The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 21, 1906, Image 5

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m- - -.aammmwmmmmmTmv mimWm:Wmimk'MWBmW-!Wm
VBH emmuS mmmmrPmumumP'
f . -ammmmmmmsammmmuuBr iw.
BM i BnnmTVPSBf S"Smmunmw Wv VammmmmW ammumuw nBBBBBBBBB--
Bar k -"
K I m -aunw -aunw ammmmmm ".-v
19 CTS
We are going to have
the following lor Friday and Satur
day only, November 23 and 24.
All limited to one of a kind
to a customer.
3 lb package, soda crackers 19c
3 cans extra corn. 19c
U cans choice tomatoes 19c
One 25c can K. C. Baking Powder. 19c
1 pkg Tumbla German-American Coffee '. . . . 19c
1 gal gasoline : 19c
3 lb pkg best gloss starch. ....'. 19c
i pound Star tobacco 19c
pound Horse Shoe tobacco. 19c
4 cans Bex lye 1 19c
6 pounds nails 19c
Washboard 19c
i pound 50c Cup Chop tea . 19c
5 pounds staples ."... .19c
5 pounds Navy beans 19c
1 lot of winter caps 19c
I lot of Men's light wool hose.'. 19c
1 lot of Infants moccasins 19c
1 lot of soft sole shoes 19c
Ladies' 25c pants and vests each 19c
Seamless Topsy hose 19c
Albion and fleeced lined hose 19c
One lot of Ladies' 35 and 50c neckwear 19c
Henley Serge . 19c
5 pieces whip-cord D. goods 19c
Children's fleeced lined underwear 19c
When You are Going to
or Marker at the Grave
Granite ft Marble Works
Of GetaMlm, Nebraska
WUl do Your Work Satisfactorily. We will
Not Be Undersold by Anyone. Give us a
Call Before Placing Your Order. No Order
too Large or too Small for us to Handle.
av. a jS. wr ammmmmmmmm
Call on us. We aell the well kaown 8teTr
make and can save 70a money on a good Job.
yhbjv y1 Cilf w jMa ftal felt,
aQaflaVaVav awkaa a. Ovaai - -
12 1 M "H- WwAwm
iJl OriBeUaiHB IMk Sfn tea, sot
K SS?lT l ajBBsaatt ajai lafacaw j""a"jBjB" ? savaw avaw avj sbw 4bW
BaaBBEBja avavav avjaw bbj bjbbbbbbbbb m t TBaflBjaa aBsaaaaHaaBai
aattBlfcfiWBS l,yJTr - """"BBmBaaaaBBmBBBBB
aWaVaXV y, SBBBfBB m a b-b h- BjT.J - . j A aa. a
iSfctMafe SaMlwrfli "Ei"""-' " BNBBSBBrtBBJ fST StSVBft St AslBkBV
a 19c sale and
Erect a Monument
of Tour Lost Ones
That Ta
. -k
2L 1
;'-iv .
wUBbbi Wak ntafMd SsUrdsy
8oBtk DbIbbIb, trasn fce BMde
P.O. Umbbb iceaivBd s
SBBaBydBBisWMrs bnk
a a railrsid is Wtobubc wsi
kBBlT.if aot attalT. iBkred-r'Mr.
pBcsflBilsftsB Moidity BoiaiBf to
aiBi if BBBBsfe Wibns ke died.
stCohuBbss for tke imm.
coBflt ofisBtBi, iBtmiaed fcosw tfce
T. . AkknoB prcutfcd eight
nsfcBttlelbrkk'foedTard while
aOtBrnhsthsintofthe week. The
here Wedaetdsy bkmh-
Whik tryisf to hresk a piece of
4rdoTsrUtkjMMlfttSstorda7, &
TvflsBUHjrW his kmee to that
he im eosipeUed to resuds hone
oat of At tiBM rnatd Tuesday.
Mra. J: Cmtfg who has been via
inmg with her eieter Mh. Ed. Hop
ftm, ntaraed to her hoau at Colum
bia the int of the: week. t little Mi
Manust Hobbsb west to ColaBibas
a t ft
wkh bar for a ample of weeks visit;
Bepbrt oosm BOrth of tows to the
fcet that Joha Jeraberg was aaeault
ad bysoBM dranks, who were seat out
oftowabytheBMiahalTwesday, and
that he was compelled to defend him
self with neck-yoke. One of ihem
want after John with s knife.
