The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 14, 1906, Image 8

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I If yoii will eat more ; rf
f Uneeda Biscuit I
H you can do more work, enabling you to earn JH
Hf more money, so mat you can buy more . 1M
B Uneeda Biscuit fl
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H ' do more work and earn still more moneyiV', 'M
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. Herrick for fnmitnre.
' Herrick for baby jco-enrta,
Dre. Paul and Matzen, Dentists.
Dr. Mark T. MoMahon. daatiit
Oasria't BMrket for freah aMata.
. Dr. VaUiartOatopath, Barber btoefc.
, Headquarters for stoves at Rothleit
er's. dTertise in the Journal for quick
; Look at these names The South Bend
Malleable, The Majestic, The Quick
Meal, The Monarch at Botleitner's.
J. W. Wisenstine was " transacting
business in Norfolk from Thursday un
til Saturday of last week.
- Write Vincent 4 Landon Reel Estate
Agents, Washington, Kan., for their re
vised list of Kansas, Neb, and western
lands. Get our list before you buy.
Dr. H. Ji Arnold returned to Califor
nia last Saturday, after a short
sojourn in Columbus transacting busi
ness and renewing acquaintances.
TheBadiant Home base burner and
the Famous German Heater at Both
leitner's. This season Poeech's candy factory is
making a new record 'in the way of sales.
To date he has orders for 16,000 pounds
of candy for the holiday trade. .
Now that the cold weather is coming
on it is time to have the broken window
lights replaced. Leave your orders with
Echols & Dietrich. tf
District court is in session this week,the
Hentges will contest occupying the first
two days, verdict being in favor of the
defendant. As we go to press the case
of Sewalek vs. Paprodd is on trial.
All the new things in leather novelties
such as sofa cushions, table covers, sou
venir cards and everything else in the
leather line. Seth Braun, Eleventh, st.
A. G. Bolfe and J. W. Apgar of Wood
ville township are doing jury duty this
CoalWe still have a supply of the
best grades of both hard and soft coal
on hand.
31 2t Newman & Weucb.
Miss Martha Hoban and Miss Rose
Gutzmer of onr city were entkrtained
at the Silver Creek home of the Misses
Ethel Merrill and Mary Bore, the first
of the week.
Tender oats sad prompt delivery at
Cassia's market.
WAT UP is used by all who desire a
fiae quality of patent flour. The Co-
lumbaa roller mills makes it.
' Mrs. S. E. Raker of onr city has been
lairing a visit to her parents Mr. and
Mrs. James Dowers at David City and
now she has gone to Broken Bow to
stay until after Thanksgiving.
. Geal We still have a supply of the
best grades of both hard and soft coal
oa hand.
31 2t Nzwxan k Welch.
Easier can the house
keeper do the work if
she has a good kitchen
cabinet. We have the
best on the market.
-. ?
Let us show you:
Furniture, Undertaking, Picture F ram in
219-21-23 West 11th St.,
EltYtttk Street
Colunhu. Nebraska
Mrs. Hairy MahafTey and little son confined Jo.his "room and bed. The old
of Council Bluffs, are visiting in our gentleman has passed the eigbtyxfourtu
We have 100 acres of choioe
aile from city limits for
ia 10 acre tracts,
i Elliott, Speioe ft Co.
Wearing Apparel
At HART'S you will
find all the newest sty
les in Mens'and Boy's
Suits and Overcoats
fresh trom the fingers
of the best tailors in
America. Investigate, it
will be profitable for
von before you spend
your money elsewhere
13th Street, Columbus.
- 7 -
city this week.
The first .Tom and Jerry" of the
season was put on tap at the Park
Buffet this morning. 'A journal1 re
porter happened "in" about that time
and winked the other eye. "Gussie"
knows how to mix 'em.
Benjamine Lohr has been here the
past week visiting his friends and more
especially his brothers, Rev. Franklin
and William Lohr. Ben used to be
one of us and left here for Roseburg,
Oregon, twenty-nine years ago and
has never been back since. In dis
cussing the country in general he said
that while he had prospered while
away Nebraska and especially Platte
county was good enough place to die
in and he might return to end f his
All that was mortal of Mrs. Marie
M. Slatterv was brought here from
Chadron, last Saturday afternoon and
laid to rest by the side of her hus
band, I. J. Slattery. The family
lived here until 1885, when they
moved to Chadron where Mr. Slattery
died soon after moving there. The
family came .to Columbus in 1872
and will be remembered by the old
settlers. The funeral services were
conducted by Rev. Monro, pastor of
the First Conhreeational church of
which Mr. and Mrs. Slattery were old
members. Three sons of the deceased
viz, Roy. Alva and Ernest, all of
Chadron were present at the burial.
