The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 07, 1906, Image 8

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trfi its!
of a
THROUGH Standard and
Tourist sleepers, chair
cars and coaches to Union
Passenger Station, Chicago,
every day from all points on the
main line of the Union Pacific
Railroad. These cars are carried
on through trains arriving in the
heart of Chicago at 8.35 a. m.,
9.25 a. m. and 9.30 p. m., afford
ing a convenient choice of hours.
Route Union Pacific Railroad
. Chicago.
Milwaakei ssi St Pail
Any ticket agent of die Union
Pacific will send yen East via the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway if yon ask him to do so.
It is worth your while to insist
that your ticket read this way.
Complete information about
rates, routes and train service
sent on request
Boat Bt Imposed TTsom
r "Foley & Co., Chicago," originated
money and Tar as a throat and long;
jmaedy, and on 'account of the great
Iserit tad popularitvot Foley's Honey
land Tar many imitations have similar
bnading names, Beware of then. The
eaaiMFoley's Honey and.Taristia a
yellew package. Ask for it sad relate
ay aabs'itate. It is the beet remedy
. - l-
5 ?'i
a a J a nj
ieliiroi. ipwjp
tt " il llsstiify 1T1 I is -iHTlfTiiT iminagHi,gg-g
Soda Cracker
Tow hire heard that kmk foods fnraish fat,
other foods Make mode, and still others are
tissK MldiBf and heat foa-imj.
Tov know that molt foods have one or more
of these elements, hut do yon know that no
food contains them all in nick properly balanced
The United States Government report shows
that soda crackers contain less water, are richer
in the muscle and fat elements, and have amnch
hifher per cent of the tissue building and heat
forming properties than any article of food made
That is why Uneda Biscuit should
form an important part of every meaL - They
represent the superlative of the soda cracker, all
their goodness and nourishment being brought
from the oven to yon in a package that is proof
against air, moisture and dust the price being
too small to mention
IOUSAND8 of, grateful customers in
every state attest the WONDERFUL
Th OilyliniiiOTttfcat Wtals witliMta Scar
It cares ccts, sprains, braises, sores, swellings,
lameness, old -wounds, lumbago, chapped bands, frost
bites, etel, and is the standard remedy for barbed
atfrw cuts on animals, harness and saddle palls,
scratches, grease heel, caked adder, itch, mange, etc.
It heats a wound from the bottom no and is
thoroughly antiseptic. KING CACTUS OIL is
sold by drnggfc.ts in 15c., 50r. and SI bottles. S3 and
turers, OLNEY O McOAIV. CUmtom. iM, if
not obtalnablo at yoar druggists -
Pollock & Co.
October, 1908. It will pay to con
suit this Bulletin.
Watch this Bulletin for Special Rates
each month.
Cheap one-way to Pacific Coast:
Daily one-way rates to San Francisco,
Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Tacoma
and other coast territory, nearly one
half rates, also cheap one-way rates to
Montana, Wyoming, Big Horn Basin,
Utah and Western Colorado, daily until
October 31.
Round trip to the' coast: Daily Tour
ist rates in effect all winter to Pacific
Coast destinations with variable routes.
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pu
eblo: Half rates plus $2.00 round trip
October 14th to 16th, inclusive, limit
October 31st
To the East and South: Very low
homeseeker's and winter tourist excur
sions through the the autumn and
winter to various destinations through
out the south.
Visit the old home: Low excursion
rates to the old home points in Illinois,
Iowa, Wisconsin, Missouri and other
middle states destinations, October 9th
and 23rd, November 13th and 27tb,
limit thirty days..
Homeseeker's Excursions: Frequent
ly each month to Western Nebraska,
Eastern Colorado, Big Horn Basin, dry
land farming' destinations or irrigated
Free Kiakaid Lands: Write D. Clem
Deaver, Agent Burlington's Home-
seekers' Information Bureau at 1004
Farnam St, Omaha, about getting- hold
of a free section of Einkaid lands now
being restored to tho public domain.