The birds broaght a raur to this
onksthkBrnoraingto the eteet that
ArtharDorr of Woodnlle township
waa bonad by the so called Holy
bonds of Bjatriannyi to one of St: Ed
wards iairdasMaksysaterday. If the
report is trae it's all right and here's
bast wishes to the Leader. If it itn!t
trae k onght to be, and we' hope Ar
thur wont have any lack nntil it is
" One hnndrei and seventy-five tick
ets were sokl for Albion at this sta
tion last Friday, that being the num
ber of Woodasen; candidaffw and
firisnas who want np to that city to
attend th 1 Woodbnea rally. Both
the concert band and draw corps ac
eoaiBSJued the delegation. The drum
corps and their goat attracted much
attention. Over three hundred can
didates were adopted and nearly a
thousand Woodmen were present.
Genoa won the prise for the largest
else-, having 62, while St. Edward
had 61 and Albion 60, the other
towns represented having a smaller
nambar.. Genoa was also entitled to
the prise for the largest delegation,
but at this writing no decision has
been announced from the met that
while St. Edward admitted that Genoa
had the largest delegation, in the
parade, they claimed that a large
her drove in, and that while more
were sold ot Genoa than at St.
Edward the number who drove in
were suffcieat to out number this
town. Thedechionis up to Albion
as the prise waa oiered by the com
mercial dub of that city.
School Dist 42 has closed in order
to give the older pupils an opportu
nity to pick com. Mies Anna Bied
inger, the teacher, is spending her
vacation with her parents.
Mrs. 8waibald and sister, Mrs. Moth,
srly of Oklahoma, returned to Humph
rey last Monday after auisit of a few
weeks with friends and relatives at
Wlaside and Wakefield, this state
WUl Aldersoa returned borne
Wednesday evening from Omaha
whan he went a few weeks ago to sub
mit to an operation by Dr. A. P. Con
don. He has recovered nicely from
tiMeaVeta of the operation and w ap
parently in his usual geed health..'
P.RMcKilliphaahsgua the erec
tion of a beautiful rssidence oa his
less northeast of: his old reaiwence
which he sold to Jos. Bender. The
will be en the cottage
story and will cover con-
- Thaptoaeitj balsaging to Dr.Neef
jetmarly of ITumnbnij. but who de
camped leaving several unpaid bills
behind, was aold aft constable sale last
Saturday afternesn. The piano which.
waa also attaaasd land advertised to
be said waa isplsiinad by the.Benaet
Co. af Owmha, the eompaay jNsunng
upasoadtosssute the payment of
the rlsims sgaiust k. It appears that
thesmamelUnotbasBngtoDr. Keef
as it was said to hnw en the mataU-
nMut plan and eaty $50 had
paid en it, but abat company
the mmlaka of net, nla ring on record
thenMrtaace theuheM aaainstthe
We uaafBistaJMl' the piano
will bbbjt' the one to the
t 1 -
maBaaSBa aaLfeat. 1 -- - - J m W U - .
which the ssiesf the wnemsiireBeitr
Dr. J. W. Term
Best Equipped Optical Oflicai
. la The, Went.
in ttw front rooms ever Pollock
it Co. 'a Drue; Store. WUl be in
Columbus offices Sunday, on
day, Tuesday and Wednesday of
each week. Spectacles and eye
glasses scientifically fitted and
repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted
to any nose. -
living in Lincoln.-' He recently se
cured a divorce from his -wife he
claimed to have, while here, and who
it is claimed the doctor made tumors
out of ground beefsteak, and' he has
since married a young widow of Lin
coln. The doctor and his newly made
wife were seen in Omaha recently by
Humphrey people.
Bee's Laxative Boney and Tsr the
origiaal laxative ooagh syrap acts - as
a oathartio on the bowels. It is made
from the tar gathered from the pine
trees of oar own country, therefore is
the best- for children. It is good for
congas, oolds, croup, whooping cough,
etc. Try oar free offer, bold by 20th
Century Drug Store. Platte Center,
. A Card --
This is, to certify that all druggists are
authorized to refund your money if
Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure
your cough or cold. It stops the cough
heals the lungs and prevents serious re'
suits from a cold. Cures la grippe
cough and prevents pneumonia and con
sumption. Contains no opiates. The
genuine is in a yellow package. Refuse
substitutes. C. H. Dack.
O. 2. Bnraans Testifies After lour
O. R. Burhans of Carlisle Center, N.
Y.. writes: "About four years ago I
wrote you stating that I had been entire
ly cured of a severe kidney trouble by tak
ing less than two bottles of Foley's Kid
ney Cure. It entirely stopped the brick
dust sediment, and 'pain and symptoms
of kidney disease disappeared. I am
glad to say that I have never had a re
turn of any of those symptoms during
he four years that have elapsed and I
am evi dently cured to stay cured, and
heartily recommend Foley's Kidney
Cure to any one suffering from kidney
or bladder trouble."
makea Homely Women Pretty
No woman no matter how regular her
features may be can be called pretty if
her complexion is bad. Orino Laxative
Fruit Syrup aids digeesion and clears
sallow blotched complexions by stimu
lating the liver and bowels. Orino Laxa
tive Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or
gripe and is mild and pleasant to take
Remember the name Orino and refuse
to accept any substitute. C. H. Dack.
x .' Lev Bates.
