsummer's day, with out a alight bending of the gigantic shaft which la rendered perceptible by means of a copper wire, .174 feet long, hanging la the center of the structure and carryiag a plummet suspended In a vessel of water. Sheer white goods, la fact, say In wash goods when new, owe much of their attractiveness to the way they are laundered, this being done ia a manner to enhance their textile beau ty. Home laundering would be essal ly satisfactory If proper attention was given to starching, the list essential being good Starch, which has sufficient strength to stiffen, without thickening the goods. Try Defiance Starch and yoa will be pleasantly surprised at the Improved sppearaace of your work. . Much "Dead? Mall Matter. More than 11,000,000 pieces of mall went astray ia the TJunlted States last year because they were not directed even well enough for the experts to decipher the names and addresses. Millions of this immense total went to the Dead Letter Office, where a lot of It was opened, the addresses of the writers ascertained and the letters or packages returned. Bat In a great many cases the writer's address is never found and the letter Is really AVrfttetferVetwralkmforAs- sisnlating teFoodaDdBrtub lgaStoaamn1&)w1sor lYofiiokDfgestionJCbjrerrur BnsaiallkMjCoBtaans nalher OnuBiMbrphine iwrbis2raL Not Narcotic. Aperfecl Iternedy rorCrjMnps Hon. Sour Stoaad.Diwhoea rVbrmsoiTviniofe.reverisiV TacSaaaas Signature of XGWYORK. 1119 laigama mM" P"nnaf maB mSsMwSFmWSmSamSmmJ m Fnamefine vn mm I Mmm n -. .I.. M spill m-illspAnER BwluiM nrv mmmWSm mnnuasaaaanV OIdBS TO, Hi aUUUeI mf alt JUdeS .manffsmmaar TTl """mnaV wurt satis, ss s stso. amf- ine wMk 2&5BS2BV&Z&&: ghaBf Ta ghhhhhhk. - -r--. - - 2k - . amfsT 1 UWCI " ' oanV tsf carnal atsnw aaoamv fgamr - M.I casnef take yoa latomry largo T Behind the Dough! M SS-RCSSSaS J If fl BAKING N UlipS r "V POWDER I Mmgg aanananananaW 91 mmmmmm aVaea 91 - - -- gnaS aaaamsmaaamasilsamisi BBBBBBMSk S9 JMmCM .WOr m9 CBBRof Mml riiirririrrjirifsiair tftrirrrrf iifaiai liaiax lpgTanananf amw WiaeawaeawSmaCaOmaaet tavyaasr laaffTsI A " power that raises and sustains die K w.,UaSMaBiTahsi teVBunni . wLgSmm ou1 yPk- tbiohite cerUmty. No r Bm.SSSSmMwSmmm.SSSSSmm9M kwU lamiret. A cake made with K C H I I gamBBmmi """"' " JW I KAPERS gA" I amrtitl We insisl lipon rcfurxtllg yov dF H wh?mfasftS mtnaimfSr I - monej it a trial does not ' 'J B"-T,"MI I 'a!"tJrBanV COOVmce YOU. SsnaT BHHassmsssBmBaBmJn! Wm?-..ltSmBk LLLW a-aagaaSBJ MWlmUSJrw lanaw ffaBBBBBBv' . . ' mm a.- -mmmma BOTaiainriinkKmBmw SWsGE-STlONS HOW BRt,TFaF. v SK"eBnaMmBsmmm mnnnnnneBmmnnnnnnnnm anannnnVnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnm EBaBnannnnnnnBmi vp !RH!aHl llmomnF lmmmXmssaSsssmn ' WmmssmiLlJsssmSmssssUsssmsmmmmmn ' mmmmnimfrmmmmmmmmm ' HwnanVBmmrlWfimmmBBmBBm am amnnFnnannnnmBBBBBBBBmn am naF SaHaBBBBmBKflmm aaWmmmBBBBBBBBBBBm anTSC- tmananaaamKmnBKS .imnaaaWaTmmmBW r'tviV9gcoaaB9 r -awsmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnm nw c 'i9SiMBlig9mm5a7 a mrmnanvYmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnm ay jl ; ..Jap&o-cBBSBnu. i FBamTmfammmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm mmKmmmtfmssssWmW While no woman is entirely free from periodical suffering, it does not seemto be the plan of nature that women should suffer so. severely. This is a severe strain W a, worn sun vitality. When pain exists aosaethingmviiaag which should be set right or it wfll lead to a serious derangement of the whole female organism. Thousands of women have testined ia grateful letters to Mrs. Pinkham that Lydia M, Pinkhams Vegetable Compound overcomes wosnann apodal pams and irregularities. It provides a safe and sore way of zrom amtrfsmag ana uamgwevma. ThotwofoUowinsr letters tell so vineingly.what Lydia B. Piakhams Vegetable' Compound wflldo for women, they cannot fall to bring hope to thousands of sufferers. MissNellieHolimtfMON.Invkkm Street, Buffalo, H. Y writes: TJfmrKra. PiBkbaai! ' MYourmsdkh atmdeadan for butfailedtogetanyrflttef. Aft eemtadThedaaatoLjdia puffer aaldidbafora. Myvsrtodsi OTeryaeaeaadpsmsji amutai Mrs. TUlie Hart, of Lmiiavare, H. IX, writest UI ndett have bM isLr IoBlyksownefthe m vsaswina Airkt-A USIHH Por liifantf mad Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years HSTIRK: P3S amaaajr amai BBSBcamnwoveo. iwiwmw; vdmsssraetsaelydmawrmBBmws v nmhlmnm aanffrnmrntaWanrnJ M aar fal AW ti t ffl -TM atlt ammmaamaaw - I ma MIaav'VS PVCammTaaftmmmTOmWa WOMEN MAT ITND Obmsosad assasr mrlhssowJMSSBaway remsdhowltaoathsif.' ssstbaaaftmrlhadwmdtsm uwtydmrmk haslsasawam,1' Whea or irregnlsrities, ceradoa ot tee down feeliar. bloetinr(ornat ity, indigestion amhja- CARDUI WOltWSKLIff j OF W. L. DOUGLAS 50&ajp08hoee lUmmjmUmtmpmm, VCaVBSSSfUa fOTWl very grasses! Jorwi VegwamwCkojssMBB. Such tialimo-y a-onM ho that LydS ' VpSMJammyVeatahlo remedy Jor all the ifatimisf His el WThTsueeBss of Lydia M Pinkhomn Vegetable Cmnismmi, rests upon the weU-earned gratltnls of Imsrlsa- n omen are Uimhhi with saaa tioa. or are Dseeswwa avca ayasamasm. for years with eitabilitr. irritability, aii'oasniisa, aamdtsmTmadowa . rr .- ,- nr Wn-H TtSr" """ rwryr: aieepjessmoss, meuamcaMty, wau savam dmsress smvaaans - vm im. aaa tiM aaml ioadfromt r"T: TJS-wT L4 ffakhsms rue namnj. ujwm . " BSalnOlSSCer VegWCaOW vammaaa smmm ammmiasi mmmwml: such troubles. MtTmm toaajyaayosaanv aamaaw smaanu miininTiaia Tnr xrw awa-a nr ttt tSkta-SsVel? JsHstote'snMstoWm: WeVlll-iS sssa-m mt "" r1' nWwmssmmSMmm (DarFl awmi mmnm I despair often assails M women, who suffer W continually from the I I diseases that afflict m I their sex. After trying W I doctors and medicines I I in vain, they feel like m m giving up. Better try m ft asiled. niyvtimwss)S M H F. Bsmn. of I Swiss a. Mom, H 9 bnl has taken CaraW ever aW -rt -nil ft mil anrs aad wan " M M Try it. : 1 At An Drasjglsts M amnf sanamBMamomp ea am ,aaA aawaU laferl EFUlCEtTiieigStg W. N. U, OMAHA, HO. 47, Item. 1 I ft. ,' -vS &, .y&M--gjc&.. p s.:aW& .--fe&fo L-is.,?2f . j-..v. . . .jsk ?L. ....- u-m '.a-ij.v. ,s,",i t-Bfe-.-jf'-s'iSiSSiie. -:s-ja5.. virtrf. . .. , . yf d. eeifiZfte?' ;.,. '-A-h ,. Sk3fcSSs ;!Sji K- -aL-y 5;. t--. -.-- 1 . .T. -- - 1M .