wmmmrywWWW -i- , "- 4 . . -. ;-.3'- ii f - - - - !J XNGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY amfcriBamBamBi aaaaaaaa it. k. HHr BB?amuwB The Backbone I bbbbbbbbbbm Hl B Mighty Nation A fc good awl fnnfl far fans, tood for MM, food that h HI LbbbbI aama4meaBau?.. that ante nr and couvafe. Without a proper M UmmT, mwBmj B)"'"w "' mf . .. 7BBBBBJ MB mir-" " r- f i "'i & fa0 " WM If toperta, . HZ Artfck of food, odcadortbebg wed more ind W fil .cwemyeky.MiiattMlodbT the le of cl7 400,000,000 H fijaofUnd WcuH,wbkihoeoto bcrecof- H H akad ftiMit perfect oda cxadcer tbe wood bat efer knowa. ajl IH AmdfoMt4aMaertliUaoMbeoaecrlableat flH W i m n iiJihtBit,hMHkMd etreafth to the America, people. JaW aw H NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY BBBBmwml bbbbbbbbbbbI IbbbbbbI aniH We Nov. . NORTH OPERA HOUSE. Magnificent Scenic and Electrical Production. Jut as presented for ffre month in Chicago. Last year's greatest success Jjja The Show with Music llaaZaa relieve iastaatly. itobiac and prootrading piles. It ia pat ap ia oollapsiUe tabes ia anon a way that it eaa be applied where the tronble originates, thus stopping the iauaediately. Tit one bottle if joa are not relieved. ey will be refaaded. Try free offer. Sold by aoth Oantary Draf Store. Platte Oeatar. He. Advertising Will Pay You Whether it is on your business stationery or in the columns of the Journal. If you don't think so, call and let us convince you. It will be dollars in your pocket. Highness The Bey The Best Singing Organization in America 4 f A musical play in 3 acts with Johnny Fogarty Mabel McCane Geo. L. Cox Ethel Dovey Clarence Kent Leo Kendal Mabel Addington Justin Cooper A Great Big Beauty Chorus. PRICES, 50, 75, $1.00, $1.50. Seats on sale Monday, Nov. 5. fBBBBBBBB tBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBUYaWell cl iwHI t an SBHIS B "? UwS ttfBBBBBVsfK mm B aBam I ' W H I-Jf J P? ftnCEONE DOwA 7t lfHTAA'ftrggawSaM THE GREAT HEALER EsT" OU8AND8 of grateful eostomera in every state attest the WONDERFUL HEALING PROPERTIES of the WORLD'S BEST LINIMENT c DEAN'S KING CACTUS OIL TkOwtrLiiraHtlttorkaltwititaScaf It cares cuts, sprains, braises, sores, swellings, lsienpiw. old Toands, lumbago, chapped hands, frost bites, etc and is the standard remedy torhmrb4 Mr tmta on animals. Harness ana saaaie gaus scratches, rreose heel, caked udder, itch, mange, etc. it neais a wound from tbe bottom AN INGENIOUS SUGGESTION The thoroughly antiseptic. KING CACTUS OIL is c and is sold by drnggist? in-lSe 50c, and fl bottles. $3 and wa vs.sud .4uw vra. n:ui uicimuu mjw wsjks auasausa tarers. OLNEY 0 HCDAIV. CUmUm, fsvtt. if iseptM 1 Ju- not obtainable n your druggists'- Pollock & Co. Through Chicago THROUGH Standard and Tourist sleepers, chair cars and coaches to Union Passenger Station, Chicago 'every day from all points on the main line of the Union Pacific Railroad. These cars are carried on through trains arriving in the heart of Chicago at 8.35 a. m., 9.25 a. m. and 9.30 p. m., afford ing a convenient choice of hours. Route Union Pacific Railroad and Client, MihnikeiniSt.Piil Railway Any ticket ages of the Union Pacific will send yon East via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway if yon ask him to do so. It is worth your while to insist that your ticket read this way. Complete information about rates, routes and train service sent on request. F. A. NASH mm Daat Be Tmisssi TJsea Foley & Co, Chicago, originated Hoaey and Tar as a throat aad lnmg r, aad on aeeouat of the great it aad popularity of Foley's Honey Tar sassy iaiitatioae have autilar dJacBaamea. Beware of taeam. The gsaniai Foleya Honey and Tar is ia a yellawpaekage. Aak for it aad rerao any aahaitate. It is. the beat BURLINGTON BULLETIN... October, -1906. It will pay to con rait this Bulletin. Watch this Bulletin for Special Bates each month. Cheap one-way to Pacific Coast: Daily one-way rates to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and other coast territory, nearly one half rates, also cheap one-way rates to Montana, Wyoming, Big Horn Basin, Utah and Western Colorado, daily until October oX Bound trip to the coast: Daily Tour ist rates in effect all winter to Pacific Coast destinations with variable routes. Denver. Colorado. Springe and Pu eblo: Half rates plus $2.00 round trip October 14th to 16th, inclusive, limit October 31st To the East and South: Very low hotneseeker's and winter tourist excur