Polk Coumty Vein.
Joe Crabill of Osceola put in a little
of his spare time here the latter part
the week.
tnilestonetand when he gets the least
bite of kilter, his relatives and childten
get alarmed. At last reports Mr. Jar
min. was able' to sit up.
We were glad to read last week that
the Union Pacific railroad was about to
help the citizens of Polk, and the cities
on the branch ltne to get out into the
world, and to Lincoln and Omaha.
They did start the motor car and
get sis far as V'aJpirase, when she balked
and couldn't climb the hill' and so was
sent back for repairs. The good people
over in that county better take the old
fashioned way and come to Columbus,
the .center of the United States.
. A Polish lady living over in Polk
named Mrs. Asrcie Brandenbercer cot
into trouble lost week and was caused
to come into Judge Pollard's court at
Silver Creek, charged with assault and
batteryon John Starestha a boy of 10.
It was a jury trial of six of the best men
in Silver Creek. .They after hearing the
evidence and the pleas of lawyers D. P.
Davis and W. H. -Ilose gave a verdict of
guilty; and the court has been asked to
give the prisoner another chance, and o
new trial.
Cedar Chips the Correspondent south
of the Platte put in a little time last
week at taking, a whack at the Epworth
Leagae Entertainment that was given
on the last night of October.
Last week while Miss Hattie Bonner
ratuming -home frost her teaching,
and while on the Platte river bridge,
she got aa awful scare. When John
Janaoeks team came tearing along at a
lieket-a split rate, running away with no
ooeia the wagon. Miss Bonner did
her best to get on the outside of the
bridge and let the team go by in a jiy :
aad received no damage to the lady any
The friends and relatives of "Uncle
Daniel Jaraua were considerably wor
ried the fore part of the week to learn
that the old geatleisa waa qaite ill and
Important Meeting.
There will bo a special meeting of the
Columbus Commercial club next Tues
day night at 8 o'clock at the city coun
cil chamber to adopt rules and by-laws
for a permanent organization. The
special committee to whom was assign
ed the task has spent much time in
preparing its report and feels that it has
succeeded in outlining a plan that will
make the Columbus Commercial Club a
living factor in the community life of
onr city. It is therefore earnestly urged
that every business man and citizen in
and near Columbus who is interested in
the city's welfare will be present at the
next meeting Tuesday night.
G. W. Phillips, Pres-
- F. H. Abbott, Se c'y.
Pirating Foley's floney and Tar.
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy, and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's Honey
and Tarmany imitations are offered for
the genuine. These worthless imita
tions have similar sounding names. Be
ware of them. The genuine Foley's
Honey and Tar in in a yellow package.
Ask for it and refuse any substitute. It
is the b-sfc remedy for coughs and colds.
Notice is herebv given that the c .-partnership
heretofore existing between C. F. Fennel and
M. M. Helwig is, by mutual consent, dissolved,
and M. M. Helwig will continue the business
alone. Settlement on all cLums dne to or owing
b the firm must be made with M. X. Helwig.
, C.J.Fuf2nOta
tY. . M. M. Hklwio.
Dated. Oct 21, 1806. ai-4
Tp&asnre House
Gold! Gold! Gold!
Precious Yellow Gold.
You want. I want it. Everybody wants it
and we want it NOW. Read, Inrartigste
and grasp this opportunity.
Thousands Hesitated, Procastinaled--Pflsed
the Great Mohawk up and Lost ft Fortune
This may be Another Mohawk. Dont
' Pass it by.
Do you kuow, that out m the desert of Nevada,-" than ia a city
barely four rc.ire od, on which the EYES of the ENTIRE WORLD
are centered? Why? Because of its Enormous Prodactiaa af the TEL
LOW GOLD. The city of
Goldfield, Nevada
The greatest GOLD camp in the world's history. Haa atodaead awre
high grade OltEjn the last three years than aay auap k ftfca world.
Iiightly neme,L-"GOLDFIELD," for it is traly LARGE
field when the acreage of the "proven area" is takea.iato cuaaidawtioa,
which, as shown bv the map of the district coven the gnatar fait of ax
sections-extending from the Diamondfield Black Batta aaawa oa the
north to the Goldfield Portland on the south.
Between these mines above quoted are a aaaiber of BONANZA
Mines, hose daily output of High Grade Ore is astnaadiaf the world
and adding to its wealth, Millions each month. To-Wtt:
The Great MOHAWK, now produring110400l0eaefcM WaiB.
Florence, from which B. J. He illy took oat ISoQLaOtOOia Mtdaya,
Sandstorm, which made the leasers large fortaaea.