Consult nearest Burlington Ticket
Agent and see what rates he has avail
able for your proposed trip.
Agent C.B.&Q. By.
G. P. A.. Omaha. '
The Journal wants
Phone or write it in.
all the 'news.
Hrabif Fetor's Hsmty ant Tar.
Foley k Co., Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy, and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's Honey
and Tar many Mutations are offered for
the genuine. These worth! imita
tions have similar sounding names. Be
ware of tneam. The genuine Foley's
Honey and Tar in ia a yellow package.
Ask for it and refuse aay substitute. It
foreongknand colds.
Q. B. Barnaul Testifies After lour
6. R. Burhans of Carlisle Center, N.
Y.. writes: "About four years ago I
wrote you stating that I had been entire
ly cured of a severe kidney trouble by tak
ing less than two bottles of Foley's Kid
ney Cure. It entirely stopped the brick
dust sediment, and pain and symptoms
of kidney disease disappeared. I am
glad to say that I have never had a re
turn of any of those symptoms during
the four years that have elapsed and I
am evidently cured to stay cured, and
heartily recommend Foley's Kidney
Cure to any one suffering from kidney
or bladder trouble."
ManZan relieve instantly, itohing
and prootruding piles. It is put np
in collapsible tubes in suoh a way
that it can be applied where the
trouble originates, thus stopping the
pain immediately. Try one bottle
and if yon are not relieved, your
money will be refunded. Try our
free offer. Sold by 20th Century
Drug Store. Platte Center, Neb.
Rapid Growing; Faaas.
In "Recollections of a Happy Life"
Miss North describes many of her
young enthusiasms and among others
that of collecting and painting English
fuugi. On one outing, she says, I came
upon a fungus about the size of a large
turkey's egg. Eager to see it develop,
I took it up carefully and carried it
home. I put it under a tumbler on
the window sill of my bedroom at
night At daylight I was awakened
by a horrible crash of splintering
glass. Behold the tumbler had fallen
to the floor and broken to bits. The
fungus was standing five Inches tall,
having hatched itself free from its re
straining egglike shell and in grow
ing had raised the tumbler and tilted
it sidewise until it fell over and to the
floor. The fungus had a horrible smell,
and soon a swarm of flies were hover
ing over it
Hot m Flaal Settleaaeat.
The person who settles a matter and
settles it wrong Is In the position of a
man who has got rid of the skunk un
der his porch by driving the Innocent
little animal under the barn. Then
every wandering boy who knows the
facts comes along and works for hours
with a pole trying to goad the animal.
Whether he succeeds or not the at
tempt is rubious to the brand" of at
mosphere used 'in the neighborhood.-
Minneapolis Journal.
Striking-. .
"Auntie," said Polly, 'ruefully rub
bing her forehead, "that big photo
graph of you is a striking likeness, Isn't
"Do you think so, dearie?'
"res," said Polly. "It just fell oft
the mantelpiece and hit me on the
Gaasl Sasstltate.
"George," she said, after she had ac
cepted him, "tell me, am I your first
and only lover"
"Why er no, dear," replied the drug
clerk dreamily, "but you are something
just as good." Exchange.
"I never knew such a pessimist as
that fellow Jenkins."
Yes, I actually believe his Idea, of
heaven is a place that Is paved with
gold bricks." Puck.
Beauty Is a
short lived
Pfseoas as Doctor's Assistants.
A doctor in the north of Scotland
finds carrier pigeons of much use to
him. He lias a scattered practice, and
when on long; rounds he takes several
pigeons with him. If one of his pa
tients needs .medicine Immediately he
writes ont a prescription and by; means
of the birds forward it to his surgery.
Here an assistant gets the message,
prepares the prescription and dispatch
es the medicine. If, after visiting a
patient the doctor thinks be wuVbe
required later on In the day he simply'
leaves a pigeon, with which he can be
eaBed if necessary.--Lsodon. Eiprsss.