sions through the the autumn and winter to various destinations through out the south. Yiais the old home: Low excursion rates-to the old home points in Illinois, lewa, Wisconsin, Missouri aad other middle states destinationB, October 9th and 23rd, November 13th and 27th, lhnit thirty days. Horaeseeker's Excursions: Frequent ly each atonth to Western Nebraska, Eastern Colorado, Big Horn Basin, dry land farming destinations or irrigated sections. Free Kinkaid Land: Write D. Clem Deaver, Agent Burlington's Home seekenT Information Bureau at 1004 Farnaaa St, Omaha, about getting hold of a tree section of Kinkaid lands now being restored to tho public domain. Ceaanlt nearest Burlington Ticket Ages end see what rates he has avail able for yoar proposed trip. L.P.1ICT0, Agent C.B.&Q. By. I. W. WAKEUEY, 3. P. A.. Omaha. The Journal wanta or write it in. all tho news. It Is a wall knowa atedioal fact that pine reaia ia most esTeotivo in the of diseases of the bladder Safferers from back troubles diss to faaltr aettoa of the kidney lads relief ia the use of Piae-wles. tl.00 bays 0 days t. Sold by 90th Oaatarr Neb. Oae jam Axe you troubled with ptlaa? appiieatiosi of MaaZaa will give iimsdtare relief. Sold by 90th Qaestloaa by Wbteb a Yaa Lawyer "Worn Bis Case. At the Metropolitan club in Washing ton a group of lawyers were discussing the value of expert medical testimony when a well known criminal lawyer was reminded of a curious case In Richmond some years ago. "At that time," said the lawyer, "about the most prominent physician in the community was an exceptionally learned and able medico whose name for obvious reasons I cannot give. For the purposes of this story it will suf fice to refer to him as Dr. Morgan. "Now, Dr. Morgan one morning re ceived a visit from a young friend, very recently entered upon his practice before the bar of Richmond, who bad just been retained in his first important case. Naturally he was very anxious to win in his maiden effort, and it was with reference to certain phases of. the esse' that he sought the advice of his old friend the doctor. "The young lawyer explained to tbe doctor mat he. was greatly perplexed. It was a poisoning case, and the youth ful attorney had been retained to de fend the'prisoner, a young woman of whose Innocence he had no doubt It was, however, the lawyer explained, not an easy thing to prove the girl guiltless of the crime. " 'An intelligent motive can easily be assigned for the crime by the prosecu tion,' said the lawyer, for the reason that her husband, the murdered man, was elderly, rich and ill tempered to a degree that made her life a burden. Moreover, the wife is the only heir. Now, I hare reliable information to the effect that counsel on the other side will offer medical testimony to show arsenical poisoning. "'You say that you are positively convinced of the young woman's inno cence? " 'Positively,' was the young lawyer's reply. 'The girl is Innocent, but the evidence is overwhelmingly In favor of the state. It will be easy to prove that the pair lived unhappily, that It was an uncongenial marriage and that the traces of arsenic were found In the old man's body after a suspiciously sudden death.' "The case looked like a bad one. Dr. Morgan was very'qulet and thoughtful for. some moments. Then he said: The medical experts will probably produce In court the glass tubes containing the drug. You must ask them whether they tested the tubes for arsenic before they experimented with the fluids.' M 1 see the point; eagerly Interrupted the youthful lawyer. .'And if they should admit that they neglected to make that test? "Then you will put your question in this form: "Is not arsenic used In the manufacture of some kinds of glass?-" Tbe lawyer acted on the doctor's suggestion. The principal medical ex pert seemed taken by surprise and finally admitted, after some beating about the bush, that he had not tested the tubes for arsenic He was also induced to concede that arsenic was sometimes used in certain kinds of glass. The young counsel, having obtain ed these two answers, was clever enough to cease his cross examination at that point "When he came to the summing up of the case he dwelt at length upon the possibility that the arsenic had been 'sweated' out of the glass and said the neglect of the experts to test the tubes should certainly be considered as vitiating to a large degree, If not wholly, the medical testimony. "Well, the young woman