Bound Trip to the Coast: Daily
Tourists rates in effeet all winter to Pa
cine Coast destinations with variable
Chicago and return: One fare plus
$2.00 for the found trip December 1st to
4 inclusive for the International Live
Stock Exposition.
To the East and South: Very low
homeseekers' and Winter Tourist excur
sions through the autumn and winter!
to various destinations throughout the
south and southeast.
Visit the Old Home: Low excursion
rates to the old home points in Illinois,
Iowa, Wisconsin, Missouri and other
middle states destinations, November
13th and 27th, limit thirty days.
Homeseekers Excursions: Frequent
ly each month to Western Nebraska.
Eastern Colorado. Big Horn Basin, dry
laad farming destinations or irrigated
Dry Land Farming: Send for Folder
and get hold of a quarter section of
cheap lead before it is too late. '
Free Kiakaid Lands: Write D. Clem
Deaver, Agent Burlington's Homeseek
ers Information Bureau at 1004 Farnam
St., Omaha, about getting hold of a free
section of Kinksidlands now being re
stored to the public domain.
Consult nearest Burlington Ticket
Agent and see what rates he has avail,
able for your proposed trip.
Consult nearest Burlington Ticket
Agent and see what rates he has avail
able for your 'proposed trip.
Agent C.B.&Q. By.
G. P. A. Omaha.
ManZaa relieve instantly, itching
ama pvootrading piles. It is put up
In eallapsible tabes in snob a way
it can be applied wnere tne
originates, thus stopping .the
L mamediataly. Try one bottle
if yen are not relieved. , your
will he refuse, Try our
sold by Men Century
flatto Oansar, Van.
- . -..
In December, 1800, a few days aftsr
eegreMrna4jrfor the first time met in
eernewmeeropolis, I was one morn
ing sitting alone hi the parlor when the
servant opened the door and showed
in a gentlemfin who wished tq see my.
husband. . The usual frankness and
care with which I met strangers were
somewhat checked by the dignified and
reserved air of the present visitor, but
the chilled feeling was only momen
tary, for; after taking the chair I of
fered him la, a free and easy manner
and carelessly throwing his arm on the
table" near which he sat, be turned to
ward met countenance beaming with
an expression of benevolence and with
a manner and voice almost femininely
soft and gentle entered Into conversa
tion on the commonplace topics of the
day, from which, before I was con
scious of it, he had drawn me Into ob
servations of a more personal and In
teresting nature. I know not bow It
was, but there was something In his
manner, his countenance and voicethat
at once unlocked my heart; and In an
swer to his casual inquiries concern
ing our situation In our new home, aa
he' .called It, I found myself frankly
telling him what I liked or disliked In
our present circumstances and abode.
I knew hot who he was, but the Inter
est with which he listened to my art
leas details induced the idea he waa
some Intimate acquaintance or friend
of Mr. Smith's and put me perfectly at
my ease in truth, so kind and con
ciliating were his looks and manners
that I forgot he was not a friend of
my own until on the opening of the
door Mr. Smith entered and introduced
the stranger to me as Mr. Jefferson.
I felt my cheeks burn and my heart
throb, and not a word more could I
apeak while he remained. Nay, such
was my embarrassment I could scarce
ly listen to the conversation carried on
between him and my husband. For
several years he had been to me 'an
objject of peculiar interest In fact, my
destiny for on his success in the pend
ing presidential election, or rather the
success of the Democratic party (their
Interests were Identical), my condition
In life, my union with the man I loved,
depended. "Washington In Jefferson's
Time," by Margaret Bayard Smith, hi
Scribner's Magazine.
It's as difficult to find a friend as It is
tojlose an enemy.
A luxury becomes a necessity after
yoju get used to It
pniess you have money to burn don't
try to keep the pot boiling in a pojeer.
It's difficult to convince a man that
bjjj money isn't on a sure thing until
auer the race.
Don't worry over trifles. If you must
wprry, pick out something worth while,
then get busy.
When you have them they are opin
ions; when other people have them
they are delusions.
If s an 'easy 'matter to size np a man
If I his dog crawls 'under the house ev
ery time he sees .him approaching.