. '-''3Ct:Mt -fir -
x .tr -ya"f
jrva-A JTi-vt.s-'Et'i- pK f
,', iw - - : . . , ;
often fail beca
de not know now to handle
can de their ewn week all right, bnt
they are failures when It comes t di
recting others. They lack tact; diplo
macy. Many men antagonise others; they
lack patience, lose temper, fly to pieces
over little things. And no man Is a
good leader who cannot control him
self. A great many business men seem te
think that it takes a deal of driving,
scolding, fault finding, to get the best
out of others. It Is, however, just the
opposite. Employees never give np
their best In.response to forcing meth
ods. -
I know a young man who promises
to be a leader in his line who is as
quiet and gentlemanly In his methods
as a modest woman. He never raises
his voice, never gets angry. When an
employee needs correcting, instead of
scolding or nagging he sits right down
and shows him or her just how to do
the thing. He tries to help them out of
their difficulty, not to confuse them.
He does not need to scold because ev
erybody respects him, admires him
and knows that be is always trying to
do the fair thing, to give a square deal,
that he wants only what Is just right
and there Is nothing arbitrary In hla
The result Is he does not need to
storm around his establishment and
use abusive, profane language. He
knows there Is a stronger force, a bet
ter way than that. The result is that
he has perfect discipline.
Not one would think of taking advan
tage of him or trying to deceive him,
because he Is so kind, square, true.
.1 know another man In business
near by him who adopts just the oppo
site method. He storms and swears,
scolds, nags, goes through his estab
lishment like a bull through a china
shop, making everybody feel mean and
disagreeable. Nobody respects him. He
rules by brute force, keeping every
body cowed and afraid of him. They
obey him and let him Impose upon
them In order to avoid a scene or for
fear they will lose their positions. If
an office boy or stenographer makes a
little mistake he will go all to pieces,
fly into a rage and make It very un
comfortable for everybody about him.
People waiting In the outer office
often hear loud talking and most abu
sive language In his private office. But
he Is not nearly as successful as his
quiet, unobtrusive neighbor.
He never thinks of recognizing one
of his employees on the street
The other man always lifts bis hat
to the humblest girl In his employ and
has a pleasant smile for everybody, be
cause he feels an Interest in every
body and they all love him. Success.
The VIslea af Insects.
A notable fact about the vision of in
sects and one which ft may be s p
posed must largely Influence their view
of the external world Is the number of
facets or lenses In compound eyes. A
German naturalist, K. Leinemann, has
been painstaking enongh to count the
number of facets In the -eyes of no
fewer than 150 species of beetle. He
finds that In the same species and sex
the number increases with the size of
the body. There Is usually no perma
nent difference between the sexes as to
the number of facets. Occasionally,
however, the difference is marked, as
In the case of Lampyris splendldula,
in which the male has 2,500 arid the
female 300. One'species is noted which
has the extraordinary number-of 24,000
facets in its eye. The number of facets
Is greater in the rapidly moving active
forms than In the more sluggish spe
cies. Philadelphia Record.
Classical aad Rvaumtle Maalc.
Classical composers are those of the
first rank who have developed music
to the highest pitch of perfection on Its
formal side, and, in obedience to gen
erally accepted laws, preferring aesthet
ic beauty, pure and simple, over emo
tional content, refusing to sacrifice
form to characteristic expression. Ro
mantic composers are those who have
sought their ideals In other regions and
striven to give expression to them, ir
respective of the restrictions and limi
tations of form and the conventions of
Iaw-composers with whom, In brief,
content outweighs manner. "How to
Listen to Music," Krehbiel.
Preserving- Leather.
Leather goods, if their appearance hi
to' be preserved, should not be kept In
places that are too dry, as the heat will
cause the leather to crack. Nor in
damp places that will make It moldy.