Ital Top, a regular and constant shipper of Hifh Grade Ore.
- Jmbo, whose stock sold in April 1906, at $1M, bow $4.
The Great Combination, pays regularly month? di
Laguna, recently proven by diamond drills to have
Great Bend, which has very rich Sylvanite Ore.
Portland, whose recent strike of $400.00 ore extend
over one mile to the south.
These are but a few of the more prominent ariaae et the District aad
are quoted to illustrate the possibilities of profit. Year attitiea M called to
this fact
All PROSPECTS do not make MINES,
But all MINES were once PROSPECTS.
That the Large Profits are made by Baying
the "First Offerings."
One year back MOHAWK Stock went begffimjat 10 eenta. NOW $17
per share. . " '
The Backward View on a Lost Opportunity
is not Pleasant.
To show the rapid advances of these stocks and theenomoe proSte
made the price of the stocks above quoted are given below, taken front the
San Francisco Stock Exchange, on the dates shown:
Mohawk, March 30th, 190C, $ 53. Nov. 8tb, 1905, Sold at $17.00
Florence, March 30, 1900, $1.50' Nov. 3rd 1906 Sold at ..$4.00
Ked Top,-March 30th 1900, $.30 Nov. 3rd, 1906 Sold at.; $4.00
Jp'mbo. March 30th, 1900 $l.Sp Nov. 3rd, 1906, 8oldat $4.00
Combination March 30th, 1900 580, Nov. 3rd, 1906 '...$L70
Laguna, March 30th, 1900 $.19,. Nov. 3rd, 1906. Sold at $L0
Great Kend, March 30te, 1000, $.25, Nov. 3rd, 1906, SoM at $.80
8iluer Pick, March 30th, 1909,$2G, Nov. 3rd, 1906, Sold at.... $I,2S,
Wliat class of speculation equals tnis? The anewer ia NONE. Poss
ible only in' MINING,. And to make these profile it is only neeeeaarj to get
ic will, .the MINE MAKERS and clear of the MINE FAKBB8. "
To Further Illustrate the Possible Profits
A friend of mine bought 500 shares of Mohawk at 40 eenta. Me recent
ly sold 100 shores of the same at $3.80 per share, leaving hint n eaah profit
of $180 and 400 shares of Mohawk stock, which is now worth $17 par ahnre
making him a total profit of $0930 on an inveetmenr of $900 in a period of
eight months.
Does This Look Good to Ton? Where can
You Equal This? Only Possible in Legitmate
Mining. Remmember that One Good Invest
ment in Mining Stock will give yon More
Profit than a Life Time of Saving and Labor
v That when yon win in Mining it's from 100 to 1,010 fold. That the
investment of Cents returns you $$$ $. That ons good mining inteatmsat
will even np on one hundred poor ones. That the tune to nMke the BIG
profits is in buying the first olfeaings of stock.
The columns of the Nevada papers show that nearly ell the "Kings of
Finance" like Chas M. Schwab, John W. Gates, Haiata and Clarke, the
Bonanza Copper Kings of Montana and hundreds of ethers hare heea hivtet-
BnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnVKVJBwnnBVflaHBwavnnnnHnK? - i-
fyJnw W FareMrvnnV' 3aaP''B'1' "c3
nnafiB aBnw haaHannnafinT-'ftnV r an1
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anaMnnVMmVaaaaBnVAaaBVawMBVMmVnn s
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ing in mines in all the Nevada eampe. Aad it's a pretty safe thing to
lowthese men. they don't inTeat nnleae there ia something in eight.
Three lines of railroad are hnUdiag into this district as feat aa possible
and we know that costly railroad linen are not built miens there is ton
nage in sight.
I have spent both time and money in trying to get in with the Mine
Makers and am oonfldent that I here fonnd a property in which the chance
of loss is reduced to a rainimnm for thia reason: s
There are Three (3) Chances to Win on One
Investment. - The Nevada Pearl Mining and
Leasing Company.
They own five (r) full claims and (3) leases: Capitalized at 2,000,000 of
the par value of $1. OOO.OOO shares have been issued to pay for the five ( i)
claims and (2) leases, x,4oo,ooo remaining in the treasure, the property of
the Company.
The five claims are known as the Matchless Group, lying adjacent to
the Portland Mine and south of the town of Goldfield. and believe they have
a continuation of the great Combiaation vein recently opened np on the
Portland. Assays from the oat cropping veins as good asaay in the district.
The Company also owns n lease on the Groat Combination gronnd.
(which mine is now paying regular monthly dividends of $42,ooo) aad n
strike of sulphide ore on thie lease would send the stock to par at once.