When a man tells you how you ought
to run your business, just take a look
at the way he is running his own.
Chicago News.
Balsac' BatteMB.
Balzac wore a blue dress coat with
metal buttons. A play of his, "Lea
Bessources de Quinola," was in re
hearsal at the Odeon theater in Paris,
and Balzac, ever hopeful, expected an
Immense success. In order to appear
in; gala costume on the opening night
he ordered a blue dress coat lined with
satin, the buttons of which were of
solid eighteen carat gold. "Quinola"
was a ghastly failure, and for some
time after it left the bill Balzac was
exceedingly hard up. Whenever ready
money failed him and ready money
failed him of ten he used to cut one of
his buttons off and sell it to a jeweler,
and to the day of his death the coat
with the gold buttons and its suc
cessors were called by Balzac and his
Ajgnda "Les Bessources de Quinola."
They Arc XameroM, fcait Are Xt All
Local Celebratleaa.
The visitor In Mexico Is apt to be
surprised at the number of holidays
celebrated here and made the occasion
of rejoicing, with accompanying music
and decoration, and Is likely to think
that th Mexican' does 'nothing but
With his religious and national feast
days, the Mexican does, have many
holidays of more or less general im
portance, and when be is not celebrat
ing these he -may be celebrating the
day of his' patron saint or- of that of
some memler of his family-, so that It
seems to require little inducement for
him to celebrate .If a member of the
family goes out of town for a few
days or weeks, bis return is celebrat
ed in some mild way and his welcome
home made pleasant.
Bnt not all of the celebrations which
take place in the capital are Mexican,
as, the foreign colonies contribute their
share of feast days. The Americans
celebrate their day of independence on
the glorious Fourth of July, and ten
days later the French celebrate the
fall of the Bastille, and so It goes, the
British celebrating the birthday of
their king, the Italians the entry Into
Rome of the troops of milted' Italy, the
Germans the birthday of the kaiser,
the Swiss the day of the formation ef
the confederation. The Spanish eala
brate the birthday of their king, and
in, September their feast of Oorrodon
ga Is Important enough to last three
days. No doubt there are other cele
brations not so public or 'prominent;
such as the Chinese New Tear and
dthers, but the above goes to enow
tnt not all the feasting In the capital
Is done by natives. An Interesting
point however, la that forelgnera who
come to Mexico are soon the keenest
foi the coming of the various holidays,
ana Mexican, religious or their own.
arf jealously demanded as leisure days
zrom ail nouses ox onsiness. or cum-
Modern Mexlco:
First Ward Leader Do you have any
trouble keeping your voters in line?
Seconds Ward Leader Oh, no; a word
to (the guys Is sufficient Philadehphla
HAVE nude more extensive preparations
than ever before to supply onr customers
in the best of Groceries, Confectionnry,
Nuts, Raiains, Cider, pore apple juice, Currants
Citron, Apples, Dates, Fig Pure Buckwheat, the
celebrated Ralston pan cake flour, Maple Syrup. We
have received our new 1906 Canned Goods. Riche
lien Canned Goods stiU stand at the head for
quality and flavor. 'We are headquarters for FINE
COFFEE, the Bichelien brand, at 15, 20, 25 and
30ctS. . Nothing better than our 30c Java and Mo
cha Richelien coffee. In TEAS, as everything else
in this store, quality is the first consideration at
prices that are always right A large assortment of
Crockery, Fine Decorated China, Lamps. Glassware.
henry mm CO.
ami aW
mf amnmnm amVamuf
ummumunm, anmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV mmmmunf
ammmmmmmw Bmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmuuuf mmmummf
smumu r ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmuBmT Vmmuuf
anfanmunT .mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt,a. ImmV
unmunmw ammVmm ummm unmmmmunmf
nmmf WmmV nmunf nmmV
Men'a, Ladies,' itiaiee' and Children's
Underwear, wool and fleeced lined all
new goods, no carried over stock.
Men's Gloves
Husking Gloves, Lined and Unlined
Gloves, and all kinds of Ulttens.
"Golden Niagara" Canned Goods
something extra nice. This, is our stan
dard brand, and, one we do not hesitate to
Eleventh Street,
Fine California Wines & Braniiis
For the Holiday Trade.
I have just received a ear load of fine California Wines and
Brandies, coaoietiug of tne' well known brands: Aagelica. Ports,
Sherry, Tokay, BemUag and Ziataadel Also choice California
Grape Brandy The beat knnw brand of Keatncky Whiskey.
all our foods to be absolutely pure.,
Wm. BUuMmiti. Eleventh, St
- .-
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Go od S
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'. Dr. Keaf lia aww
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