To freshen leather chair seats, travel
ing bags, book covers, etc., that have
become shabby or spotted, rub them
with the well beaten white of an egg.
Sole leather bags are best cleaned by
using ordinary russet shoe polish,
cleaning them In the same way that
shoes are cleaned.
The Social Whirl.
Fair Hostess I want you to take
that lady over there by the door in to
dinner. My husband says she Is a bit
of an old frump, but as she has money
one of his greatest friends has just
married her for. it, and we must be
nice to her. Guest I am sorry, but.
you see, I am the particular friend who
married her.
A 'Rival's Oplnloa.
Mrs Style Mrs. Cashe has a great
deal of embonpoint Mrs. Parvenu
Then If she has a good deal of It, I
know she got it cheap. Baltimore
Life insurance was Invented by Pas
cal, whose "theory of probabilities"
and "law of averages" still govern the
The Trnth af It.
Blusters I dare say I do look mad.
I understand Jigley says I'm the worst
liar he ever saw. Wiseman Oh, thaf s
a gross libel! Blusterg-Of course It Is.
Wiseman Well, I should say. Why,
everybody admits you're a pretty good
liar. Catholic Standard and Times.
Literary Claas.
Literary clubs are a very harmless
form of hero worship. They make just
the same excuse for literary people to
I aMet together as whist or bridge te a
1 has bookish claat-Sphere.
eataess men often fall because star
ten. They
A.M.I0T -:
ftmraesj : at : Law
osjsanBBswn isaex.
Attorney - at - Law
Ziwaeckw B'ldg, Colnmbns. Neb.
Attorney - at - La w
jssce over
Genua NafL Baak
Barred Plymouth
$1 each.
Rock cockerels at
Robert Xeamaster,
Colaaufcas, Neb.
(Gray's chips taken the same as cash.)
Tjranta Aalc tost TJrsnist for
1st for A
a aad j
ftnT.n metafile boxes, sealed wits. Mae4
feibboa. Takbkoothkk, Bayofyoar
TVriirria a tut alr tar AB1U3MES.TEKS
vwm.iaBi vrrra. a WIAaMXBt naUSL for
tweaty-fiTe years known as Best, Safest, Al
ways Reliable. Sold by Druggists every waere.
XeCaaeefPnawJaMaiaen Xeeori.
We do not know of a single instance
where a cough or cold resulted in pneu
monia or consumption when Foley's
Honey and Tar had been taken. It
cures coughs and colds perfectly, so do
not take chances with some unknown
preparation which may contain opiates,
which cause constipation, a condition
that retards recovery from a cold. Ask
for Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse
any substitute offered. .
Tiny la Space, -With a Raaa Tab
aad Simple Flttlaam.
This bathroom In Japan was a tiny
space 4 by 6 feet, says a writer in the
Craftsman. In it were fonr objects, a
stool to sit upon when washing oneself
before getting into the bath, a shining
brass wash basin, a wooden pail and
dipper in which to fetch the bath wa
ter and the tub. The tub, like most
private baths, was round, casket shap
ed and made of white wood. It was
perhaps thirty Inches In diameter and
twenty-seven Inches high. A copper
funnel or tube passing through the bot
tom wont np Inside close to the edge.
This, tilled with lighted charcoal, sup
plied heat for the water. The pipe was
higher than the tub, so the water
could not leak 'inside. A few trans
verse bars of wood fitted into groove
and formed a protection so the bather
could kneel in the tub without coming
in contact with the hot pipe. The walls
of the room were of white wood, with
a pretty grain;' the floor of pine, laid
with a slight slope and grooved so the
water might flow into a gutter and
through a bamboo pipe to the yard. A
moon shaped lattice window high up
let in air and light. As a provision for
more ventilation the two outside walls
for a foot below the ceiling were lat
tice of bamboo slats.
As my eye traveled from object to
object I quickly sized up the cost
for the tub, 8 yen, and it would last
indefinitely; 2 yen for the brass basin,
50 sen for the pall and dipper and 25
sen for the stool. Eleven yen would
fit up my bathroom, and I asked for
nothing nicer.