The Company also owns a lease oa the Rabbit's Foot claim of the Pal
ace Goldfield, on which there ia a 60 foot shaft in which stringers of ore
have been cut assaying from $50 to $100 per ton, wbidh is a guarantee that
when the shaft has obtained a depth of 200 feet they will find the name rich
sulphide ores now opened np in the adjacent mines.
And this would mean $2 per share for stock. And the opening up of
sulphide ored on the Matchless Group would mean another MOHAWK.
Think of it, Mohawk now $17 and going up each day.. All prominent
Brokers of Goldfield predict that when the leases expire (Jaa'y 1st 1907) the
Mohawk will sell at $50.00 per share.
Prominent Engineers Predict that Numerous
Mohawks will be opened up with Farther
The officers of this Company are MINE MAKERS not "fakers" Hon.
Geo. W. E. Dorsey, President, of Fremont, Nebr., Ex Congressman from
Nebr. A mining man of experience, interested in the Great Bend Exten
sion, Palace Goldfield and other Nevada Mines.
J. C. McCormack, Vice-President. Interested in several Nevada mines
and a mining man of years of experience.
F. M. Dorsey, Secretary. A prominent Broker of Goldfield. Nevada and
interested in various Goldfield mines.
Zeb Kendal, Director. Who took out the first ore from the Mizpaa at
Tonopah was associated with Reilly on the famous Florence lease.
H. F. Bartine, Director. Represented Nevada in Congress for years and
is now interested in some of the best mines in Goldfield.
These officers pledge each purchaser of stock a "sxuare deal' and that
every dollar derived from sale of stock shall be used in the developement of
the property of the company.
- I have secured the agency for the Nevada Pearl and have an ailottment
of 100.000 shares for sale at 25 cents per share.
$25.00 buys 100 shares.
. $250.00 buyes 1000 shares.
REMEMBER, i ou have three chances to win. It might be another
NOMA WK. If one strikes the ore your stock will be worth ONE DOLLAR.
If 'they make the second strike your stock will go to TWO and possible
FIVE. If all three make good, yon have the investment of your life.
YOU YOUNG MAN: Just on the threshold of life: Do you realize
that an investment of $50.00 to 250.00 in this stock might make yon inde
pendent for life. Might bny you a farm. Might set yon np in business.
Might make yon more money than yon could accumulate by a lifetime of
toil and grinding economy. Might make it possible for you to live in ease
and comfort.
AND YOU MR. MAN. With your money in the bank, drawing 3 per
cent, and the bank making from 5 to 10 per cent on your money (and some
times the Banks fail) Is not the possiple profit here offered, worth the
riak? Are you doing yourself justice when yon pass this np? Wake up
Opportunity is knocking at your door. The most conservative citizens in
Columbus are buying this stock.
They want to get into some Company in this district of High Grade ore
This appeals to them on its offering of Three chances to Make Good.
They know that the Lease on the Combination must win for the Com
bination is a proven Mine.
Thoso who have investigated know that the Lease on the Palace Gold
Field has rich ore at a depth of only GO feet, which is a guarantee that
when the shaft reaches the sulphide zone it will have shipping orr
And They also know. That the Matchless claims of 100 acres on de
elopement, might make another Mohawk."
They Want to Make Money. Don.t Yon?
Investigate! Bnt Dont Procrastinate, and
Lose this Opportunity
This stock is going fast, 15,000 shares being subscribed in 3 davs I
predict that it will be sold before December 1st.
My Friend, Get Busy! Buy all you can Af
ford! Buy Now!
If you will call at my office I give more complete information than is
possible in these columns, will show yov by the latest Maps, the exact lo
cation of these properties and also the location of the Bonanza Mines of
the Goldfield district. Also will furnish you Prospectus of the Company
Those who desire the Prospectus by mail, will receive same on applica
tion. vv
Call and talk this matter over with me, I can make you some easy money. Address all
communications to
Room 16 German Nt'l Bank, Colufmbus, Neb.
8, 1906.
Since the writing jot this "ad," received the following telegram:
O. C. SHANNON,- Columbus, Neb.
Shaft of "COMBINATION" lease entered sulphides this morning, fifty feet sooner than expected. Looks
like a shipper shure. F. M. DOKSEY.
Barred Plymouth
91 each.
Rock cockerels at
Robert Xeumaster,
Columbus, Neb.
(Gray's chips taken the same arcash.) -
Attorney -at -Law
Genua NatX
Ton wan to
find bargain.
ft. M. POST
Jlttemeg : at : Law
Thn Journal wants
or write it in.
all thn newn.
Attormay - at - Law
"-:mk.X, ,
I Bead the old Sellable.
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