was ac quitted. As the other evidence was purely circumstantial, the acquitting verdict was given mainly because the dangerous force of the medical testi mony had been weakened by the old doctor's ingenious suggestion.' New YorJcHarald. Keally Kaeaaran-tasv Friend So you have been revisiting Somerville, after all these years. How Is It getting along? Returned Native (enthusiastically) Oh, Somerville Is progressing splendidly. They have just built a fine new jail, the finest In the county, and they, needed It too. life. Etoctiom Boards The following clerks and jadcea of eleetioa bare been appointed for the next general ekw tioaia Platte eoaatjr by Clerk of the District Coart, C, BLOrseather; OOLUItBITSraST WASP. Ckcks--C. E. Early. J. L. Pittaua. Jadaes-6.W.vlsrgats, Leopold Plata aad Tboaros JoworaU. OOLCMBUB, SaOOMD WASP. Clerks- Bart J. Galley, H. C. Carrie Jadser.:-I. Olaek. J. J. Marphy aad WUlfaua 0BrIaa. oounmrs thibp wabp. Clerks:--8am Mabood and JaaMs Meagher. Jwdces: George W. Ekton, David Thomas aadEcLBossiter. ooxnmos towhsbip. Clerks: C. A. Newsaaa and Fred Scoield. Jadges-Heruy Eagel, Philip Kryeki aad J. C. Tiffany. IXtSTCKSKX. Clerks Tom Hoare aad Jerry langrai. Jedgen-Peter Carey, Fred Hoare aad Wil liam L. Sarith. BUBBOWS. Clerks H, P. Wettiagel and James Thoi rim. Jadges John Paproeki, Peter Schmidt and John T. Evans. GBATftllXB. CTerkBt-CharkeSchBethandC. H. Williams. Jadget-Beary Kench, Anton Usee aad F. M. CooUagham. ST. BBBJf ABP. Clerks John Behaecker aad Oscar Johnson. Jadges -Albeit Carlsoa, Jacob Korth aad William Bamaeker. JOUXT. Clerks J. O. Williams and Rhine Bade. Jwdges-Ed. CoaaeUy, Andrew Hansen and LN. Jones, BISXABK. Clerks Emil Held and Edward Loseke Jadges-8eibert Heioel, Fred Cartas sad Dietrich Battels. r SHXBXAIC. Clerks Adolph Groteloucben and Fred TJas senbrock. Jadges. George Michaelton, Adolph Sanders sad Frank Wardemaa. CBBSTOK. Clerks B. C. Moran and J. D. Brown. Jadgesr-G.D. Clark, W. C, Jackson aad B. RWebb. HCarBBBT. Clerks-FraBk Giescoetter and Wade Prewitfc Jadges: Fred Fachs, Jacob Krebs sad Oliver Alderaon. OBAKP FBAIBR. Ckrks:-John Becher and A. E. Kramland Jodses JohaYonBencea. J. H. Braea and EUertBrokeahot 8HBLLOBBXC. Clerks Thomas Lynch aad William Langs, Jr. Jodgea-D.D. Roberta, William Dodds aad Fred Windrap. xoiraoE. Clerks-D. Fraaklia and William J. Welch. Jadgea:-Arthar Little, John Lenoa aad P. H. Gleasoa. woopvnxE. Clerks- RoyGreig and George Andraaon. Jadgea:-J, M. Carrier, A. G. Rolf and Henry Crosier. WAUXB. Clerks-Hermaa Atterpohl and Emil Hedberg. Jadges: -C. H. Blecber. Fred NeTsoa and Oscar Olson. Clerks7Gottlieb and Ernst Bienz. Jsklges-JohaEiaeman. J. B. Kyle aad Sam Imboff. BDTIiBB. derksHeary Blasaer and E. J. Erast. Jadges8sm Ernst, Johns Radst and Peter Koalowski. Seats 3 a Lee Draper is builing a new corn crib. Rev. Pepenbaueea is enjoying a couple of weeks vacatioa by viaitiBg relatives in Ksasss, Mrs. Henry Erast, who underwent an operation for a tumor at the hospital recently, is reported to be getting along nicely and will soon be able to return home. W. A. Swartsley has sold his farm home, Gustave Schreiber being the pur chaser, one eighty joining MnSwartsley on the west owned by Mr. Moschenrose waa included in the sale. The average price for the entire 160 seres being t95 per acre. This seems like a big price to pay for land but it is coBsidered to be one of the beet farms in Platte county, aad that Mr. Swartsley wasn't a bit particular about selling. Corn husking on the route hsa begun in earnest The yield and quality is re ported to be very good. Mr. and Mrs. John Brnnkea attended the christening of their little five weeks old grand daughter, Hilda Ida, at home of their son, Will Brunken, west of Platte Center on last Sunday. Don't Do Your Fall House Cleaning Until you call at the Gass Furniture Store and pick but one or two pieces from our new stock of Up-to- Date Styles. If yon want to make that 9 old piece of furniture look like new, try a bottle ol our new FURNITURE POLISH H. GASS, Qmrih Sim Mutate, tbaska m When Yon are Going to Erect a Monument or Marker at the Grave of Your Lost Ones Remember That The. American Granite ft Marble Works Off 6etamlMis, Nebraska Will do Your Work Satisfactorily. We will Not Be Undersold by Anyone. Give us a Call Before Placing Your Order. No Order too Large or too Small for us to Handle. C. N. McELFRESH Attorney - at - Law Zinnecker B'ldg, Columbus. Neb, C. J. GARLO W Attorney -at-Law Oataeorer NatXBaak FOR SALE. Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels at tl Robert Xeamaster, ColmMfcas, Kefc. (Gray's (mips taken tbe NortH Opera House Monday, Nov. 5. "Should old friends be forgotten" fl. M. POST ritterney : at : Law PENNYIOYALPUS CMAMONDSyS TJUHXS Aak yoar Dragftist for CHX-CHSS-TBa-S mi if aa aad Goia metallic boxes, seated wtta Mwt Kibboa. Takb ho i othbb. aay of yoar EseusBi riixs.tw ataawaw ajuuiBv for tweaty-five years kaowa ss Best. Safest. AI wavs Reliable. Sold by Drngjcists ewry where. CHKHKSTSa CHKJ&CAITCO.. FHILA.. PA. I E. BERGMAN, Propriettf 1 .BaBBBBT -BmBmBmBmBmBmTaBm-- aaamBmBmBmBmBmBmaBBT BmamW T5hQ aBBBBBBV BBBBBmV Union Pacific r jjgg JQgt fesued a complete and U ml comprehensive pamphlet on u I BUSINESS OPENINGS I V along the lioe or the "Overland Route." A detailed W V description is given of each town, its ad- wa. V vaotsges aud opportunities for WS saw La m Homeseekers and Investors M V If you have in mind a chins? for th gen- wM B era! improvement of nr condition, write to- VB tf day for this bo klet, which will be mailed H M-. uss rree upon request. fan IVwaV M ! pM(M ICH L Inquire of K k W. H. Bennam, Agent. 'm BRAND afaa -UJb l COLUMBUS. NEBK BURROWING BEES. In a state pecuniary gain Is not to be considered prosperity, but Its prosper try will be found la L J. Carpenter Stupendous Spectacular Sensation A LITTLE OUTCAST ETerythiag is new and perfectly complete as brains, art or moaey cam Nothing has ever equaled it uvb .a xiotaiag can erer H. Thar Are Xot Seelal Imseeas, Ukrtkt Homer Kakcra. The burrowing bees are commonly ranked with solitary Insects. Certainly they are not "social," living In organiz ed communities, like honeybees. But one might venture to call them "neigh borly insects," for they love to make their cavernous hermitages In well peopled neighborhoods. Their burrow sites are preferably up on hard, dry spots, with a bit of slope, maybe. Therein the mother will sink a shaft eight or ten inches deep and about three-eighths of an inch wide. On either side she will dig out small orate cells, five or six in all, which she duly provisions and supplies with an egg apiece. The burrows are about the bigness of the occupant and extend inward for a foot or so, with sundry enlargements, after the fashion of their kind, where in the young are bred. In the height of the season these bee neighborhoods are the scene of a busy life. The air resounds with the hum of wings as tbe Insects fly to and fro on parental duties bent, plenishing their nurseries with pollen and honey of the flowers. But Just Inside each burrow gate an inter esting phase of Insect life goes on. Be yond the gateway, which Is about the length of the bee, there rises a vesti bule a tiny expansion of the burrow whose use soon appears. Just within the gateway, with face toward tbe opening, one of tbe housekeepers, now the male and now the female', but often er the former, keeps constantly on guard. And great need there is for such sentry duty, for insec rogues aad thieves besiece the doors 'to nluader the contents of tbe nurseries or infect I with parasitic eggs. Harpers. I The Gulf Coast of Texas. That's the name of a new eighty-page illus trated book just published by the Rock Island Frisco Lines. It is of vital importance to you that you se cure and read it. The region described is unparalleled in its pos sibilities for home getting and fortune getting. Think of a country where the climate is just right; where there are twelve months of "grow ing weather per year; where the soil is naturally rich; where you can get a good deal of land for little money and where hired helj is plentiful and cheap. Iff neu knew Seutnern Texas .til weuM want it share In Its tremendous wealth and a small share would soon make you inde pendently rich. There's nothing to prevent your achieving success in this remarkable country The book will tell you about it and a trip of inspection is cheaply made. Are you interested? Your name and address on a postal will brine you full details and the book. WRITE TODAY. " This is too good to pass by, especially since it costs you nothing to investigate. You will not regret having done so. JOHN SEBASTMN, P, fianttemunM at maVat. I " WUummammmBrum asmr- asma Baaaaaaac TnmsMar, Rock Island-Frisco Lines V aiLDaek. Monday, NoTember . --! & Cts, -a -' A 5" - I - -. aiE&ftfeteifeea mmmmm mmmmm&m. "&. &&&& ''ft' & "T8H!rvr!"v ysts