A Great Eartaaaalce.
Probably few people are aware that
the greatest earthquake our country
has experienced since its settlement
was the now almost forgotten earth
quake of New Madrid, the first tre
mors of which took place on Dec. 16V
181L Strange is that trait of human
nature by which even the most appall
ing of nature's manifestations slip
rapidly from the memory, so that only
a hundred years later little bnt tradi
tion remains of the earthquake which
changed the configuration of exten
sive areas of the Mississippi valley,
raising some portions, depressing oth
ers, shifting the course of streams and
draining oh' swamps at one point and
forming new lakes at others. All this
and more, however, took place during
the successive vibrations which shook
the New Madrid region almost con
tinuously for a period of many months
In 1811 and 1812. M. L. Fuller in Pop
ular Science Monthly.
A Flavor off Aatlaaity.
In the little town of Munsiedel, In
Bavaria, there exists one of the most
curious charitable foundations in the
world. One of the burghers, Christo
pher Wanner, died In 1-J51 and left his
fortune for the establishment of a
home for aged poor. He attached, how
ever, the condition that every old man
who -was token in should wear his
beard and the same cut of clothes and
cap as he himself used to wear. Con
sequently, after the lapse of hundreds
of years, the ancient pensioners are
still to be seen wandering about the
streets of Mansiedel in the costumes of
the fifteenth century.
His Only Occupation.
Tes'm, but if I do youah laundry
work, ma'am, I must have de undah
standin' dat my husban collects de
"But why can't you collect it your
self, Manda?'
"Well, you see, ma'am, I don't want
to rob de oF man of de only job he's
evah nkery to get" Cleveland Plain
Don't H loir; M
House Cleaning
Until you call at the Qmm
Furniturb Store, and pick
out one or two pieces from
our new stock of Up-to-Date
If you want to make that
old piece of farnitnre look
like new. try a bottle of our
HwWMffc Street
f f "f s a a a a a,anann-aann-nn-aa) anaajanawas-sawaf
When You are Going to Erect a Monument
or Marker at the Grave of Your Lost Ones
Granite & Marble Works
Of GtlMmlMi, Nebraska
Will do Your Work Satisfactorily. We will
Not Be Undersold by Anyone. Give us a
Gill Before Placing Your Order. No Order
too Large or too Small for us to Handle.
Ei BERGMAN, Prapritttr
Union Pacific
has just issued a complete and
comprehensive pamphlet on
along the line of the "Overland Route." A detailed
description is given of each town, its ad
vantages and opportunities for
Homeseekers and Investors
If you have in mind a change for the gen
eral improvement of our condition, write to
day for this booklet, which .will be mailed
free upon request. '
Inquire of
W. H. Benham, Agent.
The Gulf
Coast of Tezaa
That's the name of a new eighty-page illus
trated book just published by the Bock Island
Frisco Lines.
It is of vital importance to you that you se
cure and read it.
The region described is unparalleled in its pos
sibilities for home getting and fortune getting.
Think of a country where the climate is just
right; where there are twelve months of "grow
ing weather per year; where the soil is naturally
rich; where you can get a good deal of land for
little money and where hired help is plentiful
and cheap.
It ytu knew Seuthern Texas nesj weak,
want te share In Its sremensleiis wealth
and a small share would soon make you inde
' pendently rich. There's nothing to prevent your
achieving success in this remarkable country
The book will tell you about it and a trip of
inspection is cheaply made. Are you interested?
Your name and address oa a postal will briar voa '
full details and the book. WRITE TOD1Y.
This is too good to pass by, especially aiace rteosto
von nothing to investigate. You will sot rerret
having done so. .
JOMM aw&aMSTMII, Ftva. TrafR Star
Rock Island-Frisco
i ass i SjS
'f .'
Z2 A.r"
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